Some Gnostic/Alchemical Concepts and Theory


FOTCM Member
Taking off from, and expanding on, a number of ideas found in the works of Timothy Freke & Peter Gandy, I'll be posting here a number of concepts and theories for consideration and discussion.

Freke & Gandy have done an excellent job in their books "The Jesus Mysteries" and "Jesus and the Lost Goddess," but, as we have found again and again, without both the scientific background of cosmic catastrophe we have uncovered via hints from the Cs, and the more esoteric background concerning hyperdimensional realities, again, via explication by the Cs, most of what gets written about these matters tends to not cover some of the most essential issues. I hope to bridge these gaps here.

So, let us begin.

For thousands of years, human beings have grappled with the Mystery of Life. The legends tell us that during a Golden Age, mankind KNEW the secrets and lived a blessed life in communion with the gods until some terrible thing happened and the gods withdrew leaving man in darkness, more or less. This may be an allegorical myth AND a literal description of cosmic events. As above, so below. I’ve covered another aspect of this in the upcoming issue of the Dot Connector so those interested in the topic will want to get this issue.

Over 2,000 years ago, there was, at the time, a wide ranging Gnostic tradition that flourished among all the cultures of the ancient world. These cosmopolitan Pagan civilizations had been trading, conquering and synthesizing with each other for centuries. Plato had described the peoples of the Mediterranean as “frogs around a small pond.” Then, along came Alexander the Great who transformed that world into essentially one culture.

The Gnostic tradition had a common mystical philosophy and they all were trying to go beyond literal religions. Among some Jewish Gnostics, a school of thought began to form in Alexandria, Egypt, and it is they who synthesized the Jewish and Pagan mythology, producing rather distinctive variations on the more ancient forms.

This approach was, from the beginning, contaminated by certain elements that allowed it to be easily distorted. Those familiar with Ponerology can understand those elements as the work of schizoidal psychopaths. Those elements were present in the Jewish literature - a schizoidal take on writing history after the model of Herodotus – and this was blended with the purer, Pagan Gnosticism. This hybrid form eventually came to be known as Christianity.

Under the influence of the cosmopolitan Greek world, certain Jewish mystics sought to find greater depth in the Jewish “history” that had been produced. As an aside, there are those who say that this literature was produced to be intentionally initiatory, but the facts do not support that thesis. The allegedly historical Israel was created to support the agenda of a religious priesthood clique seeking power and it was necessary to gather support from the masses and thus, the fake history of Israel was produced from many tribal tales and legends, genealogies created and added in order to show that a very disparate group were really “one”, and voila! Instant ancient history leading all the way back to god himself!

Getting back to the Jewish mystics who aspired to Gnosis, the Jewish Gnostics pored over their “history,” declared it to be mystical allegory, and claimed to be inheritors of secret mystical teachings passed down from their own great Gnostic master, Moses. They actually went further than that: they claimed that the great Pagan philosophers had originally received their wisdom from Moses and that all other intellectual advances were thanks to the Jews. This view has come under increasing criticism as more and more researchers discover that things were actually the other way around: the Jews borrowed many myths from other cultures, re-worked them as history which they saw as doing things one better than the originals.

However, in a world that came to be dominated by this Jewish version of the past, many things are obscured and incomprehensible due to the simple fact that this single element – that the Jews stole the history of others and claimed to have it all first – is not factored into our view of our past.

It is not likely that these early Jewish Gnostics realized that the slow-acting poison of schizoidia was already incorporated into the history that they now proposed to study as allegory. Of course it was very much allegory because it originated as the myths of other peoples!

So, in their re-working and re-combining of the Pagan and Jewish materials, these Alexandrian Jewish Gnostics did not realize that they had included the poison of the schizoid in their system – they were simply trying to explore reality in a particular context and were just trying to “get closer to god,” so to say, in a context that was acceptable to their social milieu.

