Session 8 April 2000


FOTCM Member
April 8, 2000

Laura, Ark, Frank

Q: Hello.

A: Hello.

Q: And who do we have with us this evening?

A: Rinirrah.

Q: And where do you transmit through?

A: Cassiopaea.

Q: We have some questions from readers; I have some questions from my reading; and we have some questions about some ideas that have been tossed around in the last few days. Which would it be better to start with?

A: Start where you wish.

Q: One of the first things is that we had our INS interview and it was a rather unpleasant experience, to say the least. And, there is going to be, I understand, some effort made to get some assistance in waiving the permanent residency requirements and go directly to the citizenship stage. Just thought I would throw that in because, of course, it is necessary for Ark to be a citizen to have a security clearance, and that is necessary in order for him to progress in his work. In regards to this work, George and Ark have talked about going for a contract, a military contract, on their own, and leaving Constellation.

A: Risky.

Q: Is George leading Ark astray in any way in his different comments about the company and his interactions with the company himself?

A: George is enigmatic.

Q: Why is George enigmatic?

A: Mental energies focus eccentricities.

Q: (A) Sometime ago we were asking about the situation at Constellation, and the answer was that it was stable. According to what George states, it will be stable only until December, and after that there is no money for the particular projects we are working on now. So, it doesn't look too stable. The question is: what kind of measures should we take so that we...

A: Constellation is growing, not contracting.

Q: Yet, according to what George says, there is a fight between George and the president, and because of this fight and animosity, as far as I understand, there will be no money for the programming work that I am doing under George. Of course, there is the possibility that Constellation will hire me for some other work, but it is not clear whether it will happen. So, the future is open and we are worrying.

A: George is the bug in this system. Not wise to align yourself too closely there.

Q: To whom should I talk?

A: Not to whom, concentrate talents.

Q: What does that mean?

A: You are the commodity, others may be the oddity.

Q: Is the president aware of the work that Ark is doing, and is he aware of his value?

A: To some extent, but also clouded to some extent by those who may wish to manipulate partly by filtration.

Q: Are you suggesting that George is manipulating by "filtration?"

A: Be on lookout.

Q: What would be the best advice you could give Ark at the moment, aside from concentrate talents? Be more specific.

A: Be own spokesperson, rely not upon others for this task.

Q: Are you suggesting that Ark should sit down and talk to the president, or have lunch with the president, or chit chat with him, or...

A: The point is to not rely upon others for communication.

Q: (A) Should I recommend to George that he should advise the military guys to allot money to Constellation for the extra project so that I would be working with Constellation for this money rather than with George?

A: Why do you feel you must operate via George?

Q: But, if anything is said to the president, George might hear about it and cause problems.

A: Does George have your best interests in mind... or his?

Q: Well, he has certainly created the idea that he has our best interests at heart. He has been very good to us.

A: But where does this lead?

Q: This can lead to a big downfall. If you encounter somebody who appears to have your best interests at heart, and you trust them and act according to their advice, sometimes you can fall into a pit. But, on the other hand, sometimes they DO have your interests at heart. Yes, they have their own interests at heart, but they may see your interests and their interests as being coincidentally the same.

A: Coincidental, or dependent?

Q: In other words, what you are implying, is that George was in a rough spot; he got Ark and his work to beef up his image; George gets the credit for Ark's work, and still isn't getting ahead or being perceived as he thinks he ought to be even with Ark backing him up and working day and night; and George is getting ready to jump ship, and he wants to drag Ark with him because he thinks Ark is going to help him make money that he can't do on his own.

A: If you say this, we have only revealed for you that which you already sensed, even i f reluctantly.

Q: (A) At one point there was this opening, and perhaps there is still this opening, to hire somebody, and I can apply, but I understood from George that it is better NOT to have a job where I would have to go to Constellation daily; that it was better to work on contract. That was George's advice.

A: Remember, Constellation wishes to keep those whom it perceives have value!

Q: So, maybe Ark needs to talk to this president about this position? Is it possible to have a contract AND a position? A contracted position. Why is it that George says they can't fire him? If it was as easy to fire somebody as he suggests, why haven't they fired him with all this animosity going on? (A) Probably he was somehow nominated by the military when Constellation came into being. (L) I don't think that is a good excuse. Is that what he told you? (A) No, but I believe so. How else would he get this position as a vice president? He must have been nominated by somebody.

A: Manipulators manipulate... that is their trade.

Q: (A) Now, it sounds like if I work FOR Constellation, and if I am hired, then it is sure that I will NEVER have time for anything else. (L) Maybe you should talk those concerns over with the guy and use that as the reason you have been reluctant to apply for the position...

A: Those who have true value can "name their price."

Q: I think you should talk to the guy. You don't have to say that anybody advised you, but you can say that if you are a "full-time employee," you won't have time for your own research, that you are interested in furthering that and still being able to meet your financial goals, and that you are still considering it because, as you understand it, there is only going to be money until December, and you would like to find out what the status would be, if a position were offered to you, and if you did take it? What would be your status and what would be your prospects in terms of time and obligations to be IN the building and so forth. Don't sell yourself short. I really DO think that George is capitalizing on YOUR work for his own benefit.

A: It is "the American way."

Q: I don't think you should tell George in advance that you are going to talk to the president about taking a position. (A) Why? (F) Because then he will manipulate... he'll pull something out of the hat.... (A) No... (L) Don't tell him in advance what you are gonna do. Am I right?

A: Yes.

Q: Just, next time you go, ask George to see if the guy is there, and just walk down the hall and talk to him then and there, giving George no time to do anything in advance. Don't make the arrangements through George in advance. Am I right?

A: Yes.

Q: Now, we promised George that we would give him some advice about what to do about this military contract. What advice would you give to George? The major problem is that if he was going to ask for a military contract, he would have to do it right away in order for it to be budgeted for next year.

A: It is risky, as there are so many hurdles, so many "fingers in the pie."

Q: Once you tell George this answer, that even HE needs to stay with Constellation for the present, it gives you a platform from which to make it clear that you wish to go for the position.

A: We will give one more reinforcing example: where oh where does the budgeting come from?

Q: (A) Probably because there is some congressman in charge of this particular aspect. (L) And who is the congressman a friend of? George or the president of the company? (A) Probably the president, yes. (L) So, there it is. George would lose if he tried to go against that.

