(Keit) Did USSR or Russia try to reverse engineer alien tech?
While reading (in Russian) "
The Guide to Eternity" (published in 2009)

I stumbled upon this part (machine translation from Russian to English):
“In this regard, it is impossible not to mention another unique expedition to the "Valley of Death" in Yakutia, which in 1993 was organized by the head of one of the working groups of the Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Colonel Viktor Terentyev. The "Valley of Death" is an unusual area in the area of the Vilyu River, where, according to legends transmitted by the local population, strange metal objects are hidden in the ground, posing a danger to all living things. The Yakuts have long avoided this remote area. Rare eyewitnesses say that there is a flattened arch protruding from the ground, under which there are many metal rooms, where even in the most severe frosts it is warm as in summer. According to the stories, this arch looks like a smooth metal hemisphere of red color with a very smooth and sharp edge, such that it even cuts the nail. It protrudes from the permafrost so that you can ride a deer into it. In ancient times, there were brave men among the local hunters who spent the night in these rooms. But then they started to get very sick, and the one who spent the night several times died. There was also a popular hypothesis, according to which in the Yakut "Valley of Death" there was allegedly some kind of alien base, automatically protecting the Earth from cataclysms that threaten to result in an environmental disaster.
The "Valley of Death" itself stretches along the right tributary of the Vilyu River. If you look at the map of the area, it is a whole chain of valleys along its floodplain. In the last century, the famous researcher Vilyuya R. Maak wrote in his diary: "On the bank of the river "Algy timirnit", which literally means "a large cauldron has sunk", there really is a giant copper cauldron. Its size is unknown, since only the edge is visible above the ground, but several trees grow in it..."
In the proposed search area, Terentyev's group found this boiler and more than one. All the "artifacts" found are completely mysterious structures ranging in size from six to nine meters in diameter, made of a metal similar in color to copper unknown to the search group. But these "copper boilers were not taken" even by a sharpened chisel, which "explored" the walls of the taiga engineering product more than once. The metal did not break off and was not forged. According to the researchers, the hammer would have left noticeable dents or cuts on the copper. But the boilers remained intact even after active "research attacks" on their integrity. The whole point was that this "copper" on top was as if covered with another layer of an unknown material, similar to sandpaper. But it was neither an oxide film nor a scale. It was also impossible to chip or scratch it. As noted in her reports, the vegetation around these "boilers" is abnormal - it does not look at all like what grows around. It is more lush: large-leaved burdocks, very long vines, strange grass, one and a half to two times taller than a human. Scientists have thoroughly investigated their mysterious find.
Before the start of the hike, common sense caused concern for the health of the participants of the hike directly during the expedition. No one knew what awaited researchers in such an unusual place, near mysterious objects of unknown origin. But no one was seriously ill either during or after leaving Yakutia. Unless one of the travelers completely lost all his hair after three months. And one scientist had three small sores on the left side of his head, each the size of a match head, which did not respond to traditional treatment. One interesting detail is that a large amount of information about the trip was "erased" from the memory of absolutely all members of the expedition. They could not remember the details literally on the eve of the completed work. But the research itself was recorded on paper, in photographs and in tape recordings. It was for them that it was not difficult to prepare accounting documents in Moscow. Terentyev personally took these working materials on the work of the group in the "Valley of Death" to the Russian Security Council and the Federal Security Service. The further fate of the Yakut expedition reports is not known to the authors of this book. But, at one time, there were rumors in narrow circles that scientists from secret laboratories of the special services worked on them, who, after comprehensive research, developed a number of technologies that are used today to create new weapons."
The main Author of the book is
Lieutenant-General A. Yu. Savin. "General Savin Aleksey Yurievich is the leader of the Soviet program "Brain Wars"."