Session 26 April 2014


FOTCM Member
This is our first skype session with FOTCM gatherings which we plan to do as often as possible. The skype transmission was a bit choppy and we had to get input to make sure that we had the dialogue from the remote site correct.

Session Date: April 26th 2014

Laura and Andromeda at the board
Pierre, Perceval, PoB, Chu, Kniall, Mr. Scott, Data, Alana, Timotheos

Joining via Skype:
Approaching Infinity, Zadius Sky, Odyssey, trendsetter37, JGeropoulas, KJN, Menrva, suelarue, Magpie, A Jay

Q: (L) So, we're not in our normal position because we moved everything back so we could be on the camera. Andromeda's gonna sit in with me today as she does fairly frequently because Ark is making corrections to his book. I'm putting a little talcum powder on my board. Okay, here we go... This is April the 26, 2014 [review of people present]. Are you guys gonna show up with all these people present? Oh, board's wrong... Hold everything! Okay. Anybody here?

A: You betcha! Elonhia of Cassiopaea.

Q: (L) Alright. Well, you're a little bit energetic this evening. We had a lovely birthday today. We ate a gigantic Fat Bomb that included coffee fat bomb, strawberry fat bomb, and chocolate fat bomb in layers. And then we had strawberry sauce that we poured over it. And it was a totally sinless, delicious thing to have for a birthday. It was just like a mousse. It was wonderful. So we want to wish Pierre and Alana happy birthday and we want to wish herondancer happy birthday in absentia. Also we send hellos to Heimdallr who is also absent. However, the fact that all the rest of you folks were there could not stay our hand from contacting and making the connection. So, here we are. Anybody got any questions? [silence... then laughter]

Alright, well I will ask a question. Let's see... Do we want world events, do we want house events, do we want... Oh, what's wrong with our kitty? Our kitty is sick! Is kitty gonna be okay?

A: Very likely tomorrow.

Q: (L) Alright, that's enough about the cat. (Mr. Scott) Indigestion. (L) Yeah. So you guys are there. Questions? (Odyssey) Is the Ebola virus that's going around, is that the coming plague, or just a more isolated event?

A: Precurser.

Q: (Chu) But it's spelled wrong. (L) You mean it's something worse?

A: It can always be worse!

Q: (L) Terrific! (PoB) So optimistic! [laughter] (L) Is the ketogenic diet going to help with plague resistance, or Ebola resistance even?

A: Very likely, but more is needed in the way of spiritual preparation.

Q: (L) Such as? Are ya'll caught up with that? [review of answer] (Menrva) The spiritual preparation, is that EE, community living, talking around the kitchen table?

A: Connect the chakras for superstrength and resistance.

Q: (Approaching Infinity) Are there any more specific practical exercises we can do to connect chakras?

A: [letters come very rapidly] Talking and working out issues is the way to train the machine. But more than that, it is necessary to master the self and that requires suffering which turns on DNA.

Q: (L) In short, the Work is work.

A: You got it!!!

Q: (L) Next? (Menrva) [To trendsetter37] Do you want to ask about the stuff we were talking about earlier, about teleportation and your other ideas?

A: Wait for 4D for that!

Q: (Perceval) We didn't even hear what you were talking about. We didn't even know what the question was, and that was the answer. (Chu) We didn't hear you. (L) What was the question? (Menrva) We had an interesting discussion around the breakfast table this morning involving really interesting questions... This guy [trendsetter37] is really brilliant. We were just talking about if we should post on the forum for feedback and sharing ideas and stuff, so... That's what that was about. (trendsetter37) I'll make a post about the conversation. Is it safe to discuss the topics we discussed this morning on the forum, or in a more private nature in person?

A: Wait for communications system to be installed and group environment that erects a barrier of safety.

Q: (L) In short, be circumspect, I think. (KJN) What is the status of the money system in the United States? If you have money in the bank, can you leave it there, or should we be doing something more proactive?

A: If you store it with the fox, you will lose it at some point rather soon.

Q: (Odyssey) On the money issue, would it be a good idea to invest in silver or gold?

A: Partly, but what about "needful things"?

Q: (KJN) So we should spend it on things we need now, versus spending it on gold or putting in a bank or that kind of thing?

A: Mostly. Money will soon be worthless, ownership will survive awhile longer.

Q: (L) (KJN) Where is the box that I shipped to NC that never showed up?

A: Warehouse.

Q: (L) What was it that you lost? (KJN) When I moved here, I lost the box of your books. And it's a mystery. I thought I had mailed them here, and the box that came had totally different books in it that I've never seen before. And I had addressed the box, but it's full of books now that nobody knows anything about. So, where are the books that are mine, that were your books? [laughter] (Andromeda) That's weird!

