The Nature of Things


Jedi Master
The Amazing Journey
All things are in process, rising and returning. Plants come to blossom, but only to return to the root. Returning to the root is like seeking tranquility. Seeking tranquility is like moving toward destiny. To move toward destiny is like eternity. To know eternity is enlightenment.
- Lao-tse, ancient Chinese philosopher and poet

Today people take Nature out of their lives and out of their countries too. Ancient people had probably never imagined wildlife and starry skies being a separate part from them. Sadly Nature is no longer a source of wisdom and inspiration to many modern people.

I love being in the beautiful and serene setting of Nature. Observing Nature not only brings us great joy, peace, emotional healing and inspiration, it is also essential to the process of gaining knowledge. We can learn a lot by observing patterns in the micro- and macrocosms. A pattern is a part of a cycle by which the cyclic nature of a phenomenon can be revealed. I am fascinated by how everything in the Universe is interconnected: the wildlife, the Nature, the Cosmos, the philosopher’s Work.

A few days ago I came across 2 wildlife documentaries in which the life cycle of salmon was shown in details. Some of the information presented in those documentaries wasn’t new to me as I spent many months during my childhood in the countryside watching salmon with my own eyes. But in the light of the new knowledge and growing awareness, big thanks to our community here, I was able to see the big picture that was hidden from me for a long time. Even though animals are primarily concerned with the laws of attraction and reproduction, studying animal behavior can help us understand the interdependence of the inner and the outer worlds, the hierarchy of energies by which we are driven and in which we are all enveloped. Manly P. Hall in his Lectures on Ancient Philosophy remarks:
Phenomenon when stripped of its outer part reveals the laws by which it exists and manifests.
As above so below.

The life cycle of salmon makes me think of our spiritual journey. The life of a salmon begins when a female salmon lays thousands of eggs into a nest in a quiet freshwater stream for the chosen male to fertilize. Then, most mature salmon die. The young salmon stay for several years in freshwater, feeding and growing stronger. When they are strong enough, they travel hundreds of miles downstream to saltwater. This is a dangerous trip full of predators. At the estuary, where the river meets the sea, the salmon undergo a complex internal change that allows their bodies to adapt to saltwater by enriching their body fluids with the ocean salts. If this change does not happen, the salmon would become dehydrated and die in saltwater. This is very relevant to people’s lives. After being nurtured in our parental shelters during the transitional age we acquire certain skills necessary to survive in the world, develop certain attitudes, become emotionally “thick-skinned”. Freshwater symbolizes purity, in which children reside. Salt is the residue which life casts upon us.

What is the urge that drives them to go on this epic journey? Joseph Campbell in The Hero with a Thousand Faces describes it as a Call, which requires a future Hero traveling to a distant land and promises both treasure and danger. This Call, says Campbell, “is a moment, of spiritual passage, which, when complete, amounts to a dying and birth. The familiar life horizon has been outgrown; the old concepts, ideals, and emotional patterns no longer fit; the time for the passing of a threshold is at hand.” A Hero, according to the ancient Greeks, is an individual, who freed himself/herself from the illusions of the physical world and tuned his contemplation toward the non-material world.

No one knows how salmon navigate the open ocean, how after years at sea they identify the stream of their birth from thousands of options, and how exactly they find their way home, to within feet of their birth. Perhaps they use their sense of smell. Or maybe they use the Earth's magnetic fields to navigate. This mystery fascinates many scientists. And how do we realize our true path and move toward fulfilling our destiny? Laura in her Amazing Grace observed that the human soul is “designed to grow” like trees, which, if planted in suitable soil and favorable growing area with adequate moisture and light, can grow “full and abundant.” The choices we make are important. One uninformed decision can result in the death of the tree or some of its branches. No matter how high a tree will strive to stretch its branches away from its roots toward the sun, in a case of success its fruit will fall on the nearby ground and provide an opportunity for a new life.

