The Illuminati - what is real?

Q: (L) So, the legend of the Fall of Lucifer as the origin of the souls incarnating into physical life was an event that actually took place on this other planet?


(A) Lucifer, The fallen Angel." This is you.

I'm a bit confused here. Were there 2 falls, one off world and one here on Earth. i.e. history repeating. Sorry for the heavy type, I can't correct it.!!
October 16, 1994

Q: (L) Who was Hermes Trismegistus?

A: Traitor to court of Pharoah Rana.

Q: (L) Who is Pharoah Rana?

A: Egyptian leader of spiritual covenant.

Q: (L) In what way was Hermes a traitor?

A: Broke covenant of spiritual unity of all peoples in area now known as Middle East.

Q: (L) Who did Hermes betray?

A: Himself; was power hungry.

Q: (L) What acts did he do?

A: Broke covenant; he inspired divisions within ranks of Egyptians, Essenes, Aryans, and Persians et cetera.

Q: (L) What was his purpose in doing this?

A: Divide and conquer as inspired by those referred to as Brotherhood in Bramley book you have read.

Q: (L) Is this the Brotherhood of the snake Hermes formed in rejection of unity?

A: Hermes did not form it; it was long since in existence.

Q: (L) Who was the originator of the Brotherhood of the Serpent as described in the Bramley book?

A: Lizard Beings.

If covenant mean quorum, then other group just STS it's the inbalance cause.

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I'm a bit confused here. Were there 2 falls, one off world and one here on Earth. i.e. history repeating. Sorry for the heavy type, I can't correct it.!!

If I remember correctly, the Cs said that we have this tendency to repeat history (the current civilization is fulfilling a Karma obtained in Atlantis) and to destroy planets.

So from what the Cs have said and I may be completely wrong , the first fall of mankind happened about 309,000 or so ago and it was not on Earth but on that planet they told us is "spent. cindered and burned up" and it is called D'Ankhiar

Q: (L) We were originally seeded somewhere else? Where? Orion? What is the name of that planet?

A: D'Ankhiar. Ankh is ancient symbolism of this planet. Is female symbol. Stands for mother planet.

Q: (L) Is this other planet our original home?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What is it like back Home?

A: Spent. Cindered. Burned up.

Q: (L) So it's true, you can't go home?

A: Yes.

So Lucifer's deal with the STS Lizards went down there and the souls were planted here on Earth in ape-like bodies.

A second fall was that of the Kantekians so to speak, having destroyed their planet they were brought to this planet. They also made a deal with the Lizards. Some fulfilled it (Elohim, Third Eye Nation) and some did not.

When Lucifer (terrestrial mankind) and Eve (Kantekians) had offspring, one branch, let's call it Cain's, turned out to be extremely negative.​
I hear what your saying Puma but it sounds off somehow. There was a Golden Age here on Earth but for how long as we are told time didn't exist then. The C's state this cycle started 309,000 yrs ago.There must have been a period of 3D connection with 4D. Was this before the 309,000 time period? Did we become 3D sts at that point onwards or was it later.

This is a confusing as trying to establish the added yrs between 1AD and 1100AD. Sorry I'm just thinking out loud.
If I remember correctly, the Cs said that we have this tendency to repeat history (the current civilization is fulfilling a Karma obtained in Atlantis) and to destroy planets.
I would not say it is a karma but a STS nature, tendency to destroy itself, because karma was fullfiled on a collective scale by destruction of Atlantis, but this tendency still remains so many do the same over again. That is why they said repeat of Atlantis.

Shining Ones.​

In the book Secret Societies: Gardiner's Forbidden Knowledge Revelations About The Freemasons, Templars, Illuminati, Nazis, And The Serpent Cults, Philip Gardiner tells us that "from the Watchers derived much of the terminology and symbolism still used today by the Freemasons, Rosicrucians, and many others"

What Gardiner mentions seems to be in agreement with the Cs' comments that there was an original source (the Nation of the Third Eye) that was the "inspiration for the Masonic tradition and the Illuminati."

