Session 13 May 2023


FOTCM Member
Session Date: May 13th 2023

Laura and Andromeda at the board

Pierre, Joe, Gaby, Ark, Possibility of Being, Chu, Scottie, Niall, Pikabu the Cat

FOTCM Members participating via Zoom:

3DStudent, A Jay, Adobe, Aeneas, aimarok, Alana, Alejo, Altair, Ana Huitzil, Anamarija, anartist, Andrian, Anthony, Approaching Infinity, Aragorn, bluefyre, Bobo08, brandon, Breton, cassandra, cinnamon, ClaudiaYG, Cosmos, Deliverance, dugdeep, Eboard10, Ellipse, fabric, Fallen735, finduilas495, France, Gawan, genero81, Glenn, goyacobol, grini, herondancer, Hesper, hesperides, hlat & his wife, iamthatis, irjO, itellsya, Jacques, JeanneT, JEEP, Jefferson, Jenn, jess, Josi, Juba, Kenlee, keyhole, KJN, Konstantin, korzik18, laurentien2, Lilou, logos5x5, Loreta, LQB, Luc, m, Maat, Maiko, Mari, Mariama, Mark7, Mikkael, Mililea, mkrnhr, Mr.Cyan, Mrs. Peel, msante, Navigator, NewEngland Seeker, Nicholas, nicklebleu & his wife, Nienna, Obi, Ollie, OrangeScorpion, Oxajil, Pecha, PERLOU, Pophistorian, Puma, RedFox, Redrock12, Regulattor, rrraven, Ryan, Rylek, Ryu, Saman, Sariade, seek10, seeker2seer, Sinapi, Stoneboss, sToRmR1dR, T.C., Terran, thorbjorn, Timótheos, Tristan, Tuatha de Danaan, Ursus Minor, voyageur, whitecoast, will01, williamsj, Windmill Knight, Yas, Ysus, Z, Zar

Q: (L) All right. Tape recorder going.

A: Niolloniaea of Cassiopaea here at your service.

Q: (L) And I forgot to say this is May 13th. Oh geez. Yeah. 2023. And the usual suspects are here. [Review of those present.]

Q: (L) We have a kind of a pressing question about one of our members, NewEngland Seeker. He is currently being treated for a melanoma. And he has been doing - as far as we can see - all the absolute right things with the IV therapies and so on. And yet it seems that there is something that's causing his condition to be a little more aggressive than it ought to be, considering all he's doing. Do you have any suggestions for him that might help?

A: Ask.

Q: (L) Okay. He's been doing IV therapy with vitamin C and he asked if this was a problem or a help.

A: Better to take slightly higher doses of liposomal than high doses of IV C.

Q: (L) Why is that?

A: Vitamin C in high doses can take the place of sugar in some systems.

Q: (L) Okay. If he's gonna take slightly higher doses of liposomal, what would that slightly higher dose be?

A: 5 to 10 daily or one gram every hour during infusion.

Q: (L) When you say 5 to 10, you mean grams?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, all right. Anything else?

(Joe) So, infusions aren't a good idea?

A: No.

Q: (Joe) So switch to liposomal five to ten grams a day.

A: Oral.

Q: (L) Okay. Anything else?

A: Your hyperbaric therapy is beneficial too. 90 minutes daily.

Q: (L) Would 90 minutes daily be good for Pierre too?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Anything else?

A: He has most other aspects right but an increase of vitamin D and K is helpful. Time restricted eating also.

Q: (Gaby) Vitamin D will be like 30,000 daily?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) NewEngland Seeker, have you been doing any time restricted eating?

(Joe) Intermittent fasting?

(NewEngland Seeker) I have been decreasing the calories and slowly losing weight. Does that qualify?

(L) No.

(Joe) It's intermittent.

(NewEngland Seeker) So, I'm starting to do fasting on Sundays.

(L) No, that's not the idea either. I posted a video about it, probably the best video on it. And what thread did I put it in?

(Joe) Do a search for intermittent fasting.

(Gaby) I think it was intermittent fasting.

(L) Well, did I put it in the fasting thread? Well, we’ll share the link. But basically, you're not really fasting on any whole day. You're cutting your eating time to a narrow window and there's specific reasons for it. It's all explained in the video. You're cutting your window of eating down, but during that window, you basically eat everything you want and need, fill up, you know, get full, whatever. And you can have two meals, one at the beginning of the window and one just towards the end of the window and he explains everything.

(Andromeda) And it's eight hours, right?

(Joe) It's ideally eight hours at least. So basically, for example, you would have breakfast at 10 o'clock in the morning or 8 o'clock, whatever, and eight hours after that is your last meal, or you finished your last meal eight hours after. So you're eating in an eight hour window. So say it's at 10 o'clock in the morning, you have your breakfast, then at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, you have your big meal. And you can have a big breakfast...

(L) That's it.

(Joe) And that's it. And then nothing after that except water from 4 o'clock in the afternoon until the next morning. So you're giving yourself 16 hours of no eating, which allows your system to kinda like, do all sorts of wonderful magical things and cure itself.

(NewEngland Seeker) Yeah. You know, the surprising thing is that's what I have been doing for years. Except I have one snack just before I go to bed. So it's like I just have to cut the snack.

(L) Yeah, because the snack throws you completely out of the fasted state.

(Joe) And just to be clear, if you can do it in a window of six hours, it's even better.

(NewEngland Seeker) The one thing that has changed quite a bit is the... what we call the GKI index. I used to be in the teens, so now I'm operating in the high level of ketosis - therapeutic ketosis. So that changed dramatically since the infusion started.

(L) I don't think you need to worry so much about strict ketosis. But what you do need to worry about is not eating anything that your body is sensitive to. So if you haven't had any tests done on food sensitivities, have those done and then eat strictly within that range of foods that are permissible. That's kind of the main thing. But I would say eat, you know, something balanced. And you will need some carbs, and for me, I found that the best carb is rice that has been really washed before cooking.

(NewEngland Seeker) Yes. Very very close to what I am doing or have been doing for quite some time. What I mentioned about the change of metabolism, it has occurred without change in diet.

(L) Okay. Yeah. Okay. So let's see what happens if you... is there anything else for NewEngland Seeker on this topic?

(Joe) What about hyperbaric?

(L) Do you have access to a hyperbaric treatment?

(NewEngland Seeker) Yes I do. Now, is there a point to bring up any difference between exercising with oxygen versus the hyperbaric?

(L) Okay. What's the difference between exercising with oxygen and hyperbaric?

A: Pressure forces the oxygen deeper into the tissues.

Q: (Joe) Yeah. We know that. It's good to do oxygen if that's all you have, but the hyperbaric really gets the oxygen with the pressure. You don't get the pressure just with the exercise and the oxygen.

(NewEngland Seeker) The source I have only goes to 1.3 or roughly four and a half pounds of extra pressure. Would 90 minutes be sufficient for that?

(L) Yes. Probably the higher the pressure you can get, the better it is and the faster it forces. If you could get access to a 1.5 chamber, that would be better.

(Joe) You have a 1.3 chamber?

(NewEngland Seeker) The naturopath has the hyperbaric chamber and I just don't have room in the small house we live in. That's the limitation.

(Joe) Can you do it every day?

(NewEngland Seeker) Five days a week. They're closed on the weekends.

(L) Well, it would probably be worth it considering the cost that they would charge you, to invest in getting one and getting a 1.5. I mean, I know you just said that you don't have the space for it, but under the circumstances, making the space... and if it's a soft side chamber, you know, it kind of collapses and doesn't take up a lot of space and you can push it out of the way. But anyway, think about it. Okay?

(NewEngland Seeker) Well thank you all so much.

(L) Okay. And we're gonna keep you on the prayer list and I think we're gonna see what happens here and I think it's gonna be better.

(NewEngland Seeker) Oh, I'm very positive about it, so thank you.

(L) Okay, now egregores. What about all you people with your questions? Let me see what we've got going on here.

(L) How is our brother L doing?

A: Very well thanks to influence from group and prayers. He is camping!

Q: (L) So there's a place there that has forests and...

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Nature galore if you want it.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) All right. Next question. Okay, Whitecoast said:

(Whitecoast) He makes me wonder how the inventors of that being could prove it came entirely from their imagination also, instead of channeling in some other way.

