Top Post-Collapse Barter Items And Trade Skills


FOTCM Member
Some of what's included in the following article may have been covered in other threads, but it may be useful to focus on Trade Skills that can be bartered in the likely event of an economic collapse.

As always, take some of the suggestions with heaping grains of salt!


The concept of private barter and alternative economies has been so far removed from our daily existence here in America that the very idea of participating in commerce without the use of dollars or without the inclusion of corporate chains seems almost outlandish to many people. However, the fact remains that up until very recently (perhaps the last three to four decades) barter and independent trade was commonplace in this country. Without it, many families could not have survived.

Whether we like it or not, such economic methods will be making a return very soon, especially in the face of a plunging dollar, inflating wholesale prices, erratic investment markets, and unsustainable national debts. It is inevitable; financial collapse of the mainstream system ALWAYS leads to secondary markets and individual barter. We can wait until we are already in the midst of collapse and weighted with desperation before we take action to better our circumstances, or, we can prepare now for what we already know is coming.

In today’s “modern” globalist economy, we have relied upon centralized and highly manipulated trade, forced interdependency, senseless and undisciplined consumption, endless debt creation, welfare addiction, and the erosion of quality, as a means to sustain a system that ultimately is DESIGNED to erode our freedoms not to mention our ability to effectively take care of ourselves. We have been infantized by our financial environment. In the near future, those who wish to live beyond a meager staple of government handouts (if any are even given) will be required to make a 180 degree reversal from their current lifestyle of dependency and immediate gratification towards one of self sufficiency, personal entrepreneurship, quality trade, and a mindset of necessity, rather than unfounded excess.

This means that each and every one of us will not only be driven to form barter networks outside the designated confines of the mainstream, we will have to become active producers within those networks. Each and every one of us will need to discover practical goods and skills that will be in high demand regardless of economic conditions. Being that our society has all but forgotten how this kind of trade works, let’s examine a short list of items as well as proficiencies that are sure to be highly sought after as the collapse progresses…

Top Priority Goods

To be sure, this list is a summary of items that will have high value during and after a breakdown scenario. I welcome readers to post their own ideas for trade goods below this article. The following is merely a framework which you can use to get started, and was compiled using actual accounts of post collapse trade from the Great Depression, to Bosnia, to Argentina, to Greece, etc. These are items and skills that people were literally begging for after financial catastrophe occurred in numerous separate events.

Water Filtration: Stock up on water filters. Learn how water filtration works. Even make your own water filters using cloth, activated charcoal, and colloidal silver. Everyone will want to trade with you if you have extra filtration on hand. During economic breakdowns, especially in countries like Argentina, and Bosnia, which had more modern, city based populations, the first thing to disappear was clean water. Always. In some cases, the tap water still runs, but is filled with impurities, and needs to be boiled. Boiling does not remove bad tastes or smells, however, and clean filtered water will be in demand.

Seeds: Non-GMO seeds are a currency unto themselves. They can last for years if stored properly, and everyone will want them, even if they don’t have land to plant them. Get enough for yourself, and then purchase twice as much for trade.

Fresh Produce: Ever heard of scurvy? Probably. Ever had scurvy? Probably not. Believe me, you don’t want to have it. Your body essentially begins to fall apart slowly, and the result is an ugly boil and sore filled complexion, the loss of teeth and hair, and the eventual failure of internal organs. Don’t think you can live on beef jerky and canned beans for months on end. You need fresh vegetables and fruits, and the vitamins they supply. Anyone with a well managed garden and a few fruit trees is going to do very well in barter. Vitamin supplements would also be a practical investment.

Long Shelf Life Foods: This one should be obvious, but you may be surprised how many preppers, even though aware of the danger in the economy, do not have ample stored foods. The rationalizations abound, but usually, you are dealing with a person who has a heavy hunting background, and believes he will be able to procure whatever food he wants whenever he wants with his trusty bolt action rifle and a few hours in the woods. Don’t fall into this foolish trap. Thousands if not millions of other hungry, destitute people will likely have the same idea, combing the forest for deer, only running into (and perhaps shooting at) each other. In every single account of modern economic collapse I have read, the people involved kick themselves brutally for not stocking more food that didn’t require refrigeration. Even those that were moderately prepared stated that they wished they had stored twice as much as they did.