At the beginning, they were not known as Christians; they were probably known as the Therapeutae and the Essenes which the Jewish Gnostic, Philo, described as two branches of a single school of philosophy. They honored not only their alleged own master, Moses, they also followed the great Pagan philosopher, Pythagoras whose disciples had set up communities throughout the Pagan world. The Jewish historian, Josephus, tells us that the Essenes were comparable to the Phytagoreans. Philo, the Jewish Gnostic, was known as “the Pythagorean.” He describes the Therapeutae as practicing a contemplative life which is also what the Pythagoreans did. He tells us that their wisdom came from Greece. The Greeks, of course, said that it came from Egypt. If one has studied the works of Iman Wilkens, (Where Troy Once Stood), one might be aware that the land called Egypt was originally located in Northwst France and it was only after the conquest of Alexander the Great that the land we now know as Egypt was called Egypt. So, when one reads of ancient Egyptian mysteries, one must be very careful to consider exactly what this may mean.

Anyway, back to our Therapeutae and Pythagoreans: The Cynic school of Pagan Gnosticism called their tradition “The Way.” The Therapeutae called their tradition “The Way” also. The 4th century Christian historian, Eusebius claimed that the Therapeutae were the first followers of his “historical Jesus Christ.” The problem with this is that Philo’s description of the Therapeutae was written before the time that the historical Jesus was supposed to have lived. However, Eusebius may have been right in one sense: the Therapeutae and the Essenes may very well have created the Christian Myth of Jesus.

The Jewish Gnostics synthesized the myths from Genesis and Exodus with the works of Plato (Timaeus), and Pagan myths of the dying and resurrecting god (which were originally something else, as we will see) to create the Jesus story.

According to these Jewish Gnostics, Genesis was supposed to encode the descent of the soul into physical incarnation. The Exodus was interpreted as a myth encoding the “way back to god.” That is, the Jewish exodus from Egypt was interpreted by the Jewish Gnostics as stages of initiation and return. Combined with the Dying God myth (Moses dies before entering the Promised Land and is resurrected as Joshua), and voila! You have the most influential myth of our civilization.

Basic Structure of Exodus and the Jesus Story as Initiation Allegories

Initiation Process Exodus Jesus Story

Purification Crossing the Red Sea Baptism by John
Death of the Old Self Death of Moses Crucifixion
Gnosis Promised Land/Joshua Resurrection

The next question is: what happened to the Jesus Myth as a MYTH? How did it become history?
Laura said:
The next question is: what happened to the Jesus Myth as a MYTH? How did it become history?

Reading this post reminded me of a quote I read in Jane Roberts book "Seth Speaks" - Roberts Channeling Seth:

Jane Roberts said:
Christ, the historical Christ, was not crucified.... He had no intention of dying in that manner; but others felt that to fulfill the prophecies in all ways, a crucifiction was a necessity. Christ did not take part in it. There was a conspiracy in which Judas played a role, an attempt to make a martyr out of Christ. The man chosen was drugged and told he was the Christ - hence the necessity of helping him carry the cross (see Luke 23). He was one of those deluded who believed that he, not the historical Christ , was to fulfill the prophecies. ...Out of compassion Mary was present. The group responsible wanted it to appear that one particular portion of Jews had crucified Christ, and never dreamed that the whole Jewish people would be blamed.

So if this is in anyway true then the Jesus pasty could be seen as prototype to the suicide bombers and mind-controlled patsies we have today.

Who would be those others?

Ok, I know Jane Roberts channeling did not have the greatest accuracy level and Seth could be seen as the grandfather of YCYOR, so this
statement by Jane/Seth needs rigorous analysis to separate out the noise, (could be all noise/disinfo).

Thanks Laura for the heads up on "Jesus and the Lost Goddess", and "The Jesus Mysteries". Maybe some clues there.

I am wondering where the Gnosis of Mouravieff and the Esoteric Christianity of Gurdjieff intersect with this Pagan Christianity, Apples and apples?
So it seems to me now... but that is just a first approximation on my part.
Thx Laura Great Article and some more takeup from what you wrote in the secret history of the world.

I always wonderd about a west country (England) story/myth about Jesus coming to england when he was younger and the Visit to glastonbury,is it not possible if the person we no as Jesus,
did visit here as this was still the centre of learning/Intiatation as was recorded by the gauls and reliable roman writers.
If he did come maybe not earlier in his life but perhaps in the `lost` years when he had learnt about the path that perhaps the brotherhood where pushing him and he obviously travelled to various places.. the source maybe and his Gnostic routes..,to return to maybe North West France,Cymru and england may have been places of pilgramige not only for the Gauls but for others to and the so called Celtic Church which actually in its early foundation,
may have had some aspects of what was to a degree Paleo Christianity in its later aspects? and its Gnostic connections.

it makes sense maybe the Visit if it indeed ever happened was maybe to Stonehenge and the Druidic priesthood or indeed a myth conveying a message of the fact why would somebody like Jesus visit the land of barbarians,
unless the place was sacred to a number of groups who followed a ceratin path.