(L) And he's talking about the Philip case. And when we put this session up, let's include the synopsis of that case. So maybe you can get it ready, Approaching Infinity, so we can put it in there. Okay. Was the Philip case a case of creation of a being as is supposed because they created the backstory, they created the name, they created all the things, and then they started trying to talk to him, and then they talked to him. Was that actually what happened?

A: No.

Q: (L) Was it, as Joe suggested, some dead dude opportunistically skipping along there in the ethereal realm saying, "Oh, that's me! I can get energy this way."

A: More or less. There are many such entities in the astral realms.

Q: (L) So be careful what you ask for. [Laughter]. Well, then that leads to the next question: Did Alexandra David-Néel create a thought being of her own?

A: No.

Q: (L) What was that?

A: She added energy to an elemental being, something like a nature creature.

Q: (L) And this leads obviously to the next question: When we're doing spirit release, we come across all kinds of really bizarre things. I mean, just like thought forms that come and attach and even thought forms that are created by the individual. Are these thought forms like discrete beings that have intelligence, autonomy, and persistence?

A: Some are. And some "die" after being disconnected from the source of energy.

Q: (L) Okay. If we encounter a thought form-type critter that has come and attached to an individual, is that thought form-type critter something that has been created by some other individual in the same way that some of the ones that we have encountered are created by that individual person?

(Andromeda) Right. Like created by a thought loop or strong emotion and/or a split-off part of their personality?

A: Some yes. Others are gathered energies of place or object.

Q: (L) Place or object. So you're saying that objects can... What kind of objects?

A: Trees, for one.

Q: (L) So natural objects?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So natural objects can concentrate energy such that it forms a thought form?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Okay. And places also?

A: Yes. And some places respond to activities of humans and 2D creatures.

Q: (Joe) That's like Lethbridge, right?

(L) So a place can acquire a concentration of energy because of the actions of humans in that place?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And the same is true for the actions of say, 2D creatures?

A: Yes. Though the latter is less concentrated.

Q: (L) So the imprints of creatures is less concentrated than humans?

A: Yes.

Q: (Ark) What is the relation of spells to this? When someone is casting the spell, is it a kind of a thought form also?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So people can create thought forms when they cast spells?

A: Yes. And also attract energies that are already free-floating and frequency matched.

Q: (Ark) How do you protect yourself against such things?

A: Knowledge protects. Awareness and psychic hygiene measures generally suffice. Group actions are the next level of defense.

Q: (Andromeda) What gives these things power? Like their power source... some are more powerful than others, you know? Is it a longer life, the emotional energy they get from the person, the frequency match? What is it?

A: Emotional energy is the key.

Q: (L) So strong emotions of love, anger, frustration, hate, despair, sadness, grief, those things?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, say a person was extremely sad at the loss of a loved one... And they can't get out of it. They just go on and on and on and concentrate on their grief again and again. And they think about either the awful state that they are in, or how things were and are no more. They could conceivably create a thought form or, you know, an energy structure of that sort?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Would that energy structure then have the possibility of having its own autonomy and leaving its source?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And would it necessarily be extinguished at some point?

A: Not always.

Q: (L) So, it could be persistent...

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) Such things must be being created all the time, then.

A: Yes. It is a jungle out there.

Q: (L) Okay. Well, let's see about questions.

(L) I'm not gonna ask Z’s question cause I don't want to divert the topic right now. We'll come back to those cancer questions maybe towards the end.

(L) Okay...

(Navigator) Do "egregores" exist as Stavish describes them? A being created from the thoughts of a group of people which then takes a consciousness of its own, and needs to be fed from time to time, and being either positive or negative.

(L) Okay. That's basically what Stavish's main egregore definition is...

(Andromeda) Basically like a group attachment.

A: He is close except it usually happens from the top down. That is, a being can influence a group of people to take certain actions and thereby establish a feeding pool for itself.

Q: (L) Okay. But still can human beings create a being, like Stavish described?

A: Not really. Such a creation is more a function of FRV and will dissipate upon breakup of the group.

Q: (L) But for a period of time there is something that is drawing and recycling energy within a group.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) But it has no persistence or autonomy...

A: No.

Q: (L) Okay. So, in the cases that Stavish talks about where it's more prolonged and it seems like it changes and begins to become demanding and basically rebels, what is that?

A: Usually 4D STS using a group of people to feed and plant ideas into 3D. Note that often the eminence grise in such groups is a psychopath and you can read current studies to see how the morphing works.

Q: (L) So I think that might be referring to Lobaczewski when he describes how psychopaths within a group can shift the direction, the ideas, and then change the ideology and all that?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Right. Okay.

(Navigator) What about "personal" egregores? Why does Stavish focus exclusively on the group aspect of this phenomena? Is it because the existence of the egregore needs to be "agreed on" by more than one person?

A: Bad question. There are no personal egregores.

Q: (L) "Why does Stavish focus exclusively on the group aspect of this?" Maybe that's because that's how it's observed. Okay...

(Navigator) In one of the appendices of the book, Stavish recounts the brutal illness that affected his esoteric group once the master died, or around the time he died. He thinks the group egregore was to blame, but was it?

A: 4D STS feeder operating through astral attachments.

Q: (L) Okay. So that makes another question: Does 4D STS utilize astral beings, dead dudes, energy concentrations, or beings or elementals and so forth to affect or afflict human beings?

A: Yes, yes, yes.

Q: (L) It's a jungle out there. All right.

(T.C.) The illness that that group studied was, I think, that lots of people in that group had some sort of blood disorders.

(L) Mm-Hmm.

(Joe) Possibly viral in origin.

(L) Possibly viral? Well, that wouldn't necessarily... I think they had blood disorders of some kind. Could it have been viral?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) And what do we know about viruses and attachments?

(L) Yeah. Okay.

(Ze Germans) Are egregores simply collective unconsciousness on different scales?

A: No.

Q: (Ze Germans) Can we become completely free from the influence of any egregore?

A: Theoretically, yes, but practically difficult.

Q: (L) What was...

(Andromeda) But that's completely free of egregores in the sense of egregores being what he's talking about.

(Joe) Exactly. I mean, we need to disabuse people of the idea that what this guy is saying about egregores, that that's actually what it is. I hope they're getting that.

(L) Yeah. I mean...

(Andromeda) He's just talking about things like influence or limbic resonance or...

(L) Yeah, he's putting everything in the basket.

(hesperides) What was the real cause of M. Stavish's sudden physical pain right at the time when the Grand Master died?

A: Feeding tube detachment.

Q: (L) You mean, a psychic feeding tube between him and this person?

A: Yes.

Q: (Eboard10) Stavish describes the Rosicrucians's Cathedral of the Soul as "an imaginary, ethereal Cathedral, first created in thought and then sponsored and maintained by thought" and as "a spiritual creation resulting from the concentration of spiritual thoughts". Is this in any way similar to the country house from the SRT imaginal realm?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So we have created a country house in our imaginal realm. Is the Rosicrucian Cathedral a useful ethereal construct?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is our country house a useful ethereal construct?

A: Yes. Though you have qualified it differently due to your knowledge.

Q: (L) Yeah, because we think of it not as an astral thing, but as a pattern for a 4D reality, or an alternate reality, that we could switch to at some point.

(Andromeda) It's also for everybody who already has a common aim and knows each other. From what I understand, that's like, it can't just be anybody that goes in there, imagines it and gets whatever.

(L) Yeah. And this one is surrounded by a protective shield, and we utilize it in a very different way than what they're doing with their...

(Joe) They're taking the archetype of a cathedral. A cathedral, a Christian cathedral... Which is not very non-denominational, you know what I mean?

(L) Yeah. I mean, ours is kind of a non-denominational country house, you know... Okay, hold on. Hold everything please... Okay. Can egregores... Well, we're using the word egregore because that's what Stavish used. So let me ask this question before we continue. Okay. Egregore as Stavish uses it... he has taken it from, I think, the Greek translation of the word in Aramaic or whatever, that means watchers. And I have always thought that these watchers, these fallen angels that are talked about in the Enochian books, were like 4th density beings. So what are the watchers?

