"those who endure to the end shall save others"


Padawan Learner
Hi everyone, so, I recently came again across the following quote from the C's and it reminded me about some thoughts I wanted to share on it and important questions (to me at least) I wanted to ask about it:

"A: It is not that those who endure to the end will be saved, but that those who endure to the end shall save others. It is your choice to be among those who choose to be a part of the vanguard of the new reality!!!"
Session of 18th of May 2019

This quote gives me a lot to think about cause, since I've been on the path towards growing my awareness and expanding my being/consciousness since my early 20's (I'm in my early 30's now), like many others here I have also been troubled in the past by being able to see so much that others don't see, yet, despite of this, feeling sad/depressed (and the like) about not being (or feeling) able to help others more despite of what I know. During the many years, like many others here, I of course arrived at the realization that everyone is here to learn their own lessons and pursue their own goals/paths. Therefore, what I may think is true, right and good may not necessarily be true, right and good for others. Thus, I'd just be feeding my own ego and pursuing my own selfish interests by attempting to help others (who I think could use some help) but who may not actually be looking for or actively asking for help. Based on the law of free will, we have to accept and respect other people's choices no matter how close the people are to us and/or how detrimental the decisions may be to them (the thread "Shouldn't We Be Fighting This" has certainly helped me here as well).

So, what I've come to understand (or think that I have understood) is that we are not here to actually "save" others in the fullest sense of the word but that we can only offer help/support to those who ask. In terms of actually doing the "saving", I've also come to understand that one can only save oneself. Otherwise we would simply be giving away our own power and responsibility which would take us back to what religion promises which in turn we know is inherently flawed. This takes me back now to the above quote from the C's and makes me wonder why they chose those specific words?

I mean, the C's specifically state that:

"It is not that those who endure to the end will be saved..."

With that part I can fully agree, since, based on my own understanding (and what I just sated above), we can only really save ourselves.

However, then we have the next part:

"...,but that those who endure to the end shall save others."

Here is where I wonder what the C's really/fully meant and whether my understanding about "saving" may actually be flawed or incomplete. I mean, are all of us (or some of us at least), actually capable of truly saving others and is that meant only in the 3d material sense (just for a while) or actually, and of course far more importantly, in the 4d spiritual sense??

I think that this is a valuable and timely topic to discuss/clarify, and I would really appreciate some thoughts on this (and hopefully also some enlightening answers) by some of the many bright minds and souls active in this forum.
Thanks for reading.
This is my favorite subject of late, not because I know ,for sure ,the answer, but because I have wrestled with the question, as well. I am thinking that perhaps it is not so much about "saving others" by having answers or proselytizing at the end when people may figure out something is very wrong, so much as holding an energy frequency throughout. In the book, "Bringers of the Dawn" the process is called: "Keepers of Frequency". It may be the same as the C's have described as "Frequency Resonance Vibration". The term "Transducers of Energy" has been mentioned as well. The C's have also said there has been a frequency fence surrounding the planet and we have been held in that for eons. It is due to be lifted, not so much by outside help alone but by souls who are here at this time to do the job. To me, these teachings tell us that our job is to work on ourselves so we can actually BE points of light on the planet, changing the vibration here by bringing the light or information in. We can be vehicles for stability and a new creation by learning how to consciously direct our awareness and energy. I think we must do everything we can to be aware...and as the C's said...SEE. If we do that, perhaps the change of energy will "wake up" some others at a certain point? Sometimes, I liken it to fairy tales like "Sleeping Beauty" and similar ones where the one put under a spell is awakened by the knowledge and love of another. Some thoughts, anyway...thanks for bringing it up!
It may be the same as the C's have described as "Frequency Resonance Vibration". The term "Transducers of Energy" has been mentioned as well. The C's have also said there has been a frequency fence surrounding the planet and we have been held in that for eons. It is due to be lifted, not so much by outside help alone but by souls who are here at this time to do the job. To me, these teachings tell us that our job is to work on ourselves so we can actually BE points of light on the planet, changing the vibration here by bringing the light or information in.

