Strange symptoms


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I don't really expect anyone can help me here but I'm not sure and I'm in quite a lot of pain so I'm asking anyway.

For the last couple of days I have had really strange pain over the surface of my fingers and sometimes the soles of my feet, the skin looks and feels normal so I don't think it's an infection or anything. The problem is, pain is really hard to describe - the best I can do is compare it to the pain after being burned or exposed to chemicals. I can think of absolutely no reason whatsoever that would cause these symptoms.

I am just asking if anyone has experienced anything like this?
No, it's nothing like that. There is no rash or visible problems. It's a completely different kind of pain, too, really weird - never expereinced anything like it, feels like cold. It comes and goes, and focusing on it can alleviate it.
As long as you still have feeling it is a good sign. It could be nerve-oriented since focus alleviates it. Is it like a localized feeling of your foot falling asleep? Try massaging the pained areas and stimulating them with alternatingly hot and cold water. If you're into any kind of Qi circulation techniques try doing those. If there is a psychosomatic reason, try meditating on the situation and it might be revealed. In a meditative state you can ask your body what's wrong and through associations or intuition and/or synchronicities something may be revealed. Can you associate the onset of this pain with any event or set of circumstances?

As always, any and all advice should be taken carefully, but the above can't hurt. The main point to pay attention to is if it is getting worse.
Thankyou. Heat seems to alleviate it somewhat as well as imagining energy running through my hands. I will watch it very carefully.
Good Morning,

Without asking a million questions and just what you've mentioned... I would consider Castor Packs across the abdomen as suggested by Edgar Cayce. Because of the Hands and Feet thing the first thing that comes to my mind is Circulation. There are many ways to improve this. Like taking Cayenne Powder in capsules and if that bothers you tummy eat an apple with it. This will absolutely stop any stomach burning. The benefit of this is also a heart tonic. With a daily dose of Cayenne you should never have a heart problem. Back to the Castor packs. I know this sounds funny but they work. To clear the congestion would benefit your entire body.

(Q) What causes the numbness and tingling sensation of my right arm, shoulders, and fingers?
(A) This unbalanced circulation in the central circulation, see? (2772-4)

(Q) pains in legs and stomach?
(A) These are from the poor circulation... (3580-1)

Cayce on Causes of Impaired Circulation

A change in circulation was frequently mentioned as being the primary cause of physical disturbances. There were also other conditions mentioned that could themselves cause a change in circulation. There are several recurrent themes in the Cayce readings as to the cause of a changed or impaired circulation.
Spinal imbalance was given frequently as one such cause. For example:

(Q) What is causing the swelling on the little toe on my right foot?
(A) Poor circulation from the 4th lumbar center.
(Q) What causes the wheeze on my chest that I get occasionally?
(A) As indicated..... pressure in the 4th dorsal -- that makes for a slowing of the circulation through the thorax...... (1101-4)

Through subluxation or strain in the 2nd and 3rd cervical, the 2nd and 3rd dorsal.. we find there is the impairment to the circulation. (685-1)

An excess of acids in the system was also often mentioned as a cause of altered circulation. It's mentioned in these instances:

(Q) What causes rheumatism in my right arm?
(A) The effect of acids in the system, producing pressure in the circulation.... (5541-1)



A castor oil pack is an external application of castor oil. A piece of wool flannel is saturated in castor oil and applied to the abdomen with a heating pad. The Cayce readings recommend castor oil packs to improve assimilation's, eliminations and circulation (especially of the lymphatic system). Although this therapy may seem unusual, it is one of the best documented of the Cayce therapies. Dr. William McGarey has applied castor oil packs to treat many conditions.

To Make The Pack

Take the piece of wool flannel and fold it into 3 thicknesses. Put it in a pan (like a large disposable baking pan) and pour castor oil on it. Saturate the whole flannel, and leave it until it is well-saturated. When you use it, you want it saturated, but not dripping. The size you want for use is about 12 x 18 inches - about the same size as your heating pad, so that the pad heats the whole pack, but does not touch your skin. After each use, you will probably need to add a little more castor oil. You can use the pack many times. When you're not using it, you can store it in a plastic bag in the refrigerator.

Where To Place The Pack

This will depend on what the problem is. In general, it should be on the right side of the body, extending from a little above the bottom of the sternum (breastbone) to about 4 inches below the navel. It should go from the navel around the body on the right side as far to the side as you can get it. Basically, cover as much of your right side as you can.

Using The Pack

Use the pack in the evening, as you are resting before bed. Spread out a large plastic garbage bag on the bed so that the castor oil won't leak onto the bed. Fold a towel (that you will use only for castor oil packs, because the oil is almost impossible to wash out completely). Take the cloth cover off the heating pad. Then put the heating pad on top of the towel.