I want to throw something on the table here since it is kind of freaky. This guy writes "I've read the article written about you in the St. Pete Times, and have read much of the material posted on your webpage. Like you, I live in the Tampa Bay area. I was wondering if you could possibly do me a favor by asking a question of the C's. I am Wiccan. One night I was astral traveling while in a circle. While I was in the depths of space, I saw a craft with a large window where the bridge would be located. Through this window I saw beings of non-terrestrial origin. They had whitish and yellowish splotchy skin, elongated eyes, and a ridge that projected from their foreheads giving them a Neanderthal appearance. It also appeared that these beings were looking directly at me as though they could see me in my astral form. The question that I hope that you will ask for me is: were these beings that I saw members of the groups utilizing the Wave to travel toward the Earth? And were they able to see my astral form because they were higher density beings? I would appreciate greatly if you could ask this question in one of your upcoming channelling sessions. If you would like to contact me, please reply to this email. I hesitate to give out any further information due to the fact that we have never met." Well, I think it is pretty rich that I am supposed to give out information to someone I don't even know! Here he wants to take up MY time, but he hesitates to tell me anything about himself. I hesitate to exert my time on behalf of him here because I don't know him! Maybe I am being overly sensitive. But, yeah, we've never met, but he has read all about me in the newspaper.

A: Our suggestion: best to not watch too much "Star Trek" before astral traveling!

Q: Now, we have this very unique one-liner here: "Are you nuts? What level of existence are you on, anyway?" That's from Emily Gotchnaur.

A: Do you feel this requires a response?

Q: Ark already took care of it. But I AM curious about anyone who would write such a thing and what kind of level of existence is THAT person on? What kind of person would ask that kind of question?

A: Someone who likes to knock down, not build up.

Q: This is a good one. Brad has written a couple of times. He was reading the Flight 19 session and he said: "This indicates to me that perception can manifest into a reality given proper conditions." Is his assumption going in the right direction? Can perception manifest into reality given the proper conditions?

A: Essentially, but it is more complex, as it involves manifestations from other realities, where the conditions do not parallel yours.

Q: Now he says: "If true, then an individual could manifest their reality if enough energy or focus or will could be focused to produce a result." You just said that it involves energies from other realities than our own. But, he goes on to say: "What I think is implied here is that the dominant belief will be the most often produced result. However, if ten people believe they see a UFO, but three others don't believe they see a UFO, then what is the result in this case? Do the three non-believers end up seeing UFOs because their perception that UFO's do not exist is overridden by the ten people who DO believe?"

A: Trying to impose conditional conceptualizations re: 3rd density awareness.

Q: Well, the question still is, if ten people think they see a UFO, and three don't, DO the three non-believers see a UFO?

A: Not valid due to rigidity of concept.

Q: Well, let me go on: "The prevailing or popular belief seems to override the less popular belief if I read the text of your essay correctly. That would certainly explain why disinformation and propaganda used by religious groups is so effective. I am not sure about the proper way this works according to your essay. It seems to me that, in order for an individual to buck the trend of a commonly held belief or thought, and for that person to manifest their own reality, or produce a desired result, they would have to be very strong willed, or have the ability to focus their will and intention so as to magnify its power and produce a reality which differs from that which is the common perception. It's all rather confusing. If ten people believe that Napoleon never died, but is still alive, and two people believe he is dead, the dominant belief prevailing would have Napoleon still alive. Perhaps you could go into some detail on this at a later time. If all is illusion, as so many New Age teachings suggest, then there are no constraints as to what reality can be."

A: No constraints? Then why the attempt to impose constraints?

Q: I think the one thing he missed in that session was the point that we were talking specifically about the Flight 19 incident where you had already said that the EM field generated by the aberrant activities of the Atlantean crystal, created an opening into what you called the Thought Plane, and as long as it remained open, this condition prevailed. But, under most circumstances, this is not the condition under which we live.

A: And even the EM crystal itself is transitory; in the space/time continuum it is of the "Philadelphia Experiment" mode.

Q: The example of the Flight 19 situation was a description of an aberrant situation, even though these aberrations can and do occur naturally or artificially, sometimes planned and sometimes random. Is that correct?

A: Sort of.

Q: But, in talking about our consensual reality. Are the conditions, say, for example, on our planet, a result of the consensus reality?

A: Ditto last response.

Q: Okay. Sort of. You say that we have these programs, and that there is this undulating matrix force field around the planet that holds these effects, and the programs in place, so to speak, but that some people CAN get out of the control and see what is real, but most people cannot.

A: Yes, or do not.

Q: So, if a critical mass of people began to SEE things, or to escape from the programming, would that effect a change for others in terms of the way they experience the reality, or would the reality that they had been choosing to experience...

A: Such a "critical mass" does not occur until the consensus "chooses."

Q: So, the reality under which we live is essentially, even if held in place by manipulations from higher densities, and some sort of matrix control system, is CHOSEN?

A: Close.

Q: To get back to this idea about changing the reality: can an individual or group of individuals change their personal reality so that they no longer have to or are required to participate in the consensus reality?

A: It is possible.

Q: Is it, as our correspondent has said, because such people are very strong willed, or have the ability to focus their will and intentions so as to magnify the power of the will, to change the reality...

A: Constraints constrain.

Q: Yes. The Matrix page on the website discusses this. So, it amounts to the fact that if a person is in THIS reality, for some reason they have CHOSEN it until they learn how to UN-choose it. (A) The question is: how often can people do it? Yes, it is possible, but can we know more?

A: Some truly rare types possess this talent flukishly, as it does not represent normal 3rd density domain.

Q: You once remarked to Ark "He who has the will of a Lion does not have the fate of a mouse." And then you added "to paraphrase, 'I am become One, creator of Worlds.'" I would like to understand the implication of these remarks?

A: The understanding of that comes from exploration, not explanation.

Q: I kind of figured you were going to say that! Now, I have this book entitled "Arktos." He says something here that echoes a remark you once made. He says: "It is a very remarkable thing that enlightenment seems to have come from the North against the common prejudice that the Earth was enlightened as it was populated from South to North. The Scythians are one of the most ancient nations; the Chinese descend from them. The Atlanteans themselves, more ancient than the Egyptians, descend from them." You said that the civilizing influence came from the North to the South. Of course, all the standard texts claim that civilization came from South to North, starting in Mesopotamia. Now, getting...

