Session 7 November 2015


FOTCM Member
Session Date: November 7th 2015

Laura, Andromeda, and Galatea at the board

Pierre, Perceval, PoB, Chu, Arky, Data, Niall, Scottie, Approaching Infinity, Atreides, Noko the Wonderdog

Q: (L) [Review of those present] Noko is walking about the room looking for a place to land.

(Perceval) She's in a holding pattern.

(L) Hello?

A: Hello my children! Loftosiea of Cassiopaea here to help heal deep wounds.

Q: (L) What is the source of those wounds of which you speak?

A: Deep psychic attack.

Q: (L) And what is the source of the attack?

A: As we have warned you in past, the attack rotates looking for weaknesses to exploit.

Q: (L) And what is the goal of this kind of attack?

A: To destroy your ability to fulfill your mission.

Q: (Galatea) Is it Laura specifically, or everybody here?

A: If Laura is destroyed, then all else collapses.

Q: (Pierre) Have you been feeling those attacks and their effects?

(L) Well, yeah. The effects of the last couple of weeks have manifested as... I dunno how to describe it. It's like... I guess it came as close to destroying me as anything ever has. Um... Why was this feeling in me so intense? Was that something like directed at me directly, or did it come by some other route?

A: Both. In part there was awareness of the alternative timeline connected to that splitting node.

Q: (L) In other words, it was very very close at that point to have taken a different timeline?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And that was the timeline to destruction?

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) It was almost like a hotspot over the period of time where almost everything, every day was a different potential, ya know? Whether different choices were made or not...

A: The chaos created was a clue.

Q: (Galatea) The chaos created as a clue to the source, or what?

(L) To the fact that it was a splitting reality point.

A: Yes

Q: (L) Okay. Was the potential alternative reality - the one we missed by the skin of our teeth - that I saw fairly accurate?

A: Yes and worse beyond what you could see.

Q: (L) Well, it was a perfect storm. I mean, all the elements were there just waiting to be brought together, focused, and amplified. It reminds me of that scene at the end of The Exorcist where the priest is being put through that series of things where all the elements of his past life are being brought back and thrown in his face in an effort to basically break him down. Is that a fairly accurate perception?

A: Indeed.

Q: (PoB) Is the weakness still in place?

A: As long as there is awareness, weaknesses can be dealt with. Networking is key. Also recognizing one's own weak spots and not allowing them to rule the mind.

Q: (L) Well, for days now, I've felt like a really big chunk of me was just torn out. Psychically. I mean, it's like I've been psychically bleeding. And I feel like I made terrible mistakes, and that everything that happened is basically my fault - from the past, to the present.

A: Hope you don't actually believe that! The forces seeking to prevent your mission have been busy for many years!

Q: (L) Well, that's a cheap excuse if you ask me.

A: Look at it this way, if you continue to think that way, how much will you be able to do in the time allotted?

Q: (L) Well, I guess it'll take me down the drain. Okay, let's just forget about me, and let's ask: How can healing be achieved?

A: As we have advised in the past, networking with love is key. Don't underestimate the ability of the opponent to use any and all means to achieve aims. It is your task to create true unity in love to strengthen the shield. And we will help as much as permitted with psychic infusions of knowledge. Awareness is up to you as is utilization.

Q: (Andromeda) So they're helping with infusions of knowledge, and it's up to us to use it and be aware. I wonder if we actually had some help in the past few weeks.

(L) I think we did.

(Andromeda) And that's how we barely made it.

(L) I mean, the main thing is Ark had the idea to do I Ching. The I Ching told him, "Don't push this too far. Disaster can result." And all the rest of us were all worked up and gung ho, pushing for disaster.

(Andromeda) It's like we were almost killed in battle.

(L) It feels like we fought a war.

A: You did.

Q: (L) Well, each and every one of us had a weakness that was being exploited one way or another. Like I said, it just created a perfect storm. Okay, is there anything else to say on this topic before we move on to other things?