The readings say that it is important to heat the pack before you put it on yourself. One way is to heat it in the oven on a "low" temperature setting. Another is to heat it in a microwave oven (in a microwave-safe container) for about one minute. Another way is to put the pack on top of the heating pad and turn the pad on high. Let it warm up for a few minutes.

Lie down on your back on the plastic bag. Place the pack on your abdomen, with the heating pad on top and the towel on top of that. Have the heating pad control within easy reach of your hand, because you may need to adjust it so the pack is not too hot or too cold. It should be very warm, but not so hot it burns you. Be careful! If you're not sure how hot is safe, start with a slightly warm session and work up to a warmer one. If it's not warm enough, it may help to rest your arms and hands on the towel to press the pack onto your body.

Keep the pack on for 1 to 1 ½ hours. Have a paper towel handy to wipe the oil off yourself when you get up, and be careful not to get any on the bed. Make up a solution of baking soda in warm water (2 teaspoons to a quart), and use paper towels or a sponge with the baking soda solution to clean off the castor oil. You might also want to take a shower with soap after that.

Use the pack for 3 days in a row. Then take a break for 4 days, and repeat.

After 3 Days Of Using The Pack

On the evening of the 3rd day, take olive oil (not castor oil!) by mouth. Begin with about a teaspoon. If you feel OK, you can take up two tablespoons.


Read The Oil That Heals by William A. McGarey, M.D., (Virginia Beach: A.R.E. Press, 1993).


Buerger's disease

Thromboangiitis obliterans is a disease that causes obstruction of the blood vessels of the hands and feet.

Causes, incidence, and risk factors Return to top

Thromboangiitis obliterans (Buerger's disease) is caused by vasculitis, which is an inflammation of blood vessels. Inflammation is irritation with presence of extra immune cells.

The blood vessels of the hands and feet are especially affected, becoming constricted or totally blocked. This reduces blood flow to the tissues of hands and feet, resulting in pain and eventually damage.

Thromboangiitis obliterans affects approximately 6 out of every 10,000 people. It almost always affects men 20 to 40 years of age who have a history of smoking or chewing tobacco.

The condition may also be associated with a history of Raynaud's disease. This disorder is very uncommon in children, but may occur in those with autoimmune diseases.


Pain in the hands and feet
Acute, severe
Burning or tingling
Often occuring at rest
Pain in the legs, ankles, or feet when walking (intermittent claudication)
Often located in the arch of the foot
Skin changes or ulcers on hands or feet
Hands or feet may be pale, red, or bluish
Hands or feet may feel cold
Note: Symptoms may worsen with exposure to cold or with emotional stress. Usually, two or more limbs are affected.
Thanks for that Ronnie. I would consider circulation - but I've since noticed that a few little bumps have appeared on my hands and wrist, I'm not sure if they're linked to the pain. I've also got infuriating itching on the skin around my hips and thighs. I'm starting to think it's bedbugs or something.
I'm not laughing at you It's just way better than the alternative above. Yes?

OK, now I might say BAKING SODA soak in it and make a PACK maybe heavy enough to put socks over. This will neutralize the welts and give you some relief your body will Handel the rest of it. Be Well...
"I'm not laughing at you It's just way better than the alternative above. Yes?"

Sorry, I'm not quite sure what you mean here. Could you clarify for me?
"the alternative being" Buerger's disease :Thromboangiitis obliterans is caused by vasculitis, which is an inflammation of blood vessels. Inflammation is irritation with presence of extra immune cells. OR Impaired Circulation OR Heart Trouble OR Back Problems OR Raynaud's Disease/LUPUS.... As I said, the "ABOVE" mentioned. I don't like wasting space like this. Glad your going to be better.
I'd actually recommend seeing a doctor if it becomes too bad. Better to get some expert advice rather than an internet forum.
Your condition sounds similar to something I experienced almost 20 years ago when I was involved in a fundamentalist christian cult. After six agonizing months I admitted myself to hospital (to this day the doctors-including a skin specialist-did not know what it was). I was put on an intravenous of prednazone for five days, during which time I slept about sixteen hours a day. At the end of those five days, said condition had completely disappeared and has not reappeared since.
Looking back, my deteriorating skin was probably a reflection of my deteriorating spiritual condition. I never went back to that cult, and my overall physical and mental health improved considerably in a matter of three months.
If you've been experiencing a lot of stress, your condition could be a symptom of that stress, and perhaps you should try dealing with the cause (i.e. the stress) instead of the symptom. In any case, good luck.
Thanks for the replies everybody. The little bumps have all gone now and the pain is mostly gone . Maybe it could be caused by frequent doses of really (painfully) hot water on my hands? I am always doing that in the lab I work in.

Anyway I'll be fine, go about your business.
Well there are very strange symptoms. Maybe I'm becoming an X-man! :O
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