A: Okay, just a minute here. Thinking Mesopotamia is the beginning is like thinking that the beginning starts at the 12th chapter.

Q: I know that! The problem is: finding artifacts. I've been searching and digging, and I find a little bit here and there, but my God! Either nothing survived...

A: Artifacts have a limited shelf life!

Q: Exactly! The problem is that they've got specimens of humanoid types from 100 to 200 thousand years ago, and even further, but no specimens of modern man that are that old. Why is this so? Are they just looking in the wrong places?

A: Specimens survive by sheer luck.

Q: So, they are lucky that they have any specimens at all. Who knows, when they find a very ancient specimen of a modern type human, they won't believe it - it will be called an "anomaly!" There ARE artifacts that are EXTREMELY ancient, which give evidence of the presence of modern type man, and they just simply argue themselves to death over them.

A: Yes.

Q: They ignore them. But, during the time Neanderthal man was on the Earth, did he live alongside Modern man?

A: Yes. Except modern type man was different then.

Q: In what ways?

A: DNA and psycho/electrical frequencies.

Q: Does this mean that their physical appearance was different from what we consider to be modern man?

A: Radiance.

Q: What do you mean "radiance?"

A: You find out!

Q: Oh, that's interesting. Well, there are legends that the Northern people had "light" in their veins. Very ancient belief. Is this what you are referring to?

A: Maybe.

Q: Was this light related to the hemoglobin level, the iron level in the blood?

A: Maybe.

Q: Did they have a much higher iron level in their blood?

A: Possibly....

Q: Okay, part of the ancient legend of Arktos was that, in very ancient times the Earth was different because it had a vertical axial orientation. This contributed to the golden age or the Edenic condition. Is this, in fact, one of the conditions that existed in the Golden Age? A; Well, yes, but still some puzzle pieces needed.

Q: I noticed also that there are several ball-park type figures given for the precessional cycles. Apparently there is not a whole lot of agreement as to how long this cycle is, exactly. I notice that, if you divide 309,882 years by 12, you come out right in the ball park of 12 precessional cycles. Is this the reason that the zodiac was set up with twelve signs or houses?

A: Related, yes.

Q: Now, since all the recent conjecture about the precessional cycle has really gone all over the place, it is my thought that the real reason for the ancient clues about this cycle are to inform us that the length of 12 of these cycles is a GRAND Cycle, and that THIS is the big clue.

A: Needs some study by you.

Q: One of the interesting things about this Northern civilizational factor is that one of the hallmarks of the Aryan attitude is the Male dominated religion. When did the masculine religion "take over?" Was this always the tendency or leaning of the Aryan group?

A: Involves more than religion. Religion is the facilitator.

Q: Facilitator of what?

A: Customary psycho/social habitue.

Q: Customary to whom?

A: Those whom you refer to as Aryans.

Q: Where did they acquire the "habit" of a masculine oriented religion? Everybody else was worshipping the goddess in one form or another. But this male dominated theology was the distinguishing characteristic of the Northern peoples. Where did they come up with this.

A: Originated on home planet.

Q: Kantek?

A: For all intents and purposes.

Q: Was it this male dominated religion that contributed to the destruction of Kantek?

A: No.

Q: Okay, when they were on their home planet, why did they develop a masculine religion as opposed to a feminine one, considering the fact that women are the source of life, in certain terms?

A: In your density, masculinism/feminish is essentially a roll of "the dice." Remember, at higher levels gender is nonexistent.

Q: Well, the problem I am having here is this: the masculine religion is monotheistic, essentially.

A: In your references.

Q: Was the older masculine religion polytheistic?

A: Going off the track.

Q: The Aryans always thought they were better than everybody else...

A: They were more advanced than the company they found themselves amongst.

Q: But then, as far as I can tell, the Hebrew monotheism is also derived from the Aryan, monotheistic, male dominated religion. It then "fathered" Christianity, and that has been the whole patriarchal, kill-em-all and let God sort-em-out war mongering thing under which we have lived for over 2000 years. This is the Western, European mind... it came from the Aryans, from the North; it was the so-called "civilizing" influence in nearly every respect that you can track. The cohesiveness and dominance of this type of thinking was able to civilize, but then civilization involves dominance, killing, war, territory, the Hitler scene, the whole nine yards. All of this is antithetical to all that you promote as far as being desirable. Yet, you have said that you were in contact with the Northern Peoples for millennia. Yes, Cassiopeia is a Northern Constellation, and probably figured in the early myths of these peoples in ways we cannot know, but the whole thing is that they represent all that is STS.

A: But so do you, so then why did we contact you?

Q: Well. I don't buy into that whole monotheistic, dominator, war-mongering, make everybody conform to one way of thinking head trip!

A: So, you think all individuals conformed then, or is it the soul that counts in the final analysis?

Q: Okay, obviously all individuals are different, and some did not conform then, either.

A: And neither do you.

Q: Point taken. I am just having a hard time with this. I wish you would just tell me! Who interacted with these Aryans to give them this male-dominated, monotheistic idea that they then sought to impose on every other human being on the planet - and are STILL trying!

A: Interactions were transdensity.

Q: Let me ask one final question. I am reading this book about Jack the Ripper. The author claims that the real Jack was a "mad surgeon," which is what you suggested at one other time. This book also says that the murders were inspired by political considerations. Supposedly, the murders were designed to cover up the murder of one, specific person. It is even said that the Masons were involved, and the actual murders were symbolic Masonic statements. Is there any truth to this theory?

A: Maybe a little.

Q: The killer, as suggested by this author, was Dr. William Gull, physician to Queen Victoria. Now, this theory is so close to what you suggested, that I was sort of amazed to read this book. The refutation comes from people who say that, around the time of the Ripper murders, Dr. Gull had a stroke and was, therefore, unable to physically perform the murders, so must have had an assistant. Right after the murders ended, he retired from the practice of medicine, saying he didn't "feel like himself." Supposedly, he died but there are some who say he was really locked up in an asylum and a fake funeral was held. Well, the guy writing the book really did find some evidence of a cover-up, though whether or not it was THIS being covered up, I can't tell. It IS a compelling story. When this Dr. Gull had this stroke, and the supposed epileptic seizures that followed, was he, in fact, possessed? Is he even the one? Was Dr. William Gull the Ripper?

