Seigniorage - is it there where the Illuminati take their income?


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Following the lines of a C's session on money:

Q: (S) Rule number two is that you have to save your money.
A: You save your money by multiplying it, not storing it.
Q: (L) Are you saying that putting it in a bank is "storing" it?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Are you saying that money is only "saved" if it is

A: Yes. When you store it in the bank, you are helping the
Brotherhood AKA Illuminati AKA Antichrist multiply it for
itself, all you get is the "crumbs" left over. And, the Antichrist
can "call it in" anytime it wants to!
I've found that on Wikipedia:

It works because physical currency (bills and coins) does not collect interest: it is an interest-free loan to the government.

To simplify, imagine that money is backed by gold and that this is how you normally acquire or redeem it. Thus if one dollar is backed by one gram of gold you can buy dollar bills from the government and later redeem them. So if you buy a one dollar bill with one gram of gold, put the bill under your bed and a year later redeem it you have loaned the government one gram of gold for one year at no interest. This is seigniorage.

Even if you then use the bill to buy something, someone is holding the bill for the entire time and the government still has the gold.

Pithily, seignorage is the carry on money in circulation.[...]
As I know pratically nothing about economy, I just would like to ask if anyone has comments/infos about it all. Could be one of the way the Illuminati are funding themselves?
basically, the modern inflationary money system is a complete scam, which steals from anyone who holds any currency (real OR virtual, ie: cash OR savings), and stealthily leaches that value bit by bit, to the controllers/owners of the banking system who issue the currency. This puts the whole population into a 'catch 22' of fictional debt which cannot be repaid, but is absolutely backed up by non-fictional means, ie the full force of the law. Modern money is NOT 'backed by gold'. it is backed by a fairy tale.

there is a great introductory explanation here:

so, absolutely yes, this is one way that the ruling elite are funding themselves. I would hesitate to use the name 'illuminati' because that particular term has (deliberately, no doubt) become rather ambiguous, and could refer to anyone or no one. it has been turned into a kind of 'buzz-word' that can instantly be discredited by associating with any one particular group, thereby bypassing the more important issues that there ARE all kinds of various factions and layers of secret ruling elite, that may not come under this 'title'.

I think the C's advice there is good. If you have money, USE it meaningfully to construct the future by doing stuff in the present, don't just stash it all away in a bank somewhere in the hope of a luxurious retirement!
Thanks a lot Sleepyvinny! This fiction is more close to reality that the entire World Economy to our perceptions :-) and really make the picture far more clear.

Many banks are making a lot of money also by way of Anatocism, or compound interest, and maybe there's something here too:


If the Native American tribe that accepted goods worth 60 guilders for the sale of Manhattan in 1626 had invested the money in a Dutch bank at 6.5% interest, compounded annually, then in 2005 their investment would be worth over €700 billion (around US$820 billion), more than the assessed value of the real estate in all five boroughs of New York City.

Compound interest was once regarded as the worst kind of usury, and was severely condemned by Roman law, as well as the common laws of many other countries. [1]

Richard Witt's book Arithmeticall Questions, published in 1613, was a landmark in the history of compound interest. It was wholly devoted to the subject (previously called anatocism), whereas previous writers had usually treated compound interest briefly in just one chapter in a mathematical textbook. Witt's book gave tables based on 10% (the then maximum rate of interest allowable on loans) and on other rates for different purposes, such as the valuation of property leases. Witt was a London mathematical practitioner and his book is notable for its clarity of expression, depth of insight and accuracy of calculation, with 124 worked examples.[2][3]

you may be interested by a comic book named "The Economicon". It's a free pdf file you can download at

It explains money, bank, inflation and all economic stuff pretty well and it's very easily understandable.

Let me know your opinion.

Other comic books on different subjects are also available like ...

1 - Big Bang
2 - Computer Magic
3 - Everything is Relative
4 - The Black Hole
5 - Flight of Fancy
6 - Here's Looking at Euclid
7 - Run, Robot, Run
8 - The Silence Barrier
9 - Cinderella 2000
10 - For a Fistful of Amperes
11 - The Economicon
12 - The Spondyloscope (human skeleton)
13 - The Dark Side of the Universe
14 - Topo the World
15 - Have a Nice Apocalypse
16 - Cosmic Story

Hope it helps

Jean-Pierre Petit! Thanks Tenten, better to print it all before I forget the link again ;-) I've read it till the pot makers went bankrupt... LOL! It really helps you fix the basics and see the obvious that lays hidden just in front of our eyes.

The Silence Barrier was great, and now I'm going to read them all.

I'm following a so called JFK's Myth, about him and the Federal Reserve.

John F. Kennedy vs The Federal Reserve

On June 4, 1963, a virtually unknown Presidential decree, Executive Order 11110, was signed with the authority to basically strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest. With the stroke of a pen, President Kennedy declared that the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank would soon be out of business. The Christian Law Fellowship has exhaustively researched this matter through the Federal Register and Library of Congress. We can now safely conclude that this Executive Order has never been repealed, amended, or superceded by any subsequent Executive Order. In simple terms, it is still valid.
And then here, G. Edward Griffin debunking the JFK Fed's myth.

Was he assassinated because he opposed the Fed?
© 2000 by G. Edward Griffin - Updated 2006 December 13

"If anything, E.O. 11110 enhanced Federal Reserve power and did not in any way reduce it." (See "Money and the Federal Reserve System: Myth and Reality," by G. Thomas Woodward, Specialist in Macroeconomics, Economics Division, Congressional Research Services, Library of Congress, CRS Report for Congress, No.
96-672 E, July 31, 1996.)"

"Let's put this issue into perspective. The proponents of the JFK Myth assert that Kennedy was assassinated because he was about to issue Silver Certificates, thereby denying the bankers their customary interest payments on the nation's currency. However, the reality was just the opposite. Previously, the President could have issued Silver Certificates on his own authority; but, with the signing of EO 11110, he delegated that authority to the Secretary of the Treasury. At that time, the Secretary of the Treasury was Douglas Dillon from a well-known and powerful banking family. That means Kennedy surrendered the power to issue Silver Certificates and gave it to a member of the banking fraternity who could do with it as he pleased "without the approval, ratification, or other action of the President." Dillon, of course, would have strong motive to preserve the dominance of Federal Reserve Notes. The theory that Kennedy was getting ready to issue Silver Certificates is without evidence or logic."

It's like someone's trying to divert the attention on the true intention behind the JFK's murder, isn't it?
Piper's book "Final Judgment" arrived today! Appendix 5 confirms broadly what Griffin's article "THE JFK MYTH" is saying. Has anyone read it?
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