For Philip Gardiner these illuminated ones, the Shining Ones, were a caste of priests, keepers of alchemical secrets, the use of drugs and the electromagnetic influence of the stars to prolong their health and increase their knowledge. They were the Ancient Illuminati.​
There are subtle hints, missed by orthodox history, which are beginning to reveal the patterns of an anquated hierarchy of special priests. Once we are alerted to their existence, it becomes obvious that they were there all along.​
If we read any part of the Bible again and replace the words "Lord" or "God" with the "Shining Ones," it will become apparent how deeply rooted into our culture this priesthood really is. There are many belief systems in the world, but they all come from one basic and undeniable core, invented and evolved sepa- rately by the Shining Ones.
These priests were the experts of self-mind-control— manipulating their own minds into the Shining world of the universe through energy cycles and magnetism. With the use of drugs and physical and mental effort, they achieved the Holy Grail of existence. With the benefits to themselves being good health and knowledge of the world around them, they found the Elixir.​

Gardiner also mentions that these Shining Ones were faith makers, "the enlightened ones who spread throughout the peoples of the world and became gods among men."

Possibly the Kantekian refugees had a greater technological or spiritual advance and as a sign of good faith they dedicated themselves, in the beginning, to share their knowledge with the Atlantean civilization.

Gardiner mentions in his book:​
The Mosaic Book of Jubilees was originally called the Apocalypse of Moses as it was supposedly written by Moses while on Mount Sinai and dictated by a Watcher or Angel. This book was intended as a history of the days of old and reveals the purpose of the Watchers:​
For in his days the angels of the Lord [Elohim Shining Ones] descended upon the earth —those who are named Watchers—that they should instruct the children of men, that they should do judgment and uprightness upon the earth.​
These Watchers, according to the Book of Jubilees, are the sons of god spoken of in Genesis, sent from their heavenly abode to instruct men. What seems to have occurred is that they fell from grace by mating with the daughters of men and were thus outcast—giving us the fallen angels we are familiar with today.​

What made some of them fall from grace?

The Cs mentioned that the Kantekkians apart from being ferocious people had/have certain power centers that oriented them positively or negatively.
A: [..] All persons of Nordic heritage hold secret power centers, can be of darkness, or of light... SV is of Teutonic bloodline leading directly to such super power source such as Thule Society and others, and she is aware of her powers and mission. It is of positive orientation. However, you are being tested by 4th through 6th density forces to determine if you have the strength and wisdom for continuance!
Q: (Artemis) Didn't they say that Kantekkians were the ones most filled with light and superpowered energies inside them?

A: Yes
Q: Well, from what you have said in prior sessions, these bloodlines can be of positive or negative orientation, a duality, and that they lead to super-secret power sources. Is that correct?

A: Well, the duality is existent concommitantly through all bloodlines, but in the so-called celts, it is more pronounced, therefore, there are more vivid power cells and centers.