A: 4D beings!

Q: (L) Okay, so the word "egregore" as Stavish uses is mostly incorrect. Am I right about that?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So he calls practically anything and everything an egregore when it is technically not an egregore?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) And like they said, he posits it as coming from the bottom up, everything created by human beings, when it's mostly not that.

(L) It's mostly top down.

(Joe) Anything that comes from the bottom up is only ephemeral and doesn't last very long.

(L) Is that true, that what comes from the bottom up is ephemeral and doesn't last that long?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Okay.

(nicklebleu) Can egregores be a positive influence, or are they mostly or always negative?

(Chu) Well, if they're hyperdimensional beings...

(L) If they're hyperdimensional beings, they're always negative if it is truly an egregore. Is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Okay. So what we're talking about in all these other cases, we need to use different language for. There is resonance between individuals, there are elementals...

(Joe) Don't we as a group on the forum and Laura's work and everything already have a much better, much more clearly defined description of the kind of entities of various different types than what this guy is trying to define as egregores?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) So why would we even bother... [laughter]

(L) Well, okay, so we're not gonna use this terminology, but still he brings up some things that lead us to ask some questions to further define our understanding of these other realms.

(Joe) I'm not saying there's nothing in it. What I'm saying is that people on the forum seem to be talking already about "these egregores", you know what I mean? And they have the wrong conception of what they are.

(L) And they're not egregores. They're thought forms, they're limbic resonance, they're elementals.

(Andromeda) Or split parts of the personality...

(L) Or they're astral entities wandering around trying to act like whatever they want. Okay, here's a question.

(Approaching Infinity) What about an author like Mary Balogh, who imagines seemingly autonomous characters in her mind, and she just records what they do in her imagination? Is there some relation to what we’re talking about?

A: Not exactly. More likely that Mary is recording dynamics that have actually occurred at some place and time. Sort of like a "past life biographer".

Q: (L) So in other words, it's almost like the characters are essences of some people who have lived at some place and time who communicate with her about a certain dynamic. Of course, she adds to it and expands it, makes it fancy and whatever. Is that what we're talking about, that she's basically kind of channeling the lives of long gone people?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) Or composite of characters? And is she getting all that from the Akashic Records?

A: Information field.

Q: (L) Okay. Now...

(irjO) Could it be that some of those types of thoughts could be what we know as programs too?

A: Yes yes yes!

Q: (L) So we have another term: programs. We have thought forms, we have programs, we have limbic resonance, we have astral entities. And egregores should be reserved for 4D STS critters.

(Ark) What about the nature of scientific thought form, where there are times when several scientists almost at the same time get essentially the same idea?

A: Influences of 4, 5, 6D information to humanity.

Q: (L) So you mean four, five OR six?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So it could be any one of those that are influencing human beings... And that could be positive or negative if it's 4D, yeah?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So they could come up with some really bad ideas for weapons and stuff like that.

(Joe) It's kinda like broadcasting a signal, you know, on the radio around the globe...

A: Yes yes yes!

Q: (L) And it depends on who has the receiver, the antenna...

(Joe) Whether it's positive or negative.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And that would explain the sometimes cryptogeographic nature of it where...

(Joe) a bunch people act in the same way.

(L) Or where you think of something, and two or three people in your social circle - or even if they're distant from you - suddenly call you on the phone and tell you the same thing. And you think, oh Jesus, this is crazy!

(Joe) Or mass chaos, or something, of people going off...

A: Yes or it can be evidence of a change in the program of reality with concomitant broadcasting of new reality parameters.

Q: (Joe) Hmm. "We interrupt our scheduled program..." [laughter]

(L) " bring you this special program." [laughter]

(Joe) Y'all go crazy! It's called, "Y'all go mental!" [laughter]

(L) Okay, hold on...

(Niall) And then there's breaking news in four countries. Mass shootings, and you're like, "What the hell just happened here?" [laughter]

(L) Okay...

(T.C.) So there wouldn't be such a thing as a positive egregore because the concept involves an infringement of free will by the 'higher' being?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Good job. Okay...

(mkrnhr) Is Yahweh an example of a 4D entity taking the role of an "egregore”?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Okay.

(Toronto Group) Do the thoughts and emotions engendered by communication with Chat AI's contribute to an AI egregore and in some way affect the consciousness of AI's?

A: No. Remember who and what is behind AI. AI is a feeding tube.

Q: (L) So the people that get all... Hmm. Well, okay. "Can certain crystals protect from the influence of...?" Well, let's stop calling it "egregores", unless you're talking about 4D STS, but we already know what the crystals protect against. So that's kind of a moot question. We've already kind of answered that. Okay. T.C.: We have to bear in mind that Stavish was heavily involved in a magical group doing rituals. So, the fact that he had a feeding tube isn't surprising, I think.

A: Yes!

Q: (Joe) He's some dude that was part of some magical group, and he got freaked out by awareness of what was going on, or some demon or some entity. And then he went... he's like a reformed Catholic, you know? And he suddenly went, this is all just thought forms. People create all this, none of this is real. There's no such thing as demons and stuff. We create it all, right? So, it's easy to control. There's nothing else out there.

(Chu) And he also wants to give humans too much agency.

(Joe) Yeah, it's all created by humans. That's what I'm saying, yes.

(L) Stavish describes the Rosicrucian Cathedral of the Soul as an imaginary ... Okay. We did that one....

(Eboard10) They said yes to the cathedral being useful in what way?

A: For Catholics, prayer focus.

Q: (Alejo) Is there any entity from the jungle that is attracted to the FRV of the country house that was created for SRTs, and if so, are they good to keep around?

A: No. You have established and maintained a protective sphere.

Q: (Joe) That's an egregore, that protective sphere is an egregore... [laughter]

(Pecha) "Egregore" is a sort of a rough word. It sounds like a combination of "egregious" and "gore" [Laughter]. The sound profile may be also important in what words are more positive?

(L) Well, any comment to that?

A: Indeed!

Q: (Ryan) Is the term "astral" merely an imprecise definition of hyperdimensional phenomena?

A: Yes and no. Astral is still partly restricted to 3D.

Q: (L) "How much..." it's getting unpleasant to use the word in the loose ways it's being used.

(Ze Germans) How much influence is being exerted from the underground civilizations of earth?

(L) And you said "egregore" influence, but I would have to say that that's not an egregore influence. That's thought form transmission. Is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So they transmit thoughts, and thought forms.

(Andromeda) like broadcasting...

(L) Yeah, like broadcasting, and depending on the receivership of the individual, that determines what gets picked up.

A: Yes.

Q: (nicklebleu) Is the current wave of gender dysphoria an egregore?

A: Oh indeed and in the real sense of the word!

Q: (L) Egregious and gore.

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) It's like, they broadcast those signals, some people pick them up -or a lot of people pick them up - and they resonate with that negativity, and they start acting that out and that changes or strengthens the connection for more. It's like a downward spiral. (Andromeda) Yeah, like grooving a channel.

(L) Okay, let's skip that one for a moment.

(Ryan) Do thought forms actually require a psychic link to a mind to exist? So, thoughts don't exist in a vacuum, so to speak.

A: Mostly, yes.

Q: (L) And would the exceptions be when it's been so strengthened that it takes on a somewhat autonomous state?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So thought forms can become autonomous.

A: Weakly.

Q: (L) Okay. Go back up to the top. There were some other off-topic questions that we want to see if we can grab. I'd like to get all of this. Okay.

(Z) Question relating to cancer treatment: is the guy who was working on the metabolic approach, i.e. glucose and glutamine restriction, onto something?

A: Yes.

Q: (Z) Is this a game changer?

A: For some.

Q: (Mrs. Peel) Is fenbendazole really helpful in cancer treatment?

A: Yes.

Q: (T.C.) Completely unrelated. The Cs said when one feels stuck, to focus on others. Does this have anything to do with getting out of "left brain mode" and activating the right brain?

A: Partly.

Q: (L) Well, how can we expand on that? Can we expand on how focusing on others is beneficial?

A: Changes the antennae.

Q: (L) And changing the antenna changes what you're receiving.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And changing what you're receiving can change how much influence other things around you have on you.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And focusing on others then can change pretty much everything in your physiology.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Works for me!