Sealed food kits would be highly valued trade items, as long as they contained necessities like grains (wheat or rice store well), salt (the human body will not function without salt), honey or maple syrup (the body needs sugars), and powdered milk, peanut butter, or any other foods with fat content (the body needs fats). Prepackaged freeze-dried foods are more expensive to stock, but they are, of course, easy to trade.

Food Producing Animals: Chickens are great for eating, but they also produce eggs. Cows and Goats can be slaughtered, but they also produce milk. Sheep can be easily herded towards your dinner plate, but they also produce wool. Rabbits make a good stew, but they also produce lots of other rabbits. In terms of barter, these animals will be life savers, as well as a solid source of trade income. Dual purpose livestock are really where it’s at for those who have even an acre of land, and many of them (except cattle) tend to feed themselves easily if left to wander your property. You can trade eggs, milk, wool, etc, that they produce. Not to mention, fetch serious value for trading the animal itself.

Solar Power: Solar power is so overlooked by most barter organizations and survivalists in general that it’s astonishing. If every home in America had at least two large solar panels on the roof, I would not be half as worried about collapse as I am today. My suspicion is that many preppers believe that after a breakdown, we will all return to some kind of Agrarian pre-electric age where everything is lit with oil lamps. This is silly. If I have my LED lamp with rechargeable batteries, I’m certainly not going to rely on less effective burning lamps that depend on a finite fuel supply. And, I’m certainly not going to give up the advantages of nightvision, radio communications, or refrigeration if I can help it. The key is to ensure that you have a continuous means of diverting electricity to these goods. This already exists in the form of solar power.

Depending on your budget, you can purchase solar panels that can be folded and carried with you for charging batteries, or, you can purchase entire arrays and battery banks that run your whole house. Those without electricity WILL want electricity, and solar is an excellent barter item. Wind generators, as well as water driven generators (as used often in Bosnia) are also a consideration. People that have the knowledge to set up these systems for others will not have trouble finding trading partners.

Firewood: Even with solar power, home heating will become a major concern for every household during and after a breakdown. If you can avoid running your battery bank out on inefficient space heaters, you will. The best way to do this is with a wood stove, or a fireplace. Those without any electricity will scour their immediate areas for loose wood, then move on to chopping down random trees for fuel. This is one of the few instances, ironically, that those in urban environments would have an advantage, being that dry wood for burning is literally everywhere in the city. During the Great Depression, families would often sneak into abandoned homes and apartment buildings to dismantle sticks of furniture, or even the walls, to use as firewood.

A small, well insulated home can be heated with as little as two cords of wood every winter. Larger drafty homes require as much as twenty cords per winter. A “cord’ of wood is a stack of split timber around four feet wide, four feet high, and eight feet long. This wood is “aged”, or dried for at least a year after being cut, so that it burns cleaner, and creates much more heat than freshly felled timber. When the general public begins to rediscover the need for aged cord wood, those with timberland will have a prized commodity on their hands for barter.

A disciplined cutting routine would be essential. Only cutting enough timber (of the right maturity) to create a decent supply while not erasing the whole forest for a single year of profit. Those traders with the correct knowledge will do very well in a barter economy.

Gasoline And Oil: This is a tough one, because its hard to predict how much petroleum the U.S. will be able to import or produce on its own during a collapse, and its very difficult to store for long periods of time. If you hear news that the wars in the Middle East have expanded even further, or that OPEC is decoupling from the dollar, you might want to run to the nearest station and fill as many storage cans as possible, along with a little bit of added ‘gas saver’ which helps keep it stable longer. Initially, people will be dueling to the death for gas and oil. I have little doubt. After the price hits $15, $30, $60 a gallon due to hyperinflation, and a little time passes, I think people will begin finding ways to live without it, or they will reduce its use to emergency tasks.

