What would you ask?
(Joe) What's the lesson for someone with that issue? What's the primary lesson they learned from having that kind of experience in life?
A: You are souls first. The genetic body can be overwhelmed by early emotional, mental, and/or physical abuse. It is very difficult to reach those levels of the subconscious mind.
A: Just as there are individuals able to heal, to levitate, to be physical mediums, and other so-called paranormal abilities, so there are people whose systems do not submit to the constraints of space and time as you will it to be.
Q: (T.C.) Can I ask a question? Do these people, at the time of their incarnation, do they know that they are going to be incarnating into a body with those genetics, or are they choosing to incarnate into bodies with those genetics for a certain reason, or is it random?
A: In some cases, yes. In others it can be a confluence of genetics and external triggers that upregulate those genes. After all, many, many people have such genes that are dormant. And for other paranormal abilities as well.
A: Not what you call true emotions. But you haven't experienced the full range either. Most of what you experience is chemical, though there is a true emotional component. You are still the "princess in the tower" kept captive by the dragons set to keep you captive.
Q: (L) What are the dragons?
A: Fear and distortions of your emotional center programmed into you in childhood. You bit the apple and fell into a trance.
Session 12 June 2008
On the subject of phantom photography (energy imprints or other), I haven't read Jane Tripps's book. However, if it may serve as an analogy, I've read some time ago (don't recall where) that for audio recording of paranormal voices, it is preferable to have a recording device that produces some "random" noise, with no active filtering. Whatever manifests does through the noise's "randomness", which similar to what Dean Radin's experiments show: mental phenomena influence the electro-photons in an light interference experiment. It is as if these phenomena would introduce some order/structure to a structureless (random) process.
(L) There were some experiments some years back, and I think I talked about it in The Wave of where there were some people who were leaving recording devices in a place where there were stones. And the next day they would come and they would find that there were voices recorded. And they kind of figured out that this was because the recordings were in the stones and the recording devices were recording, picking up, picking up on the replays of those recordings from the stones. Audio.
(Joe) Audio?
(L) Audio. Those were audio recordings. And this was, I'm trying to remember where I read about it, but I think, yeah, I read about it in this set of books. I have Mysteries of Mind, Space and Time. And then it kind of clicked in my mind with the work of Lethbridge who was talking about hauntings and feelings and spirits of places and so forth being recordings in the atmosphere or in the underlying... the substrate of rocks and so forth that gave off electromagnetic fields or something so that these things were recording events and then they would playback over and over again. And that was an explanation for why some hauntings were so mechanical and why you would see marching Roman soldiers marching cut off at the waist because their feet were still on the road at the level where the Roman road was, which was now covered with several feet of soil that the recording played back exactly as it was. And the soil had been added since then. So they were still marching on the old buried Roman road. So I had made those connections that a lot of things that happen are just like recordings. Well anyhow, this woman is saying that you can get photographs from stones, also, and that she somehow, and maybe I read it and I didn't catch it or she didn't describe it exactly, but somehow she interacts with stones or buildings or whatever in such a way that she is able to produce photographs from thousands of years ago. The stones apparently are playing back these images.
(Andromeda) It's funny that some things would be recorded and then it wouldn't be recorded over for so long. Like ancient recordings, like the Roman soldiers for instance, those stones have held that recording specifically for a really long time.
(L) I think it would have to be the conditions at the moment that the recording is made plus the emotional conditions or generation by the individual or individuals.
A: Yes.
Pretty much all of what Trump wants to do is center/moderate though. Ending foreign interventions was always a leftist position. The DOGE thing is a libertarians dream, and they are centrist too. I'm not sure what you envision as potentially a swing to the right, but all of the policy positions and appointments so far do not at all look to be "extreme swings to the right." There's a lot of revolutionary stuff that could happen, but none of it was ever a part of a Republican administration before.Just how far right a swing might we expect if he actually makes it to the inauguration. I would think things need to be brought back to the center but, due to how far left things have gone, the potential for an extreme swing to the right seems quite present.
I agree, there is no magic bullet and personally, I wouldn't be able to pinpoint one single remedy that has helped me. I think it is a veritable potpourri of various remedies, people, events, activities etc. that propel us forward and help us heal, if it is even possible. And somehow it all links together. Sometimes we need to do something first before we can move onto the next thing.IFS has helped me a lot. There's no magic bullet, tho. It has taken a lot of work with various approaches to find the remedy.
