Vitamin A aka retinol free diet


Jedi Master
I have been oblivious to this information. Vitamin A is known everywhere to be a staple of health. Many foods are fortified with it, in some countries it is done by law. The facts and narrative that it is not true, hit me like a brick wall. Read it for yourself: My eBooks

I stumbled on that blog by chance but I quickly found that Grant Generaux is the authoritative "alternative" source on vitamin A. This is a link to the article on obesity causation (by Vitamin A): October 2018 – Ideas, Concepts, and Observations

I copied a short introduction written by Josh Guetzkow from I believe a Canadian engineer named Grant Genereux has discovered the primary cause of auto-immune… for you below:

I believe a Canadian engineer named Grant Genereux has discovered the primary cause of auto-immune disease. He used his discovery to cure himself of eczema, kidney disease and some other problems simply by changing his diet. He tried to narrow down the possible list of chemicals that could be causing auto-immune disease by asking a simple question: of the chemicals that are we more exposed to now than in the past (and more in the 1st world than the 3rd world), which ones are known to cause symptoms that are similar to auto-immune diseases. He hit upon a very simple answer: retinol, otherwise known as vitamin A.

The fact that vitamin A is toxic has been known since the early 1900's. (Just google hypervitaminosis A.) And if you look into the established symptoms of acute and chronic hypervitaminosis A, they overlap almost exactly with all the symptoms of known auto-immune diseases. That is not controversial. The only thing controversial is that hypervitaminosis A is only thought to occur at extremeley high doses of vitamin A consumption — although there are plenty of studies that have shown that it can occur even at much lower doses than thought to be toxic. Since vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin, it accumulates in the body (mainly the liver and fat tissue). So even if you don’t consume a massive amount on any given day, it can easily build up over time.

Our exposure to vitamin A has gone up considerably since the 1970s, when Western governments started supplementing many foods with vitamin A: low-fat milk, white flour, cereals, and many other processed foods. Most people take multi-vitamins that have vitamin A and beta-carotene (a form of vitamin A). And/or cod liver oil. Vitamin A (in the form of retinyl esters or retinoic acid) is the main ingredient in acne medications and can be found in many sunscreens, cosmetics, and other types of lotions and skin-care products. Not to mention we are eating a diet that is much richer in vitamin A than in the past (eat the rainbow).

But the other key to the puzzle is that some of the chemicals and medications we are exposed to either exacerbate the toxic effects of vitamin A or they block the body’s natural capacity to break down vitamin A into non-toxic chemicals. The biggest culprit seems to be glyphosate (Round-Up), which has been shown to interfere with a key cellular pathway for breaking down vitamin A. Stress comes into the equation because it can cause the liver to release retinol into the blood stream, leading to toxic reactions that people experience as auto-immune disorders.

This is not just a pie-in-the-sky claim. People have actually been healing their auto-immune disorders (including hashimoto’s) by severely restricting their vitamin A intake. The most high-profile example is Jordan Peterson and his daughter who both cured themselves of auto-immune diseases by adopting a carnivore diet. They haven’t realized it yet, but the reason their diet works is that it’s a low vitamin A diet. There is a naturopath named Garrett Smith (nutritionrestored-dot-com) who has been having great success curing people’s auto-immune diseases (and other health problems) with a detox diet.
I am reading an ebook extinguishing-the-fires-of-hell2.pdf (download is on the 1st linked page above).
The author is showing that the lead cause of many "autoimmune" diseases is Vitamin A overdose. Vitamin A and its derivatives are slowly accumulating in the body and then BAMMM... and you get un-curable autoimmune disease :(
Then its symptoms' treatment with Steroids and Biologics drugs is a quick road to cancer...
Hi SlavaOn,

Vitamin A needs to be balanced with vitamin D to be harmless. Traditional fermented cod liver oil has low dose A & D which does have the natural balance. Modern cod liver oil steams the oil to improve smell and flavor but it destroys the A & D so synthetic A & D are added back. So switching to natural sources of A with D does not cause system imbalance.

