The C's Best One-Liners/Funniest Exchanges


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Instances of Laughter and Humour in the Cassiopaean Transcripts

While working on another thread the idea came to look up what there is in the Cassiopaean transcripts for supporting a PMA, Positive Mental Attitude. This lead to a search for all the places where humor, [laughter] and mirth (i.e. laughter, being merry, happy and bright)are mentioned.

The review is mostly chronological but with a few comments in the form of transcripts, which I have added to facilitate the exploration of selected concepts. I have tried to be sufficiently generous in the quoting so the episodes of recorded or mentioned laughter or humor do not to stand alone without a context. The comment sections are marked.
If one went through all the transcripts, maybe one can find more expression that are funny. On the other hand it would be too much to expect that there is something to laugh or smile at in every single section. It will vary from individual to individual.

The post is long, and therefore broken up in shorter sections. Good luck.

Maybe the first recorded laughter.
941009 said:
Q: (L) You say that part of what was done to the human race was that our capacity to retain or absorb knowledge was reduced genetically, was there anything done to F** or I either before or after birth in this regard?
A: In process of altering to make smarter. Ongoing since conception. Capacity for processing information will increase exponentially.
Q: (L) You mean we are going to get smarter than we already are?
A: Much. [Much laughter] :D

The first time mirth came up.
941023 said:
A: Hello. Join mirth Laura.

941107 said:
A: You don't need conversation "with" when a higher telepathic level.
Q: (L) Dolphins and whales communicate telepathically?
A: Yes. So do dogs and cats and snakes etc. etc. only humans have learned the "superior" art of verbal communication.
Q: (L) But, at the same time, verbal communication can be quite limiting, is that correct?
A: That is the point.
Q: (L) So, you were being sarcastic with me, weren't you?
A: Humorous.

941107 said:
Q: (L) Carlos Casteneda writes about the peyote beings called "Mescalitos." This being supposedly is part of the peyote plant, a sort of being from the plant. Is this true?
A: No.
Q: (L) What beings does one encounter when one eats a bunch of peyote?
A: Hallucination.
Q: (L) Why are these hallucinations so consistent?
A: Because those that do have that expectation. If you ate enough peyote you would encounter Santa Claus if that was your expectation. (Much laughter) :D
Q: (L) What happens if you give someone LSD while they are dying? Does it help them die easier?
A: No.
Q: (L) Does it make dying more difficult?
A: No.
Q: (L) Is there any essential difference or effect of note?
A: No.
Q: (L) What is the "philosophers stone?"
A: Idea center.
Q: (L) How can this idea center be accessed?
A: Many ways: meditation is the best.
Q: (L) Is there any visual image of the philosopher's stone that one could use to access it in meditation?
A: Yes. Diamond or prism.

941112 said:
Q: (L) Hello.
A: Cassiopaea calling.
Q: (L) What does that mean?
A: We are beginning to tune into your humor.
Q: (L) What do you mean.
A: "Cassiopaea calling."
Q: (L) I get it!

941126 said:
Q: (J) What causes my sinus problems?
A: Emotional repression.
Q: (J) Of what?
A: Feelings. Taught to be nondemonstrative in childhood.
Q: (J) There was a lot of repression of thought processes and creativity in my house as I was growing up. So what can I do to help my sinuses?
A: Go out and smash a few flower pots. [Much laughter.] Seriously. Harmless to others.
Q: (T) Well there is a whole bunch of them out there. (J) Should I identify the things I am angry at and name the flower pots as I smash them?
A: If she wants to. We suggested flower pots because you have a surplus. (Laughter) :)
Q: (T) We do, big time!

941205 said:
Q: (L) Okay, there is a woman named Jane Allyson who channels an entity known as Zeena. I would like to know who or what is Zeena?
A: Just Jane.
Q: (L) So, she is just channeling herself? What is the significance of the number 444 as repeated by Cytron, a robot channeled by Jane Allyson, a super cyborg?
A: Zilch. [Much laughter] :D

941210 said:
Q: (T) How do the insect beings handle insects on their planet?
A: They are the insects on their planet.
Q: (L) Do they have pests on their planet like little miniature humans that run around and tear up their groceries? (T) Any energizer bunnies?
A: Mirth! :)
Q: (L) But really, do they have pests?
A: No.
Q: (L) Well, with serious intent, do they have pests on their planet like we do?
A: No. Microbic.

941210 said:
Q: (L) In our cultural experience we have a lot of very strange things that our young people participate in. Among these activities is the use of extremely loud stereo systems that quite literally vibrate the cells in their bodies until they turn to jelly. Could you tell me, please, the long term physiological effects of this kind of exposure of the human body to these loud booming noises?
A: Strange thought patterns.
Q: (L) What effects are these violently loud stereos having on people?
A: Varies.
Q: (L) Are these effects negative?
A: Open.
Q: (L) Are these effects less than conducive to optimum health?
A: Maybe.
Q: (L) What can these very loud booming sounds do to the body?
A: Make the body go "boom boom." (Much laughter) :D
Q: (J) Blue Cheer concert, 1969; group advertised as the loudest in existence, and they were. I sat ten feet from the speakers and couldn't hear for three hours afterward and had ringing in the ears for several days. That was the last concert I went to. (L) Is this part of a plot to destroy the minds and bodies of our young people?
A: Maybe.
Q: (J) Or are they just being stupid?
A: Good answer.

941210 said:
Q: (L) What is buried on Oak Island?
A: Regenerator.
Q: (L) What is a regenerator?
A: Remolecularizer.
Q: (L) Who put it there?
A: Lizard beings.
Q: (L) When did they put it there?
A: 10,000 years ago, approximately.
Q: (L) Do they use it from time to time?
A: No.
Q: (L) Does it still work?
A: It could.
Q: (T) What is the purpose of a remolecularizer? (L) Yeah, what do you use it for? Entertain your friends at parties?
A: Regenerate matter.
Q: (L) Such as physical bodies?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, you just go and stand next to it or inside it or whatever and it regenerates you?
A: Any matter.
Q: (L) Well, that would be a really handy thing to have in the barn. Is there any way to get it out of there?
A: Maybe. Are you planning an expedition?
Q: (L) No, we're just being nosy. How deep is it buried?
A: Deep.
Q: (T) Well, we can send it in to a treasure hunter's magazine and give somebody an idea of how far they have to go. (L) Yeah, tell them what it is and they will go whole hog for it. (T) Yeah. It's a regenerator. "What?" Well, it's a remolecularizer. What's wrong with you? Where have you been? You never wanted to be regenerated? You, too, can be a Time Lord! (L) Amaze your friends, confound your enemies, you can hypnotize any woman from a distance by the power of your... REGENERATOR! (T) Wow! Look at the size of his Regenerator! [much laughter] :D Thank you.

941210 said:
Q: [...] (T) [...] Okay, here is a transcript I received in the mail from a group called "Cosmic Awareness"....
A: Dezinformatzia. ;)
Q: (T) Well, I love a 6th density being with a sense of humor.

941231 said:
A: FBI tracks everyone.
Q: (V) Okay, so just don't worry about it. (T) I can just imagine what my file looks like! (L) The computer systems are so advanced it is no trouble for them to even know what color toilet paper you buy. (Laughter) :) I mean, the checker at the store tells what color toilet paper you buy on your receipt... "Scottissue:blue"...
A: V prefers green.
Q: (L) Do you prefer Green? (V) Yes, but I have white. (V) Are you telling me I'm supposed to use green toilet paper? (T) They are perfecting 3rd level humor at 4th level. (laughter) :)
A: Joke.
Q: (T) You're getting good at it too! (DM) I'd like to know what they look like. (L) Did you read the transcripts? We already asked that. (DM) No, I haven't gotten to it yet.
A: We are light beings, we are you in the future.

941231 said:
Q: (V) This right here I picked up at the Tampa Metaphysical bookstore, (Holds up rock), it is supposed to be a piece of meteorite. What can you tell me about this? I was told that it's used for transformation.
A: Bogus. (Laughter) :)
Q: (DM) It's funny, the word came into my mind!
A: We are going through you and F*** tonight.

941231 said:
A: No, Jesus was not mythical.
Q: (T) What about this information from this Acharya?
A: Babble.
Q: (L) What is the point of this stuff? It is very well done. Why are they trying to prove that Jesus never existed?
A: Nonsense. It is disinformation. Desinformatzia. Russki.
Q: (T) This is from Russia?
A: No, we were having some fun with words.
Q: Mirth! Mirth! (T) Are any of the people they are copying this to believing this stuff?
A: Some.
Re: Instances of Laughter and Humour in the Cassiopaean Transcripts

950101 said:
A: Wolfen reflects Lizzie reality.
Q: (L) Who's read the book, what's it about? (T) I saw the movie but I never read the book. I can't stand his Gothic style of writing. (L) I can't stand to read his stuff either. (T) I only got half-way through Communion and gave it up. (L) Well, let me ask, while we are on the subject of writing, is Anne Rice channeling her concepts in her vampire books?
A: She also is influenced by the Grays.
Q: (T) What about Stephen King?
A: Carnal influences.
Q: (T) He's writing from his cojones, eh? [Laughter] :)
A: Okay, TR.

950101 said:
Q: (V) They thought they saw a witch. (T) Who was she? It was the neighbor lady again. (L) Where was she and what was she doing? (V) What do you mean over a car that just started? (V) Their imaginations are just going.
A: How do peyote users see Santa Claus? [laughter] :)
Q: (V) Are the boys doing drugs tonight?
A: Nope. (Undecipherable comment from G-- amidst laughter.) When did you last see this in Rochester, G--?
Q: (G) Never! [Much laughter] :D
A: Bingo!

950110 said:
Q: (L) Now, I am sure you are aware of how V*** is feeling. I think she took offense at the fact that you used the word "Bullshit" the other night...
A: V*** should talk!! Mirth! Word is used commonly by your people.
Q: (L) Well, I know that and I wasn't offended. I didn't say anything. Some words are offensive to me and I don't use them. [...]
Comment the above transcript refers to:
941126 said:
[...](T) Okay. Where were we. Just by being positive will shut off the Lizzies desire to mess with me?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) That's all there is to it? But the implants will still be there?
A: So what?
Q: (T) Do the implants do anything besides transmit the frequency?
A: No.
Q: (T) And, as long as I am being negative it is transmitting and they can track me that way?
A: Close.
Q: (T) If I shut them off by being positive, they can't track me any longer?
A: Can track but not influence.
Q: (T) Why did they tell me that I gave them permission to do it when they abduct me?
A: "Bullshit!"
Q: (T) If I tell them it's bull will they leave me alone?
A: No.
Q: (T) If I shut them off will they continue to abduct me?
A: No.
Q: (T) I am not buying into the victim line. (L) There is another aspect here. Knowledge breeds awareness which gives you the ability to detect it when they try to influence you in very subtle ways so that you can begin to control your mind and resist early on and that is the key.
A: Close enough.
Q: (L) And you have to persist with positive thoughts and feelings sometimes in the face of incredible adversity. No one said it was going to be easy, but it is worth it.

950114 said:
A: You are a 4th density candidate.
Q: (T) So, we are 4th density candidates but that doesn't necessarily mean that we will make it into 4th density, true?
A: Partly.
Q: (T) As 4th density candidates, anyone that is, when the wave comes, if they have reached the correct frequency vibration, and have raised themselves up to the point that the wave will take them, they will, at that point, move into 4th density, true?
A: Close enough.
Q: (T) Now, when those who move into 4th density make the move, will they experience a completeness or merge with all other densities of their being, at that point, even if it is for a short time?
A: For one immeasurably small instant, this is what is meant by "illumination"!
Q: (T) But, for that small instant, because there really is no time, maybe an instant or an aeon, depending on how any individual might measure it, we might experience oneness with ourselves?
A: It may seem to last "forever."
Q: (L) Is this what is known as the "rapture?"
A: Some have attempted to explain instinctive thought patterns this way.
Q: (L) Is the moving into 4th density and the understanding we have of it, which is the possible transcending or leaving a 3rd density earth, which is under great assault in terms of cataclysmic activity and so forth, and moving to a place where none of that is apparent, is this what is known as the "rapture?"
A: Laura, you are reaching.
Q: (L) Well, JR and I were talking about it this week, it's her fault. Don't blame it on me. (J) It's my fault. (L) JR made me do it. [laughter] :)
A: JR is the "boogie" man!
Q: (L) That's right, JR is the boogie man, she did it. (J) Wait a minute! (T) You took responsibility. (J) No, I kinda like that! Thank you.

950114 said:
Q: (L) Now, TR had a very interesting experience when he was standing outside his house.
A: TR has many of those.
Q: (T) Yes, thank you, I do. It's amazing how they come to me. I was standing outside. There's a lot of cats in the neighborhood and we, ourselves, have six cats. They look at one a lot and I recognize cats for cats and don't think it is possible that I made a mistake in this. A cat came around one of the trees across the street from me, and it wasn't a regular cat. It was much larger. It looked at me and hunched down into its cat-like stance and locked on me. Was this a real cat, or a bob cat?
A: Yes, it was a bobcat from Northeastern _____ Piney woods preserve.
Q: (L) Is there a preserve in that direction from you? (T) Yes, it is up on the Pasco/_____ border, down from us here as a matter of fact.
A: Up from you, TR. Learn direction better, please. Compass awareness is to be vital in the future.
Q: (T) I know it is up from me, but I am north of the place now and I'm talking as if I am in St. Petersburg, saying up from me, but it is south of me at the moment.
A: Incorrect, you were speaking from home in your mind.
Q: (T) True. (L) Busted! (T) You guys are cool! (L) What was it you said, "Love a 6th density dude with a sense of humor!"
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Are there dudes and dudesses up there?
A: Yes, cool dudes and dudesses! [laughter] :)
Q: (L) Now, come on, stop it, I am trying to get a question in here!
A: Stop what?
Q: (L) Stop fooling around, I want to get these questions done.
A: But we are having fun, is there anything wrong with that?
Q: (L) No, but I want to get through my questions. (T) Lighten up, a fun session is something we need.
A: Uptight. [laughter] :)
Q: (T) We got a live one tonight.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) It's because of you, TR. (T) Thank you. (L) You got all this practical joke business going...
A: No, A***.
Q: (T) A***! My goodness! [laughter] :) Why A***?
A: She is fun loving.
Q: (T) Okay, we're having fun tonight. Go on, ask the next question. (L) Can I ask my question now?
A: Oh, what the hell, go for it!
Q: (T) I didn't know W.C. Fields had made it to 6th level. [laughter] :) (L) Seriously now...
A: Seriously now, folks!

950121 said:
A: Sense, knowledge is held within, simply unlock more and more as needed.
Q: (S) Sometimes it's hard to... (L) Go ahead, ask your questions. (S) Does realigning the sphenoid (?) bone actually do something with the pituitary gland?
A: All these procedures are factored by your own natural healing abilities, this is of the light, and comes from within when you follow your natural instincts and trust!
Q: (T) Yes, it does, it does what they just said! (S) Would myofacial unwinding help me unblock some of my own fears, hesitancies...
A: Just trust your extraordinary abilities!
Q: (T) What they are trying to tell you is to go with what you think is right because it will be right, because it is coming from within you, and it's not so much whether you've touched here, or touched there, it's that wherever you've touched is the intent. It's what they say, intent is what it is. (S) But the way the law of this country and state goes, you also have to have that piece of paper that says yes, you can do this.
A: Bravo, TR!
Q: (T) Thank you, thank you! (L) Well, go ahead and get the licensing and do what feels right. You're doing the right stuff. Everything you're doing, you're doing by instinct, you know, continue the classes. (S) It's like, I know about three or four ways for carpal-tunnel syndrome, they're all totally different... (L) Try them all, one might work differently for a different person, they can all be right, you know.
A: It is not the physical methodology that matters.
Q: (J) It's like you're tapped in, just go with the flow.
A: Humor the authorities, they know not any better.
Q: (S) Why am I so reluctant to use some things, is it because I'm going to too many classes, too many different schools of thought, that I'm getting confused?
A: Lose the fear and just do it! Welcome, Chuck, you were a "wild one" in youth, eh? Lady Killer. Mirth.

950218 said:
A: Lifetimes of "woe."
Q: (T) Is this one of her/your lifetimes of woe?
A: They all are if we choose to view them thusly.
Q: (J) I have a comment to make to the Cassiopaeans. (T) Does this include 4th density life as well? (J) I may have a hard time writing, but half the time I am already anticipating what they are going to say and am writing ahead, so they should cut me some slack. (L) Cut her some slack, guys. (T) Cut, cut!
A: Slack cutteth!
Q: [Laughter] :) (T) I'm glad to know there is still humor when you get up to 6th level!
A: There is a lot here, not nearly enough there. Dear JR, give the pen and paper to D***.
Q: (T) A dear JR letter! [laughter] :) (D) I guess I'm sitting over here getting stuff too. I've been feeling kind of like a fifth wheel anyway.
A: I,we, heard, D***. By the way, this is us talking!
Q: (T) By the way can be abbreviated BTW, guys.
Q: (L) What does that mean? (T) By the other?
A: Bachman Turner Overdrive!
Q: [Laughter] :D (L) Well, TR, if you didn't know that one you are really in bad shape! (T) Emerson, Lake and Palmer! Electric Light Orchestra! (L) Well, I just want to say something...
A: Okay, Laura, ask it if you must.
Q: (J) I want to ask about...
A: Laura first, we/she is about to jump out of her/our skin.

950218 said:
A: Now JR, you indeed were taken!
Q: (L) Who took her?
A: Our friends, the Grays.
Q: (L) What did they do?
A: Study update on psychic database.
Q: (T)
A: Mirth should never stop!
Q: [question lost]

950218 said:
A: No. Weather causing increased evaporation and yes, UFO flaps are caused by our activities and these communications!
Q: (T) Did we ask that? (J) No, but I have been thinking about it and we were talking about it earlier. (T) We are helping to create...
A: Causing, TR.
Q: (T) We are causing this? (D) No..
A: Yes.
Q: (T) So what they are saying is that we are helping to open up the area so that this is happening more?
A: Blasting open huge window. Gigantic, biggest in recorded history!!!
Q: (L) And to think that all this started when I hypnotized P ***t Z***. Just think, if she only knew what she did!
A: Not Z***, is our "Link-up."
Q: (L) Well, I was just kidding. (T) A little mirth there, guys. (L) Can I have a little mirth once in a while?
A: Yes and you are going to need all the mirth you can get.
Q: (J) I always said that the only way to get through life is with laughter. (F) That sounds rather ominous to me. (L) Yeah, me too. (T) The more we work this channel, the larger this window is going to become, is this correct?
A: Yes. And you will be busy.
Q: (F) Is that why we need all the mirth we can get, because we are going to be so busy?
A: Yes.

950225 said:
A: Hello. Okay. Why not regroup. Concentrate. Too much energy. Children. Sorry. Who are we?
Q: [Children are sent to bed.] (T) Ask them if anyone else can sit at the board this evening?
A: Sure.
Q: (GB) Can I sit in there now? (T) Sure. Do they want all four of us or just three? [GB takes TR's place at the board.]
A: No matter.
Q: (J) Who do we have with us tonight, we didn't ask.
A: Concentrate. Slow mental processes down. Less pressure. [GB lightens up.]
Q: (L) Who do we have with us tonight?
A: Who are we?
Q: Who are you?
A: Cassiopaeans.
Q: And who do we have with us?
A: Pommori.
Q: (J) And who do we have with us tonight in 3rd density?
A: Unknown. 3rd density is you! And us in the "past."
Q: (L) Let's get on with it.
A: Ask who is at south position.
Q: (L) Who is at the South position? Oh, that's you. Yeah, that's GB Brown, as if you didn't know. Are we playing bridge, or what?
A: Hello. Concentrate all in room.
Q: (T) What are we going to concentrate on? (L) Is anybody thinking about sex? [laughter] :)
A: Mind.
Q: (GB) Ask TM's question: will there be a mass landing in 1995?
A: Not ready to answer. Still trying to settle energy waves in room.

950225 said:
A: Now, more powder. We are sorry for the delays. One in the room is under great stress.
Q: (L) Who is stressed?
A: CD.
Q: (L) Are you stressed? You don't look stressed to me. (CD) I don't feel stressed.
A: Under pressure for study.
Q: (BP) It's for that article you want to write. (CD) Maybe. (L) Do you have a deadline or something? (CD) Yes. But I am really not thinking about it, at least consciously.
A: Yes. You have been watched, CD.
Q: (L) By whom? (BP) CD has been watched?
A: Government.
Q: (BP) It's been nice knowing you! [laughter] :) (GB) Do these guys have a sense of humor? (J) Yes, as a matter of fact, they do! (T) Is this mirth, here?
A: No, this is not mirth.
Q: (BP) Why is the government watching C***?
A: Has because of writings or papers.