Once again we encounter this duality of Cain and Abel and with it the idea of a bloodline of the enlightened ones oriented towards the dark side.
As i recall the D'Ankhiar thing was when ( a ) human soul group went 2nd to third density , eventually followed by a period on this planet with some allignment with STO 4th density, then , followed by , the allure of the little things , which , among other things gave way into further falling into material trap ( this is in the Atlantis period ), as recounted in some of the Edgar cayce material, as a further splitting of the male and female principles into two different physical bodies ( it goes without saying that there are aditional , souled groups here , for which this would not apply as "history" ). (imo).
In the book Secret Societies: Gardiner's Forbidden Knowledge Revelations About The Freemasons, Templars, Illuminati, Nazis, And The Serpent Cults, Philip Gardiner tells us that "from the Watchers derived much of the terminology and symbolism still used today by the Freemasons, Rosicrucians, and many others"
When you take into account abduction cases and Matrix material there is mentioned they wore uniforms with symbols of pyramids, winged serpents so it is logical to conclude they got all that from 4D STS when you make an analysis. Pyramids representing STS hyerarchical societies based on intelligence, physical power and probably psi powers. Snakes and dragons very similar to reptilians and talk about highest caste being similar to dragons with wings, etc....
What Gardiner mentions seems to be in agreement with the Cs' comments that there was an original source (the Nation of the Third Eye) that was the "inspiration for the Masonic tradition and the Illuminati."
That is probably why they have on dollar bill pyramid with an eye on top, Eye of Ra that represents psychic power. Why are they inspiration? Probably because of their psychic powers they conserved through going underground and influence by 4D STS, that Illuminati so long to have because they are power obssesed in every imaginable way. Cs said enlightened does not mean positive, but only having knowledge that is not anymore so privliged in this days and age for those who want to know.

And that talk about being in great health and found elixir would not make them mingle and breed among selves and thus reduce their numbers through that to keep bloodline pure and on the right frequency through that. What is more likely is that they got some sort genetic tweaking by their overlords that gave them some abilitties. Those paragraphs sounds in a way like bow before your gods you insignificant wretches and admire my "might".
Alexandre Lebreton is another truth seeker, he's been focusing on the links between Free Masonry, pedo-satanism and mind control of Greenbaum/MK-ULTRA types.
In the following video (french + many english excerpts with fr subtitles) à la Evidence of Revision, he's gathered many victims/therapists testimonies from around the world (notice mainly from western countries).
The relevant part to this thread is from 3:32:20, for 30' of conclusion, where american author Fritz Springmeier explains his analysis of what the Illuminati are, and how they procede.
This could be of interest - a timeline I put together with the help of ChatGPT based on as few known links surrounding the Illuminati (the Bavarian group):

Late 15th Century: Kabbalistic Influences in Venice​

  • Location: Venice, Safed (Ottoman Empire)
  • Key Figures: Johannes Reuchlin, Abraham Abulafia, Venetian Kabbalists
  • Event: Following the 1492 expulsion of Jews from Spain, many Sephardic Jews migrate to Venice, a city that becomes a significant center for Jewish learning and Kabbalistic scholarship. They bring with them mystical traditions from Spain, particularly Kabbalistic texts like the Zohar.
    • These Kabbalists, influenced by Abraham Abulafia’s prophetic Kabbalah, introduce concepts of direct divine union and mystical enlightenment into Venice. Christian intellectuals like Johannes Reuchlin study these mystical texts, leading to a cross-pollination of Kabbalistic thought with Christian esotericism.
    • This sets the stage for Kabbalistic ideas to influence Christian mysticism and the development of esoteric traditions in Venice, blending with Neoplatonic and Hermetic thought during the Italian Renaissance.

Late 15th Century: Return of Conversos to Spain​

  • Location: Venice, Spain
  • Key Figures: Converso families, Spanish Kabbalists
  • Event: Conversos (Jews who had converted to Christianity) who had lived in Venice and studied Kabbalah begin to return to Spain. These conversos, now familiar with Venetian Kabbalism and Renaissance esoteric traditions, bring with them mystical ideas that blend Jewish Kabbalah with Christian mysticism.
    • These ideas spread within Spain’s converso community, leading to the development of a hybrid form of mysticism. This serves as the intellectual and spiritual backdrop for the rise of the Alumbrados movement, which similarly emphasizes direct spiritual contact with the divine.

