Session 10 December 2022

Thanks for this more than interesting session with the subsequent thread discussion really expanding on the exchange with the Cs.

The above has brought to mind a classic Twilight Zone episode - a facebook link to the full episode has the most relevant reference beginning at 6:36. This youtube clip below details the episode as well:

They communicate in English to the humans but never actually speak with their mouths or show any actual speech among themselves, Basque or otherwise! And just like the Kanamits, should a fake alien invasion come to pass, the aliens will be presented as benevolent beings that will "supply Earth with cheap, unlimited energy, limitless food supplies, and a means to end all war" along with cures for every disease afflicting humanity! Thus total fear will be replaced with total acceptance - just like in the show!

Funny how close to reality this sci-fi product of the 1950s turned out to be - especially the To Serve Man part!

Captured my sentiments exactly! I really immersed myself in the trappings of Christmas this year from listening to Christmas music and watching Christmas TV movies even before Halloween - something I strongly objected to in the past! I've always loved Christmas time and everything connected to it, but honestly think this will be the last one that will have any sense of "normal" as we've known it up to now. The Cs letting us know that rocky times are soon upon us solidifies that conjecture.

Meanwhile, we here in the US are in for an arctic blast via winter storm Elliot featuring single and minus digit temps and very fierce winds and snow. I can only hope that people and pets get adequate shelter to stay safe and warm. And I hope all of you have a very merry holiday with continued faith that the New Year will herald in the change that's long overdue. 🥰🙏🎄
I recall that TWZ episode- always watched that series and Outer Limits religiously.
I echo your sentiments regarding this being the last “normal” holiday we may have, though as you say even here in Georgia (state) it’s been abnormally cold, at least we didn’t get any snow where I live. Normal is at this point an ephemeral ideal, which has been vanishing at a rapid pace.
The reality the Cs have been speaking of is upon us and we either bend like a blade of grass in the wind and endure or get uprooted and fall. Our choices will determine the fate.
her lifetime is just a convenient reference point
Exactly... a very important reference point... at this time. And with it, an anchor. I'm not saying that subjectively the whole world depends on it, but it is part of a very important balance, a natural part, at this time. It has certainly helped the expansion of knowledge, a balance in a way that no other person before has been able to achieve and to the extent that they have been able to do that, they have now helped the way that we have been able to achieve by their work of cleaning, chewing, extracting, polishing it of false knowledge, so that it can serve the way it has served the world.

For some reason we are "conscious" that this is the "last class" of the year/times, of yet another cycle. And every cycle, must have a guide, a teacher as opposed to the opposing force. It is balance. Yes, it sounds like fantasy... but fantasy has long since ceased to be more disturbing than objective reality, eh?

Because all this we read, we have already seen it in movie scripts... curiously, it is a projection. What Joe said, pier... all... it's all so "known" in a way.
Ironically Toni, and for everyone on the forum here to know I saw all there was to see about the military industrial complex as a Navy EOD Officer. While I never was able to see the “basement floor” at Fort Meade, I certainly saw plenty to make the choices I did and am very grateful that my job involved removing explosive devices, a moral choice I made instead of going into Special Forces.

What I do know is it’s a deadly serious time that’s happening right now that means lots for the future of our planet and the souls who wish to go in the STO direction. There’s wheat and there’s tares, if you don’t choose, well creation will choose for you.

I don’t have anything against you at all. It’s just that the stuff you’re posting doesn’t fit in this forum, and despite people showing you that you’ll most likely persist. That’s the reason there’s the rules there are here, because otherwise it’s chaos.
Hey benkostka, I take everything back, bad taste of humor on my part perhaps, but I promised radio silence and to keep chatter down, so Merry Christmas Sir, and Love, Love, Love. 🥰 Hopefully, we can move on from here.
There is something really wrong with Elon... something very 'off' about him, IMHO. I feel he is being guided and heavily influenced by STS forces, that he believes his thoughts and inspiration to be his own... but I sincerely doubt this. I have also observed that both his parents are deeply narcissistic, obsessed with material wealth, personal image, totally self oriented, are very arrogant and deeply egoic generally. Elon emulates a lot of their attributes - but then there seems to sometimes be a more 'vulnerable' part of him (from watching some of his interviews), but perhaps that is just part of the image he is projecting to hook people in (unconsciously?). He feels kindof 'alien' to me on many levels, sometimes I wonder if he is a 'host' of a 'walk in'?
He seems to be quite materialistic in his thinking. Some people identify mostly with their intelligence, there's intelligence but also 'essence' which Gurdjieff mentions. Essence... something like the subconscious part of us that develops despite ourselves, in the course of life, with suffering probably involved if the development is positive. Are essence and wisdom kin? I wonder about how one's beliefs affect the development of essence. It seems quite possible that Musk's materialistic beliefs make him susceptible to STS. To me, he seems like a decent guy, and currently, his actions appear to back that assumption up. Is there a hidden dark side? I don't like his Telsa project, It feeds into the climate change agenda, and lithium mining should be avoided.
Thank you for this very interesting session!

