Review: Carolyn Evers and Archangel Michael Conclave


Jedi Council Member
This channel is the first one on the optional list.
Archangel Michael conclave, Carolyn Evers
Carolyn is ….. a mother of five !!! (and grandmother for 12). I think Laura isn’t there yet (??) Interestingly, among books Carolyn authored, there is a book titled ‘Under Grace’.

and Laura wrote ‘Amazing Grace’.

Carolyn's other book (let’s guess) is that one: ‘Earth History: Past, Present and Future as told to Carolyn Evers’, Cosmic Connections, for € 20.17 EUR.
Imitation and diversion going a fuuull speed, it seems!
Did anyone take this channel from the optional AdPop’s list?
Can I take it? Let me know if somebody is already working on that one, I’ll take the next on the optional list.
Hey CarpeDiem, I've been doing a bit a research into this one. I mentioned that I'd be taking it up on Ad pops thread - I should have it together shortly. Love to have your thoughts on the matter too though. Interestingly, one of the major issues I've been looking into is the 'Under Grace' book as you mentioned. There seems to be a lot to consider in this review...and it may be good to have the sick bag in arms reach.
REVIEW: Carolyn Evers and the Archangel Michael’s Conclave

One the surface, Evers channeled material doesn't seem all that different from many other New Age mediums dispensing nonsense masked with themes that could be of interest to humanity. Her material is 'unique' in that the content really scrapes from the caked bottom of the credulity barrel, providing scraps that only the most extreme uncritical minds would feed upon. Her target market seems largely those Christian New Agers who have little experience with channeled material but who do know the 'fear of God'. The contents of this report suggests her material is not merely disinformation but also the work of CointelPro. As such, it seems the influence of her material is intended to reach beyond her small group of wide-eyed tractable followers.


Evers claims to have began channeling mainly by dictation since shortly after her son died in 1976. Most of her material is written and distributed through her websites, her blog, others' blogs, and a number of message boards. Another venue of distribution is through her three radio shows (she also co-hosts on a fourth) on Bbsradio. Performing four shows is more than any other host on the station. Her blog, the Archangel Michael's Conclave, is also hosted and prominently displayed on the bbsradio website. The blog and radio show setting also allow for the question and answer format of channeling. There are a number of entity she claims to channel; most of them belong to what she terms the 'Spiritual Hierarchy'. The entities include: the Archangel Michael, her son Shawn, Jesus, Gia, Saint Germain, Mother Mary, Pope John Paul II, Julius Caesar, Augustus Caesar, Mother Theresa, Kwan Yin, Fred Astaire, and Marilyn Monroe (and others).

Evers has had quite a number of channeling projects in the past. Each project has resulted in a book (having a specific and different website dedicated to each) with a grand total of eight under her belt. Various titles include: Akashic Readings, Caesar's Daughter, Chaos Before Creation, Conversations With Caesar, Viva Papa, and Written in the Heart. However, her last and latest books are of most interest. Her first book, "Under Grace" is coincidently similar in both the name and theme of Laura's "Amazing Grace"as it is her story of how she began channeling. Her latest books revolves around her current project - channeling the Archangel Michael and his message of the coming of a new world through earth changes. The messages therein contain coincidentally (again) similar, but dumbed down themes of Laura's Secret History of the World. I want to emphasis that these themes Evers uses are only masks, there is no content or meaning within. The books can only be found on her websites; I could find no indication of what publisher she uses.

While Evers claims to have an interest in science and that she has been researching the themes of her channeled material for the past 20 years, her content completely lacks any scientific analysis or factual examples of substance. This claim just appears to be another imitation of Laura's efforts.

There seems to be certain features that are copied (mostly regarding earth changes), but only through the means of using the similar words that describe an idea - any of the valuable content from the original is gutted out and replaced with conversive thinking and paramoralisms.



Radio shows:
Cosmic Connections

The Message

The Messenger

ET Healing (co-host)

Central Messages:

- The planet is experiencing a transition to a new earth
- The transition will involve earth changes and an opportunity for ascension to the new earth
- The planet is currently being bombarded with negative energy that can be countered by feeling love
- Painful events are by the design of the creative universe to wake humanity up to its true purpose
- Feeling and meditating on love will remove the negative energy and allow one to ascend
- Intent is all you need
- Lightworkers will aid the 'Spiritual Hierarchy' in creating the new earth

Past Performance

The earliest Ever's material I could find was dated 1999 when she was using her real name, Carolyn Kleintank (sounds German-Jewish but she claims be Catholic). The focus of the message contained one of Evers current major themes - earth changes; however, the style was of the imitative scientific gobbledygook sort rather than the imitative emotional gobbledygook she currently uses.

