The Kundabuffer, kundalini, chakras and yoga


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
The Kundabuffer, kundalini, chakras and yoga.
One of the concepts that I have not understood well is what Gurdjieff explains about Kundalini. In this post I should like to present some issues related to this

1.0 The Kundabuffer and kundalini
1.1 More details about Gurdjieff's undestanding of kundalini
1.2 The origin of the Kundabuffer
1.3 The properties of the Kundabuffer
1.4 How to overcome the influence of the Kundabuffer
1.5 What Gurdjieff may mean by enduring the "displeasing-manifestations-of-others-towards-yourselves."'
1.6 Beelzebub's last thought on how to overcome the Kundabuffer
2.0 Gurdjieff's Kundalini and the Cassiopaean transcripts
3.0 The Cassiopaeans about chakras
3.1 Definitions of a chakra
3.2 Names of different chakras
3.3 Functions and descriptions of individual chakras
3.4 A possible role of chakras
Post two
4.0 The case of the Yogi
4.1 The dictionaries on vortex, chakra, kundalini, tantra, yoga, mantra, yantra, dharana, dhyana, samadhi, laya, tapas, shakti, sankalpa and iccha
4.2 Transcript that may relate to Yoga
5.0 Some questions
6.0 Other sources on kundalini

1.0 The Kundabuffer and Kundalini
Gurdjieff in Beelzebubs Tales to his Grandson chapter 21: The First Visit of Beelzebub to India said:
(> p. 249)"It is needless to say that from the truths indicated by Saint Buddha Himself absolutely nothing has survived and reached the beings of the present time.
"Half of one of the words, however, managed to reach even the contemporary beings of that unparallelled planet.
"And this half of a word reached them in the following way:
"Saint Buddha among other things explained to the beings of Pearl-land how and to what part of the body of their ancestors the said famous organ Kundabuffer had been attached.
"He told them that the Archangle Looisos had by special means made this organ grow in their ancestors at the extremity of that brain in which in them, just as in you, Nature has placed along their back in what is called the 'spinal column.'
"Saint Buddha, as I also made clear, then also said that though the properties of this organ had been entirely destroyed in their ancestors, yet the material formation of this organ had remained at the lower extremities of this brain; and this material formation, being transmitted from generation to generation, had also reached them.
(> p. 250)"'This material formation,' he said, 'now has no significance whatever in you, and it can be completely destroyed in the course of time, if your being -existence proceeds as is becoming to three-brained beings.'
"It was just when they began wiseacring and inventing various forms of that famous'suffering' of theirs that they also played their usual 'tricks' with this word.
"Namely, first of all, as the root of the second half of this word chanced to coincide with a word in the language of that time which means 'Reflection,' and as they had also invented a means for destroying this material formation rapidly and not merely in the course of time as Saint Buddha had told them, they also wiseacred about this word according to the following rumination of their bob-tailed Reason. Of course, when this organ is in action, it ought to have in its name also the root of the word to 'reflect'; now, since we are destroying even its material basis, the name must end with a word whose root means 'former,' and because 'former' in their current language was then pronounced 'lina,' they changed the second half of this word, and instead of 'reflection,' they stuck in the mentioned 'lina,' so that instead of the word Kundabuffer, they obtained the word 'Kundalina,'
"Thus it was that a half of the word Kundabuffer survived and, being transmitted from generation to generation, finally reached your contemporary favorites also, accompanied, of course, by a thousand and one different explanations.
"Even the contemporary 'learned beings' also have a name made up of very obtruse Latin roots for that part of the spinal marrow.
"The whole of what is called 'Indian-philosophy' now existing there is based also on this famous Kundalina, and about the word itself there exist thousands of various occult, secret and revealed 'sciences' which explain nothing.
1.1 More details about Gurdjieff's undestanding of Kundalini
Having introduced what Gurdjieff understands by the 'Kundbuffer' and how he relates it to 'Kundalina', it may be worthwhile mentioning what else he has said about Kundalini.

Kenlee in post # 33 of "The Role of Meditation in the Work" thread said:
In P.D.Ouspensky's book 'In Search Of The Miraculous' his teacher Gurdjieff says as follows regarding Kundalini or 'pseudo (imaginary) creativity.'

"In so-called 'occult' literature you have probably met with the expression 'Kundalini,' 'the fire of Kundalini,' or the 'serpent of Kundalini.' This expression is often used to designate some kind of strange force which is present in man and which can be awakened. But none of the known theories gives the right explanation of the force of Kundalini. Sometimes it is connected with sex, with sex energy, that is with the idea of the possibility of using sex energy for other purposes. This latter is entirely wrong because Kundalini can be in anything. And above all, Kundalini is not anything desirable or useful for man's development. It is very curious how these occultists have got hold of the word from somewhere but have completely altered its meaning and from a very dangerous and terrible thing have made something to be hoped for and to be awaited as some blessing. In reality Kundalini is the power of imagination, the power of fantasy, which takes the place of a real function. When a man dreams instead of acting, when his dreams take the place of reality, when a man imagines himself to be an eagle, a lion, or a magician, it is the force of Kundalini acting in him. Kundalini can act in all centers and with its help all the centers can be satisfied with the imaginary instead of the real. A sheep which considers itself a lion or a magician lives under the power of Kundalini. "Kundalini is a force put into men in order to keep them in their present state. If men could really see their true position and could understand all the horror of it, they would be unable to remain where they are even for one second. They would begin to seek a way out and they would quickly find it, because there is a way out; but men fail to see it simply because they are hypnotized. Kundalini is the force that keeps them in a hypnotic state. 'To awaken' for man means to be 'dehypnotized.' In this lies the chief difficulty and in this also lies the guarantee of its possibility, for there is no organic reason for sleep and man can awaken. "Theoretically he can, but practically it is almost impossible because as soon as a man awakens for a moment and opens his eyes, all the forces that caused him to fall asleep begin to act upon him with tenfold energy and he immediately falls asleep again, very often dreaming that he is awake or is awakening. "There are certain states in ordinary sleep in which a man wants to awaken but cannot. He tells himself that he is awake but, in reality, he continues to sleep-and this can happen several times before he finally awakes. But in ordinary sleep, once he is awake, he is in a different state; in hypnotic sleep the case is otherwise; there are no objective characteristics, at any rate not at the beginning of awakening; a man cannot pinch himself in order to make sure that he is not asleep. And if, which God forbid, a man has heard anything about objective characteristics, Kundalini at once transforms it all into imagination and dreams".
Next are some excerpts from Beelzebubs Tales which describes why the Kundabuffer was created, what it resulted in and how its influence may be overcome?

1.2 The origin of the Kundabuffer
(> p. 88)
"The sacred members of this Most High Commission then reasoned that if the said mechanical instinct in these biped three-brained beings of that planet should develop towards the attainment of Objective Reason - as usually occurs everywhere among three-brained beings - then it might quite possibly happen that they would prematurely comprehend the real cause of their arising and existence and make a great deal of trouble; it might happen that having understood the reason for their arising, namely, that by their existence they should maintain the detached fragment of their planet, and being convinced of this their slavery to circumstances utterly foreign to them they would be unwilling to continue their existence and would on principle destroy themselves.
"So, my boy, in view of this the Most High Commission then decided among other things provisionally to implant into the common presences of the three-brained beings there a special organ with a property such that, first, they should perceive reality topsy-turvy and, secondly, that every repeated impression from outside should crystallize in them data which would engender factors for evoking in them sensations of 'pleasure' and 'enjoyment.'
"And then, in fact, with the help of the Chief-Common-Universal-Arch-Chemist-Physicist Angel Looisos, who was also among the members of this Most High Commission, they caused to grow in the three-brained beings there, in a special way, at the base of their spinal column, at the root (>p. 89) of their tail - which they also, at that time, still had, and which part of their common presences furthermore still had its normal exterior expressing the, so to say, 'full-ness-of-its-inner-significance' - a 'something' which assisted the arising of the said properties in them.
"And this 'something' they then first called the 'organ Kundabuffer'
"Now, in order that you may have at least an approximate understanding of the results of the properties of the organ devised and actualized by the incomparable Angel Looisos - blessed be his name to all eternity - it is indispensable that you should know about the various manifestations of the three-brained beings of that planet, not only during the period when this organ Kundabuffer existed in their presences, but also during later periods when, although this astonishing organ and its properties had been destroyed in them, nevertheless, owing to many causes, the consequences of its properties had begun to be crystallized in their presences.
"But this I will explain to you later.
" Meanwhile you must note that there was still a third descent of that Most High Comission to that planet, three years later according to objective time-calculations, […]
(> p. 90)"And during this third descent there, when it was made clear by the thorough investigations of the sacred members of this third Most High Commission that for the maintenance of the existence of those said detached fragments there was no longer any need to continue to actualize the deliberately taken anticipated measures, then among the other measures there was also destroyed, with the help of the same Arch-Chemist-Physicist Angel Looisos, in the presences of the three-brained beings there, the said organ Kundabuffer with all its astonishing properties.

1.3 The properties of the Kundabuffer
(> p. 91) "The process of existence on this planet also began gradually to be established and it seemed, from all appearances that the process of existence was proceeding there just as on all other planets.
"But by close observation, first, it could be clearly seen that the numbers of these three-brained beings were gradually increasing and, secondly, it was possible sometimes to observe very strange manifestations of theirs; that is, from time to time they did something which was never done by three-brained beings on other planets, namely, they would suddenly, without rhyme or reason, begin destroying one another's existence.

"To this peculiarity of theirs we gradually got used, having explained it to ourselves that obviously, for certain higher considerations, these properties also must deliberately have been given to the organ Kundabuffer by the Most High commission;

(> p. 104) "It was only because they failed to realize 'being-Partk-dolg-duty,' which realization alone enables a being to become aware of genuine reality, […]
"This strange trait of their general psyche, namely, of being satisfied with just what Smith and Brown says, without trying to know more, became rooted in them already long ago, and now they no longer strive at all to know anything congnizable by their own active deliberations alone.
"Concerning all this it must be said that neither the organ Kundabuffer which their ancestors had is to blame, not its consequences which, owing to a mistake on the part of certain Sacred Individuals, were crystallized in (> p.105) their ancestors and later began to pass by heredity from generation to generation.
"But they themselves were personally to blame for it, and just on account of the abnormal conditions of external ordinary being-existence which they themselves have gradually established and which have gradually formed in their common presences just what has now become their inner 'Evil-God,' called 'Self-Calming'

(> p. 107) As regards their general psyche itself and its fundamental traits, no matter upon what part of the surface of their planet they arise, these traits in all of them have precisely the same particularities, among them being also that property of the three-brained beings there, thanks to which on that strange planet alone in the whole of the Universe does that horrible process occur among three-brained beings which is called the 'process of the destruction of each other's existence,' or, as it is called on that ill-fated planet, 'war.'
"Besides this chief particularity of their common psyche, there are completely crystallized in them and there unfailingly become a part of their common presences - regardless of where they may arise and exist - functions which exist under the names of 'egoism,' 'self-love,' 'vanity,' 'pride,' 'self-conceit,' 'credulity,' 'suggestibility.' And many other properties quite abnormal and quite unbecoming to the essence of any three-brained beings whatsoever.
"Of these abnormal being-particularities, the particularity of their psyche the most terrible for them personally is that which is called 'suggestibility.'
Gurdjieff in Beelzebubs Tales to his Grandson chapter 30 said:
(> p.512)
"Just in regard to such unfortunate three-brained beings the surrounding abnormal conditions of ordinary being-existence are already so established that there are bound to be crystallized in their common presences and to become an inseparable part of their general psyche those of the consequences of the organ Kundabuffer which they now themselves call 'swagger,' 'pride,' 'self-love,' 'vanity,' 'self-conceit,' self-enamouredness,' 'envy,' 'hate,' 'offensiveness,' and so on and so forth.
(> p. 516) "[…] consequences of the properties of the organ Kundabuffer unfailingly crystallized in them and which I have already enumerated, namely 'envy,' 'pride,' 'self-love,' 'vanity,' 'lying,' and so on.
Gurdjieff in Beelzebubs Tales to his Grandson chapter 39 said:
(> p.782) "At the present time there, your favorites already know only of one, the first being-food, and they know about that only because, in the first place, even without their wish, they could not help knowing about it; and secondly the process of its use there has already become for them also a vice and occupies an equal rightful place alongside other of their weaknesses, which were gradually crystallized in them as consequences of the properties of the, maleficent for them, organ Kundabuffer.
1.4 How to overcome the influence of the Kundabuffer
Gurdjieff in chapter 21: "The First Visit of Beelzebub to India" said:
It turned out, indeed, that Saint Buddha Himself had, in the curse of His explanations to some of His closest initiates initiated by Himself, very definitely expressed Himself concerning the means of the possible destruction in their nature of the mentioned consequences of the properties of the organ Kundabuffer transmitted to them by heredity.
"He then, among other things, told them very definitely the following:
"One of the best means of rendering ineffective the predisposition present in your nature of the crystallization of the consequence of the properties of the organ Kundabuffer is "intentional-suffering"; and the greatest intentional-suffering can be obtained in your presences if you compel yourselves to be able to endure the "displeasing-manifestations-of-others-towards-yourselves."'
1.5 What Gurdjieff may mean by enduring the "displeasing-manifestations-of-others-towards-yourselves."'

Kenlee posted the following in "The Role of Meditation in the Work" thread page six:
Kenlee in post #55 of "The Role of Meditation in the Work" thread said:
To add to what has already been said above I quoted an excerpt from the book Views From The Real World. One important tool that Gurdjieff mentions is 'active reasoning' which takes much practice (emphasis in quote is mine).

Liberation leads to liberation.
These are the first words of truth—not truth in quotation marks but truth in the real meaning of the word; truth which is not merely theoretical, not simply a word, but truth that can be realized in practice. The meaning behind these words may be explained as follows:
By liberation is meant the liberation which is the aim of all schools, all religions, at all times.
This liberation can indeed be very great. All men desire it and strive after it. But it cannot be attained without the first liberation, a lesser liberation. The great liberation is liberation from influences outside us. The lesser liberation is liberation from influences within us.
At first, for beginners, this lesser liberation appears to be very great, for a beginner depends very little on external influences. Only a man who has already become free of inner influences falls under external influences.
Inner influences prevent a man from falling under external influences. Maybe it is for the best. Inner influences and inner slavery come from many varied sources and many independent factors—independent in that sometimes it is one thing and sometimes another, for we have many enemies.
There are so many of these enemies that life would not be long enough to struggle with each of them and free ourselves from each one separately. So we must find a method, a line of work, which will enable us simultaneously to destroy the greatest possible number of enemies within us from which these influences come.
I said that we have many independent enemies, but the chief and most active are vanity and self-love.
One teaching even calls them representatives and messengers of the devil himself. For some reason they are also called Mrs. Vanity and Mr. Self-Love.
As I have said, there are many enemies. I have mentioned only these two as the most fundamental. At the moment it is hard to enumerate them all. It would be difficult to work on each of them directly and specifically, and it would take too much time since there are so many. So we have to deal with them indirectly in order to free ourselves from several at once.
These representatives of the devil stand unceasingly at the threshold which separates us from the outside, and prevent not only good but also bad external influences from entering. Thus they have a good side as well as a bad side.
For a man who wishes to discriminate among the influences he receives, it is an advantage to have these watchmen. But if a man wishes all influences to enter, no matter what they may be—for it is impossible to select only the good ones—he must liberate himself as much as possible, and finally altogether, from these watchmen, whom some consider undesirable.
For this there are many methods, and a great number of means. Personally I would advise you to try freeing yourselves and to do so without unnecessary theorizing, by simple reasoning, active reasoning, with yourselves. Through active reasoning this is possible, but if anyone does not succeed, if he fails to do so by this method, there are no other means for what is to follow.
Take, for instance, self-love, which occupies almost half of our time and our life. If someone, or something, has wounded our self-love from outside, then, not only at that moment but for a long time afterwards, its momentum closes all the doors, and therefore shuts out life.
When I am connected with outside, I live. If I live only inside myself, it is not life; but everybody lives thus. When I examine myself, I connect myself with the outside.
For instance, now I sit here. M. is here and also K. We live together. M. called me a fool—I am offended. K. gave me a scornful look—I am offended. I consider, I am hurt and shall not calm down and come to myself for a long time.
All people are so affected, all have similar experiences the whole time. One experience subsides, but no sooner has it subsided than another of the same nature starts. Our machine is so arranged that there are no separate places where different things can be experienced simultaneously.
We have only one place for our psychic experiences. And so if this place is occupied with such experiences as these, there can be no question of our having the experiences we desire. And if certain attainments or liberations are supposed to bring us to certain experiences, they will not do so if things remain as they are.
M. called me a fool. Why should I be offended? Such things do not hurt me, so I don't take offense—not because I have no self-love; maybe I have more self-love than anyone here. Maybe it is this very self-love that does not let me be offended. I think, I reason in a way exactly the reverse of the usual way. He called me a fool. Must he necessarily be wise? He himself may be a fool or a lunatic. One cannot demand wisdom from a child. I cannot expect wisdom from him. His reasoning was foolish. Either someone has said something to him about me, or he has formed his own foolish opinion that I am a fool—so much the worse for him. I know that I am not a fool, so it does not offend me. If a fool has called me a fool, I am not affected inside.
But if in a given instance I was a fool and am called a fool, I am not hurt, because my task is not to be a fool; I assume this to be everyone's aim. So he reminds me, helps me to realize that I am a fool and acted foolishly. I shall think about it and perhaps not act foolishly next time.
So, in either case I am not hurt.
K. gave me a scornful look. It does not offend me. On the contrary, I feel sorry for him because of the dirty look he gave me. For a dirty look must have a reason behind it. Can he have such a reason?
I know myself. I can judge from my knowledge of myself. He gave me a dirty look. Possibly someone had told him something that made him form a bad opinion of me. I am sorry for him because he is so much a slave that he looks at me through other people's eyes. This proves that he is not. He is a slave and so, he cannot hurt me.
I say all this as an example of reasoning.
Actually, the secret and the cause of all such things lies in the fact that we do not possess ourselves nor do we possess genuine self-love. Self-love is a great thing. If we consider self-love, as we generally understand it, as reprehensible, then it follows that true self-love—which, unfortunately, we do not possess—is desirable and necessary.
Self-love is a sign of a high opinion of oneself. If a man has this self-love it proves what he is.
As we have said earlier, self-love is a representative of the devil; it is our chief enemy, the main brake to our aspirations and our achievements. Self-love is the principal weapon of the representative of hell.
But self-love is an attribute of the soul. By self-love one can discern the spirit.
Self-love indicates and proves that a given man is a particle of heaven. Self-love is I—I is God. Therefore it is desirable to have self-love.
Self-love is hell, and self-love is heaven. These two, bearing the same name, are outwardly alike, but totally different and opposite to one another in essence.
But if we look superficially, we can go on looking throughout our whole life without ever distinguishing the one from the other.
1.6 Beelzebub's last thought on how to overcome the Kundabuffer

Gurdjieff in chapter 47: "The Inevitable Results of Impartial Mentation" said:
"The sole means now for the saving of the beings of the planet Earth would be to implant again into their presences a new organ, an organ like the Kundabuffer, but this time of such properties that every one of these unfortunates during the process of existence should constantly sense and be congnizant of the inevitability of his own death as well as of the death of everyone upon whom his eyse or attention rests.
"Only such a sensation and such a congnizance can now destroy the egoism completely crystallized in them that has swallowed up the whole of their Essence and also that tendency to hate other which flows from it - the tendency namely, which engenders all those mutual relationships existing there, which serve as the chief cause of all their abnormalities unbecoming to three-brained beings and maleficent for them themselves and for the whole of the Universe,"
These were 'grandfathers" last words. Gurdjieff has detailed what he meant in the talk called "The Last Hour of Life", I found it in Russian on a website Ark gave.

The concept of death links Gurdjieff to some practitioners of Tantra, who sometimes do their practices in burial grounds. The reasons may be various, but contemplating the instability of life and living can be one.

Suffering and death was also what inspired Buddha to undertake his change of life. The Encyclopedia Americana, International Edition, of 1968 carries this description under Buddhism written by E. Dale Saunders from the University of Pennsylvania;
Siddhartha leads a life of royal ease in his father's palace, protected from all contact with the outside world. Four times, however, he succeeds to leave the palace and on each occasion, respectively, meets an old man, a sick man, a dead man, and a religious. Those encounters are known as the Four Meetings. From them the bodhisattva realises four essential verities: old age is inescapable, as are sickness and death, and the ultimate solution to suffering lies in following the religious way.
2.0 Gurdjieff's kundalini and the Cassiopaean transcripts
Having presented the above should be sufficient to have some idea of what Gurdjieff thinks of kundalini and what to do about it. The question is if it is really true that kundalini is responsible for all the qualities he mentions or is there another factor also. Consider the following from the transcripts:

941126 said:
A: Partly. The mark of Cain means the "jealousy factor" of change facilitated by Lizard takeover of earth's vibrational frequency. Knot on spine is physical residue of DNA restriction deliberately added by Lizards. See?
Q: (L) Okay, J** is going to move her hand up my back and you tell her when to stop at the "knot".
A: Okay.
Q: (L) You mean the occipital ridge?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What was the configuration of the spine and skull prior to this addition?
A: Spine had no ridge there. Jealousy emanates from there, you can even feel it.
Q: (L) Do any of these emotions that we have talked about that were generated by DNA breakdown, were any of these related to what Carl Sagan discusses when he talks about the "Reptilian Brain"?
A: In a roundabout way.
Q: (L) Okay, at the time this "Mark of Cain" came about, were there other humans on the planet that did not have this configuration?
A: It was added to all simultaneously.
Q: (L) How did they physically go about performing this act? What was the mechanism of this event, the nuts and bolts of it?
A: Are you ready? DNA core is as yet undiscovered enzyme relating to carbon. Light waves were used to cancel the first ten factors of DNA by burning them off. At that point, a number of physical changes took place including knot at
top of spine. Each of these is equally reflected in the ethereal.
000923 said:
A: Ego is a terrible thing!