Hyperbaric chambers are very expensive, but the oxygen concentrators are not. Perhaps even just an oxygen concentrator could be helpful. My aunt told me about an older man who had covid and was put in hospital. After the treatment, he said he never felt better. At the time, I thought that perhaps coronavirus upregulated some of his genes, and that is why he felt better, but now I think that perhaps oxygen therapy did something good for him.
Not sure, despite all the benefits of O2 let's not forget that in too high a concentration it is toxic, in times of apocalypse I suppose it is a good option but not for everyday recovery. The body's ability to absorb O2 under normal (non-hyperbaric) conditions is directly related to intracellular CO2 levels.
The first articles by Ray Peat that I started to read about his writings were on the physiology of breathing and on high altitude conditions and CO2. From there I first learned that CO2 is not a trash metabolite but an element necessary for cells to absorb O2. The last couple of years I have had dry eyes, and after the war the dryness got worse, I believe because of stress and in October they became infernally dry, I used to wake up constantly with burning eyes (plus tingling in the morning), I have long suspected that I have problems with oxygenation but I also could not do EE from his other half with hyperventilating my head was splitting.
So I read Ray Peat in the evening and decided to try and hold my breath for 10-30 seconds for an hour or so to get a load of CO2 and damn it the next morning I woke up for the first time in over a year with normal eyes and in a couple of days I had no pain in my legs and basically I had no headaches for that month.
So why am I talking about it - the Bohr effect. Under normal non-hyperbaric conditions, haemoglobin in the blood carries oxygen throughout the body, but only releases oxygen into the tissues in the presence of CO2. If CO2 levels are too low, the blood can be completely saturated with oxygen while the tissues themselves are deficient in O2 because the haemoglobin refuses to release it this is the harm of hyperventilating or resuscitating patients with pure oxygen.

From wikipedia: "That is, the Bohr effect refers to the shift in the oxygen dissociation curve caused by changes in the concentration of carbon dioxide or the pH of the environment. Since carbon dioxide reacts with water to form carbonic acid, an increase in CO2 results in a decrease in blood pH, resulting in hemoglobin proteins releasing their load of oxygen."

In hyperbaric oxygenation, first, we are not bound by this limitation of haemoglobin and second, it increases intracellular CO2: "Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) causes CO2 retention in the brain that leads to the increase in cerebral blood flow (CBF) by poorly understood mechanisms." Europe PMC
Some have hypothesized that the earth is depleted and that a re-mineralization is in place, such as via volcanic events. The idea is that minerals dispersed via volcanic (or meteorite) dust works as a fertilizer for plants. If that is correct, then one could well imagine that if the earth is saturated with mineral dust from volcanic eruptions and/or meteorite bombardement that the flora after the initial shock would burst forth with vigorous activity and thus as a side effect release massive amounts of oxygen.
Interesting theory. I suppose that such event could boost oxygen level in the atmosphere. Another thing that came to my mind is that oxygen production is also dependent on the temperature.

Photosynthesis is the biological process through which photosynthetic organisms convert carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates and oxygen, using sunlight as the source of energy. During photosynthesis organisms use a pigment called chlorophyll to absorb a specific range of light (380 nanometers and 750 nanometers) and hydrolyze water molecules to produce oxygen. Since the process of photosynthesis is an enzyme-driven reaction, the rate of photosynthesis increases (and oxygen production with it) as the temperature increases and decreases as the temperature decreases within a specific range (35-40 degrees celsius). As the temperature rises above 40ºC (degrees celsius), the enzymatic proteins start to denature and chlorophyll molecules lose their function. The rate of oxygen production decreases dramatically in temperatures below 35ºC. The rate of photosynthesis slowly decreases with temperature and stops at a temperature below 10ºC because the molecule interaction rate decreases and there is not enough interaction between molecules to continue the reaction.

