Session 16 April 2016


FOTCM Member
Session Date: April 16th 2016

Laura, Andromeda, and Galatea at the board

Pierre, Joe, Chu, Data, Ark, Possibility of Being, Oxajil, Scottie, Niall, Noko the Wonderdog, Luna (the furry one, not the celestial body)

Q: (L) Today is the 16th of April, 2016. 16-4-16.

A: Hello children! Niodllaea of Cassiopaea.

Q: (L) So, Ark has a first question about the headaches he gets in the mornings. He thinks it has something to do with energy, but he wakes up with these headaches. I occasionally wake up with them also. What is the cause of the headaches?

A: Buildup of EM energies in concert with Earth changes.

Q: (L) So how can one best deal with them?

A: Discharge them.

Q: (L) And how does one discharge them?

A: Wire mesh under mattress connected to ground.

Q: (Pierre) There are devices like that, actually. People put this chicken wire under their mattress, attach it to a wire, and the wire is connected to ground.

(Ark) Any particular form of the mesh? I mean, like rectangles, triangles, spiral?

A: Square and small mesh.

Q: (Scottie) There's that fencing material where each square is 1cm by 1cm.

(Pierre) I’m gonna get some. It's galvanized, so it won't rust.

(Ark) Ground to what? Like radiator, or what?

(Scottie) Or just hook it up to the ground prong in an outlet. [radiators and metal piping here are actually not effectively grounded]

(Ark) Would the electrical ground work?

A: Yes, very well in fact.

Q: (Ark) What kind of wire?

A: Conductive.

Q: (Ark) It doesn't matter? It can be aluminum or copper?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) It just has to be conductive.

(Galatea) Does the same thing apply to why people get migraines?

A: No.

Q: (Galatea) Why do people get migraines?

A: Defect in brain signaling.

Q: (L) Okay, next question?

(Galatea) Do the Cs suffer?

A: Not as you understand it, but in empathy only.

Q: (L) I think I remember ya'll saying that when we suffer, you suffer. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) Why have we all been so exhausted lately? And not just us, but people all over the world?

A: Earth changes bring many changes to humans that are energetic.

Q: (Pierre) In the forum, several members reported that they've been dropping and breaking things in an unusual way. Is the cause the same?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) What does the dropping of things symbolize?

A: Doesn't "symbolize". It is a symptom.

Q: (Galatea) Is it gonna get better soon, or is it just going to get worse?

A: You must pass through the "Valley of the Shadow."

Q: (Pierre) That sounds like an exciting place. [laughter]

(L) I guess if you pass through the Valley of the Shadow, you eventually come out into the sunshine.

(Galatea) Or there's a cliff...

A: Yes.

Q: (L) They were answering me, not you! [laughter]

A: No cliff except for those who don't enter the valley.

Q: (Joe) The Valley of the Shadow is like a bypass for the cliff.

(L) So it's like the difference between the high road and the low road?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) In the Missing 411 book, before people vanish do they see people that they know? As in: Do their abductors shape-shift into people they know?

A: Not usually, no.

Q: (Galatea) One kid said he was abducted by his aunt even though she wasn't there with him.

(L) So it can happen, but not usually. Maybe the strong-willed ones have to be lured in some way.

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Is garlic really bad for people who got "garlic bad for them" on the food sensitivity test?

A: Yes. Its benefits are greatly overrated.

Q: (L) It's good, but its benefits are overrated.

(Andromeda) And it may not be for everybody if they react to it.

(L) What about the Gurdjieff question?

(Galatea) Oh yeah!

(L) The question asked on the forum: If Gurdjieff was so advanced, how could it be that he was so inattentive that he got into a car accident?

A: He wasn't "so inattentive". He was aware. It was at the point he became fully cognizant of the forces which he had hitherto considered less capable than they actually were.

Q: (L) In other words, he knew more or less what kind of forces there were, but he miscalculated in assessing their capabilities. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And after that, he made a lot of changes. I felt like there was something else to it.