(nicklebleu) Would a strict carnivorous diet benefit NewEngland Seeker?

A: No. He needs to do food sensitivity testing and eat low carb but not no carb. Also glucose regulator will be good.

Q: (L) He's taking one, he's taking berberine, isn't he? Are you taking berberine, NewEngland Seeker?

(NewEngland Seeker) That, I'm not sure. We have a variety of supplements from the naturopath and I think it's in there, but I'm not exactly sure.

(L) Well, berberine or metformin, because that keeps your blood glucose level really low, so that it doesn't spread anything around in there.

(NewEngland Seeker) I'm keeping it in the nineties.

(L) Okay. Have you got a blood glucose monitor?

(NewEngland Seeker) Yes.

(L) Okay. All right. So I think we've reached the end of this topic.

(Chu) Now there's more different questions here.

(L) All right. Here we go. We start there.

(Ze Germans) What is the karmic role of Russia?

A: Replay of Atlantis.

Q: (L) When you say replay of Atlantis, are you saying that Russia is playing the part of Atlantis?

A: No. The adversary.

Q: (L) So in other words, the one that defeated Atlantis when it attempted to take over the world?

A: Yes.

Q: (Ze Germans) What kind of energy did the name "Morebuntk" from the previous session represent?

A: That which was appropriate to the time, place and attendees. Nothing negative.

Q: (L) It could be pronounced "mo-re-bunk".

(seek10) There's a thread on Tartaria on the forum. Was there any kingdom called Tartaria in the past? If so, was it around 3000 BCE in Eastern Europe.

A: Yes. Tartars.

Q: (L) But "tartar" is raw meat! [Laughter]

(Andromeda) As well. And there's a sauce.

(Joe) Not to be confused with "taters".

(Redrock12) Is prednisone an effective treatment for a bladder infection?

A: No.

Q: (Joe) D-mannose and cranberry juice.

(L) D-mannose, cranberry juice, sodium bicarbonate.

(Joe) If it's just a straight up bladder infection, d-mannose is very effective.

(L) Yeah.

(Joe) One teaspoon regularly throughout the day until it's gone.

(L) You can sweeten your drink with d-mannose.

(Joe) Take as much as you want.

(Gaby) If not, see a doctor!

(seek10) Were there mud floods in the past as these Tartaria proponents propose?

A: Not as such. More like ordinary floods that deposit mud.

Q: (Ryan) Was the gospel of Mark written as a collaboration by multiple people? If so, was Paul one of those people?

A: Yes.

Q: (Mrs. Peel) Are the Rothchilds the pinnacle of human controllers on Earth?

A: Close.

Q: (Ellipse) Last session we saw that our blood types were engineered. Who did it and for what purpose?

A: 4D STS for tracking and support of genetic variation.

Q: (Ze Germans) Did humans speak one language before the Fall?

A: Yes.

Q: (nicklebleu) Is a strict carnivorous diet beneficial to some or do all humans need some -although variable- amounts of carbs?

A: The latter except in certain cases of genetic variability.

Q: (L) So some people need a strictly carnivorous diet, but most people probably need some carbs of varying amounts.

(Joe) Is that genetic variation a positive genetic variation in terms of living on this planet?

A: Defect. Difficult for their survival and thriving under certain conditions.

Q: (L) So it would be a defect if you get to the point where you can only eat meat.

(Ryan) Was Nietzsche contacted by the spirit of Zarathustra?

A: No.

Q: (Ryan) Was it his imagination, or another entity such as 4D STS?

A: Both of the latter.

Q: (Konstantin) Was the child who shot at kids at school in Belgrade a psychopath as he claimed, or was he influenced by some intelligence, like Mossad or similar?

A: 4D STS via astral attachment.

Q: (L) So he's just kind of there to create fear and panic and horror and pain and suffering.

A: Yes.

Q: (Andromeda) There were two within a short period of time, right?

(Joe) Yeah, within a few days.

(L) In Belgrade?

(Andromeda) Yeah. Was it the same case for both of them?

A: Yes.

Q: (Niall) There's your egregore right there.

(L) Yeah, there's an egregore.

(Ze Germans) Was the human brain divided into two hemispheres before the Fall?

A: Yes.

Q: (Chu) They said after, before.

(L) They did?

(Chu) Yeah, you wrote about it in The Wave.

(L) Oh,

(Niall) They asked a test question. Who did that? [Laughter]

(Joe) The question is, before the Fall, was the human brain divided into two hemispheres?

(L) Well, the brain has got two hemispheres no matter what.

(Chu) I think what you said on The Wave was that they were way better connected back then, and that after the Fall, they became lateralized.

A: Exactly. There was always a division in function.

Q: (L) But it was more connected and integrated before the Fall?

A: Yes.

Q: (Ze Germans) Was telepathy how people communicated before the Fall?

A: Partly. But there were "sounds" emitted both by individuals in 4D as well as objects.

Q: (L) All right. Are we at the end now? I'm... I'm not gonna do those questions tonight. There's too much stuff.

(Andromeda) That's for next time.

(L) Yeah. Anything else?

(Joe) I have one question. Super short.

(L) All right.

(Joe) Does the tomb of Saint Jacques de Compostela in Spain actually contain the remains of Saint Paul?

(A) Yes.

(Joe) What about them helicopters?

(L) Are you gonna ask about it?

(Joe) No, we can save it for next time.

(L) All right. Is there anything we should have asked that we didn't ask? If so, consider it asked.

A: You are too tired. Love to all and stay aware. Goodbye.

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T.C.) Completely unrelated. The Cs said when one feels stuck, to focus on others. Does this have anything to do with getting out of "left brain mode" and activating the right brain?

A: Partly.

Q: (L) Well, how can we expand on that? Can we expand on how focusing on others is beneficial?

A: Changes the antennae.

Q: (L) And changing the antenna changes what you're receiving.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And changing what you're receiving can change how much influence other things around you have on you.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And focusing on others then can change pretty much everything in your physiology.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Works for me!
Awesome session thank you so much for sharing. A lot to digest.📚

I really liked this part, I find it beautiful😍.
Merci beaucoup pour la session et tous ceux qui ont participé et permis sa réalisation...
Heureuse de m'imaginer L camper avec des cerfs, biches, et leurs petits venant lui chatouiller les mains...

Thank you very much for the session and all those who participated and made it possible...
Happy to imagine L camping with deer, deer, and their young coming to tickle his hands...
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That was an excellent session. Thank you all. And we now know what an egregore is... and isn't.

I wanted to say something about the part that was talking about Mary Balogh.
(Approaching Infinity) What about an author like Mary Balogh, who imagines seemingly autonomous characters in her mind, and she just records what they do in her imagination? Is there some relation to what we’re talking about?

A: Not exactly. More likely that Mary is recording dynamics that have actually occurred at some place and time. Sort of like a "past life biographer".

Q: (L) So in other words, it's almost like the characters are essences of some people who have lived at some place and time who communicate with her about a certain dynamic. Of course, she adds to it and expands it, makes it fancy and whatever. Is that what we're talking about, that she's basically kind of channeling the lives of long gone people?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) Or composite of characters? And is she getting all that from the Akashic Records?

A: Information field.
Mind Matters interviewed Mary Balogh; and she is a wonderful person. They asked her if she got her ideas for her stories with a lot of planning or if they just came to her like an from "out there" (this is me greatly paraphrasing) and she said "yes" it was like the ideas just came into her head. So this is a "hit" for the Cs or so I see it.

You can find the interview with Mary Balogh, if you are interested, here:
Fascinating session, thank you to everyone who participated. Shame about Nietzsche, if not exactly surprising - I'm quite partial to him, read him extensively as a teenager, and thought he had a lot of valuable insight. That said I found Thus Spake Zarathustra extremely difficult to read, confusing and opaque - quite different from the poetic clarity of his earlier works. I wonder if this 4D STS influence was a corruption that took control towards the end of his life, as his mind was already breaking? Or if it was precisely that contact that broke him?