Early 16th Century: The Emergence of the Alumbrados in Spain​

  • Location: Castile, Spain
  • Key Figures: Isabel de la Cruz, Pedro Ruiz de Alcaraz
  • Event: In the early 1500s, the Alumbrados (Spanish: “enlightened”) emerge as a mystical movement in Spain, advocating for direct mystical experiences of God without the mediation of the Church. Many early Alumbrados are conversos, influenced by Kabbalistic ideas from their Jewish heritage.
    • The Kabbalistic influences brought back from Venice by converso families play a key role in shaping the Alumbrados' emphasis on personal spiritual illumination. The Alumbrados' belief in direct union with God without traditional religious structures echoes the mystical practices of Kabbalists, influencing figures like Ignatius of Loyola and the Jesuits, and shaping the intellectual climate that would later influence Sabbateanism and the Illuminati.

Mid-16th Century: The Jesuit Order and the Counter-Reformation​

  • Location: Rome, Italy
  • Key Figures: Ignatius of Loyola, Francis Xavier
  • Event: In 1540, Pope Paul III approves the establishment of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits). The Jesuits focus on spiritual exercises, education, and missionary work, becoming a powerful force in the Counter-Reformation. The Jesuit spiritual practices emphasize inner spiritual discipline and contemplative prayer.
    • The Jesuits' spiritual exercises bear some resemblance to the Alumbrados' focus on inner spiritual illumination. The Jesuit influence on European intellectual and spiritual life also overlaps with the mystical traditions that had been flourishing in Venice and Spain, helping shape the intellectual climate that will later influence both Sabbateanism and the Illuminati.

Late 16th Century: Spanish Mysticism and Jewish Kabbalah​

  • Location: Venice, Florence, Safed (Ottoman Empire)
  • Key Figures: Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, Marsilio Ficino, Isaac Luria
  • Event: In parallel with the rise of Jesuit mysticism, Kabbalistic ideas from Safed and Venice influence both Jewish and Christian mysticism. In Safed, the school of Isaac Luria develops new Kabbalistic interpretations focusing on the mystical process of Tikkun (repair) and divine redemption.
    • Kabbalistic ideas from Venice and Safed continue to influence Christian mystics in Spain and Italy. This intellectual environment of mystical thought contributes to the rise of Sabbateanism, which draws heavily on Lurianic Kabbalah.

Early 17th Century: Illuminés Movement in France and Rosicrucians​

  • Location: Seville (Spain), Picardy (France), Southern France
  • Key Figures: Pierre Guérin, Robert Fludd, Francis Bacon, Christian Rosenkreuz
  • Event: In 1623, the Illuminés movement appears in France from Seville and gains prominence in Picardy with the support of Pierre Guérin, curé of Saint-Georges de Roye. His followers, known as the Guérinets, are suppressed in 1635. A later body of Illuminés emerges in Southern France in 1722, possibly connected to the Camisards and the French Prophets, and lingers until 1794. Simultaneously, the Rosicrucian Order, believed to have originated in 1422, gains public notice in 1537 and combines Egyptian Hermetism, Christian Gnosticism, Jewish Kabbalah, alchemy, and other occult traditions. The Fama Fraternitatis, first published in 1614, introduces the legendary figure Christian Rosenkreuz, recounting his journey to mystical lands and his founding of the Rosicrucian order. Notable figures associated with the Rosicrucians include Robert Fludd, Francis Bacon, and Michael Maier.
    • The Illuminés movement in France, influenced by earlier Spanish mystical traditions, likely shares affinities with the Alumbrados, particularly in its emphasis on mystical illumination. The Rosicrucians, with their focus on secret knowledge and esoteric wisdom, reflect the broader trend of esoteric societies that emerged alongside movements like the Illuminati and Freemasonry. Their integration of Kabbalistic and Hermetic thought ties them to earlier Venetian Kabbalistic influences. These esoteric traditions would continue to shape the intellectual environment leading to the occult revival of the 19th and 20th centuries.