(Ark) I don't understand. You drive a car, right? And you hit a tree. That means you are thinking about something else. He was not concentrating.

(Pierre) Not necessarily, Ark. You can hit a car...

A: Due to energetic draining via associates.

Q: (L) So if they can't get a person directly, they can get to them through people close to them.

A: Yes

Q: (Ark) It's still not clear. If you have an accident because someone hits you, alright. Something worked on this someone, this someone else was a tool. But you go on an empty road, you and only you are responsible for what you are doing. And then, at certain point, you decide to hit the tree. It means that you are not yourself. You are a tool.

(Pierre) Maybe he didn't decide to hit the tree.

(Data) There was a car coming out.

(Ark) No, there was nothing. At that time?

(Joe) Very few cars on the road.

(Pierre) Maybe we could ask.

(Data) It was an intersection, and the car came out of the intersection.

(Ark) No, that would be a completely new theory.

(Pierre) What caused the accident then? Did he fall asleep?

(Ark) He hit the tree! Like this guy who crashed and died in front of our house.

(Pierre) But in that case, there was this energetic distortion: negative energy hitting the "protective bubble".

(Ark) Maybe he was drunk?

(L) Was he drunk?

A: No

Q: (L) Was there anything mechanically wrong with the car?

A: Yes

Q: (Niall) He asked somebody to check the car beforehand.

(L) Was it the mechanical thing that caused the accident?

A: Yes

Q: (Ark) Alright.

(Pierre) And actually, maybe this mechanical defect was caused by this energetic thing that was going on.

(L) Associates... Whoever worked on the car. Was it somebody who worked on the car who was acted on?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) So you had this guy doing mechanics who was messed up by higher STS forces, and he forgot to tighten a screw or something. He asked his car to be checked before. So now the question is: Did the mechanic do it intentionally, or was he just distracted and made a mistake?

A: Neither.

Q: (L) He didn't do it deliberately, and he wasn't distracted...

(Galatea) He was possessed!

A: Close

Q: (Pierre) An entity controlled the guy and pushed him to create a fault.

A: The very fact that the car was recently checked should raise suspicions rather than be used as evidence of mechanical correctness.

Q: (Ark) I want to make it clear what was Gurdjieff's fault? Was he driving unnecessarily fast?

A: No

Q: (Ark) What could he have done better than he did?

A: In this case, not much other than be his own mechanic.

Q: (L) In a sense, no matter how careful and aware you are in this world, there's a certain vulnerability that's inherent in having to rely on other people in various ways.

(Pierre) Because you're not alone. You don't perform every task yourself. You depend on others. You depend on others' awareness or susceptibility to be misguided.

(L) Think about the time that I was in the car going to pick Galatea up and the wheel nearly fell off. We had just had the car at the mechanic's a few days before and had two new tires put on and the wheels rotated. And they had supposedly used an air impact wrench to tighten all the bolts. Even if they left only one not tightened, it would have been fine. But every single nut was loose on that wheel. One was completely missing, and the rest were nearly at the end of the threads.

(Pierre) And like the C's said, it's not like because your car goes to the garage that it will be pristine. On the contrary, here is where mistakes will be made.

(L) Especially if you're a target.

(Pierre) There are mechanical defects where you can't do anything. If in a curve your steering wheel breaks, you have no control whatsoever. The only solution is to jump.

(Ark) There was this comment about energetic draining by associates. Who was the energetic drain? Gurdjieff was energetically drained, right? So in fact, he could do something by paying attention before not to let himself be so energetically drained.

(Joe) He could have prevented it by being all-knowing and perfect.

(L) And he just simply wasn't all-knowing and perfect, and that's why he was still on this planet. Otherwise, he would have disappeared in a flash of light.

(Pierre) But here what he could have done is realized a channel of attack could be other people. And he would have checked what the mechanic did. But this assumes he had both the awareness and the mechanical knowledge to detect the fault - if it's detectable!