The clarification on egregores is also immensely useful. I've noticed a lot of people talking about this concept lately. Albeit, usually without much direct connections to its occult origins, and very much in the flavor of 'imaginary entities created by human groups'. Instead, it seems that the entity itself is pre-existing, and the egregore essentially emerges in its interaction with the group - it draws energy from them, strengthening itself, and using those who resonate with it to extend its influence through the physical world. It seems quite clear that communications technologies are an incredible boon to such entities....
As far as Mary Balogh goes some of us "before" her interview, wrote things like "hey wait a minute! Is she downloading information? Because of the simple, yet depth of meaning that sometimes spills out in the pages of her novels. So....kind of a hit for us too:-)
Q: (L) Okay. But still can human beings create a being, like Stavish described?

A: Not really. Such a creation is more a function of FRV and will dissipate upon breakup of the group.

Q: (L) But for a period of time there is something that is drawing and recycling energy within a group.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) But it has no persistence or autonomy...

A: No.
First of all THANKS for the session, I love it!

Could this be the case for manifestations like the Virgin Mary in the sky for a very large group of people?
Thank you for this wonderful session.
It's good that the egregore issue was clarified.
In my opinion, calling all these phenomena both caused by people, groups of people and essential 4D "pendulums" as proposed by Vadim Zeland in "Transfing Reality" would be more accurate.
The clues in treating cancer are invaluable just curious if they can be universal for others.
Thanks again for sharing the transcript, there's a lot to think about.

Q: (L) So, say a person was extremely sad at the loss of a loved one... And they can't get out of it. They just go on and on and on and concentrate on their grief again and again. And they think about either the awful state that they are in, or how things were and are no more. They could conceivably create a thought form or, you know, an energy structure of that sort?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Would that energy structure then have the possibility of having its own autonomy and leaving its source?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And would it necessarily be extinguished at some point?

A: Not always.

Q: (L) So, it could be persistent...

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) Such things must be being created all the time, then.

A: Yes. It is a jungle out there.

Awareness, mental hygiene, etc. Good to know there's no spinning involved as Stavish recommends in his book.
Session Date: May 13th 2023

Laura and Andromeda at the board

Pierre, Joe, Gaby, Ark, Possibility of Being, Chu, Scottie, Niall, Pikabu the Cat

FOTCM Members participating via Zoom:

3DStudent, A Jay, Adobe, Aeneas, aimarok, Alana, Alejo, Altair, Ana Huitzil, Anamarija, anartist, Andrian, Anthony, Approaching Infinity, Aragorn, bluefyre, Bobo08, brandon, Breton, cassandra, cinnamon, ClaudiaYG, Cosmos, Deliverance, dugdeep, Eboard10, Ellipse, fabric, Fallen735, finduilas495, France, Gawan, genero81, Glenn, goyacobol, grini, herondancer, Hesper, hesperides, hlat & his wife, iamthatis, irjO, itellsya, Jacques, JeanneT, JEEP, Jefferson, Jenn, jess, Josi, Juba, Kenlee, keyhole, KJN, Konstantin, korzik18, laurentien2, Lilou, logos5x5, Loreta, LQB, Luc, m, Maat, Maiko, Mari, Mariama, Mark7, Mikkael, Mililea, mkrnhr, Mr.Cyan, Mrs. Peel, msante, Navigator, NewEngland Seeker, Nicholas, nicklebleu & his wife, Nienna, Obi, Ollie, OrangeScorpion, Oxajil, Pecha, PERLOU, Pophistorian, Puma, RedFox, Redrock12, Regulattor, rrraven, Ryan, Rylek, Ryu, Saman, Sariade, seek10, seeker2seer, Sinapi, Stoneboss, sToRmR1dR, T.C., Terran, thorbjorn, Timótheos, Tristan, Tuatha de Danaan, Ursus Minor, voyageur, whitecoast, will01, williamsj, Windmill Knight, Yas, Ysus, Z, Zar

Q: (L) All right. Tape recorder going.

A: Niolloniaea of Cassiopaea here at your service.

Q: (L) And I forgot to say this is May 13th. Oh geez. Yeah. 2023. And the usual suspects are here. [Review of those present.]

Q: (L) We have a kind of a pressing question about one of our members, NewEngland Seeker. He is currently being treated for a melanoma. And he has been doing - as far as we can see - all the absolute right things with the IV therapies and so on. And yet it seems that there is something that's causing his condition to be a little more aggressive than it ought to be, considering all he's doing. Do you have any suggestions for him that might help?

A: Ask.

Q: (L) Okay. He's been doing IV therapy with vitamin C and he asked if this was a problem or a help.

A: Better to take slightly higher doses of liposomal than high doses of IV C.

Q: (L) Why is that?

A: Vitamin C in high doses can take the place of sugar in some systems.

Q: (L) Okay. If he's gonna take slightly higher doses of liposomal, what would that slightly higher dose be?

A: 5 to 10 daily or one gram every hour during infusion.

Q: (L) When you say 5 to 10, you mean grams?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, all right. Anything else?

(Joe) So, infusions aren't a good idea?

A: No.

Q: (Joe) So switch to liposomal five to ten grams a day.

A: Oral.

Q: (L) Okay. Anything else?

A: Your hyperbaric therapy is beneficial too. 90 minutes daily.

Q: (L) Would 90 minutes daily be good for Pierre too?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Anything else?

A: He has most other aspects right but an increase of vitamin D and K is helpful. Time restricted eating also.

Q: (Gaby) Vitamin D will be like 30,000 daily?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) NewEngland Seeker, have you been doing any time restricted eating?

(Joe) Intermittent fasting?

(NewEngland Seeker) I have been decreasing the calories and slowly losing weight. Does that qualify?

(L) No.

(Joe) It's intermittent.

(NewEngland Seeker) So, I'm starting to do fasting on Sundays.

(L) No, that's not the idea either. I posted a video about it, probably the best video on it. And what thread did I put it in?

(Joe) Do a search for intermittent fasting.

(Gaby) I think it was intermittent fasting.

(L) Well, did I put it in the fasting thread? Well, we’ll share the link. But basically, you're not really fasting on any whole day. You're cutting your eating time to a narrow window and there's specific reasons for it. It's all explained in the video. You're cutting your window of eating down, but during that window, you basically eat everything you want and need, fill up, you know, get full, whatever. And you can have two meals, one at the beginning of the window and one just towards the end of the window and he explains everything.

(Andromeda) And it's eight hours, right?

(Joe) It's ideally eight hours at least. So basically, for example, you would have breakfast at 10 o'clock in the morning or 8 o'clock, whatever, and eight hours after that is your last meal, or you finished your last meal eight hours after. So you're eating in an eight hour window. So say it's at 10 o'clock in the morning, you have your breakfast, then at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, you have your big meal. And you can have a big breakfast...

(L) That's it.

(Joe) And that's it. And then nothing after that except water from 4 o'clock in the afternoon until the next morning. So you're giving yourself 16 hours of no eating, which allows your system to kinda like, do all sorts of wonderful magical things and cure itself.

(NewEngland Seeker) Yeah. You know, the surprising thing is that's what I have been doing for years. Except I have one snack just before I go to bed. So it's like I just have to cut the snack.

(L) Yeah, because the snack throws you completely out of the fasted state.

(Joe) And just to be clear, if you can do it in a window of six hours, it's even better.

(NewEngland Seeker) The one thing that has changed quite a bit is the... what we call the GKI index. I used to be in the teens, so now I'm operating in the high level of ketosis - therapeutic ketosis. So that changed dramatically since the infusion started.

(L) I don't think you need to worry so much about strict ketosis. But what you do need to worry about is not eating anything that your body is sensitive to. So if you haven't had any tests done on food sensitivities, have those done and then eat strictly within that range of foods that are permissible. That's kind of the main thing. But I would say eat, you know, something balanced. And you will need some carbs, and for me, I found that the best carb is rice that has been really washed before cooking.

(NewEngland Seeker) Yes. Very very close to what I am doing or have been doing for quite some time. What I mentioned about the change of metabolism, it has occurred without change in diet.

(L) Okay. Yeah. Okay. So let's see what happens if you... is there anything else for NewEngland Seeker on this topic?

(Joe) What about hyperbaric?

(L) Do you have access to a hyperbaric treatment?