Vitamin A is an immune stimulant so if used wisely and with vitamin D it is very helpful to boost the white cell activity when needed. However, you should stop taking it when the health issue is resolved, thus avoiding constant stimulation of the white cells. Furthermore, 50% of the lymphatic circulation flows through the spine and brain so too much stimulation causes too much pressure on the bony encased central nervous system causing headaches and nerve irritation/damage. If hyper stimulated then it will cause death do to excessive pressure on the brain. However, Increasing the motion exercise to increase total body fluid flow will clear mild central nervous system lymphatic pressure which is a way to counter this side affect.

Using Vitamin A & D only when you need to stimulate the white cells is another tool in your self care tool chest. It should not be used as a daily supplement.

Auto immune symptom is just hyper irritability of the body. There a 3 factors that need to be balanced to reduce/eliminate this and they are diet, exercise and sleep. Even the smallest imbalance of any of the 3 factors can frustrate any attempt at clearing this irritability. Therefore, I do not have any faith that diet alone is the answer to an auto immune symptom.

The article is an intriguing observation but it may only apply to limited number of cases where excessive vitamin A is the culprit. There are many other chemicals and even trace minerals (colloidal/ionic silver for one) can cause hyper active white cells with resulting auto immune symptoms.

You are worried about the ants when the elephants are coming by...
I recon you have not read neither the article nor the linked ebooks...
FYI. From page 56 of extinguishing-the-fires-of-hell2.pdf

Okay, this is just vitamin A, let’s not get too alarmed about it. But, the vitamin A added to our low-fat dairy is actually no ordinary vitamin A. It is called vitamin A palmitate. This is the retinol (the regular alcohol form of the vitamin A molecule) combined with palmitic acid. Palmitic acid is a fatty acid and a major component of palm oil. The vitamin A palmitate added to our milk synthetic manmade molecule. Of course, this combination is used to keep the retinol stable in milk, and also greatly facilitates the uptake of it by the body. Now, isn’t this a dirty, sneaky little trick to play on the body’s cells. Cells will be taking on what appears to be a lipid, but this lipid now has a tag-along toxic molecule. Brilliant! How, and why was this fateful decision made? Did they have any long-term history of using this combined molecule in the human body? No, of course not, because it is a synthetically made molecule. Yet, someone made the colossal assumption that this was going to be safe for everyone. After all, what could possibly go wrong with unnaturally combining one of the most fundamental hormones in biology with a fatty acid and putting it into the nation's milk supply?

Here it is the palm oil,... speaking of the devil :-O
I'll be taking a look at this as it is something I had never heard of.
I am really really upset that such an "elephant" has been right in front of everybody's eyes all this time. And a mechanical engineer from Canada, who himself suffered from an "auto-immune" disease had to figure it out and call out the culprit!!!
The questions comes up in my mind - could it have been done by design?

One more quote from the ebook extinguishing-the-fires-of-hell2.pdf (page 133):

How bad can this villain get?

The simple answer is it can kill you! The more complex answer is it can first painfully destroy your body for decades, and then kill you. As you’ve seen, high intake of the preformed types of Vitamin A are associated with toxicity, and can cause such things as nausea, dizziness, elevated pressure around the brain, headaches, and even coma etc. Of course, high vitamin A levels during pregnancy are proven to cause birth defects.

Now, just like most villains, this one has a good side. At one level, it isn’t a villain at all. It’s a critical substance for the human body. At the right level, it’s not only harmless, but it’s also essential for health. So, it’s a double-edged sword. It’s also a very tricky balance. It isn’t just how much you consume; it also significantly depends on what other foods you consume it with.
As everyone knows, the liver is the body’s primary storage organ for vitamin A. And we now also know that the liver’s storage capacity can become more or less saturated, or maxed out. The skin, fat, and intestine are secondary storage locations. If we have one of these diseases, then effectively, the body can no longer protect us from what is now a toxin.