After salmon spend their adult life, between 1 and 7 years depending on the species, in the sea, they can travel up to an amazing 1000 miles back to the calm fresh waters of their origin -where they hatched - to lay eggs and complete their epic journey. Campbell remarks about the Hero’s path:
[size=12pt]The myths agree that an extraordinary capacity is required to face and survive such experience.
When salmon are ready to breed, they take time to adapt back to the fresh water and to lose the excessive salts off their body accumulated during their ocean journey. Likewise, on the way to ascension it is necessary to cast off the salts of illusions. After the transition comes the most dramatic part of salmon journey: they travel from the ocean up the river against the relentless flow. It is amazing how determined they are to their path. Often the river is too shallow and the waterfalls are too rocky and steep to let them pass, and salmon fights upstream in their vain attempts against the merciless environment. But salmon do not quit. They keep leaping again and again.

There are times in my life when I feel like I am struggling upstream against the raging flow of the matrix. Our environment often imposes barriers, which sometimes may seem impossible to overcome. At times like this it is important not to stop, to keep trying. Campbell explained:
The agony of breaking through personal limitations is the agony of spiritual growth.
This also brings to mind what the C’s once said:
[size=12pt]Anticipate not what the universe can and will do, just do the work asked of you and the wave will come to meet you and lift you up.
Indeed, the wave brings salmon much needed hope: the rainfall makes the water level rise creating a wave that gives the salmon the exact push they need to continue on their journey. After breaking through obstacles they approach liberation. Many years at sea and a tough climb up the mountain stream have brought them to their final destination: the clear and quiet stream of their origin where they lay their eggs. They reached the end of their lives, they have succeeded.

This journey was not only amazing, but vital to them and to many others who will come after them. Joseph Campbell emphasized the importance of the return of the hero:
When the hero-quest has been accomplished, […] the adventurer still must return with his life transmuting trophy. The full round, the norm of the monomyth, requires that the hero shall now begin the labor of bringing the runes of wisdom, the Golden Fleece, or his sleeping princess, back into the kingdom of humanity, where the boon may redound to the renewing of the community, the nation, the planet, or the ten thousand worlds.
It must be great to experience a sense of completion, to fulfill your life exactly as it was meant to. We are both humbled and made stronger by our journeys. We will never be the same –we return transformed. The knowledge and experience we gain through the struggle is being distilled into spiritual qualities. Nothing we achieve is lost or forgotten.

[size=12pt]Just thinking...


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Hello, enjoy their information and analogies to do the job, personally I ignored some aspects of the salmon cycle, it is certainly surprising.

Εἰρήvη said:
The knowledge and experience we gain through the struggle is being distilled into spiritual qualities. Nothing we achieve is lost or forgotten.

Well said, I think it is important to note that nothing is lost, unlike all win, continue learning in another cycle, progress in this as much as we can, being a natural cycle, sending the signal to the universe that we are working, if the results are necessary, they could move to the next level.

Thanks Εἰρήvη for sharing. :)
riclapaz said:
Hello, enjoy their information and analogies to do the job, personally I ignored some aspects of the salmon cycle, it is certainly surprising.

Εἰρήvη said:
The knowledge and experience we gain through the struggle is being distilled into spiritual qualities. Nothing we achieve is lost or forgotten.

Well said, I think it is important to note that nothing is lost, unlike all win, continue learning in another cycle, progress in this as much as we can, being a natural cycle, sending the signal to the universe that we are working, if the results are necessary, they could move to the next level.

Thanks Εἰρήvη for sharing. :)

Thank you for reading my thoughts, riclapaz.
Indeed, the results of our Work can take us to the next level of the Grand cycle.
However we should not forget that if we do the work only for the benefit of the self in mind – that would be STS.
Εἰρήvη said:
Thank you for reading my thoughts, riclapaz.
Indeed, the results of our Work can take us to the next level of the Grand cycle.
However we should not forget that if we do the work only for the benefit of the self in mind – that would be STS.

Thanks for this! I remember seeing a show on salmon and you connected the dots so well!

STS is also to look outward for saving, when we should feed ourselves first. The salmon do as they do, because it gives them purpose and meaning. As we go through our lives, we separate what purpose and meaning we are doing to gain recognition (internal considering) vs what we are doing to serve as who we are - and the idea of STO connects. We stop trying to be perfect and serve what is asked, without giving more or less- it eliminates the expectation of reward. In that way, we do because we can do, not because of what we want in return.

