Strange Signs


Padawan Learner
Hi everyone,

Hope this is the right place for this post.

My fiance and I are both loyal followers of Laura's work with the C's and we've recently had some very interesting occurrences. After much reading and trying to integrate the knowledge into our daily lives for a while now, we finally signed up for FOTCM about 2 weeks ago. I would say we are quite active in our efforts to help others and raise awareness.

Now here's some strange things we've noticed over the last 3 days:

1) My fiance drove past an A4 size lamp post sign with just the heading Illuminati, pyramid logo and the words wealth, luck etc and a number. We talked about it and just thought, how weird is that...

2) I received a phone call from a customer (we're in the nutritional supplement business) who out of the blue started talking to me about how he's a such and such level / degree free mason and he knows all about that kind of stuff (when he brought up the topic of spirituality)...

3) I was checking my Facebook feed yesterday and I spot this weird conversation between two ladies in the comments section of a post talking about the reptilians and how they are attracted to their masculine 'father' like energy and its all about balance and mentioned channelled works that really opened their eyes from a guy called David Lauer who channels reptilians among others.

4) This morning we find a professional looking card in our unit's mailbox at the complex where we live from "Inside Scientology" Start Watching Now blah blah blah...

Now to put the above in context, we live in a small town in South Africa called Port Elizabeth, to see signs of these kind of things here is virtually unheard of... Although I must add that the feeling of it does not really feel like attack (although we've had our fair share in the past), it more has a feel of "we're watching you..." kind of thing.

I was wondering what you guys make of this and whether you've had any similar experiences.
You may be experiencing - a sudden wave of heightened awareness - where mundane every day activities expose certain elements that tend to manipulate and draw attention away from active work on oneself.

Neither of the four examples above, help build moral integrity or help towards freely expanding one's knowledge in any field of interest.

Masonic levels/degrees, the concept of Scientology and Illuminati logo's all serve "a closed circuit system" where participation is limited within stringent guidelines. Rare are you allowed to openly question their laws or mandates that structure their closed systems. All three work off of a pyramid scheme of compartmentalized levels that are designed to keep you within the bottom levels of servitude.
Hi 88LS,

those examples you gave are in my view something to watch out for (I am saying that just upon intuition) when they come together like that. At the same time, I would approach it calmly.

Your town is not so small. Wiki says over 300,000 people which is already enough to give rise to various movements and activities. It is also quiet an important international place/port from what I can find.

When I search the town in connection to the things you mentioned, there even is a scientology center:
Church of Scientology Port Elizabeth

The Wise directory pops up in search too in relation to your town, although when you are not a member, it does not give away any information.

And when you look at this list, 'Former Church of Scientology members who have spoken out', one person from Port Elizabeth is there.

So let's say, in our ever-changing times many groups are being active, strange things and coincidences are happening and as you and your partner are probably more alert and perceptive than an ordinary man or woman, you will likely see more synchronicity and weird stuff. Illuminati posters are not such a rare occurrence and strangers talking strange stuff are something you need to accept in retail from time to time. I remember Approaching Infinity talking about some weird folks who visited the Rabbit Hole bookstore from time to time. I had this experience too when running a little café years ago. Since you are in a business that attracts sort of alternatively thinking people, you will also get some junk alternatives :huh::umm::rolleyes: and every now and then a real nut :evil:

I believe you two are a well functioning couple so if you stay alert and perceptive you should be able to recognize a potential attack or a real high strangeness. Keep observing your environment and don't let your minds slip away out of focus on your goals. My two cents :)
1) My fiance drove past an A4 size lamp post sign with just the heading Illuminati, pyramid logo and the words wealth, luck etc and a number. We talked about it and just thought, how weird is that...

Now to put the above in context, we live in a small town in South Africa called Port Elizabeth, to see signs of these kind of things here is virtually unheard of... Although I must add that the feeling of it does not really feel like attack (although we've had our fair share in the past), it more has a feel of "we're watching you..." kind of thing.

I was wondering what you guys make of this and whether you've had any similar experiences.

Hey 88LS, Thanks for sharing. Those occurances are rather unusual given the timing, but, as you say, probably best to just make note of them for the moment and do keep us updated should there be anything else.

Some of what you posted reminded me of an article i came across recently about South African Unions protesting Rothschild connected members and their apparent attempts to privatise state businesses. So, just to say, that it does appear there's an awareness amongst some people in South Africa about the threats that certain groups pose to the country, and at the same time there will people attempting to capitalise off of this growing awareness - perhaps this could partly explain the sign which sounds like some sort of illuminati-inspired witch doctor service. Just a thought. I know that when i lived in London, in certain areas there were all sorts of advertisements for witch doctors who promised to bring luck, love, and so on.
You may be experiencing - a sudden wave of heightened awareness - where mundane every day activities expose certain elements that tend to manipulate and draw attention away from active work on oneself.
I think so too. Staying alert and grounded, not reading into things to the point of identifying with them and being sidetracked by thoughts of speshulness and by all means sharing and asking for mirrors, if necessary.
You probably ain't seen nothin' yet.;-)
After seeing 1 or 2 more signs things have settled now (lol we even saved screen shots in case someone didn't want to believe us). I do think it was as angelburst29 mentioned, a period of further growth and awakening, seeing how the effects of those sects influence and reach into all areas of our daily lives, even what we consider to be the mundane stuff. Our insight and intuition has never been stronger, thanks for the support and informative responses everyone 🤗
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