Since this substance is also in nearly all foods, once we’ve maxed out our liver’s storage capacity, we’re in serious danger. We’ve defeated our body’s primary defense mechanism from this potential toxin. Our immune system and the skin are now attempting to deal with it. What happens now? If we consume just a little bit of vitamin A, the inflammation continues. If we consume a bit more vitamin A, we experience a flare-up, and that burns holes in our tissues/organs. This is not some instantaneous event. It is, of course, more complicated and the declining rates of absorption are what are really important.

I took a brief detour into this information a few months ago after a client sent me over some documents and gave a pretty fantastic testimonial.

The basic principles (from what I remember) are along the lines of: Retinol (vitamin A) is a safer way to store its toxic precursor beta-carotene. When animals consume beta carotene, they need to get rid of it somehow. Unfortunately, the rate at which they detoxify it is not as fast as the rate at which they accumulate it. Therefore, to store this toxin away in a safer manner, they produce retinol.

There is a lot of very interesting research supporting the notion that retinol is inherently toxic, although there is also a lot of research on the other side showing benefits of retinol - especially in the eyes and for maintaining the circadian rhythm. So I was drawn to the conclusion that, much like everything else, it might be context-dependent. Perhaps in the context of other nutrient deficiencies, vitamin A becomes a serious threat. However, I haven't had time to take a deep dive into the literature on this one, so I could be wrong.

Interestingly, many of the people who report immense benefits from the carnivore diet are ones which eat a diet solely of beef with little or no organ meats. Beef is one of the lowest in vitamin A, and a diet mostly of beef is considered to be "vitamin A depleting". I have multiple clients who simply cannot tolerate liver, and when they eat it they become very sick. (However, that said - some of them begin to start tolerating it and seem to benefit from eating liver when they supplement with thiamine before eating it :huh:)

One of the arguments which proponents of this view use is this: If liver was so good for the human body, then why do so many people find the taste to be absolutely disgusting? When I originally heard this, it did make some intuitive sense to me.

I know that the book goes in to a vast body of research supporting the notion that retinol is a pure toxin. I find it hard to believe that it plays no beneficial role in the body, simply because of my own experience eating organ meats and that of the people I work with. Add to that - I am certainly biased toward vitamin A being a nutrient rather than a toxin. So, who knows? I need to read this book!
To add an insult to injury - international organizations call for mandatory fortification of staple foods with Vitamin A. Luckily in this case, Mongolian government has not yet approved "mandated fortification" (except with salt and iodine)...

So, every staple food, that you are eating, could have been already fortified with Vitamin A palmiate...

From: Projected effectiveness of mandatory industrial fortification of wheat flour, milk, and edible oil with multiple micronutrients among Mongolian adults

Industrial fortification of wheat flour is a potentially effective strategy for addressing micronutrient deficiencies in Mongolia, given its ubiquitous consumption and centralized production. However, Mongolia has not mandated fortification of any foods except for salt with iodine. This study modeled the effectiveness and safety of mandatory industrial fortification of wheat flour alone and in combination with edible oil and milk in reducing the prevalence of multiple micronutrient intake deficiencies among healthy non-pregnant adults in Mongolia. Six days of diet records (3 summer, 3 winter) were collected from 320 urban and rural adults across the country and analyzed for food and nutrient consumption using a purpose-built food composition table, and the Intake Monitoring and Planning Program (IMAPP) was used to project the effects of fortification on summer and winter bioavailable micronutrient intake and intake deficiency under different fortification guidelines within population subgroups defined by urban or rural locality and sex. Projections showed that flour fortification would be effective in reducing intake deficiencies of thiamin and folate, while marginal benefits of fortification with iron and riboflavin would be smaller given these nutrients’ higher baseline consumption, and fortification with zinc, niacin, and vitamin B12 may be unnecessary. Fortification of flour, oil, and milk with vitamins A, D, and E at levels suggested by international guidelines would substantially reduce vitamin A intake deficiency and would increase vitamin D intake considerably, with the greatest benefits elicited by flour fortification and smaller benefits by additionally fortifying oil and milk. These results support mandatory industrial fortification of wheat flour, edible oil, and milk with iron, thiamin, riboflavin, folate, and vitamins A, D, and E in Mongolia. Considerations will be necessary to ensure the fortification of these nutrients is also effective for children, for whom the potential benefit of zinc, niacin, and vitamin B12 fortification should be assessed.
One of the arguments which proponents of this view use is this: If liver was so good for the human body, then why do so many people find the taste to be absolutely disgusting? When I originally heard this, it did make some intuitive sense to me.

