Think You're Discerning Enough?



This "Eye Test" blew me away, as well as some of my friends, check it out:
Hmmm...I got them all easily, because I didn't read the quote, just scanned it for the letter.
Yep - that's the key - don't immerse yourself in the illusion - just scan for the letter - the illusion being reading the quote; while your mind is reading the words and their meanings, you miss the 'of's - so just look for the Fs. Somehow this analogy applies to something else, but...........hmmm......I just can't put my finger on it. =)
Somehow this analogy applies to something else, but...........hmmm......I just can't put my finger on it.
Maybe "thoughtforms"? ;) To observe your thought process from aside, without immersing yourself in it. This way, you'll be able to follow the "thread" and find points of origin of those thoughts. Find all the "of's" , or the "OFF's" :D

Just a thought ;)
Excellent! Looks like SoTT is preparing the world for a new breed of Genius! I personally did this test a few years ago (before I ever heard of the Cassies), so I'm going to make an excuse for my performance based on that. I mean, why accept responsibility when you can just "shut your eyes" and make an excuse!

I know I'm going off on a tangent here, but this little eye test brings up an important point about why we need to get this kind of information and work out to the masses - once we have "critical mass", the whole process will start to free-fall in the right direction. Sort of like tipping a scale...
Seriously though, I counted very carefully but missed the second 'of'. This test brings up a valid point about the visual/cerebral filtering which is a natural and useful function. I don't think it's exactly equivalent to the sort of discernment which we're trying to develop here. That's my excuse!
Found all six F's but I cheated unvolontarily. My first language is French, so I was not taken aback by the V sounding F's of the word 'of'.

Aslo, it is siad taht Egilnsh and msot ohetr lnaugaegs can be mspellied and siltl be raed esaily as lnog as the frist and lsat lteter of a wrod are in thier crorect piosoitn. The bairn deos the rset in dcyephrieing the masesge. Colud you do it ?
It was almost as same as Michou, also I got distracted in the middle of it and have to focus again and count them several times. My first lenguage is spanish.

About the parragraph written wrong, I did not have problem with it, I have dyslexia (lessen that in my childhood though) but when I am studying Japanese the dyslexia seems to vanished, certainly its a diferent kind of lenguage.
Ben said:
I failed the test :(
So did I, the first time I did it. This time I knew what I was looking for (and why).

Funnily enough it brings back to memory the first time I did it.... and a recent post I did on Myers Briggs test (very interesting I think, especially if a person wants to know how another human processes information)...

This was because the first time I did it was in an environment with many IS types and they do love the details - always catching me out there! And good for them, too. This may mean that that it has more to do with how a person processes information.

Would you believe, I still don't know what my student number is (can never remember it) and as to my mobile number, I know the number, but often (very often) get the numbers transposed. It would be what some people would call a simple number too. This is not typical IS behaviour btw... but an IN...they're far more likely to say "Its sort of 'out there'... in that direction... somewhere... er... look it up....". Which is invariably what I have to do!

I'm just saying that this different type of information processing may be interesting/usefull to understanding why people say things and take a certain point of view.. Perhaps it shows what they value and what perspective they come from?
Rhys said:
I know I'm going off on a tangent here, but this little eye test brings up an important point about why we need to get this kind of information and work out to the masses - once we have "critical mass", the whole process will start to free-fall in the right direction. Sort of like tipping a scale...
I see what you're saying here but I'm not so sure - Gurdjieff said, and I agree, that consciousness cannot evolve unconsciously. And from what I know about esoteric Work on self is that you can wake up, but if constant shocks and constant conscious effort are not applied consistently, it's very easy to fall back down into entropy and illusion but continue to think that you're awake.

So although you may be right in some sense, I don't think it'll ever be a "free fall" entirely - I don't think that the group that created the situation of "critical mass" can simply relax, congratulate each other, and watch the process take care of itself. It may be a chain reaction of events that does lead to a dramatic global change, but I wouldn't assume that the process will take care of itself without consistent and conscious effort on behalf of a significant amount of people who SEE - without fail - even and especially while the process is already underway. I can definitely see how entropy can "free fall" though as soon as that group is led astray or simply stops what it is doing.

I could be wrong, but to me it seems like a battle against gravity, and gravity representing entropy. The higher you go, the more free you are from gravitational forces, but you're never TOTALLY 100% free and the moment you stop flapping your wings (putting in conscious effort), no matter how high you are, you will begin to descend until you start flapping again. It is possible to escape the pull of the earth enough to not be break free from the atmosphere, which is a huge accomplishment, but you're not completely free from its gravity and the gravity of other stuff no matter how far you go, osit.

So I agree that the possibility of a dramatic global reaction is possible, but it don't think it could maintain itself even if it happened - any fire can eventually be extinguished when it runs out of oxygen or fuel. But if constant supply of fuel is provided, fire can consume huge forests and more.
Not evolving unconsciously would mean not evolving via the mechanisms sustained by the ego.

There has to be consciousness there to start.

How could consciousness arise from some so-called 'will' to evolve the ego may feel? Is even that will his own or is it not a pressure that is felt within to propel him in a particular direction? How could we define egoic consciousness as even conscious when most admit that a majority of human consciousness is seated on a pool of collective consciousness and symbology?

For consciousness to evolve it first must manifest. Consciousness could only be the light that spreads to the dark corners of the unconscious mind until all is bathed in consciousness. Ego consciousness is a network of reflexes and conditioning that are entangled in such a way as to give the impression to represent an entity to which we identify.

The evolutionary key is definitely within the thought process. That inner subjective voice to which we identify for lack of real identity. A bit like hens that will take for their parent the first creature present when they escape their egg, we associate to the first thing we feel. Not until we can learn to treat our subjective thoughts the same way we would treat someone else's words will we be in position to put ourselves in a potential position for objectivity. Thoughts are totally polarized and they dictate an interpretation of reality that creates a dichotomy in the mind between the energy of the source and its interpretation encoded in the thought process.