Sunspot activity & Earth Changes by Carolyn Kleintank...03/29/99
Kleintank said:
A time will soon come when man must enter a new galactic shell of the larger graviton spectrum. This happens when a solar civilization undergoes severe Magnetic and gravitational changes upon entering an electromagnetic null zone in its immediate universe.
The basic message in the above website (after wading through the nonsense such as the above) was that earth goes through cyclical changes, at which time man will be provided with knowledge for an exodus from the planet. She also mentions sunspots, beaching of whales, and storms as a part of these earth changes.

Material written under her real name (Klientank) is sparse and it seems she didn’t make a real appearance on the web until her site, cosmicconnections)com was up and running. She owned the site since '99 but it doesn't appear that she really made a presence on the web until mid-2005. One of her early cheerleaders, channeler Suzanne Ward (funny enough the day after I found Evers’ connection with Ward, the Ward ‘Channel Watch 004’ post reappeared at the top of this forum), would send Klientank’s material to Jean Huden’s site (who is in turn has been a cheerleader for Suzanne Ward) at the earthrainbownetwork)com.

This is one of the two messages Ward sent to Hudsen, shortly after 9/11.

From: "Suzanne Ward" <>
Subject: Submission for Light Series
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2001

Jean, I've asked Carolyn if I may send her short message (bottom) to you for consideration of publishing in your light series -- or wherever it might best fit. I think there is such enormous wisdom in this short, simply stated message.

From: Carolyn Kleintank <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2001

You know this, it is not new to you.... If we do not work on our own character and love is part of that character, life sends hardships until we do learn. That also applies to humanity at large. It is the way of spirit.

It is like we will be forced to write on the blackboard of life with our nose, "I will love, I will love" 100 times. Something happened in New York that stunned everyone. Out of that came love and caring for one another. Why? Why does it take shock and sadness and trials for us to turn inward and find out what is really important in our lives? We have had it too good here in our country. My mom and dad struggled and the people around them struggled and they had character in general.......We have had it too soft expecting our world to stay the same. We have taken the good life for granted.

As the hardships pile up, people will change. We have had the opportunity to change willingly. If we do not do it willingly, we will do it because of some troubles. The time will come when people will want such messages as we have been offering because their souls will cry for them.

And we lightworkers will be there, because we promised to be there.
The basic message seems a distortion of both 'All there is, is lessons' and the work of intentional suffering for development. These two useful ways have become twisted to mean humanity is not leaning or appreciating creation and so will be punished until we do.

Here Ward can be seen advocating for Evers' new site:

From: "Suzanne Ward" <>
Subject: Christmas Message
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2001

Carolyn Kleintank gave me permission to send you both this beautiful Christmas message from Mother Mary for you to consider posting to your lists. Her website http://www(cosmicconnections)com will be operating soon, but isn't ready yet to go, so she has no outlet for it. If you think the message
is as important and timely as I do, I think you'll be very glad she is eager to share it through you.



(Kleintank's message can be read at the above site)
It seems that it’s during the emergence of the cosmicconnections site that Klientank became Evers. With this new name it appears that along with it may have also have come a new ‘persona’ and thus a new and (slightly) improved product line. It seems that whole 'Evers' creation is one of a fictional character. However, much of the written channeled material does seem to have a certain 4D STS influence, so I have to wonder if it is written for her. In the cosmicconnections site there’s an inactive forum (currently filled only with posts of spam) of which there are only two members: admin (safe to say this is Evers) and Suzanne Ward; they both registered on the same day as well:


While the dates of the Admin and Ward's registration are in April of 2002, I couldn't find any spam older than November of 2006. I mention this because I've become skeptical of the dates on the web assigned to Evers' older material.

Ward also writes a review of one of Evers' books, "Coversations with Ceasar" which is displayed in several of Evers' websites:


"Conversations With Caesar is one of the most fascinating books I have ever read. I am reading it slowly so I can savor every word and the images they conjure. I thoroughly enjoy Caesar’s plainspoken manner and his forthrightness about his life values. His humility in evaluating his triumphs and honesty about his failures is touching."
Suzanne Ward, author
Matthew, Tell Me About Heaven
And the Matthew Books series
So what's the connection between Evers and Ward? Couldn’t it just be one medium helping another? When encountering New Age speak we don't have to bang our heads against the wall for too long (hopefully not at all) to figure which polarity of the universe is being 'helped'. Things become a bit sticky when we read Evers' story on becoming a channel and compare it with Wards'. I've inserted numbers were there are similarities between the two.

Carolyn Evers’ (16-year old[1] ) son[2] Shawn, died suddenly in an automobile crash[3]. The grieving process was very deep as it seemed the relationship between the two was more than mother and son. They were good friends. The tragedy tested all the teachings of her faith and the mother wanted to be assured that her son survived.

