Session 20 September 1997


FOTCM Member
September 20, 1997
Frank, Anna H., Alice, Laura.

Q: Hello.

A: Hello.

Q: And who do we have with us this evening?

A: Vialli.

Q: And where do you transmit through?

A: Cassiopaea.

Q: I want to start off tonight with a question that has been bugging me all week: I want to know why whales sing?

A: Communication.

Q: They sing to communicate. I kind of figured that. Is this an elaborate and complicated form of communication?

A: Yes.

Q: Is it as complicated as a spoken language such as what we know?

A: More so.

Q: Is there any key you could give us as to how to interpret this language?

A: You would need to think in an entirely different way.

Q: What way would this be? Is it an image based language, or is it tone based? Do the tones evoke images or concepts and ideas?

A: It is psionic/practical wave modulation through flange scopotic transmisson.

Q: Could you define your use of psionic for me?

A: Seeing, hearing, feeling, absorption and response in simultaneous thought wave profile.

Q: Okay. What do whales talk about?

A: Not correct concept.

Q: What is the correct concept?

A: Total thought transference.

Q: What subjects interest whales enough that they exert energy to transfer those thoughts?

A: No need for "subjects" when one has total simultaneous comprehension.

Q: What do whales feel about human beings?

A: Wrong idea again!! You are not grasping this!!!

Q: I know that! I'm trying to... how do they feel about human beings?!

A: Each whale is able to absorb all truths that exist past, present and future at all "times."

Q: Well then, they are pretty awesome creatures and humans ought not to be hunting them down and killing them!

A: Lesson profiles interject experience.

Q: Who gets the experience interjected, us or them? We must be the ones getting the lesson here...

A: All there is is lessons.

Q: If there is anything else you want to tell us about whales, because obviously I am not understanding here. Are dolphins similar in make-up and ability?

A: Not "yet."

Q: They are down on the scale from whales. I think that whales are absolutely awesome. Are whale souls sort of like a composite soul - sort of like a bunch of dolphin souls make up a whale soul?

A: No.

Q: Is a whale soul always a whale soul from the beginning?

A: Whale is unified soul.

Q: Unified from what to what?

A: All whales share the same soul!

Q: Are human beings like that or moving in that direction, becoming unified soul?

A: Fragmented.

Q: Human beings are a fragmented soul. Were we once a unified soul?

A: Once and future.

Q: When one is a unified soul, then obviously all the experiences of the former fragments become everyone's experience, so to speak. Is that correct?

A: Close.

Q: Anna wants to ask a question. She feels very drawn to South Carolina...

A: Anna should be the one to ask us.

Q: (A) Because I am so drawn to the area, I wonder if I had a past life in South Carolina?

A: No.

Q: (A) What past life with Luther, my husband, if any?

A: Before we get to that, you should beware; forces can be employed to either direct or misdirect 3rd density beings...

Q: (A) What do you mean by that? I don't understand...

A: When one is "drawn," who or what is doing the "drawing" and why?

Q: (A) You are talking now about South Carolina, I was just asking about my husband... what kind of past life I had with him...

A: We told you, "before we get to that."

Q: So, that was about the South Carolina issue and not your husband...

A: Just for your information: South Carolina is extraordinarily seismically unstable!

Q: (A) So that means that I should not move... (L) Oh, they won't tell you what to do! (A) So this place where the property is is not safe?

A: If things on your planet do indeed "heat up," as is certainly one possible future scenario from your viewpoint, it might not be a bad idea to avoid standing directly on the "burners."

Q: So, you are saying that South Carolina is one of the burners that might get turned on when things heat up?

A: Where one finds faults, one shall find slippage.

Q: (F) I have heard that the most recent ideas say that the fault system that runs under the Caribbean including Montserrat, for example, juts off to the Northwest at about Charleston and then cuts under the Appalachians connecting to the New Madrid fault in Missouri in a sort of direct line from Charleston to there. (A) What year are they predicting? (F) Well, they aren't predicting anything, but they have been saying for years that there are a number of places in the Eastern United States that have been forgotten because all the attention has been on California. But, historically speaking, there have been earthquakes in several places in the Central Eastern US, some of which were worse than ANY recorded on the West Coast. (L) Okay, so they brought the subject up of being 'drawn' to this place, and the question was asked as to who or what was doing the drawing and, of course, why? I would say that...

A: Anna ask, please.

Q: (A) The place where we have the property is not safe?

A: "Safety" is a relative term.

Q: (L) No place is completely safe, but some places are safer than others. You say that something is drawing you there... I think I would go in that direction...

