Testimony of Dr Carol Rosin




Testimony of Dr Carol Rosin

December 2000
From Duncan Roads

Dr Carol Rosin was the first woman corporate manager of Fairchild Industries and was spokesperson for Wernher Von Braun in the last years of his life. She founded the Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space in Washington DC and has testified before Congress on many occasions about space based weapons. Von Braun revealed to Dr Rosin a plan to justify weapons in spaced based on hoaxing an extraterrestrial threat. She was also present at meetings in the '70s when the scenario for the Gulf War of the '90s was planned.

CR: Dr Carol Rosin
SG: Dr Steven Greer

CR: My name is Carol Rosin. I am an educator who became the first woman corporate manager of an Aerospace Company, Fairchild Industries.

I am a Space and Missile Defense Consultant and have consulted to a number of companies, organizations, and government departments, even the intelligence community. I was a consultant to TRW working on the MX missile, so I was part of that strategy, which turned out to be a role model for how to sell space-based weapons to the public. The MX missile is yet another weapon system that we didn't need. I founded the Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space, a Washington DC based think tank. I am an author and have testified before Congress and the President's Commission on Space.

When I was a Corporate Manager of Fairchild Industries from 1974 through 1977, I met the late Dr Wernher Von Braun. We first met in early 1974. At that time, Von Braun was dying of cancer but he assured me that he would live a few more years to tell me about the game that was being played- that game being the effort to weaponize space, to control the Earth from space and space itself. Von Braun had a history of working with weapons systems. He escaped from Germany to come to this country and became a Vice President of Fairchild Industries when I had met him. Von Braun's purpose during the last years of his life, his dying years, was to educate the public and decision-makers about why space-based weapons are dumb, dangerous, destabilizing, too costly, unnecessary, unworkable, and an undesirable idea, and about the alternatives that are available.

As practically a deathbed speech, he educated me about those concepts and who the players were in this game. He gave me the responsibility, since he was dying, of continuing this effort to prevent the weaponization of outer space. When Wernher Von Braun was dying of cancer, he asked me to be his spokesperson, to appear on occasions when he was too ill to speak. I did this.

What was most interesting to me was a repetitive sentence that he said to me over and over again during the approximately four years that I had the opportunity to work with him. He said the strategy that was being used to educate the public and decision makers was to use scare tactics That was how we identify an enemy. The strategy that Wernher Von Braun taught me was that first the Russians are going to be considered to be the enemy. In fact, in 1974, they were the enemy, the identified enemy. We were told that they had "killer satellites". We were told that they were coming to get us and control us-that they were "Commies."

Then terrorists would be identified, and that was soon to follow. We heard a lot about terrorism. Then we were going to identify third-world country "crazies." We now call them Nations of Concern. But he said that would be the third enemy against whom we would build space-based weapons.
The next enemy was asteroids. Now, at this point he kind of chuckled the first time he said it.

Asteroids- against asteroids we are going to build space-based weapons.

And the funniest one of all was what he called aliens, extraterrestrials. That would be the final scare. And over and over and over during the four years that I knew him and was giving speeches for him, he would bring up that last card. "And remember Carol, the last card is the alien card. We are going to have to build space-based weapons against aliens and all of it is a lie."

I think I was too naïve at that time to know the seriousness of the nature of the spin that was being put on the system. And now, the pieces are starting to fall into place. We are building a space-based weapons system on a premise that is a lie, a spin. Wernher Von Braun was trying to hint that to me back in the early 70's and right up until the moment when he died in 1977.

What he told me was that there is an accelerated effort in place. He didn't mention a timeline but he said that it was going to be speeding up faster than anybody could possibly imagine. That the effort to put weapons into space was not only based on a lie but would accelerate past the point of people even understanding it until it was already up there and too late.

When Von Braun was dying in front of me, the very first day that I met him, he had tubes draining out of his side. He was tapping on the desk telling me, "You will come to Fairchild." I was a schoolteacher. He said, "You will come to Fairchild and you will be responsible for keeping weapons out of space." The way he said it with this intenseness in his eyes, and added that very first day, the first time I met him, that space-based weapons were a dangerous, destabilizing, too costly, unnecessary, untestable, unworkable idea.

The last card that was being held was the extraterrestrial enemy card.

The intensity with which he said that, made me realize that he knew something that he was too afraid to mention. He was too afraid to talk about it. He would not tell me the details.