(L) Okay, next? Oh! We want to ask about water. Is the best way to charge your water to put these coded messages on your water like they're talking about in these experiments?

A: Not necessary, that is for experimental double blind purposes.

Q: (L) Okay, so getting these codes and doing that isn't necessary for imprinting your water. We already established talking to your water is a good thing. What about singing to your water?

A: Indeed, but be careful of the melody and the lyrics!

Q: (Galatea) So, what melodies would be best to use?

(L) You want to know specific melodies?

(Galatea) Well, you can just give us one...

A: It differs in individual cases and purposes.

Q: (Joe) Would a guide basically be if a song...

A: An optimal way to charge water is via charging a crystal and putting it in the water.

Q: (Galatea) Do different types of crystals produce stronger or weaker effects?

A: We have talked about crystal selection previously.

Q: (L) They did? When?

(Pierre) Years ago you were asking.

(L) Can somebody find it?

[Break while Pierre searches transcripts...]

(L) No, that's not it. There was something else. Pierre couldn't find it.

(Ark) There was nothing except this...

A: We suggested that linkage between group members might be enhanced by utilizing crystals charged by you here.

Q: (Chu) That was around the EE time.

(L) I remember something vaguely about that.

(Joe) That we can charge crystals and send them to group members.

(L) So why couldn't Pierre find it?

(Pierre) Because I looked in the old transcripts, from 1994 to 2002 or 2003.

(Joe) You want me to find it?

(L) Yeah, find it for me please. It must have been around 2009 or 2010.

[Break while Joe searches transcripts...]

(L) Yes… this is it:

From Session April 1st 2007

Q: (L) [...] We wonder if there is any way to... you know, any object that could be charged with a particular energy and if there was such an object how to charge it with that energy to either protect or enhance a person's FRV... frequency resonance vibration. Is there? You know, that you could wear on your body?

A: Sort of. Crystals are a good choice. But they must be selected individually for each person by dowsing. Then a combination of sunlight, starlight and intent. No moonlight!

Q: (L) How would you select a crystal for each person by dowsing?

A: Obtain large selection. If you, Laura, select, you will be assisted!!

Q: (L) Okay, and what exactly is this process supposed to do?

A: Shores up defenses when individual is in weakened condition, and adds a little kick when not weak.

Q: (L) Defenses against what?

A: Anything that can negatively affect the “essence”.

Q: (L) Essence as in Gurdjieff essence I guess...

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Alright then... and then you're supposed to wear these on your body?

A: Yes or carry in pocket.

Q: (L) And you say, charge with intent. Does that have to be charged by the individual or by me or... can the person charge their crystal individually, themselves, or what?

A: You select, individual charges according to instructions.

Q: (L) What instructions?

A: Each one requires specific instructions.

Q: (L) Well, that’s a lot of hassle. *sigh* I mean, you have to select it and then once you’ve got it then I gotta... then I have to have a session to find out exactly the instructions for charging that persons personal crystal! Good grief.


(Ark) You are supposed to carry them, right? Why don't you put them under the pillow?

(L) Okay, well, let's back up here. If somebody sends a request for a crystal, I could dowse for it so to speak, select the right crystal for that person, and have a selection of options for how to charge it and send them the instructions with it? Or I would charge it, too?

A: Both

Q: (L) So, I would charge these crystals, and then the individual would also need to add their own intent on top of the charging. That would enhance the networked protection between people. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And the same thing can be used for crystals to put in your water that you drink?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And how long would you need to leave it in your water before you drink it?

A: Overnight.

Q: (L) Can also put such crystals like under your pillow?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) And the more crystals, the more protection?

A: If appropriately charged.

Q: (L) Well obviously, we would have to purchase a selection of crystals, assuming anybody wanted them. Then we'd have the postage and the time element and everything. Basically, it would take time for me to perform this service. Could Andromeda and Galatea help?

