Share Your Current Significant General Insights


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I wanted to start this thread because I should be journaling but I am too lazy and disorganized [I am working on it guys]. It would actually be easier for me to post an insight here rather than grab a pencil and paper - and that's how I would normally do it if I was gonna do it. So all I have to do is sort by me here on this thread and volia!

Does anyone have the recent experience of a sort of collapsing of the field of possibilities, a brave opening of Pandora's Box, or some such?
Put it here. Make it current. Make it significant in terms of the community of man. Make it general, not into family histories, or anything that would require much knowledge about the poster to understand the insight.

May be a great way to network journals?

I would also like to suggest a nice visual/audio meditative exercise as inspiration for this thread:

I think this is a good idea. I sometimes have some insights and I suppose you could just put them into the What's on your mind board. But I'm thinking this is a, "For the past few days I've learned that.." type of thread? The trick is to remember them, so I often write a lot of notes. And then later it's hard to recall the exact "thought flavor" or emotional content.

Ok I might as well go with my question, which was an intended post that wouldn't really merit its own thread. How does one record in text as close as possible an idea, and be able to retrieve it with as close to full original thought/emotional content?

Basically, a sort of compression and decompression operation, to use computer terms. Like, I know there is the idea of embedding thoughts into objects, so how can I feel the original content of a note I have written on paper or computer file?

As to your question, yes it seems we sort of made a quantum jump recently, but don't all significant events do that? I'd hope that people, particularly in the US, are waking up and getting sufficient opportunity to see things. You wonder sometimes how much we have to get to the "united in suffering" idea.
I think this is a good idea. I sometimes have some insights and I suppose you could just put them into the What's on your mind board. But I'm thinking this is a, "For the past few days I've learned that.." type of thread? The trick is to remember them, so I often write a lot of notes. And then later it's hard to recall the exact "thought flavor" or emotional content.

Ok I might as well go with my question, which was an intended post that wouldn't really merit its own thread. How does one record in text as close as possible an idea, and be able to retrieve it with as close to full original thought/emotional content?

Basically, a sort of compression and decompression operation, to use computer terms. Like, I know there is the idea of embedding thoughts into objects, so how can I feel the original content of a note I have written on paper or computer file?

As to your question, yes it seems we sort of made a quantum jump recently, but don't all significant events do that? I'd hope that people, particularly in the US, are waking up and getting sufficient opportunity to see things. You wonder sometimes how much we have to get to the "united in suffering" idea.
I thought it could be like a notepad for more significant insights that could potentially benefit others, any submission would be subject to comment by others so there would be quality control.

I am curious to see if there might be any correlation between what is occurring to forum members.

As perhaps a marginal example of an insight I had was when the statue of Christ in Rio De Janeiro was struck in the head by lightning recently. It occurred to me that the real church was 'the head' - that is our communal mind in Paul's early church which is our conscience and guide. The Church is not the iron idol of the empire and all the business around the government - I dunno, maybe I waxed a bit solipsistic, but I could not ignore the symbolism.
This thread is interesting @Mark7. I have thought of sharing some thoughts or experiences here in the forum to help enlighten myself and also for careful examination with the forum the truth of the matter. I thought also if this would be the correct avenue. I am hesitant to do that because if I do not know what I am talking about, that is, I only have an idea, and the forum also doesn't understand what I wanted to convey, I might ruin the aim to put to light the truth of the matter.

How does one record in text as close as possible an idea, and be able to retrieve it with as close to full original thought/emotional content?
When me and my husband was still in a long distance relationship, he sent me a bear as a present. I put my hands on the bear and channeled or gave it the feeling my husband makes me feel. Whenever I am traveling or moving in a different house, the first few nights makes me uncomfortable, but ever since I had that bear, I hug it and it helps me to relax and put myself into a calmer state if im worried. Perhaps, it might also help in journaling?