A: Give each other love abundantly. Things may appear to be other than they actually turn out in the end.

Q: (L) Alright. Does anybody have other questions before we change the topic? I'll take that brief pause as a "no". Who has questions? Galatea, you wrote a manuscript on your questions, so what's your question?

(Galatea) At some point, two years ago I believe, I felt like I was operating at a high frequency. I felt very hyper-aware, but not in a stressful sense. I felt super-happy and energetic, and I felt like I was healing. Then suddenly, I experienced an explosion in my brain that felt like an aneurysm. It was so painful I actually yelled out in pain. So, I was wondering what was that painful explosion I felt in my brain?

A: Psychic attack manifested as burst blood vessel. Question for you: Why did you not network about it?

Q: (Galatea) I did! I told you about it.

(L) You didn't describe anything to me like that.

(Galatea) I did. I came down after it happened, and I said that I had this horrible pain in my head, this explosion, and I thought it was an aneurysm. And you asked me to describe it to you, and I did, and you said that you didn't know. I did!

(L) I don't remember you ever using the word "aneurysm". If you'd used the word aneurysm...

(Galatea) Well, I looked it up afterwards.

(L) If you'd used the word aneurysm, you'd have been at the hospital!

(Galatea) [Review of answer] You mean if I'd asked you immediately?

A: Research and share.

Q: (Galatea) So I have to research and share?

(L) Well, you did. You researched, and came up with an aneurysm, but only now!

(Galatea) Well, I told you about it, and you seemed very disinterested.

(L) Sweetheart, sometimes what you interpret as me being disinterested is me just trying to keep you calm.

(Galatea) [laughter]

(L) Because I worry all the time, which is why I spend all my time doing research and trying to figure out how to...

(Galatea) "Oh, you're fine, honey!" [laughter] "Probably nothin', don't worry!" So, I guess we know why the psychic attack was there. The next question is: How do I obtain that high frequency once again?

(Perceval) Do you want to ask why the psychic attack happens?

(Galatea) Well, okay. Why did the psychic attack happen?

A: When you suffer, your mother suffers. All of you here may be targets for that reason as well as the fulfilling of your own missions. It is all related.

Q: (L) So everyone here has individual missions, and related and connected missions.

(Galatea) Okay, so my next question is how do I once again obtain this high frequency of positivity and happiness and healing?

A: You are on a path toward resolving the health problems that allow attack to find a chink.

Q: (L) So, is this iodine therapy gonna be helpful?

A: It already has shown benefit!

Q: (Perceval) Just on that iodine question, is it a suitable substitute for the previous protocol of metro, etc.?

A: Perhaps a bit better, but the antibiotics were not counterproductive. You have been led, or led yourselves to discover what was needed as it was needed.

Q: (L) So a certain period of antibiotic therapy in cases of serious conditions is useful if it's also followed by or undertaken in conjunction with, say, iodine therapy?

A: Yes

Q: (L) The only problem is that when you're doing the antibiotic therapy, you can't do all the minerals. And it also cancels the iodine, so you have to either build yourself up with iodine first and then do it, or follow it.

A: Yes

Q: (L) Okay. Next question? I suppose we have some little political questions or something along that line?

(Perceval) Some little trifling questions...

(L) Yeah, you know, I've actually lost interest in it to some extent? It's like, it's just gonna get worse.

(Pierre) But there is Putin.

A: Don't give up! Your input to the nonlinear system is invaluable!

Q: (Perceval) Butterfly wings and all that...

(Galatea) Oh! Speaking of butterfly wings! The butterfly UFO.

(L) You mean the boomerang?

(Galatea) No, it was like a butterfly.

(Approaching Infinity) It was like a boomerang that slightly resembles a butterfly. It was on SOTT.

(Perceval) Did you network about this, Galatea? [laughter]

(Galatea) There was a sighting of this UFO and it was like a big black butterfly.

A: You will all be surprised at how psychic wounds heal along with the body!