It's amazing how all of this connects with the books on narcissism and more recently Scattered by Gabor Mate. Acceptance of the self reminds me of G talking about how we have to start at the level of the obvyatel.
As you have shown us, nature shows us the miracle of "as above, so below"
Divide By Zero said:
As we go through our lives, we separate what purpose and meaning we are doing to gain recognition (internal considering) vs what we are doing to serve as who we are - and the idea of STO connects. We stop trying to be perfect and serve what is asked, without giving more or less- it eliminates the expectation of reward. In that way, we do because we can do, not because of what we want in return.
Exactly. Thank you, Divide By Zero, for clarifying this issue, because my previous post was too vague, although I meant to say the same thing. And in terms of the Work, we don't do it because we know it will help us move up the 'Golden Thread' to the next level. We do it because that feels natural to us.
I've met many people who give out money to the poor because "it feels good" to them, and they feel sooo proud. That is a reward. That is STS.
Divide By Zero said:
It's amazing how all of this connects with the books on narcissism and more recently Scattered by Gabor Mate. Acceptance of the self reminds me of G talking about how we have to start at the level of the obvyatel.
As you have shown us, nature shows us the miracle of "as above, so below"
Thank you for bringing up narcissism to the discussion.
I am familiar with the topic, but unfortunately I did not read Scattered by Gabor Mate yet. It is on my list though.
Εἰρήvη said:
Divide By Zero said:
It's amazing how all of this connects with the books on narcissism and more recently Scattered by Gabor Mate. Acceptance of the self reminds me of G talking about how we have to start at the level of the obvyatel.
As you have shown us, nature shows us the miracle of "as above, so below"
Thank you for bringing up narcissism to the discussion.
I am familiar with the topic, but unfortunately I did not read Scattered by Gabor Mate yet. It is on my list though.

Dr. Mate' has kindly put a few chapters from 'Scattered Minds/'Scattered'' on his website. While it's no substitute for reading the whole thing, it will give you an idea of what you have to look forward to when you get hold of the book:
kalibex said:
Dr. Mate' has kindly put a few chapters from 'Scattered Minds/'Scattered'' on his website. While it's no substitute for reading the whole thing, it will give you an idea of what you have to look forward to when you get hold of the book:

Dear kalibex, thank you very much for sharing this information with me. I did read those few chapters from 'Scattered Minds/'Scattered'' on his website, and the book was so amazing that I wanted to finish it, so I purchased it. Even though I don't have an ADD, I find this book to be very useful for me, especially the Chapter Twenty — The Defiant Ones: Oppositionality.

In this book we can clearly see that everything is interconnected: our environment, our emotions, our diseases, etc.... And that is why I like Dr. Gabor Mate's approach: it seem to go along with natural things, not to defy them.
LaceyParson, I find it to be very interesting to look for interconnections between things, to see patterns on a small scale and apply them to the bigger picture , and vice-versa. I think people have been using this method to learn about their environment long before modern science discovered (or not yet) the same things.
This is the definition of applied knowledge. :)

I love what you did here, and all though you were watching TV it shows how conscious you were and not just mindlessly watching.
Thank you, Εἰρήvη for sharing this on salmon life cycles; at least what we can understand and also to others for linking and intertwining human nature within this.

Interestingly, salmon observations can also be found by scientists looking to understand practical engineering by a computer based "Darwinian" type science application. In this article originally by Inderscience Publishers in a piece titled The great salmon run algorithm - How to swim against the stream and avoid the grizzlies, the article goes as follows:

Solving complex problems is rarely a straightforward process, there are often many variables and countless plausible solutions each one of which has its pros and cons. Mechanical engineers at the Babol University of Technology in Mazandaran, Iran, have turned to nature to devise an algorithm based on the survival trials faced by salmon swimming upstream to the spawning grounds to help them fish out the optimal solution to a given problem. They provide details in the International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology.

Bio-inspiration has been widely used in problem solving, with so-called genetic algorithms plucking the best, or fittest, solutions from possible answers to a complex problem, modifying the answers slightly a random and then testing them again. Repeating the process allows problem solvers to find an optimal answer through a process akin to survival of the fittest in nature. Other problems, such as the travelling salesperson problem have been approached by mimicking how ants forage for food and create the shortest paths between nest and food source. Similarly, the flight of the honeybee from hive to floral patch and back has been emulated in computer algorithms. There are also so-called particle swarm optimization algorithms that mimic social behavior of flocking birds or schooling fish. These approaches have their benefits but they are also unsuitable for certain engineering problems.