(NewEngland Seeker) Yes I do. Now, is there a point to bring up any difference between exercising with oxygen versus the hyperbaric?

(L) Okay. What's the difference between exercising with oxygen and hyperbaric?

A: Pressure forces the oxygen deeper into the tissues.

Q: (Joe) Yeah. We know that. It's good to do oxygen if that's all you have, but the hyperbaric really gets the oxygen with the pressure. You don't get the pressure just with the exercise and the oxygen.

(NewEngland Seeker) The source I have only goes to 1.3 or roughly four and a half pounds of extra pressure. Would 90 minutes be sufficient for that?

(L) Yes. Probably the higher the pressure you can get, the better it is and the faster it forces. If you could get access to a 1.5 chamber, that would be better.

(Joe) You have a 1.3 chamber?

(NewEngland Seeker) The naturopath has the hyperbaric chamber and I just don't have room in the small house we live in. That's the limitation.

(Joe) Can you do it every day?

(NewEngland Seeker) Five days a week. They're closed on the weekends.

(L) Well, it would probably be worth it considering the cost that they would charge you, to invest in getting one and getting a 1.5. I mean, I know you just said that you don't have the space for it, but under the circumstances, making the space... and if it's a soft side chamber, you know, it kind of collapses and doesn't take up a lot of space and you can push it out of the way. But anyway, think about it. Okay?

(NewEngland Seeker) Well thank you all so much.

(L) Okay. And we're gonna keep you on the prayer list and I think we're gonna see what happens here and I think it's gonna be better.

(NewEngland Seeker) Oh, I'm very positive about it, so thank you.

(L) Okay, now egregores. What about all you people with your questions? Let me see what we've got going on here.

(L) How is our brother L doing?

A: Very well thanks to influence from group and prayers. He is camping!

Q: (L) So there's a place there that has forests and...

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Nature galore if you want it.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) All right. Next question. Okay, Whitecoast said:

(Whitecoast) He makes me wonder how the inventors of that being could prove it came entirely from their imagination also, instead of channeling in some other way.

(L) And he's talking about the Philip case. And when we put this session up, let's include the synopsis of that case. So maybe you can get it ready, Approaching Infinity, so we can put it in there. Okay. Was the Philip case a case of creation of a being as is supposed because they created the backstory, they created the name, they created all the things, and then they started trying to talk to him, and then they talked to him. Was that actually what happened?

A: No.

Q: (L) Was it, as Joe suggested, some dead dude opportunistically skipping along there in the ethereal realm saying, "Oh, that's me! I can get energy this way."

A: More or less. There are many such entities in the astral realms.

Q: (L) So be careful what you ask for. [Laughter]. Well, then that leads to the next question: Did Alexandra David-Néel create a thought being of her own?

A: No.

Q: (L) What was that?

A: She added energy to an elemental being, something like a nature creature.

Q: (L) And this leads obviously to the next question: When we're doing spirit release, we come across all kinds of really bizarre things. I mean, just like thought forms that come and attach and even thought forms that are created by the individual. Are these thought forms like discrete beings that have intelligence, autonomy, and persistence?

A: Some are. And some "die" after being disconnected from the source of energy.

Q: (L) Okay. If we encounter a thought form-type critter that has come and attached to an individual, is that thought form-type critter something that has been created by some other individual in the same way that some of the ones that we have encountered are created by that individual person?

(Andromeda) Right. Like created by a thought loop or strong emotion and/or a split-off part of their personality?

A: Some yes. Others are gathered energies of place or object.

Q: (L) Place or object. So you're saying that objects can... What kind of objects?

A: Trees, for one.

Q: (L) So natural objects?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So natural objects can concentrate energy such that it forms a thought form?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Okay. And places also?

A: Yes. And some places respond to activities of humans and 2D creatures.

Q: (Joe) That's like Lethbridge, right?

(L) So a place can acquire a concentration of energy because of the actions of humans in that place?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And the same is true for the actions of say, 2D creatures?

A: Yes. Though the latter is less concentrated.

Q: (L) So the imprints of creatures is less concentrated than humans?

A: Yes.

Q: (Ark) What is the relation of spells to this? When someone is casting the spell, is it a kind of a thought form also?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So people can create thought forms when they cast spells?

A: Yes. And also attract energies that are already free-floating and frequency matched.

Q: (Ark) How do you protect yourself against such things?

A: Knowledge protects. Awareness and psychic hygiene measures generally suffice. Group actions are the next level of defense.

Q: (Andromeda) What gives these things power? Like their power source... some are more powerful than others, you know? Is it a longer life, the emotional energy they get from the person, the frequency match? What is it?

A: Emotional energy is the key.

Q: (L) So strong emotions of love, anger, frustration, hate, despair, sadness, grief, those things?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, say a person was extremely sad at the loss of a loved one... And they can't get out of it. They just go on and on and on and concentrate on their grief again and again. And they think about either the awful state that they are in, or how things were and are no more. They could conceivably create a thought form or, you know, an energy structure of that sort?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Would that energy structure then have the possibility of having its own autonomy and leaving its source?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And would it necessarily be extinguished at some point?

A: Not always.

Q: (L) So, it could be persistent...

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) Such things must be being created all the time, then.

A: Yes. It is a jungle out there.

Q: (L) Okay. Well, let's see about questions.

(L) I'm not gonna ask Z’s question cause I don't want to divert the topic right now. We'll come back to those cancer questions maybe towards the end.

(L) Okay...

(Navigator) Do "egregores" exist as Stavish describes them? A being created from the thoughts of a group of people which then takes a consciousness of its own, and needs to be fed from time to time, and being either positive or negative.

(L) Okay. That's basically what Stavish's main egregore definition is...

(Andromeda) Basically like a group attachment.

A: He is close except it usually happens from the top down. That is, a being can influence a group of people to take certain actions and thereby establish a feeding pool for itself.

Q: (L) Okay. But still can human beings create a being, like Stavish described?

A: Not really. Such a creation is more a function of FRV and will dissipate upon breakup of the group.

Q: (L) But for a period of time there is something that is drawing and recycling energy within a group.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) But it has no persistence or autonomy...

A: No.

Q: (L) Okay. So, in the cases that Stavish talks about where it's more prolonged and it seems like it changes and begins to become demanding and basically rebels, what is that?

A: Usually 4D STS using a group of people to feed and plant ideas into 3D. Note that often the eminence grise in such groups is a psychopath and you can read current studies to see how the morphing works.

Q: (L) So I think that might be referring to Lobaczewski when he describes how psychopaths within a group can shift the direction, the ideas, and then change the ideology and all that?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Right. Okay.

(Navigator) What about "personal" egregores? Why does Stavish focus exclusively on the group aspect of this phenomena? Is it because the existence of the egregore needs to be "agreed on" by more than one person?

A: Bad question. There are no personal egregores.

Q: (L) "Why does Stavish focus exclusively on the group aspect of this?" Maybe that's because that's how it's observed. Okay...

(Navigator) In one of the appendices of the book, Stavish recounts the brutal illness that affected his esoteric group once the master died, or around the time he died. He thinks the group egregore was to blame, but was it?

A: 4D STS feeder operating through astral attachments.

Q: (L) Okay. So that makes another question: Does 4D STS utilize astral beings, dead dudes, energy concentrations, or beings or elementals and so forth to affect or afflict human beings?

A: Yes, yes, yes.

Q: (L) It's a jungle out there. All right.

(T.C.) The illness that that group studied was, I think, that lots of people in that group had some sort of blood disorders.

(L) Mm-Hmm.

(Joe) Possibly viral in origin.

(L) Possibly viral? Well, that wouldn't necessarily... I think they had blood disorders of some kind. Could it have been viral?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) And what do we know about viruses and attachments?

(L) Yeah. Okay.

(Ze Germans) Are egregores simply collective unconsciousness on different scales?

A: No.

Q: (Ze Germans) Can we become completely free from the influence of any egregore?

A: Theoretically, yes, but practically difficult.

Q: (L) What was...

(Andromeda) But that's completely free of egregores in the sense of egregores being what he's talking about.

(Joe) Exactly. I mean, we need to disabuse people of the idea that what this guy is saying about egregores, that that's actually what it is. I hope they're getting that.

(L) Yeah. I mean...