Q: (Scottie) I guess they don't care about the UFOs!

(Galatea) They're like, "Yeah, yeah..."

(Pierre) It's important. They emphasized the psychic attacks several times. And so we heal the body, but also along with the body, the psychic issues are healed. So, there's a lot of hope there.

A: But when you know that there are physical issues all around, you should be doubly alert and aware!!

Q: (L) Okay, back to the butterfly UFO. Was this the one people were saying was a hoax?

(Perceval) No, that was the last session.

(Andromeda) I think it was the one that was on SOTT.

(L) Do we have a picture of it? Get us a picture.

(Galatea) [Goes to print picture of butterfly/boomerang UFO] Okay, it's this one.

(L) Oh yeah, that one.

(Andromeda) It's the boomerang butterfly.

(Galatea) Is it a legitimate UFO?

A: Legit.

Q: (Galatea) I knew it! I got one right. Is it the mothman?

A: 4D STS.

[Butterfly UFO footage: _ ]

Q: (Galatea) They're pretty. They're like butterflies.

(Scottie) Until they try to eat you!

(Galatea) It's like a manta ray/butterfly.

(L) Alright, what's the next question?

(Perceval) What caused the downing of the Russian plane in the Sinai?

A: External, think Mossad and energy weapons.

Q: (Andromeda) That was my first guess.

(Perceval) That was my first guess, as well.

(Approaching Infinity) Did it have anything to do with the US/Israel wargames happening then?

A: Cover for same.

Q: (L) What was that flight that went down over the Atlantic way back when? The C's talked about it.

(Perceval) TWA Flight 800?

(L) Yeah, Flight 800.

A: Yes. Similar system.

Q: (Niall) Did that incident have anything to do with the cyclone that was going toward Yemen?

A: Utilized energy.

Q: (Perceval) Utilized energy in the 3D sense, or in the sense that weather can be associated with 4D?

A: Charged atmosphere enhances the effect.

Q: (Pierre) During 9/11, there was a similar high-energy weapon in conjunction with an unexpected cyclone...

A: Yes

Q: (L) So they're just experimenting with this kind of stuff. They're playing with it.

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Deadly games.

(Perceval) So, it was intentional, right?

A: Yes

Q: (Perceval) Similar to that... Hurricane Rita on 9/11?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And it's funny: Everybody forgets about the fact that there was this hurricane there at that time.

(Pierre) Going straight to Manhattan, and then it turns!

(Niall) The one that hit Yemen was the first one ever to hit there.

(Perceval) Yeah, the first one to make landfall.

(Chu) So, that could mean they had some help from the 4D quarters.

A: Yes. We told you that the battles would be disguised as weather.

Q: (L) And that means the 4D battles.

(Perceval) That's what they said at the time, that 4D battles represent as weather. And Mossad is close...

(L) It's getting close to interfacing...

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) And it's being disguised as weather, like a microburst.

(Scottie) Didn't our tornado here happen after the Katrina thing, but obviously before the past several weeks?

(Chu) On the 31st of August.

(Scottie) So, maybe we need to pay close attention when 16 trees fall.

A: Indeed!

Q: (Approaching Infinity) But 16 trees... Aren't there 16 people between both houses here?

(L) Pattern recognition run amok! [laughter]

(Perceval) Calm down, Approaching Infinity! [laughter] So, when they say "Mossad" as an answer to a lot of these questions, we're not really talking about the overt Israeli government here, right?

A: No. Kabbalists.

Q: (Perceval) Does the Russian government have any idea that that's who shot the plane down?

A: Oh indeed!

Q: (L) That's why they've taken the path of accepting the ISIS explanation, because that gives them time to...

(Perceval) They haven't really accepted that yet. They're telling everybody to just calm down until the investigation is over.

(PoB) Can it be discovered by the investigation?

A: This kind of weapon does not leave the usual traces. But it does have a "signature".