Early in the grieving process, there were times when Shawn seemed very close. Carolyn thought she could hear him whispering to her, "Do not cry, Mom." But looking at the moments in retrospect, she felt she had to have imagined the words and the feelings.

There were coincidences in her life when Carolyn felt that her son had helped her in some fashion. It wasn’t long when Carolyn started dreaming very vivid dreams of Shawn[4] and the dreams seem to assure her that he was happy. Unusual things started to happen in the household such as flickering lights and items falling off shelves for no known reason.

A friend came to dinner during this time. Unbeknownst to Carolyn, this friend had a gift of being able to see into the next dimension and speak to the deceased[5]. The friend confirmed that not only was Shawn present, but he revealed facts to the friend that she would have no way of knowing on her own[6]. Carolyn then believed that Shawn not only survived his death, but was indeed present in her home.

Under Grace describes the events as the son Shawn explains that they had made an arrangement before they were born that they would work with each other; one on earth and one on the other side[7]. The purpose was that information would be brought forth that was needed.

Shawn claimed that he was reading from earth records that some call Akashic records, and Carolyn started recording the messages[8]. These messages were vivid descriptions of God creating souls, star formations and gateways to other worlds, scientific information such as descriptions of the workings of plate tectonics[9].

With the information in hand that Shawn had given her, Carolyn went to the library to research the scientific parts that could be found for confirmation. The answers were so readily available. Carolyn marveled as some of the videos and books literally fell off the shelves at her feet as if an unseen hand was pointing the way towards the truth of the words.

For a period of over twenty years information had been accumulated, but held in reserve as the time was not right for it to be revealed. Now is the time.

There is an interesting method in the book whereby two people of like minds can work together and get information from their higher minds that can assist in their spiritual development. Also mentioned is a method of how the Templars used a meditation to read the Akashic records.
Now lets compare with Suzanne Ward's story:

THE EVENING OF APRIL 17, 1980, Suzanne (Suzy) Ward was packing for her next day's business trip when she received the call from Panama that changed her life: Her 17-year-old[1] son[2] Matthew had died after a vehicle crash[3] that day.

The loss of a child has such an immeasurable impact upon the family that Suzy's preoccupation with Matthew's death would not be considered quite unusual. The direction she took in trying to cope with her grief, however, might be considered that. She called a medium[4] with whom she had become friendly three years before, when they had lived in the same city, and asked about her son. The medium told her that he was in "deep rest"; she would receive an unmistakable sign when he was ready to send her a message, and when that time came, she would be led to a trustworthy medium.

THE SIGN CAME ALMOST NINE MONTHS LATER in her first dream about Matthew[5] since his death, and in the months that followed, she learned first of a medium in Virginia, then one in Maryland, and later another, in Delaware. None of them knew each other and none asked Suzy anything except her son's name. Yet all accurately described Matthew's physical appearance and personality; they told her the cause of his death and the ease of his transition. They talked about his new interests and activities, sometimes with a progress report on educational pursuits or piano lessons. And they gave her explicit information about her own life, even details that she alone knew. They could tell her all of these things because they were merely passing on to her what Matthew was telling them[6] -- the love between him and his mother was the inseparable bond that enabled him to be aware of her comings and goings.

Matthew also told all of those who spoke for him that when the time was right, he and his mother would communicate directly. But even when that same assurance came from a medium Suzy met later, after a move to California, she could not help but doubt that Matthew ever would talk with her directly. Why would such a unique gift -- in her mind, telepathic communication was that -- come to such an unremarkable person as she? To someone with no aptitude for anything extrasensory, no training in anything "New Age," and no knowledge of ancient spiritual beliefs; to someone who long ago had abandoned 35 years of religious upbringing because it never had been spiritually fulfilling?

BUT IT DID HAPPEN! It was early February 1994, almost 14 years after Matthew's death, when he started speaking to his mother[8]. It was not simply her longing for this moment that created it -- something definitely extraordinary was happening! For a while, each morning as Suzy recorded her and Matthew's conversations at the computer, along with feeling elated by this glorious development, she struggled with the thought that perhaps some bizarre part of her mind was emerging. Soon, though, she realized that her imagination could not possibly produce the astounding information she was receiving from her son and, by now, the entities whom he introduced to her.

It wasn't long before Matthew started talking about the books she was to meant to prepare from their transmissions. He told his mother that her profession as journalist was not by chance; it was experience she needed so that, later on, she could properly work with the information he and the others would be giving her. But the huge task of reviewing, indexing, integrating and organizing months of daily messages into some logical order was a challenge she didn't care to accept, and she kept ignoring her son's urging her to "start the book."

