The Worst Conspiracy Theory of Them All


FOTCM Member

Aug 22, 2023

I have been planning to compose a 'beginner's guide' to conspiracy theory, a work that will presumably take some fine thinking and time, given that conspiracy theory and conspiracy theorists, so-called, have been all the rage in our covidian world.

Those of us who dared to opine that maybe — just maybe — the virus that took the world by storm in 2020, along with the multiplicity of its variants and the ensuing ‘necessity’ to slow our spinning earth to a halt — wasn't all that lethal, were, naturally, conspiracy theorists.

Those of us who spoke of natural immunity, informed consent, early treatment — well, we too were thrown into that same basket of deplorables, our shining tin-foil hats on display for the authorities ostentatiously to deride.

Worse still, we who invoked principles of autonomy, physical and mental and spiritual sovereignty and unalienable rights, we who were mandated out of our livelihoods for speaking out and choosing choice over diktat — we were lumped into that motley crowd as well.

If you think about it long enough you just might come to the conclusion that there was some kind of plan — if not an outright bona fide conspiracy — involving governments around the globe and transnational institutions charged with fostering our economic and physical health — to silence any dissent, what with vast social media censorship, assaults on one’s once-unassailable money in the bank, and outright persecution.

But I am getting far ahead of myself because the matter I wish to focus upon at this very moment is not the obvious one about Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum’s ‘Great Reset’ or the World Health Organization’s sweeping centralization of pandemic power or the Global Cabal pulling strings or the safe and effective Jab maiming and killing people. These are all, in fact, now fairly obvious realities which even MSM-slurping zombies have begun to acknowledge.

For the record, I have never believed the official accounts of the assassinations of JFK, RFK, MLK or Malcolm X, nor the fairy tale of 9/11 whose purveyors would have us accept that three massive towers came down at nearly free-fall speed as a result of jet collisions or, in the case of WTC 7, office fires. I doubted that Iraq ever had weapons of mass destruction, by the way, even when Colin Powell was shilling shamelessly for the US government at the United Nations — another institutional entity whose beneficence I strongly question.

I’m what many might call a card-carrying conspiracy theorist, though I prefer to consider myself merely a critically questioning thinker who understands that appearances — particularly in the geopolitical arena — can be deceiving. I can sense a hard-sell and I’m apt to balk when stern or smiling authorities try to shove absurdities down my throat.

And it may come as a surprise to my enemies — you know, the ones who supported a Jab apartheid and flaunted their masks as they rode their bicycles and jumped fifteen feet away as I approached on the sidewalk — that there are actually some conspiracy theories I do not accept. For example, the Earth is not flat, even though it seems that way on a baseball diamond or football field, and officials in high places are not actively conspiring to conceal its flatness by promulgating spherical fictions.

But I have become aware of a conspiracy theory whose ramifications are quite dangerous and far more significant than flat-earthing, a conspiracy theory not unlike propaganda insofar as it cannot be rationally disputed. It goes something like this:

The collapse of democracy, signaled by the Deep State murder of JFK and culminating in Covid, is now complete. The Power Elites have won and the American political system is rigged so thoroughly that even candidates espousing constitutionalist principles are merely playing a game — a game determined by a Very Few at the top. In short, anyone with power or aspiring to power by having entered the political arena is thoroughly corrupt, anti-democratic and totalitarian. By extension, this line of thinking applies worldwide so that, in effect, there is and can only be the ‘one ring to rule them all’.

While I myself acknowledge fully and openly that a Global Cabal exists and extends transnationally into finance and government, as Covid has demonstrated, I am not ready to believe in the complete absence of goodness among those who strive for and can wield power.

Yes, politics is dirty, and yes, those who threw their hats into the ring of power politics have had to break eggs and step on toes and learn the finer arts of stabbing a political opponent in the back. It’s an other-worldly realm, to most of us. But in this other world there may yet be virtue.

When a politician comes along and demonstrates through action that he or she abides by unalienable rights, embraces pacifism and calls the Deep State and Fake News out for what they are, are we inevitably to assume that this politician must necessarily be a Deep State puppet?

It is possible that every major politician on the world stage is a Swamp Creature whose only design is to do us underlings in by murder slow or fast, by intruding upon our autonomous rights and impoverishing the masses, with their Resets and Climate Scams and Endless Pandemic Vaccines.

Or not.

A theory that cannot be falsifiable isn’t a viable theory: it’s dogma. I don’t subscribe to dogma, just as I don’t succumb to the nihilistic position that no leader is capable of any good. Yes, we people on the ground must flex our muscles and exert pressure on those, in or out of the shadows, who seek to control and oppress us. But we need help too, from the upper echelons.

I look to America to lead the way to a global renaissance. I look to America because embedded within its founding documents are universal principles that uniquely protect human rights, even if or as those imperfect human beings who sat in government over the years traduced them. I have not given up on the potential for Good among the powerful.

The worst conspiracy theory of them all is the one that tells us there is no way out.

I don’t buy it.

Emanuel E. Garcia, M.D.

August 2023
Yes, yes, it is not a conspiracy anymore but obvious fact
But aren't we here bacause not everything is lost? We were born at specifically this time because it offered a great oportunity to expierience this time of change, so change will come, it is as sure as the above "conspiracy" fact
I also don't buy it.
''The worst conspiracy theory of them all is the one that tells us there is no way out.''

IMO if was true, they would not work so hard to convince us otherwise.
This reminds me of the tactic employed in elections: the press declaring that the ''chosen'' candidate leads in the exit polls by a high margin; so that the people, who would vote the candidate opposing the system, to feel demoralized and not bother to cast their vote.
While I myself acknowledge fully and openly that a Global Cabal exists and extends transnationally into finance and government, as Covid has demonstrated, I am not ready to believe in the complete absence of goodness among those who strive for and can wield power.

Yes! I see a lot of defeatism online, in the comment sections of X, Youtube and Telegram. For example, to some, Putin's role is just that of a controlled opposition and is completely in with the plan, being that of the WEF, the NWO or whatever. They point out to some decisions made by him as proof, for instance, Russia's participation in the lockdowns. But advocating for zero good in the world leaves no room for nuance and gray areas. You can say that it is hysterical to claim that there is none defending the common sense, the good and that ALL IS LOST.

Great article and reminder that:

The worst conspiracy theory of them all is the one that tells us there is no way out.
The worst conspiracy of course is the ubiquitous use of the term conspiracy theory itself. No one here I'm sure needs reminding of its latter day origins - as 'conspiracy theorist' - as coined by the CIA in 1967 as instruction for its editorial savants around the world (Operation Mockingbird) in the wake of the initial kick back against the Warren Commission and specifically with regard to the likes of Attorney Mark Lane. I look forward to the day when it can be finally kicked into touch in the same way UFO is being replaced by the system by UAP to give it sudden mainstream gravitas. My favorite alternative remains convergence of interest. Says it all really.

Good article, thank you Laura.
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