The selective pressure on the upstream struggle of salmon offered alternative natural inspiration for Alireza Fathi and Ahmad Mozaffari. The pair realized that genetic algorithms would not cope well with certain engineering problems where many constraints on plausible solutions must be applied.

The team explains that the annual salmon run sees millions of fish migrating through mountain streams to the spawning area where the fish themselves originated. The upstream swim is fraught with hazards not least high waterfalls and people hoping to hook the fish as well as hungry Grizzly bears. Grizzlies themselves follow cooperative swarm intelligence rules for seeking out and fishing for the plumpest salmon navigating the waters of their territory. Humans too will scout a large area and then congregate where the fishing is best. There are also salmon sharks to avoid.

On the part of the salmon, they too split into groups as they head inland along the waterways and, through instinct and observation, find a navigable route upstream. Some will pass through more lakes and ponds others will opt for forested waterways and waterfalls. Grizzlies and sharks hunt the forested streams, humans tend to fish the open water, each with varying degrees of success. The team has codified the various hazards facing the salmon, and the salmon themselves thus become individual solutions to a problem fed into the computer algorithm. The great salmon run (TGSR) algorithm therefore becomes a simulation of the actual salmon run, but allows the team to home in on specific solutions to a problem that are optimal in the sense of reaching the spawning grounds unfettered by grizzly, shark or human.

The team has now successfully applied their algorithm to 25 standard benchmarking problems in engineering and to finding the best setup for a new type of laser. They compared the results with those obtainable using the conventional and more well-known genetic algorithms, particle swarm optimization techniques and artificial bee colony approaches. "In most cases, the TGSR algorithm worked better than the other methods," the team says. "Moreover, for some problems it was quicker at converging on an optimal solution.


Fathi, A. and Mozaffari, A. (2014) 'TGSR: the great salmon run optimisation algorithm', Int. J. Computer Applications in Technology, Vol. 49, Nos. 3/4, pp.192.

I've not seen this algorithm in action, yet every year I wonder down to this one particular stream amongst hundreds near the headwaters of the Columbia River. There, the salmon colony comes together in the cool shady waters that end in a massive head-wall waterfalls. Although the stream course does not change, windhrow and erosion place new obstacles in their paths for them to negotiate. Watching them is like observing the turtle over the rabbit as they make incremental adjustments, and sometimes they don't seem to move at all for hours. Even as the very last inch of water before the stone approaches, they seem to carry on like they will somehow just disappear into the rock itself.

Another thing that is fascinating about these fish, and also the very waters in which they often spawn, can be thought about through what Victor Schauberger discusses in his living water and vortices; and we can be quite sure that the algorithmic program above did not consider this aspect.

Noel Huntley said:
{ }...Of principal interest is the lift factor. Schauberger, in his early days of research, observed that salmon could remain stationary in a fast flowing stream without using their tail or fins. He eventually understood that the fish was somehow creating a vortex ahead of its body--possibly by drawing in water through the mouth and out of the gills.

Picture a wire spring with very small diameter at one end and gradually increasing in diameter towards the other end (cone shaped). Now place this over the head of the salmon. The head of the fish is now pointing at the center of the vortex (spring) and will be sucked towards it. But remember, this is not just fluidic action, gravitational nodes are also being drawn towards the centre enabling the salmon to 'fall' forward. When leaping up waterfalls the salmon would create the vortex with the small diameter end upwards towards the surface of the water.

One can find oneself getting lost in no-time observing salmon, and it is always a pleasure following their journey.
Solie, I mostly don't watch TV, sometimes enjoy documentaries ;-)

voyageur, thank you for your response. I enjoyed the article you posted here. People can access great knowledge by observing patterns in nature, cosmos, and the creators of the computer algorithm you mentioned understand it.

Sometimes salmon can't pass obstacles for days, but it is fascinating how they keep trying and trying. Some people might think that salmon keep leaping over unpassible obstacles due to the lack of intelligence. But there is a deep mystery hidden into this behavior. I believe it is an example of the strong will and suffering necessary to achieve the purpose of the existence.