A: Yes!

Q: (L) Okay. So, we could do some crystal charging if we have a big batch of nice ones – assuming we can even find a source for a reasonable cost. When people send a request, we can select and then charge it up. Is that what we're talking about here? And then people can carry them around and put them in their water?

A: Yes!

Q: (Ark) I have a practical question. Is big quartz crystal better than small one?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) That will be expensive.

(L) So, you'd have a little one for your water, a little one for carrying in your pocket, and a larger one for your room, by your bed. Something like that?

A: Yes

Q: (Ark) And a giant one for the house!

(Pierre) At this point, you better go to the Alps and visit some quarries and get them by yourself.

(Chu) You'd have to know the person to charge them with the right message, right? A random person couldn't be asking for a crystal.

A: They should include their birth date and current location for the CRS to find them.

Q: (L) For the what?

(Scottie) "for the crstofindthem"...

A: Cosmic Retrieval System

Q: (Pierre) They're using acronyms now! [laughter]

(L) Don't you know what the Cosmic Retrieval System is?! [laughter]

A: We use it all the time. It's like RAM in a computer.

Q: (Pierre) What is it? The crystal will be like an interface between the person and the information field...?

A: Close.

Q: (Pierre) It enhances this connection.

(L) So. Well, all of that's very interesting.

(Galatea) Could we place crystals around our house, like one at each corner? Would that help increase the protection?

A: Not enough! Need intent of inhabitants!

Q: (L) If we put our intent in the crystals, and then plant them around the corners of the house...

(Galatea) Or the corners of the yard maybe.

(L) Would it help?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Once you've put your intent in a crystal, the intent stays forever, or you will have to "reintentize" them?

A: Until cleared.

Q: (L) They already told us how to clear crystals. I guess it would fade eventually.

(Galatea) If we placed crystals at each corner of the house, would we be able to bury them in the ground?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) So then they won't be exposed to moonlight.

(L) Or sunlight.

(Joe) One last question: In a previous session, it was said that Caesar was born 1,635 years ago. How many years ago did the comet fragment meteorite impact occur in Western Europe that ushered in the Dark Ages?

A: Around 1100 AD

Q: (Pierre) They said "AD", not "years ago".

A: Check tree ring data for signal.

Q: (Joe) The problem is... Baillie has it at 540 or 550, but that's using the messed up... Anyway, doesn't matter.

(L) Doesn't he say that one of the strongest signals is the 1100, and yet in our historical records, there's supposedly nothing at that time? The historical record is off. But them counting years backwards, it's 1100.

(Joe) Right, that's the problem. I just wanted to try to correlate it because they said Caesar was born 1,635 years ago from now.

(Pierre) If we follow those two figures, that means about 400 AD. If they say this end of the Western Empire was 1100 AD, uh...

(Andromeda) 600 years later.

(Pierre) So it's 1100 - 400. It would be around 700. We were thinking 540.

(L) Okay, so...

(Pierre) One last question: about the frozen mammoths. During the last session, we suggested that the cause of the flash-frozen mammoths was a Super Derecho like a giant thunderstorm that deflected the jet stream down towards the Earth's surface, and that's what flash-froze the mammoths. You said, "Close enough." So that's not exactly what happened. What are we missing here?

A: Impact sending enormous stream of heat and matter upward, creating a vacuum, followed by induction of super cooled air.

Q: (L) Well, the problem is that the mammoths were frozen in Siberia but not in the Northern part of the Western hemisphere, currently called North America, which is where there are the signs of the impact. If the impact occurred in North America, why are the mammoths that are frozen by this shooting up and falling down of hot air followed by cold air in Siberia and not in North America?

A: It was in the entire Northern Hemisphere, but the shift of the axis and lithosphere gave each area a different outcome over time.