I think that's it exactly. And it's not a big dramatic thing either. How many stories do you see on social media about the bus driver, or the small store owner or what have you, who is just living their life, and yet are beloved by all they touch. These folks aren't setting out to save anyone. But they still affect everyone around them by their loving generous attitude to all they meet. Edgar Cayce said something about it too, in his own inimical way

"For all that ye may ever keep is just what you give away, and that you give away is advice, counsel, manner of life you live yourself. The manner in which you treat your fellow man, your patience, your brotherly love, your kindness, your gentleness. That you give away, that is all that ye may possess in those other realms of consciousness"
“For as we forgive, we are forgiven; as we condemn others, we are ourselves condemned. Thus in patience condemn not, neither find fault; not condoning, not agreeing, but let thine own life so shine that others, seeing thy patience, knowing thy understanding, comprehending thy peace, may take hope.”
Hi Guts! Certainly a good topic to discuss.

Perhaps a little more context about the session in question might help:

A: It was the plan all along. Beware! It is coming to fruition and only those who stay awake and aware can navigate. The STS forces are determined to quash awareness and the possibility of seeding a new reality.

Q: (L) So you're saying that - and I guess you've said it before - that the importance of tuning the antennae of a group of people, the importance of staying awake and aware, is because you then become a receiver for creative energies?

A: Yes yes yes!!!

Q: (Joe) Is it that people who have a certain awareness which is equivalent to information or ideas or conception of the world in their mind, that this contributes building blocks for a new reality?

A: It is not that those who endure to the end will be saved, but that those who endure to the end shall save others. It is your choice to be among those who choose to be a part of the vanguard of the new reality!!!

What I understand is that whatever we do to tune our antenna, to be awake and aware, loses momentum and effect if it is not done with a view to being of help to others, without the awareness that we are serving a greater good than simply saving ourselves. On the other hand the idea of "saving oneself" can be understood in different ways. For some "saving oneself" has a connotation more strongly rooted in subsistence in physical/material terms, i.e., not physically disappearing from this world or suffering the tribulations of what is to come. For others the emphasis may be more in terms of the soul, i.e., that the soul is not imprisoned by the reality it has been trying to overcome (3D STS), that it can take the next step, so to speak.

That said, I think every human being is at a specific point in their developmental cycle. Some will be on the threshold of what could be considered a point from which they can "save their soul". To be the vanguard of this new reality (those who endure to the end) I understand it to mean standing as a kind of beacon to help all those who are prepared to navigate as best they can through the difficulties ahead.

Just my two cents.
Yes, in general, I strongly agree with what you all @JeanneT, @herondancer and @msante have written/shared so far (thanks for that), as I have arrived at very similar conclusions from what I've read and learned in the past. Still, as the amount of lies that are believed by the majority, along with the craziness of it all, continue to raise, it's becoming harder and harder to actually be an "impeccable" Keeper of Frequency like we all on the STO path should strive to be. For instance, when the understanding of what is good, solidary, kind, noble etc. to do, gets twisted so badly as we are currently seeing with the entire covid-vaccine- and safety-measures-narrative, then, doing what we see as the right things can become something which actually causes distress, pain, worry etc. in the majority of people we have to deal with in our present realities. So, that's where for me the entire Keeper of Frequency idea (be the beacon of light/love/knowledge, kindness, energy and understanding that you would like to see in others) starts to become really tricky.

