Speculations about the Comet 17P/Holmes


FOTCM Member
Regarding the current comet...


Exploding Comet Now Bigger Than Jupiter, Visible With the Naked Eye

Comet 17P/Holmes, first spotted by Edwin Holmes in 1892, has exploded and increased a million times in brightness. The cloud of dust and gas from the explosion is now bigger than Jupiter and is visible in the constellation Perseus.

Scientists are unsure what caused the comet to explode, but there is speculation that sinkholes in the nucleus exposed ice to sunlight, causing it to vaporise and expand.

The cosmic spectacle may last for months, and is drawing attention from amateur astronomers and the general public alike. "This is a once-in-a-lifetime event to witness," said Paul Lewis, director of astronomy outreach at the University of Tennessee.
... there are a few sessions with Cs that I would like to revisit:

4 July 1998

[...] Q: (A) I am trying to write down some things about a cosmology, and I
have some questions mainly about the coming events. First there was the
story of the sun's companion brown star which is apparently approaching the
solar system, and I would like to know, if possible, details of its orbit;
that is, how far it is, what is its speed, and when it will be first seen.
Can we know it? Orbit: how close will it come?

A: Flat eliptical.

Q: (A) But how close will it come?

A: Distance depends upon other factors, such as intersecting orbit of
locator of witness.

Q: (L) What is the closest it could come to earth... (A) Solar system... (L)
Yes, but which part of the solar system? We have nine planets... which one?
(A) I understand that this brown star will enter the Oort cloud... (L) I
think they said it just brushes against it and the gravity disturbs it...

A: Passes through Oort cloud on orbital journey. Already has done this on
its way "in."

Q: (A) You mean it has already entered the Oort cloud?

A: Has passed through.

Q: (A) So, it will not approach...

A: Oort cloud is located on outer perimeter orbital plane at distance of
approximately averaged distance of 510,000,000,000 miles.

Q: (L) Well, 510 billion miles gives us some time! (A) Yes, but what I want
to know... this Oort cloud is around the solar system, so this brown star,
once it has passed through... (L) It must already be in the solar system?
(A) No, it could have passed through and may not come closer. Is it coming
closer or not? Is it coming closer all the time?

A: Solar system, in concert with "mother star," is revolving around
companion star, a "brown" star.

Q: (A) So, that means that the mass of the companion star is much...

A: Less.

Q: (A) Less?

A: They are moving in tandem with one another along a flat, eliptical
orbital plane. Outer reaches of solar system are breached by passage of
brown companion, thus explaining anomalies recently discovered regarding
outer planets and their moons.

Q: (A) But I understand that the distance between the sun and this brown
star is changing with time. Eliptical orbit means there is perihelion and
aphelion. I want to know what will be, or what was, or what is the closest
distance between this brown star and the sun? What is perihelion? Can we
know this, even approximately. Is it about one light year, or less or more?

A: Less, much less. Distance of closest passage roughly corresponds to the
distance of the orbit of Pluto from Sun.

Q: (A) Okay. Now, this closest pass, is this something that is going to

A: Yes.

Q: (A) And it is going to happen within the next 6 to 18 years?

A: 0 to 14.

Q: (A) Okay, that's it. I have some idea about this. Now, I understand
that, either by chance or by accident, two things are going to happen at
essentially the same time. That is the passing of this brown star, and this
comet cluster. These are two different things?

A: Yes. Different, but related.

Q: (L) Is there a comet cluster that was knocked into some kind of orbit of
its own, that continues to orbit...

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And in addition to that comet cluster, there are also additional
comets that are going to get whacked into the solar system by the passing of
this brown star?

A: Yes.

Q: (A) I understand that the main disaster is going to come from this comet

A: Disasters involve cycles in the human experiential cycle which
corresponds to the passage of comet cluster.

Q: (A) I understant that this comet cluster is cyclic and comes every 3600
years. I want to know something about the shape of this comet cluster. I
can hardly imagine...

A: Shape is variable. Effect depends on closeness of passage.

Q: (L) So, it could be spread out... (A) We were asking at some point where
it will be coming from. The answer was that we were supposed to look at a

A: Yes.

Q: (A) Now, spirograph suggests that these comets will not come from one
direction, but from many directions at once. Is this correct?

A: Very good!!!

Q: (A) Okay, they will come from many directions...

A: But, initial visibility presents as single, solid body.

Q: (A) Do we know what is the distance to this body at present?

A: Suggest you keep your eyes open!

Q: (A) I am keeping my eyes open.

A: Did you catch the significance of the answer regarding time table of
cluster and brown star? Human cycle mirrors cycle of catastrophe. Earth
benefits in form of periodic cleansing. Time to start paying attention to
the signs. They are escalating. They can even be "felt" by you and others,
if you pay attention.