I am not sure that I would have absorbed them if he had told me the details or even believed him in 1974. But there was no question that that man knew and had a need to know, I found out later.
There is no doubt in my mind that Wernher Von Braun knew about the extraterrestrial issue. He explained to me the reasons why weapons were going to be put into space, the enemies against whom we were going to build these weapons, and that all of that was a lie. He mentioned that extraterrestrials were going to be identified as the final enemy against whom we were going to build space-based weapons back in 1974.

The way he said it to me, there was no doubt in my mind that he knew something that he was too afraid to talk about.

Wernher Von Braun never spoke to me about any of the details that he knew related to extraterrestrials except that one day extraterrestrials were going to be identified as an enemy against whom we are going to build an enormous space-based weapons system. Wernher Von Braun actually told me that the spin was a lie-that the premise for space-based weaponry, the reasons that were going to be given, the enemies that we were going to identify-were all based on a lie.

I have been tracking the space-based weapons issue for about 26 years.

I have debated Generals and Congressional Representatives. I have testified before the Congress and the Senate. I have met with people in over 100 countries. But I have not been able to identify who the people are who are making this space-based weapons system happen. I see the news. I see the administrative decisions being made. I know that they are all based on lies and greed.

But I have yet to be able to identify who the people are. That is after tracking this issue for 26 years. I know that there are big secrets being kept and I know that it is time the public and decision-makers pay attention to the people who are now going to be disclosing the truth. Then we need to make some definite changes and build a system in space that will benefit every single person, and all of the animals, and the environment of this planet. The technology is there. The solutions to Earth's urgent and long-term potential problems are there. I have a feeling that once we start studying this extraterrestrial issue, all of the questions are going to be answered that I have had for 26 years.

But I have concluded that it is based on a few people making a lot of money and gaining power. It is about ego. It is not about our essence and who we really are on this planet and loving each other and being at peace and cooperating. It isn't about using technology to solve problems and heal people in the planet. It isn't about that. It is about a few people who really are playing an old, dangerous, costly game for their own pocketbooks and power struggle. That is all it is.

I believe that this entire space-based weapons game is initiated right here in the United States of America. What I hope is that with this information that is being disclosed, the new administration will to do what is right. That is to transform the war game into a space game so that we use the technologies that are available not just as spin-offs of war technology, but as direct technological applications to build a cooperative space system that will benefit the entire world and that will allow us to communicate with the extraterrestrial cultures that are obviously out there.

Who would benefit from these space-based weapons? They are the people who work in that arena, people in the military, in industries, in universities and labs, in the intelligence community. This is not just in the United States but it is worldwide. This is a worldwide cooperative system. Wars are cooperative. Just as peace will be when it breaks out. But right now there are a lot of people benefiting.

This is what our economy has been based on in this country and spreading around the world-war. People suffer as a result. It is not fair. It never has been. People have screamed: "out of swords let us build plow shares, let's have peace and hold hands around the world," but it hasn't worked because too many people are benefiting. Not only are they benefiting financially, but from what my experience is there are people who actually believe that Armageddon should happen so we have to have these wars.

So, it is going from the pocketbook, to the religious right: some people actually believe that we have to have wars for these religious reasons. There are people who just love war. I have met warriors who just love to go to war. Then there are the good people, the soldiers, who just take orders. They have to feed their children and send them to college so they want to keep their jobs.

People in laboratories have told me that they don't want to work on these technologies for war but if they don't they won't get a paycheck. Who is going to pay them? But what I see is that there are not only dual uses for these technologies but there are many uses for the same technologies.
We can build space hospitals, schools, hotels, laboratories, farms, industries. It may sound far out but if we don't do that we are going to build battle stations and weapons pointed down all of our throats and into space. Apparently we have been doing some of that already.

We have a choice now that can be made. We can all benefit-all of the people in the military industrial complex, in the intelligence community, in universities and labs, in the United States and all over the world-we can all benefit. We can just transform that industry so easily with just a decision based on our highest consciousness, our spirituality, and on the fact that we have no choice unless we all want to die. And we don't. So we can all benefit financially, spiritually, socially, psychologically; it is technologically and politically feasible to transform this game now and everybody will benefit.

In 1977, I was at a meeting in Fairchild Industries in a conference room called the War Room. In that room were a lot of charts on the walls with enemies, identified enemies. There were other more obscure names, names like Saddam Hussein and Khadafi. But we were talking then about terrorists, the potential terrorists. No one had ever talked about this before but this was the next stage after the Russians against whom we were going to build these space-based weapons. I stood up in this meeting and I said, "Excuse me, why are we talking about these potential enemies against whom we are going to build space-based weapons if, in fact, we know that they are not the enemy at this time?"