Thx for the book reccomendations very intresting indeed and look forward to your follow up.

Perhaps this also might help i recentley reread The Mysteries Of Britain by Lewis Spence and perhaps the Chapters `Barddas` and indeed the writings of Owen Morgan `MORIEN`whose books on welsh driudism
`The Light of Britannia` and The Royal Winged Son Of Stonehehge & Avebury`Are books ive sought for a while as Lewis Spence adds some intresting takes of what little was known about Druidism and its Belefs,but what is
there is interesting.

Just some thoughts.

mod edit: I changed the text color for easier reading.
I am still really lacking in my current picture of this thread of history (it is coming together, slowly), but I am absolutely fascinated by the tracking of these esoteric traditions. So, please forgive if this question is redundant/obvious or appears elsewhere:

Does this imply that we are unlikely to have had a "historical Jesus" in our past? I have taken the Christ story as largely a weaving of other culture's myths for a while now, and Secret History seemed to reinforce that notion quite thoroughly for me. But looking into the Nag Hammandi, Marciniak's Pleiadians, and most recently Mouravieff has gotten me a bit turned around. I am very compelled by the notion of a group of 'The Christed Ones' presented in Bringers of the Dawn and elsewhere. If this group existed, to which Gnostic 'line' should they be attributed?

I know you said 'Hang On' so I will certainly be patient if this is going to be addressed in an upcoming post :D
SethianSeth said:
...Does this imply that we are unlikely to have had a "historical Jesus" in our past?
When I first came across the Cassiopaea website, about 8 years ago, I had just read a couple of books making the case for "no historical Jesus" and the idea appealed to me. In fact it still does, after all the nasty side effects I have experienced resulting from modern-day Christian teachings.

On the other hand, the C's have indicated that there was a historical figure, and a case for that idea can certainly be made from other sources as well. So what I am left with is there is a case for saying "yes" and a case for saying "no" and, despite my desire to have it one particular way, I don't really know.

So the advice "Just hang on" sounds as good as any to me at the moment.
Megan said:
In fact it still does, after all the nasty side effects I have experienced resulting from modern-day Christian teachings.

Yeah, I think that the corruption and misrepresentation of all the elements I hold dear about the Jesus myth as well as the mimicry of other pre-existing stories make it very difficult to consider a real flesh and blood source called Jesus.

Megan said:
On the other hand, the C's have indicated that there was a historical figure, and a case for that idea can certainly be made from other sources as well. So what I am left with is there is a case for saying "yes" and a case for saying "no" and, despite my desire to have it one particular way, I don't really know.

And this is what I have come to value so much about the C's mode of teaching. I can think of few better tools for learning the act of 'Thinking with a Hammer.' I never realized how often I throw out the baby with the bathwater when it comes to complex ideas, and 'The Jesus Question' has been a fundamental one in my life. Nasty side effects, corruptions, misunderstandings, etc, need not sully the tiny nugget of gold to be gleaned from any learning situation. The more hammering continues, the more we are able to extract. It is hard to get it through my thick skull that my DEFAULT setting is to be formatory. :rolleyes:

I'm just happy that I can talk to my parents again without feeling like some part of me is being compromised when spiritual topics come up. Mouravieff is reawakening a love for the New Testament that I haven't been able to enjoy since I was in grade school.

Sorry for gushing, just exciting :-[
Laura said:
Taking off from, and expanding on, a number of ideas found in the works of Timothy Freke & Peter Gandy, I'll be posting here a number of concepts and theories for consideration and discussion.

Freke & Gandy have done an excellent job in their books "The Jesus Mysteries" and "Jesus and the Lost Goddess," but, as we have found again and again, without both the scientific background of cosmic catastrophe we have uncovered via hints from the Cs, and the more esoteric background concerning hyperdimensional realities, again, via explication by the Cs, most of what gets written about these matters tends to not cover some of the most essential issues. I hope to bridge these gaps here.