So in the current Earth climate, we have periods when there is very little production of oxygen during the hot summer periods and cold winter periods. But if in the past there was constant spring-like climate, then there would be constant oxygen production, and because of that, perhaps, much higher level of oxygen in the atmosphere.
Despite all these years of study, the prospect of a 4d earth still intimidates me. I guess it's just anxiety about facing the unknown. The future is fast approaching us, and it promises to be mind-blowing! So much to think about, it's all coming home to roost for me now
;)Don't be afraid, friend, this is an experiment, like a children's educational toy - a multi-colored pyramid or a mosaic (I had it, I loved it very much).
Thank you to all involved for a smorgasbord of a session. So much to digest and needless to say that a number of things were fascinating.

It gives an added new meaning to when the C's in an earlier session said that the people in the ancient world were much connected than we think. Being spatially closer like on the same landmass would have made communication easier though they might also have had telepathic or other means of communicating.

Some have hypothesized that the earth is depleted and that a re-mineralization is in place, such as via volcanic events. The idea is that minerals dispersed via volcanic (or meteorite) dust works as a fertilizer for plants. If that is correct, then one could well imagine that if the earth is saturated with mineral dust from volcanic eruptions and/or meteorite bombardement that the flora after the initial shock would burst forth with vigorous activity and thus as a side effect release massive amounts of oxygen.

Within Laura's lifetime is a very open thing in a way, as Laura is knocking back years of her biological clock via the HBOT. Methuselah might well 'soon' have to leave the top spot for oldest person ever lived, having lived only a piddly 969 years (according to 17 US intel agencies and other anonymous official sources...perhaps).
I for one hope that I will also be present during what is gonna happen even if it unlikely to be particularly pleasant, but having come this far and with this purpose of a united group to watch and bear objective witness to the Grand Finale, it would be nice to see it through.

Great points! Plants would have a buffet of minerals and CO2. New life could spring forth like a new garden of Eden. New genetic material and upgrades from the comets, viruses, possibly new lifeforms entirely, a new gravitational and electric setup.. it's all very exciting actually.

And we might even get some new "abilities" too! The future truly is open, and we'd do well to remember this. Without falling into wishful thinking of course.
Plants would have a buffet of minerals and CO2. New life could spring forth like a new garden of Eden. New genetic material and upgrades from the comets, viruses, possibly new lifeforms entirely, a new gravitational and electric setup.. it's all very exciting actually.
It is at least a possibility of part of the mechanics of how the planet gets revitalised.

When I said fauna in the previous post, I was also thinking of plankton in the oceans, which is responsible for an estimated 70% of atmospheric oxygen. As this article says:
According to National Geographic, marine plants like phytoplankton, algae and kelp produce 70 percent of atmospheric oxygen
In other words the real lungs of the world.
It continues:
Phytoplankton growth fluctuates with the seasons. Reproduction explodes in polar regions each spring when receding ice deposits rich nutrients on the surface of the water. Cool water is ideal for phytoplankton reproduction. In late summer, increased sunlight excites the pigments in floating phytoplankton, resulting in another growth spurt.
Those rich nutrients from the ice deposits, I presume, are minerals released from the scouring of the bedrock and deposited over millenia on the ice from volcanic eruptions and cometary dust.
A massive loading of the atmosphere with comet dust and/or volcanic dust could thus be part of what kick starts an increased amount of oxygen in the atmosphere and a planetary renewal. Combine that with viruses, added information input etc. and it sounds, as Carl says, very exciting.
Not sure, despite all the benefits of O2 let's not forget that in too high a concentration it is toxic, in times of apocalypse I suppose it is a good option but not for everyday recovery. The body's ability to absorb O2 under normal (non-hyperbaric) conditions is directly related to intracellular CO2 levels.
The first articles by Ray Peat that I started to read about his writings were on the physiology of breathing and on high altitude conditions and CO2. From there I first learned that CO2 is not a trash metabolite but an element necessary for cells to absorb O2. The last couple of years I have had dry eyes, and after the war the dryness got worse, I believe because of stress and in October they became infernally dry, I used to wake up constantly with burning eyes (plus tingling in the morning), I have long suspected that I have problems with oxygenation but I also could not do EE from his other half with hyperventilating my head was splitting.
So I read Ray Peat in the evening and decided to try and hold my breath for 10-30 seconds for an hour or so to get a load of CO2 and damn it the next morning I woke up for the first time in over a year with normal eyes and in a couple of days I had no pain in my legs and basically I had no headaches for that month.
So why am I talking about it - the Bohr effect. Under normal non-hyperbaric conditions, haemoglobin in the blood carries oxygen throughout the body, but only releases oxygen into the tissues in the presence of CO2. If CO2 levels are too low, the blood can be completely saturated with oxygen while the tissues themselves are deficient in O2 because the haemoglobin refuses to release it this is the harm of hyperventilating or resuscitating patients with pure oxygen.