Well, they continued the conversation about how they were going to antagonize these enemies and that at some point, there was going to be a war in the Gulf, a Gulf War. Now this is 1977, 1977! And they were talking about creating a war in the Gulf Region when there was 25 billion dollars in the space-based weapons program that had yet to be identified. It wasn't called the Strategic Defense Initiative, at least. Not until 1983. This weapons system, then, had obviously been going on for some time and I didn't know anything about. So I stood up in this meeting in 1977 and said, "I would like to know why we are talking about space-based weapons against these enemies. I would like to know more about this. Would someone please tell me what this is about?" Nobody answered. They just went on with this meeting as though I hadn't said anything.

Suddenly, I stood up in the room and said, "If nobody can tell me why you are planning a war in the Gulf when there is a certain amount of money in a budget so that you can create the next set of weapons systems that will be the beginning of the sell to the public about why we need space-based weapons, then consider this: my resignation. And you will not hear from me again!"

And nobody said a word, because they were planning a war in the Gulf and it happened exactly as they planned it, on time.

SG: Who was at this meeting?

CR: The room was filled with people in the revolving door game. There were people that I had seen once in a military uniform and other times in a gray suit and an industry outfit. These people play a revolving door game. They work as consultants, industry people, and/or military and intelligence people. They work in the industries and they revolve themselves through these doors and right into government positions.

I stood up in this meeting and asked if I was hearing correctly. That when there was 25 billion dollars expended in the space-based weapons budget, that there was going to be a war in the Gulf, stimulated, created, so that they could then sell the next phase of weapons to the public and the decision-makers. This war was going to be created so that they could dump the old weapons and create a whole new set of weapons. So I had to resign from that position. I could no longer work in that industry.

In about 1990 I was sitting in my living room looking at the money that had been spent on space-based weapons research and development programs and I realized that it had come to that number, about 25 billion dollars, and I said to my husband, "I am now going to stop everything. I am now going to stop and sit and watch CNN television and I am going to wait for the war to happen." My husband said, "Well, you have finally gone over the edge. You have flipped out."

Friends said, "You have really gone too far this time. There is not going to be a war in the Gulf, nobody is talking about a war in the Gulf."

I said, "There is going to be a war in the Gulf. I am going to sit here and wait for the war in the Gulf." And it happened right on schedule.

As part of the war game in the Gulf, we in the public were told that the United States was successful in shooting down Russian Scud Missiles. We were rationalizing new budgets based on that success. In fact, we found out later, after the budgets were approved for the next phase of weapons, that it was a lie. We did not have successful shoot-downs the way we were told. It was all a lie, just to get more money put in the budget to make more weapons.

I was one of the first people to go independently to Russia when I heard that they had "killer satellites."
[See the testimony of Dr Paul Czysz. SG]

When I went to Russia in the early 70's, I found out that they didn't have killer satellites, that it was a lie. In fact, the Russian leaders and people wanted peace. They wanted to cooperate with the United States and with the people of the world.

Another time I called Saddam Hussein when he was lighting his oil fields on fire. My husband was in the kitchen while I was making this phone call. I got a call back from his First Attaché with Saddam Hussein nearby and he asked, "Are you a reporter? Are you an agent?

Why do you want to know?"

I said, "No. I am just a citizen who helped to start the movement to prevent the weaponization of outer space and I have found that a lot of stories that I have been told about weapons systems and the enemies are not true. I wanted to find out what would satisfy Saddam Hussein so he would stop making these oil fields catch fire and stop antagonizing people." He said, "Well, nobody has ever asked him that question, what he wants."

So, when I hear that there is a possible threat of extraterrestrials-and I look at the history of thousands of years of possible ET visitations, and hear the disclosures of honest military-intelligence- industry people who have had experiences with UFO's, with crashes and landings, with live and dead bodies of extraterrestrial beings-I know it is a lie. And if I am ever told that these are enemies against whom we have to build space-based weapons systems, based on my own personal experience of having worked in the military industrial complex on weapons systems and military strategy, I am going to know it is a lie.

It is a lie.

Not only will I not believe it, but I am going to go out as loudly as I can and tell everyone to take a look. They [the ET's] have not taken us away yet. We are still here after thousands of years of visits. If in fact they are still visiting us now and we have not been harmed then we have to look at this as something that is not a hostile occurrence.

