Viewing the board from Bolivia


The Force is Strong With This One
Rafael Bautista is a philosopher Aymara pondering about current geopolitical movements. The following is one of his last articles analyzing the geopolitical situation of Latin American interest.

I copy the text knowing that Rafael will agree to.

¿Of the blockade on Cuba to lock ALBA?

Rafael Bautista S.

If the purpose of the blockade on Cuba was to isolate this revolution and thus ordered to starvation; the recent announcement of opening of bilateral relations between the US and Cuba, is the end of the blockade or the announcement of a new one? Because from the fall in oil prices, the new Western counter (against the BRICS) provides a new lock budding; It's not just a declared against Russia and Iran, but also against Venezuela (and, ultimately, against ALBA) war. As a result of induced collapse of oil, the Bolivarian revolution seems to emerge into another starvation, adjuvanted this time by a master stroke geopolitical Washington; because the anti-imperialist discourse Maduro deflated once Cuba "normalized" relations with the Empire.

In every strategic move, there's a third, but in this case, not only about Venezuela but throughout the ALBA, as this decision not only disturbs the governments of the region but shows that, ultimately, beyond the integrationist rhetoric, too raw own survival. Unfortunately that is the norm in all new global geopolitical reconfiguration; all about surviving in a new order. That knows the Empire, so prefer not to deal with bilateral and joint blocks (which was what pointed the creation of ALBA). Beyond the moral triumph that represents, for the island, the admission of the failure of the gringa policy towards Cuba, striking ignorance of the ALBA governments had regard and, moreover, the "timely" notice of Obama in the midst of two major Latin American summits. Although not the end of the blockade on Cuba, in the words of President Maduro -in the MERCOSUR could guess what was left locked with that decision, Venezuela (is that to unlock you have to block another?).

To make matters worse, the silence of Fidel becomes more uncomfortable the subject (also have been surprised as it was Maduro?); because if it was known political pragmatism that had been showing the government of Raul Castro, no one could suspect a deal of this magnitude and, above all, wrapped in the middle of a hybrid war that Washington sponsors, using all his global financial infrastructure. Are presidents were precipitated or all part of a strategy prepared USA after China he snatched the initiative of free trade in the Pacific? Recall that the recent "Forum Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation", culminated in the creation of "Free Trade Area of ​​the Asia-Pacific", where China sits hegemony even TPP countries and the Pacific Alliance (USA bastions against Chinese) ascent.

If any global geopolitical re all about surviving, it seems that the Cuban bet precipitates and is subsumed by the imperial geopolitics, which does not consider favorable to their interests frank Latin American economic and political integration. Bolivia also announced a resumption of diplomatic relations with USA, leaving uncomfortable to Venezuela that will also see the need to fight for theirs. If so, what ALBA, CELAC, UNASUR and MERCOSUR is? If there is no clear geostrategic perspective, all you refuncionalizadas could be under the authority of a new imperial hegemony recomposition. No one denies the repatriation of Cuban heroes or cessation of hostilities, but what we want to emphasize is that the supposed opening is no stranger to the recent counter-offensive that has unleashed USA and NATO against the BRICS, the Shanghai group, ALBA and all hostile to the gringa supremacy block. And Venezuela is in the imperial gaze, the key to start an offensive against the whole region link. Not only will you remove the economic support to the Bolivarian revolution (with falling oil prices) but also the discursive frame (for his anti-imperialism loses his best argument).

The reactions of our countries have been too naive and, at that, not only misplaced but everyone has managed disunite. Venezuela is the most affected, but if there is a serious balance of geostrategic situation (which might just be common), this involvement could be expanded to the whole of balance now. As in previous episodes (the blow to Honduras, or kidnapping of Bolivian presidential plane), our countries still do not weigh the magnitude of the stakes geopolitical re assuming the Empire; because by not building an effective political and economic community, each continues to ensure its stability unilaterally. That's the best way to corner our countries to a kind of marginal survival, never build an effective union. This absence feeds the imperial pretensions. Bet of the Cuban government is very pragmatic: before a possible shortfall in Venezuelan aid (due to the unstable situation in the economy), opt for a normalization of relations, which would lead to trade liberalization and therefore a dangerous dizzying assimilation the US market. What could not lock well could achieve trade: liberalize the economy to dissolve the revolution.