Q: (Pierre) That makes sense. So, they all got flash-frozen, but the hit also shifted the geographic pole and brought Siberia to higher latitudes. So, they stayed frozen there, but the flash-frozen animals in Northern America ended up in lower latitudes away from the poles, and they defrosted.

A: Yes

Q: (L) Defrosted in time for dinner! [laughter]

(Galatea) Can you also charge semi-precious stones?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) Like jade?

(L) So you can charge your jewelry?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) Does each stone have a specific strength, or can it be charged with whatever you want?

A: Give it time to learn!

Q: (Galatea) Give the semi-precious stone time to learn?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) Meaning?

A: Wear it.

Q: (Galatea) Wear it and let it get used to you. I guess it takes awhile.

(Joe) What about gold?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) All metals pretty much?

A: Yes

Q: (Scottie) So bling is good!

A: Yes

Q: [laughter] (L) You can go out loaded for bear.

(Data) One more question: On March 17th, two amateur astronomers had their cameras on Jupiter, and both of them saw a flash in Jupiter's atmosphere. What was it?

A: Comet fragment. A lot of that lately!

Q: (Data) If they can say, how big was it in meters?

A: 4000

Q: (Pierre) 4km diameter! Oh, they just used the Cosmic Retrieval System to answer this question.

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) That's pretty handy.

A: Information field access.

Q: (L) Okay, are we done?

(Galatea) Do you want to tell us anything before you go?

A: Help and love is on the way! Goodbye.

Q: (Scottie) So, it's gonna be an asteroid shaped like a heart and glowing fiery red. [laughter]

Laura said:
Session Date: April 16th 2016


Q: (Pierre) In the forum, several members reported that they've been dropping and breaking things in an unusual way. Is the cause the same?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) What does the dropping of things symbolize?

A: Doesn't "symbolize". It is a symptom.

Q: (Galatea) Is it gonna get better soon, or is it just going to get worse?

A: You must pass through the "Valley of the Shadow."

Q: (Pierre) That sounds like an exciting place. [laughter]

(L) I guess if you pass through the Valley of the Shadow, you eventually come out into the sunshine.

(Galatea) Or there's a cliff...

A: Yes.

Q: (L) They were answering me, not you! [laughter]

A: No cliff except for those who don't enter the valley.

Q: (Joe) The Valley of the Shadow is like a bypass for the cliff.

(L) So it's like the difference between the high road and the low road?

A: Yes


I would suggest that what the C's wanted to express there (at least partially) is what Thomas M. Sterner describes in his book "The Practising Mind: Developing Focus and Discipline in Your Life", as being in the present moment, respectively fully in the process of what you are doing when doing any kind of activity (or the lack thereof in this case). He explains very well that until we realize how completely mechanical we react and think in almost every second of our lives (he calls it habits (both physical and mentally), that have been instilled in us from the day we were born, both unconsciously and consciously) and start to actually realize this fact and take deliberate counter measures over and over again (in form of simple conscious efforts every day, that create new beneficial habits or circuits in the brain), we can not break the old unwanted habit and replace it by a new more beneficial one.

So if one finds himself in the situation to dropping and breaking stuff on an ongoing basis we should ask ourself: Why is that happening? What was the process in me that led to the breaking?

Sterner explains well that, until we realize it and do something about it, we almost constantly are not focused in any given process that we are engaging in. Our minds are all over the place, almost all of the time, or as he describes it: "not fully in the process". Another example he uses about that, is that of the chariot driver who has a load of horses in front of him, that run wild in every second, because the driver (the real you) has not yet the reins in his hands, to steer and direct the horses in his will, rather then the other way around that happens outomatically. The horses represent our thoughts and emotions and the rains the tool (will) of the driver (the real you) to be the master over the horses rather then conversely.

As Sterner puts it: "We are everywhere but where we are, and we are usually doing too many things at once."

At least I have found that everytime I have broken something, or something fell out of my hands, that I was in some sort of hurry and/or thinking or worring about other things (either in the future or in the past) while handling the object.

