Session 27 April 2024

That’s what I was thinking, because the question didn’t specifically ask if microwaving loses the nutrients, since heating anything loses nutrients. I guess the follow-up question would be compared to reheating in an oven/stovetop, do microwaves take more nutrients out.
To answer the question: compared to reheating in an oven/stovetop, do microwaves take more nutrients out.
My guess would be yes, although I could be wrong.

Because I have noticed that microwaves don't heat evenly. They tend to concentrate the beams on the edges of a soup bowl or in certain areas of a plate for example. Which means it overcooked certain foods while the rest is still cold or lukewarm. To avoid that, I use 20-30 sec heating cycles, then I stir my food. I alternate like this until the food is warm to my taste.

With a stovetop, when using a thick bottom pot/pan, you can heat slowly and evenly, which is better. It takes more time and you consume more electricity because some energy is lost in heating the metal.

On the microwave issue. My take away point from some research is: there can be a big difference between, heating some vegetable with some water to steam / cook it, and microwaving a pre-packaged meal. With the PP meal you have the container usually plastic or some sort of fortified cardboard, glues, and additives in the food. This combination of "not food" items can also combine during the heating process to be more undesirable stuff going in your body.
This is a good point. I would hope no one buys those pre-packaged meals to start with. And if one does, I do hope they transfer their food into a glass or ceramic container for the heating process.
Also, I assumed that if our soul is on 3D level learning path, we cannot live in another life in a parallel reality as 4D level being.
I think you gotta look it as fractal consciousness, since time doesn’t really exist, it means that your/our soul is not just you/us but part of a big consciousness unit that is also learning or gathering information in other realities and densities at the same “time”, the best example would be the Cs themselves. Aren’t they Laura and others “in the future” communicating simultaneously with they/us “in the past”? It would be same consciousness but on different realities.
Thanks for the new session.

(Altair) There is a book 'UFO Danger Zone: Terror & Death in Brazil' by Bob Pratt. He writes, "Since the 1970s and probably much earlier, terrible things have been done to people in Brazil, perhaps more so than in all other countries combined. And these cosmic muggings are still occurring. To my knowledge, it is only in Brazil, not neighbouring countries or the United States or any other nation in the world that UFOs have been so overtly hostile." My questions: Why were 4D STS so aggressive with Brazilians? Several people were injured or killed.

A: There are many Brazilians involved in questionable practices that attract and give permission for such violations in the specific areas.

In recent days, a video was released where researchers allegedly and unintentionally recorded a Grey in the Amazon jungle. The Amazon jungle is the largest rainforest in the world, covering 7 million km² (Others say 5.5 million Km²) among nine countries, with Brazil and Peru having the greatest extension. The remaining countries are Bolivia, Colombia, French Guiana, Venezuela, Ecuador and Suriname.

There are thousands of plant and animal species and millions of insects, not counting the 4D species.

The video states:

"A group of researchers in the Amazon rainforest recorded the following video. They did not see it at the time and upon analyzing the footage they realized that there was a being.

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 a group of explorers in the Amazon jungle in Brazil made a series of aerial shots through a drone where they monitored the condition of the flora in the area. Surprisingly, later when reviewing the images, they noticed something very unusual, semi-hidden in the top of a tree, they observed the presence of a strange entity, which seems to react to the flight of the drone.

By applying a high contrast filter and decreasing the speed, it is possible to observe that between the branches and the trunk is the strange being which exhibits a very unique morphology with a thin body in white hue, the head is bulky and has large eyes. In the brief sequence it is possible to observe that it moves.

Recently, the presence of similar entities has been documented.

On the night of October 26, 2023 in the town of San Antonio Peru, a witness interested in some strange lights in the sky on previous nights, went to investigate and surprisingly observed a silhouette in a wooded area so he took some pictures.

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The first picture shows a being with a similar complexion to the Brazilian being. The second image, due to the fear and nervousness caused by the being, is shown swept away.

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It also fully coincides with the report of August 9, 2023 where a resident of the town of Iquitos, also in Peru, managed to capture the extraordinary image of a being with the peculiarity that it emanated a strong energy from its body. This case coincided with the information that residents of the area were being attacked by a series of strange entities, (the Pelacaras) its morphology is coincident with the previous cases.