From wikipedia: "That is, the Bohr effect refers to the shift in the oxygen dissociation curve caused by changes in the concentration of carbon dioxide or the pH of the environment. Since carbon dioxide reacts with water to form carbonic acid, an increase in CO2 results in a decrease in blood pH, resulting in hemoglobin proteins releasing their load of oxygen."

In hyperbaric oxygenation, first, we are not bound by this limitation of haemoglobin and second, it increases intracellular CO2: "Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) causes CO2 retention in the brain that leads to the increase in cerebral blood flow (CBF) by poorly understood mechanisms." Europe PMC
P.S. the other benefits of CO2 you already know from this thread.
Yes sodium bicarbonate is just a powdered carbon dioxide additive, and the fact that baking soda can fight cancer is a CO2 effect, namely that sufficient CO2 suppresses lactate production the basis of cancer metabolism. And in the vein of the post above I think the anti-cold power of bicarbonate/CO2 is not in alkalinity as suggested in the thread, but in increasing the quality of oxygenation. This is exactly the reason why Peat was an advocate of carbohydrates as glucose produces significantly more CO2 than fat, so I tend to think that people with high fat diets would find it quite useful to take small amounts of bicarbonate on a regular basis.
Not sure, despite all the benefits of O2 let's not forget that in too high a concentration it is toxic, in times of apocalypse I suppose it is a good option but not for everyday recovery. The body's ability to absorb O2 under normal (non-hyperbaric) conditions is directly related to intracellular CO2 levels.
The first articles by Ray Peat that I started to read about his writings were on the physiology of breathing and on high altitude conditions and CO2. From there I first learned that CO2 is not a trash metabolite but an element necessary for cells to absorb O2. The last couple of years I have had dry eyes, and after the war the dryness got worse, I believe because of stress and in October they became infernally dry, I used to wake up constantly with burning eyes (plus tingling in the morning), I have long suspected that I have problems with oxygenation but I also could not do EE from his other half with hyperventilating my head was splitting.
So I read Ray Peat in the evening and decided to try and hold my breath for 10-30 seconds for an hour or so to get a load of CO2 and damn it the next morning I woke up for the first time in over a year with normal eyes and in a couple of days I had no pain in my legs and basically I had no headaches for that month.
So why am I talking about it - the Bohr effect. Under normal non-hyperbaric conditions, haemoglobin in the blood carries oxygen throughout the body, but only releases oxygen into the tissues in the presence of CO2. If CO2 levels are too low, the blood can be completely saturated with oxygen while the tissues themselves are deficient in O2 because the haemoglobin refuses to release it this is the harm of hyperventilating or resuscitating patients with pure oxygen.

From wikipedia: "That is, the Bohr effect refers to the shift in the oxygen dissociation curve caused by changes in the concentration of carbon dioxide or the pH of the environment. Since carbon dioxide reacts with water to form carbonic acid, an increase in CO2 results in a decrease in blood pH, resulting in hemoglobin proteins releasing their load of oxygen."