Q: (L) We have certainly been paying attention to the signs!

A: How so?

Q: (L) Well, the weather is completely bizarre. The fires, the heat...

A: Yes.

Q: (L) I notice that the tides are awfully high all the time with no
ostensible explanation...

A: And low, too.

Q: (L) Yes. I have noticed that particularly. (F) I have too. Not too
long ago I noticed that the tides were so incredibly low for this time of
year. (L) And also the signs in people - these kids killing their parents,
all these people going berserk - you know...

A: Spike.

Q: (L) What do you mean spike?

A: On a graph...

Q: (L) Just spikes, not the biggie...

A: Spikes are big.

Q: (L) Well, from what you are saying about this - I mean how are we
supposed to do all these things you say we are supposed to do? I mean, we
won't have time!

A: Who says?

Q: (L) That is kind of what it is sounding like. Unless our lives and
experiences escalate in concert with all these other events... (A) I have a
last question which I have prepared. So, we have these two physical
disasters or events, the coming brown star and the comet cluster, but we
have been told that this time it is going to be different because this time
it is accompanied by a plane convergence.

A: Yes. Magnetic field alteration.

Q: (A) This plane convergence, or this magnetic field alteration, it's
supposed to be related to realms crossing or passing. A realm border.

A: Realm. What is root of "realm?"

Q: (L) Reality.

A: Yes. How does the magnetic field "plug in?" Other planchette, please.
Carbon disturbance, as someone "melted" crystal on top. [We replaced
planchette.] We want to stay on this general subject matter through this
session, for your sake.

Q: (L) Okay, in terms of these signs, these things going on on the planet,
these fires and so forth - you never said anything about all these fires in
Florida. You said Arizona was going to burn, but you never said Florida was
going to burn...

A: We did not say it would not.

Q: (L) I know. But, it is really oppressive. I have read a couple of signs
in the last day or so that we are going to have a change in the weather, a
break, is my little method of predicting...

A: Reverse extreme?!?

Q: (L) Oh! Floods again! Well, I guess floods are better than fires...
but, maybe not!

A: Italy and Greece are burning too.

Q: (L) Yes, we noticed that in the paper today. Is there a relationship
between Italy and Greece and where we are on the planet? Some kind of
psychic link?

A: Just same current malady.

Q: (L) Okay, back to the comet cluster and realm border...

A: Not yet.

Q: (L) Well, which direction should we take right now?

A: Step by step.

Q: (L) Okay, you just said we are going to have a reversal in our weather.
Are there any other conditions that we should be aware of at the present

A: Point is to watch, look, listen.

Q: (L) When we are watching, looking and listening, is there some particular
thing we are supposed to be watching for that is to give us a clue about

A: All.

[This is one of the reasons for the sott page... it gives us a way to watch,
look and listen and keep track of what is going on.]

Q: (L) Is there something we are supposed to do at some point when we
perceive a particular clue or event at some point?

A: What would you suggest?

Q: (L) I don't know that I would suggest anything except to keep a low
profile and keep on working until we figure out the answer. It is like a
race against time. We have to figure out the answer because, obviously, you
are not going to tell us...

A: No. No race needed.

Q: (L) Well, I sometimes feel completely inadequate for all of this.

A: Stop thinking 3rd density!

Q: (L) Well, I don't want to just live in La La land and say, 'oh yes, I'm
watching. I see the signs! I'm looking! I'm listening! And then count them
off on my fingers and say: but I'm not gonna think about it because that's
3rd density!' See what I am saying here?

A: No, because you are still thinking 3rd density. Better to have a "front
row seat," and enjoy!

Q: (L) But I feel like I am not supposed to be enjoying myself so much! I
feel guilty!

A: Why not?

Q: (L) Well! I'm supposed to be DOING something!

A: You are.

Q: (A) When you watch, look and listen, you are getting some signals, and
these signals cause a certain pattern of thinking which were not yet able to
emerge, but now, after you receive certain signals, you start to think in a
different way. So, you cannot now think in a different way, but when you
learn this and this has happened, then you start to think in a different
pattern. So, you cannot now do things, but you always have to be ready to
change your thinking at any moment when you understand more, when you see
more, when you notice more, when you put things together which are not yet
together. Then, there may be a big change of perspective, a total change.
And this we have to keep our minds and thinking patterns open and ready to
change, and work and put the puzzle and mosaic together. And, this is all
that counts. It is this work that we are now doing that counts, not some
future big thing: oh! Now we go on a ship! No, it is only doing our best,
and what is it? Our best? It will change. I believe so. That is the
idea. So, everything depends on this.

A: Yes. You see, my dear, you cannot anticipate that which is not

Q: (L) Well, swell. Okay, you want to stay on this subject, so let us move
another step.