Sufi mystic Rumi, quoted in W. Chittick’s book The Sufi Path of Love said:
Pain is man's guide in every work. Unless he
senses a pain for that work, until desire and love for that
work appear within him, he will not set out to perform it.
Without pain, he will not be able to accomplish it, whether it
be success in this world or in the next, trade or kingship, the
religious sciences or astronomy, or whatever it may be.
Also Laura's signature says:
He who learns must suffer
And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget
Falls drop by drop upon the heart,
And in our own despair, against our will,
Comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.
Agamemnon, Aeschylus

Voyageur, and thank you for posting this amazing quote about the vortex that possibly keep salmon stable:
{ }...Of principal interest is the lift factor. Schauberger, in his early days of research, observed that salmon could remain stationary in a fast flowing stream without using their tail or fins. He eventually understood that the fish was somehow creating a vortex ahead of its body--possibly by drawing in water through the mouth and out of the gills.

Picture a wire spring with very small diameter at one end and gradually increasing in diameter towards the other end (cone shaped). Now place this over the head of the salmon. The head of the fish is now pointing at the center of the vortex (spring) and will be sucked towards it. But remember, this is not just fluidic action, gravitational nodes are also being drawn towards the centre enabling the salmon to 'fall' forward. When leaping up waterfalls the salmon would create the vortex with the small diameter end upwards towards the surface of the water.

It just makes me think that if there was no way for us to pass the obstacles that come our way, these obstacles would have not been given to us in the first place. We have all the tools necessary to succeed if the will and determination is present.
It is not easy to live a balanced life in the raging river of life. We should let the energy of the river pass or flow freely through us without getting stuck, as blockage might take us off-course. The only way to succeed is to live in harmony, free from the turbulence of our ego and emotional blocks.
Éiriú Eolas helps release those kind of blocks and heal.
Returning to the root is like seeking tranquility

From my experience in doing the work and gaining knowledge here on the forum and in other like minded places over the past 3-5 years I have had, memories, smells and noises from the past come up in my life and when this happens after the initial recognizing of what just happened there is an inner sense of calm of being - not so much that returning to the root seeks tranquility but this act of returning produces tranquility a calmness in me. I feel that to blossom and grow and learn through life is important however it is very valuable to be able to return to your roots (essence) this way the next time you blossom you do so in a better healthier way for you because you can learn from the journey and also from the begining stage/essence before the journey began forever refining your journey over and over again to a mix of whats best for you, your essence the universe and others all wrapped into one.
Thank you for the very valuable post. You made me think deeper. The analogy is certainly accurate. Once more, thank you. Very inspiring.
Menna said:
From my experience in doing the work and gaining knowledge here on the forum and in other like minded places over the past 3-5 years I have had, memories, smells and noises from the past come up in my life and when this happens after the initial recognizing of what just happened there is an inner sense of calm of being - not so much that returning to the root seeks tranquility but this act of returning produces tranquility a calmness in me. I feel that to blossom and grow and learn through life is important however it is very valuable to be able to return to your roots (essence) this way the next time you blossom you do so in a better healthier way for you because you can learn from the journey and also from the begining stage/essence before the journey began forever refining your journey over and over again to a mix of whats best for you, your essence the universe and others all wrapped into one.

Menna, I too have experienced memories, smells and noises from the "past". Sometimes they come up as intuition, which I suppose can be explained as knowledge of our spirit from past lives; sometimes we can feel that the messages come directly from a higher realm. And it is amazing!

The essence can be explained in many different ways pertaining to different levels of consciousness. For example we can say that the essence is in a seed. To me our ultimate essence is our soul, which is a part of the whole, "the holy awareness of all creation".

It is believed that our soul came from the highest realm of awareness, and returning to the essence could mean to reconcile ourselves with the Divine, overcome obstacles to remember what we are in our essence, to rediscover the greatness of our own soul, which is a part of the One.

These experiences and interconnectedness of everything around us, our bodies, nature, cosmos reminds us about the Divine. And this understanding initiates this all-encompassing feeling of love to everything. Maybe that is why the C's said:

To love you must know. And to know is to have light. And to have light is to love. And to have knowledge is to love.