A: The theory is close, but the details are incorrect.

Q: Can you satisfy my curiosity?

A: Not really, not tonight.

Q: But I want to KNOW! Was Dr. Gull the Ripper?

A: Such "gall." Good Night!

End of Session
Thanks for sharing! Breaking the matrix force field is a very intriguing topic. The C's say it is possible but did not give any further remarks or clues in regards to a how-to awake and SEE the true reality.
Thank you for putting out all these past transcripts. They are very enlightening and helpful food for thought.

I have had a thought about something that pertains to this:

Yet, you have said that you were in contact with the Northern Peoples for millennia. Yes, Cassiopeia is a Northern Constellation, and probably figured in the early myths of these peoples in ways we cannot know, but the whole thing is that they represent all that is STS.

A: But so do you, so then why did we contact you?

Q: Well. I don't buy into that whole monotheistic, dominator, war-mongering, make everybody conform to one way of thinking head trip!

A: So, you think all individuals conformed then, or is it the soul that counts in the final analysis?

Q: Okay, obviously all individuals are different, and some did not conform then, either.

A: And neither do you.

So, in 4d sts could there also not be an array of soul levels? Some being on the on the psychopathic lower levels, i.e. lizzies and ones of a higher nature maybe working towards aligning with an sto energy, like we hope to accomplish here? I recall reading something in the Wave series pertaining to this. That the lizzies were created as a worker group for the more humanoidish Orions.

The reason for this line of questioning is that I don't think that it is all black and white. That being we are sts is proof of that, we are not all out to be as what Laura stated above, war-mongering, self absorbed dominating conformers. Quite the contrary. So, maybe there are some 4d sts beings that are assisting us. It is just that the channels are corrupted and the info is misused. Maybe it does not even matter??? :huh:
Bluestar said:
So, in 4d sts could there also not be an array of soul levels? Some being on the on the psychopathic lower levels, i.e. lizzies and ones of a higher nature maybe working towards aligning with an sto energy, like we hope to accomplish here? I recall reading something in the Wave series pertaining to this. That the lizzies were created as a worker group for the more humanoidish Orions.

The reason for this line of questioning is that I don't think that it is all black and white. That being we are sts is proof of that, we are not all out to be as what Laura stated above, war-mongering, self absorbed dominating conformers. Quite the contrary. So, maybe there are some 4d sts beings that are assisting us. It is just that the channels are corrupted and the info is misused. Maybe it does not even matter??? :huh:

I tend to think that the possibility of 4D STS wanting to assist us would be quite rare, if not non-existent -- partly because of this excerpt from the Cassiopedia:

In the Cassiopaea/Ra view of evolution of consciousness, individuals graduate from 3rd density, which corresponds to the human-like existence as we know it, to 4th density when they have completed the evolution possible in 3rd density. The chief criterion is having achieved a consistent self which is stably dedicated to either service to others or service to self. This naturally involves a certain level of knowledge and intelligence, since the two polarities cannot be discerned without.

This stability in orientation seems to be one of the general properties of 4D, the "choice" having been made in 3D before the transition to 4D. That being said, though, there is this:

Jan 14 said:
Q: (T) Once you are in 4th density, if you choose STS, can you change it to STO?
A: Yes.

Q: (T) So you can move back and forth as you so desire and it is all still free will?
A: If you move from STS to STO in 4th level, you don’t move back.

Q: (T) Once you are STS in 4th density you have to stay there?
(L) No.
(J) If you move from STS to STO in 4th density you don’t go back to STS, you stay at STO, is that correct?
(T) That’s what I mean, once you have decided to do STO, that’s where you stay because you don’t have any desire to go back to STS?
A: Yes.

Q: (T) So, it is not so much that you don’t have a choice, it is just that you don’t want to go back to STS?
A: Yes.

Q: (T) So if you move up and do what the Lizards are doing, then you continue to do that until you get tired of it or see different, or become enlightened and then move to STO and then that’s where you will want to stay?
A: Open.

Q: (T) Can you move from STO back to STS? I know you said you can’t, but that’s because you choose not to?
A: Natural factors prohibit this.

So it isn't that the STO-STS polarity is completely immutable in 4D, whether helping us would be part of that transition or only occur after the transition had already occurred, I don't know. I do know that if a 4D STS entity claimed to want to help me, I'd be quite skeptical.
Shijing said:
Bluestar said:
So, in 4d sts could there also not be an array of soul levels? Some being on the on the psychopathic lower levels, i.e. lizzies and ones of a higher nature maybe working towards aligning with an sto energy, like we hope to accomplish here? I recall reading something in the Wave series pertaining to this. That the lizzies were created as a worker group for the more humanoidish Orions.

The reason for this line of questioning is that I don't think that it is all black and white. That being we are sts is proof of that, we are not all out to be as what Laura stated above, war-mongering, self absorbed dominating conformers. Quite the contrary. So, maybe there are some 4d sts beings that are assisting us. It is just that the channels are corrupted and the info is misused. Maybe it does not even matter??? :huh:

I tend to think that the possibility of 4D STS wanting to assist us would be quite rare, if not non-existent -- partly because of this excerpt from the Cassiopedia:

In the Cassiopaea/Ra view of evolution of consciousness, individuals graduate from 3rd density, which corresponds to the human-like existence as we know it, to 4th density when they have completed the evolution possible in 3rd density. The chief criterion is having achieved a consistent self which is stably dedicated to either service to others or service to self. This naturally involves a certain level of knowledge and intelligence, since the two polarities cannot be discerned without.

This stability in orientation seems to be one of the general properties of 4D, the "choice" having been made in 3D before the transition to 4D. That being said, though, there is this:

Jan 14 said:
Q: (T) Once you are in 4th density, if you choose STS, can you change it to STO?
A: Yes.

Q: (T) So you can move back and forth as you so desire and it is all still free will?
A: If you move from STS to STO in 4th level, you don’t move back.