A: Somebody is getting educated.

Q: [laughter] (Menrva) Who's getting educated?

A: Try NSA.

Q: (KJN) Seriously? Really!

A: Ask Edward Snowden!

Q: [laughter] (Approaching Infinity) I've got a question about the international situation. Is Russia spying on the United States? Like espionage?

A: Oh indeed.

Q: (suelarue) I have a personal question. My brother exhibits a lot of the psychopathic qualities, like in Cleckley, and Stout, and the others. I've been observing him for a couple of decades now, and I'm curious to know if he is an actual psychopath or an organic portal?

A: You know that we will not "diagnose" in that way. But it would behoove you to act as if...

Q: (suelarue) And I do! (Menrva) I would like to know how my brother is... Did he make the transition, and is he okay?

A: Name?

Q: (Menrva) [Name redacted].

A: He appears to be "stuck".

Q: (Menrva) Is there anything I can do to help?

A: Talk him through.

Q: (Menrva) Talk him through? (Odyssey) You have to tell him what happens when you die. (Approaching Infinity) Talk him through the process. (Menrva) Oh, okay. (trendsetter37) So, on April the 18th, I had another experience that I dunno if it's an out of body experience or not, but... But after reading Thirty Years Among the Dead, I was wondering is that just... hallucinatory, or similar being out of body, or... What was that? I've had them more than once, but I'm not sure, and I don't want to put too much stock in it, or let it distract, I guess...

A: Did you feel an electrical shock?

Q: (trendsetter37) I felt an electrical buzzing, and I could feel different distinct frequencies of vibrating. However I have felt shocked before while meditating.

A: You might want to limit such activity in the present time when staying in the body can be problematic.

Q: (trendsetter37) So, limit the out of body... (Menrva) Well, when you're having problems, limit it. (trendsetter37) Okay. I remember how to stop it. So, car alarms... Sometimes, if I'm out really early in the morning, I notice car alarms going off, but they're not really close to me. And it's at times when no one else is awake. I do notice sometimes that psychic phenomenon come from yourself, but... What does the car alarm phenomenon mean?

A: Relate back to your previous question: an alarm.

Q: (Magpie) But you set one off just before Easter. (trendsetter37) I was anxious... (Approaching Infinity) I've got a personal question. What is the source of my tendency to intellectualize as opposed to feeling my emotions?

A: Fear of not being accepted as you really are with warts and all. Pretty basic, eh?

Q: (Menrva) They're Canadian now!

A: Why did you want to intellectualize it?

Q: (KJN) Do I need to see a dermatologist?

A: Do you think so?

Q: (KJN) Possibly.

A: Then do it.

Q: (Odyssey) I have another one, a personal question. This recent job interview that I had, if I'm offered that position, should I accept it, or should I get out of nursing altogether?

A: Nursing gives you some prestige in the community and can thus be protective.

Q: (Menrva) What if we ask a question about finding a house? Finding a house, location, or maybe it doesn't matter. What about house questions? (Approaching Infinity) What do you think about the houses we've been looking at?

A: That last one looks good if you can swing it.

Q: (Approaching Infinity) If you can swing it. We're gonna have to practice swinging! (KJN) What about the Carolina Bays? Last go round, they were hit pretty hard. What about North Carolina at this point?

A: You are well positioned.

Q: (Perceval) That's a bit ambiguous. [laughter] (L) Yeah, well positioned for what? An impact??

A: If you develop a strong group identity, there can be protective influences activated.

Q: (Menrva) So when they mentioned connecting chakras, like what we're doing now with talking around the kitchen table in the morning, we have our In the Loop meetings... We're bringing things to the table that are bothering us, like programs and stuff. I mean, continue doing that, and work on ourselves individually, and that's...?

A: Absolutely!!! Do not underestimate the power of sincere and accurate feedback combined with exercises of self-discipline. All of you just recall where you were about 5 years ago and compare to now. Want to regress, or keep rising?!? The template exists, so it will be faster for all of you there. But do not forget the rule: You must work to put others on the step you have just left!

Q: (A Jay) I've got a question. Would doing more spirit release therapy and EE help with my overwhelming anxiety, or is there anything in particular that would work best?

A: Partly. Diet is important as is group work.

Q: (A Jay) Okay, that answers that question. I have a couple of job options to move up to North Carolina. Is there any one in particular that's best suited for my intentions of being more involved with the group and the work?

A: What are your options?

