Virus mania


Jedi Master
Wanted to post some notes from the excellent book Virus Mania How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Million Dollar Profits At Our Expense by Torsten Engelbrecht and Dr. Claus Köhnlein.

There was an interview with Dr. Claus Köhnlein on the Health and Wellness show last Monday. He talked about the following 'epidemics' as related to the research presented in the book: Avian Flu (H5N1), Cervical Cancer (HPV), SARS, BSE, Hepatitis C, AIDS, Polio. You can listen via the link to SOTT Blog Talk Radio:The Health and Wellness Show - 30 March 2015 - Interview with Dr. Claus Köhnlein

The first 2 chapters:

Virus Mania is a social disease of our highly developed society

Tragic message that will contribute to the re-intensity of ethical values
  • Conduct of Virus research
  • Public health policies
  • Media Communications
  • Activities of the Pharmaceutical companies
Scientific research on Viruses
  • Inventing the risk of a disastrous epidemic
  • incriminating an illusive pathogen
  • ignoring toxic alternative causes
  • manipulating epidemiology

“We are witnessing epidemics of fear both the media and Pharmaceutical industry carry most of the responsibility for amplifying fears. (Rapidly reshaped dogma) perpetuated in a quasi manner by the media”

“An important point to keep dissenting voices out of the debate is censorship at various levels ranging from the popular media to scientific publications”

HIV/AIDS is emblematic of all the corruption of Virus research that is remarkably and tragically documented in this book.

Research programs on Hep C, BSE, SARS, Avian Flu and current vaccination policies all developed along the same logic - Maximizing financial profits.

A strict rejection of any debate with authoritative scientists presenting dissenting views of pathological processes.

Society Under the Spell of a One Dimensional Microbe Theory

Our scientific culture is ruled by secretiveness, privilege - granting, lack of accountability suffered from blatant lack of monitoring, prospects companies will make exorbitant profits

Dark picture of Science today - darker days ahead as professional/profits become inextricably mixed.
  • The medical field is ultimately about illness, dying and death
  • We have turned our bodies into vehicles of consumerism, internalizing a highly questionable promise inherent to this industry
Big Pharma
  • Society calling itself enlightened is never the less dominated by the belief that there is healing pill for every little ache, pain or serious complaint- substantially due to Big Pharma craftiness
  • Big Pharma money and advertising not only influence the perception of illness, the demand for drugs, and the practice of medicine. But also govern over budgets, health services, oversight agencies dependent on big pharma
  • Prescription Users Act (PDUFA) example “Fast tracked drug approval service. FDA $825 million in industry ‘user fees’
  • Our society that considers itself particularly enlightened has become senselessly ‘over medicated’

Distorted view of what causes disease - 19th century was a paradigm shift in our view on disease. We did an about turn away from a complex, holistic view - concerning how diseases originate to a monocausal and one dimensional mind set

The dogma of a single cause for disease was decisively shaped by microbiology, declaring specific micro-organisms (virus, bacteria, fungi) to be the causes of very definite diseases including mass epidemics such as cholera and TB.

As with the ‘Microbe Theory’ the cornerstone was laid for modern bio-medicines basic formula with it’s mono-causal -microbial starting point- and it’s search for magic bullets: One disease-one cause-one cure

A significant majority of diseases have more than just one cause, so the search for the single cause of disease and by extension for the one miracle pill, will remain for them a hopeless undertaking.

Pasteur himself admitted on his death bed “The microbe is nothing the terrain is everything”

…becoming clear that the biological terrain of our intestines - the intestinal flora teeming with bacteria - is accorded a decisive role, because it is by far the body’s biggest most important immune system - a range of factors influence intestinal flora (nutrition, stress, lack of activity, drug use, etc.)

A glaring paradox is that very few people actually die from purported new epidemics (Avian Flu, SARS, AIDS, HEP C)

Chapter 1

Leo Tolstoy: “Man prefers to perish rather than change his habits”

Medicine Presents a Distorted Picture of Microbes

The primary objective should be to study exactly how certain food stuffs, specific diets, drug consumption, toxins (pesticides, exhaust) and stress effect the composition of the intestinal flora - how this in turn influences human health (researchers are particularly unanimous in the fact that the intestinal flora influences health, but they continue to puzzle over how this happens).

The medical industry has little interest in real preventative research.

Bacteria: At the beginning of Life

Without the appearance of bacteria, human life would be inconceivable bacteria were right at the beginning of the development towards human life…The majority of cells in the human body are anything but human foreign bacteria have long had the upper hand - Jeremy Nicholson calls us; “Human super-organisms” - as our ecosystems are reigned by microorganisms…”

Most major disease classes have significant environmental and genetic components and the evidence of disease in a population or individual is a complex product of the conditional probabilities of certain gene components interacting with a diverse range of environmental triggers. Above all nutrition has a significant influence on many diseases, in that it modulates complex communication between the 100 trillion micro-organisms in the intestines.