941119 said:
A: Close. They are aware but in denial.
Q: (T) Are these earth changes going to occur prior to the arrival of the cometary cluster?
A: No. But "time" frame is, as of yet, undetermined.
Q: (T) Am I correct in saying that if they knew what was really going to happen that they would still continue with their stupid little plans to make money and try to control the world?
A: Yes. Greed is a sickness.

Could it be that the qualities that Gurdjieff mentions are more a result of the DNA change that were done by the Lizards when they took over the earth's vibrational frequency and locked it into 3rd Density Service to Self?

Also one notes that where Gurdjieff considers the problem to be at the bottom of the spine, the Cassiopaeans suggest it is at the top. Gurdjieff's Beelzebub tells that the angles that created the problem repaired it shortly after they discovered the mistake, the Cassiopaeans say it is still there as are the Lizards. So what is actually going on with this kundalini? Is there a mixture of concepts? If one reads chapter 16 in the Bhagavad Gita one will see that the qualities of the demonic or wrathful names of God, match well with the qualities of STS and the Kundabuffer, but it is not the goal of all practitioners of Indian philosophy to develop these, often the divine qualities aspired for which are also detailed in chapter 16.

3.0 The Cassiopaeans about chakras
Next follow some excerpts from the Cassiopaean transcripts that mention the Chakras. They are grouped depending on whether they deal with chakras in general or relate to specific chakras. The purpose of bringing so many is to create a basis for someday find out if kundalini is what Gurdjieff says it is or possibly something different.

3.1 Definitions of a chakra
950101 said:
Q: […] (V) What chakra level is G*** operating at?
A: Chakras are like escalators, you choose your step and rise accordingly.
Q: (G) Well, I was hoping they would give me a number. I don't know much about chakras.
A: Learn.
Q: (T) The whole thing is that we are supposed to learn for ourselves. They will point us in the right direction, but then we are supposed to go out and do it. If you don't learn it on your own, you don't really learn. You have to go out and fall off the log a couple times to learn to walk the log.
An escalator is a self-moving staircase, a word which will appear later.

950101 said:
Q: (V) With meditation and metaphysical exercise, I can lift my chakras higher, is this correct?
A: Yes.
Q: (V) Dedication?
A: Yes.
Q: (V) Is it all in what I perceive my purpose to be?
A: Yes.
950603 said:
Q: (T) I don't even know what I said! (L) Try it this way. We are talking about an aura. In an aura system in the physical body, it can sometimes reflect both the spiritual and physical state of the person. Is this location similar to a chakra?
A: If you prefer or other.
Q: (L) Similar to a chakra?
A: These ar all merely labels.
Q: (L) Okay, so it is like an energy vortex?
A: Okay...
Q: (L) An energy vortex in the body, a chakra in the body, is a place where the body energy interfaces with the universe. Tell us about chakras, S***. (SV) There are all different kinds. There are the seven major chakras, the ones in the palms, almost every joint in the body has a chakra... (T) What do they do? (L) An interface point? (SV) Yes. (L) Is this what we are talking about here? An interface between this density and other densities?
A: First of all, "chakras" are a little understood and nonproven phenomenon. Now, it just so happens they do exist, but in different form than reported by many in the so called "psychic" community. So you see, you have opened yet another "can of worms."
Q: […] (L) ...what, exactly, is a chakra?
A: An energy field that merges density one, two, three or four with five.

Q: (T) A focus point that merges densities to fifth density contemplation level?
A: Close.
Q: (T) What purpose do we merge to the contemplation level through the chakras?
A: You are all connected with level five on a short wave cycle, reference text.
Q: (L) Does each chakra relate to a color as we have been told?
A: In a sense, but not primary issue.
Q: (L) What is the primary issue?
A: The connection with physical imprint locator.

Q: (L) So, that has to do with this area right here? Are we back to the house?
A: On a physical body, density levels one through four.
Q: […] (SV) I wonder if there are seven major chakras in the same place as described by others. […]
Q: […] (L) SVwants to know if there are seven major chakras related to the physical body as has been taught by many sources?
A: It varies according to individuals.
Q: (SV) You mean some people have more chakras than others?
A: Name a "chakra."
Q: (L) Is there a base chakra, the root chakra?
A: We asked you to name one.
Q: (L) Well, we named one. (SV) There's the heart chakra, the third eye, I don't know the Hindu names for them... (L) Name a person?
A: No.
Q: (SV) The lady who wrote "Hands of Light" said that when she does healings, spirit guides...
A: What happens to those who have major body parts missing?
Q: (J) Oooh! (SV) But the etheric field is still there! They have proven that with Kirlian photography...
A: Is that the same thing?
Q: (L) Well, is that which is photographed by Kirlian photography the same thing that makes up the chakras? (SV) Well, you would have the seven major ones... you can't live without a head and torso... (L) What happens when you have organs, the glands related to the chakras, taken out. Women have hysterectomies all the time...
A: Good question!
Q: (SV) But the energy's still there even though the body parts are gone! That's what I have been taught.
A: Who says?
Q: (SV) Do you want to know the names of my instructors?
A: All we are trying to point out to you, is that you are delving into an area where purported fact is not proven, and the entire subject is only slightly understood at your level. It is better to get facts before proclaiming knowledge, lest you make serious mistakes!
(T) They have been saying that the chakras as they have been taught may not be entirely accurate. The information about these energy points is that they do not exist as they have been laid out by others, but that they exist in different people in different places because of the way the energ flows in each individual. They don't always exist in the same place just as the energy vortexes on the planet fluctuate and change. So, within the person the energy changes and fluctuates... (J) Do the chakras move around?
A: They may.
Q: (T) Do different people have different numbers of chakras?
A: Yes.

Q: (T) So, the whole idea of chakra work, not to take anything away from what SVhas been doing, is very much incorrect as it is laid out?
A: Maybe.
Q: (SV) Okay, if you sensitize your hands, could you pick up on this energy on the body? Could you detect the chakras?
A: Maybe.
Q: (T) Will Reiki allow you to find the chakras as they move about?
A: Maybe.
Q: (SV) What about Therapeutic Touch?
A: Maybe.
Q: (T) Is it that this energy will move just like the energy in a body will move. We are working at this point because, at this time, this is where the localized energy is in this area, but that this is going to be moving?
A: Again, you have touched upon a group of subjects that require massive study to accurately explain.
Q: (J) Does this mean that we have to study and learn more before we can even discuss this with you?
A: Close.
Q: (SV) Would Edgar Cayce's material be a good place to start?
A: This is a good place to start, but it will take much "time" and effort.
Q: (L) Are you suggesting that perhaps this is a subject that we don't need to go into?
A: Up to you.
3.2 Names of different chakras
020713 said:
Q: (V) What is the "origin" of these organic portal human types? In the scheme of creation, where did they come from?
A: They were originally part of the bridge between 2nd density and 3rd density. Review transcripts on the subject of short wave cycles and long wave cycles.
Q: (A) Now, I was reading in the transcripts that sleep is necessary for human beings because it was a period of rest and recharging. You also said that the SOUL rests while the body is sleeping. So, the question is: what source of energy is tapped to recharge both the body and the soul?
A: The question needs to be separated. What happens to a souled individual is different from an organic portal unit.
Q: (L) I guess that means that the life force energy that is embodied in Organic Portals is something like the soul pool that is theorized to exist for flora and fauna. This would, of course, explain the striking and inexplicable similarity of psychopaths, that is so well defined that they only differ from one another in the way that different species of trees are different in the overall class of Tree-ness. So, if they don't have souls, where does the energy come from that recharges Organic Portals?
A: The pool you have described.
Q: Does the recharging of the souled being come from a similar pool, only maybe the "human" pool?
A: No - it recharges from the so-called sexual center which is a higher center of creative energy. During sleep, the emotional center, not being blocked by the lower intellectual cener and the moving center, transduces the energy from the sexual center. It is also the time during which the higher emotional and intellectual centers can rest from the "drain" of the lower centers' interaction with those pesky organic portals so much loved by the lower centers. This respite alone is sufficient to make a difference. But, more than that, the energy of the sexual center is also more available to the other higher centers.
Q: (L) Well, the next logical question was: where does the so-called "sexual center" get ITS energy?
A: The sexual center is in direct contact with 7th density in its "feminine" creative thought of "Thou, I Love." The "outbreath" of "God" in the relief of constriction. Pulsation. Unstable Gravity Waves.
Q: Do the "centers" as described by Mouravieff relate at all to the idea of "chakras?"
A: Quite closely. In an individual of the organic variety, the so-called higher chakras are "produced in effect" by stealing that energy from souled beings. This is what gives them the ability to emulate souled beings. The souled being is, in effect, perceiving a mirror of their own soul when they ascribe "soul qualities" to such beings.
Q: Is this a correspondence that starts at the basal chakra which relates to the sexual center as described by Mouravieff?
A: No. The "sexual center" corresponds to the solar plexus.

Lower moving center - basal chakra
Lower emotional - sexual chakra
Lower intellectual - throat chakra
Higher emotional - heart chakra
Higher intellectual - crown chakra

Q: (L) What about the so-called seventh, or "third eye" chakra?
A: Seer. The union of the heart and intellectual higher centers.

[Laura's note: This would "close the circuit" in the "shepherd's crook" configuration.]

Q: (V) What about the many ideas about 12 chakras, and so forth, that are currently being taught by many new age sources? [Barbara Marciniak, for one.]
A: There are no such. This is a corrupted conceptualization based on the false belief that the activation of the physical endocrine system is the same as the creation and fusion of the magnetic center. The higher centers are only "seated" by being "magnetized." And this more or less "External" condition [location of the higher centers] has been perceived by some individuals and later joined to the perceived "seating" locations, in potential. This has led to "cross conceptualization" based on assumption!
Q: Are the levels of initiation and levels of the staircase as presented by Mouravieff fairly accurate?
A: Yes, but different levels accessed in other so-called lives can relieve the intensity of some levels in "another" life.
Q: (L) So work on the self in different incarnations - assuming one is not an organic portal - can be cumulative? You can pick up where you left off if you screw up?
A: Yes. To some extent. For now, then, good night.
First we had escalator and now staircase. Would the experiences of the escalation on the staircase sometimes match those who speak in terms of Kundalini? One may need to consider that there were few staircases or escalators in the Himalayas or rural Hindustan. Further down there is a word study of some yogic terms, the idea was that if there is a relationship, then one might be able to find it in the meaning of the words. If some of the terms the yogis use match the descriptions the Cassiopaeans and others have given in English, then there is a chance they are speaking of something similar.

3.3 Functions and descriptions of individual chakras
Next are a sequence of quotes ordered according to what chakra they refer. The purpose is to give a more complete idea of what the chakras may be.

Lower moving center - basal chakra
991023 said:
Q: I want to you have lost a fan because he was not happy with what he considered to be "internal inconsistencies" in that you were NOT favorably disposed toward hallucinations produced by substances such as Mescaline and Ayahuasca, but yet you recommend Melatonin because it is a hallucinogen. Then, you said that spiritual powers could not be obtained through chemicals or plant type means, but then said that Melatonin exercises psychic abilities. Could you comment on this?
A: Several comments: First of all, "fan" is short for "fanatic." Secondly, melatonin does not force an alteration in physiological brain chemicals, as do mescaline, peyote, LSD, etc. Accessing the higher levels of psychical awareness through such processes is harmful to the balance levels of the prime chakra. This is because it alters the natural rhythms of psychic development by causing reliance on the part of the subject, thus subjugating the learning process. It is a form of self-imposed abridging of free will. Melatonin simply allows the system to clear obstructions in the brain chemistry naturally, thereby allowing the subject to continue to learn at a natural pace. And, it is by no means unimportant that melatonin is a natural body hormone. The other substances mentioned are, at least in part, synthetic, with the exception of peyote. But even that is not a natural ingredient of the human physiological being. And besides, we have already discussed the importance, or lack thereof, of those who pass judgment upon this exercise, or communication.
941107 said:
Q: (L) Carlos Casteneda writes about the peyote beings called "Mescalitos." This being supposedly is part of the peyote plant, a sort of being from the plant. Is this true?
A: No.
Q: (L) What beings does one encounter when one eats a bunch of peyote?
A: Hallucination.
Q: (L) Why are these hallucinations so consistent?
A: Because those that do have that expectation. If you ate enough peyote you would encounter Santa Claus if that was your expectation. (Much laughter)
The above could make one think that some kundalini experiences are created by mixing state of mind with expectation and who with the aid of some 4th D. STS

Explaination of the value of grounding
980221 said:
Q: Okay, thank you. Now, in this other book, 'The White Goddess' about the Triple Goddess, alphabets, trees, which this author tracks back to the goddess Danu who Rhys identifies as Cassiopaea... but, in this particular section, it brings up something about which I have been EXTREMELY curious... the lame king, the wounded thigh, and the heel issue which is connected to the thigh issue... the thigh of Zeus and the heel of Achilles. Well, it seems that a LOT of heroes or 'gods' had this thigh or heel issue and that later, the divine right of kings was connected to this and often a king was ritually lamed. It seems that the wound in the thigh led to an inability to place the heel on the ground which then led to a taboo against the king putting his feet on the ground altogether. Why the ban against the king putting his feet on the ground? Why did the heel have to be protected from contact with the earth?
A: In order to interrupt grounding of chakras.
Q: What happens when the chakras are grounded?
A: What happens to you?
Q: Well, a circuit is closed and energy flows out of you. When you are grounded energy flows out of you or through you...
A: Or in.
Q: Why?
A: Would you do Reiki with high heels on?
Q: No. You take your shoes off.
A: Why?
Q: So that you complete the circuit so the energy comes into you to give to another person.
A: Yes.
Q: So, if you have a king whose feet are not allowed to touch the ground, that becomes an altogether STS mode of existence, I would think...
A: Puppetry, as one sees today.
Q: Then, when the individual has been lamed, they have become a puppet.
A: Yes, and who is the puppeteer?
Q: They have become part of the Chain of Command... STS.
A: Yes.
Lower moving center - basal chakra
Lower emotional center - sexual chakra

941106 said:
Q: (L) I have drawn a sort of conclusion about some of the activities of the Lizzies and their abductions through the Grays and so forth, and it seems to me that these excessive numbers of exams, gynecological, reproductive or whatever exams might possibly be a screen for a process that is used to extract life force or energy from the human being, through the basal chakra, the sexual chakra, as I understand where the life force enters in. Is this idea correct or on track?
A: Close.
Q: (L) It does seem that the Grays and Lizzies are abnormally interested in sexual activities of human beings, is that correct?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Why are they so inordinately interested in this and why do they practice sex, sexual aberrations, or do they have a tremendous sex drive even though they are fourth density beings?
A: Too many questions; one at a time.
Q: (L) Do they have tremendous sex drives even though they are in fourth density?
A: No.
Q: (L) Are they interested in sexual energy simply because it is life force?
A: Partly and also desperately to stave off change in order to retain control.
Q: (L) What changes are they desperate to stave off?
A: To 4th level.
Q: (L) They are trying to stave off the 4th level change. Can they do that?
A: No. Also hoping to retain control even if change occurs.
Learning Chakra = Lower intellectual - throat chakra
950114 said:
Q: (L) Why do I have this gripping and pinching sensation on the back of my neck right at this moment?
A: We are blasting open your learning chakra.
Higher emotional - heart chakra
981212 said:
Q: (BRH) I have been thinking about arranging to work fewer hours so that I can have time to write a book...
A: Use your heart chakra to answer this. […]
Higher intellectual - crown chakra
002119 said:
A: Stonehenge used to resonate with tonal rill, teaching the other wise unteachable with wisdoms entered psychically through crown chakra transceiving system. [Note: the word "rill" is new to me. Webster defines it as a small stream or a little brook; to flow in or like a rill.]
The expression "tranceiving system" may relate to the following also?
020713 said:
Q: (L) What about the so-called seventh, or "third eye" chakra?
A: Seer. The union of the heart and intellectual higher centers.
000415 said:
Q: (J) What exactly is the function of the pituitary gland in your references to Stonehenge?
A: This gland is your uplink.

Q: (L) Is it possible that the pituitary can be stimulated by external sources such as radio waves, waves from a supernova, or other frequencies in the environment?
A: Yes and experiments have ensued.
Q: (L) Would it be beneficial for us to experiment with such things?
A: Not wise. You could fry yourself in your zeal.
Q: (J) Are you guys actually channelling through your pituitary via radio waves?
A: This channeling process is comprehensive. Spiritual/psychic/physical.
Q: (L) I guess we aren't supposed to do any experimentation with it though.
A: You can experiment, but not technologically.
950311 said:
Q: […] (L) Okay, guys, let's connect our brain cells here!
A: No need to connect "brain cells," using your chakras will do!
Q: (L) Don't connect your brain cells, connect your chakras. How do we connect our chakras? (T) I didn't know that you could connect them? (S) They are all connected always. (L) But I mean how do we connect them with each other? (S) Think it, I guess.
A: Discover.
Q: (L) Can you give us a clue on this? (T) Meditation?
A: You are missing the point, don't search, just let it happen when it is ready.
And if a lot of people are being prevented/preventing it from happening then what?
20050109 said:
Q: Regarding the recent earthquake and tsunami, there is a huge buzz on the net that this was not a natural phenomenon. Some say that it could have been a meteor; others say it was a US nuke; others say it was India and Israel playing around in the undersea trenches. Then there is the speculation on an EM weapon of some description. The New agers are saying it was the start of the final 'Earth Changes'. So what really caused this earthquake that happened one year minus one hour after the earthquake in Iran?

A: Pressure in earth. Not any of the proferred suggestions. But remember that the human cycle mirrors the cycle of catastrophe and human mass consciousness plays a part.

Q: In what way does mass consciousness play a part?

A: When those with higher centers are blocked from full manifestation of creative energy, that energy must go somewhere. If you cannot create "without" you create "within".
3.4 A possible role of chakras
If a chakra as explained is:
"A: An energy field that merges density one, two, three or four with five."
And if the primary issue of a chakra is:
"A: The connection with physical imprint locator."
And if:
"A: […]The higher centers are only "seated" by being "magnetized."
And if:
"A: Chakras are like escalators, you choose your step and rise accordingly."
Then it can be that conscious connection to higher densities is through the chakras and as a result the ability to handle physicality becomes open to increasing variability. This is an idea one can explore.

Continued in post # 2.
4.0 The case of the Yogi
Having presented some from the transcripts about chakras, it is time to turn to the Yogi. The reason is that the Yogis are often the ones who talk about chakras and kundalini, although at least one of them says that all this literature on kundalini is completely useless, without denying though that the kundalini exists and so do the experiences. The terms used by yogis and associated, are not well explained in the average English dictionary, so a word study of some terms is needed first. Although we may not use all the information now it should give a basis for further investigations.

Also will a word analysis of kundalini and yoga and tantra bring any meanings that bear semblance with the words, fusion, "seated", magnetic, "magnetized"? These words were used in one of the excerpts from the Cassiopaean transcripts quoted above. This section of word meanings is in quote since it is long and specialised.
4.1 The dictionaries on vortex, chakra, kundalini, tantra, yoga, mantra, yantra, dharana, dhyana, samadhi, laya, tapas, shakti, sankalpa and iccha

The word 'vortex' was used above in the quote from 950603. The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (1987 and 1989) explains it as; 1. A powerful circular moving mass of especially water or wind that can draw objects into its hollow centre, as in a whirlpool or whirlwind. 2. A situation so powerful that one is helpless against it.

Chakra comes from Sanskrit and has various meanings: 1. The wheel of a carriage, [note: this is by the way interesting since Gurdjieff in the last chapter of Beelzebub's Tales called "From the Author' compares the human body to a horse carriage, which of course has wheels on it] 2. A potter's wheel 3. A sharp circular missile weapon, a disc. 4. An oil-mill. 5. A circle, ring. 6. A troop, multitude, collection. 7. A realm, sovereignty. 8. A province, district, a group of villages. 9. A form of military arrary in a circle. 10. A circle or depression of the body. 11. A cycle, cycle of years. 12. The horizon. 13. An army, a host. 14. Section of a book. 15. A whirlpool. 16. The winding of a river.

Comparing 'vortex' with chakra one notices similarities.

Kundalini (last letter is long as 'ee' in English) is in Sankrit a feminine noun and may denote 1. Decorated with ear-rings, 2. Circular, spiral. 3. Winding, coiling (as a serpent). Again one may note that there is a similarity to some of the meanings of chakra. And is the 'staircase' a winding one?

Kundalini may not be an acronym, that is a word made up from the first letters of the name of something, nevertheless below follows some more word analysis.

Kunda, masculine noun, may denote 1. A bowl-shaped vessel, a basin, bowl; 2. A round hole in the ground for receiving and preserving water; 3. A whole (sic?) in general: 4. A pool, well, especially one consecrated to some deity or holy purpose: 5. The bowl of a mendicant

Ku as a verbal root may if considered as belonging to the first verbal group of Atmanepada mean 'to sound', if declined as sixth group atmanepada it can mean 'to moan, to groan' or ' to cry', if declined as second group parasmaipada it can mean 'to hum, coo (as a bee)'.

The 'd' in kundalini is of the palatal kind and the dictionary does not have many words beginning with this sound, but if one reads it as a dental sound there are more options since dal declined as first group parasmaipada can mean: 1. To burst, open, split, cleave, crack, or 2. To expand, bloom, open (as a flower)

Ina as an adjective can mean 1. Able, powerful, mighty. 2. Bold. As a noun it can signify 1. A lord. 2. The sun. 3. A king.

The sound 'lini' I could not find but there is 'lina' with a long 'i=ee', the dictionary explains it is a past passive participle which can mean: 1. Clung or adhered to, suck to; 2. Lurking, hid, concealed, 3. Resting or reclining on, 4. Melted, 5. Completely absorbed or swallowed up in, intimately united with, 6. Devoted or given up to, 7. Disappeared, vanished.