It would be my hope and my intention to do everything I could to work with people who are working to communicate with and cooperate with these extraterrestrial beings. They are clearly not hostile. We are here. That is enough proof for me.

There is no limit to how people can choose to live on this planet. We have a chance to do that and I think that the window is closing rapidly. I don't think that we have much time in which to make that decision. We are too close in too many ways to having some horrible disaster happen, having some sort of war take place, whether it is from high technology or an exotic weapons system.

We need leadership and it has to start with the United States President and that is who we all have to reach. If you are international, if you are around the world, if you are in the United States of America, whether you are from any party, any belief system or religion- the United States Commander in Chief, the President of the United States is the person that needs to be reached.

We need to say that we want an ultimate, comprehensive, verifiable ban on all space-based weapons.


Duncan M. Roads, Editor, NEXUS Magazine
PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia.
Tel: 07 5442 9280; Fax: 07 5442 9381

"The nature of the universe is such that ends can never justify the means. On the contrary, the means always determine the end."
(Aldous Huxley)

From the old forum:

We have commented on the testimony of Dr. Carol Rosin before. See Signs of The Times 2005-02-06. Henry Makow wrote:

Apparently this scenario has been in place at least since the 1970's. According to the testimony of Dr. Carol Rossin, which is on line, Werner Von Braun warned her about it in 1974. He said the aim was "to control the Earth from space and space itself."

Dying from cancer, Von Braun enlisted Rossin, a fellow executive at Fairchild Industries, to help educate the public and decision-makers. He regarded space-based weapons as "dumb, dangerous, destabilizing, too costly, unnecessary and unworkable."

Significantly he outlined the five-step "scare tactics" used to justify them. First the public has been made to fear the Communists; then "terrorists"; then "rogue nations"; then "asteroids" and finally "extraterrestrials."

"Remember Carol, the last card is the alien card. We are going to have to build space-based weapons against aliens and all of it is a lie," he told her.
As was pointed out in Laura's article about Morris K. Jessup, this is another case of the use of a famous individual who is dead and cannot confirm or deny anything he is reported to have said.

We think that there is ample evidence for the existence of "alien" life and "alien" visitation on our planet going back thousands of years. We do not think, however, that these are visitors from another planet as it is commonly understood and as one arm of the disinformation program wishes to promote. They are more likely to be beings from a different realm, another reality, who have the ability to travel in time and space. In fact, they are always here with us, watching us, even controlling much of what our species can or cannot do. UFOs and other anomalies may be manifestations of their appearance within our reality, when their reality comes into contact with ours. For an analogy, imagine you see a ant crawling across your terrace. What awareness would the ant have of your existence and of our reality? If you were to pick it up and then put it down elsewhere, would that have the appearance, for the ant, of an "alien abduction"? How could the ant explain to the other members of its colony what had happened?

Of course, humans do not like to imagine that they might be bugs in someone else's universe. They do not like to imagine that they are being bred like cattle to serve something higher up on the food chain. It is bad for our ego, our sense of self-importance. We like to think that we are made in God's image, that we are the Crown of Creation.

Based on a comprehensive review of the evidence, Dr. Carol Rosin is merely another layer in the disinformation campaign, the smoke and mirrors show, the noise being produced to obscure the signal. The fact is, Von Braun's remark "We are going to have to build space-based weapons against aliens and all of it is a lie," could as well refer to the fact that building space-based weapons against hyperdimensional beings is a waste of time.

Based on our own research, this is exactly the case.

Based on the research of Richard Dolan, there are no 3 D weapons that are effective against the denizens of hyperdimensional space. It is, indeed, all a lie. But certainly, putting the entire planet under the domination of the minions of said denizens of hyperdimensional space may very well be the agenda. Note the exact terms in the following exchange with the C's:

Q: (L) I read the new book by Dr. David Jacobs, professor of History at Temple University, concerning his extensive research into the alien abduction phenomenon. [Dr. Jacobs wrote his Ph.D. thesis on the history of the UFOs.] Dr. Jacobs says that now, after all of these years of somewhat rigorous research, that he KNOWS what the aliens are here for and he is afraid. David Jacobs says that producing offspring is the primary objective behind the abduction phenomenon. Is this, in fact, the case?

A: Part, but not "the whole thing."

Q: (L) Is there another dominant reason?

A: Replacement.

Q: (L) Replacement of what?

A: You.

Q: (L) How do you mean? Creating a race to replace human beings, or abducting specific humans to replace them with a clone or whatever?