Mid-17th Century: Emergence of Sabbateanism​

  • Location: Smyrna (Izmir, Ottoman Empire); spread to Eastern Europe
  • Key Figures: Sabbatai Zevi, Nathan of Gaza
  • Event: In the 1640s–1660s, Sabbatai Zevi declares himself the Jewish Messiah, inspired by Lurianic Kabbalah. His movement spreads throughout Eastern Europe and the Ottoman Empire. Although Sabbatai Zevi converts to Islam in 1666, many of his followers continue practicing Sabbateanism in secret.
    • The mystical influences that began with the Venetian Kabbalists and later spread through Safed reach Sabbateanism. The Sabbateans' focus on hidden knowledge and secretive practices echoes both the Kabbalistic traditions and the Alumbrados' mystical aspirations.

Early 18th Century: Jacob Frank and Frankism​

  • Location: Poland, Bohemia, Moravia
  • Key Figures: Jacob Frank
  • Event: In the 1750s, Jacob Frank proclaims himself the successor to Sabbatai Zevi and leads a movement that emphasizes antinomianism—the breaking of traditional religious laws as a form of spiritual enlightenment. Frank and his followers later convert to Catholicism while maintaining their mystical beliefs in secret.
    • Frankism is a direct continuation of Sabbatean mystical traditions, drawing on the Kabbalistic emphasis on divine secrets. The Jesuits' influence on Frank’s education in Catholicism and the hidden nature of Frankist practices parallel the secretive and mystical structures of earlier movements like the Alumbrados.

Mid-18th Century: Illuminati and the Enlightenment​

  • Location: Bavaria (Germany)
  • Key Figures: Adam Weishaupt
  • Event: In 1776, Adam Weishaupt, a professor educated by the Jesuits, founds the Illuminati in Bavaria. The Illuminati promote rationalism, Enlightenment ideals, and the opposition to religious and political tyranny, particularly the Catholic Church.
    • Weishaupt’s Jesuit education and exposure to esoteric traditions may have been influenced by the earlier mystical movements like Kabbalism, Sabbateanism, and the Alumbrados. The Illuminati’s hierarchical, secretive structure mirrors the organizational tactics of the Jesuits and Sabbateans.

18th–19th Century: Continuation and Influence​

  • Location: Central and Eastern Europe, Ottoman Empire
  • Key Movements: Hasidism, Haskalah (Jewish Enlightenment), Freemasonry
  • Event: As Frankism continues in secret, the Hasidic movement emerges, blending Kabbalistic mysticism with a focus on personal spiritual transformation. At the same time, the Haskalah (Jewish Enlightenment) spreads rationalist ideals. Freemasonry grows as a secret society promoting Enlightenment values and esoteric knowledge.
    • The legacy of Venetian Kabbalism, Sabbateanism, and Frankism continues to influence both mystical and rationalist movements. Hasidism emphasizes the Kabbalistic traditions passed through Venice

19th Century: Albert Pike and Freemasonry​

  • Location: United States
  • Key Figures: Albert Pike
  • Event: Albert Pike (1809–1891), a prominent figure in Freemasonry, writes Morals and Dogma (1871), which integrates esoteric symbolism from earlier traditions, including Kabbalistic and Hermetic teachings, into Freemasonry. Pike’s work emphasizes the mystical and spiritual aspects of Freemasonry, drawing on earlier traditions of mysticism and esoteric knowledge.
    • Pike’s Freemasonry draws upon the esoteric practices that were rooted in earlier movements like Sabbateanism, Frankism, and the Illuminati. His work connects mystical traditions with the modern esoteric revival, influencing later figures like Blavatsky and Crowley.

Late 19th Century: Helena Blavatsky and Theosophy​

  • Location: Russia, United States, India
  • Key Figures: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
  • Event: Helena Blavatsky (1831–1891) founds the Theosophical Society in 1875, promoting a syncretic spiritual doctrine that draws on Eastern religions, Western esotericism, Kabbalah, and Gnosticism. Blavatsky’s magnum opus, The Secret Doctrine, integrates Kabbalistic, Sabbatean, and Hermetic ideas into a universal esoteric tradition.
    • Blavatsky’s work is a culmination of centuries of mystical and esoteric traditions. She draws on the Kabbalistic influences from Venetian scholars, the messianic mysticism of Sabbateanism, and the esoteric teachings of the Illuminati and Freemasonry. Her ideas influence the development of modern occultism and esoteric thought.