There is a reference to the verb root which is 'li' (with long vowel) This root can be declined as first group parasmaipada and mean 'to melt or dissolve'. It can be declined as ninth verbal group parasmaipada and mean 'to adhere' or 'to melt'. If 'li' is declined as fourth group atmanepada it can mean: 1. To stick, adhere firmly to, 2. To clasp, embrace, 3. To lie or rest on, recline, stay or dwell in, lurk, hide, cover, 4. To be dissolved, melt away, 5. To be sticky or viscous, 6. To be absorbed in, be devoted or attached to. The notes to the Sanskrit terms are from The Student's Sanskrit English Dictionary, by Vaman Shivram Apte (completed 15th February 1890), published by Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, Private Limited, Delhi, India 2000. (_

'Tantra' or as the dictionary says tantram just as it was chakram (has to do with the gender of the word) can mean 1. A loom. 2. A thread.(note: this connects Tantra with another branch of literature called Sutras, which can mean threads, for example Yoga Sutras of Patanjali 3. The warp or threads extended lengthwise in a loom. 4. Posterity. 5. An uninterupted series. 6. The regular order of ceremonies and rites, system, framework, ritual. 7. Mainpoint. 8. Principal doctrine, rule, theory. 9. Subservience, dependence. 10. A scientific work. 11. A chapter, section, as of a work. 12. A religious treatise teaching magical and mystical formularies for the worship of the deities or the attainment of superhuman power. 13. The cause of more than one effect. 14. A spell. 15. A chief remedy or charm. 16 A drug, medicament. 17. An oath, ordeal. 18. Raiment 19. The right way of doing anything. 20. The Royal retinue, train, court. 21. A realm, country, authority. 22, Government, ruling, administration. 23. An army. 24. A heap multitude. 25. A house. 25 Decoration. 27. Wealth. 28. Happiness.

One shall notice that some of the meaning tantra are also ascribed to the word yoga as shall be shown below.

If one looks into the verbal roots of tantra, there are two which must have influenced.. One is tan and the other tantr. About tan it is said that it is belongs to the eighth group of verbs declined as either atmanepada or parasmaipada. The meanings are: 1. To stretch, extend, lengthen, lengthen out. 2. To spread, shed, diffuse. 3. To cover, fill. 4. To cause, produce, form, give, grant, bestow. 5. To perform, do accomplish (as a sacrifice). 6. To compose, write (as a work etc.). 7. To stretch or bend (as a bow). 8. To spin out, weave. 9. To propagate, or be propagated. 10. To continue, last.

A variant of the word tantra is the adjective tantrika (first 'a' is long) or in the feminine form, tantriki (first and last vowel are long). It means 1. Well-versed in any science or doctrine. 2. Relating to tantras. 3. Taught or contained in them.

The other verbal root tantr belongs to the tenth verbal group and can also be declined as the above in two different way depending on the use. It can signify: 1. To rule, control, govern. 2. (Only as atmanepada) To support, maintain (as a family).

About yoga the dictionary says: 1. Joining, uniting. 2. Union, junction, combination. 3. Contact, touch. Connection, 4. Employment, application, use. 5. Mode, manner, course, means. 6. Consequence, result. 7. A yoke. 8. A conveyance, vehicle, carriage. 9. An armour. 10. Fitness, propriety, suitableness. 11. An occupation, a work, business. 12. A trick, fraud, device. 13. An expedient, a plan, means in general. 14. Endeavour, zeal, diligence, assiduity. 15 Remedy, cure. 16. A charm, spell, incantation, magic, magical art. 17. Gaining, acquiring, acquisition. 18. Wealth, substance. 19. A rule, precept. 20. Dependence, relation, regular order or connection, dependence of one word upon another. 21 Etymology or derivation of the meaning of a word. 22. The etymological meaning of a word. 23. Deep and abstract meditation, concentration of the mind, contemplation of the Supreme Spirit. 24. The system of philosophy established bt Patanjali which is considered to be the second division of the Sankhya philosophy, but is considered as a separate system. 25. (in arithmetic) Addition. 26. (In astronomy) Conjunction, lucky conjunction. 27. A combination of stars. 28. Name of a particular astronomical division of time (27 such Yogas are usually enumerated). 29. The principal star in a lunar mansion. 30. Devotion, pious seeking after god. 31. A spy, secret agent. 32. A traitor, a violator of truth of confidence.

Mantra is another word which appears in one of the following transcripts. It is word that can be translated as: 1. A Vedic hymn or sacred prayer. 2. The portion of the Veda including the Samhita and distinguished from the Bra'hmana. 3. A charm, spell, an incantation. 4. A formula (of prayer) sacred to any deity. 5. Consultation, deliberation, counsel, advice, resolution, plan. 6. Secret plan or consultation, a secret.

Mantra can be led back to the verbal root mantr It belongs to the tenth group of roots and is declined as atmanepada. It has the following meanings: 1. To consult, deliberate, ponder over, hold consultation, take counsel. 2. To advise, counsel, give advice. 3. To consecrate with sacred texts, enchant with spells or charms. 4. To say, speak, talk, mutter.

There may also be a weaker but interesting relation to:
Man which as a first group parasmaipada root can mean: 1. To be proud. 2. To worship. Next as a root of fourth or eighth groups and declined as atmanepada it may mean: 1. To think, believe, suppose, imagine, fancy, conceive. 2. To consider, regard, deem, look. 3. To honour, respect, value, esteem, think highly of, prize. 4. To know, understand, perceive, observe, have regard to. 5. To agree or consent to, act up to. 6. To think or reflect upon. 7. To intend, wish or opt for. 8. To set the heart or mind on.

Yantra is another word that will be mentioned; 1.That which restrains, or fastens, any prop or support, a stay.(Longman says 'a stay' is strong wire or rope used for supporting a ship's mast). 2. A fetter, band, fastening, tie, thong. 3. A surgical instrument, especially a blunt instrument. 4. Any instrument or machine, an appliance, a contrivance, implement in general, a machine for drawing up water from a well. 5. A bolt, lock. 6. Restraint, force. 7. An amulet, a mystical or astronomical diagram used as an amulet.

Meditation is a word that in Sanskrit may have various translations. I shall give four: Dharana (second and last 'a's are long vowels), dhyana (the first 'a' is long and in the base form it is dhyanam), and samadhi (second a is long). There is a fourth laya which occurs the context of laya yoga.

Dharana: 1. The act of holding, bearing, supporting, preserving etc. 2. The faculty of retaining in the mind a good or retentive memory. 3. Memory in general. 4. Keeping the mind collected, holding the breath suspended, steady abstraction of mind. 5. Fortitude, firmness, steadiness. 6. A fixed precept or injunction, a settled rule, conclusion. 7. Understanding, intellect. 8. Continuance in rectitude, propriety, decorum. 9. Conviction.
As a compound in dharanayoga it means deep devotion or abstraction.

Dhyana 1. Meditation, reflection, thought, contemplation. 2. Especially abstract contemplation, religious meditation. 3. Divine intuition or discernment. 4. Mental representation of the personal attributes of a deity.

Samadhi 1. Collecting, composing, concentration (as mind). 2. Profound or abstract meditation, concentration of mind on one object, perfect absorption of thought into the one object of meditation, i.e. the Supreme Spirit 3. Intentness, concentration (in general), fixing of thoughts. 4. Penance, religious obligation, devotion (to penance). 5. Bringing together, concentration, combination, collection. 6. Reconciliation, settling or composing differences. 7. Silence. 8. Agreement, assent, promise. 9. Requital. 10 Completion, accomplishment. 11. Perseverance in extreme difficulties. 12 Attempting impossibilities. 13. Laying up corn (in times of famine) 14. A tomb. 15. The joint of the neck, a particular position of the neck.

Laya may mean 1. Sticking, union, adherence. 2. Lurking, hiding. 3. Fusion, melting, solution. 4. Disappearance, dissolution, extinction, destruction. 5. Absorption of the mind, deep concentration, exclusive devotion (to anyone object). 6. Time in music. 7. A pause in music. 8. Rest, repose. A place of rest, abode, habitation. 10. Slackness of mind, mental inactivity, 11. An embrace.

Expressions found in Beelzebub's Tales like 'conscious labour and intentional suffering', 'willed self-mortification', 'being-duty' and 'being-partkdolg-duty' associate with tapas. This noun can be used in the sense of: 1. Warmth, heat, fire. 2. Suffering. 3. Penance, religious austerity, mortification. 4. Meditation connected with the practice of personal self-denial or bodily mortification. 5. Moral virtue, merit. 6, Special duty or observance of any particular caste.

In Beelzebubs Tales, in the analogy of the baking of the bread. The holy affirming or active force was the water, the holy denying or negative the flour and the holy reconciling or neutralizing force was the fire that bakes the mixture of water and flour into bread..

Tapas can be led back to the verbal root tap, which has a past passive participle tapta that can mean: 1. Heated, burnt. 2. Redhot, hot. 3. Melted, fused. 4. Distressed, pained, afflicted. 5. Practiced (as penance). A 'tapasvin' is an ascetic. Used as an adjective it means 1. Practicing penance, devout or 2. Poor, miserable, helpless, pitiable.

Gurdjieff spoke of 'enduring'. One term that relates is the verbal root Shak so it is worth spending a moment on this and its derivates since these connect back to tantra. If Shak is taken as belonging to the first and fifth group parasmaipada it can mean: 1. To be able, be competent for, have power to, effect. 2. To bear, endure. 3. To be powerful. As a 'desiderative' it can mean 1. To wish to be able. 2. To learn.

Shakti as a noun of feminine gender signifies 1. Power, ability, capacity, strength, energy, prowess. 2. The power of composition, poetic power or genius. 3. The active power of a deity, regarded as his wife, female divinity. 4. A kind of missile. 5. A spear, dart, pike, lance. 6. (In Nyaya philosophy) the relation of a term to the thing designated. 7. The power inherent in cause to produce its necessary effect. 8. (in rhetoric) the power or signification of a word, 9. The expressive power or denotation of a word. 10. The female organ, the counterpart of the Phallus worshipper of Shiva worshipped by a sect of people called Shaktas (long first a).

There is an entry elsewhere saying that shakta as a male noun with long first vowel means 'a worshipper of Shakti (the Shaktas are generally worshipper of Durga (long a) representing the female personification of divine energy, and the ritual enjoined to them is of two kinds, the pure or right-handed ritual and impure or left-handed ritual.

Shakti (long a) as an adjective is a term that is used to mean 1. Relating to power. 2. Relating to Shakti or the female personification of divine energy.

Another word that Gurdjieff uses with a lot of emphasis is 'will'. One translation is Sankalpa which can mean: 1. Will, volition, mental resolve. 2. Purpose, aim, intention, determination. 3. Wish, desire. 4. Thought, idea, reflection, fancy, imagination. 5. The mind, heart. 6. A solemn vow to perform an observance. 7. Expectation of advantage from a holy voluntary act.

The performance of tapas is freqently preceded by a sankalpa.

Another word which is similar is Iccha (long a). This can mean: 1. Wish, desire, will. 2. (In mathematics) a question or problem. 3. (in grammar) the form of desiderative.
Having done a lot of word study it is time to move on.

4.2 Transcript that may relate to Yoga
950121 said:
Q: (L) In other words, we're in bad shape! And these guys are playing games with us, so to speak...
A: Subjective.
Q: (T) Subjective to whether we're in bad shape or not.
A: Yes.
Q: (T) I was going to say that doesn't necessarily mean we're in bad shape... (L) Well, the situation we find ourselves in, is the only way of getting out of this time loop, so to speak, to move into another density, or is there a loop in the other density as well?
A: No.
Q: (L) No loop in the other density?
A: Yogis can do it.
Q: (L) Yogis can do it... (T) Transcend time. (L) Okay, let me ask this before we really start to go...
A: How they control their own physicality.
The transcripts say nothing more about the Yogis, but there are indications where the knowledge came from and how they control their physicality.
950812 said:
Q: (L) My first question is: What is the source of the Vedas? The Hindu system of philosophy?
A: There is more than one source.
Q: (L) What is the general source, positive or...
A: A very vague question.
Q: (L) Was it a group of people that put them together over centuries, or was it channeled information, or...?
A: It came into being as a result of meditation.
Q: (L) And what race of people was responsible for this information?
A: Caucasian.
Q: (L) What period of time were the Vedas received.
A: Varying bits and pieces of information which later was organized into packages labeled as it is.
Q: (L) From what realm did this meditated information issue?
A: The realm of the subconscious mind
Q: (L) What is the percentage of accuracy of the information given in the Vedas? Overall?
A: Accurate at what level?
Q: (L) Third Density.
A: Accurate to what extent and in what way?
Q: (L) Well, in a general sense, as a way of living one's life and perceiving the universe.
A: That's an extremely difficult question to answer as accuracy in determining such things as perceiving the universe and living one's life is entirely open to interpretation as anyone can resolve accuracy by relating to the parallel universe which is appropriate for the information given. And, as we have stated in the past, it is possible to create parallel universes through thought energy, and once they are created naturally, they correspond naturally to the interpretation given for them.
Q: (L) Is there any benefit to be obtained through the use of mantras?
A: Especially when the mind says there is. Remember, most all power necessary for altering reality and physicality is contained within the belief center of the mind. This is something you will understand more closely when you reach 4th density reality where physicality is no longer a prison, but is instead, your home, for you to alter as you please. In your current state, you have the misinterpretation of believing that reality is finite and therein lies your difficulty with finite physical existence. We are surprised that you are still not able to completely grasp this concept.
Traditionally some chakras are associated with symbols, possibly they also emerged from meditation since:
970412 said:
A: Symbols always naturally evolve of pure consciousness thought form.
The next also connects with the concept of variable physicality and 'the belief centre of he mind':
941104 said:
Q: (L) What is the "philosophers stone?"
A: Idea center.
Q: (L) How can this idea center be accessed?
A: Many ways: meditation is the best.
Q: (L) Is there any visual image of the philosopher's stone that one could use to access it in meditation?
A: Yes. Diamond or prism.
Q: (L) Was there or is there such a thing as a literal, physical, philosopher's stone that can transmute lead into gold?
A: No.
Q: (L) Was anybody ever able to transmute lead into gold by any means?
A: Everybody is able.
Q: (L) How?
A: You must discover this yourself.
Q: (L) Is this knowledge written down somewhere on the planet?
A: Yes, but it will be easier in 4th level.
Apparently the ability to transmute is not essential on 3rd level or even to get to 4th.

Whereas in the previous excerpt there was mention of mantra, here there is mention of meditation, and a shape, which was the reason why I included dharana, dhyana, samadhi, laya and yantra in the word analysis. A geometrical shape for meditation purposes is what some practitioners of yoga, and tantra call a yantra.

The next also mentions transmutation and says that a trance state is needed. So the meditation above would have to produce some state of trance. Just as the mantra would have to be used in such a state. This is indicated also if one goes back to the word analysis and study the Sanskrit words for meditation. And so therefore that must be how yogis obtain the possibility of variability of physicality.
971122 said:
Q: Raymond Lully was rumored to have transformed a great deal of base metal into gold for Edward II of England. Did Raymond transmute for Edward in 1311 or 1312?
A: Only method which will accomplish this uses high pitched melodic sounds, brought forth while in a trance state.
Q: Brought forth from what, the human voice?
A: From the center of within.
The last but one excerpt connects to the next, which describes what safety is and also therefore explains why some yogis could be better off:
020226 said:
Q: (L) […] Is the place of safety at the end of time to be found in Peru as Jay Weidner thinks?
A: No.
Q: (L) Is the place of safety a physical location on the planet?
A: No.
Q: (L) Is the place of safety a hyperdimensional state of being?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Why does the apparent counterintelligence program seek to convince so many people that Peru is a source of great wisdom, benevolence, spirituality and so forth?
A: Same as usual: diffuse knowledge.
The first comment is; how would the availability of a trance state or hyperdimensional state of being be able to coexist with the waking state experience? This must be what separates the good beginner from the experienced adept.

Secondly, considering the goal of some to diffuse knowledge, if there should be a lot of misunderstandings in the field of kundalini and chakras, can that be a surprise?

Certainly excess emphasis by some on miracles is a diversion. The next is about Jesus, who at least in accomplishment was a yogi.
941022 said:
A: His awareness of who and what he was gradually came as he grew. He was taught by us through his faith as described previously. And you should have faith as well because you would find things would come to you as "knowings" more often than even now. Jesus awareness of his mission and his actions pertaining to it were part of the natural progression of his growth and development. The information about his "miracles" has been largely corrupted by writings which have been passed down after the actual event period. Most of these writings are by entities who wish to confuse and corrupt all humanity for previously stated purposes. The idea was that if one perceived Jesus as performing physical miracles, then your entire understanding of what the life experience here on earth and on this plane is, and the meaning for it all, is also corrupted and the knowledge is blocked which is the goal of those who have done this. Jesus' purpose and plan was to teach knowledge to all who sought but did not have the strength to express as great a level of faith as he had to acquire the knowledge as he did from higher sources. If they were open and willing to learn they could be taught by hearing. He had only very limited success in imparting faith to others because faith comes solely from within and that is one of the most difficult things for beings on your plane to acquire.
Note: Gurdjieff mentions in Beelzebubs Tales, chapter 27 four Divine being-impulses, Faith, Hope, Love and Conscience and says that the first three are no longer available in people. However it appears Jesus grew in knowledge through faith.

5.0 Some questions
Maybe the talk of kundalini is also a diversion as exemplified above, but that we still have to find out. The problem has not yet been solved, at least not for me. If I before had some hesitation to accept Gurdjieff quick conclusion about what kundalini is, then so much more after having looked into the details. I think he had a point, but it is not the whole story. So what to do?

000624 said:
A: We will make one last effort to help you with this one: if you are searching for a "diamond in the rough," how do you go about this???
Q: (B) Dig in the dirt in the vicinity of a known diamond mine! (L) Yeah. You dig in the dirt!
A: Well, do you slam your shovel into the dirt frantically?
Q: (L) No, you dig carefully.
A: And how did you know that there was a diamond mine in the vicinity?
Q: (L) Maybe it has a sign that says "Diamond Mine!" Or maybe it's a place that is enclosed and fenced off from the rest of the area! (B) Or do you research it?
A: Bingo! […]
In the post there are questions unanswered. And certainly there are many more one could ask:

Does the kundalini exist as Gurdjieff and Mouravieff portray it? This one could find out by asking:
Does the kundalini exist?
What is the kundalini?
What is its function?
Who created or what is the origin of kundalini?
Is there a relation between the chakras and kundalini.
Why do some people get kundalini experiences?
Is there more risk/chance the kundalini awakens during meditative trance?
Is an experience of kundalini a hindrance to moving to 4th density STO?
Is the kundalini experience a part of the path of 4th density STS?
Can Organic Portal Units have full blown or even partial kundalini experiences?
Is there a meeting point between the idea of seating of the higher centres as Mouravieff and the Cassiopaeans mention, and the idea of the rise of the kundalini?
In which way are the chakras involved when it comes to 'variability of physicality'.

I can not ask these questions to the Cassiopaeans. So faith and research is needed. Maybe understanding will come.

In any case it seems time is on our side.
000415 said:
Q: (JM) Sharing information is something I have been involved with for many years...
A: But this process is expanding naturally anyway due to the exponential growth in your technology. And this, by the way, is an integral component in the eventual transition to 4th density. Not because of the technology, but the explosion of the knowledge base it is/will facilitate.
6.0 Other sources on kundalini
To add some more spice to the future discussion, if there going to be any, below you find three other sources on kundalini.
6.1 Edgar Cayce and Herbert B. Puryear
There was a reference to Edgar Cayce in the transcripts. In a book called 'The Edgar Cayce Primer' by Herbert B. Puryear, Ph. D. one encounters the following relating to kundalini, which is most likely a paraphrasing of something Cayce said. I do not have the book only some private glyphs, so I can't say more. From page 191:
In deep meditation, the kundalini is raised, bringing higher consciousness, healing and rejuvenation; and it is the mind dwelling upon the ideal that is the key to raising the kundalini.
If one wants to know what Cayce means by 'ideal' it is better to read him, the book or find a Web site.

Robert E. Svoboda and C. G. Jung on kundalini
Then there is C. G. Jung who is quoted in a book called "Aghora II, Kundalini" by Robert E. Svoboda. The bibliography says that the quotes are from "Psychological Commentaries on Kundalini Yoga, Lectures One and Two -1932", Spring 1975, Spring Publications, New York.
Robert E. Svoboda includes this quote on page 18 of his.
Robert E. Svoboda page 17 - 18 said:
Carl Jung said:
Therefore the Yoga way or the Yoga philosophy has always been a secret, but not because people have kept it secret. For as soon as you keep a secret it is already an open secret: you know about it and other people know about it, and then it is no longer a secret. The real secrets are secrets because no one understands them. One cannot even talk about them, and of such a kind are the experiences of Kundalini Yoga. That tendency to keep things secret is merely a natural consequence when the experience is of such a peculiar kind that you had better not talk about it, for you would expose yourself to the greatest misunderstanding and misinterpretation. (Jung p.20)
Robert E. Svoboda said:
Carl Jung said:
… according to the Tantric teaching, there is an urge to produce a personality, something that is centered, and divided from other beings … It is what one would describe in Western philosophical terms as an urge or instinct towards individuation. The instinct of individuation is found everywhere in life, for there is not life on earth that is not individual. Individuation takes place only when you are conscious of it, but individuality is always there from the beginning of your existence. (Jung, p. 2)
Robert E. Svoboda page 19-20 said:
ever since the time of the early Theosophists most Western interpreters of Kundalini, unfortunately, in order to import into their own systems of psychology concepts which they believe to be Tantric, have not hesitated to assign to Tantric words denotation which often vary significantly from their original meaning.