A: We are glad you noticed this birth of the spike.

Q: (L) Is that a clue? Is this one of those obscure remarks? Yes, I
noticed, the kids killing their parents, all the shooting going on, the
weather... is this connected in some way to some other event?

A: 27 days of record heat out of 30, oh my oh my! Suggest you awaken your
internet pals, as they are too busy chasing "goblins" to notice.

Q: (L) So, I should have something to say about this?

A: In Florida now, where to next? How about a shattering subduction quake
in Pacific Northwest of U.S.? We estimate 10.4 on the Richter scale. We
have warned of Ranier. Imagine a 150 meter high tsunami in Puget Sound...

Q: (L) Now, you have mentioned this earthquake. I know that you don't
usually give predictions, why have you done so now?

A: We do not give time tables.

Q: (L) Anything else other than a tsunami in Puget Sound and a big
subduction quake... 10.4 on the Richter scale is almost inconceivable.

A: Ranier... caldera.

Q: (L) What about the caldera?

A: Expect one.

Q: (L) Other than floods, anything else for Florida upcoming?

A: All areas experience accelerating "freak weather patterns."

Q: (L) Okay, all of these freaky weather patterns and bizarre things going
on on the planet, how does it relate to the comet cluster and the brown
star? Is it related?

A: Human experiential cycle intersects.

Q: (L) Any specifice physical manifestation of either this brown star or
this comet cluster or this realm border, that is related to these events on
the planet?

A: Approach of wave stimulates precursor activity which in turn causes
effects which in turn stimulates further "heating up" of activity...

Q: (L) I thought it was curious that you used the term 'birth of the spike.'
Is there something or someone that was born at that particular time?

A: No. Spike is as on a graph...

Q: (L) Okay, is there anyway we could graph this ourselves, and if so, what
types of events would we include to create the background data?

A: "El Nino, La Nina," etc...

Q: (L) Is this El Nino thing connected to sunspot cycles?

A: No.

Q: (L) It has its own cycle. I don't think it has been tracked for long
enough to get...

A: Global warming, a part of the human experiential cycle.

Q: (L) I read where Edgar Cayce said that a sligth increase in global
temperature would make hurricanes something like 5 times stronger... given a
baseline temperature. Does this mean we are going to have stronger and more
frequent hurricanes?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Will they hit land more frequently, or just spin out in the ocean?

A: Either, or.

19 June 1999

[...] Q: Since our lengthy sabbatical, I have accumlated a number of
questions, but there has been another matter that has come up in the past
few days that I would like to cover first. Apparently there is a newly
discovered comet that some people are suggesting fits the prophecies of
Nostradamus where he says in quatrain 10.72:

L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois,
Du ciel viendra vn grand Roy d'effrayeur:
Resusciter le grand Roy d'Angolmois,
Auant apres Mars regner par bon-heur.

which translates into English:

The year 1999, seventh month,
From the sky will come a great King of Terror:
To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols,
Before and after Mars to reign by good luck.

The reason for the comparison is because it is thought that Nostradamus was
referring to September and NOT July, and, in point of fact, this comet will
have made its circuit around the by September, and some folks are theorizing
that it could be 'vacuuming' and picking up a lot of matter which could slow
it down, change its direction, and cause it to interact with the Earth in a
detrimental way. Is this, in fact, going to happen?

A: Nostradamus had a specific date tied to a vague prediction.

Q: You are right. Yes, that's true. Are you suggesting that there is some
other event besides a cometary one that he is referring to in this

A: If he was, let it not be known. The question is: is "1999" a number,
or is it more?

Q: You mean that 1999 could imply a code of some sort?

A: Perhaps it is best for you to see events in this subject unfold, then
analyze later. Maybe it is a beginning of a cycle... [We later realized
that these clues, including the Nostradamus quatrain, probably related to 9-

Q: Well, there is another thing that the 'Millennium Group' has brought up,
and that is the possibility that there is some object that has entered our
solar system and the increased sun-spot activity and so forth is a reaction
of the sun to this object or objects. Can you comment on this?

A: The sun needs no such prompting to react thusly. It is a reactor, after
all. It tends to react to less than others react to it.

Q: (A) But what is the 'it?' (L) And, the sunspot prediction was around
a hundred the other day, but the actual sun spot activity was 240, I
believe. Now, supposedly, when this Comet Lee swings around the sun during
this period of high sun-spot activity, the Millennium Group are saying that
it is going to discharge the solar capacitor and that there is a possibility
that great bolts of electricity will pass between planets and the comet or
between planets and other planets, or between the sun and the comet, or
something. Is this, in fact, likely to occur?

A: Bolts charge between positive and negative ions. What is the sun's
atomic structure vis a vis its "children?"

Q: (L) I guess the sun is positive and its children are negative, right?