Because for me the love comes from the understanding and the of the interconnectedness of the world, the knowledge that we all are a part of the whole. And from this thought comes compassion and empathy, which to me is an outward action, when we actually do something to help others. And that application of knowledge, the action brings the light, which leads to love.

Maybe these interconnections have something to do with the concept of Gravity:

June 22, 1996
Q: (L) Tonight, I would like to ask about 5th density. How does the "dividing line" between the 4 physical densities and 5th function?

A: Recycling zone, one must have direct contact in perfect balance with those on 6th density in order to fulfill the need for contemplation/ learning phase while in between incarnations of 1st through 4th densities.

Q: (L) When a person finishes all their experiences on 1st through 4th density, do they then remain at 5th for a period before to moving to 6th.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) When you die in 3rd and go to 5th, do you pass through or see 4th?

A: No.

Q: (L) When you are in 5th density, is part of your service to be a guide? Are there two kinds of beings on 5th: those who are there for the recycling, and those whose level it simply IS?

A: No. All are as one in timeless understanding of all there is.

Q: (L) If, at 5th density a person has timeless understanding, what is it about them that determines that they will "recycle" as opposed to moving to 6th from 5th?

A: Contemplation reveals needed destiny.

Q: (L) So, being united with other beings on 5th, you come to some sort of understanding about your lessons....

A: Balanced. And this, my dear, is another example of gravity as the binder of all creation... "The Great Equalizer!"

Q: (L) In this picture in my mind, the cycle moves out, in dispersion, begins to accrete and return to the source. Is this correct?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Is it, in fact, that exactly half of all that exists, is moving into imbalance, while the other half is moving into balance?

A: Close.

Q: (L) All the cosmos? All that exists?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is it possible that one area of the cosmos has more of the balance seeking energy while another has more of that which is seeking imbalance?

A: Oh yes!

Q: (L) Is the Earth one of those areas that is more imbalanced than balanced at the present time?

A: Yes, but rapidly moving back toward balance.

Q: (L) Is the Realm Border part of this balancing?

A: Yes.

And this quote from Session 29 June 1996
Q: (L) You said that EM was the same as gravity. Does an increase in EM, the collection of EM or the production of an EM wave, does this increase gravity on those things or objects or persons subjected to it?

A: Gravity does not ever get increased or decreased, it is merely collected and dispersed.

Q: (L) If gravity is collected and dispersed, and planets and stars are windows, and you say that human beings "have" gravity, does that mean that the human beings, or the life forms on a given planet or in a given solar system, are the collectors of this gravity?

A: No. Gravity is the collector of human beings and all else! Make "collector" singular.

Q: (L) Is STO the equivalent of dispersing gravity?

A: No, STO is a REFLECTION of the existence of gravity dispersal.

Q: (L) Is STS also dispersal of gravity?

A: No. Collection is reflected. STS is reflection or reflected by collection of gravity.

Q: (L) You said that changing the unit involves movement to another density. You also said that antimatter realm is the door to, or the pathway to, ethereal existence. Is 4th density, therefore, an antimatter universe?

A: No.

Q: (L) Do the beings in 4th density manifest in an antimatter state?

A: Both.

Q: (L) Is 4th density a density where both matter and antimatter are in balance?

A: Not in balance, in evidence.

Q: (L) So matter and antimatter are both available for utilization by individuals according to will and awareness?

A: Close. Antimatter and matter are balanced everywhere.

Q: (L) What effect does collection of gravity - you said gravity was collecting human beings - what effect...

A: No, we did not say that. You don't learn when you "skip over" the material.

Q: (L) What did I skip over? You said that "gravity is the collector of human beings?"

A: Yes, but all else is the key. When one says that, there is no differentiation.

Q: (L) Yes, well I am asking these questions at OUR level here. What effects does gravity have on the body?

A: Too complicated. Try breaking your question down.

Q: (L) You say that increasing awareness was "a part therein," of gravity. So, if a person is increasing awareness, do they also increase in gravity?

A: No.

Q: (L) What is the relationship between the increasing awareness and gravity?

A: Nothing direct.

Q: (L) I am trying to find out what effect increasing awareness has on human beings in relation to this unstable gravity wave you have mentioned, as well as the oncoming "wave."