FINALLY, HE TOLD HER THAT HER PRIMARY MISSION of this lifetime was to publish that information about life beyond Earth and the celestial advice and guidance urgently needed during this era of unprecedented planetary changes[9]. Finally, he answered her question about why he had died at such a young age: He had to, so he could send her that information[7].
This seems to be a pretty shoddy copy job by Evers (or by her designers). Not only are the similarities so exact and plentiful, they also appear in the same sequence (except for #7). The initial reaction to such findings are one of a sickening shock when we see the emotional manipulations that deal with the death of a child. This reaction is mostly probably what CointelPro is after, and one that psychopaths so easily produce in normal people. When we maintain a naturalists' objectivity as Lobaczewski suggests, we can discover some additional things. It would have been easy enough to have created an original story so a novice such as myself couldn't have discovered the blatant links exposing Evers as a fraud. Because the links are so apparent, it suggests that this whole thing was designed to fail from the start. The emotional reactions that would likely result with most people could be programmed into them to regard any seemingly similar material as the same ol' trash. Kinda reminds ya of Project SERPO, Aussi Bloke, Nancy and the Zeta's and Operation Terra.

Analysis of Material

Her current work involves the Archangel Michael Conclave. Some of the written material can be found at http://www(archangelmichaelsconclave)com/ however, she also uses her blog, http://www(bbsradio)com/blog to "impart breaking news on the planets status as the New Earth is being constructed" and for 'lightworkers' to assist Archangel Michael and the 'Spiritual Hierarchy' in creating the new earth though love. This seems a spin off of Mike Quinsey's messages of savior ET's but using angels.

Excerpts of channeled material from the Archangel Michael:

“I hold up my sword of truth and I am calling you. Together we are a powerful group. You have been powerful working alone, but together you are a great and mighty force that can change matter. I am telling you that together we will change matter and that matter is the hardness of the hearts of humanity. Alone you have been powerful; together we will not only change people’s hearts, but also change the thinking process of those who are not living in love. This is your calling in general: to change hearts towards love and to melt the coldness that has been operational for too long on this planet. But you knew from the very beginning that there would be a time of the gathering, and this is it.
Right from the get-go we can determine the nature of this message - one of control. The bolded message is paramoralistic with a lure of 'specialness' at the closing. The appeal is to create a loving world, but the contradiction is shown through the method of changing peoples 'hearts and thoughts' towards 'love'. Instead of acting within one's destiny, it is acting against others; people of the world don't seem to have a choice in the matter, or at least it's unimportant.

Also of interest is the use of the group; on one hand we know some of the creative potentials of a network, but here seems to be a motivation for the adverse affect of 'group think'

I gather all of you: you come with each of your skills and you add them to those of your sisters’ and brothers. Your skills will be used in concert to change world events. This, dear hearts, is the factor of change in conjunction with my force of mighty blue light. To my blue light you will add the white and golden light of the Godhead, and these rays will infiltrate the world until they ignite the pink ray.
More 'thou art special' followed by laughable nonsense.

The pink ray of love will permeate all on Earth and will transmute any thoughts not of God. Those who go against this avalanche of thought will certainly be of a nature which will choose defiance against God, and they will not be allowed to create their errors in the new life that is coming to humanity.
Here we notice once again the lack of regard for free will, in fact it basically states that people will have none. The above also describes an 'evolution' of humanity that is not a result of internal growth from learning but is an external force that will do it all for everyone, whether they like it or not!

“There was a period in Earth history when time and the people who inherited this planet were very different. …….they could see into several dimensions and could not only hear impulses as they came from God, but could also trace them..… to be assured that their thoughts, words and actions were perfectly aligned with God’s intent for this planet.

“There were other souls who came later than the first group…..These other souls were encased in flesh, not much different from those on Earth, but they were not a peaceful lot; more self-serving and war-like. Their planet was headed towards total destruction, because the warring elements had developed superior technological weaponry which was used in a manner that was self-destructive. The spiritual players who were responsible for their development of the warring nations wanted to find a home for their charges………They came to those who monitor Earth and requested a place of refuge….
A noisy imitative medley of the QFS research on Ademic man, Preademic man, and psychopathy?

“And so there are several groups who are working with the people of Earth. I, Archangel Michael, work with those who you know as lightworkers. That group was invited to this planet first, and I was part of the group that decided that we would host those who had lost their planet….we believed love would win over those recalcitrant souls….The arrangement failed because the new souls hadn’t learned from trial and error that the peaceful way was, indeed, the best way for them to coexist on this planet.
Perhaps someone can beam up a copy of Ponerology to the Archangel - he seems sorely lacking.