One insight that made an impact to me this week is about time. I was praying or in meditation and thought that I regret the time I made for some people and that I couldve used it for others or for better use. I have also thought what kind of a child I was without the programs and concepts, that was introduced to me and wished I was a 4 year old again, and if only I can turn back time. These question and thoughts came to me: "Why would you want to turn back to that time, when that time no longer exists?" and that I am only being emotional to a time that is no longer existent. The time I spent being sad about it is therefore in vain and if I think I have the need to cry or feel my emotions or wanted to hold space for that, I could make a time limit and not spend the afternoon just being sad.😅 I can choose to dwell in a time that is no longer existing or use NOW to embrace life and create memories that I think my 4-year-old self would truly enjoy and be grateful for. After all, age is just a number. I hope I make sense. 🙂
My first reaction to the idea is actually a negative one - I feel some pushback in myself about this type of thread.

I think there’s a big potential for it to become noisy. The reason is that in my experience, such insights tend to seem more profound to me than they are to others, or that when I write them out and read them back, the deep meaning I felt when I had the insight isn’t conveyed by the words.

I think this is an egotistical issue, that we just often over-value our thoughts and feelings.

I think that if one has a seemingly profound insight that has lots of implications, and sets us thinking about it in different ways, but we hit a snag or a contradiction that we can’t figure out, then I think we should introduce the idea to the forum in a clear and concise way and ask for feedback on it.

Otherwise, if we have a profound insight, I think the real way we find out if it is really as significant as we think it is is if it becomes a useful tool in our toolbox of networking in a natural and organic way, meaning that if we find that we have opportunities to present the idea in one or more threads in response to other people’s ideas or situations or analyses, then it’s potentially a realisation that holds water.

However, in doing so, we’re still only testing the idea; we’re not clinging on to it as fact, we’re just contributing a potential piece of the jigsaw and seeing if it fits or not. Then, through any feedback we get or by observing the effect that the idea has on the discussion, we can get a better understanding of how good the idea was in the first place.

For me, this is a more natural and STO way of doing things, rather than a more forced or self-serving way of doing things of just posting our thoughts for the sake of it.

So, as I said, that was my immediate feeling about the subject of the thread, but I don’t mean to shoot the thread down before it gets going. There may be some really good and helpful ideas that get presented in such a thread. So just take this as my 2 cents.
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The trick is to remember them, so I often write a lot of notes. And then later it's hard to recall the exact "thought flavor" or emotional content.

I think that if one has a seemingly profound insight that has lots of implications, and sets us thinking about it in different ways,

I think I get what you are both referring to. I find that often if there's a realisation rattling around but not fully formed enough to put into words, that it solidifies when someone else asks a question or is trying to solve a problem. That doesn't always produce the exact right words to capture the idea or the deep impact that the insight had, and often it is more thoroughly explained and nuances uncovered over a number of posts by a number of members. We are the blind men investigating the elephant after all!
Chipping in my dos centimos.

On one hand, I do like the idea of this thread, to have a sort of "communal journal" where insights would be shared, discussed, analyzed and compared (although the forum as a whole could already be seen fulfilling this function). On the other hand, I see some difficulty in this one-size-fits-all approach to insights.

Let's say there are a number of 'universal truths' which we all can arrive at, such as "time doesn't exist" or "as above, so below". Even though these truths are universal and practically the same for everyone, we all "get to them" through different ways and methods, osit.

Just because a certain quote or life experience has recently made me realize something on a more profound level, doesn't mean that my
compression and decompression operation
would yield the same results for someone else.

Insight, in my experience, is not really something you can give as such, since we all have a unique FRV and personal make-up that dictates the way in which we experience growth and learning. For some, reading a mythological/archetypal story meant to convey a certain lesson, might be enough to make something click in their mind and arrive at an insight, a new understanding. For another, he/she could read a hundred iterations of this story but still keep missing the main point, but going through a life experience where these archetypal energies are playing out, might be enough (even without awareness of the myth/story) to drive home a big lesson.

In many - if not most - cases, a combination of the theoretical knowledge and the real-world experience is what actually allows us to really, truly understand something. If one has but one part, the insight one has might not be "complete" or actually "integrated".