Q: (T) Once you are STS in 4th density you have to stay there?
(L) No.
(J) If you move from STS to STO in 4th density you don’t go back to STS, you stay at STO, is that correct?
(T) That’s what I mean, once you have decided to do STO, that’s where you stay because you don’t have any desire to go back to STS?
A: Yes.

Q: (T) So, it is not so much that you don’t have a choice, it is just that you don’t want to go back to STS?
A: Yes.

Q: (T) So if you move up and do what the Lizards are doing, then you continue to do that until you get tired of it or see different, or become enlightened and then move to STO and then that’s where you will want to stay?
A: Open.

Q: (T) Can you move from STO back to STS? I know you said you can’t, but that’s because you choose not to?
A: Natural factors prohibit this.

So it isn't that the STO-STS polarity is completely immutable in 4D, whether helping us would be part of that transition or only occur after the transition had already occurred, I don't know. I do know that if a 4D STS entity claimed to want to help me, I'd be quite skeptical.

That's the part I still don't understand. If we were bi-density STO in the last cycle (300K years ago), then why in the world did the soul group make the decision to align with 4D STS instead? Maybe my line of thinking is flawed here, but if (i) we were partly 4D already and (ii) if one is STO in 4D and does not desire to go back to STS (didn't the C's say that desire was STS anyways) then how was that scenario even possible?

Does anyone have additional data on this that I've missed? It would be much appreciated :) Many thanks in advance :flowers:
Finduilas495 said:
That's the part I still don't understand. If we were bi-density STO in the last cycle (300K years ago), then why in the world did the soul group make the decision to align with 4D STS instead? Maybe my line of thinking is flawed here, but if (i) we were partly 4D already and (ii) if one is STO in 4D and does not desire to go back to STS (didn't the C's say that desire was STS anyways) then how was that scenario even possible?

Does anyone have additional data on this that I've missed? It would be much appreciated :) Many thanks in advance :flowers:

My understanding is that in the last cycle (before the Fall), mankind was 3D STO but "lived in a semi-4th density state, sort of -- 4th density in another realm, such as time/space continuum, etc." In other words, we were 3D ourselves, but our environment had some characteristics of 4D. I don't think we would have "gone for the gold" if we were actually 4D.
Shijing said:
Finduilas495 said:
That's the part I still don't understand. If we were bi-density STO in the last cycle (300K years ago), then why in the world did the soul group make the decision to align with 4D STS instead? Maybe my line of thinking is flawed here, but if (i) we were partly 4D already and (ii) if one is STO in 4D and does not desire to go back to STS (didn't the C's say that desire was STS anyways) then how was that scenario even possible?

Does anyone have additional data on this that I've missed? It would be much appreciated :) Many thanks in advance :flowers:

My understanding is that in the last cycle (before the Fall), mankind was 3D STO but "lived in a semi-4th density state, sort of -- 4th density in another realm, such as time/space continuum, etc." In other words, we were 3D ourselves, but our environment had some characteristics of 4D. I don't think we would have "gone for the gold" if we were actually 4D.

So we were 3D STO living in a semi-4th denisty state interms of our environment. That's an interesting take on it. We couldnt have been 4D STO because C's in one of the transcripts said it's impossible for 4D STO to become 4D STS and I think as an extension 3D STS. However, it doesnt appear impossible for 3D STO to become 3D STS. Why is that?
luke wilson said:
Shijing said:
Finduilas495 said:
That's the part I still don't understand. If we were bi-density STO in the last cycle (300K years ago), then why in the world did the soul group make the decision to align with 4D STS instead? Maybe my line of thinking is flawed here, but if (i) we were partly 4D already and (ii) if one is STO in 4D and does not desire to go back to STS (didn't the C's say that desire was STS anyways) then how was that scenario even possible?

Does anyone have additional data on this that I've missed? It would be much appreciated :) Many thanks in advance :flowers:

My understanding is that in the last cycle (before the Fall), mankind was 3D STO but "lived in a semi-4th density state, sort of -- 4th density in another realm, such as time/space continuum, etc." In other words, we were 3D ourselves, but our environment had some characteristics of 4D. I don't think we would have "gone for the gold" if we were actually 4D.

So we were 3D STO living in a semi-4th denisty state interms of our environment. That's an interesting take on it. We couldnt have been 4D STO because C's in one of the transcripts said it's impossible for 4D STO to become 4D STS and I think as an extension 3D STS. However, it doesnt appear impossible for 3D STO to become 3D STS. Why is that?

Could it be that our environment was semi-4th density when we were 3D STO because STO sees objectively and not only what they wish to see? That our environment was different because our perception of it was different?
Thank you Shijing. It really does not matter at this point what 4d consists of. We just need to continue the work.

From Shijung
So it isn't that the STO-STS polarity is completely immutable in 4D, whether helping us would be part of that transition or only occur after the transition had already occurred, I don't know. I do know that if a 4D STS entity claimed to want to help me, I'd be quite skeptical.

I agree. And found this to be useful.


Q: Is it possible that there are people on the planet now, who are manifested as 3rd density
STS, who at a certain point in time, due to some event, such as the Wave, will activate
genetically, so that they will then transform into 4th density STO Nordics?
A: Close, once again, the answer is not so much physicality as it is spirituality.
Q: So, there could be a lot of 3rd density people who are conduits or projections of 4th

density STO into this reality?
A: Souls, my dear, it is the souls!
Q: So there are 3rd density bodies, inhabited by 4th density souls, but these bodies, because
of the STO honoring of free will, have all the 3rd density limitations for the present?
A: Yes.

Finduilas495 said:
Could it be that our environment was semi-4th density when we were 3D STO because STO sees objectively and not only what they wish to see? That our environment was different because our perception of it was different?