A: You are trying to "marry" two parallels.

Q: (L) We have two parallels... okay... so if one is exponential increasing in awareness, the sign of the units of bodily energy does not change?

A: You are still attempting to generate.

Q: (L) Well, I am just trying to get a grip on some ideas here...

A: Then change the thought pattern. Gravity is the "stuff" of all existence, therefore it has an unchanging property of quantity.

Q: (L) So, gravity is not being "used," per se?

A: Close.

Q: (L) You said that light was an energy expression of gravity. Then you said...

A: You can utilize gravity, but you cannot "use" it. You cannot increase or decrease that which is in perfectly balanced static state.

Q: (L) So, gravity is in a perfectly "static" state. Yet, it can be "utilized." Can you make clear for me the transition from the static state to transition. What occurs?

A: There is no transition, just application.

Q: (L) What occurs from the perfectly static state to the application mode? Is anybody following me?

A: No, including us!

Q: (L) Wonderful! What I am trying to get at is, 1) gravity exists in a static state; 2) light is an energy expression of gravity, therefore it is utilization? Correct?

A: No. Light is an expression of gravitational energy.

Q: (L) Well, when one has an expression, it expresses onto, into, or to something somewhere...

A: It does?

Q: (L) Well...

A: If a tree falls in the forest, and nothing is there to hear it, does it make a sound?

Q: (L) You are saying that gravity is everywhere in balance and static, and then you say that utilization causes unstable gravity waves. And then you say that gravity is God, and that God is all creation, and we are a part of all creation, and, therefore, we are of God, and gravity. So, what I am trying to get at here is what is the thing, the event, the manifestation, the mode of utilization that takes gravity from a perfectly static state to an unstable state, if you are saying it is always perfectly balanced. That does not make sense to me.

A: Instability does not automatically mean non-static. Unstable waves can be static in their instability.

Q: (L) None of this makes a whole lot of sense. I thought I was beginning to understand it, and obviously I don't have a clue. Let's try a different direction. You said that the universe consists of equal amounts of matter and antimatter. Are the first three densities, densities of matter?

A: And antimatter.

Q: (L) Are there equal amounts of matter and antimatter at all densities?

A: Yes. Remember, density refers to one's conscious awareness only. Once one is aware, all [many spirals of the planchette] conforms to that awareness.

Q: (L) What is it about the oncoming wave that is going to make any given person aware?

A: Not yet... First: your prophets have always used 3rd density symbology to try to convey 4th density realities. You are attempting to gather 3rd density answers to explain 4th through 7th density principles. This is why you are getting frustrated, because it doesn't "mesh."

Q: (L) Are manifestations in 3rd density loci of collection of gravity?

A: In part. But, so are manifestations on all densities.

Q: (L) Okay. So, if...

A: What do you suppose the opposite of gravity is?

Q: (L) Antigravity?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, if all that exists were like a blown up balloon, and the surface of the balloon represents the static state of gravity, 7th density maybe... and it begins to bump out in different places... and all these little bumps are loci of manifestation of various densities - and this is very simplified, I am just trying to get an image - is this getting, even very simplistically, an idea that I can work with?

A: As long as you have an "anti-balloon" too.

Q: (L) So, can we make the outer surface of the balloon a balloon, and the inner surface or the air the "anti-balloon?"

A: No.

Q: (L) Two balloons next to one another?

A: No. A non-balloon.

Q: (L) A non-balloon? You are making me CRAZY! You are saying that NOTHING exists! We are just not even HERE!

A: No.

Q: (L) Well, for God's SAKE! Help me out with a visual on this! Okay, a balloon in front of a mirror, the reflection of the balloon is the "non-balloon."

A: No.

Q: (L) The non-balloon is when the balloon switches off - but it does it so fast you are not aware of it - like a pulsation...? I mean, I am desperate here!

A: You see, my dear, when you arrive at 4th density, then you will see.

And another quote:
Session 15 June 1996
Q: (L) Okay. So, we are onto something with the Sufi teachings. But, we don't need to get off the track. I guess that they did with the Koran what some other mystics have done with the Bible. It is clear that there is something under the surface of it, but it is corrupted and twisted. And, I was convinced by seeing this underlying pattern that it was possible to penetrate the veil, and that gave me the impetus to push for a breakthrough.