A thread like this then, might be able to provide some pieces of the jigsaw puzzle to others, but is that always beneficial? What if the puzzle piece you are offering me aren't supposed to go in my puzzle? Are we not all building our own puzzles? Even though we share some of the pieces, such as the universal truths of "time doesn't exist" and "as above, so below", not everyone's more subjective pieces might be relevant for me in this particular incarnation. And perhaps that's why:
Make it current. Make it significant in terms of the community of man. Make it general, not into family histories, or anything that would require much knowledge about the poster to understand the insight.

To continue trying to fit the puzzle piece analogy further into this topic:

Every bigger piece of the puzzle (universal truth), if examined in detail, might be made up of several smaller pieces, which are different for each individual. The shape and size of my "as above, so below" piece could be identical in shape and size to your "as above, so below" piece, but the constitution (our unique ways of arriving at that insight) of our pieces might differ quite much.

If my point didn't become clear, I'm saying that sharing insights might not be so straightforward, because the process of learning is different for everyone. This of course doesn't mean that we shouldn't share our insights, just to keep in mind, that we can not expect our personal insights to have the same impact and
"thought flavor" or emotional content.
for someone else, as the process of arriving at insight is so subjective and unique.
I echo similar thoughts with @MatiaS and @T.C. when I was writing here earlier.
Got me thinking what kind of insights can I share that would help others as it has helped me and if it is really needed for I also thought of our learning process. But yeah, I wrote the insight anyway since the title asked.

Im reminded of my religious affiliations before where we have agreed we would meet every week and catch up and share on the reflections we made and how we go about it, similar to EE and the reading sessions but ours is just more general plus the sermon last Sunday. I see this thread as similar, just not face to face.

Whenever I am in doubt of what to write or introduce a new thread in the forum I read the Terms and rules and see if this is the right avenue or I can go to a friend who would resonate to what I am trying to say or to a different group.

I wanted to start this thread because I should be journaling but I am too lazy and disorganized [I am working on it guys]. It would actually be easier for me to post an insight here rather than grab a pencil and paper - and that's how I would normally do it if I was gonna do it. So all I have to do is sort by me here on this thread and volia!
I have the same feeling as you whenever I get lazy to journal esp when I am about to get to sleep. What works for me is I would select words/phrases that would help me remember the idea and would help provide context for whatever I was thinking and I'll send it to myself through FB messenger. My messenger has become a vault of ideas, animal reels and creative stuff. 😆 And also with the thread I have started here, I would visit them and update them so I can compare notes and discuss with myself again. 😅😅
How does one record in text as close as possible an idea, and be able to retrieve it with as close to full original thought/emotional content?

I’ve also thought about this in the past, having made attempts to achieve this which failed.

I’ve wondered whether the feelings and sensations we experience during one of these aha moments might be like the light that can be shown to momentarily flash from an egg when it is fertilised. That it’s part of you assimilating the new knowledge or idea into your being. Once it’s in there, it just is, and going over the idea again isn’t going to trigger the same feeling.

But there are also the times when something occurs to you that seems profound, and you feel that you should explore it further with paper and pen, but you don’t have the opportunity to do it in that moment, because you’re driving or you’re at work or something. Then, when you do get the opportunity and try to write, you just can’t grasp that original flavour again. Like you’ve lost it to the cosmos.
But there are also the times when something occurs to you that seems profound, and you feel that you should explore it further with paper and pen, but you don’t have the opportunity to do it in that moment, because you’re driving or you’re at work or something. Then, when you do get the opportunity and try to write, you just can’t grasp that original flavour again. Like you’ve lost it to the cosmos.
This is something I can relate to and it's something I'm beating myself up about sometimes. It makes me insecure about my "retention capabilities" as it seems as I've all of a sudden forgotten something that was so mindblowingly fundamental and clear just the day before. I also cling to the hope that, as you say "Once it’s in there, it just is", but sometimes I can't help shake the feeling that I've lost something valuable when I can't pull the specifics of a given insightful moment back into conscious awareness on demand.
I echo similar thoughts with @MatiaS and @T.C. when I was writing here earlier.
Got me thinking what kind of insights can I share that would help others as it has helped me and if it is really needed for I also thought of our learning process. But yeah, I wrote the insight anyway since the title asked.