Desire for gas will always be there, especially in agricultural areas where one tractor could help sow the seeds that feed an entire town. But beyond storage, I would suggest learning ways to distill your own corn ethanol and alcohol based fuels. This is where the real barter potential is.

Silver And Gold: I placed precious metals in the middle of this list for a reason. Concerns in a collapse situation will be varied, and the manner in which a derailment progresses will also determine the order of needs in a barter community. In a Mad Max scenario where there is little to no community, or the construction of any semblance of economy is impossible; sure, gold and silver will not be very high on most people’s lists. Has this ever happened in recorded history? No. Gold and silver have remained common currencies for thousands of years despite any catastrophe. This is why I have to laugh at those people who undercut precious metals or claim that because you “can’t eat them” they will not be important. In Argentina, in the midst of complete meltdown and monetary chaos, when people were shooting each other in the streets for food on a daily basis, gold and silver became king, and still are.

Barter networks that have formed in Argentina love to trade for anything made out of gold or silver, because precious metals are the only tangible form of currency in existence there. Being able to trade goods is fantastic, but sometimes, you may not have what another person wants. Do you go out to find someone who does, trade with them, then, try to find the guy who turned you down? No. If you have any meaningful localized commerce in place, then you should also have a common medium of exchange, and precious metals are the only thing that safely fits the mold, because they cannot be artificially reproduced or fabricated. Their rarity and their longevity make them the perfect method of common trade. Even if the worst of the worst occurs, rebuilding will result in the immediate resurgence of trade, and the immediate need of a new currency. Gold and silver will come back, as it always has, and always will. Every potential barter network should be including gold, silver, and maybe copper, on its list of accepted alternative currencies, and the values of said metals should be weighed by the inherent supply and demand of the community. The “official” market value ( which is very manipulated) should only be used as a loose guide.


Various Tools: A garden hoe may be a novelty item to most suburbanites and city dwellers now, but soon, it will be a mainstay tool. If you have extra, they will come to you for barter. I’m not going to list every tool in existence here, but I suggest using common sense. What tools do you see being required for daily use? What would YOU need post collapse?

Pesticides: I’m big on organic food and healthy eating, but if my life is on the line, I’m spraying my crops down with whatever poison I can find. Unless you have years of experience with natural pest deterrence methods, then I suggest you do the same, especially in that first year of calamity. A hoard of locusts could annihilate your crop within a day given the chance, and should be dealt with using the most powerful means available.

Cockroach and rat poisons will also be huge sellers, guaranteed. Vermin thrive in unkempt human environments, whether in the country or the city, and with them comes disease. Diseases you thought had disappeared off the face of the Earth, like bubonic plague or small pox, will make a comeback in cities, where streets of death and sewage act like enormous Petri dishes (remember New Orleans after Katrina? Imagine if that had never been cleaned up).

Stock pesticides, even if they offend your environmental sensibilities. You’ll use them, trust me. And, people will trade whatever they can for them.

Warm Clothing: The world is awash in textiles and clothing. Using clothes as your primary means of trade is not necessarily the best plan. However, most of the clothes made around the world are very poor quality, and are not designed for harsh environments. Clothes made specifically for harsh cold or rough wear are harder to some by, and are often very expensive. This is where you would want to focus your investments.

Gortex, for instance, could give you incredible bartering potential. Wool socks are a rarity (how many people do you know with more than two pairs of wool socks?). Water resistant and water proof jackets and overcoats, boots, well made hiking shoes, and waterproofing chemicals and sprays will be needed within trade networks. The ability to make these items, or repair them, will also be valued.

Medicines: This is another difficult item to procure, mainly because doing so often gets you flagged as a possible drug dealer. Certain items aren’t too hard to come by and store, though, and could be life saving barter material in the future. Antibiotics are handed out like candy by doctors today, so storing any extra you have away for trade may be a good strategy. Painkillers are another medical miracle that doctors seem to sprinkle out of helicopters without a second thought. With the risk of injury increasing one hundred fold after a financial tsunami, I suspect even mere aspirin would put a smile on the face of any barter networker.

