Session 9 December 1994


FOTCM Member
December 9, 1994
Frank and Laura

Q: (L) Hello.

A: Hello.

Q: (L) And who do we have with us this evening?

A: {Name lost}

Q: (L) And where are you from?

A: Cassiopaea.

Q: (L) Now, tell me the name of the beings D__ M__ experienced as preying Mantises in her hypnosis session?

A: Her essence.

Q: (L) But, in that reality don't they have a name?

A: Too complex to answer adequately in this medium.

Q: (L) Well, you said that the beings that V__ encountered were Minturians, aren't they the same?

A: No.

Q: (L) Is there a difference between essence beings and incarnate beings?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So we have a distinct difference. Okay, who were the ant/fly beings she described?

A: Her essence too.

Q: (L) And what were those snakey, slug-like beings that she saw?

A: Same.

Q: (L) Are you saying that all of this stuff is who she is? All of these horrible creatures and these..

A: In some of the alternate realities.

Q: (L) Do I have creatures like that that are my essence?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) My essence is something that horrible and dark and icky?

A: Subjective.

Q: (L) Well, weren't those horrible icky beings eating little children? Weren't those real human children?

A: How do you think you are viewed by deer, for example?

Q: (L) Well, I can immediately see that. I saw that already. I mean, cows and chickens would have to view us that way. I mean, it's pretty gross.

A: Roaches, too.

Q: (L) Is that why the night before D__'s session, I dreamed of ants that I could have stepped on and smashed, and for some reason I decided I did not want to take the life of even a single ant?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Was that dream preparing me for what I was going to experience in that session?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Well, what do we do about these essence parts of ourselves? I mean, I don't like it that there may be something of the predator in me. I would like to not have it, or get rid or it, or transform it, or whatever.

A: Wait and see.

Q: (L) Well, am I going to have to remember myself doing things like that in order to come to terms with it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is that going to happen to me, that I am going to have memories like that surfacing?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Well, I can't even cope with it in someone else, how am I going to deal with it in myself?

A: You will.

Q: (L) Is this something we are all going to have to do?

A: All eligible.

Q: (L) And who is eligible?

A: 4th density candidates.

Q: (L) Is Frank going to have to remember these things, too?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) How does one know that one is a 4D candidate?

A: You gradually "awaken".

Q: (L) Are my children 4D candidates? And my husband? You have to tell me this. If I have to deal with things, let me do it a little at a time.

A: You are not in correct frame of mind.

Q: (L) Well, that sounds ominous.

A: Wait for answer.

Q: (L) Wait until when?

A: You are ready.

Q: (L) So, in other words, some people may have to leave behind children or mates, or siblings or parents, is that true?

A: If so, will be prepared.

Q: (L) Is there any way to tell if someone is a 4D candidate?

A: Inquire of them.

Q: (L) And, will they know?

A: Yes, at some level. In a sense. Those who are chosen feel it. You will know.

Q: (L) Well, I happen to think that my family is extremely special.

A: So do all.

Q: (L) I have taken a great deal of time and care with spiritual matters. Is that because it was my obsession or did they choose me because of this?

A: Open.

Q: (L) Did the Minturians, the preying mantis beings that V__ experienced in her regression, did those preying mantises eat people?

A: Too complex for your thought patterns of this session. You are upset.

Q: (L) Well, is that what is wrong with me tonight. You aren't telling me much.

A: Biological, and we are telling plenty, you are not "hearing" because biological factors have temporarily pushed you back more into 3D.

Q: (L) Would it be a good idea to do the Reiki exercises and stop the cycle?

A: Your cycle may stop soon anyway.

Q: (L) Well, is it true that that exercise, when it stops your cycle, it also stops the aging process?

A: Somewhat.

Q: (L) Would it be beneficial.

A: Maybe.

Q: (L) But, I thought you guys said I had another baby waiting to come in?

A: Does not necessarily mean will make it.

Q: (L) So, am I going through the change here?

A: Not yet.

Q: (L) When will it start?

A: Open.

Q: (L) Is S__ going to pay me the money she owes me?

A: Maybe.

Q: (L) What are the odds?