“The Creator expresses a love towards all of creation which is not understood by humanity because it has a slightly different expression. It would express itself similarly the way a mother should love her children. If ones have a motherly instinct towards their children, they would train their children so that future mistakes could be eliminated as much as possible. There is a discipline factor in the sense that a mother should direct and lovingly reprimand her child if on the wrong path. She would stop her child if it were too immature to understand the harm that would come to the body if contacted with flame or electricity, but she would allow the child to experiment with lessons of growth….On this planet, the Creator has given the soul free choice. This is the first step towards self mastery
uhh...wt%! Keep in mind that 'lovingly reprimand' means 9/11, the Indonesian tsunami, the 2005 Asian earthquake, global climate change, chaos. "You'll do as I say, not as I do!" says the loving drunken mother as she relentlessly beats young Jimmy for fighting with his brother:

“We have but a few tools to work with to clear the Earth. We mentioned human thought, and we would add to this that the only tools for Mother Earth are water, wind, fire and the movement of the tectonic plates. Currently you are seeing all of these forces at work. Weather has changed dramatically. Areas that are accustomed to tropical-like weather have seen snow. People who live in places where weather is mild have shoveled ice and snow, and areas that usually have a cold winter find spring mildness…..Hurricanes will become more damaging and fierce during the hurricane season as the planet goes through the chills and fever of trying to balance shifting currents that flow forth from the core of the Earth."


One possibility is complete destruction of several plates as they break apart and fall beneath the waves of their oceans. This would be complete annihilation of a major group of souls on this planet, because this would occur instantaneously and without warning. It would cover not only the Ring of Fire, but parts of the continents of North America, Europe and Australia, in addition to the land bridges near trenches which connect areas close to Japan and large parts of land near the Indian Ocean. There would be a tearing apart of several mountain ranges as new land appeared where land previously sank during those dark times of Atlantis…..We said possibility, and that is a possibility of the most intense force possible on Earth. We do not see this happening. ….On the opposite end of the spectrum is the possibility that the Earth will settle down in its vibrational changes so that there is very little loss of life and a gradual changing of the axis to the required setting. We see this as the two extremes, and there is a myriad of possibilities between these two extremes……
No information in the above; the last statements cancel everything out. It seems designed to apeal to those New Age Christians who were once 'God Fearing' but now need not worry at all.

… “the gyrations of the many forces that use us and this beautiful planet for their own agenda. They will push the Earth to the edge of destruction rather than coming into the Light and being a part of the cooperation among the souls and their creator….They have already chosen.
The above seems mostly a superficial caveat, perhaps to confuse the reader as to what the underlying message really is.

So what is exactly that is needed for people to do?

I protect here that the energies radiate out. Your purpose here dear one is to heal and clear away all the past agonies, terrors, deaths, butchery, anger, cruelty. It is a new age. It's time to be cleansed from the Earth. All we needed was your intent. There were many wars here. Many soldiers died from all countries. Some were in armor, some were in modern clothes. All left a residue on the inner planes. This is a very important point upon the Earth anchoring the energy from the cosmos.
Don't bother with actually doing anything. Intent is all you need!!! This follows with other material where AA Mike suggests all you need to do is 'feel his presence'.

Your clearing will help stabilize new energies. You are drawing ever closer to the land I love. There is a romance between it and me. It is not just this spot where I have anchored my energies, but the country that comes from it and the world that revolves around it. I am in love with it all. I am in love with the people, the flowers and the animals. I am in love with pure hearts, and I love dancing in the light. I love little birds, roses, and babies – stones even.

Anything that you perceive through your eyes, I love. I love the sunrises and the sunsets. I love the shadows and the moonbeams. I love mountains and plains. I love everything that was formed here and lives upon it. I love dogs, cuckoo clocks, dances and rituals. Your loves are my loves. Your space is my space. Your tears are my tears. Your babies are my babies. Your heart is my heart.
The above seems a good example of the transformation used in conversive thinking. The mask of love is used for twisting appreciation and admiration into possession. The last sentences send shivers down my spine.

I was able to catch the last couple of minutes of Evers Sunday night show, 'The Messenger' on bbsradio. You can listen to the shows during their time slot but you need to subscribe to listen to the archives.

At the end of her shows she does readings for people, where its painfully obvious that she's making it up as she goes. Her readings are about as vague as you can get - her tone and rhythm is hesitant and choppy. But then, her Cointelpro employers probably hired her for the reason that she's lousy at it.

Below is not an exact word for word transcription of the exchange I listened to but contains the basic message Evers gave. There was more repetition of the basic message throughout the segment:
<Teresa calls in and asks of her life mission>

Evers: *some hesitation* - "When people ask me this I always get a very complex set of answers *pause* you mission here is *pause* is to be who you are - to love others and show the example of God. *pause* Your mission here isn't to move mountains or make a flower - you've already done that in Atlantis (laughs) Yes, I see you in the past, you've created a flower and are holding it in your hand. You worked with colors. But now you don't need to do anything like that because you've already done it all.

Teresa: "Yes. I do a lot now."