Eventually, natural medicines and herbs are going to have to move to the forefront, as industry medicines begin to disappear, or become so expensive they are unobtainable. Stocking such herbs and vitamins would be smart, for protecting oneself, not to mention, its savvy business sense.

Toiletries: Yes, yes, we all hear about how great toilet paper will be as a barter item, and how preppers plan to demand cows, trucks, and beach-front property, in return for packages of the silken quilty-soft huggable rolls of goodness. I don’t disagree that it will be highly desired at first. People don’t change their habits that quickly. But let’s face it; toilet paper is a luxury item in a post collapse environment, not a necessity. People are going to eventually go back to older methods of hygiene, like using strips of washable cloth. It might sound gross to us now, but hey, did you think we were going to start using poison ivy and pinecones?

Stock toilet paper, but don’t treat it as a priority. Focus more on cleaning items like soap, toothpaste, and bleach, as well as chemicals that cause human waste to quickly biodegrade. Staying clean is VERY important, because the alternative is catching a nasty bacterial infection that may kill you, when in more peaceful and comfortable times, it may have just given you slightly irritating intestinal distress. The rest of the country will come around to this way of thinking in short order, and many people will come to you for the cleaning goods you stockpiled.

Specialty Items: There are many circumstances that are hard to predict, circumstances that could severely affect barter markets and what items come into demand. For example; a nuclear event, as is in progress in Japan, could just as easily strike the U.S. There are 104 nuclear power plants in the U.S., not to mention the threat of a small nuclear attack (or false flag). The market for goods such as potassium iodide pills and Geiger counters would explode (potassium iodide suppliers were inundated with orders from around the world after Fukushima). How many people do you know with a Geiger counter? I’m one of the few I know with one, and I know preppers across the country! In the wake of a fallout situation, knowing what is contaminated with radiation and what isn’t, knowing if it’s even safe to go outside, is imperative. Having an extra Geiger counter could help you barter your way into any number of goods.

A biological event might bring medical grade particulate masks to the top of people’s lists, as well as disinfectants and even hazmat suits. It’s an ugly thing to imagine, but for those who plan to engage in independent trade, it’s a likelihood that must be considered.

Top Priority Skills

Provided below is a brief list of skills which have served people well in various economic downturns, and will do the same for you in this country. Keep in mind that almost any skill that other people cannot do well has potential for trade, but some skills are more sought after than others. In my research, it is those people who are able to produce their own goods as well as effectively repair existing goods that have the greatest potential for survival in a barter market. Next, are those people who have specific abilities that are difficult to learn and who have the knack for teaching those abilities to others. If you do not have any of these skills, or perhaps only one, then it would be wise to begin learning at least one more now. Keep in mind that competition will very much exist in a barter economy, so knowing as many skills as possible increases your chances of success.

Mechanic, Engine Repair



Firearms Repair, Ammo Reloading


Architect, Home Reinforcement

Agriculture, Farming Expertise, Seed Saving, Animal Care

Bee Keeping

Doctor, Medical Assistant


Well Construction, Water Table Expertise

Engineer, Community Planning, Manufacturing, Electrical

Firearms Proficiency, Security, Self Defense Planning

Martial Arts Training

Wild Foods Expert



Sewing, Textiles

Soap Making, Candle Making, Hygiene Products

Small Appliance Repair

Electronics Repair

HAM Radio Expert

Homeschooling, Tutoring

Again, there are definitely many more trades of value that could be learned. This list is only to help you on your way to self sufficiency and entrepreneurship in an Alternative Market. Unfortunately, too many Americans have absolutely no skills worth bartering in a post collapse world.

Bringing Back The American Tradesman

Barter networking is a powerful tool for countering the affects of depression, hyperinflation, stagflation, globalization, and beyond. But, networks require that participants actually have necessary goods and services to trade. In only half a century or less, American culture has been sterilized of nearly all its private trade skills. We have lost our desire to produce, and have been relegated to the dregs of a retail nightmare society dependent entirely on consumption and debt. This is going to change, one way, or another.