Jung himself borrowed concepts from Kundalini Yoga, including the very concept of Kundalini, which he called the anima, and so he bears some of the blame for this situation. At least he was more forthright than are most distorters of Kundalini:

Carl Jung said:
One needs a great deal of psychology in order to make these matters palatable to the Western mind, and unless we try hard and dare to commit many errors in assimilating it to our Western mentality, we simply get poisoned. For these symbols have a terrible clinging tendency. They catch the unconscious somehow and cling to us. But they are a foreign body in our system - corpus alienum - and they inhibit the natural growth and development of our own psychology. It is like a secondary growth or poison. Therefore one has to make really heroic attempts to master these things, to stand up against these symbols, in order to deprive them of their influence. Perhaps you cannot fully realize what I say, but take it as a hypothesis - though it is more than a hypothesis. It is the truth. I have seen too often how dangerous their influence may be. (Jung, p. 9)
Rejecting those concepts that "we do not need" for a systematic psychological description of Western experiences with the unconscious, Jung rationalized:

Carl Jung said:
We can only understand their picture of the world in as much as we try to understand it in our own terms. Therefore I make the attempt to approach it from the psychological point of view. I am sorry to have bewildered you, but you will be more bewildered if you take these things literally (you had better not). If you think in these terms, you will build up an apparent Hindu system with the psychology of a Western mind and you cannot do that. You simply poison yourself. (Jung, p.13)
Possibly those who try hard and dare to commit many errors in order to assimilate concepts from Kundalini Yoga into popular psychology do avoid the fate of the many Westerners who have poisoned themselves by dressing their minds in Indian vestments. But while replicas of Kundalini Yoga may function well enough in the external world of consensus reality to be useful psychological tools, they cannot substitute for the real thing when it comes to spiritual development.
I do not know if Jung and Svoboda are right, on the other hand if this post sparks interest among readers then it is better to furnish it with a generous disclaimer. That is now done. The subject requires massive study, it is not a small can of worms, it is a whole barrel. :) One could argue against Jung by saying that Kundalini experiences also exist among people in other cultures but is less understood, or it is a greater secret. Jung wrote and spoke more than 70 years ago and much has changed in the world and is continuing to change.
When I typed the quotes I understood the usefulness of having spent so much time in finding translations for some Sanskrit terms.

Ra on kundalini
The Law of One said:
RA: […]One may examine each of the energy centers for such secondary centers. Some of your peoples work with these energy centers, and you call this acupuncture. However, it is to be noted that there are most often anomalies in the placement of the energy centers so that the scientific precision of this practice is brought into question. Like most scientific attempts at precision, it fails to take into account the unique qualities of each creation.

The most important concept to grasp about the energy field is that the lower or negative pole will draw the universal energy into itself from the cosmos. Therefrom it will move upward to be met and reacted to by the positive spiralling energy moving downward from within. The measure of an entity's level of ray activity is the locus wherein the south pole outer energy has been met by the inner spiralling positive energy.

As an entity grows more polarized this locus will move upwards. This phenomenon has been called by your peoples the kundalini. However, it may better be thought of as the meeting place of cosmic and inner, shall we say, vibratory understanding. To attempt to raise the locus of this meeting without realizing the metaphysical principles of magnetism upon which this depends is to invite great imbalance.

Questioner: What process would be the recommended process for correctly awakening the kundalini and of what value would that be?

RA: I am Ra. The metaphor of the coiled serpent being called upwards is vastly appropriate for consideration by your peoples. This is what you are attempting when you seek. There are, as we have stated, great misapprehensions concerning this metaphor and the nature of pursuing the goal. We must generalize and ask that you grasp the fact that this in effect renders far less useful that which we share. However, as each entity is unique, generalizations are our lot when communicating for your possible edification.
Ra continues to answer the question for another page. What is new to this thread in what Ra said is that they included the acupuncture points in the discussion. I have been wondering what masters of Qigong would say to Kundalini.

So there are a very wide range of ideas and opinions about Kundalini. Is there a hope of further clarification?

His awareness of who and what he was gradually came as he grew. He was taught by us through his faith as described previously. And you should have faith as well because you would find things would come to you as "knowings" more often than even now. Jesus awareness of his mission and his actions pertaining to it were part of the natural progression of his growth and development. The information about his "miracles" has been largely corrupted by writings which have been passed down after the actual event period. Most of these writings are by entities who wish to confuse and corrupt all humanity for previously stated purposes. The idea was that if one perceived Jesus as performing physical miracles, then your entire understanding of what the life experience here on earth and on this plane is, and the meaning for it all, is also corrupted and the knowledge is blocked which is the goal of those who have done this. Jesus' purpose and plan was to teach knowledge to all who sought but did not have the strength to express as great a level of faith as he had to acquire the knowledge as he did from higher sources. If they were open and willing to learn they could be taught by hearing. He had only very limited success in imparting faith to others because faith comes solely from within and that is one of the most difficult things for beings on your plane to acquire.
Very insightful thread, Thorbiorn. Do you have any idea what faith is? Do you think is is related to what the C's call non-anticipation?
Kesdjan said:
Do you have any idea what faith is? Do you think is is related to what the C's call non-anticipation?
Yes, I consider that "non-anticipation" can be one ingredient. As your first question suggests, faith is not such an easy concept to descibe, or is it just lhat I do not know it enough? For now I should like to leave the topic for later and try to solve the problems that appeared earlier.

One such was to find a connection between the qualities of the Kundabuffer, the Kundalini and the chakras.

There is a book published by Motilal Banarsidass Publishers in India: _ It was originally written and published in German in the 1970"s by Oscar Marcel Hinze, a psychologist of perceptions if I understand correctly and is called "Tantra Vidya" (last "a" is long).

He writes on page 33, that the following emotions are connected with the so-called six-petalled lotus chakra, corresponding to the second or lower emotional center:
1. "Kaama" desire, lust, 2. "Krodha" anger, 3. "Lobha" covetousness, 4. "Moha" error, delusion, 5. "Mada" arrogance, pride and 6. "Maatsaryya" envy. These are called the "six foes of man" and bear a semblance to the qualities Gurdjieff mentions as being those of the Kundabuffer:
'egoism,' 'self-love,' 'vanity,' 'pride,' 'self-conceit,' 'credulity,' 'suggestibility.'
'egoism,' 'self-love,' 'vanity,' 'pride,' 'self-conceit,' 'credulity,' 'suggestibility.'
'swagger,' 'pride,' 'self-love,' 'vanity,' 'self-conceit,' self-enamouredness,' 'envy,' 'hate,' 'offensiveness,'
'envy,' 'pride,' 'self-love,' 'vanity,' 'lying,'
The next question is: how does Kundalini play a part in the formation of these qualities?

The explanation provided on page 36-37 of the same book says that the six centres are to be considered as the main stages of Shakti on her way from heaven microcosmically: the region of the head, the higher interllectual center, and the third eye, or in another terminology the 1000- pettaled and 2 petalled lotus, to earth corresponding to the base chakra or moving center.

One of the meaning of "Kunda" was "earth pit" which denotes the relation to earth. In our world the elements are related to 3rd density. One may wonder why the Kundalini is said to be rolled up in three and a half circle?

The area of the head is also considered the area of the 1000-petalled lotus and is explained as the region of pure, undimmed consciousness, the realm of Shiva, while at the same time being the proper home of Shakti which is described as representing the dynamic, active, side of the same pure consciousness.

The many richly differentiated worlds which are situated in the macrocosmos as well as in the microcosmos, owe their existence solely to the fact that Shiva and Shakti, regarded from a certain standpoint, are no more one but are seperated from each other, as a result of the "emigration" of Shakti out of her spiritual other, as a result of the "emigration" of Shakti out of her spiritual home into the earthly region of gross matter. This emigration brought about with it also the gradual, step-by-step veiling of the primordial consciousness: therefore, the Kundalini-Shakti is also named Maayaa-Shakti (Maayaa=illusion). The yogi endeavours to overcome this illlusion in its almost unlimited effects. He wants to incorporate his personal consciousness agian into the universal divine consciousness, to "repatriate" himself, because the yogi knows that he once participated in the great divine consciousness, but has lost this participation.
The above presentation may not agree with what all yogis understand, nor may it agree with what the original propounders had in mind. Still if one takes it as it is written, one can on the one hand understand why Kundalini became the Kundabuffer but that part of the story was missing. It is explained in other words below:
It is Shakti who has created the five elements (Mahaabhutas) from the finest (Aakaasha) to the grossest (Prithivii). The gradual condensation of the primordial substances (Prakriti) implies, from the point of the creating Shakti, a stepwise cramping, a growing renunciation with regard to fully unfolded "Being". When the earth-element is created, Shakti has sacrificed herself to the maximum limit; she cannot do more; with this her creative power has reached the end. In her last emanation, she lies rolled together and sleeps. This aspect of Shakti is Kundalinii. But there is a whole series of other aspects of Shakti, still active, which in some way keep alive the former stages of the route to the 4-petelled lotus. (note: i.e. the base chakra).
Interesting how there is a progression from full being to less full being. It reminds one of Ibn Al"Arabi.

To conclude we have found many of the qualties of the Kundabuffer to be traditionally associated with the second chakra, the lower emotional center. And we have found out how the original creative energy is explained as having become confined as Kundalini Shakti to the base chakra or moving center in this analogy. Also it was explained what a yogi may understand by awakening the Kundalini. It does not mean to grow in Kundabuffer qualities but rather to outgrow them, that is why they were mentioned as the "six foes of man".

Kesdjan said:
Do you have any idea what faith is? Do you think is is related to what the C's call non-anticipation?
Below is the quote from the Casiopaean transcripts that gave rise to the question followed by various transcripts on faith.
941022 said:
A: His awareness of who and what he was gradually came as he grew. He was taught by us through his faith as described previously. And you should have faith as well because you would find things would come to you as "knowings" more often than even now. Jesus awareness of his mission and his actions pertaining to it were part of the natural progression of his growth and development. The information about his "miracles" has been largely corrupted by writings which have been passed down after the actual event period. Most of these writings are by entities who wish to confuse and corrupt all humanity for previously stated purposes. The idea was that if one perceived Jesus as performing physical miracles, then your entire understanding of what the life experience here on earth and on this plane is, and the meaning for it all, is also corrupted and the knowledge is blocked which is the goal of those who have done this. Jesus' purpose and plan was to teach knowledge to all who sought but did not have the strength to express as great a level of faith as he had to acquire the knowledge as he did from higher sources. If they were open and willing to learn they could be taught by hearing. He had only very limited success in imparting faith to others because faith comes solely from within and that is one of the most difficult things for beings on your plane to acquire.
The way he got to his level is explained again in the following:
941028 said:
Q: (L) Rudolf Steiner called Christ "The most sublime human principle ever to unfold on earth," is this an accurate statement?
A: One interpretation.
Q: (L) He also said: "The Christ, who in the course of this evolution lived 3 years in the body of Jesus of Nazareth..." Is this a correct statement? Did the Christ statement enter Jesus at age 30?
A: Formed then.
Q: (L) How did this sublime being, the Christ, dwell in a human body?
A: Natural process caused by supremely pure faith and thought.
Q: (L) Yet previously you said that Jesus had sexual relations with women after he was Christed, is that correct?
A: No. Before.
Q: (L) So, after he was Christed he had no sexual relations?
A: Correct.
Q: (L) Did the Christ spirit descend into the body of Jesus in his 30th year?
A: No.
Q: (L) What happened?
A: Formed within him. And it could do thusly in anyone who reaches such levels of service to others plus faith and supreme levels of pure thought.
Apparently Jesus became a living example of the expression 'Life is religion.'
20020928 said:
A: Life is religion.
Q: (L) What does that mean?
A: Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation. Some people think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut out. For those individuals, the worlds will cease. They will become exactly what they give to life. They will become merely a dream in the "past." People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the "Future."
The above is not how we are usually brought up to think of religion and there are reasons for this.
960504 said:
[…] (L) Is it that the religions that have been generated and foisted on the human race, have been designed to give people a feeling of complacency or faith in something outside themselves, and that this prevents them from seeking knowledge, opening their eyes, facing the facts of their existence, and therefore keeps them in bondage?
A: Its just obstacles, as always. You employ those too, for your 2nd density friends!!
However originally it may have been the fault of humans, due to loss of faith.
941007 said:
Q: (L) Regarding the "Fall" in Eden and the loss of the Edenic state, how long ago did that happen?
A: 309000 years ago approx.
Q: (L) What was the situation... what happened... what was the state of mankind?
A: Loss of faith caused knowledge and physical restrictions by outside forces.
Q: (L) What did the snake or the "tempter" represent?
A: Forces known to you as Lizzies; we have already taught you this.
Q: (L) I am just checking!
A: Faith dear.
The above inspires one to find out much more about faith. By presenting some of the transcripts in the following, it turns out they together give a broad perspective of what faith is, what its value can be, how it can be gained and lost.

The relation between faith and knowledge:
960714 said:
A: Faith comes also from knowledge, and as we have stated before... False knowledge is worse than no knowledge at all!!!!!
Q: (L) So, it is important to take each and every thing that is being learned or analyzed, and take it completely apart and dig in every direction around it, and even in related directions, to FULLY ascertain that it is true? As C.S. Lewis said, knowledge is like a rope... as long as you are using it to tie up a box, it doesn't matter whether it is perfect or not, but if you have to use it to hang over a precipice, then it behooves you to make absolutely certain that it is strong enough to support your weight.
A: Yes.
If one lands up with false knowledge then it may be a result of a choice.
970111 said:
Q: (T) Is there anything that he can do that he can do to get out of being misled? (L) It's choice!
A: Choice.
To discover such a choice of allowing oneself to be mislead on a conscious level and undo it, may not be so easy, if one for instance has some effect of what one does due to faith.
941020 said:
Q: What is the force or background of R***, G***, J***, et al.
A: Bogus but some sincere healing does occur as a result of faith.
Much religion is build up around rituals. At the same time one is often brought up to associate faith with religion. Therefore one may ask what the relationship is between faith and rituals?
941022 said:
Q: (L) Are there any rituals that can be performed to provide protection for one against intrusion by the Lizzies.
A: Rituals are self-defeating.
Q: (L) Are there any technological means we can use?
A: The only defense needed is knowledge. Knowledge defends you against every possible form of harm in existence. The more knowledge you have, the less fear you have, the less pain you have, the less stress you feel, the less anguish you feel, and the less danger you experience of any form or sort. Think of this very carefully now for this is very important: Where is there any limitation in the concept behind the word "knowledge"? Being that there is no limitation, what is the value of that word? Infinite. Can you conceive of how that one concept, that one meaning frees you from all limitation? Use your sixth sense to conceive of how the word, the term, the meaning of knowledge can provide with all that you could possibly ever need. If you think carefully you will begin to see glimpses of how this is true in its greatest possible form.
Q: (L) Does this include knowledge learned from books?
A: This includes all possible meanings of the concept of the word. Can you think of how it would be that simply with one term, this one word can carry so much meaning? We sense that you are not completely aware. You can have glimpses of illumination and illumination comes from knowledge. If you strive perpetually to gain and gather knowledge, you provide yourself with protection from every possible negative occurrence that could ever happen. Do you know why this is? The more knowledge you have, the more awareness you have as to how to protect yourself. Eventually this awareness becomes so powerful and so all encompassing that you do not even have to perform tasks or rituals, if you prefer, to protect yourself. The protection simply comes naturally with the awareness.
Q: (L) Does knowledge have a substance or an existence apart from its possession or its acceptance?
A: Knowledge has all substance. It goes to the core of all existence.
Q: (L) So acquiring knowledge includes adding substance to one's being?
A: Indeed. It includes adding everything to one's being that is desirable. And also, when you keep invoking the light, as you do, truly understand that the light is knowledge. That is the knowledge which is at the core of all existence. And being at the core of all existence it provides protection from every form of negativity in existence. Light is everything and everything is knowledge and knowledge is everything. You are doing extremely well in acquiring of knowledge. Now all you need is the faith and realization that acquiring of knowledge is all you need.
Q: (L) I just want to be sure that the source that I am acquiring the knowledge from is not a deceptive source.
A: If you simply have faith, no knowledge that you could possibly acquire could possibly be false because there is no such thing. Anyone or anything that tries to give you false knowledge, false information, will fail. The very material substance that the knowledge takes on, since it is at the root of all existence, will protect you from absorption of false information which is not knowledge. There is no need to fear the absorption of false information when you are simply openly seeking to acquire knowledge. And knowledge forms the protection -- all the protection you could ever need.
Q: (L) There are an awful lot of people who are being open and trusting and having faith who are getting zapped and knocked on their rears.
A: No. That is simply your perception. What you are failing to perceive is that these people are not really gathering knowledge. These people are stuck at some point in their pathway to progress and they are undergoing a hidden manifestation of what is referred to in your terms as obsession. Obsession is not knowledge, obsession is stagnation. So, when one becomes obsessed, one actually closes off the absorption and the growth and the progress of soul development which comes with the gaining of true knowledge. For when one becomes obsessed one deteriorates the protection therefore one is open to problems, to tragedies, to all sorts of difficulties. Therefore one experiences same.
The question of faith and rituals is dealt with again in the following excerpt, just as it is explained what the basis is of acquiring faith and how easy can be.
950812 said:
Q: (L) Last week, the remark was made, regarding spirit release and exorcism, that if it is done properly, by the right person, that there is no side effects or eventualities that would bring detrimental conditions to the individuals and location involved. What was meant by "done correctly?" What is the correct format or mode for exorcism?
A: Correct manner involves honesty and understanding that one has complete faith and awareness of the activities pursued. In other words, when one performs an act which they proclaim to be having a desired result, and they do not have faith in their own actions as, in fact, producing the desired result, then the effort will collapse because of their lack of faith. Whereas when one has complete faith and multidensity understanding, their activities are indeed truth and useful as prescribed and this is the correct way to pursue them.
Q: (L) Isn't faith a difficult commodity to acquire?
A: Not at all. When you have found something of truth you will receive demonstrations which locks in your faith.

Q: (L) I see. What is the criteria for the "correct person" to be performing exorcism or spirit release?
A: The same as the previous answer.
Q: (SV) I have a question. JR and TR have been taking sort of lessons from a Buddhist monk. Could this possibly help them, or us, to go within or help with issues?
A: Any method employed can be helpful for, as you say, resolving issues or with coming up with answers, if indeed the effort is sincere and the seeking is genuine, rather than just going through the motions, as it were.


Q: (L) We would like to know a bit more on the subject of rituals, which you have warned us are restricting on many levels. Why is this?
A: If one believes in one's activities sincerely, to the greatest extent, they certainly will produce SOME benefit, at SOME level. But, merely following patterns for the sake of following patterns, does not produce sincerity and faith necessary for ultimate benefits to result. So, therefore, as always, one must search from within, rather than from without, to answer that question. Do you understand? To give you an example, to be certain, you meet this all the time. If you read material in the pages of a book that advises one form of ritual or another, and you follow that form of ritual because you have read words printed on the pages, does that really give you the true sense of satisfaction and accomplishment within yourself to the greatest extent possible? Whereas, if you, yourself, were to develop an activity which one or another could interpret or define as a ritual, but it comes from within you, it feels RIGHT to you, and you have a sincere and complete faith in it, whatever it may be, does that feel right to you?
Q: (L) Yes.
A: Have we answered the question, then?
Q: (L) Yes, thank you.
A: We will say good night, then.
Faith can grow through experience, and it can be challenged by an attack.
000624 said:
A: Every climb begins with the first step.
000624 said:
Q: (L) What does that have to do with our immediate concern which is: getting the material available to the world?
A: All will fall into place.
Q: (L) You keep saying that!
A: Why do you lack faith? Is your experience no guide? Or Perhaps you would prefer a return to your previous life?
A: Portal of attack throws you off track!!
The next is an example of, how faith may relate to the discovery of ones mission.
941028 said:
Q: (L) Is this something meaningful? What is the mission?
A: Faith in your opening channel; you will learn as you go. We cannot tell you all at once.
980117 said:
A: Yes, of course. But you must accept that it will unfold step by step, and you will not have the luxury of knowing well ahead of time what will happen. All is lessons. You may choose to look upon it as adventure or as torture... Have faith and get more sleep!! The lack of this is breeding a chemical imbalance within, thus leading to depression.
And as the saying goes:
"Darkest before dawn."
980124 said:
Q: Now, wait a minute! That was a question! You can't just say 'hasta la vista!'
A: Darkest before dawn.
Q: Well, it has definitely been very dark.
A: Faith! Good night.
Darkest before dawn, and there are always challenges:
950808 said:
A: All there is -- is lessons.
Q: (L) Well, if I don't make some changes I am going to fall into a hole.
A: When has the hole ever consumed you?
Q: (L) Well, it is on the verge of it.
A: When has it ever consumed you?
Q: (L) Never.
A: Do you expect that to change?
Q: (L) No.
A: You have, in fact, advised others who have complained about similar situations, that there is no need to worry, because, as you put it, "the Lord will provide." And if, indeed, you do have faith in this very simple principle, why then would your faith deviate at this particular point?
Q: (L) Because sometimes I just don't know what to do and I feel like I am being devoured by stress that I cannot handle.
A: We do not believe that this is, in fact, a factual statement, but rather an emotionally tainted statement, which we are not condemning. It certainly is understandable, but it is also helpful to understand it for what it is. Previously you have described options that were available to you, it is your choice, then, to seek them out and turn them into answers. Do you not feel that options are available to you?
Q: (L) Well, yes. But none that are terribly pleasant. And there is risk involved.
A: Describe for us please, any thing in your realm that does not involve risk?
950617 said:
A: No. That is an incorrect concept... [(T) There is no speed of light, light is everywhere.] Precisely. There is no speed of light in fourth density because there is no need for any "speed." Speed, itself, is a third density concept. You remember, all there is is lessons. That's it! There's nothing else. It is all for your perception. For our perception. For all consciousness. That's all there is.
And so faith, loosing it, maintaining it or acquiring it, are also lessons.