A: We have a physicist present, yes?

Q: (L to A) Is the sun positive or negative? In an atom, what is the
charge of the nucleus? (A to L) The question is: what is plasma coming from
the sun? Electrons. Then what remains is positive. (L) So the sun is
positive, and, since the electrons flow out toward the planets, then the
planets must be negative, right? (A) That's a possibility.

A: Research this for definitive answers to your question. What about the
positive/negative ratio between earth's ionosphere and possible passing

Q: (L) Well, that's what I was asking. These fellows claim that there
will be discharges either between the sun and the comet, or the comet and
the planets, or the planets and the planets, or the sun and the planets...
all the bases are covered!

A: No they have not. What about the "vacuum" of space?

Q: (L) Are you saying that this electrical discharge can't create visible
bolts of lightning because of the vacuum conditions of space?

A: No we are not. We are posing a question in order to stimulate
intellectual debate and inquiry. Learning is fun, after all!

Q: (A) I want to ask about the 'plasma theory of comets' which the
Millennium Group are promoting.

A: The plasma theory is correct, when certain factors are present. Could
it have something to do with the composition of the object in question?

Q: (A) This is exactly the question. The object in question is the comet,
and the question is: what is its composition, is it a dirty snowball, or is
it a charged object that collects particles on its way like the 'vacuum
cleaner' model?

A: Nickel?

Q: (L) So the composition of this particular comet is nickel? A: No, we
are almost desparately trying to "jump start" your intellectual capacities.
Remember, this is a group effort here. Not a series of questions from the
meek and helpless to the Lord High Commander!!

Q: It seems that they are desperately trying to tell us something without
violating free will, but we have to participate in order to receive it.

A: Yes.

Q: (A) I just want to know about this particular comet?

A: Nickel?

Q: (L) What do we know about nickel? (A) There are all kinds of things
about nickel. It is a metal. The question is whether nickel has anything
to do with this particular comet.

A: If it does, it could be vital.

Q: (A) What is the composition of this comet?

A: Most comets are indeed "dirty snowballs," composed largely of water ice
and particulate matter. But, some are more like fast moving asteroids
caught up in an orbital plane. Your "Millennium Group" is maybe just a bit
too one-side-or-the-otherish at this point. Thus, a spectral analysis of
this object is in order before one assumes it to be a cosmic vacuum cleaner.

Q: (A) I guess from this that, even if these guys can be in some cases
correct, this comet, after analyzing, will prove to be just an ordinary
dirty snowball. That is my guess.

A: No guessing allowed!

Q: (L) These guys say that they have repeatedly ask to get some data on
this comet from the various government sources who have the capacity to do
such analyses, simply have not been forthcoming with this information as
though they have something to hide.

A: They are not the only ones who can analyze.

Q: (L) Then, I guess we need to find somebody who has done a spectral
analysis. Find out who can do this. (A) It requires special equipment...
(L) Is there something about this comet business that you want to convey to
us so that we need to keep on it until we get to the right question?

A: You need to "keep on" a lot of things.

Q: (L) That's what I mean. If there is nothing crucial about this at the
moment, if spectral analysis is what we need to find and you are not going
to tell us what it is composed of... ARE you going to tell us? What is it
composed of? Or do we have to do a spectral analysis and find out on our

A: Have we not already indicated? Knowledge is power. If we give it to
you like Halloween candy, it is diffused.

Q: (L) You said that the primary composition of this comet is nickel?

A: No, we said "nickel?"

Q: (L) What does 'nickel' mean? (A) It's a shiny metal. (L) A coin, a
five cent piece...

A: What does molten nickel look like against the backdrop of space?

Q: (A) It would look like silver... (L) Would it have a color? (A) I
don't think so.

A: Does it conduct electricity? Is it magnetic?

Q: (A) Yes, it can conduct, but its not magnetic. Why 'molten?'

A: What about the "tail" of such an object coming into contact with the

Q: (L) Oh. I think I get it. The Nostradamus thing about a great
comet's tail or something... let me look it up:

After great trouble for humanity, a greater one is prepared
The Great Mover renews the ages:
Rain, blood, milk, famine, steel and plague,
In the heavens fire seen, a long spark running.

[This sounds kinda like this current comet.]

This one is supposed to refer to something that occurs at the turn of the
Millennium... is this what we are getting at here? Something that will
look like a 'long spark running' which then comes in contact with the
ionosphere which may exchage potentials with the earth by virtue of this
conducting, molten nickel tail? Yes????? Is that good?

A: Ask Arkadiusz.

Q: (L) Well, honey... am I on to something here? (A) The point is that this
comet is in space. Space is rather cold, so the question is: what would
make nickel molten? (L) Well, it will be close to the sun! That will heat
it up! (A) This particular comet is not going to come close enough to the
sun to melt it! (L) Well then, how can the nickel be molten???