Unfortunately the knowledge that micro-organisms can also do a lot of good for humans has never received much popularity.

Antibiotics Greek word: “against life”- antibiotics are responsible for more than 1/5 of 100,000 deaths traced to the side effects of medicines in the U.S. alone

Viruses: Lethal Mini Monsters

“The Small Pox epidemic reached it’s peak after vaccinations had been introduced, the British Medical Journal disclosed that the risk from dying from small pox was 5x higher for those who had been vaccinated than for those who had not.”

Ask yourself a simple question how is it actually imaginable that killer viruses stalk the world bumping off one human cell after another? Viruses - as opposed to bacteria and fungi - do not even have their own metabolisms. By definition, viruses have completely given their metabolisms to the cells. They are composed of only one nucleic acid strand (DNA or RNA genes)and one protein capsule, so are missing the decisive attributes of living beings. Strictly speaking, they do not count among “microbes”, which comes from the Greek: “micro”=small, “bios”= life. How can viruses, like bacteria, be in a position to become active and aggressive on their own accord? Remember that, it is said that viruses may have existed for 3 billion years.

A 2006 study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that there are more than 20,000 species of bacteria in a liter of seawater - the researchers had expected to find only 1,000-3,000 species.

Chapter 2

The Microbe Hunters Seize Power

Pasteur and Koch: Two of Many Scientific Cheats

Secretiveness has an oppositional goal: when external inspections and verification by independent experts are shut out of the process, the flood gates are open for fraud. We experience and observe a lack of transparency everywhere - few researchers now trouble themselves to verify data and conclusions presented by fellow researchers.

Richard Smith former Editor in Chief of the British Medical Journal “Peer review is slow, expensive, a profligate of academic time, highly selective, prone to bias, easily abused, poor at detecting gross defects, almost useless for detecting fraud.”

At the end of the 19th century, when Pasteur and Koch became celebrities, the general public had hardly a chance to brace itself against microbe propaganda.

…Scientists tried to squeeze virtually everything into the model “one disease, one cause (pathogen) - one miracle cure”

Hippocrates, Von Pettenkofer, Bircher-Benner: The Wisdom of the Body

The idea that certain microbes - above all fungi, bacteria and viruses - are our great opponents to battle, causing certain diseases must be fought with special chemical bombs, has burned itself deep into the collective unconscious. But dig a through history reveals that the Western world has only been dominated by the medical dogma of ‘one disease, one cause, one miracle pill” since the end of the 19th century, with the emergence of the Pharmaceutical industry .

Hippocrates (400 B.C.) represented the view that an individual was, for the most part, in the driver’s seat in terms of maintaining health with appropriate behavior and lifestyle choices.

Biology professor Edward Golub: “Most disease (according to ancient philosophy) was a deviation from a good life.” “And when diseases occur they could most often be set aright by changes in diet - [which] shows dramatically how 1,500 years after Hippocrates and 950 years after Galen, the concepts of health and disease, and the medicines of Europe, had not changes far into the 19th century.

Bircher-Benner promoted natural healing factors like sun baths, pure water, exercise, and psychological health - attention to natural healing powers of the body and the body’s cells which possess their own sort of sensitivity and intelligence.

Walter Cannon made Holistic Health the theme of his 1932 work The Wisdom of the Body
…describes homeostasis, body connective-ness - self regulating. “ Wisdom of the body is an attribute of living organisms”

Clustering: How to make an Epidemic Out of One infected Patient

After WWII, disease such as tuberculosis, measles, diphtheria or pneumonia no longer triggered mass fatalities in industrialized nations such as affluent America.This became a huge problem for institutions like the Center for Disease Control (CDC). In 1949, a majority voted to eliminate the CDC completely. Instead of bowing out of a potentially very lucrative industry, the CDC went on a arduous search for viruses.

Polio: Pesticides Such as DDT and Heavy Metals Under Suspicion

Practically all of the infectious illnesses that effected people in industrialized countries in decades before the WWII ceased to cause problems after 1945. For a few years the major exception was polio (infantile paralysis), which continues to be called an infectious disease.

In the 1950’s the number of polio cases in developed countries fell drastically - and epidemic authorities attributed this success to vaccination campaigns.

Many pieces of evidence justify the suspicion that the cause of infantile paralysis (polio) is not a virus.
  • Experts like Benjamin Sandler, believed a decisive factor is a high consumption of refined foods such as granulated sugar.
  • Others site mass vaccinations
  • Polio like other diseases may be conditional on various factors, poisoning by industrial and agriculture pollution -something to consider- may explain why this nervous first appeared in the 19th century (industrialization)
  • Spread like wildfire in industrialized west. Jim West extensively investigated the subject of Polio and Pesticides
  • Epidemic also occurred immediately following an unprecedented flurry of pesticide innovations.
  • DDT - neurotoxic organochlorines could have caused the first polio epidemic

Dr. Charles Caverly maintained that a toxin was more likely the culprit than the virus, stating emphatically; “We are very certainly not dealing with a contagious disease.”