A: Anna ask, please.

Q: (A) Okay, I don't understand...

A: If one is "drawn," why is this??

Q: (A) I am drawn there because we have the property there.

A: What if you had property in Bangladesh? Would you then be drawn there instead?

Q: (L) They are trying to make you think. Why are you drawn there.

A: Is it really just because you own property there?

Q: (A) It is not only that. I like it there. Why does my husband like it so much too?

A: Ask yourself this.

Q: (A) There are the four seasons and nice weather.

A: Is South Carolina the only place with "nice weather?"

Q: (A) No, but we have looked all over. The city is so nice. It is beautiful there. I love it. We have looked all over - California, Arizona - it is just meant to be. We are drawn there, no matter what. What is drawing me to South Carolina?

A: Forces unseen.

Q: (A) Unseen forces are drawing me there? What kind of forces?

A: 4th density.

Q: (A) Well, anyway, I'm not going to think about it now. Is it possible to sell the house this month?

A: Of course.

Q: (L) You can sell anything if you drop the price enough. (A) The company that I am working with, am I going to be happy with them?

A: Vague.

Q: (A) RJ Morgan. The work. Long term?

A: If you "play your cards right."

Q: (A) Well, that's true. (L) Okay, let's get to the question about the military crashes. There have been 4 crashes of military planes in the past week. Were any of these crashes related to the activity of negative forces?

A: Yes. But then again, the entire concept and working reality of the "military" is directly related to "negative forces."

Q: Were any of these plane crashes, in specific, more unusual than the others in terms of the reasons for the crash?

A: Stealth fighter contains some alien inspired technology.

Q: Did this alien technology contribute to the crash of this plane?

A: In an indirect way.

Q: Frank has described the crash of the stealth bomber. What caused this crash?

A: Gyromagnetic imbalance induced by frame material bleedthrough transdensity.

Q: Are you saying that the frame material of the stealth bomber is a transdensity material?

A: Yes.

Q: And that there was a bleedthrough of a controlling influence from another density that upset the gyro...

A: Close.

Q: Was this deliberate on the part of the 4th density beings to cause this crash?

A: No.

Q: Was it a normal reaction because it was passing in and out of higher density airspace? Was there 4th density bleedthrough in the area?

A: Close. And interference near you is disrupting this communication.

Q: What interference?

A: Children.

Q: [Children are sent to bed] Why does the influence of the children interfere with the communication? The noise or their auric profiles?

A: Both.

Q: What is going to make my arm feel better. The pain is really getting out of control.

A: How did the salve work?

Q: It helps. Should I just continue using it. I had a lot of relief, but then, as today progressed, it seized up again. Is the primary source the neck, the shoulder or the arm?

A: Neck.

Q: On these crashed airplanes, were any of the others the result of 4th density bleedthrough?

A: No.

Q: Okay, I got an e-mail from Val Valerian. He was interested in the Diana thing and how that relates to the Pandora's Box business and the Denver Airport, so he wrote something, but I found that this was basically something that someone else had posted on the web. Anyway, he claimed to be a descendant of Anne Boleyn, is this correct?

A: Open.

Q: Well, let me say this: the only descendant of Anne Boleyn that is known is Queen Elizabeth I who, supposedly died without issue. So, I don't understand how anyone could be a descendant of Anne Boleyn without coming through Elizabeth. Did Anne Boleyn have any other children besides Elizabeth?

A: Yes.

Q: Who?

A: Look and you shall find clue.

Q: Did she have this other child before or after Elizabeth?

A: Before.

Q: And who was the father of this other child?

A: Henry VIII.

Q: Well, why do we never hear about this other child?

A: Why do you never hear about so many things?

Q: Was this a child that was born before their marriage, and therefore illegitimate?

A: Close.

Q: Was it male or female?

A: Female.

Q: Well, that is bizarre! Was Sir Francis Bacon the son of Elizabeth as was rumored?

A: No.

Q: But there was another daughter of Anne and Henry?

A: Yes.

Q: It wasn't Jane Grey?

A: No.

Q: But if I read the history, I will figure out who it was?

A: Yes. And on that note... good night.

End of Session
Laura said:
September 20, 1997

Q: Well, let me say this: the only descendant of Anne Boleyn that is known is Queen Elizabeth I who, supposedly died without issue. So, I don't understand how anyone could be a descendant of Anne Boleyn without coming through Elizabeth. Did Anne Boleyn have any other children besides Elizabeth?

A: Yes.

Q: Who?