Spent about an hour looking for the transcripts for any info regarding this question. What I found that may be helpful is this.


which i understand was STO-oriented before then, approx 309,000 years ago (source - Cs, marciniak, Ra). This veil caused people to forget their link to higher densities (and the possibility of higher awareness in them), caused them to experience time in 3D, and a whole host of other factors. Supposedly one of the ways this was done was by modifying the human physical body (i'm not sure if other bodies were also modified likewise) by burning of DNA strands that related to higher awareness and functionality. Because humanity chose (at some level) this state, which the Cs describe as 'reaching for the gold', this planet in 3D has become STS by default. I understand it was the other way around earlier. This descent from 3D/4D hybrid STO existence to 3D STS is termed as 'the fall', but i guess not from the point of view of 4D STS
On 3D we are STS, period. This semi form of 3D/4D STO is not all inclusive. The subject in 3D may experience a higher self realisation through a STO behaviour. Also the body through the full potential of DNA may be in contact with the higher self. Nonetheless, the subject is still in 3D. The DNA burning looks to me as breaking communication with the higher self, and also limiting the perception of the body.

The concept of 4D STS moving to STO is that of a fragmented part (limited in knowledge) moving outwardly and, as consequence, all inclusive. Includes the knowledge of the STS world. I remember a comment about the STS perceiving the "whole existence" as an island where each grain of sand is a 'universe'. Outside the island they perceive there is nothing. C's said this is false, because outside the 'island' is the STO world, which includes the STS 'world'.

The possibility of moving back from STO to STS is non existant on 4D. It is like forgetting something you already acquired (knowledge). Knowledge acquired through the learning process (returning to the all-inclusive knowledge of 7th density). In essence moving from STO to STS it is like the 'fall' from 7th density to a lower one. ¿But on the same density how to forget? This is not possible by nature, as C's stated.

Edit: rewrite post, clarification was needed.
Thanks for the session, Laura.

I have a question about the following

Q: To get back to this idea about changing the reality: can an individual or group of individuals change their personal reality so that they no longer have to or are required to participate in the consensus reality?

A: It is possible.

Q: Is it, as our correspondent has said, because such people are very strong willed, or have the ability to focus their will and intentions so as to magnify the power of the will, to change the reality...

A: Constraints constrain.

Q: Yes. The Matrix page on the website discusses this. So, it amounts to the fact that if a person is in THIS reality, for some reason they have CHOSEN it until they learn how to UN-choose it. (A) The question is: how often can people do it? Yes, it is possible, but can we know more?

A: Some truly rare types possess this talent flukishly, as it does not represent normal 3rd density domain.

Can this flukish talent be learned or transmitted to others or is it just a characteristic of a specific type of soul that can't be shared. Like a specific genetic ability of this type of soul.

Posté par: jordifs

Outside the island they perceive there is nothing. C's said this is false, because outside the 'island' is the STO world, which includes the STS 'world'.

They enjoys them self so much on that island that even standing on the shore they never think to look at a the sea. It's gray and turbulent but, there is a way to cross the barrier reef. OH! the white shore. :boat:
Bluestar said:
Thank you Shijing. It really does not matter at this point what 4d consists of. We just need to continue the work.


Finduilas495 said:
Could it be that our environment was semi-4th density when we were 3D STO because STO sees objectively and not only what they wish to see? That our environment was different because our perception of it was different?

Spent about an hour looking for the transcripts for any info regarding this question. What I found that may be helpful is this.


which i understand was STO-oriented before then, approx 309,000 years ago (source - Cs, marciniak, Ra). This veil caused people to forget their link to higher densities (and the possibility of higher awareness in them), caused them to experience time in 3D, and a whole host of other factors. Supposedly one of the ways this was done was by modifying the human physical body (i'm not sure if other bodies were also modified likewise) by burning of DNA strands that related to higher awareness and functionality. Because humanity chose (at some level) this state, which the Cs describe as 'reaching for the gold', this planet in 3D has become STS by default. I understand it was the other way around earlier. This descent from 3D/4D hybrid STO existence to 3D STS is termed as 'the fall', but i guess not from the point of view of 4D STS

At one point Laura had asked the Cs what must one do to move on to the next level, and the Cs cryptically said people have to learn the simple lessons in life, including 'karmic understandings' (hope i got that correct). Apparently people like gengis khan made conscious STS choices by killing millions of people during their time of existence, and have graduated to 4D STS, while others such as buddha and others have done the opposite to move on to 4D STO. Laura once commented that besides the ignorant potentially souled people plus the psychopaths that are the main cause of strife and misery in this world, people who are CONSCIOUSLY evil are the really dangerous ones, because they are doing this as their choice. Psychopaths and their ilk (and the organic portals) then logically should be tools in their hands.

I also recall the C's saying that if 3D STS humans managed to transform to a true STO state within the current 3D limitations, they would find themselves in 4D instantly. So the STO state seems to be linked to the karmic and simple understandings (3D lessons) somehow. Apparently one does not need these understandings in order to go from STO to STS (since the STS state is limited compared to the STO state, or to use jordifs' term, an inward movement), but it is required to be able to move outwardly from STS to STO, OSIT.

jordifs said:
On 3D we are STS, period. This semi form of 3D/4D STO is not all inclusive. The subject in 3D may experience a higher self realisation through a STO behaviour. Also the body through the full potential of DNA may be in contact with the higher self. Nonetheless, the subject is still in 3D. The DNA burning looks to me as breaking communication with the higher self, and also limiting the perception of the body.

The concept of 4D STS moving to STO is that of a fragmented part (limited in knowledge) moving outwardly and, as consequence, all inclusive. Includes the knowledge of the STS world. I remember a comment about the STS perceiving the "whole existence" as an island where each grain of sand is a 'universe'. Outside the island they perceive there is nothing. C's said this is false, because outside the 'island' is the STO world, which includes the STS 'world'.

The possibility of moving back from STO to STS is non existant on 4D. It is like forgetting something you already acquired (knowledge). Knowledge acquired through the learning process (returning to the all-inclusive knowledge of 7th density). In essence moving from STO to STS it is like the 'fall' from 7th density to a lower one. ¿But on the same density how to forget? This is not possible by nature, as C's stated.

Edit: rewrite post, clarification was needed.

Apparently we need to re-learn the fact that we even have a choice, that things don't have to be the way they are now. But there must be more to it, since before the Fall we were 3D STO. As far as I understand this, we didn't have the karmic and simple understandings then either (otherwise we wouldn't have been 3D anymore), but we were learning under different circumstances (STO as opposed to STS). We were playing on a different playing field.

Is this what you are saying, jordifs?