A: What about flares?

Q: (L) That's it! A bodacious solar flare! And, combined with the
bodacious solar flare is a change of trajectory because of its accumulation
of matter... so that it is closer to the sun ... (A) But it is not coming
close enough to the sun to be caught in a solar flare!

A: Is nickel magnetic?

Q: (L) No. What does it mean to this subject that a nickel is not magnetic?

A: Does nickel have a companion?

Q: A) Well, when we say a 'companion,' it means another metal in the same
family in the Mendeleev Table. I believe that cobalt and Nickel are in the
same family, but I will have to check...

A: And cobalt is invisible in the good old vacuum of space, but not

Q: L) Does that mean it will attract cobalt?

A: No, cobalt will attract.

Q: L) The cobalt will attract flares... electromagnetic phenomena...

A: Et al.

Q: (L) I see.

A: Now, you need to know the composition of this comet... And any other
closely following same. We have alluded to the increased cometary activity
before. Oort, and that which cyclically disturbs it.

Q: (L) I just want to know one thing... are any of these comets gonna hit
the earth?

A: Someday, certainly. As have before.

This next session was interesting also. I think that it was also talking
about 9/11:

28 August 1999

Q: (L) There were several dark streaks seen in the sky at the time of the
recent solar eclipse. There has been a great deal of comment about this at
various sites on the internet including some of the 'hard science'
astronomical ones, yet there is no general consensus as to what they were.
There were also strange lights and objects seen around the sun, and later,
crossing the surface of the moon. There is also an ongoing discussion about
some sort of 'Incoming Object' as though there is an anomalous object in our
solar system that is creating this effect. Now, I realize that you said
before that we ought to watch for something AFTER Comet Lee, the exact words
being ' Now, you need to know the composition of this comet... And any
other closely following same. We have alluded to the increased cometary
activity before. Oort, and that which cyclically disturbs it.' So, it does
seem that what you were alluding to is transpiring at the present. I mean,
'closely following' probably means close in terms of time, also. And you
did say that such comets as have been disturbed would approach in a
'scatter pattern,' which would mean from any and all directions. Can you
comment on these current events?

A: Not yet.

Q: Why? Is there something we should be watching for?

A: Best to keep watching....

Q: Anything in particular we should be watching for?

A: No. Be open to all possibilities.

Q: Are we on the verge of a) an alien invasion; b) a cometary impact; c)
the appearance of a twin sun, a death star in our solar system?

A: Wait and see.

Q: I don't want to wait and see! (A) Wait and see! When it hits us, we
will know! (L) Let me ask this....

A: What a glorious transition to 4th density STO. With maybe a quick
stopover in 5th just to pick up a few things for the trip!

Q: Are you saying that we are getting ready for the Big Kahuna?

A: Only Don Ho knows for sure.

Q: What?!

A: Well, you did say "Kaahuna," yes?

Q: Okay, you have repeatedly, in the past year, alluded to something that
we are supposed to be watching for, that we are supposed to 'enjoy the
show,' and all that sort of thing. Now you have made this remark about 5th
density, where 3rd density goes at death. Are you suggesting that a lot of
folks are going to check out?

A: Maybe we were trying to Lighten things up a bit!

Q: That's all fine and good, but I just want one word here, a clue about
what is coming down in the near future that you are making all these hints
about... just a one word clue?


Q: Now wait a minute! You can't DO that! What do you mean 'kaboom?' I
changed my mind, I want two words! One more word!


Q: Okay, a word that applies to us sitting right here....

A: Florida.

Q: We KNOW its Florida! What about a word that will give me a clue about
our location?

A: Hot.

Q: (A) I guess that means it will be hot here, but safe.

A: Okay. Hot but safe, maybe.

Q: Kaboom and splat? Does that relate to what you said about C____ last
year when I asked if she had a plan to fulfill that she was not attending to
at present and you said 'Fate will intercede,' When I asked HOW fate was
going to intercede, you said 'Do you really want to know?' So, I said
that I just wanted a one word clue, and you said: 'CRUNCH.' Is this what we
are talking about here? Can we connect these dots?

A: Oh no, she is in the mountains. So of course, she is safe!!!

Q: (A) She is safe because she is in the mountains?

A: Humor, people!

Q: So that is a backward clue?

A: Open.

25 September 1999

[...] Q: Now, there IS an awful lot of weird stuff going on! There was the
earthquake in Turkey; there was an earthquake in Taiwan; there were
hurricanes; a fireball in Turkey; strange radar anomalies, as they call
them. In fact, one of these circular things showed up on our local radar
when the tropical storm was heading our way. Could you tell us what is
behind all of these ...