So, let us begin.

For thousands of years, human beings have grappled with the Mystery of Life. The legends tell us that during a Golden Age, mankind KNEW the secrets and lived a blessed life in communion with the gods until some terrible thing happened and the gods withdrew leaving man in darkness, more or less. This may be an allegorical myth AND a literal description of cosmic events.

This post might not be welcome if it runs counter to the actual goal you're pursuing, but I didn't want to risk appearing rude as if attempting to start a side discussion on another thread, so I'll just post it and let you be the judge.

The part I quoted above hit me pretty hard, impression wise, and reminded me of my understanding of the multi-layered meanings in this piece of "The Prophet" by Kahlil Gibran:

Would that I could gather your houses into my hand, and like a sower scatter them in forest and meadow.
Would that the valleys were your streets, and the green paths your alleys, that you might seek one another through vineyards, and come with the fragrance of the earth in your garments.
But these things are not yet to be.
In their fear your forefathers gathered you too near together. And that fear shall endure a little longer. A little longer shall your city walls separate your hearths from your fields.

And tell me, people of Orphalese, what have you in these houses? And what is it you guard with fastened doors?
Have you peace, the quiet urge that reveals your power?
Have you rememberances, the glimmering arches that span the summits of the mind?
Have you beauty, that leads the heart from things fashioned of wood and stone to the holy mountain?
Tell me, have you these in your houses?
Or have you only comfort, and the lust for comfort, that stealthy thing that enters the house a guest, then becomes a host, and then a master?

Ay, and it becomes a tamer, and with hook and scourge makes puppets of your larger desires.
Though its hands are silken, its heart is of iron.
It lulls you to sleep only to stand by your bed and jeer at the dignity of the flesh.
It makes mock of your sound senses, and lays them in thistledown like fragile vessels.
Verily the lust for comfort murders the passion of the soul, and then walks grinning in the funeral.

But you, children of space, you restless in rest, you shall not be trapped nor tamed.
Your house shall not be an anchor but a mast.
It shall not be a glistening film that covers a wound, but an eyelid that guards the eye.

You shall not fold your wings that you may pass through doors, nor bend your heads that they strike not against a ceiling, nor fear to breathe lest walls should crack and fall down.
You shall not dwell in tombs made by the dead for the living.
And though of magnificence and splendour, your house shall not hold your secret nor shelter your longing.
For that which is boundless in you abides in the mansion of the sky, whose door is the morning mist, and whose windows are the songs and the silences of night.


For me, there are two obvious levels of meaning: the literal and the metaphorical representation for compartmentalization in the mind/psyche. These compartments serve as storage for 'learning' done by rote and externally imposed experience. The individual's Real self is safely tucked away, while the attention idly roams the house it calls 'home', preferring to "stay inside" than risk "going outside" where the danger exists of looking the truth in the eye.

From this perspective, the multi-layered and timeless poetry of Omar Khayyám and Jalalud'din Rumi seems to make sense in more obvious ways and all these works seem to stand today as examples of the old multi-layered world/universe view.

Perhaps the Sufi were/are representing the way it was for most of humanity around 6000 years ago before we started with grains and shrinking brains? :)

I wonder about a possible correspondence between the 'losing of the connection with the gods' and the relatively recent (in historical terms) method of rote learning of written material as well as procedures, rules and rituals of various kinds - including mechanical rituals belonging to 'religious' indoctrination of "Creation" stories.

All this 'internal mental work' could have been the beginning of what would later be normalized as that so-called Executive function of the covert mind space Russell Barkley talks about. This, being the 'inner sanctum' of private thinking and self-direction wherein we pull all our authorities and introjects to 'help' with the silent instructions that 'keep us busy doing it right' and punish us when we don't follow 'approved' procedures, and from whose viewpoint anyone who doesn't 'act this way' is judged defective.

It is interesting to watch internalization as ADD/ADHD children develop, as some of them take many years to fully internalize their self-talk. But before and during this process, you never have to worry about what they're thinking because they will tell you. You never have to wonder what they feel because the feelings are being expressed in real time. And you never have to wonder how they 'see' you because there is no 'secret' place in which to hold back honest (whether errant or not) appraisals. Wonder what chance psychopaths would have if people didn't hide their REAL thoughts and feelings so well? Interesting question in my view.

