Treating folliculitis


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Folliculitis is basically an infected hair follicle or better known as an ingrown hair. I went to the doctor yesterday due to a big, red, warm, painful and swollen bump on the back of my head where the neck and head meet and they pulled a hair out of the bump and told me the bump was due to an ingrown hair. I've had ingrown hairs before, but this one seems to be the mother of all ingrowns and it really hurts - hard to move my head without pain.

I was given an anti-bacterial liquid to put on it, told to continue using hot compresses (which I was doing prior to going to the doctor) to help drain the bump and take motrin for the pain. The doctor decided not to put me on antibiotics since the infection was localized to the bump area and I wasn't running a fever.

Does any one have any recommendations for remedies to help the bump heal? Specifically any kind of mixtures and the such to use in the warm compress.
In things to use for cuts/scrapes and other minor skin damage; the afore-mentioned tea tree oil or lavender oil (antibacterials) or emu oil (emollient & seems to help healing.)

In plants, plantain ("plantago major" I think - there are other plants called plantain, but this one is short and makes seeds like a rat's tail) and yarrow are always useful in such things. I never used calendula tincture myself, but I've heard it being warmly recommended.

If you're worried about the infection, may I suggest taking vitamin C tablets? That's what I would do anyway. If you want to use vitamin C topically you have to get a special kind, but taking them internally would support the immune system generally, and that'll probably be enough.
Thanks everyone for the replies. I upped my Vit C intake today and plan to look into what you recommended.
My father has suffered with Folliculitis for decades and what has finally worked for him is the topical use of colloidal silver.
Mike said:
Does any one have any recommendations for remedies to help the bump heal? Specifically any kind of mixtures and the such to use in the warm compress.
Hi Mike,

I use a product for razor bumps and burn called Tend Skin liquid ( It also helps with ingrown hairs. This product was a recommendation of a girl whose boyfriend is black. Black people have curly hair that tends to ingrow.

Mind you, some of the other suggestions sound cheaper.

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