A: Well, first of all, it is true that some heavenly bodies transiting the
Solar System, such as some comets, do indeed interract electrically with the
Sun and the planets. This does cause an increase in natural calamaties, but
this is not new.

Q: There is also a theory of Paul La Violette, that there is a wave that
comes from explosions in the galactic core, and that THIS is what is behind
this increased activity.

A: Such waves exist.

Q: Are these waves part of the cataclysmic double catastrophes that are
predicted to be "on the way?"

A: Who says?

Q: Well, Paul La Violette and Vincent Bridges, and Jay Weidner, for

A: You are not capable of predicting such things yet.

Q: (A) We are not able to predict many things. You are able to predict
better than us.

A: Maybe so, but we do so oh so discreetly.

Q: When you gave the information a couple of weeks ago about the "Kaboom!
Splat!" business, I put it on the website and explained that there was
really no way of interpreting it exactly. Of course, there were the most
dire interpretations put upon it by others. Could you clarify the "Kaboom!
Splat!" remark?

A: We also said to "lighten up."

Q: Are you saying that you were joking?

A: Maybe.

Q: When you say that we should "lighten up," that you are referring to our

A: Well, it is important not to worry over that wahich is not changeable,
and which is trivial in the really big picture. If the surface 3rd density
realm of your locator is soon to be rent asunder, why does it matter to you,
or more to the point, why does it frighten you so? You are supposed to be
moving beyond this 3rd density STS thinking.

Q: What's the point of even talking to you guys, then?

A: Do you expect to stop talking to us after you transition?

Q: Well, I guess it depends on where I transition to. Are we going to
make the big transition to 5th density...

A: Wherever you go, the communication will be more succinct. Now, even if
"nothing happens," how long do you expect to remain in your present state?
Can you remember "35 years ago?" Well??

Q: I am thinking! I was just a kid then. Yes, I can remember.

A: How long "back" does it seem?

Q: Sometimes it seems like forever...

A: No.

Q: In another way, it seems like yesterday.

A: Yes.

Q: It just depends on what mood I am in.

A: Not long, eh?

Q: Well, you are NOT improving my mood! I don't want to tell people
things like that, that they have to see themselves as only souls and that
the physical body is just a garment to be worn out and tossed aside. They
can't handle it when they are faced with imminent possible suffering. They
will get hysterical!

A: Maybe they will. And maybe they need to. Maybe they need to learn
something. Nothing lasts forever, and thank goodness for that!

Q: You have talked about space battles and cosmic struggles and individuals
and beings and races of beings coming from one direction or another to act
in this cosmic drama...

A: It is part and parcel of the energy that maintains all existence, as are
you all.

Q: You also once said that there were "good guys" and "bad guys."

A: From a chosen perspective.

Q: Does that mean that the "good guys" and "bad guys" CHOOSE to undertake
these roles for the sake of this Cosmic Drama?

A: Yes, to some extent. It also means that to the fishes and the
cockroaches, et al, "you is de bad guys." Subjectivity reigns in STS!

Q: Would you care to name these groups? You have said that there is the
Orion Federation and the Orion Union. The Federation is supposed to be
STO, and the Union is supposed to be STS. Is there also a group called the
"Markab Confederation," as one person asked?

A: This stage is so huge that there is every "group" you can imagine! And,
if you imagine them, they are there.

Q: You hinted at one point that we would come in contact with, or interact
with, 4th density STO beings who would help us in some way.

A: Yes, are you getting impatient?

Q: Well... yes.

A: Then you should know this: you will not get in, or come into contact
with them until things are just about to get very "interesting." Whenever
that may be.

Q: Well, I want to get back to all this stuff going on in the Solar
System. I am curious about all these things flying about. Asteroids,
comets, fireballs, meteors, and things that seem like a cross between
meteors and spaceships; all being reported with great regularity recently.
All kinds of activity going on. There has also been comment about the star
Eta Carinae that has become very active in a very unusual way. Is this some
sort of harbinger of something?

A: Harbingers unite mental awareness.

Q: I see! Is Eta Carinae going to blow, as in go "supernova?"

A: It will, but when is the question.

Q: Is there anything more you can tell us about these oncoming comets?
There were objects seen flying into the Sun; there is a lot of excessive
activity of the Sun lately, which is cyclical, but extremely high even
considering the normal cycle. What about this possible Twin Sun business?

A: There is much going on, yes. But it is cyclical. And will not spell it
out for you. The past, if carefully and accurately charted, holds all the
answers for you. How do you think the prophets do it?

Seeing all this publicity about comet Holmes (whose search in google news currently brings up 264 results) i wondered whether the PTB would want to turn our attention to a particular section in the sky, so we don't see something else that goes on some place else. But now reading all the above, it might be that this brightnes of comet Holmes is more than just a comet?

