⭐Astrology & Card Readings (Public)

I'm having a short 🌕 Lunar New Year 🍀 sale for anyone interested, from now until the end of the month, so if you want at checkout you can use : **deleted** on either reading ❤️‍🔥 (sale over)

Hi there, jumping here to point this new course by Ernest Wilhelm, the best astrologer I’ve come across in my life personally, in concern to the C’s remark of distorted knowledge :

If you follow his courses (Astrology-Videos.com – Your Complete Online Learning Center) on you’ll find many false concepts and ideas he rectifies

Thanks for this, I'm checking it out now and seems interesting. Always happy to expand my learning on astrology. :grad:
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We like sales :-D
Thanks for letting us know Artemis!
Yes, I was inspired to do so when I noticed all of the Chinese NY decorations popping up everywhere ;-D ✨
I´ve received my card reading in August 2023, and now, 1,5 years later, is actually the time when the reading reflects my situation and I need it most.
I haven´t listen to it in a while and currently I´m basically at the crossroad and the change that the cards predicted, so the reeding also feels like a guidance on how to decide what next.

So, once again, thank you @Artemis for sharing your gifts with us! :hug2:

Also, do you think it would be helpful/useful to have at home any/some of those cards deck(s) you use in your reading (and maybe a book(s) that would go with it), so when we feel i.e. undecided, or beaten, or tired, or whatever, that then we can i.e. shuffle the deck and take out the card and see if there is a message for us for that particular situation? Or maybe some you would suggest some other method?
And sorry for the late reply, missed this. But anyway about getting your own cards or doing your own divination, that's entirely up to you. But like all things, balance is good, and in moderation, so no need to do a reading every day or every week. Give yourself some adequate space. One of my decks mentions it's good to wait at least a month between readings. I found some of my decks on Aliexpress (cheaper than on Amazon ;D )

And you're welcome - I'm grateful to be able to assist you (all) in some fashion or another, even if it's just with a nugget of guidance. :love:🗝️
Dear Artemis,
it is such a big present of guidance to receive a reading from you. Each time I am awestruck :) When I listen to the recordings, each time another layer of guidance appears. Its ongoing and each reading adds to it.💫 ✨ It got me really unstuck and going.
Thank you for all your awareness. 💓
I've requested a card reading. I just wanted to check I've put birth time unknown but I do know it was between 6-7 in morning. I can try to clarify or will it not make that much difference?
Also I asked a couple of questions on the form and I wanted to check it makes sense.
My emails on the form so if you need me to clarify anything. ;-D
I'm having a short 🌕 Lunar New Year 🍀 sale for anyone interested, from now until the end of the month, so if you want at checkout you can use : **deleted** on either reading ❤️‍🔥
This is wonderful news and very timely as I've had a question in mind for a card reading.
So, I have ordered the card reading!
As ever, thank you so much (in advance) for the love, effort and attention you put into this service. :cheer:
Today is the last day of the LNY sale and I have my work cut out for me already :knitting: so please kindly be patient as I get through them all. And I hope you all had a happy new year (both of them) and that you get all that which you need to move forward ⭐

This is wonderful news and very timely as I've had a question in mind for a card reading.
So, I have ordered the card reading!
As ever, thank you so much (in advance) for the love, effort and attention you put into this service. :cheer:

Will do my best :) ❤️‍🔥

Dear Artemis, Thanks for the reading. Going through it and is indeed pretty accurate.

Very glad to hear it ✨
so please kindly be patient as I get through them all
Most certainly - good things come to those who wait (need to insert a Guinness emoji here..)
A quick question if I may, Artemis: would you have any objection to extracts from your readings being used as part of posts on the forum? I ask because my Spiritual Astrology reading has been instrumental in helping me to realise a few 'home truths' lately and I should like to give credit where it is due..
With thanks as always.
Just want to say real quick that if any of you have booked a reading with a time sensitive question that needs answering, to email me and let me know so I can get to you sooner. I really do have quite a bit to do so if there's any urgency do tell me :knitting:

Most certainly - good things come to those who wait (need to insert a Guinness emoji here..)
A quick question if I may, Artemis: would you have any objection to extracts from your readings being used as part of posts on the forum? I ask because my Spiritual Astrology reading has been instrumental in helping me to realise a few 'home truths' lately and I should like to give credit where it is due..
With thanks as always.
If you like you can talk about it and even paraphrase it, but I'd prefer to not be quoted word for word, just in case it's misunderstood or taken out of context, since it's meant to be mainly relevant to the person it's for and not for greater public consumption. I hope that's understandable.
If you like you can talk about it and even paraphrase it, but I'd prefer to not be quoted word for word, just in case it's misunderstood or taken out of context, since it's meant to be mainly relevant to the person it's for and not for greater public consumption. I hope that's understandable.
Well, then first of all, apologies for quoting you and putting that as a part of my Forum account signature w/o first consulting you about it.

I really love that "expression" and it has been a reminder and a guiding principle pretty much like a thread of Ariadne for this last about a year since received your extraordinary helpful reading, and have wanted to share that with basically everybody and especially here.
But if you find it inappropriate and potentially resulting in misunderstanding or any kind of issues or troubles, either for you or anybody else, I'll remove it immediately. Just say the word and it's gone.

Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for the good service you've been giving to the Universe at large. 🌹 :love:
Well, then first of all, apologies for quoting you and putting that as a part of my Forum account signature w/o first consulting you about it.

I really love that "expression" and it has been a reminder and a guiding principle pretty much like a thread of Ariadne for this last about a year since received your extraordinary helpful reading, and have wanted to share that with basically everybody and especially here.
But if you find it inappropriate and potentially resulting in misunderstanding or any kind of issues or troubles, either for you or anybody else, I'll remove it immediately. Just say the word and it's gone.

Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for the good service you've been giving to the Universe at large. 🌹 :love:

It's alright, whatever's done is done and no one needs to be worried if anything's already been quoted, it's just for future reference ~

And you're very welcome, and I'm thankful to everyone here as well for allowing me to be of some assistance ✨ 🍀
If you like you can talk about it and even paraphrase it, but I'd prefer to not be quoted word for word, just in case it's misunderstood or taken out of context, since it's meant to be mainly relevant to the person it's for and not for greater public consumption. I hope that's understandable.
Thank you, this is very understandable (and why I thought I'd check).

I really do have quite a bit to do
Take your (illusionary 3D) time..! :thup:
Small update: I'm over half way through this recent batch and should be done soon. Going as quickly as I can between other works etc but it's coming along nicely.
Also, in light of some recent comments about affordability, some have mentioned the recent sale was very welcome, so I've decided bring back the discount code for anyone to use here indefinitely until further notice. The code is: SALE50OFF and I'll be leaving there for the time being. ✨ ❤️ 🍀
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