the group of Visegrád


Jedi Master
Hello, I retanscis a text that I had made appear on the group of Visegrád
Vision of the next 100 years of America as a world superpower.
The Pentagon think-tank, Stratford; is the intellectual weapon of the American Empire, having long-term views like all world powers, the boss George Friedman has outlined his plans for America published under the titles "next 100 years" (*), this book must be known to all those who fight the American Empire, because it gives perspectives on the whole world and what America plans to do to remain 100 years as the only world power. It must be read for all states that do not want to fall into the traps that US administrations are trying to make.
The US strategy is to have not two alternative plans but more, and in this context this book will enlighten the reader anxious to understand the issues that unfold.
What predicts George Friedman and the American geo-strategists: on the future third world wars (between 2040 and 2070), the main shock will be between Greater Poland and the great neo-Ottoman Turkey for the control of the Balkans, having served as fields battlefield, devastated by tactical nuclear strikes, at the end of the war, Romania is ceded to Greater Turkey and becomes a neo-Ottoman province.
Attentive readers will have noticed that these intra-European geopolitical visions are in total contradiction. Not for the geostrategists of Stratford.
A few words on the project of the new Ottoman imperialism
The war of the former Yugoslavia and Kosovo, which; At the same time pushed by NATO, Turkey and Albania have done everything to recover the Serbian territory of Kosovo, neo-Ottoman Turkey intends to rebuild its great empire having already invaded Syria and now Iraq. For the reader to understand the hatred in the Balkan countries, from Greece to Romanians and Bulgarians to Islam, it is not so much religion that hatred emanates, it is the still recent history of the Ottoman invasions in Europe which left a deep trauma such massacre of Armenians and the Greeks who were then driven out of Turkey. We will not forget that later Turkey took over a part of the island of Cyprus, during the Second World War the neo-Ottomans took their old habits and massacred orthodox civilians, history will teach us that the most fanatical were at the side of the Nazis as the Bosnian and Croatian legions (Oustaschis) who did not hesitate to commit the worst atrocities, to decapitate their enemies or to tear their eyes to make trophies. The Ottoman presence has had as many negative effects in Europe as in the Middle East and it is on these tensions that the geostrategists work. Today Erdogan has considerable influence in Bosnia, Macedonia and throughout northern Greece to revive a new Ottoman Empire with the aim of controlling the Balkans to achieve his ends. Turkey has embarked with Azerbaijan and its other partner Georgia, in a highly committed project of the BTK (Baku-Tbilisi-Kars) railway line as well as 692 km pipeline linking Baku in Azerbaijan to Erzurum in Turkey (1 ), this line aims to bypass Russia and this will give Turkey another new economic weapon.
Nostalgia for past Empire, or how the appetites of small nationalists are sharpened on both sides by the Machiavellian genius of Stratford
The EU project that was supposedly designed to counter the American influence was a joke because the EU is an American creation, and it was with the German influence and under German domination that it could be created, unlike to the French people's opinion, there has never been a Franco-German friendship, Germany is above all the great Germany, whatever the way to achieve it by economic domination in the countries Southern Europe and the desire for progress in the East, but she had never thought that she could be betrayed by her post-war love; United States. With the arrival of Trump in power, it will favor the Mitteleuropa, that is to say, Poland, Romania, Hungary and the Baltic countries, Slovenia and so on. Under the Obama and Kerry era US policy was committed to Germany until the events in Ukraine, Germany had its own candidate in the person of former boxer Vitali Klitschko, but Victoria Nuland, in charge of the Europe at the State Department will tell Europe "-flick- the EU" (2), the project is the dismemberment of this country for the benefit of Poland from Hungary as well as from Romania. Far from being in the case of the war in the former Yugoslavia where the American Empire is Germany's continued domination of certain states of that former Yugoslavia and while they were in concert for the dismemberment of the country, the Germany will be more and more attacked by the United States with the accession to power of Trump, it will rely on the Mitteleuropa (Poland, Hungary, Romania), Trump will be in solidarity with all political parties Eurosceptics. The German fanaticism and the European institutions have put the countries of Southern Europe in such a state of poverty and misery that it is not surprising that Trump was there too by setting it on fire, the Europeans just have to blame themselves.
The Visegrád group
The Visegrád group originated in the autumn of 1335, when the kings of Bohemia, Poland and Hungary met in the Hungarian city of Visegrád to create an anti-Habsburg alliance. The three leaders agreed on the creation of new trade routes that would facilitate access to European markets. These countries will first join NATO in 1999 and join the European Union in 2004, Poland will be at the forefront of anti-Brussels and Anti-Russia, a privileged ally of the United States since Poland will be the main partner. United States until 2050, it no longer fears Germany.
The imperialism wills of Poland
Poland as written above is a country that the American geostrategists put to the pinnacle, the Polish nostalgic in Warsaw, advocate the return of the great of the XV-XVII century, able to compete with Moscow, whose sphere of influence went from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea and the Adriatic, which had been annexed from the provinces today Belarus, Romania, Ukraine. Polish state geopolitics boils down to the slogan: "from sea to sea", this geopolitics also referred to as the Intermarium >> (Poland-Lithuania-Ukraine). The Greater Germany-Greater Poland project is also antagonistic as both have targets in Ukraine and Romania.
Great Romania, or how Romanians are rolled in flour
In these reveries of great space, of these countries mentioned above, we must also mention that of Greater Romania which existed between 1918 and until 1944, Romania has annexation aims on Moldova, but the Romania is also coveted by Germany and is used as a pawn by the Americans. Romania has accepted the installation of radar and US missiles on its soil, Romania will be the first country that will be the target of the Russians in case of US strikes. All this being planned by the American geostrategists, since Romania will return to the neo-Ottoman Empire.
If his plans are in preparation, that some pawns are placed, it remains that a theoretical plan remains theoretical, so the project Stratford can just as easily, and never unwind. To conclude, let's say that the genius of these strategists has worked well in Europe, thanks to the arrogance of Germany and the European institutions, this certainty that events happen because they want them done that these people never took into account that their "friends" Americans have turned against them, as they usually do and now it's up to the countries of the mittleuropa to resume the voice pushed by the United States, at present anti-Europeans from all countries of the European Union have views on members of the V4 group, forgetting that this group is so close of the American establishment, and that these countries with regard to wars in the Middle East are on the side of the Zionist entity. Victor Orban is close to Benyamin Netanyahu, he has spoken in favor of the latest bombings on Syria, Poland which in the UN has abstained from voting against a project that had been issued by Qatar for the protection of Palestinians. (*)
Qui est ce groupe de Visegrad qui séduit l'extrême droite autrichienne?

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