I do also strongly ascribe to the idea that we (to a very large extent at least) do create our own reality, and that, if we find ourselves in a situation with which we are not happy with, it is ultimately up to us to make the necessary changes/adjustments etc. to actually better our own circumstances. Nevertheless, for most, often it's not that easy to recognize and/or make the necessary changes/adjustments at any given point in time to actually do so. For instance, given the degree to which the situation has already escalated (and from the looks of it things are still only getting started), for those of us who are genuinely striving to follow the STO path and be Keepers of Frequency (who are quite few in relation to the entire world population) it would surely be immensely beneficial to come closer together not only via digital and spiritual means but also via physical means. Like having a real life community of people walking together and supporting each other on the path towards 4d STO, but this is of course much easier said than done. In any case, in that way, we could actually be as sure as we can possibly be, that our light/love/knowledge, kindness, energy and understanding is not being misdirected/abused/drained etc. by those that have consciously or unconsciously chosen a different path but instead being shared with those who are in fact on the same path. This in turn would surely magnify the strength of all that which is being happily shared (given and received back) by those resonating at the same level of vibrational frequency. Last but not least in regards to this, the light/love/knowledge, kindness, energy and understanding that would be generated and emanated by such a close-knit group could then perhaps actually become the catalyst that is needed to change our entire reality!?

I mean, aren't the Cassiopaeans (who are supposed to be us in the future) something very similar to that? Namely a mind/body/spirit complex of gathered and growing souls (which must have met and joined forces at some point in "time" in every conceivable way or form) in the path towards higher consciousness and ultimately with the goal to eventually reunite with the DCM, the One Infinite Creator, Source Consciousness or whatever we choose to call that state? Now, I'm certainly not trying to get ahead of myself with these kinds of considerations, as I know that we are currently still a very long stretch away from all of that. That said, isn't what I shared above that which everyone who is genuinely on the STO path should actually be striving for? In all honesty, I really only have questions what this is concerned but it helps to share these with others, along with related thoughts, in the effort to learn more, arrive at deeper understandings and then hopefully be able to make decisions that will help us all to reach our shared goals.
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I love this thread as I grapple with this still from time to time. The quote from the transcription this frame made something click.

Perhaps it is so hard for us to realize because it is exactly referring to a higher level of STO. To hope to be saved is service to self, and to hope to be a savior is service to self. So neither of those can be when the truth is realized through culmination of The Work.

Mathematically, if I get this correctly, it makes perfect sense! I love how these ideas have the power to transcend language here 💗
I love this thread as I grapple with this still from time to time. The quote from the transcription this frame made something click.

Perhaps it is so hard for us to realize because it is exactly referring to a higher level of STO. To hope to be saved is service to self, and to hope to be a savior is service to self. So neither of those can be when the truth is realized through culmination of The Work.

Mathematically, if I get this correctly, it makes perfect sense! I love how these ideas have the power to transcend language here 💗
Indeed. Many StS traps that one may perceive initially as STO
Yes, in general, I strongly agree with what you all @JeanneT, @herondancer and @msante have written/shared so far (thanks for that), as I have arrived at very similar conclusions from what I've read and learned in the past. Still, as the amount of lies that are believed by the majority, along with the craziness of it all, continue to raise, it's becoming harder and harder to actually be an "impeccable" Keeper of Frequency like we all on the STO path should strive to be. For instance, when the understanding of what is good, solidary, kind, noble etc. to do, gets twisted so badly as we are currently seeing with the entire covid-vaccine- and safety-measures-narrative, then, doing what we see as the right things can become something which actually causes distress, pain, worry etc. in the majority of people we have to deal with in our present realities. So, that's where for me the entire Keeper of Frequency idea (be the beacon of light/love/knowledge, kindness, energy and understanding that you would like to see in others) starts to become really tricky.

Well, as I see it you are not dealing with anything new. Refining our ability to be objective observers of reality and behaving correctly according to that objective reality is part of the job. Rather than complaining about how laborious this task can be and how frustrating it can be to get it wrong over and over again, we should take it as a motivating factor to improve and develop ourselves. On the other hand, it can be even more frustrating and even detrimental to others to act with overly specific expectations about the results we hope to achieve with our actions. Perhaps it is simply a matter of doing our best to do the right thing (in terms of the STO path, of course) and not expecting our actions to change the world, or even to expect them to change our immediate environment. Eventually, if we have done the right thing and someone else is prepared later on to capitalize on what we have given, the changes that need to occur will happen naturally and harmoniously, not according to our little understanding of how things should be.