In hyperbaric oxygenation, first, we are not bound by this limitation of haemoglobin and second, it increases intracellular CO2: "Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) causes CO2 retention in the brain that leads to the increase in cerebral blood flow (CBF) by poorly understood mechanisms." Europe PMC
At the begining of the hbot thread i posted some information about CO2 in the blood, information i received from my uncle (who is biologist).
Here's the link to this post.
Here i mean the tool i list in the second part, the Samozdrav ventilator which is a cheap tool (at least compared to HBOT) which allows, in a few months, to get back to the normal level of CO2 in the blood, and which could maybe be taken into consideration for people getting old as it's natural that one's CO2 concentration in the blood decreases with age.
I posted a few links and tried to translate a document from russian to english which details the mechanisms. I'm used to trust my uncle, when he start to dig on one subject, even more if this subject is from his domain, he's used to be right. So i would say that this looks valid but it would be nice is someone here who has the (biological) knowledge could look at it and confirm ... or not.
Thank you for the greeting card I received at my new address in France.
Thank you also for this important session.
I don't know how I'll cope with everything that's coming up: I sold my house in Belgium, bought a house in France (that's the miracle of having found "the" ideal house.)
Back to Belgium with a first move of everything I didn't take in France.
Second move to France in November: I arrived completely exhausted.
And now, a flu for the last two weeks that has left me completely devitalized, thin and without strength.
It seems that everything is going to accelerate very quickly and I absolutely have to get back in shape to face it.
If someone on the forum has interesting addresses on Le Mans....
A nice Christmas to you all and already a "beautiful" year 2023, as much as possible.
Take care of yourselves

Translated with (free version)
Q: (L) Um, can I narrow it down? [laughter] Do I dare? Is it gonna happen, say, like within my lifetime?

A: Yes
I am glad to know this. I often think about Laura's work and how it has grown and continues to. I am happy to know that she will be there to see the changes and be with us-- I acknowledge and value the work of everyone else in the group, but I see Laura as the one keeping everyone focused, in the sessions she makes sure that no one is derailed with questions that can be answered in the group, and says things like "Really?" "We already talked about this in the group" or "Do your homework" Lol!. May she have health, happiness, and long life.
(Joe) Would it be true to say that at these meetings, the aliens are presenting themselves and their agenda as benevolent to the humans involved?

A: More or less, yes.

The agenda has already been in place for a long time as we know and I think the elite are about to introduce us to these benevolent aliens, our benefactors.

Unprecedented UAP Legislation​

Christopher Mellon

Unbeknownst to most Americans, President Biden just signed into law far-reaching legislation that could soon confirm the existence of an alien presence on earth. The relevant provisions, incorporated into legislation needed to provide funding for the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Intelligence Community (IC), enjoys strong bipartisan support in both the House and Senate. This is arguably the biggest story mainstream news organizations have ever failed to cover. Among other things, this new legislation:

Provides greatly enhanced authorities and resources for the ‘All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office’ or ‘(AARO),’ which now reports directly to the leaders of the Defense Department and the Intelligence Community.

Comment: Now they have the resources (legal and economic) and the office that can push the development of the machine translator given the need to understand our benefactors. It is likely to be an "international effort".

● Directs the new AARO office to develop a UAP science plan to assess the sometimes mysterious and mind-bending capabilities being reported as well as a collection plan to leverage America’s vast technical intelligence apparatus to determine where these objects are coming from and their capabilities and intent.

● Provides a secure process for anyone who has signed an official US government secrecy agreement related to UAP to come forward and reveal that information to AARO and to Congress, regardless of the level of classification, without fear of retribution or prosecution. This provision is intended to determine the veracity of longstanding allegations indicating that the US government has recovered extraterrestrial technology and perhaps even extraterrestrial beings.

The historical intelligence document review, and the review of government secrecy agreements, should be completed over the next 18 months. That process alone could validate claims the US government has been concealing proof of an extraterrestrial presence near earth. If it seems unbelievable that Congress would pass such legislation, it is only because of the paucity of reporting on the facts that caused members of both parties in Congress to join together to pass these provisions.

Even before this ‘whistleblower’ legislation was signed into law, credible individuals were providing Congress information alleging that the US government has recovered extraterrestrial technology. This process began in 2019 when I brought astrophysicist Dr. Eric Davis to Capitol Hill to meet with staff from the Senate Intelligence and Armed Services committees. Dr. Davis, author of the famous Wilson-Davis memo, provided specific information lending credence to sensational reports that an official US government program is actively seeking to exploit recovered technology that was fashioned by some other species or perhaps advanced AI machines. Much of the information Dr. Davis provided remains highly classified, but the good news is that these sensational claims, which have the potential to transform our understanding of the universe and man’s place within it, are now being taken seriously and properly investigated.

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