A: Look and you shall find clue.

Q: Did she have this other child before or after Elizabeth?

A: Before.

Q: And who was the father of this other child?

A: Henry VIII.
1528 in June, London was devastated mysterious disease. Henry left the palace at the time, but Anne Boleyn allegedly infected and survived the disease.
Perhaps the fact then, as his mistress, became pregnant and gave birth to their first child?
‘Unusual mortality event’: 30 dead whales off Alaska prompts NOAA probe

Clearly the mega whale soul is sick and suffering. Apart from deliberate hunting, possibly in a large part humans are responsible for whale deaths by radioactive poisoning, pouring oil and plastics and other toxins into the oceans.

I wonder, how much whale death is caused by the planetary transformation: under-sea volcanoes, outgassing, natural strata-toxins reaching the ocean-bottom surface and getting into the water, water chemical properties changing, their living food itself is getting sick, mutated.
Kay Kim said:
So, when one is "drawn" to something, have to beware because it might be direct or misdirect from 4th density forces. Thank you Laura for timely information.

It would seem a good way to also deal with this is to network and have a group where you can get input. This could help override 4D STS influences if a person is open to the input and realizes that others can see a situation with more objectivity and clarity.
Thanks for these recent posts of sessions from 1997.

Bear said:
Kay Kim said:
So, when one is "drawn" to something, have to beware because it might be direct or misdirect from 4th density forces. Thank you Laura for timely information.

It would seem a good way to also deal with this is to network and have a group where you can get input. This could help override 4D STS influences if a person is open to the input and realizes that others can see a situation with more objectivity and clarity.

Yeah, I'd have to agree, Bear. Especially if the "being drawn" came out of nowhere, it would be wise to network and get a better perspective. I think this kind of network we have here can function as the whole coming close to being able to stand against even 4th Density STS, at least in potential and a single 4D being. Or so I think.
I attach an article that may demonstrate how whales (in this case Sperm Whales) share a soul or common consciousness:


  • Sperm Whales in 19th Century Shared Ship Attack Information.docx
    18.2 KB · Views: 10
I attach an article that may demonstrate how whales (in this case Sperm Whales) share a soul or common consciousness:

Rather than attach the article as a word document, you can simply post it in quotes so it's more accessible to readers; as i've done below:

Sperm whales in 19th century shared ship attack information

Whalers’ logbooks show rapid drop in strike rate in north Pacific due to changes in cetacean behaviour.

A remarkable new study on how whales behaved when attacked by humans in the 19th century has implications for the way they react to changes wreaked by humans in the 21st century.

The paper, published by the Royal Society on Wednesday, is authored by Hal Whitehead and Luke Rendell, pre-eminent scientists working with cetaceans, and Tim D Smith, a data scientist, and their research addresses an age-old question: if whales are so smart, why did they hang around to be killed? The answer? They didn’t.

Using newly digitised logbooks detailing the hunting of sperm whales in the north Pacific, the authors discovered that within just a few years, the strike rate of the whalers’ harpoons fell by 58%. This simple fact leads to an astonishing conclusion: that information about what was happening to them was being collectively shared among the whales, who made vital changes to their behaviour. As their culture made fatal first contact with ours, they learned quickly from their mistakes.

“Sperm whales have a traditional way of reacting to attacks from orca,” notes Hal Whitehead, who spoke to the Guardian from his house overlooking the ocean in Halifax, Nova Scotia, where he teaches at Dalhousie University. Before humans, orca were their only predators, against whom sperm whales form defensive circles, their powerful tails held outwards to keep their assailants at bay. But such techniques “just made it easier for the whalers to slaughter them”, says Whitehead.

It was a frighteningly rapid killing, and it accompanied other threats to the ironically named Pacific. From whaling and sealing stations to missionary bases, western culture was imported to an ocean that had remained largely untouched. As Herman Melville, himself a whaler in the Pacific in 1841, would write in Moby-Dick (1851): “The moot point is, whether Leviathan can long endure so wide a chase, and so remorseless a havoc.”

Sperm whales are highly socialised animals, able to communicate over great distances. They associate in clans defined by the dialect pattern of their sonar clicks. Their culture is matrilinear, and information about the new dangers may have been passed on in the same way whale matriarchs share knowledge about feeding grounds. Sperm whales also possess the largest brain on the planet. It is not hard to imagine that they understood what was happening to them.

The hunters themselves realised the whales’ efforts to escape. They saw that the animals appeared to communicate the threat within their attacked groups. Abandoning their usual defensive formations, the whales swam upwind to escape the hunters’ ships, themselves wind-powered. ‘This was cultural evolution, much too fast for genetic evolution,’ says Whitehead.