We can change on our own, or we can wait until fear and desperation force us to make hard choices. I would rather forgo the desperation and the painful fall into the gutter. It makes little sense.

The bottom line is, if you wish to survive after the destruction of the mainstream system that has babied us for so long, you must be able to either make a necessary product, repair a necessary product, or teach a necessary skill. A limited few have the capital required to stockpile enough barter goods or gold and silver to live indefinitely. The American Tradesman must return in full force, not only for the sake of self preservation, but also for the sake of our heritage at large. Without strong, independent, and self sufficient people, this country will cease to be.
Tomek said:
Thanks for this little reminder, Ennio

You're welcome, Tomek. Certainly got me thinking about situations that would require either something to barter or practical skills that are valued under tough circumstances.
I think it is an interesting list, but I have a few comments and I would like to add some skills. FWIW.
Maybe we could jot down more ideas. What can we do when the plague hits us? If I am not mistaken Laura and Psyche mentioned on SOTT that colloidal silver was vital, as is tobacco and bone broth. Anything else? :D

The author mentions rat poison, but rats are getting immune, so that's no use. Making traps would be more efficient. How do you deal with wild dogs and cats?
The author is unfamiliar with the principles of permaculture (I'm no expert either), but I am sure that there other ways that can avoid pesticides and all that.

Some skills that may also be valuable: teaching others how to stay safe. Can we avoid situations like those in Argentina where people shot each other for food? Are there other ways to go about that?

Skills like cleaning and cooking? I am not highly skilled, but I could do that and take care of kids. Also, these are skills that older people could take on, just like sewing and mending.

Teaching people how to deal with stress: EE, Peter Levine's techniques

Teaching people about general health issues. Instead of getting lynched people could inform others how to avoid the plague, which herbs to use, and the other things that I have mentioned above.

Thanks Ennio, great topic. :) :cool2:

Added: I once heard that layers of clothing instead of one woollen jumper keeps one warmer, but I could be wrong. So, maybe no need for expensive Gortex clothing.
Mariama said:
Added: I once heard that layers of clothing instead of one woollen jumper keeps one warmer, but I could be wrong. So, maybe no need for expensive Gortex clothing.

You're right several thin layers of clothes is much better than one single thick layer because air is a much better insulator than fabric. That's the reason why quality down protects very well from the cold: the feathers are surrounded with many air molecules but at the same time they prevent them from circulating.

Several layers of wool or silk will protect from static dry cold air but if you want to get protected from wind you'll need to add a wind breaker.

If you want to be protected from rain you'll need a water proof membrane but the problem of the cheap membranes is that they are waterproof both ways: the rain doesn't go in but the sweat doesn't go out.

Goretex is one kind of patented breathable membrane amongst many other one (Polartech, Novadry, Pertex, Omnidry...). Those membranes are wind proof, waterproof and of course breathable. Their principle is based on the fact that water vapor molecules are much smaller than liquid water. Those membrane have tiny holes big enough for vapor to go through but small enough to block water.

Breathable membranes are not insulator they are usually worn over warm clothes like wool and/or silk.

Every membrane will propose a compromise between breathability - usually measured in grams of evacuated water vapor over 24 hours - and water resistance, usually measured in Schmerber. One Schmerber is equal to 1 mm of water column. In theory it means that if you're under a storm that drops 100 mm of water per hour and you stay for 24 hours under this storm you'll need a membrane that has at least 2400 Schmerber if you want to remain dry.

Some manufacturers proposes clothes integrating several layers of breathable membranes. In such a case water resistance is very high but breathability is limited. Such equipment is good for spending hours hours at the helm of a sailboat in a storm (lots of water projection and not much activity, so sweating is limited). Single layers will be more adapted to activities like intense trekking in light rain, where you need a lot of breathability and limited rain protection.