I do also strongly ascribe to the idea that we (to a very large extent at least) do create our own reality, and that, if we find ourselves in a situation with which we are not happy with, it is ultimately up to us to make the necessary changes/adjustments etc. to actually better our own circumstances. Nevertheless, for most, often it's not that easy to recognize and/or make the necessary changes/adjustments at any given point in time to actually do so. For instance, given the degree to which the situation has already escalated (and from the looks of it things are still only getting started), for those of us who are genuinely striving to follow the STO path and be Keepers of Frequency (who are quite few in relation to the entire world population) it would surely be immensely beneficial to come closer together not only via digital and spiritual means but also via physical means. Like having a real life community of people walking together and supporting each other on the path towards 4d STO, but this is of course much easier said than done. In any case, in that way, we could actually be as sure as we can possibly be, that our light/love/knowledge, kindness, energy and understanding is not being misdirected/abused/drained etc. by those that have consciously or unconsciously chosen a different path but instead being shared with those who are in fact on the same path. This in turn would surely magnify the strength of all that which is being happily shared (given and received back) by those resonating at the same level of vibrational frequency. Last but not least in regards to this, the light/love/knowledge, kindness, energy and understanding that would be generated and emanated by such a close-knit group could then perhaps actually become the catalyst that is needed to change our entire reality!?

I would be careful with that line of thinking. Changing ourselves in the sense of improving ourselves cannot be subject to being in a comfortable environment, surrounded by collinear people and sending "light waves" to each other. Sure, it sounds nice to be in a community with like-minded people, but the real challenge of the 4th way is to do the work in an environment that is uncomfortable, inconvenient and challenging. Dreaming of sharing life in a collinear community can also be an escape mechanism for our psyche in the face of the difficulties presented by our immediate environment. Such fantasies can also be driven by impulses far less virtuous than we imagine, such as the search for security and protection in the group or simply the laziness of having to face the difficulties presented to us by our close environment. If we do our work well, are honest with ourselves and our support network (the forum in particular) and remain consistent in our efforts, our light/love/whatever should be less and less vulnerable to being misdirected/abused/drained. Perhaps once we have overcome many of these difficulties, once we have reached a certain degree of steadiness and solidity in our spirit, a possibility such as might open up in front of us, but I don't think it's a good idea to want to walk faster than our shoes

I mean, aren't the Cassiopaeans (who are supposed to be us in the future) something very similar to that? Namely a mind/body/spirit complex of gathered and growing souls (which must have met and joined forces at some point in "time" in every conceivable way or form) in the path towards higher consciousness and ultimately with the goal to eventually reunite with the DCM, the One Infinite Creator, Source Consciousness or whatever we choose to call that state? Now, I'm certainly not trying to get ahead of myself with these kinds of considerations, as I know that we are currently still a very long stretch away from all of that. That said, isn't what I shared above that which everyone who is genuinely on the STO path should actually be striving for? In all honesty, I really only have questions what this is concerned but it helps to share these with others, along with related thoughts, in the effort to learn more, arrive at deeper understandings and then hopefully be able to make decisions that will help us all to reach our shared goals.

I don't think the Cs got where they did by rushing together in a small community and retreating from the world around them as soon as things started to get complicated :-P

Anyway, I think the events that are unfolding around us are shocking, frightening, and raise doubts, but I am convinced that it is better to see them as a unique window of opportunity and a driving force to develop our consciousness and transform us into the people we aspire to become.
Here is where I wonder what the C's really/fully meant and whether my understanding about "saving" may actually be flawed or incomplete. I mean, are all of us (or some of us at least), actually capable of truly saving others and is that meant only in the 3d material sense (just for a while) or actually, and of course far more importantly, in the 4d spiritual sense??