Q: (A Jay) Um, there's a friend that he has a good reference for the post office. My job has openings up in Asheville for the company that I currently work for. And then there was also the possibility of one of the instructors to start a martial arts school.

A: Try all three and see which one comes to the fore with the best offer. However, the school is less likely to pan out.

Q: (Menrva) I think I need to do a bit more research but... In my spirit release, metaphorically or symbolically, I didn't have a crown chakra, and my basal chakra - the solar plexus chakra, sorry - was green instead of orange. I was wondering what was I doing in the past that created that situation, and are those just symbolic metaphors to draw attention to that, or was my crown chakra actually gone or not working. I just want to shed light on what I did to get myself that particular metaphor. Does that make sense?

A: Not to worry! It is just a metaphor! Nevertheless the lesson therein should be taken to heart. You are not missing "parts", they are just a bit undeveloped.

Q: (L) Okay guys, I'm getting tired. (Remote group) Thank you! Happy birthday to you over there! ...Is there anything that we didn't ask that we should ask, or whatever? Maybe we'll come back, but anyhow, I gotta take a break. Go on pause. Just go on pause! Where's the pause button? But anyhow, it's very nice to see all of you together. ... (Approaching Infinity) Well, we're taking our first important step tonight: we're doing our first group karaoke session! [laughter, cheering] (L) Good job! Just remember, karaoke is a great way to relax, it stimulates your vagus nerve, etc. It's not about singing perfectly. Although ya'll have got Odyssey there, and you're gonna get your socks blown off. [laughter] Show 'em how it's done, Odyssey! I love that girl, she can sing! So, we're gonna shut down for tonight, and ya'll have a great rest of the day. Have some fun, and don't do anything we wouldn't do. (Andromeda) And send us pictures! (L) Lots of pictures!! Okay, kissy kissy! Bye bye! And Happy Birthday to herondancer from us!

[Hang up Skype]

(L) Okay, do we have any questions? (Alana) I want to ask about my coccyx, my tailbone. What's going on with the pain? (L) What did you do to your tailbone? (Alana) I think I hurt it, but that was like 2 months ago. And now it hurts more than ever. (L) How did you hurt it? (Alana) I was painting or varnishing something, and I kind of like went down really hard and sit on the new machine. (Pierre) Maybe you broke it. (L) Okay, let's ask. We want to know about Alana's tailbone?

A: Cracked!

Q: (Alana) And just wait for it to heal?

A: Sit on the pillow at all times!

Q: (L) You should carry it with you everywhere you go. (Alana) Okay, thanks. (L) That's a painful thing. It can take six months, and you have to be very careful. (L) Next question, any? (Pierre) In a previous session, years ago, it was mentioned that sometimes a man and woman make love, there is this kind of union on a soul level. I'm kind of paraphrasing here. And I want to know if this only happens between polar opposites?

A: Not necessarily.

Q: (Pierre) Okay, another question that's a bit more personal. I think in the past I experienced this kind of thing once. Is it true, or I'm just dreaming?

A: More or less, but could have been more than you can imagine presently if you had been capable of carrying the energies.

Q: (Pierre) Wow. That's already a lot. (L) I don't want to know about this kind of thing, Pierre! Jesus Christ! [laughter] (Pierre) No, it was not sexual like that, it was very beautiful. (L) I know, I'm just teasing. (Pierre) And they're saying it can be much more than that? (L) It's kind of like you were a 110 appliance trying to run on 220V. (Alana) Because Menrva mentioned her brother and how he's stuck, it seems that a lot of people end up being stuck after death. I was wondering if there's some roadmap or... like for people to have an idea of "How to Die" and just go where they're supposed to.

A: It is a good idea!

Q: (L) Write a book! (Pierre) How to Die Efficiently! (L) A little booklet... (Andromeda) It's a really good idea. (Mr. Scott) People always write about near-death experiences, but nobody ever writes about HOW to die. (Alana) Yeah, without coming back. (Chu) Dying 101.

A: A worthy project!

Q: (L) We can put it out on Kindle! [laughter] (Alana) How to Die... A Healthy Passage... It's probably related much in the way you lived before you die. So, the work must be part of it, because you shed beliefs that are illusionary. (Pierre) Religious beliefs... (Timotheos) You could have a chapter for each religion. (Alana) Or sometimes you feel you need to stay because you need to protect others. (L) And you have to talk through all of those things, and explain why it's even unnecessary and it will just create an energy drain for those left behind, and so forth. Never mind even if you think you're a doing a good thing. The very fact that you feel you must stay means you will have to obtain energy somehow, and that will actually come from the person you care about. Therefore, you're not really doing them any favors. You're hurting them more than you're helping them. And say you need to let go, and blah blah blah... Make it so that a person can read it to the person, or the person can read it themselves. It could be written in a very beautiful, almost poetic way. (Pierre) A soothing way. (Alana) Because it's like something that people fear also, so it has to be done gently. Okay, we should talk about this. (L) Yeah. Anything else? We're gonna say good night. Any comments about our first little experimental Skype session?