A: Mainly the former. You see, if one desires to create a new race, what better way than to mass hybridize, then mass reincarnate. Especially when the host species is so forever ignorant, controlled, and anthropocentric. What a lovely environment for total destruction and conquest and replacement... see?

Q: (L) Well, that answered my other question about the objective. Well, here in the book, Dr. Jacobs says that there is ongoing abductions through particular families. I quote:

'Beyond protecting the fetus, there are other reasons for secrecy. If abductions are, as all the evidence clearly indicates, an intergenerational phenomenon in which the children of abductees are themselves abductees, then one of the aliens' goals is the generation of more abductees. Are all children of abductees incorporated into the phenomenon? The evidence suggests that the answer is yes. If an abductee has children with a non-abductee, the chances are that all their descendants will be abductees. This means that through normal population increase, divorce, remarriage and so on, the abductee population will increase quickly throughout the generations. When those children grow and marry and have children of their own, all of their children, whether they marry an abductee or non-abductee, will be abductees. To protect the intergenerational nature of the breeding program, it must be kept secret from the abductees so that they will continue to have children. If the abductees KNEW that the program was intergenerational, they might elect not to have children. This would bring a critical part of the program to a halt, which the aliens cannot allow. The final reason for secrecy is to expand the breeding program, to integrate laterally in society, the aliens must make sure that abductees mate with non-abductees and produce abductee children.'

Now, this seems to suggest that there is a particular bloodline that is susceptible to...

A: We have told you before: the Nazi experience was a "trial run," and by now you see the similarities, do you not?

Q: (L) Yes, I do see...

A: Now, we have also told you that the experience of the "Native Americans" vis a vis the Europeans may be a precursor in microcosm. Also, what Earthian 3rd density does to Terran 2nd density should offer "food for thought." In other words, thou are not so special, despiteth thy perspective, eh? And we have also warned that after conversion of Earth humans to 4th density, the Orion 4th density and their allies hope to control you "there." Now put this all together and what have you? At least you should by now know that it is the soul that matters, not the body. Others have genetically, spiritually and psychically manipulated/engineered you to be bodycentric. Interesting, as despite all efforts by 4th through 6th density STO, this "veil remains unbroken."
Reading the above, one is reminded of the teachings of the Cathars and the fact that they were stamped out by the Catholic Church. A bit of hyperdimensional manipulation to preserve the "breeding program?"
The Von Braun/Rosin exchange reminds me of this:

19 November 1994

Q: (T) Is the government planning to stage an invasion by aliens to cause the populace of the world to go into such a fear state that they will accept total control and domination?

A: Open. But if so, will "flop".

Q: (T) Why?

A: Many reasons: 1. Visual effects will be inadequate and will have "glitches". 2. Real invasion may take place first. 3. Other events may intercede.

Q: (T) Such as what?

A: Earth changes.

Q: (T) Am I correct in assuming that some of these hot-shot, big-wig guys in the government who have plans for taking over the whole world and making everything all happy and hunky-dory with them in charge, are just simply not in synch with the fact that there are some definite earth changes on the agenda? Are they missing something here?

A: Close. They are aware but in denial.

Q: (T) Are these earth changes going to occur prior to the arrival of the cometary cluster?

A: No. But "time" frame is, as of yet, undetermined.

Q: (T) Am I correct in saying that if they knew what was really going to happen that they would still continue with
their stupid little plans to make money and try to control the world?

A: Yes. Greed is a sickness.
Of course, at the time, back in 1994, it was all a speculative discussion... there was no concept of how they would go about doing any of this that we could actually grasp; something like 911 wasn't on our radar.