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Reports of beings, probably non-human, have increased in recent months, much of this information comes from South America so we could think about the possibility that this area of our planet could be the first in an exchange of communication with the "visitors from the stars".

The video was uploaded to social networks by Ufologist Jaime Maussan who never tires of assuring the public that aliens are benevolent, coming from the stars and despite evidence to the contrary, that they only want to communicate with us.

Also in October 2011, two British tourists casually captured with their video camera a strange, alien-like figure in the Brazilian jungle of Manaus, in the Amazon region.

The travelers claim that they filmed a group of children without suspecting anything, but as soon as they reviewed the images they noticed the presence of a strange creature, very pale, green and with a disproportionately large head, which appeared in the background of the scene, in the thick vegetation.

The tape was given to Michael Cohen, an Australian writer and specialist in paranormal matters, who said: "It seems that extraterrestrials are interested in the area because of its biodiversity".

The Brazilian government is very interested in alien activities and in the 1970s carried out Operation Prato.

Operation Prato​

Located in the northeast of Pará, Ilha de Colares had its history marked in 1977, when residents reported attacks of mysterious lights, which caused them paralysis, dizziness and pallor. It was believed that the luminous bodies sucked the blood of victims and the phenomenon became known as "chupa-chupa". (suck-suck)
Lifeforce movie scene.​

Faced with the fear of the population and the records of occurrences in several cities, the Air Force carried out Operation Prato, a military mission to investigate the phenomenon.
Operation Prato was a military mission executed by the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) with the purpose of investigating reports of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) in the region of the municipality of Colares, in Pará. The operation ended after four months, and other related missions were carried out throughout 1978.​
The objects sighted in the military records were called luminous bodies, linked to phenomena denounced by inhabitants and authorities, and reported by the local press, which reported on alleged attacks on the population. The phenomenon was known as chupa-chupa. The operation officially ended at the end of December 1977; however, official documents indicate that other special purpose missions related to UFO inquiries were carried out during 1978.​
Operation Prato emerged in a larger context, where a large wave of UFO sightings was reported from Baixada Maranhense to the border with the state of Pará, in the region of the Gurupi River and the Paraná city of Viseu. The wave moved along the coast of Pará, arriving in October to Baía do Marajó and the capital Belém. During the transit of the UFO phenomenon, there was extensive press, radio and television coverage, which broadcast accounts of traumatic encounters of these objects with residents of towns and cities, generating enormous panic among the local populations. The epicenter of the ufological wave is linked to a strange incident with fishermen at the end of April 1977, in Ilha dos Caranguejos, in Maranhão, with one fatality and another severely injured. The now defunct National Information Service - NIS was also involved in the investigations.​
Official documents, newspapers of the time and leaked military archives constitute the main records of that period. The official collection is composed of documents released by the NIS and disclosed by the Office of Institutional Security of the Presidency of the Republic, all under the custody of the National Archive in Brasilia.​
In general, the national ufological community maintains that the phenomena investigated by Operation Prato were of extraterrestrial origin and that the burned and "vampirized" victims were the object of experiments by extraterrestrial beings. This hypothesis is based mainly on the statements of prominent personalities, such as the head of Operation Prato and the doctor of the Colares care unit. Other military personnel who participated in the operation expressed different opinions, as well as some civilian personalities. A limited number of ufologists and researchers of the ufological community defend non-extraterrestrial alternatives. The chupa-chupa phenomenon would be related to social behaviors and aspects of the human psyche, as well as to aerial phenomena originating from an external aerial operation or of a terrestrial nature not yet clarified. Wikipedia
Thank you so much for this interesting session!

(Altair) There is a book 'UFO Danger Zone: Terror & Death in Brazil' by Bob Pratt. He writes, "Since the 1970s and probably much earlier, terrible things have been done to people in Brazil, perhaps more so than in all other countries combined. And these cosmic muggings are still occurring. To my knowledge, it is only in Brazil, not neighbouring countries or the United States or any other nation in the world that UFOs have been so overtly hostile." My questions: Why were 4D STS so aggressive with Brazilians? Several people were injured or killed.

A: There are many Brazilians involved in questionable practices that attract and give permission for such violations in the specific areas.