A learning laboratory:
941124 said:
Q: (L) I would like to address the issue of accuracy. How can we increase or determine or work on accuracy?
A: Accuracy is 3rd level concept.
Q: (L) Well, you do understand that at this level we determine whether information is correct or good by whether it happens or comes true, particularly in terms of prognostications.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And if a source misses on a prognostication, very often people lose faith in that source. Is that an unrealistic expectation?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is that because accuracy is an impossible task because of variability of reality?
A: If it were possible there would be no existence. The universe is nothing more than a learning laboratory.
Q: (L) Okay, well, at this point I am wondering if there is any point in writing to Karla and sharing our information with her at all?
A: Of course. You are all learning. Share information to learn more faster.
Q: (L) Is there anything that can be said to her to help her in a positive way?
A: Have empathy. She was raised to put others before herself.
Q: (L) Well, okay, tell us about this, with the existing probabilities, will T*** and J*** be with us this coming Saturday?
A: Yes. But up to you. Ask and you shall receive. [We did and they were.]
Above the Cassiopaeans said that "Accuracy is a 3rd level concept." Next is more on "proof" which is linked to faith.
980418 said:
A: We wish to reiterate something further on this subject Arkadiusz, and for anyone else in need of the following message: we are not communicating with you in order to "prove" our existence. If one has faith and is willing to learn, to explore new realms and to discover what will one "day" be commonplace awareness profile, then no "proof" is necessary. If, on the other hand, one is of the opposite psychic orientation, then no amount of proof is adequate.
Q: (A) Yes, I think it is like the story of the crocodile skin where you can make wishes, and with every wish it becomes smaller. And, you are told that when it becomes too small, then you die. And, of course, you try, and say 'let me do one more wish...' and that is it. Once you make the choice to ask and not do the work, then it becomes easier and easier and you want more and more... and your own will and force becomes smaller and smaller... (L) I think that the most important thing that has come out of this channeling is that sometimes the C's sort of trick me into trying something and they pique my curiosity and I go out and DO something that results in a learning experience that is truly awesome. And the important thing is, getting out and doing the work actually makes you stronger. And, like you just said, each time you make the choice to NOT go after the answer yourself, to try and get it the easy way, it makes you weaker and lessens who you are. It is sort of a nonlinear principle that can lead to all kinds of things.
980808 said:
A: You are not missing something, except perhaps enough faith in your own abilities. Just proceed, fear not stumbling.
Q: (A) So, no more help in this direction.
A: Do you not know that your mind either contains already, or can access all that exists?
Q: (L) Well, there is a position over at St. Leo, and since we don't know how long this position at Constellation will last, Ark has inquired into this position. Is that a good direction to follow?
A: All directions are.
Q: (L) Wonderful! Like we have time to follow all of them!
A: Have you yet failed to persevere?
Q: (L) Not yet, but we were feeling VERY guilty for all of the money we have spent in the last couple of weeks, and we were really feeling a little on the panicky side.
A: Compare today to that which you perceive as three years ago.
Q: (L) So, I guess that 3 years ago we had no money or anything and now, at least we have something and SOME money. But, at the rate we are going, we WON'T have any money! We'll be broke again! I mean, we bought a stereo system, a lawn mower, paid for the work on the house, bought beaucoup books, food at Sam's Club, I mean...
A: Appreciate, or you may indeed stumble.
Q: (L) In other words, be glad and grateful and happy to spend money? Is that what you are saying?
A: And worry not. Remember, we told you would have all you needed. Have ye been wrong yet?!?
Faith can be connected to patience.
980131 said:
[..] Basically on the right track, just have patience and faith. […]
The above expression is illustrated in the next transcript.
941119 said:
Q: (L) Now, we went to the recommended person to take the Reiki initiation, do we now, at this point in time, have the true Reiki initiation?
A: Getting there. Must allow energy to solidify. Do you understand the concept of imprinting?
Q: (L) Yes.
A: Then you know.
Q: (L) Practicing Reiki is the thing that will solidify the force?
A: Partly.
Q: (L) Are there symbols for Reiki that are even older and stronger than the ones we have been given?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Are the original symbols in Sanskrit?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Where are we going to find them?
A: You are not.
Q: (L) And the Reiki Symbols we learned from S*** are the closest we can get?
A: Yes. Good enough.
Q: (L) When one receives the Reiki initiation does it reverse the flow of intake and output, positive or negative polarity of the energy flow in the hands?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Does the left hand then become the output hand?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is the right hand then the intaking hand?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is the Sui Ching attunement S_***gives more powerful than anything we could have received from any other person?
A: Yes. Have faith.
Q: (L) The spiritual exercises she teaches, are those beneficial for us both to practice?
A: They are okay.
Q: (L) Is that so-so or really good?
A: Remember some things must be learned by your own path.
Reiki and what Jesus did.
940930 said:
Q: (L) Tell us what Jesus really did.
A: He taught spiritual truths to those starving for them.
Q: (L) And what was the basis of these spiritual truths?
A: Channeled information from higher sources.
Q: (L) What is the truth that Jesus taught?
A: That all men are loved by the creator and are one with same.
Q: (L) Did he perform miracles?
A: Some.
Q: (L) Can you tell us about one or two of them?
A: Healing.
Q: (L) Was he able to literally heal with the touch of his hand?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Did he perform exorcisms?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Is Reiki the method he used to heal; or something similar?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is there any way to enhance the Reiki energy to make it powerful enough that one could do in a very short time what now takes quite a while?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What can one do to enhance the Reiki energy?
A: Attain lofty spiritual purity.
Faith can be something subtle. For example we may have a hunch or intuition and still feel uncertain about it and therefore desiring to get it confirmed by an authority or outer source. While this is alright, there may be situations or come a time, when one has to learn to live with ones inner answer.
980620 said:
A: Sometimes, your asking is merely for validation of your own hunches.
Q: Well, darn it!
A: And for growth and progress, one must learn to let the answer stand.
The process of learning to live with ones inner answers relates to the opening of ones mind and becoming enabled to see more. Below is a tip on how one can support this process.
If the following is an individual advice or a general only a try will tell. My experience of taking notes of thoughts and dreams says that it works.
970621 said:
Q: […] Is the keeping of notes an exercise that will open certain channels of her mind that she is currently unable to see?
A: Yes, slowly.
Q: So, it is a matter of perseverance and faith that she will be enabled to see more as time goes on?
A: Yes.
Perseverance and faith, reminds of the remark often found about 'Wait and see.' When one is too eager to 'wait and see' one may succumb to worries. Medicine for worries can in some cases be faith:
950609 said:
Q: (L) I went to the doctor for the final check-up. When can I expect a settlement and how much?
A: Open.
Q: (L) Well, how much?
A: Worry not, we have instructed you to have faith in such matters. Otherwise, valuable energy is wasted, and besides, "a watched pot never boils!"
While the study of what faith is and how it can be gained is meaningful, it is essential to know how attacks can be designed to undermine ones faith and how one can strengthen ones shield.
950526 said:
Q: (L) Are we going to get any repercussions or responses to the distribution of this material?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Are we going to get any positive responses?
A: Yes. We direct you as long as you have faith in us, as we are you! Attack is always designed to destroy that faith, either directly or indirectly. Think of the instances, to see if there is a familiar pattern to the "root."
Q: (L) So, attack is always directed at undermining our faith.
A: In a roundabout way.

Q: (L) Now, there is a real issue here about SV working on different people who may be sources of negative energy. Is just knowing that there may be negative energies sufficient protection to allow her to work on just anybody?
A: Strengthens shield if knowledge is utilized properly through psychic channels, therefore, exposure is good if care, prudence and awareness are applied.
Q: (F) Does this mean that TR, by withdrawing into a protective shell, has deprived himself of an opportunity to gain strength in this regard?
A: Yes. It is lack of faith in what is brought forth for him as well. Tends to weaken the shield.
How an attack on faith can come about.
970503 said:
Q: Reading through the session of May 23, last year, when T*** was also here, and the issue of his being in O'B*** was addressed, you asked who had begged him to stay there, then there was a remark about an EM vector. The way I understood it is that a person can be an EM vector. Is that possible?
A: Vector means focuser of direction.
Q: Could that mean that EM waves can be vectored by a human being simply by their presence? I also noticed that several of us have been involved with persons and relationships that seem designed to confuse, defuse, and otherwise distort our learning, as well as drain our energy. Basically, keeping us so stressed that we cannot fulfill our potential. Is there some significance to this observation?
A: That is elementary, my dear Knight!
Q: One of the things I have learned is that these individuals seem to attach via some sort of psychic hook that enters through our reactions of pity. Can you comment on the nature of pity?
A: Pity those who pity.
Q: But, the ones who are being pitied, who generate sensations of pity, do not really pity anybody but themselves.
A: Yes...?
Q: Then, is it true as my son said, when you give pity, when you send love and light to those in darkness, or those who complain and want to be "saved" without effort on their own part, when you are kind in the face of abuse and manipulation, that you essentially are giving power to their further disintegration, or contraction into self- ishness? That you are powering their descent into STS?
A: You know the answer!
Q: Yes. I have seen it over and over again. Were the individuals in our lives selected for the extremely subtle nature of their abilities to evoke pity, or were we programmed to respond to pity so that we were blind to something that was obvious to other people?
A: Neither. You were selected to interact with those who would trigger a hypnotic response that would ultimately lead to a drain of energy.
Q: (T) Well, it is a fact, because my energy is sure drained. (L) What is the purpose of this draining of energy?
A: What do you think?
Q: (T) So you can't concentrate or do anything. You can't get anywhere with anything.
A: Or, at least not the important things.
Q: (T) Is that why my concentration is so low?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Is L a robot type?
A: You are dealing with a no-win situation!!
Q: It is a no win situation...
A: As you know.
Q: (T) So, if I don't get out, I will just keep going down. Is it the area or the person?
A: Both. One is wrapped within the other.
Q: (L) Why is it that it seems to be one of the primary things about us that prevents us from acting against such situations, is our fear of hurting another person? That was the chief thing that kept me in my marriage for so long. And, only when I knew that it was hurting the kids more to stay, did I have the power to get out. Why are we so afraid of hurting someone's feelings if they are hurting us?
A: Not correct concept. You do not need to "act against them," you need to act in favor of your destiny.
Q: But, when you do that, these persons make you so completely miserable that there seems to be no other choice but a parting of the ways.
A: Yes, but that is not "acting against." Quite the contrary. In fact, remember, it takes two to tango, and if you are both tangoing when the dance hall bursts into flames, you both get burned!!!
Q: Why is it that when one tries to extricate from such a "tango," why is there is such violent resistance to letting you go when it is obvious, clearly obvious, that they do not have any feeling for you as a human being?
A: It is not "they." We are talking about conduits of attack.
Q: What is it that makes them susceptible to becoming conduits of attack?
A: All STS are candidates for this. There are only about 6 billion of you though.

Q: Okay, all people can be conduits of attack. (L) Would just coming down and working with us on Saturdays, on a regular basis, help him to get his concentration back?
A: Making the necessary changes would.
Q: Is it true that being in the presence of such people, that one is under the influence of an energy, an emanation from them physically, that befuddles the mind and makes it almost impossible to think ones' way out of the situation?
A: It is the draining of energy that befuddles the mind.
Q: Where does this energy drain to?
A: 4th density STS.
Q: They drain our energy from us and 4th density STS harvests it from them?
[color]A: "They" do nothing!!!! 4th density STS does it all through them![/color]
Q: (T) Well, I would like to know what is it in us that makes us attracted to such people.
A: It was the idea of 4th density STS.
Q: That means that they can control your thoughts and emotions, put ideas into your head, and you think it is a good idea to "save" someone. You don't know. It is taught in our religions and culture to give until it hurts, and, in fact, to give because it hurts. The whole situation is designed and controlled from another level. Any further comment on this subject?
A: Once you have truly learned the program, just plug it in.
Q: I guess once you have truly learned what is being said here, just plug it in...
A: No. We mean that all you have to do is learn the patterns of behavior, the subtle signs, and you will always have the ability of avoiding it. Your own as well as others.
Q: So, once you have learned the program from this person, you will be able to avoid getting into another, similar one. (T) But, I should have learned it from H. I did the same thing twice. (L) Well, when you are wounded, it is hard to see clearly.
A: The signs were present, but you did not read them.
Q: You ignored it.
A: No, he did not yet know the program. Anticipate not!
Q: I guess that means that when you are thinking that you can change another person, or that changing something about what you are doing naturally will help them, you are anticipating.
A: Or that it would be different that it turned out to be.
Q: Well, you knew that there was a lot wrong in the beginning, but you thought that it would be different.
Q: Ark's mother is sick. Will she be better soon?
A: Wait and see.
Q: He is carrying a very heavy burden just now, and I am concerned for him.
A: Does this surprise you? Unfortunately, Ark still does not completely know this program.
Q: Are you suggesting that this sickness of his mother's has been caused from 4th density STS?
A: Lesson number 1: Always expect attack. Lesson number 2: Know the modes of same. Lesson number 3: Know how to counteract same.
Q: When a person is sick, old and one's mother... the only thing to do is take care of it. But, I guess that it is true that anything that tends to cause interference in doing what one is here to do could be considered attack. Whether it is your mother being sick, or your kid falling off a bicycle and breaking his arm. It is all related to lack of vigilance on the part of the one who is the conduit of attack.
A: When you are under attack, expect the unexpected, if it is going to cause problems...

Q: So, if there is something that can cause problems, expect it to happen.
A: But, if you expect it, you learn how to "head it off," thus neutralizing it. This is called vigilance, which is rooted in knowledge. And, what does knowledge do?
Q: Protects!
Is there anything I can do to help?
A: How so?
Q: Well, I don't know. I guess that a person just has to come to the full realization that virtually everything that happens on the planet - no exceptions - is a symbol of some interaction of STS vs. STO energy at higher levels.
A: Yes, and that is not as of yet realized. It must be part of a natural learning process.
Q: Well, I guess that all of us tend to keep one or another area sacrosanct and think that it is not subject to attack, or that we can use logic and 3rd density thinking to explain it. Until a person realizes that attack can come through even one's self, wives and husbands, children and parents, friends, virtually ANYBODY - NOBODY is exempt.
A: The block is a lack of faith in the concept. Remember, when one has been indoctrinated by religion, culture and/or science, they are predisposed to view all things in the sense of the measurable physical reality exclusively.
The expression of 'conduits of attack' brings the idea that 'channelling' can hardly be anything new for anyone. More often than we think we might be channelling higher sources, although not of the type we would like to admit to ourselves or to others.

Indoctrination is another word for programming, wouldn't it be. If programming comes from outside and faith comes from within then a lot of what is passed off as 'faith' can hardly be faith in the purest sense of the word but expressions of programming.

On the other hand there was in an earlier post.
950812 said:
A: […] Remember, most all power necessary for altering reality and physicality is contained within the belief center of the mind. This is something you will understand more closely when you reach 4th density reality where physicality is no longer a prison, but is instead, your home, for you to alter as you please. In your current state, you have the misinterpretation of believing that reality is finite and therein lies your difficulty with finite physical existence. We are surprised that you are still not able to completely grasp this concept.
It can be that a person may allow programming to enter the belief center from where it structures reality.

The next short excerpts serve as introduction to the subject of non-anticipation in relation to faith that Kesdjan remembered from the transcripts:
Free will
941016 said:
Q: (L) Why did the grays abduct V___?
A: To try to encode her to destroy herself.
Q: (L) Has she overcome this programming?
A: Hopefully. There is always room for error. Remember, free will is the most important law of consciousness in creation.
Free will and choice.
970104 said:
Q: [...](L) Are all universes "Free Will" universes?
A: If chosen.
Q: (L) Are there universes where everything is predestined?
A: Within the framework of a cyclical separation bond.
Q: (L) What is a "cyclical separation bond?" I think I'm getting in over my head...
A: Only because "you ARE in over your heads."
Q: (L) But you didn't tell me what a cyclical separation bond is!
A: And if we do, you will ask: "What do you mean by that?"
Choice, intention, faith and non-anticipation.
941107 said:
Q: (L) Is it possible by using this technique to dowse winning lottery numbers?
A: Difficult; intentions must be pure.
Q: (L) It is very difficult to have pure intentions about money, isn't it?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) But if, theoretically, one did have pure intentions, would they be able to dowse numbers...
A: Tall order. Yes.
Q: (L) Are lottery numbers... fixed?
A: Everything is at some level. But choice is at what level will be experienced.
941209 said:
Q: (L) Is there any qualification that needs to be established for us to get the lottery numbers? Is there some thing we have to do, or be, or think, or say?
A: Completely pure intent, i.e. open.
Q: (L) Completely open?
A: Nonanticipatory.
Q: (L) Our anticipation constricts the channel when we ask for that kind of information?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) We have to be completely uncaring whether we get it or not, so to speak?
A: Happy-go-lucky attitude helps. As you were before.
Q: (L) So, as long as we are worried, tense, anticipatory, and attached to the idea, we constrict the flow?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Now, you said in an earlier session that you were making financial arrangements for us. Well, I am not putting any weight or pressure on that, but, does that have anything to do with M** T** and referrals for hypnosis?
A: Maybe. Don't be anticipatory. Faith, dear.
More on anticipation and pure faith.
960811 said:
Q: (L) OK, we've been talking earlier this evening about intent, and of course, our own experiences with intent have really been pretty phenomenal. We've come to some kind of an idea that intent, when confirmed repeatedly, actually builds force. Is this a correct concept, and is there anything that you can add to it?
A: Only until anticipation muddies the picture... tricky one, huh?
Q: (L) Is anticipation the act of assuming you know how something is going to happen?
A: Follows realization, generally, and unfortunately for you, on 3rd density.
Q: (L) Is this a correct assessment of this process?
A: Both examples given are correct. You see, once anticipation enters the picture, the intent can no longer be STO.
Q: (L) Anticipation is desire for something for self. Is that it?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) OK, so it's OK to intend something, or to think in an intentional way, or to hope in an intentional way, for something that is to serve another, but anticipation defines it as a more personal thing.
A: And that brings realization.
Q: (L) So, desire to serve others, and to do something because it will help others, brings realization...
A: But, realization creates anticipation.
Q: (L) Well, how do we navigate this razor? I mean, this is like walking on a razor's edge. To control your mind to not anticipate, and yet, deal with realization, and yet, still maintain hope... (J) They said it was tricky... (L) This is, this is, um...
A: Mental exercises of denial, balanced with pure faith of a non prejudicial kind.
Q: (L) OK, so, in other words, to just accept what is at the moment, appreciate it as it is at the moment, and have faith that the universe and things will happen the way they are supposed to happen, without placing any expectation on how that will be?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) This is, and I'm not asking about Ark, this is something that he has talked about in terms of shaping the future. He talks about shaping the future as an intentional act of shaping something good, but without defining the moment of measurement. In other words, adding energy to it by intent, but not deciding where, when or how the moment of measurement occurs. When the quantum jump occurs, it occurs on its own, and in its own way. Is this the concept he's dealing with here?
A: Anticipation.
Q: (L) In other words, is what he's talking about anticipation?
A: No.
Q: (L) Well, what do you mean -- anticipation in response to what I said?
A: That is the key to shaping the future... Avoiding it.
Q: (T) OK, because we're not anticipating in what we're doing...
A: Yes.
Q: (T) What we're doing is not anticipatory, it's just happening. We were talking about it on the way up, that with interactions with others, we are facilitating, we are creating reality. This is what they all say about reality.
A: When it hits you, it stops.
Q: (L) When what hits you? (J) The realization. (T) The fact that it's happening.
A: Yes unless you cancel out all anticipation.
Q: (L) Well, this is very tricky.
Earlier there was an expression: 'Ask and you shall receive'. The next section of quotes relates to asking.
951125 said:
A: The work has not been stopped and will not be. You have been told that publishing all or parts of your work is merely "a phone call away," but, as of yet, you have not had faith in that statement, and you have problems asking for what you want for fear of creating the wrong "impression," which is in your head and also a part of the attack process. We have lead you to this position, but you know what they say: "You can lead a horse to water..."
Q: (L) Phone call? Let me say that I have sent out piles of material and talked to people until I am perfectly exhausted. YOU tell me who to call and I will be happy to do it!
A: You have expended an enormous amount of energy communicating with many sources, but most of these are fruitless. Now, think, who was it that told you how to get published???
Q: (L) I have talked to K** E*** F***, talked to R****, sent sections of manuscript... what more am I supposed to do?
A: As we said, you have a problem approaching the situation directly. For example, say: "I want to be published, please help me get it done!!!"
Q: (F) How?
A: We have told you to network!! This works wonders!!! When you write letters, they get filed in the "circular file." Ask those who have been published how they did it and how to do it. Don't be afraid of impressions.
Q: (L) Well, publishing still seems like a distant thing.
A: No. Ask V. Ask him to help you get published, point blank, no beating around the bush. He will be very receptive if you offer him a "cut of the action." In fact, that is what he is waiting for!
The transcript coming next is about living in our world. The reason why it is included is because it shows how a happy go lucky attitude may be helpful, as it was in the case of Noah. It is not an excerpt about what faith is but, what it may accomplish when linked to knowledge, because Noah in his day could not have build a big boat without faith, patience, and knowledge.
941016 said:
A: World will soon have nothing but credit and debit have you not heard of this new visa debit cards this is the future of money as controlled by the world banking system i.e. the brotherhood i.e. Lizards i.e. antichrist.
Q: (L) If I don't have a credit card then I don't have to belong to this system?
A: No. You will have no choices: belong or starve.
Q: (L) What happened to free will?
A: Brotherhood AKA Lizards AKA antichrist has interfered with free will for 309000 years. They are getting desperate as we near the change.
Q: (V) It has always been my nature to rebel against that which I did not feel was good for me. Is rebellion against this system possible?
A: If you are willing to leave the body.
Q: (L) Leave the body as in death, croak, kick the bucket?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) If we were to move...
A: Changes will follow turmoil be patient.
Q: (L) We would like to move into the country. Will it be possible to get along without this credit/debit card leading that kind of life?
A: No.
Q: (L) Are they going to have the kind of capability of controlling everything and everybody no matter where they are?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Even if we moved to Guyana and built a log hut in the rain forest and didn't bother anybody, we'd still get sucked into this thing?
A: Laura you will feel the effect of the Lizard beings desperate push for total control no matter where you go.
Q: (L) That is inexpressibly depressing. Do you understand?
A: Why? Change will follow.
Q: (L) Will it follow soon?
A: You are slipping a bit. Refer to Literature "Bringers of the Dawn". Challenge will be ecstasy if viewed with proper perspective which is not, we repeat: not of third level reality, understand?
Q: (L) What do you mean "Challenge will be ecstasy"? What sort of challenge?
A: Living through the turmoil ahead.
Q: (L) Several books I have read have advised moving to rural areas and forming groups and storing food etc...
A: Disinformation. Get rid of this once and for all. That is 3rd level garbage.
Q: (L) We feel pretty helpless at the mercy of beings who can come in and feed off of us at will. Do we have someone on our side, pulling for our team, throwing us energy or something?
A: Who do you think you have been communicating with?
Q: (L) Are you going to be able to assist us through this turmoil?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Are you going to?
A: Up to you.
Q: (L) If we call, can we get your assistance?
A: All you have to do is ask.
Q: (L) Will we go through any periods when we may be cut off from help?
A: You are never ever cut off.
Q: (L) Oh, I don't want to suffer!
A: You need not suffer. Stop thinking 3rd level.
Q: (L) I don't want anybody I love to suffer either. I don't want any pain. I've suffered enough!
A: You are stuck at 3rd level tonight.
Q: (L) It's not just that. There is so much disinformation you just don't know who to believe... I mean, how do we know we can believe you? There are so many sources out there deceiving and they do it so cleverly. Look at the Bible... for 2,000 years people have been believing that...
A: They deceive when you allow it.