Late 19th Century: Aleister Crowley and Modern Occultism​

  • Location: United Kingdom, France, United States
  • Key Figures: Aleister Crowley
  • Event: Aleister Crowley (1875–1947), a former member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and the founder of Thelema, becomes one of the most influential occultists of the 20th century. Crowley’s teachings emphasize the importance of personal spiritual experiences, drawing on Kabbalistic, Hermetic, and Theosophical traditions. His magickal practices are rooted in earlier occult and mystical movements.
Crowley’s work is a continuation of the esoteric currents that began with Kabbalistic mysticism, passed through Sabbateanism, Frankism, and the Illuminati. His blending of Kabbalah, Freemasonry, and Theosophy mirrors Blavatsky’s synthesis of Western and Eastern mystical traditions. Crowley’s legacy is deeply intertwined with the revival of occult practices that have roots in Renaissance esotericism and earlier mystical movements.
Alexandre Lebreton is another truth seeker, he's been focusing on the links between Free Masonry, pedo-satanism and mind control of Greenbaum/MK-ULTRA types.
In the following video (french + many english excerpts with fr subtitles) à la Evidence of Revision, he's gathered many victims/therapists testimonies from around the world (notice mainly from western countries).
The relevant part to this thread is from 3:32:20, for 30' of conclusion, where american author Fritz Springmeier explains his analysis of what the Illuminati are, and how they procede.
I think Springmeier is labeled on forum as some kind of COINTELPRO

Shining Ones.​

In the book Secret Societies: Gardiner's Forbidden Knowledge Revelations About The Freemasons, Templars, Illuminati, Nazis, And The Serpent Cults, Philip Gardiner tells us that "from the Watchers derived much of the terminology and symbolism still used today by the Freemasons, Rosicrucians, and many others"

What Gardiner mentions seems to be in agreement with the Cs' comments that there was an original source (the Nation of the Third Eye) that was the "inspiration for the Masonic tradition and the Illuminati."

For Philip Gardiner these illuminated ones, the Shining Ones, were a caste of priests, keepers of alchemical secrets, the use of drugs and the electromagnetic influence of the stars to prolong their health and increase their knowledge. They were the Ancient Illuminati.

Gardiner also mentions that these Shining Ones were faith makers, "the enlightened ones who spread throughout the peoples of the world and became gods among men."

Possibly the Kantekian refugees had a greater technological or spiritual advance and as a sign of good faith they dedicated themselves, in the beginning, to share their knowledge with the Atlantean civilization.

Gardiner mentions in his book:

What made some of them fall from grace?

The Cs mentioned that the Kantekkians apart from being ferocious people had/have certain power centers that oriented them positively or negatively.

Once again we encounter this duality of Cain and Abel and with it the idea of a bloodline of the enlightened ones oriented towards the dark side.
I'm not trying to derail the thread, or the information you have provided here (which is what I have read/remembered). But something is stuck in my head regarding one line, and I would like to discuss it.
"What seems to have occurred is that they fell from grace by mating with the daughters of men and were thus outcast—giving us the fallen angels we are familiar with today."

So are we to assume that these "Watchers", these "sons of god" raped the human women? I doubt they brought flowers and chocolates and wooed them first. They saw these beautiful creatures and just couldn't resist? (As a woman, I roll my eyes and think "the more things change, the more they stay the same".)