This is rather eye-opening and disturbing. I was thinking about the explosion of interest in magic and the occult, particularly in adolescents since the Harry Potter books / movies. Kids are now inundated with this stuff and likely being invited to participate in all manner of experiments. Maybe there's more to the proliferation of mental illnesses among young people and their obsessions to tatoo, paint, dye and pierce their bodies ...

Q: (L) Yeah, I mean, if they're going to put somebody there, they'd make 'em at least functional!

(Andromeda) Yeah.

(L) All right, so basically, we really can't get just, like, a general overall figure, can we?

A: 20 percent.

Q: (L) 20% overall. Could be higher in some and lower in others. Is that it? So, this is an average using figures from all the different...?

A: Yes
I think that high-level people who have been replaced began as lesser known individuals, so that fewer people would notice any changes. Once they have been replaced, it would seem they can more easily step into the limelight. If someone - i.e., a celebrity did an about face, it could cause too much speculation. On the other hand, they are certainly getting bolder and seemingly careless, so who knows. Wonder about people like Caitlyn (Bruce) Jenner...starting the trend long ago??
(Altair) Which events initiated the upcoming program change? Is it because of Ukraine losing on the battlefield?

A: No.

Q: (L) Is it because of Trump?

A: Closer.

Q: (Niall) Something to do with American politics?

(L) So, does this program change have to do with American politics?

A: Warm.

Q: (L) Is it something that we're seeing at the present moment with these massive protests that are going on at the US universities, which is basically making Israel look really, really bad?

(Joe) Because of what they're doing in Palestine.

(L) So they've got some kind of something that's got to be done about this?

A: Very warm.

Q: (L) So, it has to do with Israel, possibly with Trump and the American political scene and the mass protest against the genocide and Palestine?

A: Yes

I guess we’ll never know what the previous trajectory was, but Israel is definitely getting a LOT of push back online. It's not surprising the overlords have decided to do something about it. It's quite visible that their standard tactics of flooding the internet with pro-Israel propaganda aren't working anymore, I guess they decided to pull out the big guns.

Just yesterday I was browsing through a page on Facebook called ‘Small Living Space’ where people who live in small homes post their interior designs. One woman posted about her apartment in Tel Aviv and boy did she get a lot of heat. It didn’t help that according to her profile she worked as a journalist and social media manager for IDF - which group members used to beat her up with.

Comments ranged from “did you steal it?” through “free Palestine” to straight up accusations of supporting genocide and holocaust happening on her doorstep. Voices defending her were very few, which I found to be interesting since Israel supporters love to flood random comment sections with calling everyone “Nazi” for supporting Palestine. If any such attempts took place on that thread, they were drowned by Palestine supporters. I used to refrain from getting into debates with Israel supporters because a bunch of them would immediately gang up on me. But now the tables seem to have turned.
I wanted to add something that struck me today to my above post. I was scrolling on LinkedIn today (for those who don't know it, it's the world's largest social network for professional purposes, basically like an interactive CV and a networking platform for all things caareer related) and I bumped into not one, but a few posts about the situation in Gaza. I found it to be quite shocking, especially because Brits are quite known for avoiding talking about religion and politics. And yet here they are, openly expressing their feelings and thoughts about Palestine. They were very emotional posts too, which is rare on that platform.

A quick scroll through the posters' profiles revealed that these posts had many more 'likes' and engagement than their professional content. One of the posters normally gets 20-40 likes, her Palestine post had nearly well over 300!

Interestingly, no one openly condemned - or even mentioned - Israel, the focus was on support for Palestine. The word 'genocide' was used openly in the comments, and yet people didn't say who was guilty of it.

I'll also add that upon learning about my stance on the Palestine-Israel situation a colleague of mine gave me a little watermelon pin that symbolises support for Palestine and I attached it to my lanyard. It's very visible, and yet no one has ever commented negatively on it - and I'm not the only one in the office wearing it.
What an amazing session!
Thanks so much for the thrills, chills, and diverse subjects brought up, discussed and answered!
As well, thanks so much for the laugh, I read this from @Scottie, and nearly choked on my coffee!

“(Scottie) Let poor Joe and NiallyBob ask some questions.”