Anyway, my thinking has led to the metaphorical idea that, consistent with Gibran's "The Prophet", the entire environment around us, with all it's data, is our context-based awareness. We all share it with each other and with the animals (making objectivity between all of us possible - if only in potential for some). It is acknowledged, however, that the way we are now, two 'human perspectives' can be amazingly far apart, yet in many cases, the actual data on which these two different perspectives is based can be identical!

But what could that be like without psychopaths, psychopathology and ponerization?

Interestingly, if it is the case that we all share the same inductive mind, so-to-speak, we would all still have interesting perspectives on the same phenomena simply because we have different viewpoints! And the number of possible viewpoints are the number of actual 'points' in the universe, and when all these 'perspectives' blend together, we actually have the universe, as it is - and perhaps, as it sees itself!

Anyway, where all this leads me to is the idea that, over time, many people traded part of their cognitive abilities for an easier way to 'know' something: to 'be told' by someone they trusted so that they could get on with what needed doing.

Seems to me that 'the need to trust' would be a powerful motivator - for both 'sides': the side that 'just doesn't have time to see for myself' and the side that welcomes the opportunity to be 'of service'.

Evolutionary setup for psychopaths and ponerology to enter the picture?

I feel like when all humanity reconnects with the universe, via reconnecting with their whole being, everyone will regain their genius capability and potential and stories such as star diagnosticians in medicine, who look at a patient, siezing on one "pivot point" (without knowing why their key observation is so important), and make the correct diagnosis in one intuitive leap can be commonplace.

That situation is captured in the following exchange between a journalist and an elderly Taoist teacher, which is quite well known in some Industrial Quality circles and as siggys in some Linux forums:

Do you study theories?
Oh yes! Theories are fun.
How do you use them?
When I must act, theories are too slow. To act, I must know.

Perhaps the sensitivity to impression necessary to be able to gain useful 'knowing' via inference involving the various layers of patterns within a particular context is the same, or similar, to the ability to do amazing mental things with dates and prime numbers preferentially, as is common with autistic folks? Problem is, it leaves the mind vulnerable to a kind of "ambient yammering", the anti-dote of which I'm proposing requires an environment free of externally, human-imposed negative stressors - even common bullies - else aversion therapy is experienced and addiction-based calming activities start to look real good. If this can happen to one person, it can happen to a majority within a culture, OSIT.

Sorry if this is just noise, but thanks for listening...and for just being there! :)

Edit: wording for clarity of meaning
Bud said:
Sorry if this is just noise, but thanks for listening...and for just being there! :)

Not for me to decide with regards to the forum, but this post was in no way "noise" to me! It clarified beautifully quite a few things I have often tried to get a hold on. Particularly:

Bud said:
Perhaps the sensitivity to impression necessary to be able to gain useful 'knowing' via inference involving the various layers of patterns within a particular context is the same, or similar, to the ability to do amazing mental things with dates and prime numbers preferentially, as is common with autistic folks? Problem is, it leaves the mind vulnerable to a kind of "ambient yammering", the anti-dote of which I'm proposing requires an environment free of externally, human-imposed negative stressors - even common bullies - else aversion therapy is experienced and addiction-based calming activities start to look real good. If this can happen to one person, it can happen to a majority within a culture, OSIT.

Addiction-based calming activities are a constant plague on my work environment. It is so hard to sustain "the signal" so to speak without completely draining myself by the end of the day, which automatically leads to "zone-out time" in front of a favorite movie, etc. I am still in that really early phase of identifying the easy energy suckers in my life, seeing their interconnectedness, and conserving, conserving, conserving. However, the true solution (as you state) is an actual STO environment, and to say we are clearly not there is the understatement of the century. Gotta keep working harder all the time, but beating myself up about the failures in this environment is yet another energy drain.