However my inner dude has a different perspective. He likens the situation to a modern day video and ensuing controversy. The "Blurred Lines" video by Robin Thicke shows mostly naked beautiful women dancing around and gyrating against him. One of them is now a well known model who accused Robin Thicke of 'inappropriate touching'. The words of the song include:
"But you're an animal
Baby, it's in your nature (meow)
Just let me liberate you (hey, hey, hey)"
and also:
"Good girl
I know you want it (hey)
I know you want it
I know you want it"

According to my inner dude, being gorgeous, naked and dancing/gyrating against a not perhaps 'asking for it' but maybe 'poking the bear'. So these 'Watchers', these 'sons of god' their perspective that they were tempted? This theme of women being blamed is perpetuated right back to the Bible, where Eve tempts Adam and it all goes to Hell in a hand basket afterwards.

Even Elvis sings about it:
"You look like an angel (look like an angel)
Walk like an angel (walk like an angel)
Talk like an angel
But I got wise
You're the devil in disguise"

He's singing about a woman, but wait a minute! You look like an angel, walk like an angel, but you're the devil in disguise?? Couldn't that be the reaction of the women who were raped and impregnated by a 'son of god'...?? I mean, these chicks were literally just minding their own business, gathering berries, living in the now...when dudes from elsewhere swoop down and say, "Geez girl, you fine. Let's get physical and make some beautiful babies!!"

And women have been 'falling' for this line for millennea. As Vonnegut said, "So it goes".
I think it could be useful to keep in mind that sometimes the same word may refer to different things. Lucifer as a descriptive of the fall of human souls into matter can be different from lucifer as descriptive of 4D STS meddling with human genetics an lineages, of the "gods" teaching humans about agriculture, metallurgy and makeup, or the planet Venus in the morning, etc.
C was given a clue - beans! This needed to be investigated. Back to the study of the transmission of hereditary traits. Gregor Mendel and the pea genome. (If the qualities of genes were to disappear, peas would one day become palm trees. This is nonsense). It is this knowledge that will help us understand another topic that has been left unsolved - succession to the throne (there it was about usurpation of power). Look at the scheme of succession to the throne in Sumerians, Pharaohs, Incas. It's not that simple, it's not literally top to bottom, it's not “simple math”.
Cat breeders know that even a substandard couple will suddenly have a high-bred kitten. If genes were diluted, this phenomenon could not happen. And another interesting observation from animal breeders is that later offspring show traits of older ancestors. (!) In primitive terms - the first offspring resembles their parents, the second litter resembles their grandparents, the third litter resembles their great-grandparents, etc. That is, the offspring do not resemble the parents, but the grandparents. According to your table this could not happen, the descendants would be less and less like distant ancestors. But it doesn't! Subsequent descendants seem to extract deeper and deeper genes. As you realize, this is an oversimplified explanation, but there is a hint in it.

Dyes do not mix.
If you add a dye to a glass of water and dilute that water many times, even a single dye molecule that remains in that water will have the same qualities as the original solution. Even if the genes have been diluted and contaminated for thousands of years, their qualities will remain the same. And once there is gene memory activation, which С also talked about, the most distant descendant may turn out to be a thoroughbred and have phenomenal abilities.
As for inbreeding, your parents are all distant relatives in one way or another. For example, I found out that my parents shared a common ancestor thousands of years ago. Although my parents were born in different republics and are of different ethnicity, they are very distant relatives and both are carriers of this special DNA. Well, and a bit of mysticism - partners meeting and marriage is not accidental. ;) Someone is controlling this interbreeding....

The expansion of the universe, brain development and genetics have in common entropy and ordering. Entropy is the emergence of a huge number of combinations, and as a result of experience, “unviable” combinations fall away. “Be fruitful and multiply” is an example of creating gene entropy to generate more combinations, from which better combinations are selected. But gene entropy is finite and originally had built-in limitations, which you know as Rh conflict or blood type histone compatibility. Not much is written about this because this information is not really ethical. You'd have to ban those with blood types three and four from marrying, for example. Because spouses with the third and fourth blood group are initially 75% or more prone to infertility and genetic breakdowns in offspring. Such couples are often treated for infertility with immunosuppressors, that is, they try to cheat nature and the immunity that was supposed to protect them from interbreeding. Panagglutination, autoimmune diseases result. (By the way, autoimmune diseases are that gene defense against arbitrary interbreeding and is a sign of “special genetics”). As you can see, it's a pretty sensitive topic.