Evers: "Now your mission here is to perfect yourself through love. It's to perfect who you've become in the past. You don't need to do any major improvements because you're already there. You're here to love and heal the planet through showing others the example of God. Does this all make sense to you?"

Teresa: "Yes, yes it does."

Evers really seems to push the limits of being as uninspiring as possible.

There was another show I listened to where Evers was on as a guest. She did one reading at the end, which had the same vague content. In both shows she claims to receive her information from the Akashic records. This seems to allow her to retrieve any nonsense she wishes, bypassing the work that other fake mediums need to do in reading people for hints to get answers.

Further Connections

Mid-2005 Evers material began appearing in higher quantities than before in various message boards, Godlike Productions being the most telling. A search of the GLP forum turns up user # 892 as posting the most of Evers material. In the search you can see the user goes by a variety of names, to include but not limited to: Cosmic sunrise, Oracle, Swami Beyondananda, G. W. Bush, and komonIwannalayu. Most of the messages posted are reflective of themes held in the Evers material. For example, this is posted under the name of Ron Van Dyke:


© by Ron Van Dyke, Tuesday, September 12, 2006

One of my favorite books of all time was The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell. It’s a book about mythology and archetypes. The Hero is an archetype that depicts one who brings a boon to humanity, among other things. He or she is a blessing. G.W. is just such a hero.

“You’re telling us that Georgie Boy is a blessing to humanity? Ron, give us a break. That’s quite a stretch.
Good finds Shane! Particularly this part jump out for me:

“There were other souls who came later than the first group…..These other souls were encased in flesh, not much different from those on Earth, but they were not a peaceful lot; more self-serving and war-like. Their planet was headed towards total destruction, because the warring elements had developed superior technological weaponry which was used in a manner that was self-destructive. The spiritual players who were responsible for their development of the warring nations wanted to find a home for their charges………They came to those who monitor Earth and requested a place of refuge….
Doesn't it say the exact opposite than what Mouravieff, C's and QFG research came up with? It makes the Adamic people (those with soul potential) seem the bad and self serving ones.

020713 said:
Q: Mouravieff says that there are two kinds of humans - he calls the "pre-Adamic" and "Adamic," [discussed in book III]. The idea is that pre-Adamic human types basically have no "soul" nor any possibility of growing one. This is a pretty shocking idea, but there have been recent scholarly discussions of this matter based on what seems to be clinical evidence that, indeed, there are human beings who are just "mechanical" and have no "inner" or "higher self" at all. [See: "Division of Consciousness"] Gurdjieff talked about this and so did Castaneda.
Are these ideas Mouravieff presents about the two basic TYPES of humans, as far as they go, accurate?
A: Indeed, though again, there is a "Biblical Gloss."
Q: Mouravieff says that the "pre-Adamic" humans do not have the higher centers, nor the possibility of developing them in this cycle - which we assume to be the Grand Cycle you have previously described, the length of which is around 300,000 years. Is this an accurate representation of "pre-Adamic" beings?
A: Yes, they are "organic" portals between levels of density.
Q: Based on what Mouravieff has said, it seems to be so that any efforts to try to raise the consciousness of such individuals is doomed to fail.
A: Pretty much. Most of them are very efficient machines. The ones that you have identified as psychopaths are "failures." The best ones cannot be discerned except by long and careful observation.
and from Organic Portals – The “Other
Uuuuuurrr! All four thumbs up! This is an Example of analysis i have to learn to follow when building details are taken apart and scrutinized and the whole picture is not lost behind those details. You got the grass, moss, trees and then the whole forest from the birds-eye view!
At least Evers uses some scientific terms to imitate a research approach. AFAIK: gobbledygook is a shallow use of scientific terms out of context?
There seems to be an interesting detail: some new age chanellers use series of consecutive phrases where 1-2 ‘trigger’ words are thoroughly repeated. I noticed that in Wendroff material but didn't really paid attention until i read this:
Archangel Michael said:
I hold up my sword of truth and I am calling you. Together we are a powerful group. You have been powerful working alone, but together you are a great and mighty force that can change matter. I am telling you that together we will change matter and that matter is the hardness of the hearts of humanity. Alone you have been powerful; together we will not only change people’s hearts, but also change the thinking process of those who are not living in love. This is your calling in general: to change hearts towards love and to melt the coldness that has been operational for too long on this planet. But you knew from the very beginning that there would be a time of the gathering, and this is it.
Could it be a case that certain words deliberately put in consecutive phrases are used by cointelpro folks to activate certain programs ( to tune in) certain prone individuals?
Fascinating - are we actively working on getting these reviews into a book yet?

Great job, Shane -ain't it fun when the pieces come together?

This is more than likely just grist for the rumor mill, but has anyone else ever heard that Suzanne Ward in an MKUltra kid?
Fantastic review Shane, hope this will not be your last one.