It was in the MERCOSUR meeting the discomfort produced an ad that deflates one of the flag arguments of Latin American anti-imperialism was noted. We must also emphasize that, by failing to update, strategically, anti-imperialist discourse, it is at the mercy of pure nostalgia without decisive impact on the present. The mere insistence condemning the blockade was the letter he served the Empire to deflate the anti-imperialism of our governments, leaving no arguments presidents who could not do otherwise than to greet the statements of President Obama. That is noteworthy almost no geopolitical perspective that our states manifest and preventing them better way to diagnose the transition to a multipolar world (which could address regionally towards zero-polarity, more relevant to the global South). It seems that the episode of the kidnapping of Bolivian presidential plane was used very little, because the null strategic response showing our countries to the imperial onslaught, merely finding, to our dismay, that our governments are still gullible in geopolitical matters.

The terms stated the declaration of the Cuban government, keep the amargores have lived representing the "special period" and, above all, having lived that alone. When all the OAS turned his back to the Cuban revolution, it persisted heroic, no more support than he could find in the former USSR. When it happened the missile crisis, and the world was on the brink of nuclear war, Cuba was the scapegoat who bore all the pain, for Americans and Soviets negotiated everything behind the most affected, who remained forever strangled and yet survived. He survived inspiring liberation of our people.

Since then the release was understood not as an isolated but joint bet. That was the legacy of Fidel and, of course, Hugo Chavez. From Bolívar that was the only real possibility of hemispheric independence. So concerned that the unit will be reduced by geopolitical gambetas that dislodged so our countries, the reaction that can offer shows the persistence of colonial structures even in the revolutionary classes.

Although the blockade was lifted, another lock seems to be looming, but not only against Venezuela. Do not forget that US policy is not decided by the president but by the petro-military-financial complex; Congress remain with the Oil Party, an agreement as part of a proposed between lobbies lurking White House exchange may occur: "give in" Cuba but recapture Venezuela and its oil. Delegitimize the Bolivarian revolution is part of the hybrid wars, ie unconventional wars affecting wars of disinformation, cyberwarfare and promoting lethal "constructive chaos."

Although the blockade of Cuba was part of the Cold War, once finished this and balkanized the former USSR, the blockade continues, as this not only served as a warning but meant the prevalence of the Monroe Doctrine. The announcement made John Kerry, apropos to this doctrine, only confirmed its relevance in American foreign policy (from Madeleine Albright to Hilary Clinton, one can read between the lines Manifest Destiny founded the gringo exceptionalism).

Not only creating the Pacific Alliance but other instances have been showing the American insistence on undermining any possibility of regional independence. The most immediate is undermining Chinese influence. In the Caribbean, the Chinese presence is disturbing to USA (added to this Russian influence); why a strategic recapture the Caribbean is needed, and no better than the media coverage of the resumption of relations with Cuba. This is a geopolitical counteroffensive. USA can not renounce its Mediterranean, ie the Caribbean. Nor Obama can afford to be seen as the president who lost Latin America. If the Republican Party, considered the Oil Party, no frowns Obama's announcement, other funders of US policy (linked to the Democrats) welcomes the decision, because it is always about the expansion of capital; why Thomas Donohue, who is president of the Chamber of Commerce, highlights, in terms that sound like the run of free trade agreements, "an open and trade between private sectors of both countries dialogue generate public benefits" and ends by noting that "the US business community welcomes today's announcement."

Apparently, under sophisticated stratagems of foreign policy are detonating weapons of mass destruction, amid the new planetary reconfiguration is to secure strategic areas for the restructuring of the US economy (military power is just an appendix of royal power , that is responsible for creating the conditions for the reproduction of the dollar). If the resumption of relations between the US and Cuba a rift with other ALBA countries were to occur, the intention of the American game would be confirmed. Isolating Venezuela, others will not suffer a better fate; as has been already said, where there is no economic regionalization processes inevitably happen Balkanization processes.