In conclusion before buying "Gore Tex" clothes, which can be quite expensive, it's wise to know what they will be used for and what their true breathability and water resistance are.
Thanks Belibaste, for your explanation. :)

I once had a Gortex coat and wore it over I don't how many layers of (cotton) clothing and I remember that I was still shivering. ;) At the time I didn't know what to look for.
OK, I do not exactly know what will happen. Spot light collection from our newer history to get an impression and make some estimation what could happen:
After 2nd World War cigarettes were here a second currency besides the Reichsmark. There were black markets, where there were goods you did not get otherwise. There was "just enough" food for (most) normal people during and not enough the first years after the war. People especially from the cities travelled to the farms and tried to get food in exchange for almost everything they did not immediately need for surviving. This was called hamstering and discourgaged from the government. Some of them even stole food from the fields (hunger!) and coals from trains because of major shortages. Food and clothes were rationed and without stamp cards you did not get them. People had to take in others without roof over the head (Bombed out, refugees). A lot of people kept some hens and/or rabbits. Gardening was done also at any odd places. Bycicles (tires and inner tubes were much mended somestimes), handcarts (also prams) were very useful to transport goods and people. Looting was forbidden and loothers were punished immediately by the others when got caught. The law never broke completely down. It was normally followed by the normal persons during the whole time with some exceptions connected to food/warmth. Cities were bombed and people lost their home from one minute to another. Violence tended to go out from governance, troops and psychopaths. Very bad things happened to people, who were imprisoned in camps, who tried to flee from eastern Germany and to those who lived after the war outside the borders of the region which is now Germany and Austria.

For other examples you may also want to check primary sources / journals e.g. about the wars in Yougoslavia in the nineties, the 2nd WW in Britain, the settlement years in Northern America, etc

Maybe this is just noise.

Hygiene Products
There will be a need for hygiene products for women when they are running out of their one-way products. Alternatives are menstrual cups, cloth menstrual pads and menstrual sponges. The pads can be easily made when you have some sewing skills. As material you can use used cotton clothes, which absorbs fluids (like e.g flannel, cotton bed clothes). When outside home you may need a waterproof bag to store the used ones. The used cloth menstrual pads should be soaked and rinsed to remove blood before washing them. I also used menstrual cups and litlle sponges. It took me a while before I knew how to insert the menstrual cups without discomfort but they are comfortable to wear. The songes leaked during the first days with heavy flow and there may be issues when not cleaned thoroughly. I made myself some panty liners and cloth menstrual pads a couple of years ago and I still like to use them.

Some more information can be found here:

Martial Arts Training
For most persons it takes years to learn martial arts enough to be able to use more than the basics. And you need to practise them regularly.
When you intend to learn it or teach it to others: A few basic self defence techniques (practiced regularly), de-escalation knowledge, running very fast when needed and knowledge how to avoid or peacefully handle certain situations are maybe more appropriate.
Using martial arts to defend yourself and others may be useful but only for emergencies. :)

Sewing, Textiles
The basics of most of these are learned very easily: Mending, sewing, knitting, crocheting, carding, spinning, patchwork, quilting, weaving, felting and other techniques from fiber to cloth and clothes.
The traditional method to keep out wind and rain were oilskin, maybe waxed cloth, leather, felted wool, coats or jackets or very closely knitted wool sweaters/jerseys/gansies. Also a hat or putting dry gras (newspaper) under the clothers or in your shoes is very useful.
Maybe useful: How to make simple clothes, bedding, tent/shelter
Knowledge how to make the tools for the techniques above.

I read about a woman, who made little dolls from handkerchiefs or small clothes for barter after the war. She wrote a book about how to make these dolls, so I assume those dolls were good for barter.

In the past the people liked to gather and do something for entertainment.
Musik, Singing, Storytelling (Historytelling), Judy and Punch, Circus, ...
Thank you Ennio for posting this thread.