So me not being in the process, but instead letting the horses run wild with unrelated thoughts and emotions, while being in the process of doing something is what causes it, most of the time.

Sterner explains it this way:

"The Practising Mind" by Thomas M. Sterner said:
Our minds try to manage a long list of things that we need to get done (in the future) or forgot to do (in the past). We are everywhere but where we are, and we are usually doing too many things at once.

And further up in the book:

"The Practising Mind" by Thomas M. Sterner said:
Why are we so poor at all of this? How did we learn to process life in such a contrary manner, one that screams that the product is the only concern? This mentality pushes us harder and harder, with no end in sight. By not staying in the process, our minds dash all over the place all day long, the horses running free with no one at the reins. We think too many thoughts at once, most of them the same thoughts we had yesterday and the day before. We are impatient with life, and anxious.

We must accept that, to a certain extent, such thinking is human nature. If you read about any of the great world religions and philosophies, you will find that at their core is the subject of our inability to stay in the present moment. They all speak at great length about how overcoming this is everything in realizing and experiencing true inner peace and attaining real selfempowerment. Hence the millennia-old story of the chariot driver.

Sterner also explains in great detail how to get out of this loop [you need to read the book for that] and one of the great benefits of it:

"The Practising Mind" by Thomas M. Sterner said:
What we are doing here is objectively observing and analyzing the outcome of each attempt. This observation serves only to direct our next effort. It is amazing how everything changes when we use this way of thinking to approach any new activity. For one thing, we become patient with ourselves. We are not in a hurry to get to some predetermined point. Our goal is to stay in this process and to direct our energy into whatever activity we are choosing at the present. Every second that we achieve this, we fulfill our goal. This process brings us inner peace and a wonderful sense of mastery and self-confidence. We are mastering ourselves by staying in the process and mastering whatever activity we are working on. This is the essence of proper practice.
Thanks to the new session, a very interesting.
Why the size of the crystals is important?
In your opinion, which stones are the most powerful or they are different for everyone?
Brilliant session! :cheer: Good to hear from y'all. Thank you for sharing :flowers:

I've been trying to 'ground' myself when getting my daily dose of rays, like completing the circuit (though i did need reminding) - and now it's confirmed, till i get a chicken coup under my bed, i'll continue that with gusto.

I've also been meaning to get hold of a decent crystal necklace, so that's on the list! And it's good the C's dispelled the myth (before this session as well) about moonlight... during my pagan phase this was what i did :rolleyes: i have an amethyst chevron which is supposed to aid sleep, so i'll get charging that too - so thanks for the detailed enquiry!

Interesting and good to know about Garlic too - especially for those unable; i love the taste though, so till i have confirmation it should be banned, i'll keep on ;)

As for, woe i walk through the valley of the shadow of death... ouph. Suffering is growth, as Joe said recently; Ouph!! :cry:

And Gurdjieff's tale is a timely reminder of vectors - conscious or not.

Regarding the mammoths - it reminds me of this article i read recently about dinosaurs and 'paleo wild-fires' and how this confused scientists. Whether they're overlooking the obvious, even though it is mentioned in the article, i.e.. comet strikes and the heat/fires produced - as well as volcanoes, down-blasts/drafts and so on - i'm not sure. As i think was discussed, comets, dramatic changes in temperatures (shifts on the planet) plus drops in temperatures, it seems to correlate, osit. I may be missing something though: said:
Discovery of burnt remains of dinosaurs point to ‘something strange’, state scientists

THE mystery surrounding the mass-extinction of the dinosaurs deepened today after experts discovered thousands of burnt corpses.
By Sean Martin
PUBLISHED: 17:13, Tue, Apr 12, 2016 | UPDATED: 17:30, Tue, Apr 12, 2016


The burnt fossil of a hadrosaur

Experts researching the catastrophic event which killed off the giant beasts stumbled across the extraordinary four-mile stretch of charred remains on a remote South American plateau.