Bud, I have been really appreciating ALL of your thoughts as I come across them in this forum. You are considerate in a way that I aspire to and quite admire. Thanks! :cool:
:offtopic: :halo:

SethianSeth said:
Addiction-based calming activities are a constant plague on my work environment. It is so hard to sustain "the signal" so to speak without completely draining myself by the end of the day, which automatically leads to "zone-out time" in front of a favorite movie, etc. I am still in that really early phase of identifying the easy energy suckers in my life, seeing their interconnectedness, and conserving, conserving, conserving. However, the true solution (as you state) is an actual STO environment, and to say we are clearly not there is the understatement of the century. Gotta keep working harder all the time, but beating myself up about the failures in this environment is yet another energy drain.

Well, there may be ways that people can increase the amount and quality of time spent in rewardingly creative (non-linear, holistic) thought and contemplation. John Cleese talks about that.

In my experience, this process can also lead to bringing higher energy levels and lighter moods to any situation, positively influencing one's environment while allowing the mind be open to possibilities no matter what's going on. For a time anyway, as long as one is not being attacked with negativity directly.
How did the Jesus myth become history? Good question. My guess is that there were so many ideas and competing schools of thought and power struggles that at some point one group said enough. They needed a story that would include truths revolving around a single individual versus hundreds of gods and other characters for simplicity. Then group consensus came in and agreed. The Jesus myth needed to happen because something needed to be fixed. Something was broken. Then there is the question of timing, location, organization, distribution. Just like a corporation with a product of soul saving for a certain price and obligation.
Megan said:
SethianSeth said:
...Does this imply that we are unlikely to have had a "historical Jesus" in our past?
When I first came across the Cassiopaea website, about 8 years ago, I had just read a couple of books making the case for "no historical Jesus" and the idea appealed to me. In fact it still does, after all the nasty side effects I have experienced resulting from modern-day Christian teachings.

On the other hand, the C's have indicated that there was a historical figure, and a case for that idea can certainly be made from other sources as well. So what I am left with is there is a case for saying "yes" and a case for saying "no" and, despite my desire to have it one particular way, I don't really know.

So the advice "Just hang on" sounds as good as any to me at the moment.

The cs have also said that there have been more Christs.

Maybe there was a need for Christ to become exclusively limited to an historical person in order to keep men distracted in the veneration and study of the external, while possibilities were within themselves unexpressed, unrecognized and only unconsciously projected to the extent of their needs and individual provisions.

If there is water in our own home and someone hypnotize us into believing that water is outside and convince us they know exactly where, we become slaves depleting our energy trying to reach the mirage created by the masters of deception.

Sure, Christ was to be limited to an historical event by those who never got wet their feet.

It will be interesting to know how they did it :)
Ana said:
Maybe there was a need for Christ to become exclusively limited to an historical person in order to keep men distracted in the veneration and study of the external, while possibilities were within themselves unexpressed, unrecognized and only unconsciously projected to the extent of their needs and individual provisions.

Gotta say, working through Wave 4 (all of them really, but this one the most so far) has really helped align my mind with this way of thinking. It is such a huge "aha!" experience to get multiple pieces working together (hyperdimensional reality+the nature of disinfo) that I begin to wonder how I didn't see it before.

Not to mention, it contains my absolute favorite "Jesus Idea" I have ever heard, and really have been thinking about constantly: The idea of a suspended sleep state of the Christ "soul pattern" that is able to replicate on a personal and individual level through prayer (I sort of picture this in a holographic/holon sort of context?), giving the best explanatory context to the 'Own Personal Jesus' idea that has been so so very distorted and manipulated in exactly the way you just mentioned.

Again and again throughout history: stations of the cross, Jesus' "personal sacrifice" in a 3D body-centric context.
Ana said:
The cs have also said that there have been more Christs...
Yes, I imagine so too. In the past, in one phase of my life, I seemed to want to eliminate that particular Christ from the running, though. Now I am curious about the historical aspect, but nothing I do hinges on it being one way or the other. Actually, for a long time even earlier in my life, after first being introduced to esoteric teachings, I suspected that there had indeed been a teacher with great insight, and that the corruption of those teachings led to Christianity as we know it. I assumed, though, that there was little or no connection between the "Church" as we know it and the originating teachings. Having since read Mouravieff, Ouspensky, and, just recently, Needleman (Lost Christianity), I see that it is likely more complicated than that.
One possibility that can be speculated is that in order to strengthen the Christ idea in front of monotheism, a Christ has been "created" on purpose in the persona of Jesus... But i guess it is better to wait for the continuation of this thread :)

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