I was also puzzled by the Snoedel hyperlink on bbsradio. It might make sense if there is a connection between her and Gerard Zwaan, but I could't find any indications yet.

Snoedel operates from a tiny village in the north of the country. Indeed she seems to be spreading disinformation fulltime, but I don't think she is aware of it.

Zwaan lives in Katwijk, at the South-Holland coastline. Under his nick 'obany', he also maintains a Dutch site:


This blog contains quite down to earth stuff, dealing with his frustrations towards the government, and democracy in general. Most of the external links are ment for jobless people, so he is probably a IT-consultant without work - with loads of time to spend online.

The search combinations "Elaine Belisha" with "snoedel", "obany" or "zwaan" produce zero hits. My best guess is that Zwaan and Snoedel are useful idiots, I doubt if the hatemail Laura mentioned comes from one of them. But nothing is impossible, of course.
Nice one, indeed. << The pink ray of love will permeate all on Earth and will transmute any thoughts not of God >> Talk about mind control -- this is about as overt as it gets. And how many colors does that ray of love have, anyway? Most call it green.

Not even the angel Michael thing is original, so your assertion that she's a fake could very well be, but I wouldn't assume she's a paid cointelpro agent. Sure it's possible, but I think there are plenty of people out there with nothing but time on their hands {desperate housewives, retirees, people collecting disability insurance, independently wealthy types including beneficiary widow(er)s, psychos who've taken money in phoney lawsuits, etc.}, so I wouldn't be surprised if some are narcissists trying the New Age game to bust into the spotlight to feed their hunger for attention -- we know that this can be difficult for "normal" people to understand, thus giving rise to the "but no one would do that!" sentiment that we sometimes battle. Was there, by any chance, a suggestion of Kleintank's legitimate employment or perhaps former employment history? Thanks.
Irini said:
“There were other souls who came later than the first group…..These other souls were encased in flesh, not much different from those on Earth, but they were not a peaceful lot; more self-serving and war-like.
Doesn't it say the exact opposite than what Mouravieff, C's and QFG research came up with? It makes the Adamic people (those with soul potential) seem the bad and self serving ones.
Good catch Irini. If Evers story of losing her son and channeling him is purely an imitation of Ward's story, as it seems to be, then it would seem highy likely that she has some sort of psychological deviency, if not an outright psychopath. If this is so then it could explain the reversal of those with soul potential being the violent war-like ones. There was a Lobaczeski quote I was looking for concerning how psychological devients see the normal worldview as abnormal but I couldn't find it. This one is close though: "The world of normal people whom they hurt is incomprehensible and hostile to them (psychopaths)."

Irini said:
BS radio and BS channeling if you ask me.
:lol: :lol:

CarpeDiem said:
There seems to be an interesting detail: some new age chanellers use series of consecutive phrases where 1-2 ‘trigger’ words are thoroughly repeated. I noticed that in Wendroff material but didn't really paid attention until i read this:

Archangel Michael said:
I hold up my sword of truth and I am calling you. Together we are a powerful group. You have been powerful working alone, but together you are a great and mighty force that can change matter. I am telling you that together we will change matter and that matter is the hardness of the hearts of humanity. Alone you have been powerful; together we will not only change people’s hearts, but also change the thinking process of those who are not living in love. This is your calling in general: to change hearts towards love and to melt the coldness that has been operational for too long on this planet. But you knew from the very beginning that there would be a time of the gathering, and this is it.
Could it be a case that certain words deliberately put in consecutive phrases are used by cointelpro folks to activate certain programs ( to tune in) certain prone individuals?
This may make an interesting thread for research. What you said reminds me of Neuro-Linguistic-Programing. Ron Hubbard's Dianetics was thought to have owed a lot to the theories of General Semantics that helped develop NPL. I know very little of NPL, but perhaps if anyone does a comparison with it and some New Age channelings might provide insightful.

The words you bolded would seem to appeal to the natural inclination normal people have towards working together for a better good; so it would seem that the prone individuals would at least have some normal capacity.

salleles said:
My best guess is that Zwaan and Snoedel are useful idiots, I doubt if the hatemail Laura mentioned comes from one of them. But nothing is impossible, of course.
Interesting stuff on Zwaan, salleles. I doubt too that the threats come from one of these two. However, since a Netherlands connection came up again I was curious if one or both of them belong in the same network. When I was on the Snoedel blog I felt pretty creeped out; I remember having this feeling before I found the comment about the Netherlands in Laura's post. It may have just been the enormous 'love and light' mask making me nervous or just my imagination - I don't know.

Some other things that seemed constantly on the perimeter of the topics of study were the Indigo-children websites. There was one in particular that almost made feel physically sick. After reading that the post Laura responded to was about a pedophilia political party in the Netherlands, my mind wondered if there might be a connection between the two. It could be a possibility given the nature of some of the people behind the scenes.