950225 said:
Q: [...] (CD) Is there anything else they want to tell me, or anything else I can do to be of service?
A: Keep quiet.
Q: (L) Keep quiet about what?
A: Two things recently learned.
Q: (L) Did you recently learn some things you are planning on telling the public? (BP) Anything you haven't already told? (GB) Is it in her subconscious? (CD) Is it in the article?
A: Close.
Q: (CD) Is it in my newest book?
A: Ask yourself, CD.
Q: (CD) Is it in the article?
A: Review.
Q: (L) You are talking about two things recently learned here, tonight? (GB) No.
A: No.
Q: (BP) Would one of the things be the mass cattle disappearances in Oklahoma? Is that significant?
A: Open.
Q: (CD) Does it have to do with Robin?
A: Ask yourself, CD, this is for you to know for yourself. More pressure for clean connection.
Q: [Laughter] :) (L) Well some use too much pressure and some don't use enough. (BP) There you go... They're touchy! [Laughter] :) No pun intended!
A: Cute, BP. [Laughter] :) Mirth!!! Knowledge protects. Now, C***, ask yourself, who are your true friends?
Q: (L) So, the connection is in there. Knowledge of who your true friends are can be protection. (CD) So, somebody who appears to be a friend is not really a friend?
A: Yes.

950225 said:
A: CD under too much pressure to channel effectively.
Q: (CD) Are you talking about the article. (L) No, I think they mean just in general. You need relief, dear. (CD) No kidding. (GB) How do you spell relief? BP. [Laughter.] :)
A: Mirth!!

Comment to above session:
950311 said:
Q: (J) Why was there so much interference when had the group here a couple of sessions ago and there was no interference today?
A: Grooved better.
Q: (T) It was also good practice for doing it with a larger group of people.
A: Did you notice the heightened openness?
Q: (L) Yes we did notice. What was the reason for that?
A: Grooving provides for less interference among other things.

950304 said:
(L) Okay, what is the phone number of the Orion Federation? (S) Laura! (T) That's what I was going to ask. [Laughter.] :) (L) How do we get ahold of them?
A: Off the hook!
Q: (T) Uh oh! (L) They're busy? (T) Getting a lot of calls. (L) Okay, guys, what do we need to do here?
A: Find a "Nordic." They are on Earth posing as humans.

950304 said:
Q: [...] (L) Will we be able to do a demonstration at the MUFON meeting on Saturday?
A: Yes, because it is predestined.
Q: (L) That's heavy. (T) That's not free will. Let's not go next Saturday and break the predestined plan! [Laughter.] :) My free will wants to break predestined plans. Mirth, mirth! (L) Can we ask any further questions about that remark?
A: You are allowed to ask anything you wish.
Q: (T) But, they won't necessarily answer anything we ask! (S) I want to ask something about auras. On some people, their auras show, by kirlian photography, a white area, like a halo, behind or around their head or near the shoulder. What does this mean?
A: Open.
Q: (T) I guess what they mean is that it could be a different thing on different people.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is there a general schematic of aura colors and what they mean as has been presented by various groups.
A: No.
Q: (S) Was Edgar Cayce's readings on colors...
A: Reading anything requires accessing "higher levels" of understanding which are fluid, not concrete and absolute.
Q: (L) So this changes, fluctuates. (S) Oh yes, auras constantly change. (L) Yeah, but what they are saying is that the meanings of the colors can change with the individual. (T) It is like reading cards... (F) And palms, just because a person has a line of a certain sort doesn't mean that they are going to be in an accident on such and such a day... (T) Yes, and with the cards, one card can mean one thing with one person, and something else with another person. (F) I could look at two palms that are almost identical but they could mean entirely different things... (T) Which really ticks off the materialists who want the directions to come with the card and palm reading kits! [Laughter.] :) (L) Are we, at this point, at an end of this subject of getting help and so forth?
A: Discover, that is how you learn, not by being "led by the hand."

950304 said:
Q: (L) Where on earth was man first seeded? (T) Wimbledon! [Laughter] :) Sorry, I couldn't resist that. (L) Was man first seeded in one particular place?
A: No.

950311 said:
Q: (L) Hello.
A: Real UFOs S__.
Q: (T) The word is coming off the board because the surface is too slick to hold the ink. [We were using a new board and had added several words and punctuation marks to it.]
A: Density.
Q: (T) Is this satisfactory even though we are losing the word "density?"
A: Losing density is a common experience.
Q: (J) Are we talking about dieting?
A: Several interpretations.
Q: (T) I love mirth!
A: Mirth is good.
950311 said:
Q: (T) We have provided a new board. Works great.
A: Please make a habit of this!
Q: (T) We all like the new board, yes indeed!
A: Smooth, have called others to observe in amazement!
Q: [Laughter.] :)
A: Next demonstration please use this or a similar board.
Q: (L) We are sorry that we had to use the old board for the demonstration. (T) We were all winging it! Did we do okay today?
A: Okay today, we are actually having fun with this board. Love it!!!!!!!
Q: [Laughter.] :)
A: Yeah! This is Deanorrilloa, I am impressed too! Oppilmno, me too! Your energy will soar tonight to new levels!
Q: (J) Does it have something to do with our demonstration today and the new board?
A: Yes!!
Q: (J) You guys are going to get whiplash moving around the board so fast!
A: You are good!
Q: (T) We owe it all to us!
A: Yes.

950311 said:
Q: [...] (S) What does "real UFOs" mean? (L) Yes, you opened with that, what does it mean?
A: Ask S***!
Q: (L) Well, we certainly will ask S***. (S) I have never seen a UFO that I know of. Maybe I have but I didn't know it. Does it have anything to do with the fact that I am adopted?
A: Maybe.
Q: (L) Maybe you are an alien, S***. (T) Are you an Orion Federation member? [Laughter] :) (S) Am I?
A: Mirth.

950311 said:
A: Stop resisting UFO phenomenon, just accept.
Q: (L) What is this? Are you resisting, JR? (J) I think I am still skeptical, yes. (L) You're kidding! I guess you need to see one, I guess. It sure cured me. [Laughter] :) (J) I have not had any assurances at all. (S) Neither have I, as far as we know. [Laughter] :) (J) I mean, I know all this stuff... (T) Can we arrange for something for all of us to see where you are?
A: You can arrange any time. Laura, more caffeine, please.
Q: (T) Do you guys want some coffee? Let me ask, could it be that you guys are hooked on caffeine and you can only get it through us?
A: Open. How does a 6th density light being go about being "hooked" on anything from 3rd density?
Q: (S) Okay, TR, you'd better explain it to them! (T) It is coming through on the frequency we are transmitting. (L) Are you guys getting the caffeine when I drink it?
A: No.
Q: (T) Are you getting the shot of frequency change it provides?
A: If so, oh well! [Laughter] :)
Q: (L) I think what it does is make us able to stay up with them.
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Oh, come on! You get a little out of it! Yeah, you do! (J) Do you like flavored or non-flavored coffee?
A: TR, what have you been smoking?
Q: (T) Oh! They want some of that too! Ho-ho-ho, mirth, mirth. (S) It's those cigars you smoke, TR!
BREAK :cool2:
Q: (L) I assume that you/us have been listening to our/your conversation on finances...
A: As always.
Q: (L) Now, what we would like to know is, can you give us pointers in this regard, or reassurances, because we are still 3rd density and need reassurance in some respects, as to how to deal with this situation.
A: You are still 3rd density enough to need a lot of things, my love!
Q: [Oooh!] (L) Yes, but you didn't answer the question! (T) They are good at that.
A: RTB Review memory.
Q: (L) Okay, you said you were making financial arrangements for us...
Q: (L) Is this a code?
Q: (Laura and JR) RATTLE THE BUSHES! [Groans]
A: As you are doing, network!
Q: (L) So, we need to get more stuff and send more stuff out, and do like F*** said and look for sponsors and so forth.
A: Ask Eugene Brown about money, he will not likely give, but may know someone who will! Do you now see the process?
Q: (S) A government grant? [Laughter] :)
A: Nyet.
Q: [Much laughter] :D (T) Let's ask Newt! (L) Nyet on Newt! (T) Ask Gene Brown?
A: Nyet on Newt! Mirth.
Q: (T) So, there are no Republicans on 6th level... now, what happened, Laura, when you were looking for the correct Reiki teacher? (L) I asked if I knew someone who knew someone who knew the correct Reiki... (T) And the Cassiopaeans said Helen Davis. And, when they said that, you said: "Well, Helen doesn't believe in Reiki." Yet Helen knew the person with the correct lineage and teachings.
A: Trust.
Q: (T) But, you didn't know she knew someone, yet she sent you to the person you needed to find. (L) Right. (T) And, now they are suggesting Gene B.. He won't give us the help, but he will tell us someone to go see. Is it not the same? (J) He forks out every month to pay for the Newsletter and it costs about $150 a month to print that out. (L) JR, didn't you have a question you wanted to ask? (J) Yes... I wanted to ask about that "psycho- power" (L) Where's the envelope the ad came in? There it is... there is the psycho-power thing... (J) Yes and how come they misspelled my name... [Laura waves envelope with ad in air] (L) You see this guys? We would like to know if this is...
A: "Karnak the Magnificent"
Q: (J) OH! (L) What's the matter? (J) Well, that's confirmation enough for me!! (L) What do you mean? (J) We were talking about Karnak in the car on the way up today! You know the Johnny Carson skit. (L) Oh! (T) Karnak gave the answer to questions that were sealed in envelopes. It was always a joke. He would give a straight answer to a question that turned out to be a joke. "Humpty Dumptey had a great fall," is the one I remember, and the question was "What happened to Humpty Dumptey when Misses September, October and November moved into his apartment complex." [Groans] Bad jokes. (F) He would frequently use a play on words for that skit. If there was someone whose name was in the news a lot, he would say something like: "Alexander Haig" and then they would open up the envelope and the question would be "who is the father of the son of Alexander Haig." [Groans] (L) Well, we can save our money on that one. (J) Guys, I am still skeptical of this... (L) What do you mean? (J) This whole thing... I really am... and for that to come through like that after TR and I were joking about that in the car on the way here, and they picked that out specifically... just blows me away... I am sorry. (F) That's okay. Until you get something that you can literally put trust in, it isn't really real for you. (J) Yes, like Laura's was... (L) Actually the biggest one was... (J) G. R. K***... (L) Actually there have been several... the 666 thing was not in anybody's subconscious, I know... none of us could have known about the Coptic number-letter relationship... and the thing about... (J) I think we each have to have our own personal thing... (L) And I have had to have so many of them, and still, with so many of them piling up, every once in a while I still go into my doubt mode... (J) We all do.... (L) What is this, are we deluding ourselves, and is this a master deception by some entity. (J ) My friend a *** over in Palatka, who publishes that newsletter, the UFOlogist. We played around with the board one weekend when I went to stay with her. We got this really strange entity, and it didn't really go much of anywhere, but one phrase came through that was very clear that I had seen on a TV episode several days before, and the other one that came through that got me was the night before we went to that charity event and the first word that came up was Poinsettias, and we asked what it meant and the Cassiopaeans answered that it just came to mind. Well, when we went to that event the next night, there were Poinsettias all over the place. (T) Yeah, that country club was just filled with Poinsettias.
A: Hand on. [Laura had hand off while looking for papers and puts hand on planchette when requested.]
Q: (T) Okay, what...
A: Put your hand in the hand of the Cassiopaeans! Put your hand in the hand of the "Man" who rides the wave! [Laughter] :)

950311 said:
Q: (L) Okay, so people can either go from STO to STS in 3rd or 4th density... any of these choices are open at this passing of the realm wave?
A: Any of the above according to the orientation of the wave.
Q: (L) And what is the orientation of the wave that is coming? Is it strictly to move us from 3rd density to 4th density? Is this a function of this wave?
A: We have told you this.
Q: (L) And they have told us that this is a wave from 3rd to 4th density. Some of the waves, apparently, can move from STO to STS... (T) Not the wave, the person passing through the wave. As this wave passes by, does the orientation of the wave depend upon the individual?
A: Compare to sea waves. Waves are a part of the fiber of all nature.
Q: (T) Is it going to depend on where on the wave you are relating to the cycle, the crest and the trough? As to which way you transition on it?
A: No.
Q: (T) In other words, a wave that is going to transition from 3rd to 4th density will do so no matter where you are on the wave when it passes?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) A wave that is aligned to transit people from STS to STO or vice versa will do that also?
A: Or you could "go under" instead.
Q: (T) Under the wave? (J) Under the water. (T) Then you wouldn't move at all. (L) You could be pulled under, you could drown and become part of the primordial soup! (T) Is that Minestrone?
A: Chicken Noodle. [Laughter.] :)
Q: (L) Am I right that if you go under you get sucked into the ocean and start cycling all over again?
A: It is not that simple.

950318 said:
Q: (L) What have they said on that subject? (J) I don't remember. (T) When we asked about building a TDARM, they said: "Sure, we can tell you, but where are you going to get the parts?" The point is, the technology the fourth density beings are working with, we can't build.
A: All you need is knowledge.
Q: (T) I think Thor is missing the point about the knowledge.
A: If you have the knowledge, what else do you need? Now, think carefully and multidimensionality.
Q: (L) Well, a TDARM would be nice to start off with. (T) There's one buried on Oak Island, go dig it up.
A: No, order from Sears.
Q: (S) You want me to bring over their catalogue? You can start looking. (J) Is it in the Spring catalogue? [Laughter.] :) (L) So, we can't get a TDARM. (T) Well, you can, but you have to get the right catalogue.
A: Discuss Thor's tape, and we will address points one by one, if you wish!

950318 said:
A: Explore relationships with blood relatives.
Q: (B) That is an interesting reading. (J) Yeah, it would work, wouldn't it? (B) Yes. I'm adopted and I have been thinking about finding my biological mother. I know her name and the town she is from, but I have never met her. I have never pursued it. (L) Maybe that is what the dream is telling you? (B) I don't think it is exactly related to that. The dream was about...
A: Yes. Indirectly; learn, continue to share.
Q: (B) The dream was very distinct. I went to the moon and I was taken to the interior of the moon, and there was a very realistic interior to the moon. There were some parts that were hollow inside. And, when I went inside a big cavern there was 1920's art deco style, and it was so clear. And, it was to learn more about whom we are and where we are... (L) Did you know that, symbolically, the Moon represents the mother or the feminine principle? And, you are talking about going inside a "cavernous" area "inside" the Moon, or inside the "mother." The womb. (J) Twenties Art Deco? [laughter] :) (B) Yeah...
A: Thirties art deco.
Q: [Laughter] :) (S) Did it have something to do with Miami Beach? That's thirties art deco all over the place. (B) Yeah, I've been there a few times. (T) What did the thirties art deco...
A: Cross reference: perhaps your interest in UFOs and related has some connection to your bloodline?
Q: (B) So, if I was to explore this relationship... go back and find this woman who was my mother, she might be involved in some way with metaphysical subjects or UFOs?
A: More than you realize!!!!!
Q: (L) Maybe she's an alien! [Laughter.] (B) My mother's a Cassiopaean! (S) In disguise! An Orion! (T) Well, we are looking for an Orion. We are not going to find them, they are going to find us. (J) It's not like we can put an ad in the paper. (L) Why not? (J) No, no, no, no, no! (S) We'll give your phone number, Laura! [Laughter] :)

950318 said:
Q: [...] L) JR and I have a question. Hillard mentioned that the frogs are disappearing from the planet.
A: Ozone layer.
Q: (L) They are getting fried because of the loss of the Ozone layer?
A: Fried?
Q: [Laughter] :) (J) Where are they going? (T) The ozone layer is depleting and they are the first of the things we are really noticing as an effect of this?
A: Yes.
Q: (J) Where are they going? (T) They are not going anywhere, they are dying. (F) They are not reproducing.
A: Yes.
Q: (B) They have very sensitive skin. (T) Soon it is going to be affecting us all.
A: All part of the wave effects interconnecting realities.
Q: (L) Well, if it is having this effect on frogs, what is it going to do to us when it gets stronger?
A: Wait and see.
Q: (L) Now, come on! This doesn't sound like a real pleasant thing. Don't you think you ought to give us just a little more on this? A clue here?
A: No.
Q: [Laughter] :) (T) Are they saying that the loss of the ozone layer is a direct result of the approaching wave? (J) They sure did! (T) The loss is not due to the Fluorocarbons?
A: Misinterpretation, review statement thoroughly.
Q: (J) Is removal of the ozone layer part of the frequency "fixing?"
A: Close.
Q: (T) This is keyed on the frog phenomenon?
A: No.
Q: (L) It's keyed on interconnecting realities.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Are you saying that the wave is causing the interconnecting of realities? (J) And the ozone layer is in the wave?
A: And causing actions which affect third density in myriad ways, close circle.

950318 said:
A: Absolutely, remember, the wave is approaching, and as it gets "nearer", more and more unusual events take place, witness crop circles, for example.
Q: (L) Is there anything anyone can do to release persons stuck in these parallel realities and bring them back into the reality of origin?
A: Yes, but the technology is a closely guarded secret.
Q: (L) Do you know the secret?
A: Yes, but you do too!
Q: (L) I do too? (T) Does Thor know it? [Laughter.] :)
A: Mirth!
Q: (L) I know the secret too?...
A: Philadelphia Experiment.
Q: (L) Since you mentioned the Philadelphia Experiment, could you tell us in specific detail, how this was done? What kind of machines were used and how can we build one? [General uproar and laughter] :D :)
A: Do you intend to sit here for a day or two?

950422 said:
A: Use mind, that is what it is there for.
Q: (T) We are using our minds. And, we are talking to you about this. We are friendly.
A: Shortcut city.
Q: (T) Yeah! That's what it is all about. We are still third density! If we use...
A: It's not nice to fool Mother Cassiopaea!
Q: [Laughter] :) (T) Mirth! If we were to follow the coordinates where this thing is buried, would it lead us to others?
A: Try it and see.

950422 said:
Q: (T) Well, the Japanese earthquake happened four months ago. (L) Is this what you are referring to?
A: Yes.
Q: (LM) Is it most likely to hit a fault again?
A: Open.
Q: (T) Is this going to show up as an earth change of some kind?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Can you give us a prediction on it?
A: Open.
Q: (T) This has been going on for a while, now. (L) About ten days I think. (J) Is ten days accurate?
A: Close.
Q: (T) What is the general time period to play itself out?
A: Open.
Q: (T) Is it going to center on Laura's house? [Laughter] :)
A: Open. If so, suggest "vacation."
Q: [Laughter] :) (J) Any suggestions as to where they should go? (LM) Los Angeles. (T) That's a good spot for the summer Olympics! I hear the U.S. Team has a real good chance of getting gold and breaking windows this year.

950507 said:
A: Logic is subjective.
Q: (L) Is symbolic logic as is used in mathematics subjective?
A: No.
Q: (L) But you always come up with different things using math than mentation. Okay. Well, we opened a can of worms here. (T) We do that every time. (J) Worms are us! [Laughter] :)
A: Ongoing project.
Q: (T) Teaching us is an ongoing project. (J) We are a can of worms. (L) Is there any point in time when these communications will end? [Tape ends abruptly and snaps off to surprised laughter at the synchronicity.] :O
960817 said:
A: [...] Coincidences are the spice of life for those with higher knowledge.

950520 said:
Q: (T) Was Mr. O'L*** playing with a full deck?
A: Open.
Q: [Laughter] :)

950526 said:
Q: (L) Now, regarding my own situation... TR and JR have just offered assistance which is welcome and timely, but is only a band-aid...
A: We provide, and when ready, huge sums will come to all.
Q: (SV) It all depends on what you consider "huge." (L) Well, I consider "huge" in the millions. (SV) Well, that is beyond my comprehension. What would I do with that much? (L) I could help you out with that! (SV) I was hoping you would say that!
A: You will manage!
Q: [Laughter] :) (L) Okay, well, I have made the decision that I am not going to push to do anything, including moving, unless and until I am sure that that is what I am supposed to do. I am sure that you will let us know.
A: Okay.
Q: (L) So, we can just work on the house and work on making ourselves happy where we are.
A: Good girl!