I don't wonder. It's a pretty heavy stuff. When I became somewhat familiar with Jane Tripp's work, I had an "aha" moment. And I remembered that I had some strange photographs. So, I kind of connected the dots. I'm under the impression what to do with that information and I don't expect it to become widespread at all. I used to make fun of my brother who looked at mountain maps and looked for meaningful figures in it. Now it seems to me that he was on the trail of something, but without any expert guidance, just with a feeling that there was something there. That's quite a blow to me. I showed him some examples from Jane Tripp`s book to see that someone has a similar "hobby" to him and maybe direct the idea more precisely.At one time we had a member... Đuro... or was it Mile... something like that, I really don't remember, (mostly I got the impression that he was "naše gore list" - a Balkan guy) who claimed to see past events in crystals (people passing by, knights, etc.). He also uploaded pictures of individual crystals with a description of what he saw.
He wasn't very well received.
Honestly, I wasn't interested either. I didn't see the need to frequency synchronize with 1D. I thought I had mastered those lessons when I was 1D.
Now I wonder: Why is this lady more interesting than our forum member?
I do not remember that member you mention (and I am not that active by the way), but I have nevertheless encountered these ideas to some extent: interpreting symbols from a cup after drinking coffee, listening to messages in white noise, throwing rice on paper with written answers and the like, the appearance of orbs in photographs (I have tried all of these except white noise). In only one photo did I have something like ectoplasm around my colleague and I have had many photos with orbs. As a child, I loved to draw and it happened that I would notice an interesting spot on the paper, recognizing it as some character, and that drawing would be better than drawing directly from my head without the help of an "amorphous" spot on the paper.
These are things that the "analytical mind" automatically blocks and rejects (some people even reject a pyramid as a building if it only has a few bushes and trees, it automatically becomes a natural creation).
I had a funny experience when I was guessing who is who in my group by horoscope and I told one girl that she was a Virgo by horoscope, she said she is a Virgo, but that she didn't believe in horoscopes. And that's typical for Virgos, that's why it's funny. But because she doesn't believe in it ("paranormal" stuff nad horoscope), it wasn't as creepy for her as it was for another girl at the table whose horoscope I guessed.
And I am also "naše gore list".
I agree with that. In Germany, people have been living in a bubble created by politicians and the media for decades. The maximum brainwashing of an entire nation is based on the characteristic of guilt. We grow up with the hereditary guilt of the Holocaust, which has woven through our entire lives and thinking like spider threads. As soon as people wake up, we are silenced, punished for our generational guilt. Now it seems that a great awakening is recognizable, triggered by markers such as corona, vaccination, Israel, Ukraine, migration. In recent years, it has often been unbearable for me to have to listen to the naive and robotically rehearsed nonsensical justifications. Today, some clever questions are being thrown into the ring and people are being forced to stop the old manipulated memorial process. Many people's minds are churning, but there is a certain wall of fear of being punished for leaving old ways of thinking and publicly standing up for their own new point of view. For Germans who are attached to the American umbilical cord, Trump's new laws also mean that we have permission to change. The credibility of our politics and media is increasingly disintegrating at the moment.Or maybe it works like this:
Perhaps the collective West do not really know that they are suffering or to the extent that they are.
I remember an exercise that a therapist guided me through once to help with anxiety. At the end of the exercise and for the first time that I could recall, I didn't feel anxiety and also realised that I'd been anxious my whole life. I needed the comparison between the states to know that I'd been anxious.
In the same way, perhaps if Trump does succeed with his plans and things get a lot better in America, then other countries will see and be able to compare that with what's going on in their own countries, they will know the extent of their suffering and so there will be more resistance to their own governments and that will help restore balance.
I agree, and I really hope that's the way it goes. I'm just looking at what history shows us about how that pendulum seems to work, and I'm not sure the intentions of the administration can stop it if anything gets out of control. As you say, a lot of revolutionary stuff could happen, and if it does, the government will have to react. At that point it all becomes about people's perceptions of what is going on, which we know is heavily manipulated by the media, on both sides.Pretty much all of what Trump wants to do is center/moderate though. Ending foreign interventions was always a leftist position. The DOGE thing is a libertarians dream, and they are centrist too. I'm not sure what you envision as potentially a swing to the right, but all of the policy positions and appointments so far do not at all look to be "extreme swings to the right." There's a lot of revolutionary stuff that could happen, but none of it was ever a part of a Republican administration before.