Vogel Crystals: Precision Instrument or Cult of Personality Marketing Hype


Dagobah Resident
FOTCM Member
Many years ago I bought an imitation vogel crystal that I wear as part of a Halloween costume, and since the Cassiopaeans have been on a bit of a crystal kick lately, I've become curious about it. Marcel Vogel is only mentioned once in passing on the forum in quoted material about crystal wands, and once in passing on the Cassiopaea site as someone who helped establish that crystals have psionic properties, so I figured I would dedicate a thread to him so that his work would have some representation in our knowledge base.

I found this site to be a pretty thorough overview of his life Dreamhill Research It was a fascinating synthesis of traditional science, information theory, panpsychism, with even a little bit about love thrown in. It took about an hour and a half for me to read going at a moderately slow pace. The midsection, which contains Vogel's 3hr lecture was the only tedious part, as the transcription appears to have been written by some speech to text software, meaning you have to add your own punctuation and correct a few misspellings for similar sounding words along the way. This might be one of the rare cases where watching the YouTube version is better than reading.

The condensed version is that Marcel Vogel was a research scientist at IBM who became interested in panpsychism. It began when he conducted experiments on plants using electrodes to measure their responses to various stimuli. The plants responded to the thought of being harmed similarly to the actual act, in fact the mere thought of it created a more dramatic effect. If one plant was harmed, he could make a second untouched plant respond as if it were the first, but only if he was thinking about the second plant. Distance did not have any effect, demonstrating that thought is nonlocal and can be projected potentially infinitely far because distance does not exist for it. This seems to be evidence of a divine cosmic mind, for which space and time do not exist as tangible physical constraints, but are merely a byproduct of its thoughts.

Sometime later he had a vision of the Cabalistic Tree of Life and was inspired to mathematically recreate it as represented by a faceted quartz crystal. He spent a year machining a crystal into what later became known in the New Age community as the Vogel Cut, which must be done in a very meticulous manner. The design allows for the user to direct their thoughts into one end of the crystal, which then concentrates them into a very cohesive, laser-like focus which comes out the other end. The crystal was cut in such a way that it would resonate to the rate of water, which Vogel considered to be the most prevalent crystalline medium in our everyday world, once programmed by intention coming through the crystal. Coming from his background of engineering magnetic storage media for IBM (hard drives), he believed that the crystalline structure of water was like an information storage medium for the subtle bodies referred to in metaphysical literature and was how they interfaced with the physical world. In other words, the conscious mind structures information or creates "programming" which is written to the "optical" storage media, in this case water, via the "laser" that is fired out of the vogel crystal. It's basically how a DVD burner works, but based on panpsychist, rather than materialist technology. The site goes into a lot more detail, and goes into fringe areas such as radionics, so you should read it if you're interested, as I'm trying to stay brief here.

Various experiments were conducted, such as running water that had been charged with the crystals through a spectrometer and observing changes in its absorption signature. Another experiment involved using the crystal to age wine. One of the first applications of the crystals was for healing, apparently some doctors in San Francisco had some success with it. Many diseases could be alleviated by transmitting different information into the client with the crystals. I think we can say from our own experiments with crystals that there is something to this effect. The crystals can allegedly contour and restructure information fields on any system based on water or a crystalline structure complementary to quartz for its functioning. While Vogel acknowledged that raw quartz crystals had the capability to store, transmit, and amplify the energy of thought, his legacy was that his finely machined crystals did it orders of magnitude better. Much of the science behind how the crystals work seems to be complementary with what the Cassiopaeans have had to say about it and things we have theorized about, though coming from a slightly different angle.

The question that occurred in my mind is, what if Laura/4D STO charged a vogel crystal? The crystals do look like the belong in some form of otherworldly technology, and the first time I saw one I had a daydream of them being arrayed in a giant helical TDARM type device made of pure gold...

It turns out that the guy whom Vogel designated to succeed him in the art of preparing the crystals in the proper and traditional manner lives about a two hour drive from me. Due to the amount of labor and precision required to cut the crystals in the proper shape, they are quite spendy. The crystals then have to be selected and attuned to the user, they don't just work for anyone. Due to the expense, they wouldn't work as Cassiopaean connection crystals, but they could be useful to some FOTCM elders for more specialized activities, assuming there's anything to this at all. His 3-inch bargain basement crystals start out at $350 each, and the full size higher tier ones run around $1000. His website can be found here, and features more of Vogel's work that I haven't read about Welcome to Most of the crystals for sale that are called Vogels are in fact cheap knock-offs (including the one I have) and are not made in accordance with the specifications that Marcel Vogel developed from his research.

So, with all of this information in context, my question for the C's is, does the Vogel Cut improve the efficacy of a quartz crystal as much as he claimed, or was it an idiosyncracy of his that was later capitalized into a money-making scam?
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