Q: (Perceval) There are a couple of strange things. One of them was the 3-year-old girl who was a victim was found 34 kilometers away from the crash site. It was just one girl that was found that far away.

(Andromeda) So, part of the plane broke apart, like there was a hole... Even if it didn't break apart, she could have...

(Perceval) Maybe. Or maybe it was high-energy, or a bleedthrough or distortion of spacetime...

A: Yes

Q: (L) Spacetime distortion.

(Niall) Like the Philadelphia Experiment.

(Perceval) There was another strange thing. The front of the plane right up to the cockpit and the wings was all lying in more or less one piece, but completely burned. The picture from above showed two perfectly black wings attached to the body, but it looked like it was spontaneously combusted or something. This was after it supposedly hit the ground! Very strange. It looked like somebody had set fire to it on the ground.

A: Effects of the energy.

Q: (Atreides) Remember during 9/11 how all that stuff was burnt, but only on one half?

(L) Yeah, in a strange pattern.

(Atreides) And all the iron was removed, but the aluminum was left intact.

(Niall) I think I also saw a photo where a whole section of the actual carriage was intact. So, from the ground...

(L) And, there were pictures of the luggage that was all intact, so it couldn't have been a bomb in the hold.

(Perceval) It was almost like a case of spontaneous human combustion.

(L) It was like some things in a certain space were incinerated, but other things were intact...

(Perceval) Or made of a certain material. And there are no reports of being burned, but a lot of bodies were dismembered.

(L) Yeah, that's some kind of hellacious weapon, huh?

A: Indeed. Russia has equivalents.

Q: (Perceval) So, they know.

(Chu) How often have these weapons been used? We already know of three cases.

A: More often than you think though often on a smaller scale.

Q: (Perceval) Remember a few years ago that town in Italy where the water pipes would burn? They said that was target practice.

(L) Jesus. All that stuff that's now coming together... Alright, let's quickly do what we've gotta do. I'm tired.

(Galatea) Ya know the story about Elisa Lam, the girl in the elevator who was hiding from something. Then she went out to talk to it, and she started waving her hands weirdly. So, I wanted to ask what did she see or what was she running from?

[ Elisa Lam Elevator footage ]

A: Golem!

Q: (Galatea) It looked like Gollum?

(L) It's a Jewish monster.

(Pierre) Made from mud.

(Galatea) It was actually a mud monster?

A: Close.

Q: (Galatea) Must freak you out to see that!

(Perceval) Did she herself climb into the water tank?

A: No

Q: (Perceval) How did she get into that water tank?

A: Spacetime distortion.

Q: (Atreides) But a golem is an instrument of revenge created by someone to kill or protect somebody else. So, if it's a golem, who sent it and why was it targeting a Canadian Chinese girl in Los Angeles?

A: Target practice. There is a reason that Galatea thought of it at this moment.

Q: (L) So, we're talking about some kind of thing that blows open realm curtains?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And things come through?

A: Yes

Q: (Atreides) So nobody sent the golem after her?

A: Not specifically.

Q: (L) So, it's just kinda like mothman or something.

(Approaching Infinity) A golem is this Jewish myth kind of thing, and they said target practice...

(L) Don't get stuck on the Jewish myth thing.

(Approaching Infinity) Yeah, but we've talked about energy weapons, and target practice. And Mossad...

(L) Golem, Kabbalists...

(Chu) And two girls missing due to spacetime distortion...

(Andromeda) And funny enough, me and Perceval just watched an episode of the X-Files about a golem a few nights ago.

(L) Oh my god!

(Andromeda) And last night it was about an airplane crash due to alien interference!

(L) Okay, creeped out now... Well, we're gonna...

(Galatea) Wait, when Elisa Lam was moving her hands in this really bizarre way in the elevator video, why was she moving her hands like that?

A: Trying to persuade the creature to leave her alone.

Q: (Perceval) Is something that only she could see?

A: Yes

Q: (Perceval) So, it kind of like created some kind of alternate reality around her, or she was transported into a parallel...