950527 said:
Q: (RS) Two short questions and then I will stop...
A: Ask as many as you desire!
Q: (RS) In our level three, does the use of anti-matter change the sign of the unit? Does this imply the reversal of the sign of the unit of space and time?
A: Yes, but problem has always been for level three entities, that the "other" side is uncharted, therefore experimentation is not recommended, unless with assistance from level four through six STO.
Q: (RS) That is an incredible answer because this is traveling in time. First they said that by using energy you can change the numerical value of the units, and from this _______ you can make a ________ show. Now the question: how you can go backward in time; by changing the sign of the unit: plus one second and we move forward, if that unit is changed to minus one second, we move backward. So the question, whether by using anti-matter we can move backward. But their answer was saying... precisely, that we are moving from level three to level four. Last question and then I am through.
A: Not correct, Roger!
Q: (L) It's not going to be your last question! [Laughter] :) (J) They already said to ask as many as you desire!
A: This session has been designated for you! That is why we arranged for you to be here!! You are about to embark upon an extensive tour, whereby you will be communicating and networking, and in fact studying and researching with others of similar paths. The learning and knowledge gain that will result from this sojourn will have extremely major implications! Therefore, consider this to be your "night!" [Note: It seems that the "sojourn" could be either the session or the trip.]
Q: (RS) They insist on it! Then, I have another very important question! In Greece, at this time, at the University of Santia (?), the nuclear physics laboratory at the University, there is a potentially fundamental experiment going on based on my studies and this book here, [displays book] to search for fundamentally new source of energy by bombarding zinc 70 or molybdenum 100 via Gamma with 1.294 MeV energy. Will the experiment be successful... (Carla) Ah ah... they will not answer that! (J) They may not touch that one.... (RS) Will zinc 70 be a new source of energy? Can these substances be new sources of energy?
A: All of the experiments you speak of share one thing in common: They all "touch the borderline" from the perspective of the third density side.
Q: (T) When you talked about using the anti-matter they said: "Yes" you can work with it, but you are only getting it on one side and you can't get to fourth density side unless you have someone working with you from over there, you have to find a fourth density being to help you here... but you are touching it, you are at the edge of where you can go in third density... (RS) Will you help us? (Carla) Yes, let's be practical! [Laughter] :)
A: TR did not give exactly correct answer. It is possible to cross over into fourth density from third, using third density technology. In fact, this has already been accomplished by various individuals and groups on a more or less accidental basis, the problem is "what does one do when one reaches fourth density reality with only third density training and experience?"
Q: (L) Could you, if we spent the time, help us with this training and technology?
A: Yes, but what do you intend to use it for? This is not like going to DisneyWorld for a day, you know!
Q: (S***) They sure told you, Laura! [Laughter] :) (T) I guess then that what Roger is working on is hitting the edge of third density and it can cross over! My question is: if a crossover is accomplished, will the experimenters know what has happened? What will they do? Will they be aware that they have just stepped into the twilight zone, so to speak. Opening that up is a door, or a window, and stuff can go both ways! (L) We were told that the members of the famous Flight 19 are frozen in a time warp and are still trying to get their bearings! They think no time has passed. (RS) In this type of theory, this is very plausible! (L) Well, you don't want to find yourself in a similar position! (T) Yeah, Carla will be on the phone asking: "When is Roger coming home?" And you will be over in fourth density asking: "How do I get home from this one!" [Laughter] :) (J) I have a question: If it is not like going to DisneyWorld, does the ride ever end?
A: Too complex, your query is too vague.

950527 said:
A: But, Roger less pressure! [Roger lightens up] ...thank you. Now, remember, most important concept is balance. How is balance achieved?
Q: (L) I guess that whatever there is one of, there is one of the opposite. (RS) Matter and anti-matter. So, if matter is flowing in this direction of time, anti-matter is flowing the other way. They balance each other. (J) STO and STS. We have to have both. This is my question of the total time of the universe which is zero. If we flow this way, maybe others in another galaxy are flowing another way. The sum is zero.
A: Not galaxy, dimension.
Q: (RS) Yes. Another level. I always think at level three!
A: Not any more! [Laughter] :)
Q: (RS) How can we represent mathematically the identification of gravity and electromagnetism, including the fourth level that you suggest? How can this be done? How can the inclusion of the fourth level be realized?
A: We asked you to visualize for answers. It is always there for you to discover.

950527 said:
A: Now, what factor was missing, Roger?
Q: (L) What is it? (RS) I don't know. (L) Maybe it's because you didn't factor in fourth density? (RS) Oh yes! That's for sure! (J) Maybe that's the missing factor. (RS) But how... I do not know how to express it mathematically...
A: Light waves... gravity... electromagnetism...
Q: (L) They are toying with you. [Laughter] :) (J) What is this, multiple choice? (RS) I have to think it over. In isogeometry...
A: What role do waves play in third level understanding of physics?
Q: (RS) Transverse oscillation of the ether... the medium that fills up the entire universe. No wave can exist unless there is a medium to propagate it. Transverse oscillations fill up the entire universe.
A: Light, gravity, optics, atomic particles, matter, anti- matter... unify, please.

950527 said:
A: What is the missing link between matter and consciousness?
Q: (RS) Ah! (L) If we knew these things we wouldn't be here! [Laughter] (RS) It is supposed to be a field. (J) Is it EM? (RS) No, a bioenergetic field. (L) What if consciousness creates gravity? (RS) Gravity is created by matter. (L) But isn't matter created by consciousness? Don't we collapse the wave by observing it? (RS) Yes, the mind can create matter...
A: There are no "gravitons."
Q: (RS) Not to my knowledge. They do not exist. They are in Einstein's theory, but I will never believe it... Does our consciousness create gravity?
A: Getting "warmer." Not "our."
Q: (L) Somebody else's consciousness creates gravity? (RS) Fourth level.
A: Level Seven.
Q: (RS) Oh yes! That I can understand! The ultimate level. Is it true that the universe, as perceived from level three, which is expected to be made up of equal amounts of matter and anti-matter, is, in actuality, open? That is, is matter continuously created somewhere in the universe? Matter and anti-matter?
A: Better word would be: Recycled.

950527 said:
A: Institute is controlled by Carboni "Foundation," which is linked to questionable funding sources; no need to be disappointed, however, as knowledge protects. Therefore one can work in any environment without corruption when armed with knowledge.
Q: (RS) I don't understand. (J) Maybe you need to find out about it... (L) I don't think you need to worry about it. (RS) What about Cardone? (Carla) The board said Carboni... (RS) Who is the guy we are talking to on the board?
A: Guy?
Q: [Laughter] :) (RS) Did they say Cardone or Carboni?
A: Carboni Foundation.

950527 said:
Q: (L) Are you still there?
A: As always, Laura, do you think we go out to lunch or something?
Q: [Laughter] :)
A: You keep asking if we are here?!?

950527 said:
A: Variable physicality is the key.
Q: (L) What makes the physicality variable?
A: Awareness of link between consciousness and matter.
Q: (L) What is the link between consciousness and matter?
A: Illusion.
Q: (L) What is the nature of the illusion? (T) That there isn't any connection between consciousness and matter. It is only an illusion that there is. It is part of the third density...
A: No. Illusion is that there is not.
Q: (L) The illusion is that there is no link between consciousness and matter.
A: Yes.
Q: (T) The illusion is that there is not a link. In third density... (L) I got it! (T) Don't disappear on me now! [Laughter] :) The relationship is that consciousness is matter.
A: Close. What about vice versa?
Q: (L) Just reverse everything. Light is gravity. Optics are atomic particles, matter is anti-matter... just reverse everything to understand the next level... it can't be that easy. (J) Wait a second: gravity equals light, atomic particles equals optics, anti-matter equals matter? It is all about balance. (L) And the answer must always be zero.
A: And zero is infinity.
Q: (L) So, you are saying that it is not that there is a link, the illusion is that there is separation. There is no difference, they are the same?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) If you warp space/time you travel by bringing your destination to you. (L) Or, you can reverse that and understand that there is no distance between us and, say, Alpha Centauri, it is the alteration of perception that turns the axis and creates the illusion of distance.
A: Now, all you need is the "technology."

950617 said:
A: We wish to congratulate you for asking six questions in one. [(T) One more question and you would have a perfect perpendicular question!] Mirth! ;)

950531 said:
Q: (L) Why are people jealous of us and why do they want to try to control us?
A: Fear being left behind.
Q: (L) Well, nobody is going to be left behind unless they make themselves disagreeable. (SV) Well, I dreamed that we all need to wash our dirty laundry, so I got up and put a load in! [Laughter] :) (L) Was J*** W*** correct that a person can change their aura by just thinking about it?
A: No.

950531 said:
Q: (L) And gravity is the manifestation of time as put into effect by the limitation of third density consciousness illusion?
A: Closer.
Q: (L) Can this be expressed mathematically?
A: Go for it!
Q: (L) F***, help me out here! (F) I can't help you out. You've blazed a trail into the woods all by yourself and I don't know how to find you. You have been told you can do it. This is obviously your forte. They told you to go for it. What do you want, a shortcut? (L) I want the formula! (SV) What about the thrill of discovery? (L) What about the agony of defeat. (SV) The agony of defeat... (L) That's what you get after shopping all day! [Laughter] :) (L) I want it so bad! I don't feel capable! (F) Of course you are! (SV) If you can think of the question you can access the answer.
A: Time to say goodnight!

950603 said:
Q: (Terrry) What is crustal energy?
A: Self-explanatory.
Q: (T) Okay, it's the energy that is flowing through the crust we are talking about, or the energy the crust is making... we are talking plate tectonics here? (J) Yes, plate tectonics?
A: Too many comments.
Q: (T) Are we talking plate tectonics?
A: No.
Q: (L) Are we talking about electromagnetism?
A: Close.
Q: (T) How close to electromagnetism? (L) How close can you get? (T) Right! [Laughter] :)
A: Related.
Q: (L) Okay, is this an energy flow pattern that is significantly different at this point in space/time as opposed to, say... (J) Our house?
A: Not correct concept.
Q: (J) It's not related to space and time?
A: You are getting "colder."
Q: (L) It is not related to space/time. Is it related to a gridwork of energy?
A: Not gridwork, more like "halo."
Q: (T) A corona? (L) Like an aura? (J) Is it like an aura?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) The planet's aura?
A: Variations within flow.

950603 said:
Q: [...] (L) Maybe Tom and Cherie have another question... (C) When are we going to finish this project?
A: Question should be "if," not when.
Q: (TF) Oh great! Thanks, Cherie! I'm going to have this hanging over me now!
A: Seems to be struggle within organization!
Q: (L) Is there? Are you getting a hassle about it? (TF) Not from the people that count. But, it's a political organization like any other. [Laughter] :) She can do this because she doesn't have to write this thing! (L) Is there anything you can tell Tom to help make it easier?
A: Tom's future lies in independent career.
Q: [Laughter] :) (J) Just what he wanted to hear! (TF) I may be fired! (L) No, I don't think that's what it means!
A: No.
Q: (L) See, you're not going to be fired!
A: Writing is your "calling" but as author, not journalist, your publication has so far survived being absorbed by the Consortium, but only barely, and that may not be true in the near future!
Q: (L) You do know what the consortium is? (TF) Are they referring to Robert Bass?
A: This is but one portal.
Q: (L) I guess that means they can get in that way or another way. Well...
A: You would not appreciate the changing atmosphere that would accompany a "buy out."
Q: [Laughter] :) (TF) That is an understatement. (J) That means that this project would be their property and you wouldn't be able to use it.
A: There is much more to the puzzle than what appears on the surface!!!!!
Q: (TF) See what you started with your question! (T) It's all your fault, Cherie! (C) I didn't even ask about the photos! (T) That's Pulitzer stuff, there!
A: Photos can "disappear!"
Q: (J) Oh great! Oh great! (T) We are moving into the warning stuff, now.
A: Do you remember the curriculum at journalism school, Tom?
Q: (L) I'm sure he does! What's the point?
A: Question is for Tom.
Q: (TF) Sure, why?
A: Do you suppose there may have been any propaganda?
Q: (TF) I guess that depends on whose point of view. (T) That's always true.
A: Yours.
Q: (J) Yeah, what was your point of view? (TF) This is not facetious, but the only propaganda I remember was IU basketball! [Laughter] :)
A: Not being aware is a symptom of successful methodology... beware!
Q: (L) I guess that not being aware that you are being propagandized is a symptom of good propaganda! (TF) Yeah, that would be great propaganda! (L) So, what's your point here?
A: You will soon become disillusioned by events soon to take place. This is good, because it will represent an awakening on your part, as you are a genuine and good hearted and honest soul.
Q: (J) That's nice! (TF) Whose class had propaganda?
A: Not point, was not class, was general direction of program, which is symptomatic of a much bigger issue.

950617 said:
Q: (J) It comes all the way back to itself.
A: Right...
Q: (L) Okay, so we're living in a big globe!
A: Are we?
Q: (L) Well, that is what it sounds like, a big circle?
A: Oh, my, my, my. You need more study and learning, my dear. Need more study. Even your Albert Einstein had a theory about what happened.
Q: (L) Yes, but that was just a theory.
A: Oh, well I guess then... [(J) Not to him.] I guess then it must be dropped. We'll never know. It's just a theory. Well, we'll just forget about it.
Q: (T) I'm still expanding the circle... (SV) Me too.
A: Very good, that was the idea. It keeps going and going and going.
Q: (L) Well, mine does too, but it hasn't come back and met anything. So, what's the point?
A: Does there need to be a point?
Q: (L) Of course!
A: Who says? We are trying to help you learn. When do you expect to shut down this process?
Q: (J) Never. (L) Gee, I hope never.
A: Then there never is a point!
Q: (J) Point taken! (L) There is no point. [Laughter.] :) Well, if you expand the circle outward and continue expanding it in all directions, it pulls the seven spokes with it which encompasses more and more space in a cross section, and then turn that circle, you have a sphere.
A: Precisely. But Laura says that means we are living in a big globe. And, maybe we are.

950708 said:
A: Define please "UFO?"
Q: (L) A UFO as in "Alien space craft."
A: Close.
Q: (L) It was not a Soviet spy satellite?
A: No.
Q: (L) Now, you say "close." What, specifically, was it?
A: We have taught you new methods of imaging, we are patiently waiting for you to use them!
Q: (L) What do you mean "new methods of imaging?" (T) To talk about it? (L) We don't know enough about it... that's all we know. (T) Well, working with what we know about it we could probably talk it out and figure out what it was.
A: Density 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, now, how does the concept of "craft" apply here?
Q: (L) Was it a projection? A trans-dimensional atomically remolecularized object?
A: Closer.
Q: (L) Piloted by, I would assume, the Grays? (T) Not necessarily.
A: ! If you prefer.
Q: (T) Well, if it was a craft as they have been telling us, brought in from 4th density, it would be the Lizards or someone else of the other side, the Union.
A: The point is the mode of transfer.
Q: (L) Okay, so it may be that it didn't crash there, it was... did something happen and something came through the dimensional curtain? Is that it? (T) Well, it didn't crash, it landed! Or materialized, or became solid. (L) I think NORAD tracked it. (J) It was seen as a fireball.
A: Colder.
Q: (T) Okay, this is just a theory, a thought, just something I am throwing out here, nothing positive... the military was "Johnny on the spot." They made a big production of hauling it out of there and threatening everyone. What if it was put there, or sent here for them? No that it crashed, but it was something being sent from there to there and the Uncle came and picked it up?
A: No.
Q: (L) The point is the "mode of transfer." (T) The point is that it was "cross density." (J) Well, we know that they all are "cross density." (T) No, not all of them, some of them come from this density. (L) The point is the "mode of transfer." What are they trying to say? (T) It was materialized here from 4th density. It didn't fly here. (L) Okay, it was not a UFO because it never "flew." (T) The trail that was seen coming in was it materilizing into the atmosphere. (L) Actually, it was materializing in the same spot, the atmosphere moved. (T) There was a visible path left... (J) I think we should stop using the term "UFO."
A: Isn't this fun?!
Q: [Laughter and groans] :) :O (L) Okay, what is the point? (T) The point is the "mode of transport." (L) Okay, it was projected through the dimensional curtain; it was a time traveler...
A: The point is why look for "nuts and bolts." Do you want to join Gene and his cronies?
Q: (L) So, in other words... are you saying that something happened and the military went in and DIDN'T get anything?
A: No.
Q: (T) Okay, we are trying to figure out the "mode of transport" and why it was significant. (L) Was this something that the military knew was going to happen at that place and that time?
A: Maybe, but still not issue behind this query.
Q: (L) Well, what is the issue? I just wanted to know if the blasted thing was a UFO or a spy satellite? Was it not a crash? (T) It was REPORTED as a crash, but we don't know if it crashed or landed. (J) We don't know what really happened. (L) Was it a crash of a craft?
A: What defines "crash."
Q: (L) Did it do something it didn't want to do? [Laughter] :) A crash is when you go bongo-zongo without intending to.
A: Do thought forms crash?
Q: (L) I guess not. (J) Okay! It was a thought form; it came through the density and yet they hauled something away on a truck. What did they haul away on a truck? Or, did they haul away something?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What did they haul away? (S***) Thoughtform! [Laughter] :)
A: Sorry! 64,000 dollar question!
Q: (L) I hate it when they do that! (T) What did they haul away. They hauled away an object...
A: How do you learn if we don't?
Q: (J) What?
A: Do "that!"

950708 said:
Q: (L) Well, this article I was reading said that different people used several techniques where they think it has helped them to halt or avoid abduction by "aliens." One is to generate an "internal" sound, a high-pitche "thought hum," and another is to invoke angelic spirits such as the Archangel Michael, and another is to "Just Say No," and these people think they have avoided being abducted thereby. Are any of these usable techniques?
A: Potpourri.
Q: (T) Sweet smelling dried flowers are potpourri.
A: Sage, salt, ooohm, any other rituals you like?
Q: (L) In other words, nothing works? (T) It's not going to stop them! I keep a heavy shield around the house and all that stuff and they still get through!
A: How about the hula hoop dance with green peppers stuck up your nose! [Hilarious laughter] :D :D

950912 said:
Q: [...] (L) What is M*** after in this whole interaction?
A: $ $$$$$$$$
Q: (F): Well, why don't the just say 'Money'? (L) They like to be creative.
A: Mirth.

950916 said:
Q: (RC) The recent movie: "The Prophecy," produced by Maxwell, is she of the light, and what purpose is behind sending this glimpse of this holographic image to earth now? Will the movie awaken people to the reality of the Holy War? And whose message is being served through this film?
A: Several questions, crisscrossing thought patterns.
Q: (RC) Whose message is being served by this film?
A: What do your instincts tell you?
Q: (RC) My instincts tell me both sides...
A: Okay.
Q: (RC) I just wanted to know if there was any specific force behind...
A: We are?
Q: (L) Oh, they may not be confirming...
A: What do your instincts tell you???
Q: (RC) It was about the fallen angels - Lucifer??? (L) have you read who the C's say Lucifer is? (RC) One of the fallen angels? The angel of light? It is a LOT to go through...
A: Before we can answer some things, you must ask other things.
Q: (RC) Will there be another war in heaven between the angels?
A: Assumptions are fun to deal with.
Q: (L) You are assuming that there are angels and that they are fighting a war. (RC) Well, in a metaphorical sense.
A: And you are assuming there is a "heaven."
Q: (RC) Yes. Are you saying that there is no heaven? No paradise? I don't believe that. (L) There is 5th density. (RC) Well, we are getting into semantics here.
A: "Heaven" is a concept more than semantics. Some think the 3rd density environment known popularly as Leavenworth is heaven, for one example. Could be called "Heavenworth!"
Q: [Laughter] :) (L) This person B***... [planchette begins to move]
A: Ask we are just energizing. Ask... ask!

951014 said:
Q: [...](TK) That's when I became an outcast from the club. (T) Is that when Tom became an outcast?
A: Not correct concept, not outcast, just deemed not SG material.
Q: (L) What's SG?
A: Secret Government.
Q: (TK) Darn! (J) You had your chance Tom, and you blew it! (T) That's when they asked you. (TK) Oh! Dickie, I'm sorry! (J) No, you're not! (TK) Never did like ol' F. Richard! (J) Yeah, let's get back to F. Richard. (L) F. Richard... (TK) Was F.Richard initiated? Was he one of the secret government agents?
A: No.
Q: (L) Was he brownnosing to try to get there?
A: Was a "conduit."
Q: (L) He was a conduit for them. (TK) Tell you what, F. Richard was one person I would not have wanted to go to war with...
A: There are several steps that must be followed.
Q: (L) Steps that must be followed for what? (T) To become part of the secret government?
A: Yes.
Q: (J) You have to know the handshake... (T) I can't get my foot in my ear, I'm sorry! [Laughter] :)

951104 said:
A: Alien "bases."
Q: (T) OK, now, why did you put the word bases in quotes?
[color]A: Assume, and you make an ass out of u and me![/color] ;)
Q: (T) Why did they say that? Because I asked why they put the word bases in quotes? (L) Because we're assuming that the aliens have bases? I think that's what they mean... (T) Well, we may or may not be assuming that the aliens have bases. Why did you say assuming makes an ass out of u and me?
A: Because you have never adequately discussed the question of the bases with us.
Re: Instances of Laughter and Humour in the Cassiopaean Transcripts

951111 said:
Q: (L) I noticed that in the beginning of these transmission that the language was very formalized, and that as time has gone by, the language used has become more colloquial. Why is this?
A: Formalized? Colloquial? Define your judgments, please!
Q: (L) Well, what I meant was, that in the beginning it seemed that certain colloquial expressions that we are accustomed to were unclear to you. And now, not only is there great familiarity with our expressions, but you seem to often come up with rather clever and original witty sayings.
A: Familiarity breeds contentment!
Q: (L) Okay. I want to get on with the questions for tonight...
A: Do you not wish to reflect upon our witticism?
Q: (L) [Laughter] :) Yes! I thought that was a very clever witticism!
A: It seemed as if you were not impressed?!? Give us a break, Laura?!? We're only sixth density!
Q: (L) As we say, "I love a sixth density light being with a sense of humor!"

951118 said:
A: Well, it is always experienced at least once in the lifetime of a human being, but for most people, it occurs at the conclusion.
Q: [much laughter] (L) You mean I died? Or was this what people experience when they die?
A: Yes, but you got to come back in time for dinner! ;)
Q: (F) I guess that's mirth! (L) So, that wasn't just an OBE, it was a separation of the soul from the body? Is that different from astral projection?
A: No.
Q: (L) Do people who have OBE's experience this?
A: With "astral projection" the consciousness level is not as intense because of "the silver cord" and the shroud of third density awareness.