A team of palaeontologists have been digging in the Patagonia region of South America for several years in the hope of better understanding how a huge shift in the climate helped to finish off the dinosaurs.
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As part of the research, the team have discovered four miles of hadrosaur bones – a duck-billed herbivore – including ribs, femurs and vertebras, the majority of which are burned.

Marcelo Leppe, chief scientist at the Chilean Antarctic Institute (Inach) told Scientific American: “Something big happened here.

A hadrosaur

“There were thousands of animals whose bones are partially burned; perhaps they were victims of a paleo-wildfire.

“It's somewhat strange.”

The team say that the fossils give a new insight into what happened in South America between 72 and 66 million years ago when an asteroid smashed into Earth, causing dramatic shifts in the climate which ultimately wiped out the dinosaurs.


A hadrosaur bone

The changing climate opened the door for new species to evolve and allowed landmass to change.

At the time, it is believed that sea levels in South America dropped by a staggering 25 metres over the course of a million years.

Mr Leppe explained: “These cooling events are of interest to us specifically because they help explain that land bridges were not just corridors allowing the exchange of fauna and flora but places where perhaps species evolved.

“So, here comes to play the new paradigm that climate change, and not only plate tectonics, is one of the mechanisms governing evolution in terms of new niches and species.”
Laura said:
Q: (Pierre) In the forum, several members reported that they've been dropping and breaking things in an unusual way. Is the cause the same?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) What does the dropping of things symbolize?

A: Doesn't "symbolize". It is a symptom.

Q: (Galatea) Is it gonna get better soon, or is it just going to get worse?

A: You must pass through the "Valley of the Shadow."

Q: (Pierre) That sounds like an exciting place. [laughter]

(L) I guess if you pass through the Valley of the Shadow, you eventually come out into the sunshine.

(Galatea) Or there's a cliff...

A: Yes.

Q: (L) They were answering me, not you! [laughter]

A: No cliff except for those who don't enter the valley.

Q: (Joe) The Valley of the Shadow is like a bypass for the cliff.

(L) So it's like the difference between the high road and the low road?

A: Yes

I ended up having a pretty 'clumsy' day lately..

Thanks for the session.
Yeah Thank you for that Session !

I feel other "symptoms" these times, don't know if they are in relation with this EM wave : Heart beats expending, nerves blocages dissolving, like a smoothness coming over me, pleasurable tingling feelings coming through the nose and expending in the chest, and an overall energetic surge that is a bit powerful and confusing :shock:.

On crystals I'm very interested as I charged quartz, amethyst, carnelian and jade for a while, and I "intent" them while doing Kettlebell/sport. I make the supposition that moonlight is "bad" because it's related to the lizzies and Gurdjieff's "nature" ?

On water I put ice in a bucket and let it melt in sunlight in the hope that it make EZ water (see Pollack), I will put some crystal into that bucket ! ^^

So again, thank you for this session, may light be with you in these time of Shadowness :).
Thanks for sharing!

Q: (Pierre) In the forum, several members reported that they've been dropping and breaking things in an unusual way. Is the cause the same?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) What does the dropping of things symbolize?

A: Doesn't "symbolize". It is a symptom.

Q: (Galatea) Is it gonna get better soon, or is it just going to get worse?

A: You must pass through the "Valley of the Shadow."

Q: (Pierre) That sounds like an exciting place. [laughter]

(L) I guess if you pass through the Valley of the Shadow, you eventually come out into the sunshine.

(Galatea) Or there's a cliff...

A: Yes.

Q: (L) They were answering me, not you! [laughter]

A: No cliff except for those who don't enter the valley.

Q: (Joe) The Valley of the Shadow is like a bypass for the cliff.

(L) So it's like the difference between the high road and the low road?

A: Yes

This reminded me of Psalm 23.