A: More! Merrier! Goodbye.

Nice session. Thanks for posting. On the book writing idea, when my dad was dying last year, the family was at his death bed. He was not able to speak, but was still breathing just. As he was taking his last breaths and I knew he was about to die, I did all I could to comfort him about him passing. In the sense that I said I know it must be scary but, that I feel its not the end, only a transition and that I feel God would be with him and that family and friends past would be there wanting to see him. Such as his brother who he was close to. It was very hard and sad for me but I really wanted to help him, in a situation I really know not much about. I was there till the end saying similar things.

I've been holding on to those worries for a while about him being ok on the other side. My wife didn't really know that I sort of worried in that way, I'm not sure why I didn't mention it. But what helped me is a vivid dream she had where my dad showed up and said to her that he had a message for me, that he didn't want me to worry about him, that he was having a good time and was happy. It really helped me, whether or not it was really him, I can't say for sure but it made things much easier.

Anyway, I read a while back a book "through the mists" it's was claimed as channelled from a guy who wanted to let the world know about life after death. One thing I recall was that a certain type of grieving, one I guess that's less about letting go but more the emotional seeking for them back apparently creates observable strings that pull on the person to going back earth bound. Thought I'd mention too as it could be a worthwhile read for the potential book project if you guys haven't come across.
Relating to the concept of a book to guide one through the experience of dying, wouldn't the Bardo Thodol be a good starting point, rather than seeking to reinvent the wheel?

On the other hand, I'm convinced that the effort required to grasp and voice such ideas would be an incredible fulcrum for personal growth and hence, actualization of STO potential, which I'm sure will become increasingly handy, if not vital, as this cosmic story unfolds further.

Thanks to all involved for this session!
Thank you for sharing the session :)

"Dying 101" booklet is really an excellent idea!
Q: (Approaching Infinity) Are there any more specific practical exercises we can do to connect chakras?

A: [letters come very rapidly] Talking and working out issues is the way to train the machine. But more than that, it is necessary to master the self and that requires suffering which turns on DNA.

The idea that (conscious) suffering turns on DNA, which helps to develop higher bodies, is very interesting
Thanks people for this pleasant surprise. I wasn´t aware of the skype experiment, terrific!

Q: (L) Alright, that's enough about the cat. (Mr. Scott) Indigestion. (L) Yeah. So you guys are there. Questions? (Odyssey) Is the Ebola virus that's going around, is that the coming plague, or just a more isolated event?

A: Precurser.

Like Chu said, the spelling isn´t correct. But the Cas once more showed their ingenuity since Ebola will certainly be cursed the day it will spread itself like a plague at an intercontinental level. Canaries islands, where I live, is one of the most sensible area as it stands very next to the African seacoast and drifting boats loaded with whole African families in search of a luckier fate in Canaries has become an altogether commun phenomena since long ago. Add to that multiple flights per day between both countries and then put that together with the great European touristic influx during the whole year on this islands. Oh my...
hiker said:
Thank you for sharing the session :)

"Dying 101" booklet is really an excellent idea!

Problem is, it is mostly religious beliefs that create the "dying problem". By default, such a book would almost have to deal with religion that creates unrealistic expectations.
hesperides said:
Thanks people for this pleasant surprise. I wasn´t aware of the skype experiment, terrific!

Q: (L) Alright, that's enough about the cat. (Mr. Scott) Indigestion. (L) Yeah. So you guys are there. Questions? (Odyssey) Is the Ebola virus that's going around, is that the coming plague, or just a more isolated event?

A: Precurser.

Like Chu said, the spelling isn´t correct. But the Cas once more showed their ingenuity since Ebola will certainly be cursed the day it will spread itself like a plague at an intercontinental level. Canaries islands, where I live, is one of the most sensible area as it stands very next to the African seacoast and drifting boats loaded with whole African families in search of a luckier fate in Canaries has become an altogether commun phenomena since long ago. Add to that multiple flights per day between both countries and then put that together with the great European touristic influx during the whole year on this islands. Oh my...