Im reminded of my religious affiliations before where we have agreed we would meet every week and catch up and share on the reflections we made and how we go about it, similar to EE and the reading sessions but ours is just more general plus the sermon last Sunday. I see this thread as similar, just not face to face.

Whenever I am in doubt of what to write or introduce a new thread in the forum I read the Terms and rules and see if this is the right avenue or I can go to a friend who would resonate to what I am trying to say or to a different group.

I have the same feeling as you whenever I get lazy to journal esp when I am about to get to sleep. What works for me is I would select words/phrases that would help me remember the idea and would help provide context for whatever I was thinking and I'll send it to myself through FB messenger. My messenger has become a vault of ideas, animal reels and creative stuff. 😆 And also with the thread I have started here, I would visit them and update them so I can compare notes and discuss with myself again. 😅😅
Good idea, I may try something like that for a more personal journal myself. I can form new habits, and I do think journaling, and keeping a dream journal is something that can be highly beneficial.
I’ve also thought about this in the past, having made attempts to achieve this which failed.

I’ve wondered whether the feelings and sensations we experience during one of these aha moments might be like the light that can be shown to momentarily flash from an egg when it is fertilised. That it’s part of you assimilating the new knowledge or idea into your being. Once it’s in there, it just is, and going over the idea again isn’t going to trigger the same feeling.

But there are also the times when something occurs to you that seems profound, and you feel that you should explore it further with paper and pen, but you don’t have the opportunity to do it in that moment, because you’re driving or you’re at work or something. Then, when you do get the opportunity and try to write, you just can’t grasp that original flavour again. Like you’ve lost it to the cosmos.
That's like when trying to recall my dreams, best to try right after waking up, the longer one waits, the harder it gets.
I think this is a good idea. I sometimes have some insights and I suppose you could just put them into the What's on your mind board. But I'm thinking this is a, "For the past few days I've learned that.." type of thread? The trick is to remember them, so I often write a lot of notes. And then later it's hard to recall the exact "thought flavor" or emotional content.
It just occurred to me that the What's on Your Mind board better reflects the idea of communal journaling. This thread is perhaps better for folks who currently do not journal or need to do it more. Anything to help people get into the habit. It is focused on recording and sharing insights. That focus may provide some interesting results.
This month, the shortest of the year, I felt like time was in slow motion. It's not a matter of me being less busy, it has nothing to do with that. Usually time, it seems to me, is like accelerated, there is like an acceleration of time. But February for me was like slower, like elastic, like a rubber band that stretches, like a tug that falls gently without breaking.

What is this due to? I have no idea.

Is this the kind of thoughts or reflections you are talking about? I find it interesting to put here some moments that seem special to us, why not. It's like sitting around a table in the morning and telling our dreams of the night. Of course, there is the thread about dreams, but it's not only that nor about dreams. Telling about moments, fleeting as a shooting star, that seemed strange to us, can make us see the reality of others, see that we are all united, after all. What we experience individually, in these strange times, is also part of what the group experiences.
My first reaction to the idea is actually a negative one - I feel some pushback in myself about this type of thread.

I think there’s a big potential for it to become noisy. The reason is that in my experience, such insights tend to seem more profound to me than they are to others, or that when I write them out and read them back, the deep meaning I felt when I had the insight isn’t conveyed by the words.

I think this is an egotistical issue, that we just often over-value our thoughts and feelings.
I mentioned that insights would be subject to comments by others as a means of quatity control. One thing we may find is that particular insights are not so insightful after all, which would also be good to know. The focus may cut down on noise, but the thread may not provide many responses. Perhaps see how it goes.
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