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

Which also got me thinking to Lord of the Rings, which I'm reading right now and am at the part where Frodo and Sam travel through Mordor, which could be akin to the "Valley of the Shadow" that looms over them. That they struggle so much through darkness and shadow, barely making it and wanting to give up so many times due to the difficulty of their mission and journey, yet at certain times throughout they receive just the kind of help needed, or events or the winds of fortune change just enough to help them along a little further. Reading the book, it really illuminates what it means to have faith in each other and in general during times of great strife, much like what we are experiencing on the planet right now. How we all need to Work on and orient ourselves to present reality and not dissociate so that we can gain some measure of inner strength not only for ourselves but for others as well and find a way to "pass through the shadows" and hopefully one day make it to greener pastures. And that for people who choose to ignore reality and continue to live in a bubble, they won't be prepared for the changes to come and when it finally gets to such a degree that it can't be ignored any longer, it will be like falling off a cliff.
Thank you for sharing ... If I understand correctly, C ask Laura, work, work and work to prepare the quartz crystals, for the protection and the cohesion of the forum !! This is the 13th labor of Hercules! Maybe I did not hear the translation properly. That said, it reminds me of when I was working in a bar in Paris, opposite the St Anne Hospital (hospital for drug addicts and "mentally ill"), a customer who was hospitalized in the hospital, gave me a Jade stone. The period that followed, there were many changes. But I wonder what this man had loaded the stone!
Thank you for the session! :thup: :flowers:

Pretty interesting! And I love crystals :)

A 4km rock hitting Jupiter is quite something. The fragments of Shoemaker Levy 9 were estimated to be 2 km in diameter.


Calculations showed that its unusual fragmented form was due to a previous closer approach to Jupiter in July 1992. At that time, the orbit of Shoemaker–Levy 9 passed within Jupiter's Roche limit, and Jupiter's tidal forces had acted to pull apart the comet. The comet was later observed as a series of fragments ranging up to 2 km (1.2 mi) in diameter. These fragments collided with Jupiter's southern hemisphere between July 16 and July 22, 1994 at a speed of approximately 60 km/s (37 mi/s) or 216,000 km/h (134,000 mph). The prominent scars from the impacts were more easily visible than the Great Red Spot and persisted for many months.

Double the size!

Turgon said:
This reminded me of Psalm 23.

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

I used to hear it regularly in Spanish during my childhood, it always struck a chord.
Very interesting session. Thank you for sharing. :flowers:

When the session on talking to your water came out, I started experimenting with my bottle of water I bring with me to work every day. During my commute, I tried different intentions like "healing", "guidance", "strength to get through the day", but I felt like it was silly for me to keep asking for stuff and at my level of awareness, perhaps what I was requesting wasn't really what I needed. Basically, I had the realization that, yeah life was pretty hard for me at the moment, but who am I to judge whether that was good or bad. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I needed to flip some switch in my brain and realize I'm exactly where I need to be and actually be thankful for every lesson presented to me. So instead of "praying" for what I thought I needed, I started singing during the drive. There's a song I particularly like by Natalie Merchant called "Kind and Generous." It makes me think of Laura when I hear it. So that's been my routine for a while now. I try to let go of what I think I need and just face whatever comes my way with gratitude and faith in the DCM. I don't know if I'm on the right track with this, but it just sort of evolved that way naturally.

Here's the lyrics:

"Kind & Generous"

You've been so kind and generous
I don't know how you keep on giving
For your kindness I'm in debt to you
For your selflessness, my admiration
And for everything you've done

You know I'm bound...
I'm bound to thank you for it

You've been so kind and generous
I don't know how you keep on giving
For your kindness I'm in debt to you
And I never could have come this far without you
So for everything you've done

You know I'm bound...
I'm bound to thank you for it

I want to thank you
For so many gifts
You gave with love and tenderness
I want to thank you

I want to thank you
For your generosity
The love and the honesty
That you gave me

I want to thank you
Show my gratitude
My love and my respect for you
I want to thank you

I want to...

Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
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