Although my parents are ordinary people and are not BCS members, I have known WHO I am since I was born. I don't hide it. The memory was activated immediately. I must say that living with such a memory is a huge challenge, but I have a strong psyche. ))) My ancestors were Freemasons, I do not perceive Illuminati and Freemasons as bad people, they are my relatives. They were enlightened men, building res publica, “the cause of the people”, serving the people, engaged in enlightening and constructive activities, they were outstanding men. Their task was to “shepherd the flocks of sheep”. Among my relatives are those who are called the “dark government” now. I am not responsible for their actions. I am only responsible for my own actions. Prejudice gets in the way of objective research. (Just in case - everyone here is still predators in 3D serving themselves for now). Interestingly, my ancestors did pass on a marker of our ancestry to their descendants, it was a ritual that they may not have even fully realized why they were doing it. In our family we have a tradition of “communicating Dignity” (title) several times in our lives, at the most important moments of destiny - when children are married or a baby is born, and before we die - we let our descendants know who we are. We do have a special luminescent RNA, we are different from “normal” people, different brain function, different biochemistry.
I realize I'm saying some risky things right now. But I hope you will refrain from labeling Illuminati as “good” and “bad”. It's always our personal choice what kind of person to be. “Phenotype is more important than genotype” (c) Mendel. Indeed, information (the soul is an information field) influences the genotype and allows us to make choices, it is a natural segregation of genetic qualities. We can choose for ourselves whether to be a “good” guy or a “bad” guy. Well, and of course, if a polarized soul puts on such a body with special genetics, there is an activation of gene memory. Perhaps I am credited with making the hard but right choices in my life. But how do I explain the fact that my aura is so radiant? I can't attribute it to my merit, I think it's innate, I was born this way, it was predestined.
As for organizations, you see the inconsistency here, it is an exploitation of the idea of “chosenness”, of missionaryism. Human vices, vanity, lust for power are used to attract big money. For example, people like Bill Gates are approached one day and told about their exceptional achievements, that they can serve a great purpose, tell them some secrets, etc. Such people are flattered by their “chosenness”, vanity does its job. Note that most wealthy people do not bequeath their money to their children, but to foundations, “for the good of society”. They have already been recruited by the “bad” Illuminati.

On youtube I saw a video with the revelation of one “top level Freemason”. He told a “big secret” that there are bad people on earth, Luciferians, who have a luminous snake in their genes. I thought at the time - is he intentionally lying? Or do Masons of such a “high level” really not know what a glowing snake is in the DNA? Indeed, we have such luminous RNA, it looks like a snake in a boat if you look under a high-powered microscope. (Pierre was on the right track in his research. He came to me and encouraged me to continue on this forum). I have concluded that these bad Illuminati Masons deliberately demonize us and ostracize and persecute carriers of such genetics. They are after people with such genes! The clues are in the X-files (our blood can be used to inoculate us for immortality and give us the keys to knowledge). These psychos are obsessed with longevity. How valuable such genes are - you know from the C sessions. The C told you that such genetics is the way to release from this prison, it is Knowledge beyond what is available to the inhabitants of 3D.

The C have told you that you are Lucifer. And you, too, know firsthand the attacks you're under here. Why lucifer, why are you glowing? Examine your RNA. You will see a luminescent snake in there. )) Well, okay, maybe only some people do. Wow, after thousands of years, the luminescent genes of our ancestors are still present in us. ;)
And you can draw your own conclusions as to whether today's Masons and Illuminati are really who they say they are.
They wish they were, but...

(Sorry, the translation may not be very correct. I am writing in Russian).
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