The following few excerpts do not contain a lot of laughter, they are there for balance. I stumbled on them on the way and I liked them so much that I decided to fit them in. They are in italics so one can easily skip them.
Good guys don't play chess.
951212 said:
Q: (L) I want you guys to know that I sometimes feel a wee tiny bit like a pawn on a chessboard!
A: You should, you inhabit 3rd density STS environment.
Q: (L) I was at least hoping that if I was a pawn, that some of the players were good guys. Is that asking too much?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) To which statement?
A: Good guys don't play chess. :halo:
Q: (L) But there have been so many strange events, so many synchronous events. Is that the good guys helping or the bad guys leading me astray?
A: Neither. It is Nature running its course.
Q: (L) Okay. One of the sensations I have experienced is that I have had it up to the eyebrows with the negative energies and experiences of 3rd density, and I have thought lately that this feeling of having had enough, in an absolute sense, is one of the primary motivators for wanting to find one's way out of this trap we are in. I want out of it. Is this part of this "nature" as you call it?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) When a group of people...
A: When you see the futility of the limitations of 3rd density life, it means you are ready to graduate. Notice those who wallow in it.
Q: (L) Some people obviously wallow in extreme materiality. And there seems to be another kind that is more subtle, which has to do with saying that you want to grow and become enlightened, and yet such a person is unable to pierce the veil of their own illusions about how to become enlightened, and this illusion is the wallowing...
A: Wallowing takes many forms.

950225 said:
Q: [...] (BP) Could they offer general suggestions... I know they won't tell us what to do, but this is a general question for all who are anchoring light, who want to be of service, can they offer any specific suggestions for us...
A: STO, not just "light." [Planchette flies off board.]
(Planchette must have had extra energy?)

981219 said:
A: No, your question cannot be answered unless you stop assuming the range of acceptable answers.

950318 said:
A: He makes it sound as if we should materialize 100 dollar bills on board! We have told you that you must learn in order to make progress as souls, this does not happen any faster than your abilities to absorb and process!!!
A: Grooving provides for less interference among other things.
A: No need to connect "brain cells," using your chakras will do!
Q: (L) Don't connect your brain cells, connect your chakras. How do we connect our chakras? (T) I didn't know that you could connect them? (S) They are all connected always. (L) But I mean how do we connect them with each other? (S) Think it, I guess.
A: Discover.
Q: (L) Can you give us a clue on this? (T) Meditation?
A: You are missing the point, don't search, just let it happen when it is ready.

960615 said:
Q: (L) My experience has been, over the past couple of years, that whenever there is a significant increase in knowledge, that it is sort of cyclical - I go through a depression before I can
assimilate - and it is like an inner transformation from one level to another. Is there something we can do, and if so, is it desirable, to increase or facilitate this process in some way?
A: It is a natural process, let it be.

960221 said:
A: And those of wisdom, know to follow paths most easily grooved.

960622 said:
Q: (V) Well, they just said... (L) Well, what they must mean is that you ARE it - you are transforming little by little and all of the unpleasant little side-effects are just part of it.
A: Yes.

960811 said:
A: Both examples given are correct. You see, once anticipation enters the picture, the intent can no longer be STO.
Q: (L) Anticipation is desire for something for self. Is that it?
A: Yes.

970117 said:
A: Well, sort of, but... Remember... There is no "supernatural" or "paranormal," only natural and normal. Your 'Noah Syndrome' implied, originally, a discrimination between "wicked" and good. Being ready does not recognize such distinctions!
Q: (L) What does being ready imply?
A: Being on the verge of transformation to next density level, be it STO or STS. So, you see, the transformation maintains the balance!

980314 said:
A: My dear, all of these maladies are correctable and you are close to the heart of an enormous and expanding knowledge base that will prolong your current 3rd density existence if only you will allow the lessons to "click" into place. Networking with those in your presence now has already proven to be an explosively positive and expansive experience for you. It is potentially beneficial to millions who will be contacted through networks that are yet to be realized. So, trust... watch... look... listen... and learn... Grow and expand, evolve and transform and rejoice with the quadrillion times quadrillions to benefit from this sharing!!!

980627 said:
A: Life contains unhappy explanations at 3rd density, sometimes.
Q: Recently JM had a real awakening. He did a lot of praying and was going to get a job, and he was doing all that the 'New Age' teachers advice, and everything fell through, and now he has decided that there is no providence, there is no God, and that he is basically cast adrift in an uncaring universe. I know that this is a start in the right direction, but is there anything you can say in this situation?
A: All there is, is lessons. When one understands this, one no longer searches for the non-existent and unnecessary, safety net.

950304 said:
A: You have asked us to protect you, it is important for you to understand that we are beyond that!
Q: (L) We understand that. (J) I understand that. (T) We understand that you, at 6th density, can't interfere with free will on either side. But, the Orion Federation...
A: First, incorrect thought patterns which have become imbedded must be purged before you can move onto next subject.
Q: (J) It's like: D__ must be purged before she can come back into this group, she must get rid of her incorrect thought patterns. We have incorrect thought patterns that must be removed also. (L) What are they, Frankdy? (F) Don't ask me. Ask them. (J) Well, they're not going to tell us that. (T) Why not? Let's ask. (F) Yeah, if they are not goint to tell us, they will tell us that they are not going to tell us. (T) What are the incorrect thought patterns?
A: That we protect.
Q: (T) Well, you said that Knowledge protects. You have been providing knowledge. (J) Uh uh. (T) No?
A: Indirectly.
Q: (J) They are not really giving it to us, they are helping us to draw it out of ourselves.
A: We are providing invaluable information which becomes knowledge, but you are under attack, therefore, you could maybe use some direct power from the same density as the attack is coming from.

950812 said:
A: Q: (L) Are some people more susceptible to attack modes than others?
A: Well, again, there is a variable issue rather than a static issue involved here.
Q: (L) Well, if I remember correctly, when I asked the original question, I believe I specified a 3rd density person, and not something ephemeral.
A: If you are asking is it possible for a third density being to seek consciously to disrupt activities, yes, certainly this is possible. Has it happened as of yet? No. Does that mean it cannot happen? No. Does that mean it will happen? It's always a good chance for your activities are of the type which would bring about attack of any and all sorts. Therefore, you must be on the lookout. However. It is also wise not to become obsessed with any particular mode of attack as many, many, many types can be employed. Types that you may not even think of.

990703 said:

Q: [...] We do get more than our share of attack. I just want you to know that, for the most part, it is a thankless task.
A: Which means you are on the right track.

951212 said:
Q: (L) That's all fine and good. But, just exactly what is the mission?
A: You are awakening to it just fine, thank you!
Q: (L) Are you saying that all this constant discussing and taking things apart and talking about them and thinking about all these things is actually getting us somewhere?
A: Absolutely!!!!
Q: (L) Well, let's get on with the questions. Is the magazine or some other mode of getting information out part of this "mission?"
A: When you have learned, you have energized yourself.
Q: (L) What does that mean in relation to the question?
A: Lead by the hand? No way, Jose`!
Q: (L) F*** and I discussed a name for the magazine last night and we came up with - and who knows how - Aurora to symbolize the dawn, waking up... that sort of thing. Where in the world did this come from?
A: Refer to the previous 2 answers.
Q: (L) Any comments?
A: No need, you are doing just fine by yourselves.
Q: (L) (S) What did you expect them to say? "Atta girl!?" [laughter] :) Will the magazine support itself?

Comment to 'mission':
950520 said:
Q: (L) And we have all, whether together or individually, we all have a very distinct purpose and pathway to follow in this life that was pre-chosen and pre-set, is that correct?
A: That is true for all on level three.
Q: (L) And there is no one in this room who is here by mistake, is that correct?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And there is no one in this room who doesn't need to get about finding out what their purpose is by doing each day what is in front of them, is that correct?
A: Close. But, beware of attack and desires to "push" things in any given direction, which is a manifestation of attack! Just let things fall into place naturally!

960107 said:
Q: (L) Well, there is an issue here that we need to get to. (P) Do the planes have anything to do with it?
A: It is up to P, the extent she wishes to retrieve and divulge, the many unusual experiences that were met, by P, with unusual indifference.
Q: (P) The first thing unusual was the geographic location of our house. Directly West of us was the mountain that housed all the communications to be used in the event of nuclear war. We were 13 miles North of Camp David. And, while we lived there, many, many things took place at Camp David that were of global significance. And, we built a barn in 1982 and had bought the house in 1976, and never, in all the years that I lived there, did I ever notice these planes until we built the barn. If I had a stick in my hand, I could have touched them, that's how low they flew. Right over my barn. The same day every week. And there was always two of them, and they never had a single marking on them. And, they were propeller planes. And I wondered: what in the hell is this country doing flying planes, unmarked, propeller driven, and so low, over this area? This continued until we moved from that house. So, these planes came twice a week from 1982 until 1989. (L) What were these planes?
A: Search to learn.
Q: (L) Well, obviously we need to discuss this to develop our synapses. (P) Well, after the first couple of times, I sort of just said: "Well, there are the planes." So, what else is new?
A: Indifference.
Q: (P) I thought the planes had something to do with the mountain. Did they?
A: Maybe.
Q: (P) We knew they were flying under radar. Now, that I am thinking about this, nobody else ever talked about these planes. It was like we were the only people that ever saw them, or people who were at our house saw them too. My best friend who lived right up the road never saw them. I asked her: "Did you see the planes?" and she said "What planes?" I mean, she was seven acres away and nothing in between!
A: Unusual experiences mount!
Q: (P) V** also noticed these things and he would always say - he was less indifferent than I was - he would say: "what in the hell are those planes and what are they doing?" (L) Why was P so indifferent? (P) Well, it didn't affect MY life, except that I was damn mad that it upset my horses. But then, the horses got used to them too, and they became indifferent! [laughter] :) Well, they came so often, twice a week - "it's Wednesday, the planes will be here!"

960120 said:
Q: [Preparations being made for aura photos. L and F draped in black cloth.] (S) Laura, you have something stuck in your hair! (F) Its a pen. (S) She's always got things stuck in her hair. No telling what else is in there! (P) Yeah. It's pretty wild tonight. You look like a witch! (L) Well, you people are so nice tonight!
A: Which?
Q: [Laughter.] :) (L) Okay, everybody... settle down! We had some plans for questions tonight.
A: Okay.
Q: (L) Yes, does anybody remember the questions? Where is the list? W, ask a question because I just went blank! [Laughter] :)
A: Ask W. [Laughter] :)
Q: (L) We were curious as to what was photographed by AM and S when they were in Central America? There was some fuzzy image on the photo. Chichen Itza, I believe.
A: Aural imprints.
Q: (L) Of what? [Aura photo taken of F]
A: Representations in zero space/time of members of "Quan" sect of supreme spiritualists who vacated the body simultaneously.
A question: What is the difference between "supreme spiritualists" and mentalists like described in the following:
950318 said:
Q: [...](L) Her next question is: how are some people able to walk on fiery coals, pierce their bodies all over, or lie on a bed of nails without pain or permanent physical disfigurement.
A: Mentalism.

960224 said:
Q: (L) Well, I am curious about PZs and MM and Ws mysterious phone calls, and the strange guy who has been stalking PZ being seen peering in the window at Frank's job. Are all of these things interconnected.
A: No comment. All of these things can be discovered by utilising the methods we have taught you and the talents you possess and have learned elsewhere.
Q: (L) Well, group, have we answered all these questions yet?
A: Facetiousness is humorous, so long as all present understand intent!
(note: from 'facetious': adj (intended to be) humourous, fond of, joking)

960915 said:
Q: (L) Now, you said something about a hundred laps a day. Getting up to a hundred laps is a little difficult. I also had the thought that a hundred days of swimming might be a clue. Is this correct?
A: Maybe.
Q: (J) They didn't say no! (T) There you go! This is for you to discover! (L) Well, I know, but it just came to me while I was swimming around that it's not so much that it... I mean, getting to the hundred laps is a good plan, but... (T) Well, isn't the swimming in a circle the same as the spinning? (L) Yes, I mean , it's... (J) It would be, wouldn't it? (T) Which none of us have been doing, so, the spinning is important, the circular motion is important to the whole thought process... (L) Well, I've been going around in circles, man, like you wouldn't believe; I'm doing up to doing like 40 or 50 laps a day. (J) That's good!
A: Slacker!!! Teehee! :P
Q: (J) 50 laps a day is great! What are you talking about? (L) Guys!!!!! I started out, I could only swim around twice without dying!! (J) Laura, Laura, they're teasing you! (T) Just think, the swimming, starting the walking, will help the swimming! (L) All right, I am motivated, guys, I'm telling you! When you guys go home, I'm going to be out in the pool! No doubt about it!
A: Mirth aids birth.
Q: (T) Well, I'm here to tell you, until L**** got off his duff and stopped thinking about feeling better, and did something about it... (L) You just have to go out and do it. (T) ...he didn't feel better. (L) You have to go out every day, and just start swimming around... (T) It killed him; it killed him for three months, trying to walk. (L) I'm actually doing darned good, considering ... (T)You are, if you're up to 50 laps! And you only just started, what, two weeks ago? (L) I can do 22 without stopping! I mean, 50 is like the nightly count. (T) You only started two weeks ago! Getting up to a hundred is going to be hard? It only took you two weeks to get up to 50! (L) Well, maybe not! (T) Getting up to a hundred... (L) Yes! (T) going to be easy! You've made the hard part! (L) My other question is, is the creating of this vortex of energy somehow activating metabolism as well?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) I mean, is it like a cosmic liposuction?
A: It's a hell of a lot better than the endless train of "therapists" you have seen.

960806 said:
Q: (L) [...] Ark has a friend named Jim. This fellow tells him a lot of really strange things...
A: Pay no attention.
Q: (L) Well, I don't, but I can't figure out if the guy is having some bleed through of good information, or if he is a neurotic or a psychotic or what?
A: Do you remember Aunt Clara?
Q: (L) Oh! On "Bewitched."
A: About as accurate as Ceil Hoffman.
Q: (L) Well, that says a lot. I don't guess you are going to give me any clues...
A: How about a god spark or two?
Q: (L) Oh, Vanessa! [Laughter.] :)

961005 said:
Q: (TM) I have a question. What is happening in my car...(L) No! (TM) It is just a yes or no question! (L) Well, ok. (TM) Have I been abducted in my car, like Laura suggested?
A: Maybe.
Q: (TM) Thank you, that’s all I wanted to know. (L) Well you should have asked it in a different way! I thought you were going to ask a mechanical question! [Laughter] It’s been done! I did it!!!! Remember, we asked about (Name deleted)’s truck, and he wanted to argue about it, and the next day, found out it was absolutely correct! He argued with them!!! They diagnosed the problem with his truck, and he argued with them; ‘Well they don’t know anything about mechanics!’ He stomped around and everything. The next day, the guy from across the street comes over and looks at it and says exactly the same thing they did! That’s all it needed, just a little rubber thing stuck over a hole. [Laughter] :)

970104 said:
Q: (L) J talks about dimensions, densities and states. What about states? (T) Yeah, there's Georgia and Arkansas... no, that's not really a state...
A: You forgot poor little Fhode Island! Tsk tsk! Mirth! :)

961221 said:
Q: (L) I will. I wanted to get to this other subject anyway. We know that you have said that time is an illusion in 3rd density reality - that it is the 3rd density illusion - and it is involved with our DNA, which determines how we perceive it. So, it is an illusion. Yet, somehow, this illusion converts at some point into a solid reality via some mode or operation. I would like to know, at what point it converts and how?
A: You are off base. Who said it converts?
Q: (L) Well, we perceive a damn solid reality! There is STUFF that if you kick it, it hurts!
A: That perception is part of the illusion.
Q: (L) But, that is obviously not the TOTAL illusion. What else is a part of this illusion? If our perception is part, then there must also be something there to be perceived, correct?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Okay, what is it that we are perceiving?
A: That which you are programmed to perceive.
Q: (L) Is not this perception, these things we perceive as outside ourselves, are they not substance of some sort? Are they not there in some form, even if we perceive them the way we do?
A: Of course, but what does this have to do with "time?"
Q: (L) I am getting to that! We perceive a world "out there." Trees, cars, trucks, houses, bricks, boards, blocks, people, dogs etc etc etc.
A: You left out backyard barbecues! :)
Q: [laughter] :) (L) Very funny! We perceive things out there. Of what are they composed?
A: Matter.
Q: (L) Of what is matter composed?
A: Atomic structure.
Q: (L) Of what are atoms composed?
A: Thoughts.
Q: (L) Whose thoughts?
A: Yours.
Q: (L) Everything?
A: Everything.
Q: (L) If I perceive something, and everything I perceive is composed of my thoughts, and V_ is perceiving, is everything her thoughts?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What is the difference between her thoughts and my thoughts?
A: That is what binds you. You see, it is merely a program.
Q: (L) Is it merely a program that we think we are separate individuals?
A: Not the point.
Q: (L) What is the point? What binds us together? Where does the program come from?
A: Where do your programs come from?
Q: (L) 7th density? Ourselves? The Lizzies?
A: We are asking about the programs in your computer.
Q: (L) In my computer? Different places. I get them and load them in. Are programs made - do they exist like 'thought centers' - and do we just load them in ourselves?
A: Why have you forgotten? 309,000...
Q: (L) Oh. You are talking about the "takeover" by 4th density STS. But, still, the point I am trying to get to is - yes we have DNA - but you can't reprogram DNA if there is not DNA there to begin with. If there is not something to load the program into. What is the substance of this reality that we exist in?
A: You just answered.
Q: (L) I don't understand.
A: You can't load it into something if there isn't something there to begin with.
Q: (L) Fine! What is this something that is there to begin with?
A: Your previous DNA structure.
Q: (L) Where did the previous DNA structure come from?
A: The previous program.
Q: (L) Where did that program come from?
A: Review.

Possible comment to 'review':
950311 said:
Q: (L) At one point we were told that time was an illusion that came into being at the "time" of the "Fall" in Eden, and this was said in such a way that I inferred that there were other illusions put into place at that time...
A: Time is an illusion that works for you because of your altered DNA state.
Q: (L) Okay, what other illusions?
A: Monotheism, the belief in one separate, all powerful entity.
Q: (L) What is another one of the illusions?
A: The need for physical aggrandizement.
Q: (L) The focus on the physical as the thing one needs to hold onto or protect. (T) Is separate the key word in regard to Monotheism?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What is another of the illusions?
A: Linear focus.
Q: (L) Anything else at this time?
A: Unidimensionality.
Q: (L) The veil... (J) The perception of only one dimension... (L) Were these illusions programmed into us genetically through our DNA?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Are there any others we should cover at this point?
A: Are you finished with the concept?
Q: (L) Well, I don't know. Can you tell us a little bit about how these illusions are enforced on us, how they are perceived by us?
A: If someone opens a door, and behind it you see a pot of gold, do you worry whether there is a poisonous snake behind the door hidden from view, before you reach for the pot of gold?
Q: (L) What does the gold represent?
A: Temptation to limitation.
Q: (L) What does the door represent?
A: Opening for limitation.
Q: (L) Was limitation presented as a pot of gold when, in fact, it was not? Was this a trick?
A: What is snake?
Q: (T) The Lizards? (J) Danger. (L) Okay, who opened the door. (J) We did. (T) No, what is the snake.
A: No.
Q: (L) Does that mean we did not open the door?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Who opened the door?
A: Lizards.
Q: (L) So, we were, literally... (T) Who was the snake? (J) The Lizards, they are danger...
A: No!
Q: (L) Who was the snake?
A: Result of giving into temptation without caution, i.e. leaping before looking.
Q: (J) So we should exercise caution. (T) Okay, what was the snake? (J) The result of giving into temptation. The snake represents the classic... (L) So what you are saying to us is that the story of the temptation in Eden was the story of Humankind being led into this reality as a result of being tempted. So, the eating of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was...
A: Giving into temptation.
Q: (L) And this was a trick...
A: No! Tricks don't exist!
Q: (L) There is an issue here. (T) Okay, no trick, a trap?
A: No! Traps don't exist either. Free will could not be abridged if you had not obliged.
Q: (T) Now wait a minute. I am losing the whole train here. What were we before the "Fall?"
A: 3rd density STO.
Q: (T) Didn't you tell us that 3rd density beings could not be STO? (L) No. They said there are 3rd density STO beings. (T) We are STS at this point because of what happened then?
A: Yes.

950311 said:
Q: (L) A*** wanted us to ask what was the original number of chromosomes the human being possessed?
A: 135 pairs.
Q: (T) And we now have 23 pairs. So, we lost quite a few chromosomes. (L) A lot! (T) Will we get them all back?
A: Wait and see.
Q: (T) [...] What were we before the "Fall?"
A: 3rd density STO.
Q: (T) Didn't you tell us that 3rd density beings could not be STO? (L) No. They said there are 3rd density STO beings. (T) We are STS at this point because of what happened then?
A: Yes.