My understanding of it was that the "saving" would be providing information to others once the purported 'transition to a new reality' occurs. The Cs have said that there will be many people who are dazed and confused about their surroundings at that point, and possibly vulnerable to manipulation by 'dark forces'. So providing the information we here all possess about the nature of that reality etc. etc. could, in theory, make a big difference and amount to "saving" others.

If you think about it, the only thing that really separates members here who have read and accepted (as a working hypothesis) the C's cosmology, and many 'normal' people in the world who have no idea whatsoever about that cosmology, is the cosmology itself. I think it would be very appropriate if it turns out that the primary point and benefit of the Cs transmissions and the goal of their transmitting that information/understanding, is the 'simple' fact of a decent sized group of people having that information to share with others who really need it.

3D lessons are up to us, with some help from the Cs. But their primary goal in communicating was/is for a post transition scenario where some people have the necessary information/knowledge. Their help in 3D lessons (while respecting free will) was to give us a better chance of getting there (to the post transition point). This is what makes most sense to me from the POV of coherence of the Cs teachings.
My understanding of it was that the "saving" would be providing information to others once the purported 'transition to a new reality' occurs. The Cs have said that there will be many people who are dazed and confused about their surroundings at that point, and possibly vulnerable to manipulation by 'dark forces'. So providing the information we here all possess about the nature of that reality etc. etc. could, in theory, make a big difference and amount to "saving" others.

If you think about it, the only thing that really separates members here who have read and accepted (as a working hypothesis) the C's cosmology, and many 'normal' people in the world who have no idea whatsoever about that cosmology, is the cosmology itself. I think it would be very appropriate if it turns out that the primary point and benefit of the Cs transmissions and the goal of their transmitting that information/understanding, is the 'simple' fact of a decent sized group of people having that information to share with others who really need it.
I liken it to the triage unit. We will be called to provide Spiritual, Emotional and Physical support for those who have had their entire belief systems up-ended, who now see they were indeed inside Plato's Cave and abused those who escaped & came back to try and bring them out into the Light. Those who believe there is nothing beyond this physical vessel, or believe eternal torment is next. It will require immense compassion, zero judgement and pure unconditional love. That is what I'm prepping for
The C's have also said there has been a frequency fence surrounding the planet and we have been held in that for eons. It is due to be lifted, not so much by outside help alone but by souls who are here at this time to do the job. To me, these teachings tell us that our job is to work on ourselves so we can actually BE points of light on the planet, changing the vibration here by bringing the light or information in.

Pretty much IMO, although "changing the vibration" and "bringing the light in" have a mundane practical application and, for human beings (and we'll still be human beings after any 'transition') that practical application is sharing information from one person to another via whatever medium (no pun intended!) is available. Speaking is one. Writing is another. Telepathy? Who knows!
I liken it to the triage unit. We will be called to provide Spiritual, Emotional and Physical support for those who have had their entire belief systems up-ended, who now see they were indeed inside Plato's Cave and abused those who escaped & came back to try and bring them out into the Light.

Pretty much what we've been trying to do for 20 years on the internet! To little avail though, at least for the vast majority of humans. The game changer may be that people will, as you say, at a certain point and after certain experiences, be much more open to what we've been saying, mainly because it'll be staring them in the face! Sadly, a lot of people need that kind of undeniable proof before they'll give up their sacred cows. No blame though. Life is tough.
It will require immense compassion, zero judgement and pure unconditional love.