It seems to me that those souls who choose STS consciously and are aiming to graduate to 4D STS have a head start since this is an STS realm after all, while the souls that are trying to align themselves with STO are in a difficult starting position because they have no clear idea of what they are aiming at.

The question that comes to mind here is if the karmic and simple understandings are the key to not forget the knowledge acquired through the Work.

This quote is from session 960629:

A: You see, my dear, when you arrive at 4th density, then you will
Q: (L) Well, how in the heck am I supposed to get there if I can't "get
A: Who says you have to "get it" before you get there?
Q: (L) Well, that leads back to: what is the wave going to do to
expand this awareness? Because, if the wave is what "gets you
there," what makes this so?
A: No. It is like this: After you have completed all your lessons in
"third grade," where do you go?
Q: (L) So, it is a question of...
A: Answer, please.
Q: (L) You go to fourth grade.
A: Okay, now, do you have to already be in 4th grade in order to be
allowed to go there? Answer.
Q: (L) No. But you have to know all the 3rd density things...
A: Yes. More apropos: you have to have learned all of the lessons.
Q: (L) What kind of lessons are we talking about here?
A: Karmic and simple understandings.
Q: (L) What are the key elements of these understandings, and are
they fairly universal?
A: They are universal.
Q: (L) What are they?
A: We cannot tell you that.
Q: (L) Do they have to do with discovering the MEANINGS of the
symbology of 3rd density existence, seeing behind the veil... and
reacting to things according to choice? Giving each thing or person
or event its due?
A: Okay. But you cannot force the issue. When you have learned,
you have learned!
Q: (L) I just want to make sure that I am doing the most I can do. I
don't want to have to come back to 3rd density. If I can accelerate
things a little...
A: You cannot, so just enjoy the ride. Learning is fun!
Finduilas495 said:
I also recall the C's saying that if 3D STS humans managed to transform to a true STO state within the current 3D limitations, they would find themselves in 4D instantly.
I do find this sentence amazing. I do not say it is impossible, but pretty difficult. I remember the remark “less than 3000 in 300000 years”. So for the rest, we need to work, hard.

Finduilas495 said:
So the STO state seems to be linked to the karmic and simple understandings (3D lessons) somehow. Apparently [n]one does not need these understandings in order to go from STO to STS[/b] (since the STS state is limited compared to the STO state, or to use jordifs' term, an inward movement), but it is required to be able to move outwardly from STS to STO, OSIT.

Important: you talk about moving from STO to STS. Which I cannot recall any reference of anyone that did this.
You write about the concept “one does not need these understandings”. For me, the proper concept is that the knoweldge must be deleted/destroyed in order “to fall to” or “to switch to” STS. I do believe this is possible to achieve in 3D, the body (brain/memory). ¿But how to delete knowledge for something so different as the soul? I do not know if this is possible, nonetheless it do exist a reference to the soul-smashing-crushing event which can lead to destroying souls. Returning to density 1 (1D). So, ... may be it is possible to delete, but not easy (I'm really not sure about it).
When one is aligned with 4D STO, one perceives the cosmic game (so to speak). The game of returing to the source, to 7th densisty. And how is possible to take the decision of loosing knoweldge, moving toward STS . It does not seems logical to me, because this implies not moving toward the goal (7th density). To my understanding this means moving to a lower level, even on same density.

Finduilas495 said:
Apparently we need to re-learn the fact that we even have a choice, that things don't have to be the way they are now. But there must be more to it, since before the Fall we were 3D STO. As far as I understand this, we didn't have the karmic and simple understandings then either (otherwise we wouldn't have been 3D anymore), but we were learning under different circumstances (STO as opposed to STS). We were playing on a different playing field.

Very interesting comment. Indeed in this scenario the learning process was being performed on the right circumstances. This is on a STO school/ambient, which looks 'good' compared to the STS. As a consequence it is logical to believe that even on this favorable scenario, they did not achieved the “karmic and simple understandings”. I got confused when you use this word “karmic”, it is not something to learn, but something to remember/regain. I do believe there is a karmic profile, each soul has one, but it is needed for the 3D being to reconnect with that 'karma'.
When you speak about “simple understandings”. I do believe there is nothing 'simple'. Moreover, depending on your 3D experiences, it can be really difficult to 'understand something'. Mostly in this reality that looks like hell (to me).
A privileged 3D STO scenario may look good, but there are some experiences that must be learned on a STS scenario. One cannot learn without experiencing. Difficult to experience pain, when one never has been hurt.

Finduilas495 said:
It seems to me that those souls who choose STS consciously and are aiming to graduate to 4D STS have a head start since this is an STS realm after all, while the souls that are trying to align themselves with STO are in a difficult starting position because they have no clear idea of what they are aiming at.

I disagree with you in the previous sentence:
* Quote fragment: “souls who choose STS consciously”.
The soul does not “consciously choose”, not in the sense of taking a decision like opening a 3D door (or choosing an intersection),
* Quote fragment: “aim to graduate STS”.
Same as previous, the soul does not “aim” does not consciously intent to. To do what you expose, means that there are options: the STS and the STO. But the STS don't know there are options, don't even know the STO alternative (it is a lack of knowledge that limits them).
* Quote fragment: “souls that are trying to align themselves with STO ... because they have no clear idea of what they are aiming at”.
I perceive a conflict in this sentence. If there is a soul that tries to align with STO, then it means there is an intention, an intent to, to aim, to target ... even if this intent is through “a natural process due a lack of perception/definition of concepts related to STO”. If the being do have all this intel, then it can decide to align, consciously align to. But not everybody communicates with 6D STO beings.

I do write about my life experiences to illustrate about this alignment concept through a natural process:

Since I was 14 years old, I had questions, topics, doubts. There are reflections about life, about the society, about the behaviour of the people. I did not find answers to my questions (at that age). Later as an adult I continued to pursuit knowledge through simple understandings, reflections. For instance:
- Two sides (armies) fight each other.
- Both tell that they are good and the opposite is evil.
- Both do have religion/faith/strong-foundations.
- Both do use weapons, kill, torture.
- Both claim that their purpose is right.