Strangely enough, considering the hyperdimensional nature of the so-called "aliens," I often wonder if we have not already been invaded and the psychopaths that have been being "generated" in increasing numbers for the past 50 years are the "physical representatives on earth of aliens?
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Laura said:
Strangely enough, considering the hyperdimensional nature of the so-called "aliens," I often wonder if we have not already been invaded and the psychopaths that have been being "generated" in increasing numbers for the past 50 years are the "physical representatives on earth of aliens?
Many years ago, when I was younger and my eyes were being opened to the terror inhabiting "among us" (title of a short story I planned to write but I never did. It would talk about evil incarnated), I had a theory to explain the situation I was witnessing and suffering: My explanation was to say that there were coming to the earth (were being born) more and more individuals with each time a more and more faint conscience, almost up to an arithmetic scale. This theory would explain to me the every time more and more fractured social decomposition since more and more individuals would participate with the decomposition thanks to their every time more faint conscience.
This is not commented by Dr. Carol Rosin, neither by Dr Wernher Von Braun (and of course not by Serpo-Opres crap et all), and it is indeed commented by Laura who has localized it as practically the main aspect of the terror of the situation, whereas every other source skips this "detail" (if we can call humanity a "detail" -it is the such for them), in favor for the scandalous imaginary of "the contact".
Then I got acquainted with Laura´s work and received her input of hiperdimentionality and, as she has expressed it here in the most chilling fashion, I started to suspect and fear in secret and in silence, if we have not already been invaded (as I write this, I have just heard about 10 gunshots out there on the street! The violence of the "social weather", it's very same palpitating anger, leaves no room anymore for aliens of other worlds, and speaks about the alienization of this world!).
If such is the case, the invasion has been taking place via replacement indeed, tho I have also seen "fellow humans" being "eaten" by the terror of the situation, changing sides. One example out of many: I have a friend who is studying psicology, and he is to finish his university studyes so he has to write a tesis to defend. "I will save my self many problems and I will just do a totally comercial tesis", he said to me explaining the next step was to "move on" and obtain his psicology certificate: This had preponderance over the tramit a tesis is.
- What is it youre doing your tesis about?
- It will be about Lacan and I will investigte on how to manipulate the consience so the people would buy the products they are being offered, without any further rationalizations.
Waw. I went cold! I went quiet! He noted this and started to try to alleviate his exposittion, justifying it with this and that thoughts.
I was sad. We are talking about a guy who has a BIG HEART and who, on his own, would had NEVER been able to conceive violent or disresspectful thoughts.
"Another one" -I thought. Anotherone who switch sides, even on his best interest, as he was explaining to me! (I need my certificate to be able to move on, so I need to do a fast work for a tesis, one without any further complications -this was his rationale).
Not "the physical representatives on earth of aliens", but REPLACEMENT.
Is it worthy a Podcast on this subject?
Now, if I am thinking in a unhealthy, mistaken, not-recomended manner, I do please ask to be guided towards a more productive, perhaps more creative and free way of thinking.
Cricket said:
Then I got acquainted with Laura´s work and received her input of hiperdimentionality and, as she has expressed it here in the most chilling fashion, I started to suspect and fear in secret and in silence, if we have not already been invaded (as I write this, I have just heard about 10 gunshots out there on the street! The violence of the "social weather", it's very same palpitating anger, leaves no room anymore for aliens of other worlds, and speaks about the alienization of this world!).
If such is the case, the invasion has been taking place via replacement indeed, tho I have also seen "fellow humans" being "eaten" by the terror of the situation, changing sides.
Actually, I think that being in fear can be a sign that one has not yet been "replaced", only coerced into submission. I would think replacement would give the vehicle the confident arrogance of the new "owner". I would be concerned if I started seeing strong personality alterations that were not fear based. Sometimes: "He who fears and runs away can live to fight another day".

That said, I would like to take this opportunity to express some thoughts on the alien paradigm in the sense of examining a bit deeper. I am sure similar thoughts were expressed by others interesting in this topic, but perhaps my meanderings might provide another dimension to what has already been said.

Apparently, there is something "not of this world" involved here, but that statement covers a lot of possibilities. Whatever IT is, it seems to be seeking possession of earth and humanity either to consume what exists or reform what exists in its own image.

Anyone exploring history can detect this IT in the past, as well as in (Apocalyptic) influences trying to forge the future. Throughout time this IT has had many forms, and I believe these are but shadows of its true nature, designed to provoke a sense of powerlessness regarding IT. Back in the day the form was demonic. This was useful to IT because it generated mass fear that allowed its psychopathic representatives to propogate their monotheistic caretaker religions, using elements of the true revelations to give them credence (fear alone is apparently not enough).

Even today these religious paradigms are carriers of IT's influence. However, human design does have defenses against deceptions and fights them like the diseases they are, even if results from those battles only come after generational effort.

In addition, the old paradigm brought humanity only so far into IT's plans, and could not push it further. So the story had to be dismantled under new social conditions initiated over the last 500-600 years or so, paving the way for a new "story". This new story is based on science, not religion, but like religion (which was never actually thrown out) this "science" is not a paradigm of experience, but often a format of disinformation.

Both science and religion, however, are based on formats of corresponding revelatory experience and objective understanding, approaching reality from different directions. So these sound foundations of understanding have been twisted into formats of confusion. These twistings revolve around a key concept: powerlessness. Overwhelming threats of unimaginable "evil" are presented and only the "authority" of the presented ruler/saviour matrix can make a difference.