A: Depends on your efforts.

Q: (L) Does that mean that I have to now send her a certified letter through my attorney?

A: Up to you.

Q: (L) And, if I do this, will she pay?

A: Maybe.

Q: (L) Have the B__'s made their final payment to Fleet?

A: Not yet.

Q: (L) Will they pay on Monday?

A: Probably.

Q: (L) When will I get my SSI check?

A: Within 10 days?

Q: (L) When will I get my monthly check?

A: The same.

Q: (L) And how much will the back pay be?

A: 3000 approximately.

Q: (L) And how much will we get from Paul with the deed to the house?

A: Open.

Q: (L) Back, a year or so ago, when we talked to Keith on the board, and you verified that it was Keith, Keith gave us a set of numbers that came in within 8 days of the day he gave them to us. Now, if he, as an earthbound spirit, was capable of giving us a set of numbers that came in within 10 days, could you not do the same?

A: Maybe, when all is well.

Q: (L) In other words, when I am not in this crummy mood?

A: Okay.

Q: (L) Is there any qualification that needs to be established for us to get the lottery numbers? Is there some thing we have to do, or be, or think, or say?

A: Completely pure intent, i.e. open.

Q: (L) Completely open?

A: Nonanticipatory.

Q: (L) Our anticipation constricts the channel when we ask for that kind of information?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) We have to be completely uncaring whether we get it or not, so to speak?

A: Happy-go-lucky attitude helps. As you were before.

Q: (L) So, as long as we are worried, tense, anticipatory, and attached to the idea, we constrict the flow?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Now, you said in an earlier session that you were making financial arrangements for us. Well, I am not putting any weight or pressure on that, but, does that have anything to do with M__ T__ and referrals for hypnosis?

A: Maybe. Don't be anticipatory. Faith, dear.

Q: (L) Thank you and good night.

A: Good night.

End of Session
I recall this session when I first started reading the wave and transcripts and this part is so funny :

Q: (L) Do I have creatures like that that are my essence?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) My essence is something that horrible and dark and icky?

A: Subjective. :P

Q: (L) Well, weren't those horrible icky beings eating little children? Weren't those real human children?

A: How do you think you are viewed by deer, for example?

Q: (L) Well, I can immediately see that. I saw that already. I mean, cows and chickens would have to view us that way. I mean, it's pretty gross.

A: Roaches, too. ;D

I really love their sense of humor!
Yeah, well, it's a fun way to talk about something really horrible.

I think the C's talk always tactfully, but the implications of his words are really frightening. As the C's say , this is just my subjective point of view.
Q: (L) Well, what do we do about these essence parts of ourselves? I mean, I don't like it that there may be something of the predator in me. I would like to not have it, or get rid or it, or transform it, or whatever.
really read
Q: (L) Well, what do we do about these essence parts of ourselves? I mean, I don't like it that there may be something of the predator in me. I would like to not have it, or get rid of it, or transform it, or whatever.
:shock: ??
Q: (L) Is that why the night before D__'s session, I dreamed of ants that I could have stepped on and smashed, and for some reason I decided I did not want to take the life of even a single ant?

A: Yes

When I was 2 I used to ask my mother what the poor little bugs had ever done to her to deserve to be killed just because they crossed her path. I told her they had just as much right to be there as she did! I still scoop up spiders, flies and any other bugs that come into my house and set them free outside. But I own leather coats and shoes...

"and I said I haven't been eating chicken or meat or anything and you said yes
but you've been wearing leather and laughed and said we're at the top of the food chain
and yes you're still a fine woman and I cringed" Alanis Morrissette

My what hypocrites we are without realizing it :)
Wendathon-Wemdu said:
Q: (L) Is that why the night before D__'s session, I dreamed of ants that I could have stepped on and smashed, and for some reason I decided I did not want to take the life of even a single ant?

A: Yes

When I was 2 I used to ask my mother what the poor little bugs had ever done to her to deserve to be killed just because they crossed her path. I told her they had just as much right to be there as she did! I still scoop up spiders, flies and any other bugs that come into my house and set them free outside. But I own leather coats and shoes...

