The concept of programming


Padawan Learner
Hi all,

So I wanted to discuss about programs and how people get mind programmed by either themselves, the surrouding world, or others...

Example :

I have been a lot on hype about the chinese zodiac and I looked at the correspondancy of astrology between the chinese months and their associated astrologicalsigns, and the gregorian calendar with its signs >>> it doesnt even match, like, i know i am virgo, and the date on both those calendars are different, the Snake sign, which is the Virgo sign doesnt have the same dates at all. Also, some goes on to say there are 13 signs, others 14 signs, others 15 , even 16 within a single year (and the 12 year cycle)...And chinese and gregorian yearly calendar dont match on the dates based on the classical 12 signs "system", you get me now?

I am not trying to prove anything, but we all follow programs and a calendar is much like a planned program table that one (or many) is supposed to follow, and some are so much attached to their program that they wont allow anyone or anything to change it or break it, like staying in the wheel of time, thank you Astrology and Zodiac.

The simple fact that there is so much variation of a universal astrological year calendar already means we all got it wrong, because nobody has the real one, not even that, but, whats even the point to follow a calendar? So you can be on time? Well yeah ok... But for the others, so you can predict whats to come? So you can invent a system and make promises of wealth and fortunes for others according to this or that systemic and how you have to be and what you have to do at precise dates in order to get to your goals?

My only point here is about "calculation" and "programs". When we follow the program we are basically a pawn or a puppet and you allow yourself to be calculated by higher forces (who dont have any programs) because you follow that program and you dont see the gradual new ones being put in place over time, but what happen when you try to get out of your programs? You got to calculate like crazy, some just try to forget or some try to give it up, but me, i am tired and I am done following stupid programs. So, programs, its actually great when you dont have them.

Programming can take many forms : sociability, the media, food, religion, politics, economy, nations, and so on...

I dont really have a question, I just thought we could expand on the subject, for me the world is basically a pile of programs.
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