A: Unstable gravity waves unlock as yet unknown secrets of quantum physics to make the picture crystal clear.

Q: (L) Can we free associate about these gravity waves since no bookstores are open at this hour? Gravity seems to be a property of matter. Is that correct?

A: And....

Q: (L) And hmmmm....

A: And antimatter!

Q: (L) Is the gravity that is a property of antimatter "antigravity?" Or, is it just gravity on the other side, so to speak?

A: Binder.

Q: (L) Okay. Gravity is the binder. Is gravity the binder of matter?

A: And...

Q: (L) Is gravity a property of light?

A: Not the issue.

Q: (L) What is the issue? Can you help me out here, Frank?

A: Gravity binds all that is physical with all that is ethereal through unstable gravity waves!!!

Q: (L) Is antimatter ethereal existence?

A: Pathway to.

Q: (L) Okay.

A: Doorway to.

Q: (L) Are unstable gravity waves... no, hold everything... do unstable gravity waves emanate from 7th density?

A: Throughout.

Q: (L) Do they emanate from any particular density?

A: That is just the point, there is none.

Q: (L) There are no unstable gravity waves?

A: Wrong...

Q: (L) There is no emanation point?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, they are a property or attribute of the existence of matter, and the binder of matter to ethereal ideation?

A: Sort of, but they are a property of anti-matter, too!

Q: (L) So, through unstable gravity waves, you can access other densities?

A: Everything.

Q: (L) Can you generate them mechanically?

A: Generation is really collecting and dispersing.

Q: (L) Okay, what kind of a device would collect and disperse gravity waves? Is this what spirals do?

A: On the way to.

Q: (L) So, if were to focus on collecting unstable gravity waves...

A: When you wrote "Noah" where did you place gravity?

Q: (L) I thought that gravity was an indicator of the consumption of electricity; that gravity was a byproduct of a continuous flow of electrical energy...

A: Gravity is no byproduct! It is the central ingredient of all existence!

Q: (L) I was evaluating by electric flow and consumption... and I was thinking that electricity was evidence of some sort of consciousness, and that gravity was evidence that a planet that had it, had life...

A: We have told you before that planets and stars are windows. And where does it go?

Q: (L) The windows?

A: The gravity.

Q: (L) Oh. Gravity must go into the ethereal dimensions or densities. I mean, you have my head going in so many different directions that I feel like I have popcorn in there.

A: Good!

Q: (L) Well, where does gravity go. The sun is a window. Even our planet must be a window!

A: You have it too!!

Q: (L) So, gravity is the unifying principle... the thing that keeps things together, like the way all the fat pulls together in a bowl of soup.

A: Gravity is all there is.

Q: (L) Is light the emanation of gravity?

A: No.

Q: (L) What is light?

A: Gravity.

Q: (L) Is gravity the same as the strong and weak nuclear forces?

A: Gravity is "God."

Q: (L) But, I thought God was light?

A: If gravity is everything, what isn't it? Light is energy expression generated by gravity.

Q: (L) Is gravity the "light that cannot be seen," as the Sufis call it: the Source.

A: Please name something that is not gravity.

Q: (L) Well, if gravity is everything, there is nothing that is not gravity
. Fine. What is absolute nothingness?

A: A mere thought.

Q: (L) So, there is no such thing as non-existence?

A: Yes, there is.

Q: (L) Do thoughts produce gravity?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Does sound produce gravity?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Can sound manipulate gravity?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Can it be done with the human voice?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Can it be done tonally or by power through thought?

A: Both.

Q: (L) Then, is there also specific sound configurations involved?

A: Gravity is manipulated by sound when thought manipulated by gravity chooses to produce sound which manipulates gravity.

Q: (L) Now, did the fellow who built the Coral Castle spin in his airplane seat while thinking his manipulations into place?

A: No. He spun when gravity chose to manipulate him to spin in order to manipulate gravity.

Q: (L) Does gravity have consciousness?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is it ever possible for the individual to do the choosing, or is it gravity that IS him that chose?

A: The gravity that was inside him was all the gravity in existence.

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