A: Partly.

Q: (Galatea) It was attuned to her specifically.

(Perceval) A bleedthrough, yeah.

(Atreides) So, what did the golem that's not a golem want from her?

A: Energy.

Q: (Galatea) Does that golem live in that specific place, or was that a one-time thing?

A: The location has useful energy patterns for such purposes.

[ Information on the hotel Elisa Lam stayed at: _ ]

Q: (L) So basically, there are just people who have these things and who like sit in their little control booths or something, and... I mean like all these missing people in this Missing 411 book... Somebody is just frickin' playing with the human race!

A: Yes

Q: (Approaching Infinity) In this latest book, they're going after the best and brightest: athletes, young men that seemed to have promising futures, etc.

A: So, with all of this kind of knowledge, why do you not stay aware of what can be turned against you?

Q: (Perceval) I guess we will!

(L) I guess.

(Perceval) It's time to get hyper-paranoid. Scottie, lead us all in the hyper-paranoid way... that's not really hyper-paranoid! [laughter]

A: Stay aware! Goodbye.

Many thanks for another engrossing session, some real 'Twilight Zone' stuff in there. :scared: Please take care of yourselves and watch out for one another.
Thanks to all for another great session! :thup:

The awareness by the Russian government of the 4D weapons gives me more hope for the timeline/timelines aspect.

Q: (Perceval) Does the Russian government have any idea that that's who shot the plane down?

A: Oh indeed!

The UFO mentioned was "legit" and that was something I was wondering about when I saw the picture.

The "Golem" connection to the "Kabbal" makes sense to me since it is a very old "myth".

Thanks again! :)
Really fascinating session--thanks for sharing! :flowers:

Geez, it sounds like the attacks were really intense! I'm sorry to hear that it was so bad. Are there more things that we can do to help?
I hope that the worst was over in terms of psychic attack. Much awareness and protection your way!

I had some very weird dreams over the past several weeks. Some of them pretty awful and then the last really weird and vivid one was that Odysseus was nearly killed by an "intruder" who wanted him dead. It was in a boat and men were begging Odysseus that it was time to keep sailing and do something. The "intruder" was complaining that he didn't want anything done.

I thought in the dream that Odysseus got killed as I saw some sort of giant mechanical device blasting the place where he was sitting. But he managed to escape by a hair. Then Odysseus throws off a hatch to the intruder and cuts off his head.

Odysseus was clearly wounded, his left foot amputated, but he proceeded with a nice smile in his face to take care of his wound with a heated sword. He was holding his left foot with his left arm. I felt so relieved when I saw Odysseus smiling and getting ready to sail on.

Usually I never have dreams like this, but this one was so intense and vivid. I didn't watched any movies for months (nearly a year?) nor read or heard about Odysseus in a very long time. In fact, I was so tired that I was surprised I dreamed at all. Related or not, thought I would mention it.

Maybe it is the melatonin released from my early hour "sun gazing" protocol from Dr. Jack Kruse :P

Thank you for sharing!

WOW ! Thanks for sharing some glimpses from other realities and/or densities. Takes the 'experiment' to a whole new and even more dangerous level.

Forewarned should equate fore-armed. Keep alert, everybody, and maintain heightened awareness at all times please.

A few links concerning Golem:

Thank you for this tense and interesting session. I hope all of you are ok. I am not the only one, I am sure of this, that you are always in our minds and care about you. About the psychic attacks, can you explain a little bit? what kind of attacks did you all of you had? How did you cope with it?

Thanks again.
goyacobol said:
Thanks to all for another great session! :thup:

The awareness by the Russian government of the 4D weapons gives me more hope for the timeline/timelines aspect.