I had an immediate flash back, to the 80’s t.v. series, “The Waltons”.
Now, every time I think of you all, the chateau crew has become “Walton’s in France!” ;-)
Thanks everyone for this amazing session ! :)

Little by little, the pieces of the cosmic puzzle fall into place. As we become more and more aware of certain phenomena, they have more and more potential to become real for the earthly collective :)

Can't wait to read the transcript of the new session, which will take us even further, connecting even more the dots...

A BIG BIG MERCI to @Laura and @Andromeda at the BOARD for their energies to make it real each time !
Such an incredible and in-depth session covering so much! Truth, or that which is closer to it, really is stranger than fiction!

I remembered at the end of the session with the mention of Pierre that it was his birthday recently so sending him a great big 3D to 5D birthday gift for his first birthday beyond!

I saw St. Pierre "Made in France" brioche bread on May 4th (may the force be with you!) and I was wondering if that was just his humour. Don't worry - no need to ask him. It was very kind of him if it was!

Any way, anther session added to the re-read and study list. Thank you again, folks!
Hmm. You never really answered the question about setting protection, nor did you ask your channeled ET if they were who they said they were. Speaking as a fictional archcriminal, perhaps you should ask if you've been lied to in the past by these various ET connections. How can you be sure that the being you're talking to has your greatest good in mind? It could be literally any 4D being out in the ether pretending to be [insert name]. Maybe next time... ask them?
Special thanks to @Ryan for asking the scientific questions :)

While Sir Roger Penrose leans towards gravity as a link or even bridge between general relativity and quantum mechanics, I'd lean more towards Consciousness! After that, the relationship between Consciousness and Gravity isn't entirely clear, except that they're sort of mirrors of each other. It's obvious that until the conscious observer (and unconscious creator) is fully integrated into the laws of physics, the latter will remain 3D and will not be able to lead us to the mirror-like relationship between Gravity and Consciousness.

General relativity won't give us the key, since it's fundamentally limited by its 3D approach (some would say 4D, but personally, I prefer to say 3D, since the 4th dimension of space is not time... the true nature of the 4th dimension will enable us to enter into 4D consciousness). Since we're talking about a bridge between general relativity and quantum mechanics, let's ask ourselves: why doesn't what we call "antimatter" appear naturally in general relativity? This should lead us to a better understanding of the nature of the bridge between these two theories. It's a safe bet that the very nature of the 4th dimension of space will be the KEY to answering this question.

It's easy to understand why the Einsteinian approach was unable to find the nature of this bridge, starting from a biaised 4th dimension of space. The answer is given right at the start of this memorable session : time doesn't exist, it's an illusion due to perception :)

So there's something about the nature of Light that we don't perceive and which led Einstein to his classic computational hypotheses of relativity. More precisely, we're under an illusion as to the nature of Light. This illusion stems from our spatial perception of Light: we project our 3D view onto our interpretation of the nature of Light. In this way, we limit Light to a 3D reality that's not false, just limited... In other words, we see Light as a classical object with 3D attributes such as speed, movement in space and time, because that's our basic 3D perception. To free ourselves from this, we need to free ourselves from 3D linear time. Then nothing is physical anymore and we enter the realm of Consciousness. Our consciousness is limited by the gravitational field inherent in our physical body - the same gravitational field that gives it its 3D structure. The less we identify with our physical body, the more our consciousness will expand to encompass 3D consciousness. To find the nature of the bridge between the two theories, we need to embrace a new way of looking at things, other than the one that gave rise to them in the first place.

We were wondering about the nature of the bridge between quantum mechanics and general relativity : something beyond these two theories. Let's not forget Einstein's dream: there is a higher reality of which quantum mechanics is a child. This higher reality has a very good chance of being the bridge we've been looking for... perhaps the famous EPR interdimensional entanglement of which quantum entanglement is a faint glimpse :)

The answer to @Ryan's question may be the one given at the outset by the Cs. When @Laura asked "And that is apropos of what?", the Cs replied, "You will see". As we become aware of the illusion engendered by our perception, we will realize that time does not exist and we will become aware of the nature of the bridge because we will perceive both realities, gravitational and quantum, ONE.

Can't wait to read @Ryan's next questions on this topic!

Thanks again folks :)​
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