strange dream in an alien ship and the 30-second rule


Hello, dear forum members,
I was very unsure if I should post my dream from last night here. Maybe it's just a pipe dream and I don't want to portray myself as a person with special experiences. After a conversation with a friend, about my worries to report honestly here, I have now decided to do so and I am interested in your assessment. Sorry that the text is a bit longer. ,
before the info: I increased my daily dose from 3 grams to 6 grams of melatonin before going to sleep that day. I was very conscious in my dreams and could perceive myself. When I woke up early, I wanted to get advice in the forum. However, the Cassiopaia website did not open, nor did the forum. It displayed errors for several hours.

Here the dream:
I was in a city and there was an alien invasion. It was not obvious, but the people were wandering around in panic, as if they sensed something was wrong. But I recognized immediately that the dark shaped clouds in the sky were alien ships in disguise. I wanted to make my way to my husband and searched my car for it. My car (Opel Corsa) distorted into all sorts of weird shapes, sprang apart like an expander, formed into a circle and many other crazy shapes. Also the footpath made funny corners and curves. Everything was out of the normal known shape. I wasn't afraid and concentrated on the original shape of the car that I knew, made it and was able to get in. At first I thought I was safe, then I noticed how something pulled me up into the sky together with the car and I knew immediately that an alien ship would take me up. I began to speak a mantra in my mind: "I have a free will and I want to go back down again." By the way, I spoke the mantra continuously the whole time in my dream, in the ship and until I came back to earth. Without a break. In fact, I found myself in an alien ship. Beside me there were three other earth inhabitants, who were brought "up" in a kind of seat and there were several alien employees, who operated all kinds of technical equipment, like a server room or laboratory. The alien employees looked very human. What was striking was that they were all between 20 and 28 years of age and they were all young and quite immaculately beautiful. The alien boss of the ship was however ugly, small, looked more like a small human with a lot of red-brown body hair, like a fox, and had a tail which he hid under a coat. All three inhabitants of the earth were scanned one after the other and it was my turn last. The scan illuminated the whole area from the navel to the heart. I continued to speak my mantra in my mind when it was my turn. Just as with my two fellow abductees, the image remained black during the scan and the alien boss said: "They don't have superpowers, we can't use them. Throw them out. Get the next one." And I landed back down on Earth, still speaking my free will sentence, and relieved to have remained undiscovered.
And immediately it went on and I found that really interesting.
I walked through the town and met an old acquaintance who pointed to a somewhat distant woman, his new lover. He called her here and introduced her to me as Birgit, but strangely enough she couldn't see me, although I was standing right next to her lover, my acquaintance. She could not see me, but I could see her well. She went away and I watched her go from person to person and talk to them. Children, young people, old people...she addressed everybody in a totally exaggerated friendly way, mostly she made compliments.After exactly 30 seconds of conversation per person, she began to absorb the people in her. She absorbed the complete conversation partner including energy and body. I watched her for a while and she devoured the people always exactly after 30 seconds. I counted countless times until I recognized the 30 second pattern and saved Birgit's "victims" by distraction. People who turned away from Birgit before the 30 seconds survived. Or she let go of them when her master (the lover, my acquaintance in the dream) called her to him. He controlled her somehow, though not obviously. She obeyed him. Otherwise she devoured everything that didn't get away from her within 30 seconds. There was only one way to escape certain death. To consciously turn away from her within 29 seconds, or to distract her with something more interesting.
When I woke up....the dream felt like a manual for STS....a kind of 30 second rule. Or is it all in my head? What do you think?

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Wow! Really interesting dream with great details. It surprised me, too, that you stayed in the dream after you were thrown off the alien ship. As for the woman who devoured people after 30 seconds, it made me think of hypnosis. She talked to them in a friendly manner, I assume, and kept eye contact so that they became hypnotized and she then devoured them (body/spirit). I looked on youtube and there are multiple videos of how to hypnotize in 30 seconds or less, so your premise of the 30 second rule does make sense to me in a situation where a STS being is involved.
Thank you for sharing your dream. He is really impressive and the end reminds me of the "Female Vampire" (wave chapter 38). The devour could be a symbolic expression of the sucking out of the life energy. Could it also suggest that feeding on the energy of others will become more visible in the near future? 30 seconds of communication with STS is sometimes enough for someone to find your emotional triggers. It could also be a realization from yourself after you have integrated a lot of knowledge. Definitely very interesting. :-)
Wow! Really interesting dream with great details. It surprised me, too, that you stayed in the dream after you were thrown off the alien ship. As for the woman who devoured people after 30 seconds, it made me think of hypnosis. She talked to them in a friendly manner, I assume, and kept eye contact so that they became hypnotized and she then devoured them (body/spirit). I looked on youtube and there are multiple videos of how to hypnotize in 30 seconds or less, so your premise of the 30 second rule does make sense to me in a situation where a STS being is involved.
ou're actually right. after I flew out of the ship, I woke up briefly as if I was asleep, but also not if I was half asleep and then fell asleep deeply again.
Thanks for your assessment. It's interesting, with hypnosis. Maybe in STS you have 30 seconds before you become their energy victim?
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