Just to clarify; the weapon we're discussing here is 'Made on Earth', very much 3D (even though it appears to facilitate 'interfacing' with higher levels).
I am sending love to Laura and the crew abundantly! Thanks for sharing! Take care!
Thank you very much for this session

It seems that many suffer some kind of attack during recent weeks, specifically during the month of October. I was diagnosed with hyperglycemia a couple of years ago. During the first week of October this year I suffered a serious accident in my health, I was diagnosed with Diabetic ketoacidosis. I was in intensive care for four days one of them was in a state of unconsciousness. My family asked the help of a Christian group to pray, and as I learned later they were praying and fasting on these days.

On the fifth day I left intensive care but remained hospitalized. I realized the immense suffering in these places. People going by dialysis, people with cirrhosis issues, children, youth, adults ... cries of pain. In the ICU I witnessed the death of 4 persons, witness the electroshock applied by doctors trying to save a life. I cried, I cried because there were people suffering alone, I cried because I saw myself instead.

On October 21 I was listening to the radio and heard that Back to the future's Day was celebrated worldwide. I do not remember well, but I think that at 16:30 it was announced in Mexico city that the future was the past now. Interestingly that it caught my attention... as if we had changed timeline one more time...But this time I felt happy, i felt a happiness like if everything is fine now.

Days after I left the hospital and I found out on the news that the hurricane Patricia was going to hit western Mexico. I heard that was the most powerful and dangerous hurricane in history. Strangely I thought: everything will be okay. The government and society worked to avoid a catastrophe. Eventually the hurricane came through an uninhabited and crashed into the mountain area. Patricia died.

I lived a close call...seems like October was my timeline to destruction...but I have hope now.
Laura said:
Q: (L) Well, for days now, I've felt like a really big chunk of me was just torn out. Psychically. I mean, it's like I've been psychically bleeding. And I feel like I made terrible mistakes, and that everything that happened is basically my fault - from the past, to the present.

wow, was feeling last week just like that .... like all was my fault, and all was due to my terrible mistakes because of my lack of knowledge ... :O

thank you for this session, Love you all! and take care!

Laura, I am glad you won the battle, thus still able to stay focus on your mission. And thank for pull us together with you.
Thanks so much for the very interesting session!

Session said:
A: As long as there is awareness, weaknesses can be dealt with. Networking is key. Also recognizing one's own weak spots and not allowing them to rule the mind.

A very good reminder to watch out for our weaknesses and "windows of attack" in our personal make-ups. Also, I think we should stay alert and notice whenever something dominates our minds too strongly and we can't keep it out, as well as network with others, because we have our blind spots that we can't "watch" out for.

Kay Kim said:
Laura, I am glad you won the battle, thus still able to stay focus on your mission. And thank for pull us together with you.

Second that, thank you so much.
Leonel said:
During the first week of October this year I suffered a serious accident in my health, I was diagnosed with Diabetic ketoacidosis.

Leonel, this article is relevant:

Iodine treats breast cancer and more, overwhelming evidence

More than 4,000 patients in this project consumed Iodine supplements from 12 to 50 mg per day, and in those with diabetes, up to 100 mg a day. They reported their findings that Iodine does indeed reverse fibrocystic disease; diabetic patients require less insulin; hypothyroid patients require less thyroid medication; symptoms of fibromyalgia resolve, and patients with migraine headaches stop having them.

We have several threads in the health forum that will help you, other than the dietary ones. The one on iodine is very promising.

solarmind said:
Laura said:
Q: (L) Well, for days now, I've felt like a really big chunk of me was just torn out. Psychically. I mean, it's like I've been psychically bleeding. And I feel like I made terrible mistakes, and that everything that happened is basically my fault - from the past, to the present.

wow, was feeling last week just like that .... like all was my fault, and all was due to my terrible mistakes because of my lack of knowledge ... :O

thank you for this session, Love you all! and take care!


Me too last week I had a very perfect image of myself in a certain moment of my past and see how irresponsible I was, doing a thing that was very bad and and see it with a clarity that was very hard to accept but I had to accept that we can be plain or errors and acting in the past without conscience at all, :cry:

Yes, take care!
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