Yeah, currently, Ebola is considered to be transmitted through direct contact:


direct contact (through broken skin or mucous membranes) with the blood, secretions, organs or other bodily fluids of infected people, and indirect contact with environments contaminated with such fluids. Burial ceremonies in which mourners have direct contact with the body of the deceased person can also play a role in the transmission of Ebola. Men who have recovered from the disease can still transmit the virus through their semen for up to 7 weeks after recovery from illness.

So another way to see "precurser" is to consider the time a nasty virus like Ebola will become air-borne. Then it will spread like wildfire in no time.
There are several theories explaining the outbreak, Africa's worst in seven years and the first to kill in the continent's west. One was published last week in the New England Journal that established "the emergence of a new EBOV strain in Guinea," which had "evolved in parallel" to other disease veins.

It said the sickness first appeared in December - substantially earlier than other estimates. "The [virus] introduction seems to have happened in early December 2013 or even before," the researchers said. "It is suspected that the virus was transmitted for months before the outbreak became apparent because of clusters of cases in the [Guinea] hospitals of Guéckédou and Macenta. This length of exposure appears to have allowed many transmission chains and thus increased the number of cases of Ebola virus disease."

The New England Journal article is available here:


Phylogenetic analysis of the full-length sequences established a separate clade for the Guinean EBOV strain in sister relationship with other known EBOV strains. This suggests that the EBOV strain from Guinea has evolved in parallel with the strains from the Democratic Republic of Congo and Gabon from a recent ancestor and has not been introduced from the latter countries into Guinea.
Nice session with a different feel- thank you for sharing, and as always, much to think about.

(L) Yeah. So you guys are there. Questions? (Odyssey) Is the Ebola virus that's going around, is that the coming plague, or just a more isolated event?

A: Precurser.

Q: (Chu) But it's spelled wrong. (L) You mean it's something worse?

A: It can always be worse!

Q: (L) Terrific! (PoB) So optimistic! [laughter] (L) Is the ketogenic diet going to help with plague resistance, or Ebola resistance even?

A: Very likely, but more is needed in the way of spiritual preparation.

Q: (L) Such as? Are ya'll caught up with that? [review of answer] (Menrva) The spiritual preparation, is that EE, community living, talking around the kitchen table?

A: Connect the chakras for superstrength and resistance.

Q: (Approaching Infinity) Are there any more specific practical exercises we can do to connect chakras?

A: [letters come very rapidly] Talking and working out issues is the way to train the machine. But more than that, it is necessary to master the self and that requires suffering which turns on DNA.

Q: (L) In short, the Work is work.

Can anyone elaborate on what the Cs mean by connecting the chakras for superstrength and resistance? Aside form EE and networking, doing the Work, making a conscious effort to awaken etc, am I missing something else? I would have liked to have asked the Cs what would help medicinally- Goldenseal, tobacco?
Thanks for the session! Such a nice surprise this morning :)

Arwenn said:
Can anyone elaborate on what the Cs mean by connecting the chakras for superstrength and resistance? Aside form EE and networking, doing the Work, making a conscious effort to awaken etc, am I missing something else? I would have liked to have asked the Cs what would help medicinally- Goldenseal, tobacco?

I think, this answers it:

A: [letters come very rapidly] Talking and working out issues is the way to train the machine. But more than that, it is necessary to master the self and that requires suffering which turns on DNA.

Q: (L) In short, the Work is work.

A: You got it!!!

Or: The Work is the work ...and transformation of suffering. I have never heard before that this connects the chakras, even though I think Ra mentions something like this.

Is it safe to discuss the topics we discussed this morning on the forum, or in a more private nature in person?
A: Wait for communications system to be installed and group environment that erects a barrier of safety.

Does this mean we have to look for alternative communication systems? I am very interested in this topic, but do not know too much about it. All I know is that there are people that have their private WiFi or radio transmitters or such like that are completely disconnected from the main hub.

Hi All,

Thanks Laura for this session.
I liked reading it, I felt a big sense of familiarity between participants which was heartwarming.

I was a bit surprised by an answer of Elonhia (the C's so), this one :

A: Wait for communications system to be installed and group environment that erects a barrier of safety.

I was wondering if they are speaking at a spiritual level, or technical level (more 3D level, thus in our case it concerns the IT domain), or both ?

Because on the technical level, I have a long-time idea regarding a secured communication system to develop, and to think about this idea, I had to have an example of use in mind, and this example was a tool used by the C's community which would allow "bullet-proof" communications between memebers (or anti NSA if you prefer)
In fact I typed a quite longer text to answer in this thread but finally saved it and post this small question ... first (before extending my idea)

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