I conclude that I cannot decide. What is good and what is evil, how to define it, everything seems subjective/relative. I decide that I do not wish to others, what I do not wish to my self. I do not wish to die or to be killed, so I will not do it to another being (same as torture). This to my understanding was key, it is the tools that matter, I will not use with my enemy the tools I do not want to be used on me. This belief system is root deep inside me. I cannot torture an animal. I do eat meat. I do not feel pity for the animals (I need to eat). But I do not wish to kill an animal (even if I'm hungry).

Speaking with a colleague I discovered issues that to me look STS aligned. He believe that this world is what we have. We are here, nothing else. We need to take profit, to consume, to avoid produce, to enjoy, to experience anything we can. And this attitude toward life is deep inside this person. To the extreme that he is like a vampire, if he wants something, he fights till he conceals it. If he does not want to go alone to a disco, he will find someone to go with him. If he is on a conversation and you opinion is totally opposite to his own, he will fight back, even shout at you. This happened to me speaking about 9/11 and the fall of the buildings. He shouted at my face that I was crazy, insane, sick and ill. And he remarked later that his comments were serious, that I need assistance in a hospital. This precisely is what I want to show, this “extreme attitude” that in my humble opinion is inherent to a STS being. There is no alternative, no option, no nothing. What he believes is the truth, it is what he decide to believe that matters. This is very interesting because help to understand the concept (Cs stated) about 4D STS where ... “what you believe is, what you wish, becomes your reality”. To me looks as if a being can project what he wants to, (like matrix film 1995), so the subject/being can live/interact with this lie (not the truth).
Later with this colleague, with other topics, I discovered that for him killing is totally acceptable. It is justified, there are acceptable situations. For instance killing a person like “Hitler”. But then you discover that this “exception rule”, also applies to anybody that tries to harm his family. When you discover that this person gets an arm license, and plans to buy one to defend himself from others. And that he is convinced to use it without any hestatiation ... then I discover that this colleague no longer is my 15 years best friend. And when I analyse all the history together, memories, events, related to psychology ... I tremble. Because I am no expert on psychology, neither on psychopathy, but I do discover dots that simply connect. And with this same knowledge I analyse the behaviour of other people, and I realise that within my office I do have two “bosses” (man and woman) that do possess the same lack of “emotional intelligence”. And that I need to exit as soon as possible. I do end this paragraph (this is not The Swamp and I know). I hope this very long comments really help others to understand what I do perceive about it.

Finduilas495 said:
The question that comes to mind here is if the karmic and simple understandings are the key to not forget the knowledge acquired through the Work.

I totally agree with you on this point. There are something simple to learn, to understand. Lessons that can lead to the spiritual/karma/soul. And this intel accumulates into the soul (I'm not sure to use soul memory imprint, but something similar). And this work may be is assisting the soul in the process of chosing the right “next 3D experiences”. Which are necessary in order to continue the learning process. As I perceive it (not sure about it), the souls that move from STS to STO are the souls most “evolved”. Those which remain on STS need more “development”.

The following text is very helpful:
Finduilas495 said:
This quote is from session 960629:
Q: (L) What kind of lessons are we talking about here?
A: Karmic and simple understandings.
Q: (L) What are the key elements of these understandings, and are
they fairly universal?
A: They are universal.

I do recognise in me that I'm learning, maybe some “simple understandings”. I also perceive analysing my behaviour as a child, some apathy (not wishfully seeking objects, 3D pleasure). I do perceive that may be I'm most aligned with the STO concept. Nonetheless as C's stated, in 3D you are 3D, and you cannot fight 4D with your limited capabilities. So the hybrid 3D STO could not even fight back the 4D STS that took them. And as C's stated you cannot accelerate. If our destiny is an airplane you cannot change the route, you can think on it, but your are a child within the airplane as a passenger (not the 4D STS pilot, so to speak).

Sorry for this long post, I was thinking on it for 2 days.
I wish it is helpful to others, as it did to me to stop and write without haste (which leads to mistakes).

Sincerely yours,

Edit: spellcheck
It took me a lot of time to figure out how there could be 3D STO. When reading the Ishmael books by Daniel Quinn, I started to understand. He explains how since agriculture started to become dominating (called "totalitarian agriculture") humanity started to feel like they "were god" and able to control reality. That view is pretty much STS because it ignores mother nature which in itself regulates life, like in the animal kingdom.

I suppose the idea of 3d STO having some 4d is much like a pet that is graduating to the 3d. The idea that these pets are starting to see how 3d works.
Hello again I’m back. I thank you all for welcoming me into the forum back in August of 2010. It was a Sunday.

I have some questions about the Wave as I understood it and would like to be corrected if my concept of the Wave is inaccurate.

All waves must be generated by some event at least to my understanding of the dynamic of a wave. Is this wave caused by the collapsing time lines as the “personas” of myself and all others who are not just organic portholes begin to integrate as the multi-verse begins to collapse around itself?

This collapse that is generating the wave as I understand the material I have read is restructuring the universe where it passes and in another sense is redefining the tree of life as defined in some versions of sacred geometry? It, in a sense, is harvesting beings with a spark and repositioning them somewhere in the University of the Multi-Universe? Simultaneously the wave is closing organic portholes that link the multi-verse in positions of linear time that can and are sometimes exploited by sparked beings no longer existing in linear time prior to the passing of the wave?

Along with these metaphysical changes occurring in the species human, there are physical horrors that must be endured as this wave passes through our “personas” integrating area of the multi-verse on its way to redefining all that exists before its break? If this is true, can it be that after the wave breaks over our density with all the metaphysical and physical changes that proceeds and follows its breaking; and that once it flows far enough beyond us to affect our perception of reality, no one will have a conscious memory of its coming except those who volunteer for missionary work?

Is the wave bringing the cosmic war home? And, will this war reduce our numbers by integrating our common “personas” throughout the multi-verse? And what was once trillions of beings with spark in some area of the multi-verse the wave passes through, now become billions of integrated being evolving until the next passing of the wave? Does this mean the cosmic war goes on until the sixth density and beyond? After the final passing of the wave throughout the multi-verse where it becomes a placid lake in the seventh density is there only a creator, its first, second, third and fourth creation running the same test again? Is this why 5 is a special number?

Just a few questions that came to mind out of nowhere tonight. I would appreciate comments by email as I don’t post or logon often. Thank you for your time.

JLKGreystone – A common laborer

Edit: paragraph spaces
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