Ad Pop said:
Not even the angel Michael thing is original, so your assertion that she's a fake could very well be, but I wouldn't assume she's a paid cointelpro agent.
When I made the statement that Cointelpro probably hired Evers cause she was lousy at the job, it was half in jest. After I posted the review, I did notice that there was much of my ego in my writing of the findings - so thank you for giving a little bit of a mirror.

AdPop said:
Was there, by any chance, a suggestion of Kleintank's legitimate employment or perhaps former employment history?
She noted in her biography that before she had children she worked for insurance companies. Of her current work she says: "Ultimately, I became securities licensed and obtained the designation of Certified Estate Planner, and currently am in the process of earning another designation of Certified Senior Advisor."

Another interesting tidbit that might have some connection is that she also has a website that sells beauty products - mostly skin creams. http://www(myangelskin)com/ This is kind of interesting cause one of Donald Newsome's closest friends (seemingly from his myspace page), Peter Lamas, who is also a Manager and shareholder of bbsradio, is also the owner of a company that sells beauty products (although his products and Evers products don't seem to be of the same brand). There doesn't seem to be anything blatant about any connections and even if there were I don't know if that would provide useful information. Just throwing it out there though.

Thank you everyone for your comments.

P.S. anart, I think a book or a website like Adpop previously mentioned would be a great idea. And yes all the things connecting was a lot of fun. However, I'm still uneasy about what the truth is in regards to her son. I've known mothers who have lost their sons at an early age - so I don't think I should have been so definitive in my review. Perhaps this is a program running or perhaps not - I don't know.
Shane said:
However, I'm still uneasy about what the truth is in regards to her son. I've known mothers who have lost their sons at an early age - so I don't think I should have been so definitive in my review. Perhaps this is a program running or perhaps not - I don't know.
That makes perfect sense, and, quite frankly, at this point it is hard to tell whether that sort of devastating loss resulted in where this woman is today - or if that sort of devastating loss is being used as a 'blind' - a reason to believe what she is saying and not question such sacred ground. I have no answers either, but the correlations you've uncovered are certainly difficult to ignore.
Shane wrote:
Another interesting tidbit that might have some connection is that she also has a website that sells beauty products - mostly skin creams. http://www(myangelskin)com/ This is kind of interesting cause one of Donald Newsome's closest friends (seemingly from his myspace page), Peter Lamas, who is also a Manager and shareholder of bbsradio, is also the owner of a company that sells beauty products...
I find this somehwat significant in itself. Consider that beauty products are bodycentric and entirely a 3D concern, designed to influence self-image or others' image of the user. Sure, go ahead and use them if you like, but making a business of them is not what I would expect of a serious "spiritual advisor." They may also be one of those commodities that lends itself easily to a stay-at-home, web-based business, especially if enough of the market is always looking for something a little bit different (to differentiate themselves physically).
Questions anybody ??

"""""The links on the bbsradio main-page are quite interesting as well. Favored status is given to Prison Planet, David Ike, and a couple of 9/11 'truth movement' websites, among others . A Netherlands blog, Snoedel, is given top position. [side note: a snoedel is a sleeping blanket] The Snoedel blogger, Gea, posts most all of Evers messages that can be found on the net, as well as others in the bbsradio network. The volume of material on her blog suggests this is her full time job.

Snoedel operates from a tiny village in the north of the country. Indeed she seems to be spreading disinformation fulltime, but I don't think she is aware of it.

The search combinations "Elaine Belisha" with "snoedel", "obany" or "zwaan" produce zero hits. My best guess is that Zwaan and Snoedel are useful idiots, I doubt if the hatemail Laura mentioned comes from one of them. But nothing is impossible, of course.

When I was on the Snoedel blog I felt pretty creeped out; I remember having this feeling before I found the comment about the Netherlands in Laura's post. It may have just been the enormous 'love and light' mask making me nervous or just my imagination - I don't know. """""""


Hi All,

A very interesting read. I had some thoughts about the body fumes.. it was just a reaction to what I read:

"..mostly skin creams. http://www(myangelskin)com/ This is kind of interesting cause one of Donald Newsome's closest friends (seemingly from his myspace page), Peter Lamas, who is also a Manager and shareholder of bbsradio, is also the owner of a company that sells beauty products..."

I instantly thought of a packaging scheme so to speak. If for example I am skunk spray and say my wife is cat spray we "could" use a different sticker on the same bottle and different boxes. Probably just a subjective reaction but not impossible. If my wife is more popular than I, it wouldn't matter as our mutual bottles of stuff would still get sold.


Edit: Far from any solid lead and pure speculation, it was something that came to mind and maybe that is what was being hinted at.
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