The Immune Mind


The Living Force
Interesting and insightful book about health. Probably nothing said that is new to most people but nonetheless I'd recommend it. It's easy enough to read or listen to that it's probably one of those books you should take on holiday or a long journey. The thing that I like the most about it is it basically says good health comes from doing the simple things consistently. Eat, move and love your way to good health.

Eat stuff that is right for you, move your body and foster good relationships - the trick is to make this a habit.

For me the takeaway message is you don't have to be super complicated in your pursuit to health, you just have to adopt good habits and do these habits consistently.

Up until the last ten years, we have misunderstood a fundamental aspect of human health. Although the brain and the body have always been viewed as separate entities – treated in separate hospitals – science now shows that they are intimately linked. Startlingly, we now know that our immune system is in constant communication with our brain and can directly alter our mental health.

This has opened up a new frontier in medicine. Could inflammation cause depression, and arthritis drugs cure it? Can gut microbes shape your behaviour through the vagus nerve? Can something as simple as brushing your teeth properly reduce your risk of dementia? Could childhood infections lie behind neurological and psychiatric disorders such as tics and OCD?

In The Immune Mind, Dr Monty Lyman explores the fascinating connection between the mind, immune system and microbiome, offering practical advice on how to stay healthy. A specialist in the cutting-edge field of immunopsychiatry, Lyman argues that we need to change the way we treat disease and the way we see ourselves. For the first time, we have a new approach to medicine that treats the whole human being.
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