The explanation of the relation of matter and thought continues:
961221 said:
Q: (L) Well, you once said that it was necessary to be on a planet that had a star that was getting ready to go supernova in order to molecularize physical bodies. What I want to know is: what is this process whereby thought becomes manifest as matter?
A: This is too complicated for this medium. You need another method. Something that allows for greater word usage.
Q: (L) But, just a clue: how does thought become matter?
A: Bilaterally.
Q: (L) What do you mean by "bilaterally?"
A: Dual emergence.
Q: (L) Emergence into what and what?
A: Not "into what and what," but rather, "from what and to what."
Q: (L) What emerges from what?
A: The beginning emerges from the end, and vice versa.
Q: (L) And what is the beginning and what is the end?
A: Union with the One.
Q: (L) What is the One?
A: 7th density, i.e.: all that is, and is not.
Q: (L) Now, we have managed to dance around the whole thing, and I still do not know how matter comes to be or how time...
A: No.
Q: (L) How can I get where I want to go?
A: You have the basics.
Q: (L) Can you give me a couple more basics?
A: There are no more.

961228 said:
Q: (V) Does 4th density earth exist?
A: Yes.
Q: (V) And there are human beings...
A: All exists always.
Q: (L) Where is the 4th density earth, aside from being in 4th density?
A: Another realm.
Q: (L) Are there 4th density US existing NOW on this 4th density earth?
A: Yes. Us.
Q: (V) When you are on 4th density and look at the Sun, do you see the same thing we see here? When you look at the Moon, do you have the same visual experience?
A: No. Awareness is broader.
Q: (L) Well, what would you see when looking at the Sun?
A: Entire visual spectrum.
Q: (L) You mean we would be able to see all the things that we can now only see with instruments? Like the corona, the solar wind, et cetera?
A: The entire sphere from all possible angles of realization?
Q: (L) Would we be able to HEAR the Sun?
A: If chosen.
Q: (L) What does the Sun sound like?
A: Not answerable.
Q: (L) Do planets and Suns talk to each other? Are they angels and archangels?
A: Laura, let us not go over the "deep end." [laughter] :) Boys are all snails and puppy dog tails... Girls are really sugar and spice, and everything nice...
Q: (L) So, you are making fun of me!
A: Sure, why not?
Q: (L) Well, are there such things as archangels?
A: Maybe.
Q: (L) Well, if there are such things as archangels, how would we perceive them?
A: Too complex.

970104 said:
Q: (L) Do you go from 4th to 5th repeatedly until you are ready to go to 6th, or do you go to 6th from 4th, or to 6th from 5th?
A: Because of already given data, that is elementary my dear, Martin, elementary!
Q: (L) I am NOT Martin anymore! So there!
A: You are in an alternate reality.
Q: (L) Oh, God! I don't even want to THINK about that! That's horrible! Does this mean that when you gave me the word "NEW," you perhaps meant a new universe? A new reality? (T) Well, you are because you have changed. But we're not.
A: Why does Njorrg always get the tough assignments?!?
Q: (T) Because you are lucky!
A: Mirth iz goot! :)
Q: (L) Stop laughing guys :mad: ... is the entire universal system, everything combined, similar to a dissipative structure, or is any part of it similar to this?
A: No.

970301 said:
A: Gravity is the "fuel," or "life blood" of absolutely everything that exists!!!
Q: (A) What is the mathematical description, the correct mathematical description of that? (L) You want the formula? (A) Yes!! I want the formula!!!! [General laughter] :) No! I want the concept!
A: That is why you were placed where you were placed!
Q: (A) What does that mean? I'm placed here... for me, or for us? (T) Could you be more specific about that? [General laughter] :) Heck of a time to get cryptic here! I mean, we're rolling, now!
A: Would you not like to discover this formula?
Q: (L) Well, yes, we'd like to discover this formula; it would be a lot of fun. (A) Of course! Sure! (L) We could even break out a bottle of wine! (T) But, if they'd like to spell it out, that'd be OK, too!! [Laughter] I think that what they said is because what's going to happen is, you're going to get the formula. Wasn't the question about the formula just prior to that? That's why you were placed where you were placed...
A: Ark wanted the first step, or guidance to a possible formula. It is a shame, but others in your "density" have already discovered this, but it is a deadly secret!!
Q: (A) I need to review this unified field theory? (T) What is the deadly secret? That others have discovered this?
A: No.
Q: (T) OK, that's good!
A: The possible methods of utilization of technology springing forth from the formula.
970301 said:
A: When you learn, you grow. When you grow, you progress. When you progress, you transform.
Q: (L) GIVE ME THE FORMULA!!! [Laughter] :)

970301 said:
A: When you are getting close to something, there are always those who wish to distract, disrupt and track for later plans... Anything worth getting must be sought.
Q: (L) Yes. Anything worth getting must be sought. 'Sought'; it's a funny word. It is; s-o-u-g-h-t? I mean, is it 'seek, sack, sought?' (AK) Something like that. (L) As in 'think, thank, thunk'? Or 'drink, drank, drunk'? (J) Or 'fink, fank, funk'? (L) How about 'wink, wank, wunk'? [laughter] :)
A: "Jump, Jamp, Jimp."
Q: (L) Dmitri, the Bulgarian guy from Sophia, who claims to be practiced in the art of PK, and... (T) This is another email? (L) Yes. (T) Oh, my lord, they're coming out now! [Laughter] (A) Yes, yes, yes. (T) Have you ever heard of this gentleman? (L) Well, he's just an ordinary bloke, the man on the street kind of guy. But he just has this unusual interest; he claims to have had... (A) He's got this story... (L) ... he claims to have had a near-death experience, after which, I'm not entirely sure what... (A) Yes, he started to see everything coming to him in advance. (L) Yes, that's right, he had like a three minute... (T) OK, that's the same story, one of the effects that Brinkley was experiencing.... (L) Yes, that's right. Dannion Brinkley... (T) With his near-death experience, was that he was, he knew, he was seeing things and hearing things happen before they happened. He was answering the questions that hadn't been asked yet.
A: A shame it was not two hours in advance.
Q: (T) As opposed to seeing the future only two minutes in advance. (L) Yes, damned inconvenient! Two minutes just doesn't give you enough time to prepare for anything!
A: Or play the "lotto."
Q: (L) Right! Two or three minutes doesn't give you time to get down there to play! (T) You have to stand outside the Circle K and hope they don't arrest you for loitering! Football teams can stretch two minutes to a couple of hours! (L) Right! So, in other words, it's... well, they didn't give us an answer about this guy in Sophia. (T) Well, we didn't get to asking the question about him yet... (L) Well I mean, you know these are what I would call semi-sarcastic remarks!
A: Yes.

970301 said:
Q: (L) [...] I want to ask... OK, we've got a whole bunch of DNA, in these funny- looking double strands. And, according to the book, only 2% is actually used, and the other 98% of it is what these 'experts' are pleased to call 'junk.' They call it junk. Now, I would like to know, is there any way to activate this other DNA?
A: Won't it be activated on its own?
Q: (L) 'Won't it be activated on its own'? Will it? (J) I think that's what they've said... I think the question is what it does... what it codes... (J) Ask if there's a way to activate it?
A: 4th density.
Q: (L) On 4th density. OK. You asked one time for me to comment upon the connection of phosphorus to the body, so I discovered that phosphorus plays an important part or role in the DNA, and also the 3 - 5 code, so, I would like to know if the addition of phosphorus to the diet would enhance some of the DNA to the point where... (T) would activate...
A: Maybe it would "enhance" SHC.
Q: (L) What did it say? SHC? (T) What is SHC?
A: Spontaneous Human Combustion.
Q: (J) OK, well, maybe that's not such a good idea... (L) Well, that would make sense... phosphorus... (J) Yes, it would! [Laughter] :) (T) If you really want to make a show, take a little magnesium with it...! Whoah! (J) Then you'd have a 'Highlander' quickening! (F) I just had this image of Laura deciding she's going to answer 'Not really! I'll have you know, my diet now includes 90% more phosphorus than it did any time previously!' And all of a sudden, flames start shooting out... [laughter] :) (T) Now that your finger can hold flame, it's a bad time to quit smoking, you know! No lighters anymore! [Laughter] :) And you'll never be lost in a cave! (F) Between that and Carlos Castaneda snapping back from... it could be dangerous. Experiment not when you don't know what you're doing! (L) OK, no phosphorous.

970614 said:
Q: (Chloe) Well, I thought I'd give it a shot! (L) Does it have anything to do with the three dominos, the three slices of pizza, the three dominos missing from the set?
A: Not really, but we do understand that Dominos does make good pizza!
Q: (L) Why do you keep referring to the pizzas. Is there something in Italy? [pause] You aren't going to answer me, are you?
A: No.
Q: (L) Well, I wasn't being facetious!
A: But we were! Mirth! ;)
Q: (Chloe) Happy to be of service! (L) Yes! We are going crazy down here trying to figure all this out and you guys are just joking around up there on 6th density!
A: No need to "go crazy."
Q: (Chloe) Did the window explode just to get our attention?
A: What about the mosaic?
Q: (L) Are you saying that she needs to start gathering the pieces and putting the mosaic together?
A: Close. Or memorize concept and actualize.

Comment to 'mosaic' as mentioned in earlier transcripts:
941210 said:
Q: (T) Since you are riding this wave, in order to communicate, since the wave is what you are using to focus this contact with, and you are, whoever you may be at whatever point the wave is, you gave Barbara Marciniak information under the name "Pleiadians". You are telling us this. Have you told the other people, such as Barbara Marciniak, that you are contacting other people?
A: No.
Q: (L) So, Barbara may not know that the contacts are the same only under a different name?
A: No.
Q: (L) Is it because she didn't ask?
A: Progressive information. Also, system is like mosaic.
Q: (L) Does this mean that different people get different pieces of the mosaic?
A: Yes.

950617 said:
A: [...] So, we aren't simply not able to answer a question as complex as "What is synchronicity" as it is incredibly complex. It involves aspects in every imaginable state of reality merging together in what could best be described, if seen visually, as a massive mosaic in perfect balance. But, that is not adequate to a response for your question..

960714 said:
Q: (L) In terms of this scenario, is there some lesson that we can learn about what may or may not occur through this book I have mentioned?
A: Maybe, but suggest you learn to blend mosaic consciousness.
Q: (L) What is mosaic consciousness?
A: Thinking in internally spherical terms, rather than using linear "point blank" approach. The whole picture is seen by seeing the whole scene.
Q: (L) Well, I guess that is why I guess I get into so many thought patterns...
A: Picture yourself as being at the center of a mosaic.

970412 said:
Q: Yes, I know. But, I don't think I ever asked this question directly, though there are allusions to it.
A: Allusions provide pieces to the mosaic, thus empowering your learning channel.

971004 said:
A: No, it is from the Rose arose the Cross.
Q: Oh.... I see...
A: Said the blind man.
Q: Elaborate, please. Are you saying that what I am seeing is not correct?
A: No, mirth!

980321 said:
(A) I want to ask if there is something I should do... am I correct that NASA was looking into my application, my pages?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Can I have some... [laughter] :)
A: Careful...
Q: (A) Okay, I have to be careful... we are going to Orlando and I am going to have the seminar and I think I know what to say, but still, before, I want to have some advice concerning something that is perhaps not coming to my mind that may prove to be important. Is there anything? Am I missing something? Have I not given enough attention to some point that may have consequences?
A: Be assertive as if on a treasure hunt...
Q: (A) On a treasure hunt? One is not supposed to be assertive?! (L) I don't know... (A) I am on a treasure hunt, yes... and I am supposed to be assertive? To find a treasure, I must be assertive because these guys like assertive people, and assertive people in America are the ones who have chances, yes?
A: You are good at discovery.
Q: (A) What discovery? (L) I guess at figuring out what the answers mean...
A: Yes.

980627 said:
Q; (L) [...] So, I would like to know what is the advantage, if any, of this profile you have described - what is the evolutionary advantage of having this sick metabolism?
A: Who says this is "sick?"
Q: Well, I am saying this loosely. I mean, it's not normal, it's not natural and it's highly unusual... nearly everyone I have ever met who has a weight problem also has an eating problem and I can promise you that I don't!
A: Better metabolism for cat... Sorry, that was our attempt at an abbreviation!
Q: What were you attempting to abbreviate?
A: Guess.
Q: [Laughter] :) Is channeling the first word?
Q: Next letter?
A: How about post cat a clysmic world.
Q: Well, Ark doesn't have that metabolism... I don't want to be in a post-cataclysmic world without him...
A: Then give him the food.
Q: What food?
A: What food you have, if... confronted with the situation.
Q: Are you saying that we are gonna be hanging out on a post cataclysmic planet?
A: That is always a possibility.

981003 said:
Q: (L) [...] Who are the Plejares?
A: Those who originate from Plejar.
Q: (L) And where is Plejar?
A: Near Margaritaville.
Q: [Laughter] :) (L) I see. In other words, a Jimmy Buffet alcohol inspired fantasy. Who is this Ptaah that Billy talks to?
A: We do not suggest you pursue confrontational controversy. It serves no purpose. And it would be wise to remember that there is a great potential Armada of those who would equally doubt the validity of Cassiopaeans, Pleiadeans, Orions, Zeta Reticulans, etc. Any way. So what is the point?
Q: (L) Well, I know that. But, I would just like to know what is the energy behind the Billy Meier contacts?
A: As we have so stated, Meier had legitimate contact in the beginning, but has since become the Swiss version of J.Z. Knight.

981128 said:
Q: (L) [...] Blue sent a note where he had just read the run-down on the UFO personalities. In retrospect, I think they were pretty accurate. Anyway, he remarked that he wondered if you guys laugh as hard at Richard Boylan as he does. Any comment?
A: We need not "laugh" :cool: at the misfortunes of others.
Q: (L) I know... just an attempt at humor here!

990710 said:
A: First of all, since we are to answer such questions, you need to make this surface smoother!! [The Plexiglas cover on the board was tacky. We used window cleaner and polished it up.]
Q: (A) So, it was good for previous questions, but not for this! [laughter] :) (L) Okay, carry on!

990828 said:
Q: [...] Does that relate to what you said about C____ last year when I asked if she had a plan to fulfill that she was not attending to at present and you said 'Fate will intercede,' When I asked HOW fate was going to intercede, you said 'Do you really want to know?' So, I said that I just wanted a one word clue, and you said: 'CRUNCH.' Is this what we are talking about here? Can we connect these dots?
A: Oh no, she is in the mountains. So of course, she is safe!!!
Q: (A) She is safe because she is in the mountains?
A: Humor, people! ;)

990925 said:
Q: I would like to address some particular issues. Apparently, there is an awful lot of speculation on the internet in various places about 'disasters' of various sorts. There was Comet Lee back a few months ago; then the Nostradamus issue was brought in creating a general panic; now there are other calls of alarm being raised. The disasters on the planet are being attributed to, among other things, the passage of Comet Lee through the Solar System. There are speculations that asteroids or other cometary type bodies are going to cause imminent disasters because of their electrical interactions with the Sun and other bodies of the Solar System. The Internet has, essentially, become a Grand Forum for Doomsday Prognostications. Site after site is waiting for an imminent strike of the planet by some celestial body. I mean, we just have a few days left according to one site! I know that we have dealt with many of these issues before, but the hysteria among some groups is increasing, being bred, generated, being transmitted and encouraged via the Internet. Could you comment please?
A: Normally, we do not "comment " to a non-inquiry, but let it be said that many cling to "doomsday" prophetic calamities as a means to absolve personal frustrations with others. I.E. "Just you wait, Henry Higgins, just you wait!!"
Q: On one site, an individual read a part of the transcripts published on the website, where you had asked for the different planchette because there was a stone stuck on the old one with superglue. This individual put a wild interpretation on this simple request for a new planchette, as though it were some secret, coded message to her alone! It was, to her, symbolic of the "melting of the carbon of the planet," thus leading to the "devolution" of mankind! I had to explain to everyone that this was merely a simple request for a different instrument of communication as the first was "out of synch." But, that is neither here nor there, but, just to make sure: WAS there any hidden meaning in this request for a different planchette?
A: Obviously, she is a "fruit loop." But, fruit loops are sweet, if full of chemicals and empty calories.
Q: Another of her themes is the devolution of the planet... but we have discussed that way in the past, so we don't need to go there.
A: No we do not.
Q: Then, there were further remarks that the Cassiopaeans were obviously going to use up all our "juice" and then take over our carcasses! Do you have such plans?
A: What do you think?
Q: Well, you have such a cushy existence as you are, why would you want to hang out here? I mean, this 3rd density existence is HIGHLY overrated! And, the particular body I have is pretty useless for many things at this point anyway! Can't imagine anyone else wanting to use it!
A: We serve others.
Q: Are you going to serve them on a platter with mint sauce? [Laughter] :)
A: Now Laura, really!
Q: Well, that is, of course, the response that we often get to that. Some folks out there are just bound and determined to misinform the public!
A: And so it goes...

The next few quotes mention prophetic and together give some notions.
941126 said:
Q: (T) So, when we talk about California falling into the ocean, we are not talking about the whole state literally falling into the ocean?
A: In any case, even if it does, how long will it take to do this?
Q: (LM) It could take three minutes or three hundred years. (T) Yes. That is "open" as you would say.
A: Yes. But most of your prophets think it is not open.
Q: (J) Yeah, because they think they have the only line on it. (T) Okay. So they are thinking in the terms that one minute California will be there and a minute and a half later it will be all gone. Is this what you are saying?
A: Or similar.

950111 said:
Q: (B) Maitreya... What is the destiny of this person in this lifetime?
A: Plays prominent role in disinformation process.
Q: (B) Is Benjamin Creme aware of that?
A: No.
Q: (B) Are the E.T.s putting thoughts in Benjamin Creme's head?
A: Yes.
Q: (B) What is their purpose in this?
A: To cause confusion, diversion, and deception so that reality channels may be cloaked. Self explanatory.
Q: (B) Does this mean so that what we think is real really isn't?
A: Close.
Q: (B) This must mean that the Aliens want to give us one person to focus on which is so spectacular, so that we cannot see the truth.
A: Remember warnings about false prophets in the "desert."
Q: (B) Does this mean that Benjamin Creme is an STS person?
A: Yes, indirectly.

950318 said:

Q: [...](T) Thor just wants what he wants and he wants it now, he wants to defend himself against aliens that he has no concept of. (J) We are just trying to understand what this guy is all about. (T) He really doesn't understand. He doesn't have the faintest idea what is happening out there.
A: His thought is that his own personal notions of what should transpire are gospel.
Q: (L) Are his intentions good?
A: Open.

960629 said:
A: Yes. Remember, density refers to one's conscious awareness only. Once one is aware, all [many spirals of the planchette] conforms to that awareness.
Q: (L) What is it about the oncoming wave that is going to make any given person aware?
A: Not yet... First: your prophets have always used 3rd density symbology to try to convey 4th density realities. You are attempting to gather 3rd density answers to explain 4th through 7th density principles. This is why you are getting frustrated, because it doesn't "mesh."

990925 said:
Q: Is there anything more you can tell us about these oncoming comets? There were objects seen flying into the Sun; there is a lot of excessive activity of the Sun lately, which is cyclical, but extremely high even considering the normal cycle. What about this possible Twin Sun business?
A: There is much going on, yes. But it is cyclical. And will not spell it out for you. The past, if carefully and accurately charted, holds all the answers for you. How do you think the prophets do it?

991113 said:
"School of Ascension" was run by folks who call themselves "Lord and Lady Agape and Lord and Lady Athena." Aside from the fact that this sounds an awful lot like that Circe nonsense, I thought you might address this directly, aside from the fact that the only contract I can see that needs to be cancelled is the one to pay any money to attend this "school."
A: Dabbling in such nonsense is not necessary for one to ascend. Two more comments: in this case, a "good trance channel" is defined as one which tells the client that which the client wishes to hear. Comment two: What?! No "god sparks?" ;) [This is a humorous reference to another "psychic" of which we are aware, who was assigning "god spark levels" to her clients in a completely nonsensical cosmology designed to separate the client from their money and make them feel important]
Re: Instances of Laughter and Humour in the Cassiopaean Transcripts

000122 said:
Q: (A) Many people are saying that the most probably date of earth change is 2012. That falls in what you previously you gave as an outside limit of the arrival of the comet cluster, twin sun business; in the middle, in fact. Of course, it may never happen, but is this still the case?
A: Maybe...
Q: (A) Is this a better probability than 0.1?
A: Between 0.1 and 100.
Q: [Laughter] :) (F) Well, THAT narrows it down! (L) As you know, Tom French is finishing the article and it is supposed to be published either on January 30th or February 13. They have turned it into a "love story," and you guys are being presented as "cosmic matchmakers." Comment, please.
A: News media are mischievous.
Q: One thing about it is probably is that everybody who wants to find their soul mate will be on the line asking you guys to find theirs! That is a distinct possibility! (F) Along with requests for lotto numbers! Yes, and for $59.95 we will be happy to oblige. No refunds! [Laughter] :)

000527 said:
Q: I guess the first question on everybody's mind tonight is RAIN! We need rain. Now, (A) can you tell us if rain is coming soon? or b) is there something we can do to bring rain?
A: There is an atmospheric inversion which has been unusually stubborn over your locator, yes. But, the extensive low level heat will soon "punch" holes in this oppressive high pressure system, thus allowing rising air to combine with low level moisture rising to produce the much anticipated precipitation.
Q: (A) What does "soon" mean? Maybe two days or two hundred days. [Laughter] :) Can we have some limit?
A: We give you 10 days, as you measure time, for significant relief. Ask the one sitting with you if he has had a preview?
Q: (L to B) Have you had a preview? (B) Of rain? Just a dream that I posted a long time ago.