Most every time I go to the grocery store I buy bags of Real Salt. I believe salt is going to be a big ticket item. You can do so much with salt. Preserving food, drinking salt water to keep healthy and so on. I might even by the Morton`s regular salt for trade and keep the Real salt around for us. I`m thinking too of stocking up on magnesium and bags of Epsom salts.
Dirgni said:
OK, I do not exactly know what will happen. Spot light collection from our newer history to get an impression and make some estimation what could happen:
After 2nd World War cigarettes were here a second currency besides the Reichsmark. There were black markets, where there were goods you did not get otherwise. There was "just enough" food for (most) normal people during and not enough the first years after the war. People especially from the cities travelled to the farms and tried to get food in exchange for almost everything they did not immediately need for surviving. This was called hamstering and discourgaged from the government. Some of them even stole food from the fields (hunger!) and coals from trains because of major shortages. Food and clothes were rationed and without stamp cards you did not get them. People had to take in others without roof over the head (Bombed out, refugees). A lot of people kept some hens and/or rabbits. Gardening was done also at any odd places. Bycicles (tires and inner tubes were much mended somestimes), handcarts (also prams) were very useful to transport goods and people. Looting was forbidden and loothers were punished immediately by the others when got caught. The law never broke completely down. It was normally followed by the normal persons during the whole time with some exceptions connected to food/warmth. Cities were bombed and people lost their home from one minute to another. Violence tended to go out from governance, troops and psychopaths. Very bad things happened to people, who were imprisoned in camps, who tried to flee from eastern Germany and to those who lived after the war outside the borders of the region which is now Germany and Austria.

For other examples you may also want to check primary sources / journals e.g. about the wars in Yougoslavia in the nineties, the 2nd WW in Britain, the settlement years in Northern America, etc

This just got me thinking that not only do we want to prepare by stocking a bit on the necessities, but that we also want to be aware of new sources for the things we will need. This is where networking, not only here, but with neighbors, friends, acquaintances, acquaintances of acquaintences etc. may be crucial. We will likely not have all the things we need when we need them - or when we foresee a need for them, and that's when knowing and anticipating what can be bought, bartered, traded, and with whom, will come into the fore.

Another dimension to all this is getting used to the probable reality of the various scenarios we are faced with. It's the relative calm before the storm right now, it seems. If anyone hasn't had a listen yet, yesterday's SOTT talk radio program entitled 'Surviving the 'End of the World (as we Know it)' was simply excellent. Just as crucial to the idea that preparing for the coming changes is important, is the psychological attitude / approach to doing it.

And the thread about the show:,32605.0.html

Nancy2feathers said:
Most every time I go to the grocery store I buy bags of Real Salt. I believe salt is going to be a big ticket item. You can do so much with salt. Preserving food, drinking salt water to keep healthy and so on. I might even by the Morton`s regular salt for trade and keep the Real salt around for us. I`m thinking too of stocking up on magnesium and bags of Epsom salts.

Seems like a good way to go about it; stocking up on those things that we know we (and others) will absolutely need, and that will help to keep us healthy. High quality salt is a great idea, btw. High in minerals, and you can use it to bathe in like epsom salts if you have enough of the stuff, though epsom salts are probably better for that purpose. Also having items specifically for the intention of trading with ie. average quality salt, rice, beans, sugar, liquor (as has been mentioned elsewhere along with a host of other things) sounds like a good idea.
Dirgni said:
OK, I do not exactly know what will happen. Spot light collection from our newer history to get an impression and make some estimation what could happen:
After 2nd World War cigarettes were here a second currency besides the Reichsmark. There were black markets, where there were goods you did not get otherwise. There was "just enough" food for (most) normal people during and not enough the first years after the war. People especially from the cities travelled to the farms and tried to get food in exchange for almost everything they did not immediately need for surviving. This was called hamstering and discourgaged from the government. Some of them even stole food from the fields (hunger!) and coals from trains because of major shortages. Food and clothes were rationed and without stamp cards you did not get them. People had to take in others without roof over the head (Bombed out, refugees). A lot of people kept some hens and/or rabbits. Gardening was done also at any odd places. Bycicles (tires and inner tubes were much mended somestimes), handcarts (also prams) were very useful to transport goods and people. Looting was forbidden and loothers were punished immediately by the others when got caught. The law never broke completely down. It was normally followed by the normal persons during the whole time with some exceptions connected to food/warmth. Cities were bombed and people lost their home from one minute to another. Violence tended to go out from governance, troops and psychopaths. Very bad things happened to people, who were imprisoned in camps, who tried to flee from eastern Germany and to those who lived after the war outside the borders of the region which is now Germany and Austria.