Q: (L) I know you are supposed to take some things on faith... but, do you see my problem here?
A: Yes, but you don't.
Q: (L) What is my problem?
A: Mental block.
Q: (L) In the recent past you indicated that chapter 24 of Matthew and chapter 21 of Luke, were given by Jesus after his extended sleep state. Now, both of those chapters refer to the present time as being like the days of Noah. Is that a correct assessment?
A: In a sense and individual events are as yet undetermined.
Q: (L) Well, the story of Noah tells us that Noah was told to build an ark.
A: Symbolic.
Q: (L) Yet Noah built an ark. Was it true that certain individuals, whoever they were, built boats or did things to survive that terrible cataclysm?
A: No. Look at it this way. Noah built a boat because it seemed like an enjoyable enterprise and when the flood came it came in handy, see?
Q: (L) So, you are saying that if we do what we do because we enjoy it that we will be in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing when whatever happens happens, right?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Are you saying that we will be led to do what we should be doing and be where we should be?
A: You will just fall into it but if you force things you run the risk of going astray.
To complete this sequence of Cassiopaean transcripts and reflections on faith:

970412 said:
Q: Okay, recently when I asked about reality merges, and you talked about reality bridges, and at another time we talked about F****'s life changing at the time that "reality is abridged." Is there a relationship between those concepts?
A: Of course!
Q: You mentioned important junctures. Do these junctures relate to time markers as you have also mentioned?
A: Yes.
Q: Is it so that when one makes a certain choice or decision, one can either enter or exit, or both, one universal construct or another?
A: Maybe.
Q: Okay, if one makes certain extremely significant choices in one's life, at certain significant junctures, does that change one's reality in a complete way?
A: Just remember this: as we have told you before, network, meditate, learn and strive for answers, and ask for what you need. Always be in control of your own ship...
In this post there is a continuation of the response to Kesdjan's question about faith and anticipation. There are transcripts about how we may be influenced to adopt a belief that influences our reality.

The first relates to how our social and indivdual reality can be affected by out beliefs.
960601 said:
Q: […] (L) Well, F**** says that violence is NEVER an appropriate response to words.
A: Okay.
Q: (L) I say that under some circumstances, it may be the only response.
A: Why do you say that?
Q: (L) Because there do exist situations where words are used repeatedly to harm another. One example is the Nazi propaganda machine. If someone had shot Goebbels, it might have saved a lot of people from dying.
A: No.
Q: (L) Well, of course. There would have been someone else. Still, the point is, words can be used to destroy, and words of power can be used to kill. Sometimes words can be a lot more hurtful to the soul than physical acts.
A: Not directly.
Q: (L) Well, directly, or indirectly, it still amounts to the same thing.
A: No.
Q: (L) Well, I know you are not going to agree with me.
A: This is a subject that demands further exploration, in order to bring about a definitive answer.
Q: (L) Go ahead. Explain it to me.
A: Words only have power if the receiver believes they do.
Q: (L) But, in many cases, that belief exists.
A: The power to control belief lies exclusively within the receiver.
Q: (L) Let me put it this way: F**** often says things that are not precisely soothing to the soul, to say the least. Most often, I ignore them. But, sometimes I am not in an ignoring mood, and my response is no more violent toward him than his toward me. I merely speak metaphorically. When I do, I am only saying "Stop doing that!" in a figurative way. But, he finds this to be as irritating to him as what he says that irritates me...
A: And...
Q: (L) Well, that is about it. I have lately been verbally attacked by numerous individuals... so I am not in a mood to tolerate much in this line from those around me.
A: And if this irritates you, it is because you allow it to.
Q: (L) Fine and dandy. And it is true, and I know it. Which is why I am beginning to think that I ought to simply do nothing, because my feelings are too sensitive.
A: And do you really believe that that is an unalterable condition?
Q: (L) Well, why should I be the one who is obliged to become less sensitive, and other people are not obliged to become more thoughtful about what they say?
A: You cannot control others.
Apparently it was not that Goebbles controlled others it was that people allowed themselves to believe what he said. Everyone who believed him was personally responsible for doing so, even if many were manipulated to accept his suggestions.

Goebbles is an extreme example, but there are other ways like through education as described below; one remembers there was further up in the thread:
970503 said:
Q: Well, I don't know. I guess that a person just has to come to the full realization that virtually everything that happens on the planet - no exceptions - is a symbol of some interaction of STS vs. STO energy at higher levels.
A: Yes, and that is not as of yet realized. It must be part of a natural learning process.
Q: Well, I guess that all of us tend to keep one or another area sacrosanct and think that it is not subject to attack, or that we can use logic and 3rd density thinking to explain it. Until a person realizes that attack can come through even one's self, wives and husbands, children and parents, friends, virtually ANYBODY - NOBODY is exempt.
A: The block is a lack of faith in the concept. Remember, when one has been indoctrinated by religion, culture and/or science, they are predisposed to view all things in the sense of the measurable physical reality exclusively.
In the following is a more elaborate example from the transcripts of how education may serve to influence beliefs. The transcript is also interesting when one considers variability of physicality and of this process being carried out from within.
941227 said:
Q: (L) Now, before F*** arrived, V*** and I were having a discussion about physics and psychology and it is my understanding from experience and study, that emotions, as human beings term them, are related to physiology, to chemicals, and can be controlled by thoughts. And, that if we choose to change our emotions, we have only to change our thinking. Is this correct?
A: Partly.
Q: (V) What you are saying is true, and that is all fine and dandy, but how many of the population can do that? Would even believe that they could do that? (L) Not very many. Less than ten percent. (V) Well, then, how does the definition...
A: That is not the issue?
Q: (L) Well then, what is the issue?
A: Karma.
Q: (L) Are emotions that are carried over karmicaly, do they affect the physical body that they come into in a chemical way...
A: Can.
Q: (V) So Laura's hypothesis that all emotions stem from chemicals is not necessarily true as an exclusive statement?
A: Okay.
Q: (L) Does the soul have emotions of its own as we human beings term emotions?
A: Close.
Q: (L) What emotions does the soul experience?
A: Complex.
Q: (L) Can the soul, at an absolute level, experience hatred, for example?
A: Not same state.
Q: (L) Well, when one is dealing with psychology, what would be the best approach... what is the true aspect of the self or the being that one should inquire into in order to heal?
A: Subconscious mind.
Q: (V) Is the statement that psychology studies emotions, is that a fair statement?
A: No. Subconscious is same in body or out.
Q: (V) The subconscious is part of the soul?
A: One and same.
Q: (V) Is the higher self the same as the soul and the subconscious?
A: Yes.
Q: (V) Please define true psychology for me?
A: Half.
Q: (L) What do you mean by half? What is the half?
A: Half spirituality.

Q: (V) Do you think that the spiritual part put together with the subconscious part is a good way to approach psychology as I have been planning?
A: Be careful of "influences," you are easily influenced.
Q: (V) Is this directed at me and my idea of spiritual psychology?
A: Yes. And no.
Q: (V) What influences?
A: Any.
Q: (V) That is kind of open, isn't it? (L) Well, you never answered the question about "true" psychology. You only said "Half." What is true psychology? Is it the investigation of the subconscious mind?
A: True psychology only half.
Q: (L) And what is true psychology, a definition? Was it as I said, an investigation of the subconscious mind?
A: Physiologically directed study of mind.
Q: (L) The effects on the mind of the physiology, the hormones, blood sugar levels and so forth, input and output of the various organs and how that can affect the thought processes, is that correct?
A: Close.
Q: (L) And that is half of it. What else?
A: Spirit is missing half.
Q: (L) And what would the person who is working on the spiritual half of it focus their energies on? Would it be techniques of meditation, understanding the nature of the universe, would it have to do with physics, what area?
A: Apples and oranges.
Q: (L) All of those things are apples and oranges compared to the spiritual application of psychology that you intend?
A: No. Spirit has nothing to do with psychology as you know it.
Q: (L) But, in this theoretical psychology that you are telling us about, how would you fit the spiritual aspect into it?
A: Totally restructure theory.
Q: (L) Okay, and how would you present this totally restructured theory?
A: Much too complex.

Q: (L) In the discussion of psychology that we have had here, obviously you think that there is something about the way you have discussed it that V*** has missed or would miss because of influences from other sources, is that correct?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) In terms of these sources that influence her, by what means of her system, her organic or spiritual system, do these influences tap into her being?
A: Visual and auditory.
Q: (L) Okay, so she sees things and hears things that influence her, is that correct?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And where does she usually see or hear these things?
A: Scholastic.
Q: (L) So, these are scholastic things that you are talking about. She hears and sees things at school that influence her, that you say these influences are not going to be helpful in what she is ultimately trying to achieve, is that correct?
A: Bingo!
Q: (L) These things that she sees and hears, are they people and words that the people speak, or are they images such as film images, or just general...
A: All of the above.
Q: (V) Okay, now listen guys: if I don't go to school to get an education, and, in other words, to get the degree and get the credibility, then how am I going to be able to do any work? (L) Did you ever think that the people you would want to work with wouldn't come to anybody with a traditional degree?
A: Laura, let us answer.
Q: (L) I'm sorry. I'll butt out.
A: Why do you think you need a degree?
Q: (V) Well, the professional world here on planet Earth is built around degrees. I'm sure you are aware of that.
A: Incorrect!
Q: (L) People with degrees are in bread-lines... I'm sorry... I'll shut up. (V) Well, my goodness... so then I...
A: Disinformation cleverly and carefully orchestrated.
Q: (L) For what purpose?
A: To mislead.
Q: (V) To mislead in what way? What am I being led away from?
A: Not just you.
Q: (V) All psych students are misled?
A: All humans.
Q: (L) Are you saying that the public school system, including the college system, is deliberately designed and implemented to fill one's brain with false knowledge, to perpetuate Lizzie rule?
A: Close but this manifests at lower levels too.
Q: (V) Well, let me ask this question... is this the only species in the universe that studies this concept of psychology? Are there psychologists in Orion, are there psychologists in Cassiopaea?
A: Narrow concept.
Q: (L) What do you mean it's a narrow concept? (V) I mean, I mean... (L) Do you understand what they mean? (V) No, but what I mean is are we the only thinking, intelligent, types of people that... (L) I don't think that's what they meant to imply. (V) Well, it's not coming out right. You know, I sit here and I try and put things into words and it's so hard...
A: Expand your mind.
Q: (V) I'm trying to. (L) By what means?
A: Less prejudice.
Q: (L) Bet you never thought you would be called prejudiced, did you? (V) Prejudice about what? I don't think they are talking about blacks and whites... (L) I know, but there are other kinds...
A: The universe is an infinite illusion.
Q: (V) Jesus Christ! You guys...
A: We are not Jesus Christ.
Q: (V) That was just an exclamation... (L) They know that. I think they are being funny. (V) Ha, ha. Well, then, I guess... okay, when you say the universe is an infinite illusion, then why not close the eyes, lights out and the illusion is over?
A: Stop focusing so narrowly and rigidly.
A: Blast your mind open.
Q: (V) Alright. You guys have said you are with us at all times, then you must know that I constantly am thinking about the possibilities... not even to think about possibilities, just accept that there is endless, boundless possibilities and move forward every day from that point of view?
A: That's a good start.

Q: (V) Well, if I have as open a mind as I do, I mean, I think I have a pretty open mind, what do you guys consider an open mind? Does anybody sitting here have the ultimate open mind? (L) Don't include me in this... I don't want them starting on me! (V) No, I mean how... as 3rd dimensional beings, how open can our minds be? Can you not tell that I am trying?
A: You are moving to 4th level, but all are not at same level of progression.
Q: (L) Well, are you saying that she's got a good start? (V) Am I doing... let's put it this way, if I am moving on in my progression, what are the most critical things that I am doing in my moving and my progressing to move faster, that's making it happen? What are the key things that I do...
A: Association with individuals who speed your progress.
Q: (V) And naturally, that's Laura and F***, correct?
A: Maybe. That is up to you.
Q: (V) Okay, association with individuals who speed my progress, that's one of the things that I do right, that's what you said, right?
A: Okay.
Q: (V) Is that the only key thing that I do?
A: Learning involves discovery.
Q: (V) Alright... So then, am I wasting my precious time going to school to get a degree in psychology?
A: Open.
Q: (L) I just think if going to school makes you happy, do it, but don't take it too seriously. (V) Are you saying that I can be so influenced that I ...
A: Influence comes not from experience but belief.
Q: (V) Well, if you guys hadn't just instilled within me that what I am doing, my education, is also being highly influenced, then would I ever have had the belief that you are talking about? Are you part of the influence? (L) What are you saying here? (V) Influence comes not from experience but belief... I didn't have a belief before this that I could... (L) Okay, in other words you have warned her about influences therefore, it is now okay for her to continue on her daily path as it is currently set up because she has been warned and is aware, is that correct?
A: Close.
Q: (V) My understanding is that the whole psychology thing, you know because F*** pooh poohs it all the time, and its that even though the teachings of Freud and all the others, Erikson, Horney and so forth, may not apply to the whole universe, they do apply to the species as a society...
A: Application is subjective.
Q: (L) So V*** is okay to continue along her current path, and there are a lot of benefits she is receiving from going to school including networking, as it exists for her... (V) Yes, I do a lot of seed planting while I am at school...
A: Okay, but be careful of influences.
Q: (L) Well, I guess that is it. You have the knowledge now and you're loaded for bear.
A: Now, you could gain much more knowledge by independent study and meditation.
Q: (V) Well, the knowledge that I want to gain in psychology and in school, and all of this is in order to help other people grow. (L) I think that what they are telling you is that the knowledge that you want you are not going to get there. That is the whole issue.
A: Why do you feel you need a degree?
Q: (V) Like I said, for credibility. It's also a legal aspect of practicing. You just don't practice...
A: Nonsense!
Q: (V) But you are not going to tell me how I can do this otherwise, are you?
A: We just did, but because you are not yet open, you did not recognize this.
Q: (V) So, independent study and meditation is the true way that I could find how to help other people?
A: Yes.

Q: (V) So, in other words, if it is going to happen, it is going to happen. No need to force the issue, huh? Okay, once this is published and people start being aware of what we do, what will they be looking for?
A: Everything.
Above there was the example of how the school system and upbringing may influence one's beliefs. In the following one notices and example of how collective belief may influence perceived reality. This idea is described in the transcripts about Flight 19, discussed in transcripts 950318 and 000408, where one finds.
950318 said:
Q: (L) What happened to the infamous Flight 19? (T) They went to Philadelphia.
A: They are still trying to get their bearings.
Q: (L) Ooooh! (J) Oh! My God! Oh, how horrible! They are still out there trying to get back. (T) They are in a parallel reality... (L) Where time doesn't exist... (T) They are in a reality that holds them in frozen space/time over the ocean, am I getting this right?
A: In their thought reference, like being "lost souls."
Q: (L) Oooh, bummer! Does this mean that they are "stuck" in time? (J) You got it!
A: Bingo!
Q: (L) Is there any possibility that they could fly out of this place that they are stuck in and back into our reality?
A: Absolutely, remember, the wave is approaching, and as it gets "nearer", more and more unusual events take place, witness crop circles, for example.


A: Now, some more information about Flight 19. Do you remember a few years ago that a team of researchers claimed to have found the planes and then retracted?
Q: (L) Yes, I remember. [All agree.]
A: Did you find this to be curious?
Q: (S) Yes, because the planes that they found were never reported missing. (T) Yes. (L) Is that why it was so curious? (J) Why did they retract? (S) Where did the planes come from that they found?
A: Yes, if only you knew the details, and how three of the team have required massive psychiatric aid.
Q: (L) Well, tell us the details!
A: Patience, we are, but must do so slowly so you have some hope of grasping it.
Q: (T) Three of the recovery team needed psychiatric treatment?
A: What they found were five planes matching the description, and "arranged" in a perfect geometric pattern on the bottom of the ocean, but the serial numbers did not match.
Q: (L) Is the geometric pattern itself significant?
A: Now, first mystery: There were no other instances of five Avengers disappearing at once. Second: Two of the planes had strange glowing panels with unknown "Hieroglyphics" where there should have been numbers. Third: When they tried to raise one of the planes, it vanished, then reappeared, then vanished again then reappeared while attached to the guide wire, then finally slipped off and fell to the bottom. Fourth: In one of the planes, on the bottom, live human apparitions in WWII uniforms were temporarily seen by three exploratory divers and videotaped by a guide camera. Lastly: Three of the planes have since disappeared. All of this is, naturally, being kept secret!
Q: (S) I wonder where the planes came from. (L) That is the obvious question!
A: Parallel reality, you see, when something crosses into another reality, it accesses something called, for lack of a better term, the "thought plane", and as long as that reality is misunderstood, the window remains open, thus all perceptions of possibility may manifest concretely, though only temporarily, as thought plane material is constantly fluid.
Q: (L) Does this mean that this was a "Flight 19" of a parallel reality that went through a window into our reality?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Was this part of or connected to the loss of our "Flight 19?" Did we exchange realities here?
A: It is the thought patterns that effect the reality, when that window is opened, all thought can become physical reality, though only temporarily.
Q: (L) Does this mean that the divers' and searchers' thoughts about this became reality?
A: And all others.
Q: (T) All others involved in the search?
A: All others on the planet.
Q: (T) Even those that did not believe that the searchers were going to find them?
A: Yes. Researchers found what they expected to find, but when others heard the news, other things started to happen according to which thought patterns dominated.
Q: (L) So, in other words, if somebody believed that it was Flight 19, it appeared, and if somebody did not believe it was Flight 19, it disappeared?
A: Yes.
Next are more explanations related to Flight 19 and the implications:
000408 said:
Q: This is a good one. Brad has written a couple of times. He was reading the Flight 19 session and he said: "This indicates to me that perception can manifest into a reality given proper conditions." Is his assumption going in the right direction? Can perception manifest into reality given the proper conditions?
A: Essentially, but it is more complex, as it involves manifestations from other realities, where the conditions do not parallel yours.
Q: Now he says: "If true, then an individual could manifest their reality if enough energy or focus or will could be focused to produce a result." You just said that it involves energies from other realities than our own. But, he goes on to say: "What I think is implied here is that the dominant belief will be the most often produced result. However, if ten people believe they see a UFO, but three others don't believe they see a UFO, then what is the result in this case? Do the three non- believers end up seeing UFOs because their perception that UFO's do not exist is overridden by the ten people who DO believe?"
A: Trying to impose conditional conceptualizations re: 3rd density awareness.
Q: Well, the question still is, if ten people think they see a UFO, and three don't, DO the three non-believers see a UFO?
A: Not valid due to rigidity of concept.
Q: Well, let me go on: "The prevailing or popular belief seems to override the less popular belief if I read the text of your essay correctly. That would certainly explain why disinformation and propaganda used by religious groups is so effective. I am not sure about the proper way this works according to your essay. It seems to me that, in order for an individual to buck the trend of a commonly held belief or thought, and for that person to manifest their own reality, or produce a desired result, they would have to be very strong willed, or have the ability to focus their will and intention so as to magnify its power and produce a reality which differs from that which is the common perception. It's all rather confusing. If ten people believe that Napoleon never died, but is still alive, and two people believe he is dead, the dominant belief prevailing would have Napoleon still alive. Perhaps you could go into some detail on this at a later time. If all is illusion, as so many New Age teachings suggest, then there are no constraints as to what reality can be."
A: No constraints? Then why the attempt to impose constraints?
Q: I think the one thing he missed in that session was the point that we were talking specifically about the Flight 19 incident where you had already said that the EM field generated by the aberrant activities of the Atlantean crystal, created an opening into what you called the Thought Plane, and as long as it remained open, this condition prevailed. But, under most circumstances, this is not the condition under which we live.
A: And even the EM crystal itself is transitory; in the space/time continuum it is of the "Philadelphia Experiment" mode.
Q: The example of the Flight 19 situation was a description of an aberrant situation, even though these aberrations can and do occur naturally or artificially, sometimes planned and sometimes random. Is that correct?
A: Sort of.
Q: But, in talking about our consensual reality. Are the conditions, say, for example, on our planet, a result of the consensus reality?
A: Ditto last response.
Q: Okay. Sort of. You say that we have these programs, and that there is this undulating matrix force field around the planet that holds these effects, and the programs in place, so to speak, but that some people CAN get out of the control and see what is real, but most people cannot.
A: Yes, or do not.
Q: So, if a critical mass of people began to SEE things, or to escape from the programming, would that effect a change for others in terms of the way they experience the reality, or would the reality that they had been choosing to experience...
A: Such a "critical mass" does not occur until the consensus "chooses."
Q: So, the reality under which we live is essentially, even if held in place by manipulations from higher densities, and some sort of matrix control system, is CHOSEN?
A: Close.
Q: To get back to this idea about changing the reality: can an individual or group of individuals change their personal reality so that they no longer have to or are required to participate in the consensus reality?
A: It is possible.
Q: Is it, as our correspondent has said, because such people are very strong willed, or have the ability to focus their will and intentions so as to magnify the power of the will, to change the reality...
A: Constraints constrain.
Q: Yes. The Matrix page on the website discusses this. So, it amounts to the fact that if a person is in THIS reality, for some reason they have CHOSEN it until they learn how to UN- choose it. (A) The question is: how often can people do it? Yes, it is possible, but can we know more?
A: Some truly rare types possess this talent flukishly, as it does not represent normal 3rd density domain.