000527 said:
Q: (L) And what is the origin of the Hungarians and Finns before they split?
A: Carpathian zone.
Q: (L) Now, you have them in a locator, what is the origin of their genotype since they sort of stand out alone?
A: What do you propose?
Q: (L) I guess that they were another experimental creation. A genetic "tweak," so to speak.
A: Works for us. [Laughter.] :)

000722 said:
A: Every one here thinks on more than one level. This already puts everyone into a different category than the status quo. You all have quite well developed senses, a more difficult task is learning to trust the messages. Remember, you all have received negative programming at the third density level, which is designed to derail your higher psychic awareness. You by now know that this is false programming, but we realize that the subconscious centers are more difficult for you to overcome. Patience will pay off for you big time!!!
Q: (P) This is my feeling about the whole thing: us coming together, the energy created by each of us being in each other's presence is a key; it's unlocking something that we agreed to come together at this time, though it may not be apparent now, it's going to be. That's the way I have felt about this whole thing. (I) Yes. I HAD to come. No matter what. (P) Yes. (LC) I guess I was wanting confirmation of WHY I felt I HAD to come! (L) And they are telling us that "patience will pay off big time!" They don't say that sort of thing often, and when they do, it really means something big. But, we can't have a clue, because if we start anticipating, we block it! [Laughter] If we just keep doing what is before us to do, things will keep happening to guide us. (F) The energy is this room is really powerful tonight, I notice. (P) Yes. I just feel like crying. I'm tired, but energized. (I) And I'm having so much trouble keeping up. I'm trying to listen to the letters one at a time... (L) And that's how we have to deal with this whole thing. It's sort of like listening to the letters one at a time. (LC) And my hand won't move until three letters after I hear one! It's so frustrating! It goes so fast. (A) What kind of programming do we all have? I know it's negative, but what kind in specific?
A: You receive programming daily from many sources, but the ultimate root is essentially the same.
Q: (I) Yes, TV, cell phone towers, all of that, I guess...
A: Childhood training, etc.
Q: (I) I was bombarded with religion when I was a child. I hated it. I tried to read the Bible from cover to cover, but by the time I got to Exodus, I knew that this was crap. I tried the Mormons. I didn't get past the second chapter because all of that was crap, too. I tried the Jehovah's Witness thing, and that was crap. I tried being an athiest, and that was crap. Everything that came to me, was crap. (L) Yep. We are in the doodoo for sure!
A: Yes, but the "doodoo" promotes powerful learning opportunities...
Q: (I) That is SO true. I've been in the doodoo so many times before - and I'm STILL in the doodoo! (LC) Okay, another question, and this is a kind of selfish one I am thinking about...
A: Wait a minute, remember, your plane of existence is STS by its very nature and that is okay, because you're all where you are for a reason... Now L***, fire away and be just as selfish as you please, dear. [Laughter] :)

000722 said:
Q: (I) Do we all have some kind of past life connection?
A: I*** is not L***.
Q: (L) It's LC's turn! [Laughter] :) (LC) But she put it so well! (L) But, they are trying to make you think here. (LC) Let me just parrot what I** said. Are there any specific past life connections between any of the women in this room?
A: Who?
Q: (LC) Well, let's start with Laura. Do I have a past life connection with Laura?
A: Before we answer that, we wish to hear from you what you perceive a past life circumstance to be.
Q: (I) For some reason I feel a past life connection to SF. I feel like she was either a parent or someone who taught me a lot about me. I felt that just from reading her correspondence. What do you think? (LC) I don't know... the question didn't really form in my head until I got here...
A: How do you perceive the reincarnation process to be?
Q: (LC) I perceive it as you come back with people you choose to come back with, and that you choose people that you are karmically connected to. (I) I see it a little bit differently than that...
A: Aha! We have a variance!
Q: (I) I think that when we die and go to 5th density, that we make pacts with people in each incarnation, so when you come back, it is coming back to fulfill that pact. (LC) Yes, that is the way my line of thinking is going. But, when they asked that question, I was thinking that you have people you come back with because of closeness. Somebody may be your mother in one life, and there is a love bond, and then there are other people that you come back with because you have to resolve something to let go of that person rather than to get closer.
A: This is partially correct. But, there is more to it than this. For example, one can incarnate on various planes of existence, not just the one you perceive currently. And, one may actually reincarnate on more than one plane concurrently, if one is advanced enough to do this.
Q: (I) You know, a psychic told me that I had two lives going on at once... (L) Are you suggesting that ...
A: Yes, we are!
Q: (L) I was thinking it, but they didn't let me finish. For the record, I was thinking that we are all part of the same soul unit here.
A: To an extent, but you may not yet understand what exactly a "soul unit" is in that sense. And of course, there is more than one sense for this as well. The "trick" that 3rd density STS life forms will learn, either prior to transition to 4th density, or at the exact juncture, is to think in absolutely limitless terms. The first and most solid step in this process is to not anticipate at all. This is most difficult for you. We understand this, but this as also why we keep reiterating this point. For example, imagine if one of your past lives is also a future life?
Q: (I) There we have quantum tunnelling!
A: Yes.
Q: (I) This has to do with past lives and future lives.
A: Yes.
Q: (I) But somehow I can't put it together yet. I can't connect it.
A: You will. "All in due time, my pretty, all in due time."

000722 said:
A: Yes. Awareness is the key; knowledge protects, ignorance endangers.
Q: (I) Yes, I could have just stayed home when we realized that our money wasn't going to be there as we planned. It was definitely an attack to prevent us from coming. (LC) Yes, the same thing happened to me. But, I had some money put aside that I called my "end of the world money." I had been saving it for a long time, and I told my husband I was going to use my "end of the world money." [Laughter] :) (I) Yes. I was determined to come regardless. And then, at the airport, when I missed my flight, and it was possible that we might not get another flight... I was even thinking about AMTRAK, renting a car, whatever. (LC) Yeah! I** doesn't even drive, and she was gonna rent a car! (I) Yes, that is the choice that we were all faced with: is it important enough?
A: Its the lack of awareness of the attack. But that is okay, as we all learn at our own pace.

000923 said:
A: Ego is a terrible thing!
Q: Well, here is another nifty thing that somebody sent along that raises some issues. I'll skip over the intro and get to the interesting remark where it says: "And so it is now. There are those upon your planet who would call themselves "human," but in their actions, thoughts, and words would appear to be some kind of monster--without feelings for others or others' pain and suffering. The "love quotient" in these individuals is nearly absent, but that is part of their learning, too. Think of the one you called Hitler. Was he enlightened? Was he happy? Was he satisfied with what his life brought him? The answer is clearly "No." And so the soul of this one you called Hitler is still on the inner planes, mulling over the effects of that life, trying to understand what went so horribly wrong." (L) I don't think this individual really understands the nature of STS, that Hitler wasn't lacking in the "love quotient" at all. It's just that his love quotient, which was exceedingly high, was directed toward self. My question is: was Hitler happy and satisfied with what his life brought him?
A: Initially.
Q: And I think that the only thing he might be unhappy about is how he failed to be more successful as a totally dedicated STS being.
A: Yes.
Q: Is he still on the inner planes trying to understand what went wrong?
A: No.
Q: What is Hitler doing right now? Planning on coming back and trying to do it again? [Laughter] :) Seriously, what is Hitler doing now?
A: Soul in transit.
Q: To where? Does that mean he isn't at 5th density?
A: No.
Q: He's already been there?
A: Floater.
Q: What's a floater?
A: Returnee.
Q: He is floating around and waiting to come into a body?
A: Yes.
Q: You mean he's already done 5th density and is ready to incarnate again?
A: Yes.
Q: Well, that's a scary thought! Just so we know, does it happen to be here on earth?
A: Wait and see.
Q: Well, that sounds ominous. Is this something others will know about once it happens?
A: Maybe.
Q: Well, swell! When he incarnates in this next life, is he still sold out to the Dark side as he was in the last one? Or, has he been degaussed and will he switch and match his nastiness with good deeds?
A: Open.

010728 said:
Q: That's the craziest thing I ever heard in my life! [laughter] :) To host a TV show? That's the craziest damned thing I ever heard. Now come on guys. We need som serious help financially. We need you to give us a real clue.
A: Money will come soon!
Q: [Laughter] :) Well let me ask you this: Am I right to be so upset with Vincent and his damned ritual magic stuff?
A: Yes.
Q: Am I right in my thinking that even if he is not conscious of it, he was sent as an agent to extract information from me?
A: Yes.
Q: Are the Cassiopaeans the ones that got in contact with him in his childhood and then when he was older [as he claims]?
A: No.
Q: Is he consciously working as an agent?
A: No.
Q: [Sigh] Well, if money doesn't come soon, what is the next thing we ought to do? I just want to cover all the bases here.
A: But it will. Money will come.
Q: [Laughter] :) That is the LAST thing I've ever wanted to hear. Well, what can we think of to ask, just to warm up [the connection]? (A) What about this TV show? I mean, should we do something? (L) I don't think I'd get excited about it.
A: Look smart. Ugly doesn't get it. [Laughter. Dog still barking.]
Q: Well, that doesn't make sense. Nice to know you have a sense of humor at our expense.
A: Right on!
Q: Are you sure you're not just an old hippie?
A: No.

Is the laughter in the following a laughter of relief?
010728 said:
Q: Are we supposed to move to France?
A: Yes.
Q: Are you sure?
A: Yes.
Q: When will we move to France?
A: 2003.
Q: [Laughter] :) (L) Are we supposed to DO something in France?
A: Yes.
Q: What?
A: More work.
Q: Well, SWELL! Should we finish working on this house before we move?
A: Can.
Q: Should we sell our house before we move to France?
A: yes.
Q: So we'll never come back, after we move to France?
A: No.
Q: (A) This is very nice! (L) Will I have to learn to speak French?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Oui. Je tem. (L) Je ne parle. Okay. Se we're going to move to France and do more work?
A: U 5.
Q: "U 5?!" Us and the three kids?
A: 8835 million.
Q: (A) What does that mean? (L) Hmm. Do you have any particular messages tonight? To warm up our connection?
A: Hope and glory is coming close!
Q: Anything else?
A: Point the way to love in realms of light. Trust on it.

010810 said:
Q: [...] Do we have any big explosions coming up in Israel? Do we have any volcanoes going off or any earthquakes or anything of real significance going on on the planet here?
A: The solar activity is slowing down.
Q: So I guess that kind of means no. Are we doing to get hit by a comet or an asteroid? (A) When?
A: Soon!
Q: Yeah, well soon to you guys could be in the next millennium! [laughter] :) (A) Soon! "Money will come soon!" (L) Yeah! What exactly do you guys mean by "soon?" (A) Eight days? Six days? They are having problems with time! [Laughter.] :)
A: Money will come very soon!!
Q: [Laughter.] :) (A) We know what to do. We are not sure about putting these things on the web. Probably we can put something. (L) Yeah. I think we ought to just drive him over the edge. Let's push him harder, just for the fun of it. [Laughter.] Knowledge protects, so we will put the knowledge out there.
A: Knowledge does protect.
Q: (L) Well, is Vincent doing any of his "workings" to try to harm us? I mean, is he out there with his robes on, and drawing his pentagrams, and chanting, and calling to the Ophanic intelligences to slam lightning and thunder down upon our heads?
A: Close.
Q: Is he getting frustrated that it isn't working?
A: Yes.

010820 said:
Q: What is the best way to remove or undo programming?
A: Awareness and resistance.
Q: How many times has Vincent been abducted? [Laughter.] :)
A: 136.
Q: (T) O my god! (L) I just had to ask that. (A) Every 3rd day. [Laughter.] :) (L) Every time he calls on the Ophanic Intelligences. Did we successfully get Terri's attachment shipped off down the road?
A: Yes.
Q: Does she have any more at this time?
A: No.
Q: Okay, was the attachment that gave its name as "Tree of Life" was that deliberately put in by Vincent?
A: No.
Q: In other words, Vincent doesn't know what he's doing well enough to do that, but it happens just by hanging out with him? [Laughter.] :)
A: Yes.
Q: (T) How recently has he been abducted? Yesterday? Last week?
A: Hot popper.
Q: (L) What is a "hot popper?"
A: Recently.
Q: In other words, he's still hot. He's been there so recently he's still popping. [Laughter.] :)

010924 said:
Q: (A) [...] Alright, I'll go to work.
A: Yes. Pronto!
Q: (A) [Laughter] :) Pronto? Oh! Another thing in 1969, I was introduced to 'pronto.' In 1972 I went to Rome and met with Sergio Doplicher and he was answering the phone 'pronto, pronto!' And at that time, I was also using these algebras to describe electromagnetism and what I called indefinite metric, which was supposed to be my first paper in 1969, but I never published it at that time. 1969 can also mean...
A: Pronto! Dear ones, we want you to see you succeed in your mission.
Q: What is the mission?
A: You will discover it.
Q: (L) Are we going to be unhappy or happy when we discover it?
A: Joy unspeakable!
Q: (L) Settled that. I didn't want one anyway. But you just never know. I mean I don't even like shooting. Yucky So what else do you need to know? Oh, did our creating a little whirlpool in the swimming pool cause the rain. (A) [Chuckling. ;D The mood changes, Ark is laughing right to the end.]
A: No
Q: (L) Oh honey you did that. (A) I didn't! It's their joking. They are having fun. But in a sense. Yes, because you know there is always this mixing of what is cause and what is effect. So in this case we know there was going to be rain. (L) We did not. I didn't expect there to be rain, that's why I wanted to make rain. There was no sign of rain. (A) We in another density, we knew it and we caused it. (L) Well let me ask, does this copper spiral that we have under the pool with the little hangy-out spiral does it produce any affect at all of any interest? (A) [Choking with laughter.] :D :D
A: Yes.
Q: (L) You're playing with me. Can you tell me what this effect is?
A: Hydro-energic transposition
Q: (L) Transposition to what?
A: Physical rehabilitation.
Q: (L) You mean it just collects energy in the water and transfers it to the body if you're in the water?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And it doesn't shoot any energy up in the sky and make rain or storms or any kind of thing like that?
A: No.
Q: (A) [Laughing] So we should swim everyday, each day, even if it rains! (L) Do orgone accumulators make rain?
A: No.
Q: (L) Do orgone accumulators accumulate orgone? [Laughing.] :)
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What is orgone?
A: Life-force.
Q: (L) What is life-force? (A) What is the closest expression in physical terms?
A: EM substrate.
Q: (A) What is substrate?
A: Base.
Q: (L) How does EM substrate or base... (A) Vacuum point? Vacuum.
A: Close.
Q: (A) Something related to what people call zero point energy?
A: Close.
Q: (A) Something related to 1969?
A: Pronto!
Q: (L) I want to know how to make rain. I think that is a handy thing to know. Is there a way?
A: Sure.
Q: (L) Is there a simple way, like making orgone shooter things?
A: No.
Q: (L) Rats! (A) I know all I need tonight, I go read, think of it. I know what to do. Well if I have life-force and if I know about the vacuum, and so on, we'll have everything we need to shoot this energy and we'll transform and we will make rain.

011005 said:
Q: (A) What does that mean? "Swarm?" (L) Extremely chaotic activity. Like when you knock over a beehive, all the bees come out after you; it's called "swarming." All systems in chaos. Well, my only concern in recent times is the CD Vincent has taken which he has not returned, and what he plans to do with it, considering that there is much personal information there about many people. Is there anything we ought to be aware of or ought to do in regards to that?
A: He will make you famous.
Q: (L) How about infamous? [laughter] :) That is his intent!
A: No.

011005 said:
Q: (L) I need to know how to deal with Noah.
A: Money will come soon!!!
Q: (L) Why do you keep saying that? Can we have a clue where this money is coming from? Is it going to come before I finish Noah or after?
A: Before.
Q: (A) That's very good, finish the book! [laughter] After tomorrow. (L) I can't it will require a certain period of time. I could do like K** says: you know, you never finish a book, they just take it away from you and give it to the printer. [Laughter] :)

011009 said:
A: Good idea to do what excites you.
Q: (A) It also excites me to look for other ideas that would excite me. So one thing is that it excites me, but there may be other ideas that excite me, and if I am doing this, these other ideas get out of my focus. So, taking into account the fact that we want to make a major breakthrough, what is the way?
A: Riemann and Pauli.
Q: (L) What?! What's Pauli got to do with it? (A) Well, what Pauli has to do with it is due to two reasons: today I was thinking about Pauli because somebody on the physics research group was talking about Dirac operators on a Riemannian manifold and I was thinking: oh! Pauli wrote a paper on this, so I was even looking into the book by Pauli...
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Well, if nothing else, it's telepathic! [Laughter.] :) (A) My god! Well, okay, so you said Riemann and Pauli, or I said Riemann and Pauli...
A: Drop off signs lost in space.
Q: That's bizarre. "Lost in Space" used to be a TV show.
A: Operators link Riemann to Pauli.
Q: (L) What's an operator? (A) Dirac operators. Dropping off signs: does it mean going to metric which are degenerates?
A: Generates means local operators not heading in the right direction.
Q: (A) Well, we have a funny feature here because of this communication, because what I meant was a technical term "metric degenerate" not generate, and the piece here starts with "generates," which possibly has a meaning but is not answering my question. It relates partly to a certain part of the word which I was using with a different meaning. So, I would still like to know about my question about metric which are degnerate, is this equivalent to jumping signs?
A: From signs you get Riemann.

011013 said:
Q: (L) Is there going to be a witch hunt in this country for people who the government wishes to identify as being potential terrorists, or anti-American, like the McCarthy era?
A: First there will be controls by laws. Then more force.
Q: (L) Is all of this going to culminate in some plan that is being activated at the present time? Is this all directed to a specific outcome by the powers that be, so to speak?
A: Mostly; but unexpected twists and turns from opposing forces.
Q: (L) And who are these opposing forces? Are there good guys, or is it just like another "gang," as in global gang wars? Using "gangs" metaphorically here.
A: 4th density STO will manifest help for some 3rd Density groups.
Q: (L) Do any of those 3rd density groups that are going to be helped include us? [Laughter.] :)
A: Close.
Q: (L) BT wants to subtract himself from the question to see if that narrows it down? In other words, do you mean that help will come to Ark and me in particular, excluding others?
A: Same as a group.
Q: (L) See, same thing! Okay, so there are going to be twists and turns. Can we know any of the highlights of these twists and turns in our global or national situation? It sounds like an interesting show? Is it better that we don't know? If the STO forces are planning something, maybe it's better that we don't know so that it remains a surprise. Is that true?
A: Close. Just know that help is near.

011013 said:
Q: (L) He may not even be conscious of it. I have the idea that most of them aren't. They are just like everyone else: manipulated puppets. (BT) Well, somebody has to be conscious of it, for this faction to be involved. When you were asking the question about Bush, the thought about Cheney just jumped to the fore. (L) Are any of these people in the government, those in the public eye, the decisions makers; are any of them consciously aware that they are furthering the agenda for the STS takeover of the planet? The main players.
A: No.
Q: (L) Bush is just a puppet. He's like Pinnochio. Every time he opens his mouth his nose just gets longer and longer. Pretty soon his nose will be so long he won't be able to walk across the room. (A) In Poland, we had this guy Jaruzelski, who introduced Martial Law. He was a general. Well, my mother was in favor of him because he was military. But I could see through him. (L) Well, it is easy to get upset with Bush until you realize that he is as much a dupe as anyone else. He seems to be going around in a fog. All the jokes that are made about him being so dull are true! How can you get mad at a complete puppet? I've never heard the guy say an intelligent thing that wasn't written down for him, and even then he sometimes manages to screw it up. (A) Yes, it seems so. Because those leaders who have proven NOT to be stupid in the past, have proved to be... (L) ...dead. (A) Or, they proved to be able to kill millions to stay alive. (L) Yup, seems to be so. (A) Yes, they can be stupid in a very intelligent way. (L) Are all of these people going to be exposed, caught, shown for what they are?
A: Ultimately.
Q: (BT) Yeah, and that can be part of the STS program anyway. Expose 'em and replace 'em with something worse. If everybody relies on the government to save us, and then find out that the government is not only not going to save us, but that they are guilty of harming us for manipulation, that is a manipulation of a higher order. (L) Yeah! And then who will the people cry for to be in charge? Aliens? (A) It's a "free" choice. [Laughter.] :) (L) Well, it's a terrible thing to feel that way about your president who is supposed to be the representative of your country. (A) I'm surprised that some Americans... (L) ...actually believe that he's doing a good job and telling the truth. (A) Yes. (L) I would like to know what is the REAL percentage of Americans who think that Bush is doing a good job. I know they put up the results of polls, but I have observed that polls are often published to sway public opinion, and are not an accurate representation of it. What is the real percentage?
A: 53 %.