Just as every myth is based on truth, so every effective lie has a reality that supports it. Ideally we can find the truth within the lie by comparing its two versions.

On the one hand you have the "demon"/"devil" and on the other you have the "alien"/"Lizard". Now the word "Lizard" should actually be "biomorph" and includes all lower life form parodies. Notice that demons are most always depicted as biomorphs in their "true" form, and that many are depicted as human/biomorph hybrids.

The word demon comes from Daemon meaning "intelligence" or disembodied inner voice. "Devil" simply means "liar" or "twister of truth" (deceiver). "Alien", of course is the completely foreign to the point of no points of contact or relationship. Alien is something to which we have no correspondence in ourselves, and can imply any attempted correspondence is inadvisable. Therefore, "alien" is not just foreign to our particular individuality or environment (like someone from another country). It is completely "other", i.e. it is unnatural.

So we have a disembodied intelligence whose nature is to twist and deceive. A presence that is unnatural and manifests as a biomorph of lower forms of terrestrial life, and often as a human hybrid of such. Furthermore, both alien and demon stories speak of human "possession" and puppeteering by these entities, of humans as objects of torture and as food of sorts.

Now there is a third element here that actually becomes our true triangulation point, because it is an element avoided or only passed over in the official mythic structures of these two story-lines. Just as the demonic element is past-oriented, and the alien element future-oriented, this third element is here-and-now-oriented in grounded present experience.

It is the psychopath factor. Psychopaths are neither alien nor disembodied. They are tangible and prevalent in the experience of most every human being in one form or another. The psychopathic variable, furthermore, has three qualities in common with the other two directions: a) deception, b) terrorization/promotion of suffering and c) manipulation/control.

When we complete the triangulation these are the three common qualities we find. The reason the psychopath factor has been promoted in society mainly in the "serial killer" context is to prevent its becoming the handle of sanity in this triad of doom. It is the first vector of approach for any human so their eyelids don't blow off in terror and confusion (regarding those particularly stuck in the "box").

It can be the safest path of initial approach because we can deal with the psychopaths, as dangerous as they are (and this has been expressed in other threads so forgive my repetition). They may be strong, they may have weapons, stealth and cunning, but the human mind can conceive ways of dealing with them. There is hope in other words, in terms related to getting out of trouble with the resources conventional reality offers.

And as the PTB addresses this aspect with myths of cunning and near-omnipotent serial killers under every rock, it attempts to conditionus against following the path revealed by the psychopath to the dark triple-cross roads where it intersects with the other two paths. In this dark domain lies the TRUTH.

Humans have the inherent ability to face any truth as long as they can accomodate themselves to the changing circumstances, and adapt their reality windows to them without making up more unecessary stories that can generate further seeds of deception. Often such stories are deliberate disinformation by psychopathic carriers, and other times they are a means of patching up the currently incomprehesible with any conceptual means at hand. In those cases people can just end up creating another false "handle" on the situation that embeds them even deeper into the matrix.

To deal with the anti-nexus successfully as the the point of congruence between the three-in-one nemesi of man (demonic, psychopathic and alien), one must not only understand but be comfortable with the elements of these three paths that correspond to the unique nature of "evil" each represents.

These are: occult/esoteric, psychological/sociological and techno-scientific modes of understanding. So to be effective one must be able to enter the unknown through a world-view synthesizing these three elements as objective observation of the situation dictates.

Each of the three roads leading into the dark center of convergence we can call the "truth" is, furthermore, defined in terms of the other two. Demons are psychopathic aliens, aliens are psychopathic demons and psychopaths are demonic and alienated.

Practically speaking, the demon/alien dynamic, which is apparently not of the same solid matter of which we are constructed, uses the psychopath as a vehicle or carrier. Thus, if we want to see aliens and/or demons in action we have but to look at the psychopath, especially in its organization with others into Pathocracies (psychopathic societies) and Cryptocracies (hidden and occult pathocratic movements).

In literary culture the fantasy horror works of the early 20th century, such as the stories of HP Lovecraft, come very close to attempting a fusion of the demon/alien mythos, although the result provided no solutions or positive inspiration, especially with the emphasis that confrontation with the "unknown" would drive anyone insane. It is no coincidence that Lovecraft had correspondence with members of the Theosophical Movement, The Golden Dawn, and especially with Alistair Crowley, where such ideas were discussed thoroughly.