Q: You once remarked to Ark "He who has the will of a Lion does not have the fate of a mouse." And then you added "to paraphrase, 'I am become One, creator of Worlds.'" I would like to understand the implication of these remarks?
A: The understanding of that comes from exploration, not explanation. [/color]
Yogis who are able to control their physicality may be among those truly rare types. But if constraints constrain then the 'talent' may be found among others too and the quest for it may be more than one. The context leaves one with the idea that this 'talent' is less significant than "I am become One, creator of Worlds."

The next quote clarifies the issue of anticipation in relation to attack and repeats the advice against restrictions that in the above excerpt were called 'constraints'.
000624 said:
Q: (J) I don't know how far it is useful to ask questions about a business plan, but I did have a more general question: In what way can I best help Laura and Ark in their quest?
A: The "quest" is universal. We should clarify by adding that it is not limited to Ark and Laura.
Q: (J) Is setting up the structure now important?
A: We wish to point out that we have previously advised against restriction, however, choices are included within your arena.
Q: (L) Are you saying that you have advised against anything restricting, but within the arena of setting up a structure, choices are there that we can make without advice.?
A: No.
Q: (A) I think I know. Previously they advised against restriction, so we should go out in the open. But in the open, there are choices, and some of these choices are within the arena of setting up a plan. So, the question is: what are these choices?
A: Let us try another approach; restriction mandates anticipation. The pathway you have embarked upon is not a corporation. However, if you desire to learn lessons relating to this fact more directly, who are we to stand in the way of your choices!
Q: (L) Does this mean we have to act 100% on instinct, intuition? (A) Ad hoc?
A: Perhaps a review of the path heretofore traveled will yield a clue. Has anything interesting happened so far?!?
Q: (L) I guess you are not supposed to anticipate good things, but you are supposed to anticipate attack?
A: Attack is not anticipated, it is the awareness, my dear!
Q: (L) So, it is awareness that it can happen at any moment, not that you are anticipating it?
A: It is the awareness that it exists.
970719 said:
A: Not point. Just remember that anticipation is the "mother of preparation," and defense.
Q: So, anticipate or expect to be out of communication for some time...
A: No, it is for Arkady to be prepared!
Q: Are there any good guys who can come in and help? I mean good grief! A flood no less! How come we haven't been afflicted with that sort of thing here?
A: No need as we have told you, it is Ark who is the vulnerable link, therefore, the attack goeth there.
Q: Is there anything WE can do to help?
A: Get the message through to expect the unexpected; feel vulnerable, and do not ever assume invincibility. Knowledge protects, and ignorance endangers... does it ever!!!
If restriction mandates anticipation as was said in the last but one transcript, then anticipation is an expression of not SEEing all that it is possible to see.

Laura in the comments to "Ultra-terrestrials and 9-11" said:
As the Cs have also said: "it's not WHERE you are, but WHO you are and WHAT YOU SEE" that counts. A "SEEing person" is the Who and the What.

This accords precisely with Gurdjieff's description of a true esoteric group:

"The inner circle is called the 'esoteric'; this circle consists of people who have attained the highest development possible for man, each one of whom possesses individuality in the fullest degree, that is to say, an indivisible 'I,' all forms of consciousness possible for man, full control over these states of consciousness, the whole of knowledge possible for man, and a free and independent will. They cannot perform actions opposed to their understanding or have an understanding which is not expressed by actions. At the same time there can be no discords among them, no differences of understanding. Therefore their activity is entirely co-ordinated and leads to one common aim without any kind of compulsion because it is based upon a common and identical understanding."
SEEing also relates to the following in that, if one commands and pleads rather than asks, one anticipates a particular outcome.
Q: (L) Al-Arabi describes unified thought forms as being the 'names of God.' His explication seems to be so identical to things you tell us that I wonder...
A: We are all the names of God. Remember, this is a conduit. This means that both termination/origination points are of equal value, importance.
Q: (L) What do you mean? Does this mean that we are a part of this?
A: Yes. Don't deify us. And, be sure all others with which you communicate understand this too!
Q: (L) What quality in us, what thing, enabled us to make contact. Because, obviously a lot of people try and get garbage.
A: You asked.
Q: (L) A lot of people ask!
A: No they don't, they command.
Q: (L) Well, a lot of people do ask or beg or plead, but they get all discombobulated with the answers.
A: No, they command. Think about it. You did not beg or plead... that is commanding.
The possibility of SEEing rather than anticipating is illustrated in the following which connects 'anticipatory' to 'prejudicial' and also expectation.
980514 said:
Q: Why are the Egyptian authorities being so uncooperative?
A: Mostly protective for politically motivated reasons.
Q: Can you offer any particular advice for Blue while he is in the pyramid itself?
A: Pyramid is slow to give up secrets to those looking directly.
Q: So, if you don't look for anything in particular?
A: Maybe one should also gaze skyward.
Q: Okay. Can you offer any...
A: Stay in groups where heavily guarded by armed authorities. Avoid foods if not aware of site of preparation.
Q: Is he going to have any problems?
A: Minor unless cautious.
Q: Is he going to make any interesting or amazing discoveries there?
A: Minor unless not cautious.
Q: Is he going to have any internal enlightening experiences there?
A: Suggest not to anticipate for best results.
Q: Is there any particular thing he should look for while surveying these sites?
A: Open mind. Problem with Blue has been too prejudicial.
Q: He is too prejudicial?
A: Has been. Too anticipatory.
Q: So, should he just relax, enjoy, have a good time, stay aware, and be ready for any experience of something new?
A: Expect nothing, then not disappointed.


A: Meditate, do not anticipate.
A: No. Meditate; clear head.
More quotes on anticipation:
900530 said:
A: Keep experimenting with an open mind... do not anticipate.
000722 said:
A: Suggestion: try to inscribe letters without trying to break into words while writing. Otherwise, you will lose step!
Q: (I) That's right! I'm trying to anticipate what they are going to say. (L) And the interesting thing about this exercise is, it conditions your mind to NOT anticipate!
A: Which is good, indeed.
020504 said:
Q: (L) I had the feeling, when the remark was made, that it was intended to dissuade us from anticipating, thus blocking a positive outcome.
A: It helped him to sign when you did not expect it.
980606 said:
Q: Any other clues other than that? It is a pretty awesome task here...
A: Interesting that you are declaring it to be daunting even at beginning.
Q: Well, that is just my perception.
A: Does one know what the road untraveled is like?
Q: No. What is it? If you don't travel it you don't know. (T) How do you know it is going to be daunting if you don't travel it? (L) Oh, I see! They might be saying that it is going to be a lot easier than we think.
A: We are saying: Anticipate not!
000817 said:
Q: Is trying to get the book out by January too soon, or should we wait for the May show?
A: When you schedule in matters such as this, not only do you bring about stress for yourselves, but you also may miss opportunities. It is that old "anticipation" bug again you know!
Q: So, there may be something else in store that we don't even know about.
A: We see exponentially building interest out there... Who knows which parties may step up to the "plate."
Anticipation and relationships.
000624 said:
Q: (J) You told Laura to get on the internet, and that worked to find Ark. What would result in an equivalent outcome in my case? (L) Well done!!!
A: You must be kidding!
Q: (L) No he's not! He's serious! But then, I didn't get on the internet because I was interested in anything but my research. It was part of my mission. So, I guess that was the focus that opened the right doors for me. I had no idea, no expectation, no anticipation - NOTHING. Maybe if you are even looking, you will BLOCK what you need to have in your life? Maybe forever.
A: Yup!
Q: (L) Well, JMthought Ivey was the one!
A: He was anticipating. By now we should know that this is a wee bit disappointing.
In the following anticipation is linked to assume.
990703 said:
A: You should rejoice! From the fire comes light. Patience pays. You are on the right track. Fear not, have we steered you wrong a lot lately?
Q: (L) Well, not so far. But, I was thinking that this radio show would be useful and I would get the web pages all ready for folks to read...
A: Anticipation.
Q: (L) I wasn't really anticipating. I mean, the guy called me right out of the blue... so I wanted to be sure that if I was going to talk on the radio that we had the website prepared so folks could go to see it. I sort of thought that the guy was a good guy sent to create an opening...
A: Assume.
More about SEEing.
980704 said:
Q: (L) Okay, you just said we are going to have a reversal in our weather. Are there any other conditions that we should be aware of at the present time?
A: Point is to watch, look, listen.
A: All.
A: What would you suggest?
A: No. No race needed.
A: Stop thinking 3rd density!
A: No, because you are still thinking 3rd density. Better to have a "front row seat," and enjoy!
A: Why not?
Q: (L) Well! I'm supposed to be DOING something!
A: You are.
Q: (A) When you watch, look and listen, you are getting some signals, and these signals cause a certain pattern of thinking which were not yet able to emerge, but now, after you receive certain signals, you start to think in a different way. So, you cannot now think in a different way, but when you learn this and this has happened, then you start to think in a different pattern. So, you cannot now do things, but you always have to be ready to change your thinking at any moment when you understand more, when you see more, when you notice more, when you put things together which are not yet together. Then, there may be a big change of perspective, a total change. And this we have to keep our minds and thinking patterns open and ready to change, and work and put the puzzle and mosaic together. And, this is all that counts. It is this work that we are now doing that counts, not some future big thing: oh! Now we go on a ship! No, it is only doing our best, and what is it? Our best? It will change. I believe so. That is the idea. So, everything depends on this.
A: Yes. You see, my dear, you cannot anticipate that which is not anticipatable.
A: We are glad you noticed this birth of the spike.
A: 27 days of record heat out of 30, oh my oh my! Suggest you awaken your internet pals, as they are too busy chasing "goblins" to notice.
What is said below in respect of remote-viewing might also be applicable to some extent when it comes to variability of physicality. Apparently the awareness of the individual is important.
981010 said:
Q: […] There are people who claim to 'remote view,' and I think that it is possible and probable. In specific, when a person is remote viewing, are they able to view other densities when doing this?
A: Sometimes.
Q: Is there any way to tell when you are viewing other densities as opposed to 3rd density? Is there any distinguishing characteristic?
A: That would be up to the awareness of the viewer.
Q: Is a person who is capable of remote viewing in higher densities, generally capable of perceiving higher densities in a 'normal' state?
A: Maybe.
Q: So, if a person is unaware of higher densities, are they still able to remote view higher densities?
A: The viewer must have a "clue" as to the view.
Q: What do you mean 'a clue?'
A: Review your previous question.
Q: I see. So, it IS connected to the ability to perceive higher densities in general awareness. Okay, in particular, is it a condition of remote viewing higher densities, assuming one has the general awareness of higher densities, that one is able to look in all directions at once; that is, to sense oneself as a 'point' of consciousness and to perceive material reality as being somewhat amorphous or fluid; is THAT evidence of viewing higher densities?
A: It could be.
Q: Is there anything that one could look for in a remote viewing exercise that would clearly indicate that one is NOT viewing higher densities?
A: These questions are a bit elementary for you, when one thinks of that which you already know.
Q: Well, my opinion is that, depending upon the scenario that is presented, and the way it is presented, that one could tell. And, there are a great many people who are doing remote viewing, who are claiming to be remote viewing higher densities, and getting information that is clear to me that it is what somebody at higher densities WANTS them to think, or WANTS them to see and MANIPULATES them to see.
A: It is a two way street.
Q: So, individuals COULD remote view higher densities to see what the higher densities are up to?
A: No. Expectations... ? Anticipation... ? Prejudice... ? What have we told you?
Q: Is it possible that, when one person gives a target to another for a remote viewing exercise, say, as just a code number, can the person doing the remote viewing use this exchange as a means of locking in on the frequency of the person giving the assignment?
A: Close.
Q: So, if I were to give an assignment to someone, this person could then lock in on our frequency here and remote view us?
A: Maybe. Try it.
Q: Well, Ark doesn't want me to because of his work. He thinks everybody is a potential agent.
A: Spies do not ask.
Q: I just have a lot of reservations about remote viewing in general. I think that it is just a different name for practicing clairvoyance. And, I am not so sure that people who claim to be able to do it as they claim, are really able to do it. In other words, it is like a talent, some are better than others.
A: Yes, you are right.
The last excerpt includes the exception to the rule:
970719 said:
A: Laura, my dear, if you really want to reveal "many beautiful and amazing things," all you need to do is remember the triad, the trilogy, the trinity, and look always for the triplicative connecting clue profile. Connect the threes... do not rest until you have found three beautifully balancing meanings!!
Q: So, in everything there are three aspects?
A: And why? Because it is the realm of the three that you occupy. In order to possess the keys to the next level, just master the Third Man Theme, then move on with grace and anticipation.
Faith, belief and anticipation could also be a set of three, as could forum, members and posts.

Your last post, Thorbiorn, on faith reminded me of what Laura wrote in The Secret History of the World p.400, regarding the word 'faith':

Secret History of The World said:
These acts were based on what was called sraddha which is related to
the words fides, credo, faith, believe and so on.

The word sraddha was, according to Dumezil and Levi, too hastily
understood as "faith" in the Christian sense. Correctly understood, it
means something like the trust a workman has in his tools and
techniques as acts of magic! It is, therefore part of a "covenant"
wherein the sacrificer knows how to perform a perscribed sacrifice
correctly, and who knows that if he performs the sacrifice correctly,
it must produce its effect."
So it was not a matter of blind faith that the C's were referring to, but faith based in knowledge, which as we know is based on hard work at getting to the truth of things. I guess that by so doing, we slowly start to see the mosaic nature of reality and are thus more able to read the signs. This enables us to be forewarned and thus forearmed. In other words, knowledge protects!

This post has two sections, the first is with regard Jung. The second deals with the subject of variability of physicality, what Indian Yogis think what Kundalini is, and a little about how Chinese understand the process of growing spiritually.
In the discussion of Kundalini in the first post there was:
Carl Jung said:
One needs a great deal of psychology in order to make these matters palatable to the Western mind, and unless we try hard and dare to commit many errors in assimilating it to our Western mentality, we simply get poisoned. For these symbols have a terrible clinging tendency. They catch the unconscious somehow and cling to us. But they are a foreign body in our system - corpus alienum - and they inhibit the natural growth and development of our own psychology.
Here is one question: Is it true that these symbols have no parallels in what he calls the West?
Oscar Marcel Minze in the book Tantra Vidya, mentioned in the first post, writes that the symbolism of the seven centres of Kundalini-Yoga has parallels in other Vedic traditions, in the Mithra mysteries, the gnosis and Western mysticism. He claims to show a very close correspondence between the system of the seven lotus flowers as described in the Kundalini Chakra system, the number of their petals and the numbers related to the planets as described by the astronomy of Ptolemy. And he gives many reasons why such a parallel is realistic. If that is so, there seem to be a similarity of patterns sufficiently strong to ask if Jung's complaint about the foreign quality of the symbols is partially a product of the beliefs he held and the education he had received.

In the second part of the Tantra Vidya is an essay called: "Parmenides and the Tantric Yoga." In this the author argues in favour of not only considering the first half of the doctrinal poem of Parmenides but also the second. He writes:
According to my view, Parmenides has not at all rejected the world of phenomena, its changeability, its origination and dissolution and he has never doubted its existence, either in logical or in philosophical respect. So, the second part of his doctrinal poem which deals at great length with the world of phenomena is not to be taken less seriously than the first part, which deals with Being. The sharp radicalization and intellectualization of the ontological problem, as we have described it, stems, not from Parmenides himself, but from his interpreters beginning with Zeno. [- page 84]

[…] This image of Parmenides was also familiar to me until his doctrinal poem fell in my hand. Then surprisingly a fully unknown Parmenides emerged before me. H showed himself not as the thinker who, as it were, in his study contrived his tautological statement about "the being of the Being" but as one who, on the basis of a gradual change and increase of consciousness, arrives finally at an all embracing experience of Being, which far surpassed daily experiences. On the height of this overwhelming experience only is born the statement: 'The Being is'.
The doctrinal poem exhibits numerous characteristic features, which also characterize the Indian Yoga.
[…] neither in old literature nor in new, have I met a text which shows in so concise a space such a great number of facts form the sphere of Yoga-philosophy in a proper right context. [- page 85]
If Oscar Marcel Minze is right about Parmenides, would it have made a difference for Jung's perceptions if Parmenides had been known in European culture as having the experiences of a yogi and not only as being an abstract philosopher?

Nevertheless it can be that Jung is giving expression to a genuine sentiment when saying about the symbols that "they cling" and also "they inhibit the natural growth and development of our own psychology." Maybe he experienced the clinging because there is something true in them and the inhibiting effect because there is something joined to them which he interpreted as not true, or which he did not understand or that contradicted the direction he was working towards.

Whereas the previous section was a comment on Jung, in this part I have tried to put together material from non-European sources with a view to solve some questions left unsolved in the first post.

One was variability of physicality. There is something in the Yoga-Vasishtha of Valmiki, Nirvana-Prakarana, first part, chapter 82 titled: I have taken it from an edition published by Parimal Publications in Delhi, which has Sanskrit text and English translation according to Vihari Lal Mitra. It has been edited and revised with introduction by Dr. Ravi Prakash Arya. The books (there are four volumes and 2400 pages, the quote is from volume three) are available from _

Before quoting one needs to mention that the translation is either veiled due to the original text or due to lack of experience of the translator. In fact I took out a couple of his comment about not understanding what the text is talking about.
1.Vasishtha continued -- Hear me now tell you, how bodies of yogis are capable of expansion and contraction at will; as to be mullom in parvo and parvo in multo
2.There is above the lotus-like diaphragm of the heart, a blazing fire emitting its sparks, like gold coloured butterflies flirting about it, and flaring as flashes of lightning in the evening clouds.
3.It is fanned and roused by the enkindling animal spirit, which blows over it as with the breath of the wind; it pervades the whole body without burning it, and shine as brightly as the sun in the form of our consciousness.
4.Being kindled into a blaze in an instant, like the early raise of the rising sun gleaming upon the morning clouds; it melts down the whole body (to its toes and nails), as the burning furnace dissolves the gold in the crucible.
5.Being unextinguishable by water, it burns the whole outer body down to the feet; and then it coils inside the body, and remains in the form of the mind in the ativaahika or spiritual body of man.
6.Having then reduced the inner body likewise, it become lifeless of itself; and becomes extinct as the frost at the blowing of winds (or blast of a tempest)
7.The force of Kundalini or intestinal canal, being put out to the fundamental artery of the rectum; remains in the vacuity of the spiritual body, like a shadow of the smoke of fire.
8.This smoky shade parades over the heart like a swarthy maiden, and encloses in her bosom the subtile body composed of its mind and understanding, the living principle and its egoism.
9.It has the power to enter into the prous fibers of lotuses to penetrate the rocks, to stretch over the grass, to pop into houses and stones, to pry in the sky and ply in the ground, and remain and move about everywhere in the manner it likes of its own will.
10.This power produces consciousness and sensibility, by the sap and serum which it supplies to the whole body; and is itself filled with juice, like a leather bag that is dipped into a well or water.
11.This great artery of Kundalinii being filled with gastric juice, forms the body in any shape it likes; as an artist draws the lines of a picture in any form, as it is pictured in his mind.
12.It supplies the embryonic seed placed in the foetus of the mother, with the power of its evolution; as the tender sprout of the vegetative seed, waxes in time to a hard woody tree.
13.Know Raama, this certain truth which is acknowledged by the wise, that the living principles acquire its desired state and stature, be it that of a mountain or bit of straw.
14.You have heard, O Raama! of certain powers as of diminishing and increasing the bulk and stature of the body, attainable by the practice of yoga; you will now hear me give you an interesting lecture, regarding the attainment of these capacities by means of knowledge or jnana.
In chapter 81 of the above book, there is mention of Kundalini.