(Andromeda) He's just talking about things like influence or limbic resonance or...

(L) Yeah, he's putting everything in the basket.

(hesperides) What was the real cause of M. Stavish's sudden physical pain right at the time when the Grand Master died?

A: Feeding tube detachment.

Q: (L) You mean, a psychic feeding tube between him and this person?

A: Yes.

Q: (Eboard10) Stavish describes the Rosicrucians's Cathedral of the Soul as "an imaginary, ethereal Cathedral, first created in thought and then sponsored and maintained by thought" and as "a spiritual creation resulting from the concentration of spiritual thoughts". Is this in any way similar to the country house from the SRT imaginal realm?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So we have created a country house in our imaginal realm. Is the Rosicrucian Cathedral a useful ethereal construct?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is our country house a useful ethereal construct?

A: Yes. Though you have qualified it differently due to your knowledge.

Q: (L) Yeah, because we think of it not as an astral thing, but as a pattern for a 4D reality, or an alternate reality, that we could switch to at some point.

(Andromeda) It's also for everybody who already has a common aim and knows each other. From what I understand, that's like, it can't just be anybody that goes in there, imagines it and gets whatever.

(L) Yeah. And this one is surrounded by a protective shield, and we utilize it in a very different way than what they're doing with their...

(Joe) They're taking the archetype of a cathedral. A cathedral, a Christian cathedral... Which is not very non-denominational, you know what I mean?

(L) Yeah. I mean, ours is kind of a non-denominational country house, you know... Okay, hold on. Hold everything please... Okay. Can egregores... Well, we're using the word egregore because that's what Stavish used. So let me ask this question before we continue. Okay. Egregore as Stavish uses it... he has taken it from, I think, the Greek translation of the word in Aramaic or whatever, that means watchers. And I have always thought that these watchers, these fallen angels that are talked about in the Enochian books, were like 4th density beings. So what are the watchers?

A: 4D beings!

Q: (L) Okay, so the word "egregore" as Stavish uses is mostly incorrect. Am I right about that?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So he calls practically anything and everything an egregore when it is technically not an egregore?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) And like they said, he posits it as coming from the bottom up, everything created by human beings, when it's mostly not that.

(L) It's mostly top down.

(Joe) Anything that comes from the bottom up is only ephemeral and doesn't last very long.

(L) Is that true, that what comes from the bottom up is ephemeral and doesn't last that long?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Okay.

(nicklebleu) Can egregores be a positive influence, or are they mostly or always negative?

(Chu) Well, if they're hyperdimensional beings...

(L) If they're hyperdimensional beings, they're always negative if it is truly an egregore. Is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Okay. So what we're talking about in all these other cases, we need to use different language for. There is resonance between individuals, there are elementals...

(Joe) Don't we as a group on the forum and Laura's work and everything already have a much better, much more clearly defined description of the kind of entities of various different types than what this guy is trying to define as egregores?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) So why would we even bother... [laughter]

(L) Well, okay, so we're not gonna use this terminology, but still he brings up some things that lead us to ask some questions to further define our understanding of these other realms.

(Joe) I'm not saying there's nothing in it. What I'm saying is that people on the forum seem to be talking already about "these egregores", you know what I mean? And they have the wrong conception of what they are.

(L) And they're not egregores. They're thought forms, they're limbic resonance, they're elementals.

(Andromeda) Or split parts of the personality...

(L) Or they're astral entities wandering around trying to act like whatever they want. Okay, here's a question.

(Approaching Infinity) What about an author like Mary Balogh, who imagines seemingly autonomous characters in her mind, and she just records what they do in her imagination? Is there some relation to what we’re talking about?

A: Not exactly. More likely that Mary is recording dynamics that have actually occurred at some place and time. Sort of like a "past life biographer".

Q: (L) So in other words, it's almost like the characters are essences of some people who have lived at some place and time who communicate with her about a certain dynamic. Of course, she adds to it and expands it, makes it fancy and whatever. Is that what we're talking about, that she's basically kind of channeling the lives of long gone people?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) Or composite of characters? And is she getting all that from the Akashic Records?

A: Information field.

Q: (L) Okay. Now...

(irjO) Could it be that some of those types of thoughts could be what we know as programs too?

A: Yes yes yes!

Q: (L) So we have another term: programs. We have thought forms, we have programs, we have limbic resonance, we have astral entities. And egregores should be reserved for 4D STS critters.

(Ark) What about the nature of scientific thought form, where there are times when several scientists almost at the same time get essentially the same idea?

A: Influences of 4, 5, 6D information to humanity.

Q: (L) So you mean four, five OR six?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So it could be any one of those that are influencing human beings... And that could be positive or negative if it's 4D, yeah?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So they could come up with some really bad ideas for weapons and stuff like that.

(Joe) It's kinda like broadcasting a signal, you know, on the radio around the globe...

A: Yes yes yes!

Q: (L) And it depends on who has the receiver, the antenna...

(Joe) Whether it's positive or negative.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And that would explain the sometimes cryptogeographic nature of it where...

(Joe) a bunch people act in the same way.

(L) Or where you think of something, and two or three people in your social circle - or even if they're distant from you - suddenly call you on the phone and tell you the same thing. And you think, oh Jesus, this is crazy!

(Joe) Or mass chaos, or something, of people going off...

A: Yes or it can be evidence of a change in the program of reality with concomitant broadcasting of new reality parameters.

Q: (Joe) Hmm. "We interrupt our scheduled program..." [laughter]

(L) " bring you this special program." [laughter]

(Joe) Y'all go crazy! It's called, "Y'all go mental!" [laughter]

(L) Okay, hold on...

(Niall) And then there's breaking news in four countries. Mass shootings, and you're like, "What the hell just happened here?" [laughter]

(L) Okay...

(T.C.) So there wouldn't be such a thing as a positive egregore because the concept involves an infringement of free will by the 'higher' being?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Good job. Okay...

(mkrnhr) Is Yahweh an example of a 4D entity taking the role of an "egregore”?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Okay.

(Toronto Group) Do the thoughts and emotions engendered by communication with Chat AI's contribute to an AI egregore and in some way affect the consciousness of AI's?

A: No. Remember who and what is behind AI. AI is a feeding tube.

Q: (L) So the people that get all... Hmm. Well, okay. "Can certain crystals protect from the influence of...?" Well, let's stop calling it "egregores", unless you're talking about 4D STS, but we already know what the crystals protect against. So that's kind of a moot question. We've already kind of answered that. Okay. T.C.: We have to bear in mind that Stavish was heavily involved in a magical group doing rituals. So, the fact that he had a feeding tube isn't surprising, I think.

A: Yes!

Q: (Joe) He's some dude that was part of some magical group, and he got freaked out by awareness of what was going on, or some demon or some entity. And then he went... he's like a reformed Catholic, you know? And he suddenly went, this is all just thought forms. People create all this, none of this is real. There's no such thing as demons and stuff. We create it all, right? So, it's easy to control. There's nothing else out there.

(Chu) And he also wants to give humans too much agency.

(Joe) Yeah, it's all created by humans. That's what I'm saying, yes.

(L) Stavish describes the Rosicrucian Cathedral of the Soul as an imaginary ... Okay. We did that one....

(Eboard10) They said yes to the cathedral being useful in what way?

A: For Catholics, prayer focus.

Q: (Alejo) Is there any entity from the jungle that is attracted to the FRV of the country house that was created for SRTs, and if so, are they good to keep around?

A: No. You have established and maintained a protective sphere.

Q: (Joe) That's an egregore, that protective sphere is an egregore... [laughter]

(Pecha) "Egregore" is a sort of a rough word. It sounds like a combination of "egregious" and "gore" [Laughter]. The sound profile may be also important in what words are more positive?

(L) Well, any comment to that?

A: Indeed!

Q: (Ryan) Is the term "astral" merely an imprecise definition of hyperdimensional phenomena?

A: Yes and no. Astral is still partly restricted to 3D.

Q: (L) "How much..." it's getting unpleasant to use the word in the loose ways it's being used.

(Ze Germans) How much influence is being exerted from the underground civilizations of earth?