"and I said I haven't been eating chicken or meat or anything and you said yes
but you've been wearing leather and laughed and said we're at the top of the food chain
and yes you're still a fine woman and I cringed" Alanis Morrissette

My what hypocrites we are without realizing it :)

This meat eating business is always an emotive issue. I am sure you will get plenty of interesting links to this forum's discussions on the subject. They have made me look again at my understanding of the issues involved and convinced me that I had come to some incorrect conclusions.

I am sure you know what "hypocrisy" means - today seems to be my day for being pedantic.
noun: hypocrisy, plural noun: hypocrisies[br]
The practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform.
So, to merely follow up your "hypocrisy" comment, I do not think it is necessary to see hypocrisy behind not eating meat but wearing leather. You need not beat yourself up with unjust self accusations.
Most people seem to just do what they have always done without bothering to think about it, but that is not hypocrisy that is sleep walking.
If you have made an effort to look into the ins and outs of the subject, if your emotional intelligence has not atrophied, if you have tried to make an informed and ethically motivated decision and can act according to the circumstances then I do not see that you are in any way at fault. Some people use leather but do not eat meat, some people will eat only some sorts of meat, some will eat meat but will not kill animals, others are prepared to kill some animals and not others, or only in particular situations, some people are willing to kill animals but not humans.... I am happy with all these sorts of positions provided the underlying intention is to do the right thing.
I will eat some sorts of meat, but will not to kill the animals. I have been accused of hypocrisy for this but I do not accept the charge. In general I am just happy to encourage people not to kill one another. If no one was prepared to commit murder then would not that be a big improvement on the present situation?
panca kanga said:
This meat eating business is always an emotive issue. I am sure you will get plenty of interesting links to this forum's discussions on the subject. They have made me look again at my understanding of the issues involved and convinced me that I had come to some incorrect conclusions.

So, to merely follow up your "hypocrisy" comment, I do not think it is necessary to see hypocrisy behind not eating meat but wearing leather. You need not beat yourself up with unjust self accusations.
Most people seem to just do what they have always done without bothering to think about it, but that is not hypocrisy that is sleep walking.
If you have made an effort to look into the ins and outs of the subject, if your emotional intelligence has not atrophied, if you have tried to make an informed and ethically motivated decision and can act according to the circumstances then I do not see that you are in any way at fault. Some people use leather but do not eat meat, some people will eat only some sorts of meat, some will eat meat but will not kill animals, others are prepared to kill some animals and not others, or only in particular situations, some people are willing to kill animals but not humans.... I am happy with all these sorts of positions provided the underlying intention is to do the right thing.
I will eat some sorts of meat, but will not to kill the animals. I have been accused of hypocrisy for this but I do not accept the charge. In general I am just happy to encourage people not to kill one another. If no one was prepared to commit murder then would not that be a big improvement on the present situation?

Thank you, but that was a verse from an Alanis Morrissette song...I was making a comparison to how some people rationalize things in their minds while being blind to it until someone else points out that we are being a hypocrite. I am not a vegetarian :) it's not healthy
Q: (L) Our anticipation constricts the channel when we ask for that kind of information?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) We have to be completely uncaring whether we get it or not, so to speak?

A: Happy-go-lucky attitude helps. As you were before.

Q: (L) So, as long as we are worried, tense, anticipatory, and attached to the idea, we constrict the flow?

A: Yes.
This could be the reason why people in today's world(we) live life in an anxious way.
We are forced to do it in order not to gain knowledge.
Wonderfull session, thank you.
This could be the reason why people in today's world(we) live life in an anxious way.
We are forced to do it in order not to gain knowledge.
Wonderfull session, thank you.

I can’t talk for everyone, yet for me the more I learn, the more I understand and the more layers I can see and try to peel back of my self the more I am able to ‘let it be’ what ever it is that it is…

Happy go lucky is a side effect (for me) of letting it be. The struggle in the self is still there, but it’s funny to watch all my little i’s (the ones I can see of course) vying for top dog, and it’s even funnier to watch in others.
Does anyone else find this whole thing hilarious? I often imagine what it could be like for those above watching the earth drama like ‘days of our lives’ but way better.
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