011129 said:
Q: Hello.
A: Hello beloved ones.
Q: And who do we have with us this evening?
A: Mother Cassiopaea.
Q: (L) Well, that was strange. [Laughter.] :) (L) My first question is: have we been dealing with the Bridges situation optimally?
A: Close.
Q: (L) What could we add to what we are doing, or stop doing, that would optimize the situation for us?
A: He wants your energy for his spells.
Q: (L) So, how do we cut off any energy?
A: First do not respond to his rants.
Q: (A) I have a practical question. You say "do not respond." Should we keep the report pages the way they are, or should we remove them to archives?
A: Keep and update as necessary but no response to him or anything he writes in any forum where a personal link can be established.
Q: (L) So, only address our responses to the public and never establish the dynamic link by addressing him directly.
A: Close.
Q: (L) What would make it more accurate?
A: Personal response forums creates psychic linking.

011129 said:
A: He has his free will.
Q: (L) Well, I just want to know what is going to be the outcome. (A) Honey, you should not ask that. The outcome will depend on what we will do. It depends on us. (L) Look! [Cat suddenly jumps into the middle of the table, dog begins to bark.] (A) Cassiopaeans! He hears Cassiopaeans! (L) Does kitty want out?
A: Food.
Q: [Laughter. :) Stop to feed cat.] (L) My next question is, of course, what is wrong with Vincent? What is driving him?
A: He is a robotoid.
Q: (L) Who did his programming?
A: 4th density STS.
Q: (L) Doesn't that contradict him having his free will?
A: No. Even robots have minimal consciousness.
Q: (L) So, all his whining and all his "poor pitiful me" stuff is just a program?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) That explains, I guess, why he doesn't seem to learn from anything. Even a dog would have figured it out by now.
A: Yes.

011219 said:
(L) We want to know if it is an advisable thing for us to obtain a self defense object such as a gun?
A: Not necessary as neither of you could use it anyway.
Q: (B) How about a zapper? (L) Yeah, how about a cattle prod?
A: Maybe. Or pepper spray.
Q: (L) Are we in any kind of physical danger? (A) Always
A: Yes but knowledge protects.
Q: (L) I mean could you shoot somebody? (A) You mean with a gun? No. (L) I couldn't either, I mean it would be just like what would we do, wave it around? I mean if we had one of those that when you shoot it a little flag comes out and says Bang! (laughter). :) (A) No in fact you see we are not, it would be so easy to provoke us to use it and then we would not recover. (L) Yeah. It would kill us. (B) It would certainly disrupt things. (L) Understatement. (B) Did D** actually see some sort of rip in the sky as she thought?
A: Lots of those lately, eh?
Q: (L) Is that what they're doing all these chem trails for to put some kind of substance in the sky that has some kind of electromagnetic effect or something that holds the illusion in place?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Does it also have some kind of chemical affect on our brains or on our physiology?
A: Yes.
Re: Instances of Laughter and Humour in the Cassiopaean Transcripts

020110 said:
Q: (L) Well, I think he has the perfect right to tell all the lies he wants in the places where lies are wanted and asked for. He does not have the right to trespass on our space and tell lies because we do not ask for lies, we don't want lies, and it violates our Free Will to try to discover truth in our space. He has the Matrioshka list that obviously wants to hear his lies. They make no effort to discern truth in any way, and they certainly got very upset when Ark posted truth on their list, which only gave them a small sample of how it feels to have your free will violated. He can tell all the lies he wants where they are wanted. Any other suggestions?
A: Just persist and be patient.
Q: Is there anything we can do to accelerate the receiving of assistance?
A: It is on the way.
Q: [Laughter.] :) I know that time does not exist on 6th density. However, all these months dealing with these lunatics seems like six years, or six thousand years. Well, I'm just whining.
A: Either way it will come. "Miles to go before you sleep." Keep on going. Destination will be reached.

020223 said:
A: You are going in the right direction...
Q:(R) Which is of course, kind of humorous since they just talked about consciousness as energy directors and we are going in the right direction. So we are directing the energy in a conscious way towards the right frequency resonance envelope. (L) I'm glad you know what you're talking about.[...]

020223 said:
Q: (V) Is the DG that called me Dec.1 in fact my husband/ex-husband that I have not seen for 22 years?
A: Yes.
Q: (V) Wow.
A: Check records. Health issue.
Q: (V) He has a health issue?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Well why else would he be calling you? (V) Is this a health issue that may have some genetic ramifications for my son?
A: No.
Q: (V) So, he's feeling really crappy about dissin' us for 22 years. I'm not asking, that's just...
A: No.
Q: (V) Why should that surprise me (laughter)! :) Well, should we...
A: Whiner.
Q: (V) Who's a whiner? I'm a whiner? (L) No. You asked about him. (V) Oh. Health issue...his health issue is whining? I'm still rushing from the fact that it was actually him that called. I'm going to be really honest - and I'm in a room full of strangers here that don't really know me - but my husband left when my son was a few months old and there was no support from that point in time, no financial support whatsoever. I've really wrestled with myself since Dec. 1. I've never called the number back and there was no message. A part of me wants to take him to Civil Court and...
A: Waste of time.
Q: (V) Okay. Is he remarried?
A: No.
Q: (V) He never filed for a divorce?
A: No.
Q: (J) You're still married to him. (V) I never divorced because I figured it was my safety clause--if I was married I couldn't do that again.
A: Fill life with joy at his absence.
Q: (V) Okay. (L) It could've been so much worse. (V) Oh I know, God! Good Lord, it was just a struggle, it wasn't a hammer on the head so...
A: Release and rejoice.
Q: (V) Is he dying?
A: Not yet (burst of laughter in the room). :D :D :D
020223 said:
(R) Can I do some personal thing? It is about my now ex-girlfriend. I'm a little bit worried about her because she is really afraid of the dark and she doesn't want to talk about it really and I'm just really curious what the cause of it is.
A: When it becomes a sufficiently debilitating issue, she will talk about it.
Q: (JN) Is that a polite way of saying it's none of your business?
A: Perhaps the cause is the concern it engenders.
Q: (V) She's creating her own darkness? She's perpetuating her own...(J) Fear of the unknown. (R) Yes. Oh yes. Absolutely. (V) She's doing it to herself. In other words maybe it wasn't something like she was locked in a dark closet when she was a kid. (R) Actually that's what she says. (V) Oh (laughter)! :) (R) That's what she said. I just didn't believe her. It just seems so extreme that...(V) Have you met her parents? (R) Sure. (L) Would they do that? (R) No, no her kid brother locked her...(JN) Yeah I was going to say that sounds like something a brother would do. (V) My brother used to do some crappy stuff to me too (giggling). :) (R) Okay, so he chased her into the bathroom and closed the door and the light switch was on the outside. I was curious if that was really...(V) Yeah but there's more to it than just that. (R) So this seems to say that she perpetuates, she enhances that herself and until it becomes a real problem she'll have it. (L) Well it is a handy thing to have to get sympathy. (J) She's holding onto it for some reason (V) Drama, drama, drama. Very dramatic. It caused you to be dramatic towards her, didn't it? (R) Well, no, it is just, yeah, I always had to...(J) You had to leave the light on. (R) Exactly.
A: Shakespeare said it: Sound and fury signifying nothing.
Q: (L) I think we ought to check the whole quote at some point and see what all he was saying. I'm not a Shakespeare person. (V) From what work is this quote? (L) I just want you all to know I am not a Shakespeare fan so...knock it off (laughter as she speaks this to the board)! :)(V) Can you tell us what Shakespearean work this is from so it can be further...
A: Tempest.

[It's actually from Macbeth:

Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

The Tempest contains the following:

We are such stuff
As dreams are made on; and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep.

Which conveys a similar meaning, but in different words. Obviously, the C's are not Shakespeare fans.]
Comment: The use of the word Tempest could in addition be a commentary or continuation of the answer "Sound and fury signifying nothing", since 'a tempest in a teacup' is just that. The quote from The Tempest may describe the person.

020223 said:
Q: (R) Alright, I think I'm done with this, I'm okay with the answers. (V) I'll ask something unless someone else was ready to go. Twice maybe in the last 3 or 4 years - once at USF and once in my apartment - I was walking along and all of the sudden the environment had totally changed and it was like I was a light person. Can you tell me what that was?
A: 4D bleed through. We mentioned before that you ought to get used to it.
Q: (V) Well, it is not a "getting used to thing." It only happened twice and it was magnificent. I mean it was an experience. I can say now that I am experienced. (laughter) :) (L) And not Jimmy Hendrix! (V) Is there any way to generate this myself? It was just so spontaneous?
A: STS do that.
Q: (V) Do what? (L) Seek to generate such experiences for the sake of the experience. (R) Bring it on through the matrix, through technology, rituals, drugs, whatever. (JN) What were you smoking at the time (laughter)? :) (V) Yeah, right. So is there a positive or negative aspect to this?
A: Not unless you are not experienced! [L's laughing hard through the letter calling.] :lol: :lol:
Q: (L) I felt that coming and it was so funny! (V) While I was in this altered state, did I look the same to other people around me?
A: Yes.
Q: (R) You see it is only a perspective from an individual perspective.
A: Perception is bonded by awareness. Others are bonded to their awareness of you and all else.
Q: (V) Well, while this was happening to me, was this also happening to others in my general area?
A: No. Not likely. You do not yet realize how rare higher awareness is.
Q: (JN) What triggered it?
A: Frequency envelope thinning due to patterning imprint repetition of Violette in her environment.
Q: (V) Alright what's a frequency envelope you brainy types. (R) Actually, frequency envelope, [asking Ark] isn't that what we were doing with the wave generating computer program? (A) Frequency envelope is something like that.
A: Your awareness maintains a frequency emanation in concert with those in your environment. When there are fluctuations in bonding frequencies both between you and your environment, and the frequency bonding of another, the fluctuations create discontinuities.
Q: (R) Okay, that makes sense. (L) It does? (V) Okay then tell me. (R) Okay. It's like resonance. If the environment has a particular frequency...hmm... (V) We were asking about the frequency envelope and what it is. (R) And it's Violette. And violet is high energy, right? The color spectrum right? [The group reviews the previous C's answer...] (R) Exactly, so it's a quantum jump. GROUP: Yeah. (R) Because you're at one level and unless something strange happens that's where you're at. (L) In other words--you emanate energy, the other person emanates energy, and the energy exchange is between you and the environment, and between you and the person and the environment, and your environment is maintained, and the envelope of energy is maintained around you. But if there is...what? Fluctuations? (R) Ah! "Your awareness maintains a frequency emanation in concert with those in your environment." Hence, if your environment has a frequency that allows for a higher frequency, I mean, it always has the lower, but in some cases it can allow for higher. (L) They're talking about it being fluctuations in the environment. If somebody or something in you're environment is... (A) But the question is--which properties of environment that we can describe in terms of...(L) Well they're saying that the fluctuations are in Violette. (R) In concert with the environment. (L) And in concert with people who are in the environment. In other words, something is breaking up and you are no longer frequency bonded to the people in the environment in the same way; there is a fluctuation there. What is it called when you add too much energy to something? It becomes unstable. Your reality construct is unstable. That's what I would say. (R) You have a bigger marble that you can fit in a bigger hole if the hole happens to be there. (L) Right.
A: Rejoice! You are growing out of your shoes.
Q: (L) Your feet don't fit anymore! You need new shoes!
A: Basis: shoes.
Q: (V) Okay. Perspective is a word that has been coming up a lot, so I am going to go ahead and ask about this. We all live in the same world, but yet we view our environment, what is going around us differently. One time a few years ago I was with a psychic counselor, so to speak, a woman named P, and she insisted that in her world the Rainforest was not being degraded...
A: STS tend to make such statements because of denial of the very principle just described.
Q: (V) We were sitting there, and I was whining about how bad humans treat the earth, (this was when I was studying Environmental Science), and she was just insisting that, in her world, the Rainforest was just fine. And you know, I was just sitting there looking at her, and I just couldn't believe what she was saying was the truth. And I thought, "okay, is this woman traveling back and forth between realms or realities or what is the deal?"
A: She was abnegating any response... ability.
Q: (V) Well you know I stopped going and seeing those psychic people awhile ago (laughter). :)
A: Good plan! Hang out your own shingle and let them come to you!
Q: (V) I don't know about living the life of a psychic. (L) I think it was a joke.
(R) Okay, could it be the case that frequency resonance of all who are here together with you is because of the resonance makes it easier, it lowers the amount of energy needed from the environment to make...
A: The orchestra is able to produce greater volume when in concert.
Q:(R) Right. So, is this concept - in this sentence that says "the orchestra is able to produce greater volume when in concert - is that what is meant by creating a conduit?
A: Close. Frequency envelope has many applications.
Q:(R) Could you outline some of those applications? Is that too vague? (V) It sounds pretty particular to me. (R) Yeah, but it has many applications and such a conduit would have such many applications, one of which I assume we are using now.
A: For but one example: Joshua and the "Walls of Jericho."
Q:(R) Of course. So they used a conduit meaning a resonance of an orchestra of people to bring down the Walls of Jericho.
A: More or less, though it was not Jericho.
Q:(R) Okay, but the principle applies. (V) Since you are using this orchestra metaphor what kind of instrument are each of us?
A: Violette wants to be a flute. RO: French Horn. Laura: Harp. BT: Tuba. JN: Piano. MN: Glockenspiel. Ark: Violin.
Q:(V) Thank-you, that was fun. (R) I have a question. If not the walls of Jericho then the walls of what?
A: Seek Atlantean events for the roots of myths.
Q:(R) Okay, I got you. [Laura sings: Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho…] (R) Okay, let's ask about the computer program we have been working on. [Ark and RO, a Java expert, had spent the previous week working on creating this program, based on Schrödinger's equation and Ark's Event Enhanced Quantum Theory. The program simulates graphically scattering, interference, and collapse of quantum probability waves.] The graphical artifacts that we are seeing in the program are they actual or are they caused by numerical problems or errors in the program?
A: Numerical serendipity is more like it.
Q: (A): What, what? (L) I think "serendipity" is a pleasant discovery, from a story about the Land of Serendip. (R) Okay so, is it something that we should investigate or should we focus on other things?
A: Absolutely. Remember the Benzene Ring. Idea structure was seen first, then followed explication when application was realized.
Q: (R) If we can see some application of it then it will be such that we can back engineer it and figure out the cause of it. Now we are just looking at it in terms of what is it? What is it doing? What is it? But if we can see some application... (A) Well we see one application, a screen saver (laughter). (R) I think maybe we should find some more interesting application, but it is a good principle to find an application of it because that's what can lead us back to what it is. (A) Yeah, that's true. Well, can you help us with what is the application, give us some direction?
A: Think of the Benzene "Ring."

020223 said:
A: Prime numbers show the door.
Q:(R) It's perfect. So in the simulation, the spirals seem to always be prime numbers. We have 3, 5, 7, 11, 19 - I think we have seen at some point. (A) 2 is also prime number (laughter). :) (V) But not a 13? (R) I think we have seen 13. It depends on what parameters you set. I think we can find pretty much any prime number depending on the values. (A) I don't believe it. (R) He doesn't believe it. (A) No. It is a hypothesis. (R) Is the number of apparent spirals always a prime number?
A: Ark is not right on the money.
Q:(A) I am. I will show you! (B) Does that mean he's close? (R) You can't be close. Either it's prime numbers or it's not. (A) What did they say that I am not right? Right? (R) Right, exactly. (A) Okay, I will show you guys. (L) How are you going to show them? (A) We will do an experiment and we will show that it's not prime numbers. And the C's will have to recant! [laughter]. :) But there are many other ways in which prime number can come into this game and probably they are coming into this game and it will be very nice to find this out.
A: Find out, in deed.
Q: (L) Well that's kind of a pun, find out "in deed" - by doing. (R) We are on a very, very interesting path here because we just defined what a density is. It's a frequency resonance envelope. (A) The question is frequency of what?
A: Yes, of those in the orchestra.
Q: (L) So it is by agreement. (A) What is by agreement? (L) To be in the orchestra, frequency resonance envelope. (B) Not only to be, but to play within those parameters. (L) Who gets to pick what gets played?
A: Ah! There's the rub!
Q: (B) That means it's up for grabs. Which is why they're interested in us grounding a certain frequency resonance so STS doesn't.
A: No, you don't get to pick the selection at this level. But you in the future does. The question is: How well do you play, and can you play true if the others don't?

020504 said:
Q: (B) Well then they were right. Now, there was a discussion about psychopaths and seemingly being born that way, and a reference was made to mercury content in vaccines and Laura said that there is a distinct possibility that inoculations mentioned may directly affect the brains of infants and turn them into psychopaths. Is that a third area that needs to be pursued in our quest of learning about psychopaths?
A: Such inoculations are designed to make the nervous system more "appropriately tuned" to 4D STS "downloads" and manipulation.
Q: (A) What inoculations? (L) Childhood vaccinations. (B) High mercury content in the 18 vaccinations that a kid gets now in infancy. Laura and I were talking earlier about thought packets and speech analysis. Is trying to analyze the speech pattern of psychopaths vs. non-psychopaths something that would prove fruitful?
A: It can be done. But there are easier ways.
Q: (L) What easier ways?
A: Observation coupled with instinct.
Q: (L) Once you know the program just plug it in. (B) Kind of what were doing? Mention was made in private correspondence about people that finance COINTELPRO operators, disinformation artists, that such finaciers generally prefer not to take a risk and insist that legal action that might force this disclosure must never take place. Is there some validity to this in the Vincent Bridges/ Jay Weidner thing?
A: Not in their case. They are truly "alien" agents with no consciousness of being controlled. Thus no human intermediary is needed. 4th density save money this way!!
Q: [Laughter from all] :D :)

020504 said:
A: It is a disguise for conveying truths of a spiritual nature as well as a depiction of 4th Density realities.
Q: (L) Did he physically travel to Tibet?
A: No.
Q: (B) Sounds like he gained some inner awareness and used a story to convey it. (L) Did he travel anywhere?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Did he travel somewhere else and get this information and then accurately portray it as being centered in Tibet?
A: Yes.
Q: (B) Were his other travels in 3rd density?
A: Yes.
Q: (B) Is it important where he traveled?
A: Yes.
Q: (B) Well you know what the next question is (laughter). :) What would be his destination? Where did he travel?
A: Siberia.
Q: (B) Does it have anything to do with the spot in Siberia or Russian mountains that has the electromagnetic labs or whatever it was that they were discussing before?
A: Close.

020731 said:
Q: (L) And where do you transmit through?
A: Hello men of Cassiopaea.
Q: (I) Why men?
A: Hello I** of Cassiopaea!!!
Q: [Laughter] :) (I) Long time.
A: No Cs!
Q: [Laughter] :)
A: Get it?! Hello M** of ?
Q: (M) Wow! That's a good question for me too, I guess. Wow, that's one I don't know. Well I've never been to Cassiopaea. Hello.

020731 said:
Q: [...] (A) The issue of "agents" has been a subject of recent discussion, especially after all the odd things that occurred during our conference in the past week. What are the clues that we could look to in order to discern "agents?"
[Planchette spirals momentarily]
A: Since you asked...[group laughter] :D :D let your imagination be your guide.
Q: (S) Talk about an open ended answer. They've expanded on 'open', so... (L) Is there any kind of activity that involves precognition or time travel awareness?
A: See previous answer.

