Situation of the economy


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Jean-Pierre Chevallier is a French independent financial analyst who is interesting because he really read and decipher documents with a lot of numbers provided by banks and financial establishments. Since some weeks he post articles intituled "Momentum crash". Full articles are paid for but he post an overview.

Here is the last one, first time I see "red alert" in the tile.

Momentum crash: RED ALERT, updated to 22 September 2024​


The 50 basis point cut in the Fed rate decided by FOMC members on 18 September has had the effect of... speeding up the onset of the momentum crash! Treasury yields are on a downward trend that is undoubtedly leading to a momentum crash; those who manipulate the financial markets will not be able to prevent this from happening in the foreseeable future... After the FOMC members' decision to cut the Fed's base rate by 50 basis points on Wednesday 18 September, the financial markets initially took off again in a very disorderly and irrational fashion.
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I thought the economy is already bad and we are in a recession. The PTB hasn’t called it yet due to the Trump factor and them not in full control of the way things are going. They will likely call it just before or after the elections, if Trump happens to win. Fwiw
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