Edit: to add google search url
Interesting, from here _http://cometography.com/pcomets/017p.html

M. Jäger image obtained on 2007 October 31.8. This is a combination of three 180-second exposures obtained using a 30-cm Deltagraph, a Sigma 6303 CCD camera, and a blue filter. Although a few overly-processed images from October 29 and 30 hinted at this type of tail, which led to excessive discussion on the internet, this is the first image to conclusively prove its existence. The tail appears extremely short, because the tail is heading almost directly away from our line of sight.
The inference being, it's heading right for us. Lol.

and this one from here: _http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21636369/
The comet lacks the tail usually associated with such celestial bodies but can be seen in the northern sky, in the constellation Perseus, as a fuzzy spot of light about as bright as the stars in the Big Dipper.
No mention as to why it apparently, "lacks the tail"... wouldn't want to startle the sheep, might wake em up!
this object is evolving rapidely, actually it loosed its tail (_spaceweather.com)
MKRNHR said:
this object is evolving rapidely, actually it loosed its tail (_spaceweather.com)
Just wanted to post the image of "tail disconnection"

Cyre2067 said:
M. Jäger image obtained on 2007 October 31.8. This is a combination of three 180-second exposures obtained using a 30-cm Deltagraph, a Sigma 6303 CCD camera, and a blue filter. Although a few overly-processed images from October 29 and 30 hinted at this type of tail, which led to excessive discussion on the internet, this is the first image to conclusively prove its existence. The tail appears extremely short, because the tail is heading almost directly away from our line of sight.

The inference being, it's heading right for us. Lol.
As I understand it, if the tail was heading away from our line of sight it would mean that the comet also is heading away from our line of sight, i.e. heading away from us.

Check out this pic. Is that jebus?


Joe said:
Cyre2067 said:
M. Jäger image obtained on 2007 October 31.8. This is a combination of three 180-second exposures obtained using a 30-cm Deltagraph, a Sigma 6303 CCD camera, and a blue filter. Although a few overly-processed images from October 29 and 30 hinted at this type of tail, which led to excessive discussion on the internet, this is the first image to conclusively prove its existence. The tail appears extremely short, because the tail is heading almost directly away from our line of sight.

The inference being, it's heading right for us. Lol.
As I understand it, if the tail was heading away from our line of sight it would mean that the comet also is heading away from our line of sight, i.e. heading away from us.

Check out this pic. Is that jebus?


Wow, what a pic.

The ETs, the light beeing are coming to save us. =D
Joe said:
As I understand it, if the tail was heading away from our line of sight it would mean that the comet also is heading away from our line of sight, i.e. heading away from us.
Could it mean the comet is heading toward us? If we can't see the tail because it is behind the head of the comet - away from our line of site - then it could be headed toward us. Unless by 'away from our line of site' means that what we think we are seeing as the comet head, is the comet head, but as viewed through the comet's tail - basically, it's heading almost directly away from us (or almost directly at us?) - seems it has to be one or the other to not see the tail (and it's getting brighter - though that might not indicate that it is moving closer) - if you can visualize my point (which may be difficult since I'm not making it very well).
Irini said:
But now reading all the above, it might be that this brightnes of comet Holmes is more than just a comet?
Dunno how you got that out of it. What interested me were the remarks about "nickel" and plasma and EM and stuff passing between the sun, earth and a comet. Re-read the 19 June 1999 session.

Cyre said:
The tail appears extremely short, because the tail is heading almost directly away from our line of sight.
The inference being, it's heading right for us. Lol.
Comet tails don't work that way. They ALWAYS point away from the Sun. Even when the comet has gone around the sun and is traveling away from it, the tail will point away from the sun in the direction the comet is traveling.

So, why this one does not have a tail is a great curiosity.

There are two main types of cometary tail.

The Ion Tail (Type I)

The neutral gas species in cometary comae can be ionised by solar UV photons, as in . The ions are susceptible to a magnetic force due to the solar magnetic field carried by the solar wind. Consequently, the ions are swept out of the coma into a long, distinctive ion tail. Because the most common ion, CO+, scatters blue light better than red, the ion tail often appears to the human eye as blue. Also, the magnetic force is very strong and produces ropes, knots and streamers that distinguish the ion tail from the dust tail. The solar wind sweeps past the comet at about 500 km/s, causing the ion tail to be swept almost exactly in the anti-solar direction.

The Dust Tail (Type II)

The dust tail consists of dust particles that have been pushed out of the coma by radiation pressure from the sun. Compared to the ION tail, the dust tail is morphologically diffuse, and appears white or slightly pink (because the dust grains reflect sunlight slightly better at longer wavelengths than at shorter wavelengths). The dust particles in the tail are individually in orbit about the sun, each with slightly less attraction to the sun than the nucleus because of the effect of radiation pressure. This causes the dust tail to be curved as the comet swings around the sun.