Corner stone of the polio-as-virus theory was laid down in 1908 by scientists Karl Landsteiner and Erwin Popper. WHO calls their experiments; “one of the milestones in the obliteration of polio.” That year another polio epidemic occurred - once again clear evidence toxic pesticides were at play. Instead of following up this evidence medical authorities viewed the pesticides a weapons in the battle against the arch enemy microbes. They even neglected to give children suffering from lameness treatments to alleviate the pesticide poisoning and thus establish weather their health could be improved in the way.

Virus Hunters didn’t even consider factors that lay outside of their virus obsession - Mid 20th century researcher Jonas Salk believed he had conclusively found the polio virus - Salk sacrificed 17,000 monkeys on the alter of vaccine research.

In the Philippines (few years after U.S. catastrophe) first polio epidemic in the tropics occurred spontaneously, with the introduction of the insecticide DDT. Journal of the American Medical Association reported that lameness among soldiers stationed in the Philippines could not be differentiated from polio - became the second most common cause of death. Further evidence that DDT poisoning can cause the same clinical symptoms as polio.
  • DDT is also problematic because it biodegrades very slowly in nature with a half life of 10-20 years. In the food chain it can become concentrated in fatty tissue of humans and animals.
  • DDT is one of the ‘Dirty Dozen’ banned world wide in 2001. Despite facts that DDT is highly toxic - myth has remained that it is harmless.
  • DDT/DDE known to break through the hematoencephalic (blood brain) barrier, which protects the brain from poisons or harmful substances.

Endocrinologist Morton Biskind; Spread of polio after WWII was caused “by the most intensive campaign of mass poisoning in known human history.”

There is a most sticking parallel between polio development and the utilization of the severe neurotoxin DDT and other highly toxic pesticides like BHC (lindane).

1962 biologist Rachel Carson publishes Silent Spring

Silent Spring gives a vivid account of the fatal repercussions of extensive spraying of plant toxins on insects and particularly on birds and predicts the consequence of a silent spring (without songbirds). Through this the public was made aware of the dangers of DDT. But public reaction was slow, because 800 chemical companies reacted hysterically to Carson’s book, prophesizing hunger and destruction if farmers were no longer permitted to use any pesticides. “The goal was obviously to create panic and drive farmers into the arms of the chemical industry.” As Pete Daniel, expert on the history of pesticides, writes in his book Toxic Drift (2005).

It would be years before the US government held a hearing on DDT and even longer until they finally prohibited it in 1972. Unfortunately, the government discussions were not widely reported, so the general public remained unaware of the connection between polio (in humans!) and pesticides and other non-viral factors.

Carson’s book was good, but it was restricted to the damage to animals, whereas one looks in vain for descriptions of statical trends or analyses in the work,” says Jim West. Even the research scientists Biskind and Scobe, who had clearly described the damage that DDT causes in humans, were particularly unmentioned by Carson. Now who knows what kind of editorial censoring process her book had to go through before publication.

West points out that this type of censorship became the norm in future virus research: “One needs only consider that her work had been financed by the Rockefeller Foundation. This makes one sit up and take notice, for the Rockefeller Foundation has supported the significant orthodox epidemic programs, including the HIV = AIDS and numerous vaccination programs... Carson's book prompted public outcry, which contributed to DDT's ultimate prohibition. But this was a deceptive victory, which only helped to secure the public belief that democratic regulative mechanisms still functioned effectively. In actual fact, the chemical industry-because the public thought the poisonous demon had then been defeated-was able to establish it's likewise highly toxic organophosphate on the market without a problem.

After World War II: Visible Proof of Viruses? We Don't Need That!

Viruses that purportedly threaten to wipe out humanity (H5N1, SARS virus, etc.) had evidently never been seen by anyone.

'Infectious diseases' remained the most effective way to catch public attention and open government pockets... Red Cross officer told San Francisco Chronicle (1994) "CDC increasingly needed a major epidemic (beginning in the 1980's) to justify it's existence. AIDS/HIV theory was a salvation for American epidemic authorities.
Thanks for the great book review!

I'd read all about this scam that came about in the 19th century years ago. All holistic approaches to health have been suppressed ever since.
Here there are also some information:
The book is currently available for free legally in the USA at the website scribd.
hlat said:
The book is currently available for free legally in the USA at the website scribd.

Thanks for the link. This might just be what I'v been seeking and hopefully it's not disinformation. I never understood how they could identify a virus. First they have to isolate the fluid they think it's in. Then they have to separate it which is a whole other problem even if you know where it is. The problem then becomes how to characterize it. By electron scanning techniques? Give me a break. For that method, they have to dry and crystallize the virus which will destroy its true form. Then they bombard it by high energy x-rays and correctly interpret the ejected electron signal.

Thanks for Awapuhi, for posting this.
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