And in turn, it evokes another irony. Now, just as whales are beginning to recover from the industrial destruction by 20th-century whaling fleets – whose steamships and grenade harpoons no whale could evade – they face new threats created by our technology. ‘They’re having to learn not to get hit by ships, cope with the depredations of longline fishing, the changing source of their food due to climate change,’ says Whitehead. Perhaps the greatest modern peril is noise pollution, one they can do nothing to evade.

Whitehead and Randall have written persuasively of whale culture, expressed in localised feeding techniques as whales adapt to shifting sources, or in subtle changes in humpback song whose meaning remains mysterious. The same sort of urgent social learning the animals experienced in the whale wars of two centuries ago is reflected in the way they negotiate today’s uncertain world and what we’ve done to it.

As Whitehead observes, whale culture is many millions of years older than ours. Perhaps we need to learn from them as they learned from us. After all, it was the whales that provoked Melville to his prophesies in Moby-Dick. “We account the whale immortal in his species, however perishable in individuality,” he wrote, “and if ever the world is to be again flooded … then the eternal whale will still survive, and … spout his frothed defiance to the skies.”

This article was amended on 18 March 2021 to make clear the status of “Dalhousie” as a university, not a placename.​
Rather than attach the article as a word document, you can simply post it in quotes so it's more accessible to readers; as i've done below:
Thanks for this. I suppose it depends on the length of the article. This one was quite short so is better presented as you have arranged.
Q: Frank has described the crash of the stealth bomber. What caused this crash?

A: Gyromagnetic imbalance induced by frame material bleedthrough transdensity.

Q: Are you saying that the frame material of the stealth bomber is a transdensity material?

A: Yes.

Q: And that there was a bleedthrough of a controlling influence from another density that upset the gyro...

A: Close.

Q: Was this deliberate on the part of the 4th density beings to cause this crash?

A: No.
I found a video of the crash, so i'll leave the link here. If you slow it down and look closely you can see that the wing starts to vibrate violently right before it breaks apart.
Q: I know that! I'm trying to... how do they feel about human beings?!
A: Each whale is able to absorb all truths that exist past, present and future at all "times."
Q: Is a whale soul always a whale soul from the beginning?
A: Whale is unified soul.

Q: Unified from what to what?
A: All whales share the same soul!
One of my professors once told me: "you can solve any problem with particle swarm optimization."
In computational science, particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a computational method that optimizes a problem by iteratively trying to improve a candidate solution with regard to a given measure of quality. It solves a problem by having a population of candidate solutions, here dubbed particles, and moving these particles around in the search-space according to simple mathematical formula over the particle's position and velocity. Each particle's movement is influenced by its local best known position, but is also guided toward the best known positions in the search-space, which are updated as better positions are found by other particles. This is expected to move the swarm toward the best solutions.
PSO is a metaheuristic as it makes few or no assumptions about the problem being optimized and can search very large spaces of candidate solutions. Also, PSO does not use the gradient of the problem being optimized, which means PSO does not require that the optimization problem be differentiable as is required by classic optimization methods such as gradient descent and quasi-newton methods. However, metaheuristics such as PSO do not guarantee an optimal solution is ever found.
Particle Swarm Optimization was proposed by Kennedy and Eberhart in 1995. As mentioned in the original paper, sociobiologists believe a school of fish or a flock of birds that moves in a group “can profit from the experience of all other members”. In other words, while a bird flying and searching randomly for food, for instance, all birds in the flock can share their discovery and help the entire flock get the best hunt.
Again, we see how computer algorithms are inspired by nature. PSO appears to be "non-anticipatory" by making "very few assumptions" about the problem to be solved. In a sense, it mimics the sharing of truths and the unification of souls.
Q: (L) Is there only one ultimate creator of the universe
A: All is one. And one is all.
One of my professors once told me: "you can solve any problem with particle swarm optimization."
PSO sounds a very interesting concept. I don’t understand the math in the links provided or the concept in detail, but it made me wonder if aspects of PSO can be applied in a psychological sense to vector humans in a particular direction (as we saw during Covid, with Nudge Units).
PSO appears to be "non-anticipatory" by making "very few assumptions" about the problem to be solved.
While it may be non-anticipatory, I wonder if the intent (whether for good or nefarious purposes) can influence the outcome; and could this in part explain the herd mentality & virtue signalling aspects of human behaviour.

Edit: quotes and spelling
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