What the ALBA proposed, with Chavez and Fidel, was the pooling of efforts to initiate a joint political and economic independence. Cuba was tenacious and was an example; and when it appeared Chavez, Kirchner, Evo, Correa, Lula, Pepe Mujica, etc., in the words of Fidel, the island was no longer island. The integration seemed assured when the Empire was cornered in the Middle East. Now that alone is Venezuela, how can sustain an integration if, to survive, at any price, begins to spread bilateralism, always relevant to the imperial domain? With China had achieved a permanent forum with the CELAC, ie, a new agenda of trade and economic relations between the region and China relations, simultaneously; which seemed to leave behind the history of the Empire always functional bilateral negotiations (isolated are easy to master), because the asymmetry is always the insurmountable factor for our countries.

The collapse in oil prices had an impact on the alternatives that presented the Cuban government; the deterioration of the Venezuelan economy appears as an unflattering shade to the island if Venezuelans also opt to survive at all costs, Cubans would too concerned. We are now in the midst of a cold war, where economic war is expressed in the deliberate crash in oil prices; only the naive geopolitical not realize that the price of oil has always been political. And what is happening today is not the product of the vagaries of supply and demand but the manipulation of the hand of the market, it's not invisible but highly visible and well armed.

The post-Crimea compels decaying unipolar power to make a tactical retreat and make use of its global financial infrastructure. But the risks are considerable. The unleashed multidimensional offensive against Russia, compounded by the falling price of oil, which is seriously damaged budget balance of countries like Iran and Venezuela (Qatar only and the UAE could survive with oil below $ 70 US) seems part of a declaration of war that the US and NATO announced to the world: the world will not be distributed.

Financially the world is hostage to the dollar, since the binomial dollar-oil has been the mainstay of world order since Bretton Woods, but since oil has been returning to national hands, the order is no longer current order and disorder deregulated the oil market is what is causing large extent, the global uncertainty. All imperial onslaught try to mess everything to impose a more vertical order, which would translate into a new energy map; NAFTA is an example of this, as on that integration of USA, Canada and Mexico (especially for oil in the Gulf and north of Aztec country), would be to hold the US energy stability.

The gringa strategy is to control strategic areas of privileged access to energy sources, which gives deterrent to other powers. Countering China's rise is combined with a multidimensional war against an economically vulnerable Russia (although listed gas and oil in other currencies, which makes it less dependent on the dollar); like other economies which, interestingly, make up the list of hostile countries gringa (hard to Venezuela and Ecuador hold its fiscal budget at current oil prices). But this economic war that promotes USA also has negative consequences on their own production, thanks to unconventional hydrocarbons, guarantees (though debatable) self-sufficiency.

But the onslaught against ALBA, its fracturing involves another issue that starts to become relevant. Since 2006, USA has been promoting and preparing (NAFTA) conditions for the transition to a new currency, with the probable and possible apocalypse dollar. As to alleviate the enormous debt gringa (ranging from about 600% of GDP) and when military expenditures exceed revenues of Federal Reserve itself, producing the bubble burst Dollar, USA, it is said will adopt the Amero while freezing dollars global market. This would lead to a collapse of the financial system and, ultimately, the collapse of the world economy. As the world comes down with all their dollars, the US could impose a new monetary standard mattress supported by the energy of NAFTA, in addition to financial recoptación of Southern economies.

Blocking regional and would be a drain on our economies more outrageous. In all global geopolitical reconfiguration, everything is survive even the Empire struggle for that. Surviving the expense of others seems to be your bet, so the war becomes a latent disposition of the decadent powers as a sign of their insane resistance to a new more democratic global order. The ultimatum of the Straussian hawks, now that the US Congress is in control of Oil Party and the financial lobby, sounds more threatening than ever, "if the US falls, the whole world will fall to us." It seems that Latin America has had to, in this post-capitalist civilization transition, face the challenge of their final independence. That makes the region a decisive factor in the new global geopolitics. The objective conditions are given. Lack whether the subjective conditions of the leadership of our processes will rise from the definition of this climactic moment in history.

Rafael Bautista S. author of "Reflections des-colonial" corner editions, La Paz, Bolivia
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