It is somewhat ironic that in one way we will readily admit to being the result of cultural and historical pressures and conditioning on one hand and at the same time claim that result to be our identity, believing that by this process of association we take possession of the very result that was simply a creation that was not our own. As if we could possess a point in time that is on the vector of a process in movement and unto which we have little impact.

To me, consciousness means the full repossession of the mental space by the central vibration of the mental. This means putting to death all that is currently the impression of being that is so important to the ego. Consciousness taken in that angle means living those mechanisms that are dictating the impressions, that are giving a tilt to the subjective interpretations, living those mechanisms as if they were alien. This requires a constant attention since even a fraction of an instant is sufficient to flood the mental space with misused emotions that create reactions.

We rely on a reflective pattern and recognize ourselves in the mirror of our reflections when in reality reflection is a process that effectively cuts the light path and prevents it to go back to its source. It is effectively the process though which incarnational consciousness was quarantined from its spirit. It is the way the angels fell to become subjective entities, trapped in a soul shell that became ever thicker as it gathered memory of experiences, qualified by their emotional charge, positive or negative. Reflection, which philosophically has most often been placed on a silver plate and adorated, is the dead end of consciousness as if forces us to interpret our light rather than radiating that light. This light then only becomes a pale memory of itself, subjectively encoded as knowledge, according to a program that serves the purpose of serving and reinforcing a civilization. They are perfectly adapted to keep the individual hardwired to a frequency that is in tune with the state of the soul and to the group that is set to share an experience that is adequate to a range of souls. This is why likeminded individuals attract each other. On the other hand that is not consciousness as it should be recognized universally but that is experimental consciousness.

I would say that consciousness can only arise from the end of an experience, the end of experimental consciousness where the source of the individual has penetrated the reflective shell sufficiently to explode its protection and take over the egoic space. Then, the ego has no choice but to move forward. That does not happen on the time of the ego but on the time of the spirit of that person. This means then the technical death of what the ego perceived of itself and its transmutation into a channel that eventually must integrate the light that penetrates it through a perfect and final initiation process that will not be lived at the scale of nations but at the scale of individuals.

No one may tip the scale of others. Only our own source can tipple our own scale. The evolution of consciousness will never be a collective process. Collective processes, where there in no sufficient individuation of consciousness, are there as a crutch for experimental purposes. They are not the result of the will of the individual but become the supportive will of the nation that technically support the individual. They are not the result of the intelligence of the individual, they rather act as a bank of conditioned knowledge interpreted by the individual as values to be retained and that become the foundation of the individuals' impression of intelligence. They are not based on love but rather are the result of the common need to secure the forever insecure ego who easily mixes love with the need to lighten the tension of his insecurities, sexual, affective and material. Love is not a force that drives to secure or acquire, that is a collective concept for the benefit of the collective against the unconscious individual.

Therefore, a new evolution will not be the result of a teaching or a conviction imprinted by one upon the other but rather the new alliance that this time will be between individuals that will have both recognized the light within and the light within others.

A conscious civilization can only come from conscious individuals. Consciousness cannot come from that civilization but will come to it while unconsciousness will be expelled from it.

I would say that the fuel is internal and is not from the ego. Once the initiation has begun, the ego can only put an end to it. And, it can only be ended when the ego has sufficient capacity to contain, therefore integrate his own light, therefore commanding and becoming that light. That cannot happen through simple spiritual hope. Spirituality, like all human concepts, is destroyed in that process.

We are so unconscious that we have a very hard time realizing that the things we sometimes preached in the past, like the little death to reach the real life, went a lot further than the ego simply losing a few things here and there, a few ego chosen reflexes that would seem appropriate by egoic understanding standards. In reality, it is everything. Everything he has and everything he thinks he is, including the very thought process that is transmuted into a telepathic trap that must be integrated because it is the light of his personified identity who has integrated the memory of the soul.

Actually, until we have understood that we need to hate the invisible rather than our peers, we will not have been initiated yet. Until we become aware and are fully instructed about the mafia that is the invisible and that is totally responsible for the state of experience that we have suffered, we will not have started our initiation and our consciousness will still be trying to implore the invisible to let us in. We will still be playing the game of the invisible against our fellow humans because we will have failed to see how deeply implicated they are in all things human through the programming of the psychological consciousness paradigm and its constant manipulation.

The real disinfo agent is really from within. Until an individual see the lie within he will always believe that the lies simply comes from others. This is also why the scale of civilization cannot be moved one side or the other. This consciousness paradigm that has individual forfeiting their identity to belong to a race, a culture, a party, a religion or whatnot, makes this toppling impossible until the accumulated karmic debt of these civilization has been expended.

I don't need to tell you that some countries dept has been accumulating quite a lot of interest over the years and, as usual, the individuals will have to cover the loss.
Just realize that this was in the 'tickle me' area.

Hum, I won't mind then if the above is deleted or moved by admin.
On the other hand, someone could just read the above and laugh.

Unbeliever said:
Just realize that this was in the 'tickle me' area.

Hum, I won't mind then if the above is deleted or moved by admin.
On the other hand, someone could just read the above and laugh.

Ah it is so just to bring us back to the normal level of discourse in the "Tickle Me" area,


K, there. :D
I passed it. By reading the quote in reverse it was not really difficult.

Hm... maybe more things ought to be done in reverse to remove artifacts of perception and get to the actual substance... I wonder what would happen if one read Gnosis in reverse, last book first, last chapter first. Completely confusing, or a way to get the material in without interpreting it too much?
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