(L) And you said "egregore" influence, but I would have to say that that's not an egregore influence. That's thought form transmission. Is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So they transmit thoughts, and thought forms.

(Andromeda) like broadcasting...

(L) Yeah, like broadcasting, and depending on the receivership of the individual, that determines what gets picked up.

A: Yes.

Q: (nicklebleu) Is the current wave of gender dysphoria an egregore?

A: Oh indeed and in the real sense of the word!

Q: (L) Egregious and gore.

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) It's like, they broadcast those signals, some people pick them up -or a lot of people pick them up - and they resonate with that negativity, and they start acting that out and that changes or strengthens the connection for more. It's like a downward spiral. (Andromeda) Yeah, like grooving a channel.

(L) Okay, let's skip that one for a moment.

(Ryan) Do thought forms actually require a psychic link to a mind to exist? So, thoughts don't exist in a vacuum, so to speak.

A: Mostly, yes.

Q: (L) And would the exceptions be when it's been so strengthened that it takes on a somewhat autonomous state?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So thought forms can become autonomous.

A: Weakly.

Q: (L) Okay. Go back up to the top. There were some other off-topic questions that we want to see if we can grab. I'd like to get all of this. Okay.

(Z) Question relating to cancer treatment: is the guy who was working on the metabolic approach, i.e. glucose and glutamine restriction, onto something?

A: Yes.

Q: (Z) Is this a game changer?

A: For some.

Q: (Mrs. Peel) Is fenbendazole really helpful in cancer treatment?

A: Yes.

Q: (T.C.) Completely unrelated. The Cs said when one feels stuck, to focus on others. Does this have anything to do with getting out of "left brain mode" and activating the right brain?

A: Partly.

Q: (L) Well, how can we expand on that? Can we expand on how focusing on others is beneficial?

A: Changes the antennae.

Q: (L) And changing the antenna changes what you're receiving.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And changing what you're receiving can change how much influence other things around you have on you.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And focusing on others then can change pretty much everything in your physiology.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Works for me!

(nicklebleu) Would a strict carnivorous diet benefit NewEngland Seeker?

A: No. He needs to do food sensitivity testing and eat low carb but not no carb. Also glucose regulator will be good.

Q: (L) He's taking one, he's taking berberine, isn't he? Are you taking berberine, NewEngland Seeker?

(NewEngland Seeker) That, I'm not sure. We have a variety of supplements from the naturopath and I think it's in there, but I'm not exactly sure.

(L) Well, berberine or metformin, because that keeps your blood glucose level really low, so that it doesn't spread anything around in there.

(NewEngland Seeker) I'm keeping it in the nineties.

(L) Okay. Have you got a blood glucose monitor?

(NewEngland Seeker) Yes.

(L) Okay. All right. So I think we've reached the end of this topic.

(Chu) Now there's more different questions here.

(L) All right. Here we go. We start there.

(Ze Germans) What is the karmic role of Russia?

A: Replay of Atlantis.

Q: (L) When you say replay of Atlantis, are you saying that Russia is playing the part of Atlantis?

A: No. The adversary.

Q: (L) So in other words, the one that defeated Atlantis when it attempted to take over the world?

A: Yes.

Q: (Ze Germans) What kind of energy did the name "Morebuntk" from the previous session represent?

A: That which was appropriate to the time, place and attendees. Nothing negative.

Q: (L) It could be pronounced "mo-re-bunk".

(seek10) There's a thread on Tartaria on the forum. Was there any kingdom called Tartaria in the past? If so, was it around 3000 BCE in Eastern Europe.

A: Yes. Tartars.

Q: (L) But "tartar" is raw meat! [Laughter]

(Andromeda) As well. And there's a sauce.

(Joe) Not to be confused with "taters".

(Redrock12) Is prednisone an effective treatment for a bladder infection?

A: No.

Q: (Joe) D-mannose and cranberry juice.

(L) D-mannose, cranberry juice, sodium bicarbonate.

(Joe) If it's just a straight up bladder infection, d-mannose is very effective.

(L) Yeah.

(Joe) One teaspoon regularly throughout the day until it's gone.

(L) You can sweeten your drink with d-mannose.

(Joe) Take as much as you want.

(Gaby) If not, see a doctor!

(seek10) Were there mud floods in the past as these Tartaria proponents propose?

A: Not as such. More like ordinary floods that deposit mud.

Q: (Ryan) Was the gospel of Mark written as a collaboration by multiple people? If so, was Paul one of those people?

A: Yes.

Q: (Mrs. Peel) Are the Rothchilds the pinnacle of human controllers on Earth?

A: Close.

Q: (Ellipse) Last session we saw that our blood types were engineered. Who did it and for what purpose?

A: 4D STS for tracking and support of genetic variation.

Q: (Ze Germans) Did humans speak one language before the Fall?

A: Yes.

Q: (nicklebleu) Is a strict carnivorous diet beneficial to some or do all humans need some -although variable- amounts of carbs?

A: The latter except in certain cases of genetic variability.

Q: (L) So some people need a strictly carnivorous diet, but most people probably need some carbs of varying amounts.

(Joe) Is that genetic variation a positive genetic variation in terms of living on this planet?

A: Defect. Difficult for their survival and thriving under certain conditions.

Q: (L) So it would be a defect if you get to the point where you can only eat meat.

(Ryan) Was Nietzsche contacted by the spirit of Zarathustra?

A: No.

Q: (Ryan) Was it his imagination, or another entity such as 4D STS?

A: Both of the latter.

Q: (Konstantin) Was the child who shot at kids at school in Belgrade a psychopath as he claimed, or was he influenced by some intelligence, like Mossad or similar?

A: 4D STS via astral attachment.

Q: (L) So he's just kind of there to create fear and panic and horror and pain and suffering.

A: Yes.

Q: (Andromeda) There were two within a short period of time, right?

(Joe) Yeah, within a few days.

(L) In Belgrade?

(Andromeda) Yeah. Was it the same case for both of them?

A: Yes.

Q: (Niall) There's your egregore right there.

(L) Yeah, there's an egregore.

(Ze Germans) Was the human brain divided into two hemispheres before the Fall?

A: Yes.

Q: (Chu) They said after, before.

(L) They did?

(Chu) Yeah, you wrote about it in The Wave.

(L) Oh,

(Niall) They asked a test question. Who did that? [Laughter]

(Joe) The question is, before the Fall, was the human brain divided into two hemispheres?

(L) Well, the brain has got two hemispheres no matter what.

(Chu) I think what you said on The Wave was that they were way better connected back then, and that after the Fall, they became lateralized.

A: Exactly. There was always a division in function.

Q: (L) But it was more connected and integrated before the Fall?

A: Yes.

Q: (Ze Germans) Was telepathy how people communicated before the Fall?

A: Partly. But there were "sounds" emitted both by individuals in 4D as well as objects.

Q: (L) All right. Are we at the end now? I'm... I'm not gonna do those questions tonight. There's too much stuff.

(Andromeda) That's for next time.

(L) Yeah. Anything else?

(Joe) I have one question. Super short.

(L) All right.

(Joe) Does the tomb of Saint Jacques de Compostela in Spain actually contain the remains of Saint Paul?

(A) Yes.

(Joe) What about them helicopters?

(L) Are you gonna ask about it?

(Joe) No, we can save it for next time.

(L) All right. Is there anything we should have asked that we didn't ask? If so, consider it asked.

A: You are too tired. Love to all and stay aware. Goodbye.

Thank you so much for the great session and great talk about before the fall and the last thing (love to all) Thank you Cassiopeians!
Great! dear Cassiopaeans! :-)
Thanks ladies and gentlemen for the insightful Session.
—this Session: 13 May 2023—

Q: (L) Okay. If we encounter a thought form-type critter that has come and attached to an individual, is that thought form-type critter something that has been created by some other individual in the same way that some of the ones that we have encountered are created by that individual person?
(Andromeda) Right. Like created by a thought loop or strong emotion and/or a split-off part of their personality?
A: Some yes. Others are gathered energies of place or object.

Q: (L) Place or object. So you're saying that objects can... What kind of objects?
A: Trees, for one.​

Amazing synchronism with the “dreams” on Rosicrucians and the battle of the Trees posted just 16 minutes before this Session.​
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