Or just lots of repetition. Although it sounds like you're thinking in terms of physical death. According to the theory, that's not the scenario. It's more like waking up in a new reality. There'll be no sense of having died (so no traditional religious dogma may apply) just a sense of having been dragged backwards through a very long bush and popping out in a slightly weird place.
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Well, as I see it you are not dealing with anything new. Refining our ability to be objective observers of reality and behaving correctly according to that objective reality is part of the job. Rather than complaining about how laborious this task can be and how frustrating it can be to get it wrong over and over again, we should take it as a motivating factor to improve and develop ourselves. On the other hand, it can be even more frustrating and even detrimental to others to act with overly specific expectations about the results we hope to achieve with our actions. Perhaps it is simply a matter of doing our best to do the right thing (in terms of the STO path, of course) and not expecting our actions to change the world, or even to expect them to change our immediate environment. Eventually, if we have done the right thing and someone else is prepared later on to capitalize on what we have given, the changes that need to occur will happen naturally and harmoniously, not according to our little understanding of how things should be.

I would be careful with that line of thinking. Changing ourselves in the sense of improving ourselves cannot be subject to being in a comfortable environment, surrounded by collinear people and sending "light waves" to each other. Sure, it sounds nice to be in a community with like-minded people, but the real challenge of the 4th way is to do the work in an environment that is uncomfortable, inconvenient and challenging. Dreaming of sharing life in a collinear community can also be an escape mechanism for our psyche in the face of the difficulties presented by our immediate environment. Such fantasies can also be driven by impulses far less virtuous than we imagine, such as the search for security and protection in the group or simply the laziness of having to face the difficulties presented to us by our close environment. If we do our work well, are honest with ourselves and our support network (the forum in particular) and remain consistent in our efforts, our light/love/whatever should be less and less vulnerable to being misdirected/abused/drained. Perhaps once we have overcome many of these difficulties, once we have reached a certain degree of steadiness and solidity in our spirit, a possibility such as might open up in front of us, but I don't think it's a good idea to want to walk faster than our shoes

I don't think the Cs got where they did by rushing together in a small community and retreating from the world around them as soon as things started to get complicated :-P

Anyway, I think the events that are unfolding around us are shocking, frightening, and raise doubts, but I am convinced that it is better to see them as a unique window of opportunity and a driving force to develop our consciousness and transform us into the people we aspire to become.
Thanks, many valuable points to ponder in what you shared here. FWIW, I do often catch myself getting carried away with my own thoughts and wishing I could simply rush forward with different things. Definitely something I need to be mindful of.

Getting briefly back to the group topic though, I just finished re-reading the entire session from which the initial quote came from (which is definitely a very valuable session to read and re-read on its own!) and one of the parts which clearly stood out for me there within the given context was the following one:

Ark) I would like to make a comment. I think to a large extent, we don't really know what's going on around us. Whenever I go out and see what people are doing, all these young people are just like this [mimics walking around staring at smartphone in their hand]. This is their normal life!

(L) With their phone in their hand. Or earbuds in their ears, shutting out interactions with others.

(Ark) And this is normal life. There is no normal life at all!

(Joe) That's it.

(L) So going to so-called normal life is really going to abnormal life. The only place you can have a truly normal life is with a group of people sincerely seeking to grow and change...
Now, I'm not saying that we cannot make great progress within our own little segregated realities, as we can fortunately still network a lot via digital means, however, if under our given circumstances digital means are the only way through which we can actually genuinly connect and network with other people sincerely seeking to grow and change, then I wonder whether this can really be healthy and fruitful in the long-run given for instance what was also stated here:
(Pierre) And about what Ark said: that's their life. The face stuck to the screen. It's interesting in conjunction in what we said about how to conduct a healthy life and remove ourselves from STS influences. Imagine the antennas of people doing that and eating crap...

A: We warned strongly about electronic devices years ago!
The electronic devices and digital means we have today for communication are great in some ways but can clearly also be quite harmful in others. Moreover, I also certainly don't think that it's necessary for a group of this kind to be living all together under the same roof but living at least in closer proximity to each other (like within the same town or city), where one can more easily get together in a physical manner from time to time, could surely be beneficial for those involved. Just my two cents though.
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