Both the ion and the dust tails can attain great lengths, up to about an Astronomical Unit (10^11 m) in the most spectacular cases.


The picture above was taken by Malcolm Ellis in Bury, England. It shows the two tails of Hale-Bopp clearly separated in the plane of the sky. The distinctive blue color, straight and rayed appearance of the ion tail can be seen (zoom the picture if the rays are not obvious). The blue color results primarily from the CO+ ion, which is here swept into a tail by the solar wind. Hale-Bopp released CO in copious amounts: about 20 - 30% of the gas released was CO (most of the rest was water). The dust tail is white, diffuse and curved. It consists of small dust grains pushed back from the nucleus and coma by solar radiation pressure. Typical dust grains have sizes of about a micron (0.001 mm).

At the time this picture was taken (1997 April 4), Hale-Bopp was producing about 200 tonnes per second in both gas and dust.
cometography com/pcomets/017p html said:
The tail appears extremely short, because the tail is heading almost directly away from our line of sight.
Joe said:
As I understand it, if the tail was heading away from our line of sight it would mean that the comet also is heading away from our line of sight, i.e. heading away from us.
Due to radiation and solar wind pressure, the tail points always away from the sun, independent of the comet's movement direction. So it may be that the comet apparently - as seen from earth - moves in one direction while the tail points in another direction. That's how I understand it.

Edit: Oops, Laura was faster...
Comet Holmes grows a tail


Comet Holmes, the oddball comet that erupted into naked-eye visibility almost three weeks ago, now appears in photo imagery to have grown a tail. It's not much as comet tails go.

Holmes' tail is not apparent to the naked eye, and can't readily be seen in binoculars. But long-exposure photography does show a stubby ion tail. It's stubby because it is being blown away from the comet's nucleus - and away from the sun and Earth. So, from our perspective, it looks very short.

More recent images also suggest that a gust of solar wind has actually detached the tail from the nucleus.

Holmes was unusual from the beginning. It brightened unexpectedly from a dim dot in telescopes on Oct. 23, to a bright fuzzball in the constellation Perseus on Oct. 24. It was easily visible to the naked eye, although it looked not so much like a comet as just another unfamiliar star in Perseus. Scientists could only speculate about what sort of an eruption or collapse on the comet's icy nucleus might have caused such a huge exhalation of gas and dust.

In binoculars it looked like a ball of cotton, or a gray billiard ball. It was simple to find, and lots of casual backyard stargazers got a look at their first naked-eye comet since 1997.

In recent weeks, Holmes has moved slowly higher in the sky, climbing in Perseus toward the W-shaped Cassiopeia, in the northeastern sky in the evening hours. It has also appeared to dim somewhat to naked-eye observers, perhaps as the dust and gas expelled with its initial brightening began to dissipate.

But the tail came slowly, and is still not apparent to casual observers. Fortunately, we have digital telescopic images and the Web.
I don't think that the point is the tail. This tail began to appear few days after the "explosion" and now if it is disturbed it can be because the "explosive" activity continues. The point is why a quiet object which is almost invisible would behave like that while going farther from the sun. When I saw the object in the sky on december 2 and 3 (I'm ill since so I didn't re-see it yet), the blurring object apears to be double layered as if gas and particule ejection occured twice. Now, when I wached it it seems so sinister (don't know why since I like seeing astronomical events usually) and then it was easy to find because it is a big ball in the sky and because one arm of the W forming the cassiopea constellation pointed at it.

The question of why it does not behave like that during it approach to the sun but when it quits it? Some may argue the randomness of the internal structure of the comet, or something like a splitting that occured during a long time after an initial cause has been enleashed when close to the sun.
Maybe a mass coronal ejection or some sun phenomenon that reached the comet on its departure?
maybe it had collided with an other object? it looks like some sort of shock wave the way it looks I personnaly described it at that time, like if it collided some invisible wall. all these are personnal impressions.

is there any astrological (symbological) implications anyone?

the object is unusual, and all the images we have up to now come from amateur astronomers or professionals with small telescopes. just an observation.
Kaboom and Splat may well be what happens, but the thought of it hitting Earth is certainly not appealing in the slightest. An alternative is that it indeed does indeed collide with a solar body - perhaps the sun or a nearby planet.

It would still cause chaos, but if what I interpret is correct and I am just a humble beginner here, and as the C's have said, there will be some souls destined continue to go on in 3D and this would not happen if we were to get hit directly as nothing would survive.

Certainly, the Lizzies would not want their prized jewel totally wiped out now, so they wouldnt want it either.

Just a thought.
I don't think "kaboom, splat" refers to a comet. I think that it was a hint about 911.
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