I know that the book goes in to a vast body of research supporting the notion that retinol is a pure toxin. I find it hard to believe that it plays no beneficial role in the body, simply because of my own experience eating organ meats and that of the people I work with. Add to that - I am certainly biased toward vitamin A being a nutrient rather than a toxin. So, who knows? I need to read this book!

And yet why do some people seem to really enjoy the taste, even though it seems to have little/nothing to do with upbringing, and it is NOT an acquired taste let me tell you that!

Again, context dependence. It seems to be the theme that someone discovers one interesting piece of the puzzle and suddenly it is supposed to be the saving grace of every sick person on the planet. Putting them all together while avoiding these pitfalls is a real task.
The "someone" has already trashed a tub of "Vit.A" fortified cottage cheese and a tub of "Vit.A" fortified sour cream...
One more quote that illustrates how the accumulation of Vit.A and subsequent depletion of the liver capacity to store it triggers the "auto-immune" diseases (page 163) of extinguishing-the-fires-of-hell2.pdf:

“Did vitamin A cause IBD/Crohn’s?”
In order to investigate this question, we need to first research the accounts of people who have authentically chronically poisoned themselves with genuine vitamin A (nothing to do with Accutane or even retinoic acid, for now).
There are thousands of people who have done this for various reasons. (For some reason they thought it was good for them.) Here is an example case of a six-year-old boy being admitted to hospital [link in pdf]. There are many other well-documented accounts, and it’s still happening today. See the many cases documented on the NIH pages and elsewhere. So, let’s just take a hypothetical example (or use any real case if you want) of someone taking reasonably high doses of vitamin A, daily, for, say, three years.

Here’s the approximate sequence of events:
@ 6 months ⇒ no adverse symptoms at all
@ 12 months ⇒ no adverse symptoms at all
@ 18 months ⇒ no adverse symptoms at all
@ 24 months ⇒ no adverse symptoms at all
@ 30 months ⇒ no adverse symptoms at all, hair getting oily
@ 36 months ⇒ no adverse symptoms, but maybe the skin getting drier
@ 36 months + 10 days ⇒ huge adverse symptoms: skin peeling, lips swollen and cracked, hair falling out, etc., seeks immediate medical attention

This similar sequence of events repeats itself in all cases of chronic vitamin A poisoning. So, what’s really happening here? The body is safely absorbing and storing all the daily doses until it gets to a slightly saturated point. It is important to understand that all those stored doses have not suddenly become toxic; no, they’re safely stored. It’s the additional doses that cannot be absorbed, or absorbed fast enough, by the liver that are now becoming toxic. What these people are doing is filling up their storage capacity for this substance, and thereby reducing their absorption rates
Again, context dependence. It seems to be the theme that someone discovers one interesting piece of the puzzle and suddenly it is supposed to be the saving grace of every sick person on the planet. Putting them all together while avoiding these pitfalls is a real task.
Indeed! I have seen many of these "miracle cures", and given some of them a try, only to see no results so that whenever I see one now, I'm usually put off by them.
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