9. If one by his continual attention, can succeed to repress the outward and inward egress of his vital breath, and preserve calm quiet of hs disposition, he is sure to have his longevity accompanied with his freedom from all diseases.
10. Know that the decomposure of the smaller arteries, is attended with distemper of the body, but the disturbance of the greater arteries is followed by serious consequences. (There are a hundred great arteries, attached to the main conduit of Kundalini, besides hundreds of small veins and nerves diverging from them throughout the body. […])[thorbiorn: the text that is in the brackets is not in the Sanskrit verse so it is most likely from an old commentary which the translator includes so as to explain what the verse means]
30. Vasishtha replied -- The mind being disturbed by anxieties the body is disordered also in its functions, as the man is overtaken by anger, loses the sight of whatever is present before his eyes.
31. He loses sight of the broad way before him, and takes a devious course of his own; and like a stag pierced with arrows, flies from the beaten path and enters himself amidst the thickest.
32. the spirit being troubled, the vital spirits are disturbed and breathe out by fits and snatches; as the waters of a river being disturbed by a body of elephants, rise above its channel and overflow the banks.
33. The vital airs breathing irregularly, derange the lungs and nerves and all the veins and arteries of the body; as the misrule in the government, put the laws of the realm into disorder.
34. The breathing being irregular, unsettles the whole body; by making the blood vessels quite empty and dry in some parts, and full and stout in others, resembling the empty and full flowing channels of rivers.
35. The want of free breathing is attended both with indigestion and bad digestion of the food, and also evaporation of the cyle and blood that it produces; and these defects in digestion bring forth a great many maladies in the system.
43. I have thus far related to you, Raama! concerning the causes of the rise and fall of the diseases and distemper of the living body, in connection with the subject of the main artery of Kundalinii; now hear me relate to you regarding the main point of one's attainment of consummation or siddhi by mean of his yoga practice.
44. It is when one fill the channel of this great artery with his inhaling breath, and shut it at its mouth (called the Kurma opening), and becomes as sedate as a stone; he is then said to have attained his rock like fixity and firmness, and his siddhi or consummation of garma or inflation.
45. Again when the body is thus filled with the inflated air, and the wind confined in the Kundalinii artery, is carried upwards by the vital breath [(…)(…)]
46. Thence the wind rises upward as smoke into the air, carrying with it the powers of all the arteries attached to it like creepers clinging to a tree; and then stands as erect as a stick, with its head lifted upwards like the hood of a snake.
In the above account the review of health before beginning the explanation of yoga; the importance given to breathing and purity of the channels is similar to what one can find in Chinese Qigong.

When I did a thread on the History of Reiki, kenlee suggested me a book called 'The Root of Chinese Qigong' by Yang, Jwing-Ming, YMAA Publication Center, 1997.

Of relevance to this post Jwing-Ming Yang on page 33 writes:
The human body has twelve Qi channels which are like rivers of Qi. They circulate Qi throughout the body, and connect the organs to the extremities. In addition to these twelve Qi rivers, there are eight "extraordinary Qi vessels." These are like reservoirs of Qi, and they regulate the flow of Qi in the rivers (the twelve channels). In order to be healthy, the Qi reservoirs must be full and the Qi must flow smoothly without stagnation in the rivers […]
On page 30 there is:
Original Shen [t:spirit] is thought of as the center of your being. […] For those who have reached a higher level of Qigong practice, cultivating the Shen becomes the most important subject. For Buddhists and Daoists the final goal of cultivating the Shen is to form or generate a Holy Embryo (Xian Tai)from their Shen, and nourish it until the spiritual baby is born and can be independent. For the average Qigong practioner however, the final goal of cultivating the Shen is to raise the Shen through Qi nourishment while maintaining control with the Yi [t: i.e. wisdom mind]. This raised Shen can direct and govern the Qi efficiently to achieve health and longevity.
Page 36:
Daoists commonly call the three treasures (Jing, Qi, and Shen)[t: essence, energy and spirit] the three flowers. One of the final goals of Daoist Qigong training is to gather the three flowers at the top of the head[…]

The normal Daoist Qigong training process is: 1. To convert the Jing (essence) into Qi[…]; 2. To nourish the Shen (spirit) with Qi: 3. To refine the Shen into emptiness[…]; 4. Crush the Emptiness. The first step is to firm and strengthen the Jing, then convert this Jing into Qi through meditation or other methods. This Qi is then led to the top of the head to nourish the brain and raise the Shen. This stage is necessary to gain health and longevity. Now the Daoist can start training to reach the goal of enlightenment.
This book on Qigong does not use the terminology of chakras and kundalini, but there is a lot on channels, which were mentioned in the Yoga Vasishtha, as important when considering health. Although they are not using the same terms is there a lot of difference?

Next is what some modern yogis think of Kundalini.
Swami Satyananda Saraswati in Kundalini Tantra page 34 said:
Many yogis say that kundalini is a flow of pranic energy along an esoteric pathway (shushumna) associated with the spinal axis. They consider that it is a part of the flow of prana within the meshwork of the pranic body and hat there is no anatomical counterpart. Other yogis relate their perceptions of kundalini to the flow of messages along the nerve fibres. These arise in the network of the autonomic plexuses and ascend along tracts in the spinal cord to definite anatomical centres in the brain.

These schools of thought use different descriptions to convey the experience of kundalini, but they all agree that the experience of kundalini is a total psychophysiological event which centres around the spinal cord.
Book is available through the Indian publisher -

A little more about the books.
The Yoga Vasishtha is a very long poem explaining how Raama got enlightened through his own reflections and dialogues with his teacher Vasistha and other elders. It is said to have a style and metaphors that lead some scholars to think of Kashmir as the place of origin. It is very philosophical in some places, in others it has very entertaining and thoughtful stories. One feature almost unique is the role that ladies play in the poem. The poem could have been used to entertain and enlighten at a court or an assembly with both men and women present. Also Kashmir valley is the place of Srinagar, the city of Sri, the goddesss. Of interest is that the book describes past cataclysms, it is said that there have been five. Be aware that because of its length, flowery expressions and frequent repetitions it is common to find abridged versions, sometimes even with better translation. To find what I quoted you may need the long one.

Kundalini Tantra by Swami Satyananda Saraswati, has a whole section with discussions and papers on connections between the chakra/ kundalini philosophy and current knowledge of physiology. Some of it is interesting some less. One feature I noticed is that a few of the drawings are similar to the ones found in the Qigong book and there described as the Conception and Governing vessels.

'The Root of Chinese Qigong' is not only an introduction to Qigong, but also I think to Chinese, at least care has been taken to give all the signs, and a generous Chinese vocabulary in the back. Only the pronunciation is to be found out, so I went to one man and learned that Qigong sounds like 'Chi-kung'. This book is divided in four parts. First there are six chapters of 'General Introduction', followed by eight chapters of 'General Keys to Qigong Training', then three chapters on 'The Qi Channels and Vessels', and finally three chapters of conclusion and appendix. What I like about the book is that he manages to present the history of Qigong from several angles, Buddhist, Daoist and martial arts. The book is both foundational and practical. In it Yang emphasises:
The main purpose of this book is to lead you to the path of study -- it is not meant to be the final authority
Aeneas said:
So it was not a matter of blind faith that the C's were referring to, but faith based in knowledge, which as we know is based on hard work at getting to the truth of things. I guess that by so doing, we slowly start to see the mosaic nature of reality and are thus more able to read the signs. This enables us to be forewarned and thus forearmed. In other words, knowledge protects!
For me a question is what we really KNOW, or what do I really know, and what knowledge is. I am saying this because I have come acroos a good number of people whose faith moves a LOT, but what they appear to know about the world and what goes on is less impressive to say the least. Perhaps one has to think of the distinction Gurdjieff made between knowledge of knowing and knowledge of understanding, the one that is just in the head and needs frequent repitition to be useful and the other that is integrated, more permanent and available. Maybe one could distinguish between blind faith and a faith that is like someone seeing three meters ahead.
My thought on faith is, it is basically like confidence and lack of worry and self-doubt. Not the confidence that contains assumption, but just being confident in your ability to do what you know how to do, without worries like "What if I fail? What if I get it wrong or mess up? Am I sure I can do it this time?" etc. This is not a reasonable doubt - as in, questioning/assessing our objective abilities, but it is more like emotional self-doubt, it does not yield any useful answers, all it does is stifle the abilities that we *do* have and make us prone to error and going astray.

And if you don't have the knowledge of how to accomplish something you intend, be confident that you can find out how, also without the "What if I'm too stupid to learn this? What if someone lies to me or gives false info? What if I am just not capable? What if I'll be distracted? Maybe I'm not worthy of this knowledge?".

I think this applies to absolutely everything we do in life. We can have all the necessary knowledge and ability to do an amazing job, but self-doubt, worry, and other nagging thoughts literally make us do a bad job, make us mess it up, because it's like we're expecting to mess up, and create a self-fulfilling prophecy. I think this is also what is meant by "think positive" - although this has been corrupted by New Agers and others and the meaning has been distorted to avoid looking at uncomfortable truths and realities, which becomes wishful thinking.

So the key is probably to be confident in yourself, your knowledge, and your abilities, and be confident in your potential to acquire the correct knowledge - for the universe to provide it for you if you just seek it. But at the same time not to anticipate how it will happen, or assume that you already know what you do not know, or wishfully think that you can do something if you really cannot - yet!

This actually reminds me of what Lobaczewski describes as the effect psychopaths have on our brain, which sounds like the act of removing our faith in ourselves, which diminish our mental ability - ability that we DO have but is temporarily shut down.

Copied from

Normal People Under Pathocratic Rule

As adduced above, the anomaly distinguished as essential psychopathy inspires the overall phenomenon in a well-developed pathocracy… The pathocratic world - the world of pathological egotism and terror - is so difficult to understand for people raised outside the scope of this phenomenon that they often manifest childlike naïveté, even if they studied psychopathology and are psychologists by profession. …

If a person with a normal instinctive substratum and basic intelligence has already heard and read about such a system of ruthless autocratic rule “based on fanatical ideology,” he feels he has already formed an opinion on the subject. However, direct confrontation with the phenomenon causes him to feel intellectually helpless. All his prior imaginings prove to be virtually useless; they explain next to nothing. This provokes a nagging sensation that he and the society in which he was educated were quite naïve…

One of the differences observed between a normally resistant person and somebody who has undergone a transpersonification is that the former is better able to survive this disintegrating cognitive void, whereas the latter fills the void with the pathologic propaganda material, and without sufficient controls.

When the human mind comes into contact with this new reality so different from any experiences encountered by a person raised in a society dominated by normal people, it releases psychophysiological shock symptoms in the human brain with a higher tonus of cortex inhibition and a stifling of feelings, which then sometimes gush forth uncontrollably. Human minds work more slowly and less keenly, since the associative mechanisms have become inefficient. Especially when a person has direct contact with psychopathic representatives of the new rule, who use their specific experience so as to traumatize the minds of the “others” with their own personalities, his mind succumbs to a state of short-term catatonia. Their humiliating and arrogant techniques, brutal paramoralizations, deaden his thought processes and his self-defense capabilities, and their divergent experiential method anchors in his mind. …

Only after these unbelievably unpleasant psychological states have passed, thanks to rest in benevolent company, is it possible to reflect - always a difficult and painful process - or to become aware that one’s mind and common senses have been fooled by something which cannot fit into the normal human imagination.
The mind is certainly not actually "losing" any knowledge or abilities, but losing faith renders us unable to effectively access and use our own knowledge and abilities. We lose our ability to do what we otherwise could easily and successfully do. The universe is infinite, or at least there is no reason to assume it isn't. We just need to sincerely seek the knowledge by simply be LOOKING and LISTENING. I think faith is what allows us to do what the C's describe as "paying attention to objective reality right and left". And lack of faith is making assumptions and limiting our own abilities and potential abilities as a result, closing ourselves to the universe and to our potential interaction with it.
ScioAgapeOmnis said:
My thought on faith is, it is basically like confidence and lack of worry and self-doubt. Not the confidence that contains assumption, but just being confident in your ability to do what you know how to do, without worries like "What if I fail? What if I get it wrong or mess up? Am I sure I can do it this time?" etc. This is not a reasonable doubt - as in, questioning/assessing our objective abilities, but it is more like emotional self-doubt, it does not yield any useful answers, all it does is stifle the abilities that we *do* have and make us prone to error and going astray...And if you don't have the knowledge of how to accomplish something you intend, be confident that you can find out how, also without the "What if I'm too stupid to learn this? What if someone lies to me or gives false info? What if I am just not capable? What if I'll be distracted? Maybe I'm not worthy of this knowledge?".
Having once equated the term 'faith' with a no-questions-asked belief in religious dogma or in an exploitative authority figure, it was difficult for me to trust in any esoteric learning system without eventually becoming suspicious or fearful that I was going to be had. Feeling unworthy, stupid, worrying about distractions, and not having confidence in my abilities were related programs keeping me from doing anything worthwhile.

After reading Trapped in the Mirror, Unholy Hungers, Myth of Sanity, In Search of the Miraculous, and other QFG recommendations, I've found myself rethinking the whole faith concept. Some of the doubts that gnawed at me months ago are no longer at the forefront of my thinking. Faith is no longer a negative...and despair doesn't overpower me when I am faced with the daily uncomfortable truths of this world and in myself. It's knowing that the universe will eventually open up for those who earnestly seek it...without any demanding, begging, pleading, and deal making, (ie: in exchange for my undying worship, servitude, etc., said universe owes me a fill in-the-blank) on the seeker's part.

ScioAgapeOmnis said:
...losing faith renders us unable to effectively access and use our own knowledge and abilities. We lose our ability to do what we otherwise could easily and successfully do. The universe is infinite, or at least there is no reason to assume it isn't. We just need to sincerely seek the knowledge by simply be LOOKING and LISTENING. I think faith is what allows us to do what the C's describe as "paying attention to objective reality right and left". And lack of faith is making assumptions and limiting our own abilities and potential abilities as a result, closing ourselves to the universe and to our potential interaction with it.
A lack of faith...and my former interpretation of it...was an assumption. And it was all illusions. The same might be said for the times when I anticipated an outcome or engaged in wishful thinking in the 'belief' that it was creative and would control a situation I was nervous or fearful of.
A note on "Faith" from Mouravieff:

Gnosis I said:
Next, having reached the first step [of the staircase], man must undergo the test of Faith. To Believe is not enough; one must have faith. The test takes the form of a need for man to surmount his fear of 'abandonment' to Faith. Jesus reassured His sheep on this subject: 'Be not therefore anxious saying, What shall we eat? or What shall we drink? or Wherewithal shall we be clothed? For after all these things do the Gentiles seek; your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His truth; and all these things shall be added unto you.'
What does Mouravieff mean when he refers to a need for man to surmount his fear of 'abandonment' to Faith? Enter Gurdjieff...

Gurdjieff said:
"This is why in school work, which includes the destruction of 'buffers,' a man must be ready to obey another man's will so long as his own will is not yet fully developed. Usually this subordination to another man's will is studied before anything else. I use the word 'studied' because a man must understand why such obedience is necessary and he must learn to obey. The latter is not at all easy. A man beginning the work of self-study with the object of attaining control over himself is accustomed to believe in his own decisions. Even the fact that he has seen the necessity for changing himself shows him that his decisions are correct and strengthens his belief in them. But when he begins to work on himself a man must give up his own decisions, 'sacrifice his own decisions,' because otherwise the will of the man who directs his work will not be able to control his actions.

"In schools of the religious way 'obedience' is demanded before anything else, that is, full and unquestioning submission although without understanding. Schools of the fourth way demand understanding before anything else. Results of efforts are always proportional to understanding.
I will underscore this point: Results of efforts are always proportional to understanding in schools of the Fourth Way.
Gurdjieff said:
"Renunciation of his own decisions, subordination to the will of another, may present insuperable difficulties to a man if he had failed to realize beforehand that actually he neither sacrifices nor changes anything in his life, that all his life he has been subject to some extraneous will and has never had any decisions of his own. But a man is not conscious of this. He considers that he has the right of free choice. It is hard for him to renounce the illusion that he directs and organizes his life himself. But no work on himself is possible until a man is free from this illusion.
"He must realize that he does not exist; he must realize that he can lose nothing because he has nothing to lose; he must realize his 'nothingness' in the full sense of the term.
"This consciousness of one's nothingness alone can conquer the fear of subordination to the will of another. However strange it may seem, this fear is actually one of the most serious obstacles on a man's path. A man is afraid that he will be made to do things that are opposed to his principles, views, and ideas. Moreover, this fear immediately creates in him. the illusion that he really has principles, views, and convictions which in reality he never has had and never could have. A man who has never in his life thought of morality suddenly begins to fear that he will be made to do something immoral. A man who has never thought of his health and who has done everything possible to ruin it begins to fear that he will be made to do something which will injure it. A man who has lied to everyone, everywhere, all his life in the most barefaced manner begins suddenly to fear that he will be made to tell lies, and so on without end. I knew a drunkard who was afraid more than anything else that he would be made to drink.

"The fear of being subordinated to another man's will very often proves stronger than anything else. A man does not realize that a subordination to which he consciously agrees is the only way to acquire a will of his own."
From Mdm. De Salzmann's "First Initiation":
De Salzmann said:
You have no measure with which to measure yourselves. You live exclusively according to "I like" or "I don´t like," you have no appreciation except for yourself. You recognize nothing above you-theoretically, logically, perhaps, but actually no. That is why you are demanding and continue to believe that everything is cheap and that you have enough in your pocket to buy everything you like. You recognize nothing above you, either outside yourself or inside. That is why, I repeat, you have no measure and live passively according to your likes and dislikes.
Perhaps true Faith is the ability to sincerely and consciously recognize and respect "something above you, outside yourself, or inside", to which the whims of the Personality must, for the first time ever, be subordinated, at no guarantee of any "return" or "reward"?

Just a few thoughts.
I've been thinking about faith over the past week or so. There's faith that is commonly understood which stems from subjective belief. You basically do nothing. Yeah, you may work to take care of those A influence duties, but you're basically maintaining the status quo. But then I was
thinking that there may be faith in it's intended (non-corrupted) form. This faith has gravity, OSIT. When you see things objectively, and based on that seeing there arises a purpose or aim, but there's no guarantee of success, or even of a definite outcome, then you are acting on true faith. And the universe works with you, or a group of people who are one in purpose in reality changing ways. Maybe that's the real secret. Maybe that's why the idea of faith has been corrupted as well as the hype on YCYOR.

Some thoughts anyway.
Ryan said:
Perhaps true Faith is the ability to sincerely and consciously recognize and respect "something above you, outside yourself, or inside", to which the whims of the Personality must, for the first time ever, be subordinated, at no guarantee of any "return" or "reward"?
I resonate with what you've written above. I think that if one has an aim (an aim that one's more or less "spiritualized" Personality Understands to be intangible - that is in the sense that there must be no anticipatory expectation by this Personalty for receiving any kind of possible help or aid from the Universe for reaching its "goal" of spiraling through and finally out of the "staircase"), then I think one needs to have Faith in their own Will to have the Self Respect that is in accord to their aim. So whenever one sees that one's "machine" is about to regress in their aim and dampen their FRV, instead of praying to the Universe for help and whatnot, no matter how the pray is diligently formulated and reformulated by the Personality to make it seem like it is asking rather then demanding of the Universe, one needs to remember to have Faith in their own Will to have have Self Respect. This is of course no guarantee that one is not going to have their FRV ( Frequency Resonance Vibration: as Laura has explained it in the Wave Series) dampened through the mind/personality of their "machine" (as Gurdjieff calls it), or say the "Predator Mind" as Carlos Castanda terms it; however, I think that if one keeps opposing the mind in this manner, then gradually one's Will is not given to IT. For instance, speaking from experience, instead of IT, the "False Personality" (another term by Gurdjieff) crying itself to sleep on consecutive nights due to not being able to attain the Will to carry out wishful and self gratifying thoughts and likes within and without, IT starts to gradually become more and more silent on the consecutive nights - due to the firm opposition/"battle" rooted in the more or less "spiritualized" Personality's Faith of Self Respect for it's aim. However, it still tries to steal back the more or less "spiritualized" Personality's Will through various emotionally charged dreams that leave one feeling as IT, that is due to again identifying with IT and thus giving their Will to IT, as one's wakes up from their nightly sleep. However, even this will gradually come to pass, or so I think. These thoughts remind me of this passage from the sessions:

June 9, 1996 F****, Laura
Q: (L) The first one is from Phillip P., for whom we have asked a couple of questions in the past. He wrote and called to tell me that his
sister had hand prints, bruises, and the description was very similar to the ones I saw on S****t's legs. Also, the sister had 3 little puncture
marks in a triangular pattern on her ankle. He would like to know what happened to her.
A: What does Phillip think?
Q: (L) Well, he just wanted to have a brief run-down on this. He thinks she was abducted, and I tend to agree.
A: The point here is that learning involves reaching the stage where confirmation by a third party is no longer needed, once one has
adequate knowledge.
Q: (L) I know that. But, Phillip just wanted to know that he could ask a question and get an answer specifically for him. I guess he just
wanted to think that somebody out there in the cosmos cares about Phillip P. and his sister.
A: Nobody does.
Q: (L) Nobody cares about Phillip and his sister?
A: Nobody "cares" about individual units of the universal consciousness.
Q: (L) We realize that, but we, as units in bodies of flesh...
A: One must get past the idea that there is some sort of "cheerleading squad" attached to individual consciousness units if one is to
progress... it just doesn't work that way!

Q: (L) Well, does this mean to just forget the rest of the questions?
A: No. All questions have great value if the answers are comprehended.
Q: (L) Is there anything you CAN tell Phillip for his sister? What are the three puncture marks on her ankle?
A: You know this.
Q: (L) Was this a sampling device, or an implanting device, an energy drain, or a monitor?
A: Maybe.
Q: (L) Since this also happened with S*****, the three fingered hand prints on the backs of the calves - what kind of beings leave these
A: We are regressing.
Q: (L) I just wanted to ask a question for the guy, get something, and go on to more interesting subjects, for God's sake! I don't think this is
worth the amount of time and energy that it is taking. I don't even think it will be useful to the guy. I just want an answer for the guy!
A: And you have one!

This passage reminds me of little sea turtles trying to reach the ocean before being eaten by sea birds and other is up to them to have Faith in themselves to make it, and perhaps some of those that do, have a higher probable chance of making it, or so I think.

Just a few thoughts.
Saman said:
This passage reminds me of little sea turtles trying to reach the ocean before being eaten by sea birds and other is up to them to have Faith in themselves to make it, and perhaps some of those that do, have a higher probable chance of making it, or so I think.
You're being nihilistic, Saman. It is present in almost everything you have ever written that I've seen in the last few years.

it is up to them to have Faith in themselves to make it, and perhaps some of those that do, have a higher probable chance of making it
Everybody makes it. EVERYBODY. But what it is they make it to, that is the question at hand.
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