Often trying to substitute one story with another to get a better handle on a complex and frightening presentation leads to victimization by the very forces we seek to overcome. Psychopaths were demonized to explain the use of divine and/or occult power in dealing with them, but also to introduce a new framework of terror.

Then demons were alienized to explain the use of science against them, and that introduced yet another framework, this time of technological terrorism, and a call for more and "better" technology (which seems to be explained very well by Ms. Rosin). In the end the PTB simply presented demons with more occult powers, and aliens with more advanced science than any human could attain, and always the same "eternal struggle" between worlds similar to the current Neo-con pathocratic clash of civilizations agenda.

It is apparent, however, that the bottom line is that the non-human forces of IT always work through psychopathy, either inducing it directly on humans, or using already psychopathic humans to attack others, again either directly, through technology and/or even through psychic/occult means.

We can learn to protect ourselves from direct attack from the disembodied demonic/alien aspects, and from attack by other humans if we understand how the disembodied aspects influence them and what their true nature is first in terms of psychopathy and then in occult/esoteric and techno-scientific frame-works.

Again, a few thoughts thrown in the forum-stream.
Laura said:
Strangely enough, considering the hyperdimensional nature of the so-called "aliens," I often wonder if we have not already been invaded and the psychopaths that have been being "generated" in increasing numbers for the past 50 years are the "physical representatives on earth of aliens?
When you published 94% I got the same impression. If you replace "alien" with "psychopath," things make a lot of sense. I got to thinking that in 3D, the aliens ARE represented by psychopaths. I said something similar in the OP discussion. However, I'd need some more information before taking it as a worthy hypothesis, like the percentage of psychopaths a thousand years ago compared to now, if there is any difference between psychopathss then and now (i.e. are some present-day psychopaths really 4D STS incarnate?), etc. Scary thoughts!

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hkoehli said:
Laura said:
Strangely enough, considering the hyperdimensional nature of the so-called "aliens," I often wonder if we have not already been invaded and the psychopaths that have been being "generated" in increasing numbers for the past 50 years are the "physical representatives on earth of aliens?
When you published 94% I got the same impression. If you replace "alien" with "psychopath," things make a lot of sense. I got to thinking that in 3D, the aliens ARE represented by psychopaths. I said something similar in the OP discussion. However, I'd need some more information before taking it as a worthy hypothesis, like the percentage of psychopaths a thousand years ago compared to now, if there is any difference between psychopathss then and now (i.e. are some present-day psychopaths really 4D STS incarnate?), etc. Scary thoughts!
I remember when I used to play Dungeons and Dragons many years ago that the game distinguished evil into two categories: "lawful evil" and "chaotic evil". The first apparently forms hierarchies and obeys a leader or set of leaders, and the second is made of indepenent individuals acting in a completely chaotic and unorganized manner, and seeing no farther then their own psychopathic craving for mayhem.

Perhaps the psychopaths of the "lawful" type, the more organized psychopaths forming pathocracies (even if these are corporations or cults instead of nations) are incarnations of 4D STS, while the psychopaths of a more chaotic and independent nature are what amount to "failed OP's".
Found this today while doing housekeeping. Had forgotten about it. Notice where it comes from!
Hmm... this is as far back as I could find:

_http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PLATO_system (ca. 1960, on
ILLIAC I/University of Illinois:William Norris/Control Data Corporation)

_http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Norris (RAND Corporation) <== This is it?

_http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedit5 (Pedit5 was the first dungeon crawl video game, written
in 1974 by Rusty Rutherford for the PLATO system/University of Illinois)

(Gary Whisenhunt and Ray Wood at Southern Illinois University in 1974 and 1975)

Mishmash mumbo jumbo that includes Putin, Jesus, alien invasion, Nostradamus, Book of Revelation, etc :lol:

Giant Alien Spacecraft Will Invade Earth In 2017: Jesus Will Lead Aliens In UFOs To Fight Russian President Putin, Doomsday Conspiracy Theorist Claims [Video]

Vulcan59 said:
Mishmash mumbo jumbo that includes Putin, Jesus, alien invasion, Nostradamus, Book of Revelation, etc :lol:

Giant Alien Spacecraft Will Invade Earth In 2017: Jesus Will Lead Aliens In UFOs To Fight Russian President Putin, Doomsday Conspiracy Theorist Claims [Video]

LOL! What's supernatural is for someone to spend so much energy for such nonsense. But he forgot the Illuminati, orcs, giant robots, and the annunaki in the mix.
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