For other examples you may also want to check primary sources / journals e.g. about the wars in Yougoslavia in the nineties, the 2nd WW in Britain, the settlement years in Northern America, etc

Thanks for the historical information, Dirgni. :)

Ennio said:
This just got me thinking that not only do we want to prepare by stocking a bit on the necessities, but that we also want to be aware of new sources for the things we will need. This is where networking, not only here, but with neighbors, friends, acquaintances, acquaintances of acquaintences etc. may be crucial. We will likely not have all the things we need when we need them - or when we foresee a need for them, and that's when knowing and anticipating what can be bought, bartered, traded, and with whom, will come into the fore.

Maybe we could learn from these Local exchange trading systems (LETS)?

Nancy2feathers said:
Most every time I go to the grocery store I buy bags of Real Salt. I believe salt is going to be a big ticket item. You can do so much with salt. Preserving food, drinking salt water to keep healthy and so on. I might even by the Morton`s regular salt for trade and keep the Real salt around for us. I`m thinking too of stocking up on magnesium and bags of Epsom salts.
E. said:
Seems like a good way to go about it; stocking up on those things that we know we (and others) will absolutely need, and that will help to keep us healthy. High quality salt is a great idea, btw. High in minerals, and you can use it to bathe in like epsom salts if you have enough of the stuff, though epsom salts are probably better for that purpose. Also having items specifically for the intention of trading with ie. average quality salt, rice, beans, sugar, liquor (as has been mentioned elsewhere along with a host of other things) sounds like a good idea.

I bought a 25 kilo bag of Celtic Salt the other day and it wasn't too expensive. I paid 60 euros, including shipping.
On my list of things to stock up on, including 1st aid items, I`m looking to buy a pair of Mickey Mouse (bunny style) boots. No, not Mickey Mouse from Disney World. These boots are Army issued severe cold weather boots. The 'bunny style' is good to -60 degrees. I had a pair years ago when I endured some very cold weather in the mts of PA. Don`t know what happened to them, but I see them on Ebay for about $40.00 plus $12 for shipping. I can honestly say these boots will keep your feet warm in severe cold weather. I have chilblains on my toes, so I need to take care in cold weather. I was reading this thread and couldn`t help but to think of revising my list and adding more cold weather gear. :cool2:
Thanks Ennio for the helpful list ;)

Speaking of trade skills and post collapse items:

I recently purchased a homemade salve/dry hand ointment that is made with Beef tallow. The product is called Mother's Making Tallowed Touch it comes in a small tin about .5 ounces for around $8.00 it is available on, I purchased it at a local farm and they had several different scented tallow products available.

The ingredients were very basic:
  • 100% Grassfed beef tallow, infused with rose petals and vanilla beans
  • Extra Virgin olive oil, palm arosa essential oil

Wondering if anyone has made such a product and if there is a recipe available?

This product is something that is really useful for dry chapped hands, callous and blisters from manual labor and excessive dishwashing :umm:

In addition I would imagine that these types of salves and hand remedies could also be made with excess pork fat from old bacon grease ;)
'Awapuhi said:
The ingredients were very basic:
  • 100% Grassfed beef tallow, infused with rose petals and vanilla beans
  • Extra Virgin olive oil, palm arosa essential oil

Wondering if anyone has made such a product and if there is a recipe available?

The WAPF folks published an article recently that put the ratio at 8:1, tallow to olive oil - then add whatever essential oils you like. This ratio makes the result pretty stiff so you may want to experiment with it.
Thanks LQB

I will try this recipe you posted and check out the WAPF folks, experimenting with various essential oils sounds like a great idea :lol:
appreciate the helpful hints, I'll report back on how the salves turn out!
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