020731 said:
Q: (M) But I've been used in the past as well.
A: You have so many buttons that they play you like a concertina.
Q: (M) Okay, how can that be solved? By hypnotism or spirit release therapy" What to make that less risky so the decision making process is better, improved...
A: Think like a hammer.
Q: (M) Well, alright. I've done it briefly, only briefly in the past, but...
A: No pain no gain.
Q: (M) Good general tips for everybody, it's nice the way they answer that. Why wouldn't I just... choosing seems to be obvious because the approaches of these beings, these attempts, feel obnoxious...(I) That's a button! (L) Concertina Man! [group laughter]. :D :D (M) Yeah, all these buttons. Okay so think with a hammer. They didn't say spirit release therapy or anything. (I) You need to find out what the buttons are. (L) And work. There's work. I would say thinking about spirit release and all that stuff is looking for an easy way out. Did you ever stop to think that all these little emotional things that get pushed in you, they're just simply emotional programs and you have to master them? I mean you can't just get hypnotized and toss them out and think there's somebody else that's going to do the work for you. (M) What a great point. Maybe S** C** was seeing something. He keeps saying he's told to say things. Maybe there's a reason. Maybe I had a spirit attachment and somebody could say it was an old Knight Templar [everybody laughing at once]. :D :D (L) Can't you just say that the whole line that C** fed you is a crock of sh*t. Just say it: 'there's evil people out there that push my buttons' and let it go at that? That's a crock. It pushes your buttons and makes you start going around in these uhahuhahuh, and it's a crock! Say after me M** 'There is a crock of sh*t out there and they're after me.' [M** repeats and agrees] (I) And they can only get to you if you allow that button to be pushed. (L) Why can't you just say 'There ARE agents of negative forces and they will say anything that is designed to push our buttons. They're all snipers and they push our buttons.' (I) You also have to utilize what you see. (M) Okay there was one thing holding me up and that was - and maybe you've heard this a thousand times because you have more experience - but I look at some of the... [I starts laughing] :) (L) Just remember I'm going to transcribe every word [ongoing laughter]. :D :D (J) The thing about when S** pushes your buttons is that he pushes a button and it works; you do the dance; you sing the song; you know what I mean. You're doing it now, chewing on this nonsense over and over again. So, the answer is:just don't sing the song. Don't do the dance. (I) I have a question. There has been so much laughter in the group during the conference that I just want to know: Were you guys laughing all weekend?
A: Let us just say that there is great joy in these "realms" and that does include "laughter.":)
Q: (I) I'm not even there yet, but God if it's like anything I felt this week, I can't wait. [everybody laughs] I've never laughed this much in my entire life.
A: M**, you have a very poorly developed emotional center.
Q: (M) Well the obvious thing is, that's not acceptable. It's got to be quite right...(S) Just think in small steps, don't think you're going make a leap into having a developed emotional center all at once. You just gotta take one small step after another. (M) Well what is most suitable: sudden shock treatment or steps or...[laughter] :) For example, can I ever be a worthwhile acquaintance for people that I've known in England? That's been haunting me.
A: You are seeking love in all the wrong places. How can you know love if you cannot bear truth?
Q: (M) So I've got to think with a hammer and, I can't bear truth...
A: Wishful thinking buffers you from truth.
Q: (M) Well that's what I've got to work at so...(L) So basically you're looking for love, you want love. That's the thing you're really after. But how can you have love if you can't bear truth? Seek ye first truth and you will get love. (A) Seeking truth means leave your delusions. (M) I found that some truth is really or mainly just joy with amazement and then...(L) But there is some that you can't stand. All truth is not beauty. All truth is not delight. (A) You see the first step, as I understand, of finding truth, is realizing 'I am alone and I am responsible for everything what happens to me.' And when you understand "I am alone, okay, and I am responsible and there are these snipers and they are shooting at me," then you fully realize your situation, you are alone. Only then, you can DO.
A: More than anyone realizes. Remember that groups "transduce" cosmic energy. Think of the energy transmitted into your realm by your gathering.
Q: (I) I never laughed :) this much ever! Just a little snippet of what STO can possibly be like, and it's much more than we realize. (S) Is there something special about laughter? (I) Does it generate energy?
A: Pure laughter is rarely experienced in your realm. Just wait for 4th density!
Q: (I) Like I said I can't wait. (H) Was the moment I had where I was laughing at myself something close to that?
A: Partly. It was more a releasing of blockage.
Q: (I) Is that in my case, I mean I couldn't stop laughing.
A: With I**, it is different. You are already past a major block.
Q: (A) I want to go back to agents and ask about the guy from room 103, what was his function, if any?
A: Just think of spy vs spy. There is more than one group interested in what you are doing. Collecting data for later use. Now, all of you have value far beyond your own understanding to this point. It would be wise to remember this and be cautious. Go from this point with joy in this knowledge and...defend it. Good bye.

020818 said:
A: Not really. Terry is seeing a path and is in turmoil at the inner awareness of the choices ahead and the potentials. He gave up many goals in the past and there is a great sensation of loss and desire to resume the path.
Q: (T) Okay, that's pretty heavy. (J) Yeah it is.
A: It was when it fell, too.
Q: [Laughter.] :) (T) Okay, humor, mirth. When it fell. I like that. That was good. They've never talked about me like this before.[...]

020818 said:
A: Give rest to Terry.
Q: (L) What do you mean "Give rest to Terry?"
A: He is detuned due to long absence.
Q: (L) What's this about ill?
A: Ill fitting energy resonance. Terry needs to regroove.
Q: (L) How does Terry regroove? (T) Yes, how do I regroove? (L) How does a person regroove?
A: First by spending time in learning to the same level as others in resonance.
Q: (T) It moves quick now! (L) So in other words, umm...well I don't know. (A) We are not talking to Cassiopaeans, we are talking to someone unknown.
A: Yes Cassiopaea.
Q: (L) Why was it spelled funny the first time?
A: Lack of resonance.
Q: (T) Well I guess I'm out of resonance. (L) Why is Terry out of resonance?
A: Too long absence and cares of life.
Q: (T) Too much 3rd density?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) It's been a busy summer. (J) There's been a lot happening. (L) Alright so, tell us what to do about it, do you want to know what to do about it?
A: Interaction is highly desirable. Even if only he is in contact via email.
Q: (T) Email? Do they have email at 6th density?
A: Grooving is long process.
Q: (T) So being away too long is a loss of the groove, frequency?
A: Not loss, failure to keep with pace of rapid advancement of process of network.
Q: (T) Well, that could be. (L) Well you didn't lose anything. (T) I just haven't gained anything. (J) We haven't been keeping up with the story because we've been focused on other things. We've been away mostly for four years since we moved up north. But I think up until maybe the past whatever, he still kept in touch and kept involved in it. But I think with everything that's been happening he hasn't had time. (T) Gotta work to survive.
A: He is holding steady.
Q: (T) Well steady's better than nothing I guess. At least I can be considered steady. (T) Can I try again? (L) Try it, just keep kicking in.
A: Yes keep signalling.
Q: (T) Hello. Hello. (L) We've been doing a lot of thinking about it and it's a noise to signal thing and then of course...(J) It's almost like tuning in a radio station. (L) Yeah.
A: Cow.
Q: (Laughter) :) (L) Okay, I've got to find out what cow means. (T) Are you calling me a cow? Moooo (Laughter). :)
A: Sacred cows.
Q: (T) I'm a sacred cow? I've got cats, there sacred cats. We've got cows down the street. What kind of sacred cows? (L) Sacred cows is a term the group uses that refers to when people hang on to certain ideas that they ought to let go of; hanging onto assumptions and ideas...(J) They're holding you back...(L) Right. In fact did you see our little image --No Sacred Cows, NO BULL? Are you saying Terry has sacred cows?
A: Somewhat.
Q: (T) Well doesn't everybody? (L) Hah! Not anymore. We have learned how to get rid of them, very painfully, I should add! (T) And me I always considered myself a sacred cow buster.
A: Terry needs to get in the groove.
Q: (T) How do I get in the groove?
A: Networking works.
Q: (T) Does that mean I need to post on the message board occasionally? I try to keep up with what you're writing. That in itself is a lot of work.
A: Attention is a bi-directional signal. It works best in an exchange.

020818 said:
Q: (T) So are there any particular opinions that you can begin with that can point out that I can work on? (L) Oh Terry you know you're not supposed to ask that, you know better! (laughter) :)
A: He is trying to fool Mother Cassiopaea. Not today!
Q: (T) Nice try, no cigar (laughter). :)
A: No short cuts!
Q: (T) Well I have a lot to work with don't I? I have opinions on everything. (L) Don't we all. (T) Which one...(L) Just start throwing them out there. (T) How do I throw them out there without being offensive? I just try very hard to not be offensive to people...'cause I have no reason...
A: Ask questions!
Q: (A) It's very simple. If I have just opinions and my thing is just to express my opinion to other people, it's a signal that I don't want to learn anything. If I think I know all, where does openness and growth come in? The solution is to just suspend all opinion and just be curious and ask questions and see if you can learn. Just do -- 'I am suspending all opinions. Even if have one, I'm not going to express it.' Because sooner or later, if you ask questions people will start thinking and trying to answer, and then they will start asking:'Well, tell us what you think.' Right? 'It's suspicious he is just ask question and he is not giving anything from himself' (laughter). And then it becomes a dynamic exchange.
A: Networking works!!!

020914 said:
Q: (C) So every time one of those spots appears it's a sign that intrusion had been trying to happen and it was successfully warded off?
A: Depends on the "spot" and the individual. But, generally, yes if the same coloration.
Q: (V) I was curious if the same type of thing happens with different colors. (L) Well they said the blue coloration was a physiological response to the EM thing the way the blister would be to heat. I would imagine that there might be physiological responses to other kinds of things, just like burns can be different from scrapes, from cuts, from scratches. (V) Okay, well, since we have spot in quotation marks what is the difference between a spot being on the belly and a spot being on the underarm?
A: It simply denotes the nature of the defense in symbolic terms. Yours was personal, thus the arm. Laura's was for the children, thus the ovary.
Q: (L) Yeah. I was aware that my children were being threatened and this thing shot up out of me, up through the roof, and it opened up into an umbrella and floated down on the house like a symbolic protection - like a gigantic bell jar shield - for the kids. I thought it was so cool because, gee, that's pretty handy thing to have, you know; you've got these rocket launchers in your body (laughter)! :)
Q: (L) I have a question. I had a thought the other night after I read Dolan's book. He was talking about this government technology for mind control and so forth, and how the government or the military was trying to cover up the alien presence and interactions, what they were really up to and what they were really doing, and I came to this idea after reading all of these cases. What is evident is that there were apparently abductions and landings and contact stories from very early on in the so-called UFO phenomenon. What I thought about was the fact that Budd Hopkins and Whitley Strieber promoted in their books - mostly Whitley - the image of the gray alien as the standard American abductor. After the publication of these books, all American abductions seemed to follow the pattern of the gray alien abduction. However, it is primarily an American phenomenon. Most other places in the world don't have little gray aliens with bug eyes. So, what I want to know is this: is the gray alien abduction scenario: a.) A screen memory b.) a creation of the American military mass mind programming project in order to acclimate people to certain conditions, circumstances and interactions, or c.) something else or d) are they really just gray aliens abducting everybody?
A: You have stumbled upon an interesting question indeed. As we have noted previously, physical abductions are rare. Not only that, some abductions do not end with return of the victim. Now, what do you suppose you would do to cover up this fact? You might "create" a lot of abductions that end with return and "no harm done."
Q: (L) That wasn't one of my answer selections! Does this mean that the abductions reported by the people that Budd Hopkins worked with, followed by Whitley Strieber, were staged?
A: Close enough for horseshoes. ;)
Q: (L) Okay, what would get us closer.
A: How about several varieties of experiences including government experiments? Did you ever notice how some cases exhibit extreme trauma and some do not? Same general story, but one is related with deeper sensation of reality, and another is not. Why do you think so many "abductees" are able to accommodate the experience, while some result in ruined lives?
Q: (L) So you are saying that some of them are not really being abducted. They're just having something projected into their mind. So how long has this been going on?
A: Over 30 years.
Q: (L) That would be back to the 70's. And so where did Whitley come up with his gray aliens...and how does this relate to grays as cyber-genetic probes?
A: There really are "grays." But not nearly as ubiquitous the gov would like you to think.

020914 said:
Q: (L) My next question is: I've been being a bit mouthy on the website lately. I just can't seem to keep my mouth shut when I see so many lies and so much fraud, and the potential for so many people being hurt. I know that things are going to be they way they are being, and that we will 'do what we will do,' but it just isn't in me to keep silent when I see what I see. What are the chances that any of my activities are going to even be helpful?
A: While it may not appear to make a difference, sometimes actions accelerate growth.
Q: (C) Do they mean personal growth or everyone's collective growth? (B) In the form of intensified lessons? (L) Yeah (laughter). :)
A: Personal growth. And it can lead to lessons, but also to a star for passing the test.

021914 said:
A: How long is a grand cycle? Think in those subunits.
Q: (L) Well a grand cycle is what, 309,000 years? So how does that relate? (A) Essentially it defines a unit of time. So if I say frequency is equal to 1, it means one grand cycle, if I say frequency equals 10, it means 10 oscillations per grand cycle, and so on, okay. Okay, it's a kind of an answer. If anything, it makes sense. I can do something with it. Okay, at some point when we were talking about these prime numbers, you mentioned a name and the name was Zuber. I asked what does it mean and you answered 'research.' Well I was researching, of course. I was just looking about, using google. I was looking for Zuber and prime numbers and something like this. And, surprise, surprise! There were essentially, very few references, and all of them were to Matti Pitkanen. So he has a lot of papers about prime numbers and theory of everything based on prime numbers...(L) How did Zuber get in there? (A) Zuber is one of these references because one of the references is a famous book, which I even have, by a physicist named Zuber, about quantum field theory! So my question: , is the Zuber of the book on quantum field theory and conformal theories and so on, the right Zuber?
A: What do you think?
Q: (A) I think chances are 50%. And chances are that he's not the same.
A: 80 percent!
Q: (A) 80%, that doesn't help much! I have this paper by Matti Pitkanen here, maybe you will reevaluate this. The paper is called Quantum Criticality and 1 over F nosxe. and here's Zuber. Let me read it, hmm... [reading] conformal invariance, yeah, it must be the same. Okay, 90 percent! [laughter]. :)
A: 100!
Q: (T) I don't know if this has been addressed before, but what are some possible causes of intermittent ear ringing? (C) I have some theories about it but I want to know if my theories are correct.
A: Monitoring as well as picking up programming signals and also some background "universe" noise.
Q: (C) The reason we ask is because I've noticed a pattern. I even keep a log about it now because it's so weird. I personally get ear ringing when it seems like I'm talking to somebody out loud or to myself about a theory about something that has to do with matrix stuff. (L) So you're being monitored? (C) Right. So any time it seems like I'm having a breakthrough thought - you know drones, the matrix, the programs, holographic inserts - all of the sudden I'll get like an ear ringing. Sometimes the left, sometimes the right, but I'm trying to find out what the pattern is. So I'm keeping track of it. (T) What process is responsible for creating the actual ringing noise?
A: Partly "interpretation" by neural processes that, at some level, recognize the potential and issue symptomatic warning.
Q: (C to T) Remember the one with R**, I said it was a warning one. It was the loudest ear ring I've ever had. It burned my ear. (L) So, in other words, seems that the C's are suggesting that your spiritual perception, psychic perception, is picking stuff up, transferring it in a subliminal way to your mind, and then your neural processes are trying to translate it and give you a warning. Is that what you were thinking? (C) I think so. I was wondering constantly about the idea, the concept of fake humans, holographic inserts, drones, organic portals, what ever you want to call it, and just what happened was weeee (a sound like ear ringing) and just really loud in my right ear. (L) So in a sense it's like your early warning system. (C) Ummhmm. (V) You know I don't even have to be talking to somebody, I can just be thinking about something and it'll just zheeee [a sound like ear ringing]. (L) I wonder if OP's have ringing in their ears?
A: Ask one.
Q: [Laughter] :) (A) First of all there is also ear ringing which comes from physiological causes. (L) Yeah, tinnitus. So of course they could have physiological ringing in the ear. (C) It happens only when I'm thinking specifically about these kinds of matters. (T) Does the frequency of sound have any significance? (C) Yeah, 'cause sometimes they're waahs, they're soft. Tthere's different tones you know. Sometimes it's in the right ear, sometimes the left ear.
A: Observe and you may learn your own internal "code."
Q: (C) That's what I thought, it's like a code. (A) I think it's like when people can use, what is it, a finger code under hypnosis or with biofeedback training. You can somehow train, bypass conscious interference that way. (L) Yeah, that's what it is, it's bypassing your conscious damping. We all tend to just think our way out of things. (A) But the interesting question is can one somehow disturb this monitoring? Is it something physical that can...
A: Sure, the issue is to cover the many frequencies and shifts. White noise makers deal with some but not all!
Q: (A) I was wondering if a shot of whiskey beat it. Like, you know, when I had this experiences in Göttingen and the advice was...(L) A shot of whiskey! So you want your shot of whiskey now? [laughter] :) (A) Sure, to prevent being monitored!
A: In some cases a shift in chemistry also means a shift in susceptibility, but not a cessation of the activity.
Q: (L) So it ain't gonna stop it, though you might reduce - temporarily - your susceptibility. (V) Well, a slug of whiskey? Wouldn't that be just a little too easy? (A) You know we are in a non-linear world so to become even a little less susceptible can mean a lot. (V) Right. (B) Is that justification? [laughter] :) (L) We've got some Southern Comfort.

020928 said:
A: No need. Only objective there is to prevent his further discoveries.
Q: (AJ) His ideas are quite original, so I wonder where he is getting them?
A: Not so original, just logical. Only reason others don't "get" such ideas is because they cannot think logically due to hypnosis.
Q: (AJ) Well, I also have problems with logical thinking due to hypnosis!
A: Less than before.
Q: (AJ) Well, that means that I am still under hypnosis and clearly I am under more hypnosis than this Mr. Pajak is because I have not been able to get as far as he has...
A: You aren't an engineer.
Q: (L) That reminds me! I wonder why it is we have such a preponderance of engineer types and computer types in the School? (AJ) Computer types, it's clear: they are the only guys who have the time! [Laughter] :)

020928 said:
Q: (AJ) Change of subject. I want to build an ozone generator. That is, I had an idea that it may be a good idea. Who knows, it may be a very bad idea because we may die due to ozone. It kills germs, it might kill us. [laughter] :) We ordered a transformer and it will be our first experiment with high voltage. So, question about ozone: Can we play with ozone? Is it a good idea?
A: Allow it to run while out of the room, limit long term direct exposure.

This completes the review of laughing and humour in the transcripts.
Re: Instances of Laughter and Humour in the Cassiopaean Transcripts

:lol: Thanks, Thorbiorn!!! Was feeling a bit down lately...this cheered me up.

Oh, and your Jesinivara postings from the C's transcripts late last year were inspiring, too!
Re: Instances of Laughter and Humour in the Cassiopaean Transcripts

Cassiopaeans said:
A: How about the hula hoop dance with green peppers stuck up your nose! [Hilarious laughter]
Thanks for this thread, beautiful!

Q: [Laughter] (T) I'm glad to know there is still humor when you get up to 6th level!
A: There is a lot here, not nearly enough there.

Cassiopaeans said:
A: Pure laughter is rarely experienced in your realm. Just wait for 4th density!

That is something to look forward to! The joyful mirth really endears me to the Cassiopaeans, that and their words "wait and see"! :)

Q: (T) I love mirth!
A: Mirth is good.
:) :) :)
Re: Instances of Laughter and Humour in the Cassiopaean Transcripts

My personal favourite:

Q: (L) I noticed that in the beginning of these transmission that
the language was very formalized, and that as time has gone
by, the language used has become more colloquial. Why is
A: Formalized? Colloquial? Define your judgments, please!
Q: (L) Well, what I meant was, that in the beginning it seemed
that certain colloquial expressions that we are accustomed to
were unclear to you. And now, not only is there great
familiarity with our expressions, but you seem to often come
up with rather clever and original witty sayings.
A: Familiarity breeds contentment!
Q: (L) Okay. I want to get on with the questions for tonight...
A: Do you not wish to reflect upon our witticism?
Q: (L) [Laughter] Yes! I thought that was a very clever
A: It seemed as if you were not impressed?!? Give us a
break, Laura?!? We're only sixth density!

Re: Instances of Laughter and Humour in the Cassiopaean Transcripts

I'm not sure if sarcasm and humor are quite the same thing, or even if I read the intent of this right, but I laughed:

June 17 said:
Q: (L) Going along with that statement, not too long ago I asked a question about the purpose of this group and the answer was that if we knew, or, more specifically if I knew, I would become “unglued”. Was that meant literally?

A: Oh, yes certainly. Every single bone in your body is going to unglue itself from every other.
Re: Instances of Laughter and Humour in the Cassiopaean Transcripts

HowToBe said:
I'm not sure if sarcasm and humor are quite the same thing, or even if I read the intent of this right, but I laughed:

June 17 said:
Q: (L) Going along with that statement, not too long ago I asked a question about the purpose of this group and the answer was that if we knew, or, more specifically if I knew, I would become “unglued”. Was that meant literally?

A: Oh, yes certainly. Every single bone in your body is going to unglue itself from every other.

The first time I read it years ago I LOLed, thinking it was pure mirth. But given all the subsequent dietary knowledge that came to light (years later) regarding gluten, perhaps it was meant literally, as a sneak peek into 'the future.' It certainly wouldn't be the first example of dual meanings in the transcripts. :)
Re: Instances of Laughter and Humour in the Cassiopaean Transcripts

I find humor in all the sessions read so far including the ones in the Wave ect.. I mean LMBO !

& sometimes it's not just mirth , the C's seem really good at it esp when something was seemingly missed ;) & lots of it in the early sessions when Laura really didnt like what she was hearing/receving .

the mood has lightened up considerably in later sessions :cool2:

All my best to all of you doing the Hard Work & thank you Laura you are a lifesaver rather you believe it or not .
Re: Instances of Laughter and Humour in the Cassiopaean Transcripts

The C's really have a GREAT sense of humor. Besides all the profound teachings over the years, their wit and humor is the icing on the cake, so to speak.
Re: Instances of Laughter and Humour in the Cassiopaean Transcripts

Mirth is the best kind of medicine. Thanks for compiling all this. :dance:
Re: Instances of Laughter and Humour in the Cassiopaean Transcripts

Just read all of it - brilliant :D

A: How about the hula hoop dance with green peppers stuck up your nose! [Hilarious laughter]

Had me laughing a lot.
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