Strange Experience


Jedi Master
I had a strange exp. a few years back which completely befuddled my mind when it happened and would like some outside input into what the occurrence might have actually been.

I was driving on a two way bridge, which was filled with enough cars for me to be aware of the parallel lane going in the opposite direction. As I was watching the cars go by me there was one car in specific that drew my attention. A Caucasian man in a more or less relaxed position driving a black SUV that had his eyes set on me. Not thinking much of it a few more cars went by when all of a sudden I saw the same Car the same Man in the same Position starring at me again in the same way drive past again.

It was so similar to Neo seeing the black cat twice except this was with a Black SUV and was not DeJa Vu'. I thought it was pretty creepy and didn't and still don't know what to make of it. Any thoughts, anyone have any similar experiences?
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