What's your opinion of Alfred Lambremont Webre?

luigi rovatti

The Force is Strong With This One
Because, I think he tries to be honest, but that's just my impression. I'd like to ask your opinion on this. This is quite important for me, so, any help is appreciated. Thank you in advance for your patience.
Briefly, he had a mystical experience, after which he became targeted by the Illuminati. He was one of the firsts who used the term "exopolitics", which used the term "omniverse" after "universe" and "multiverse". He's also an author. Fpr his biography, and technical details, look here: Alfred Lambremont Webre
Briefly, he had a mystical experience, after which he became targeted by the Illuminati. He was one of the firsts who used the term "exopolitics", which used the term "omniverse" after "universe" and "multiverse". He's also an author. Fpr his biography, and technical details, look here: Alfred Lambremont Webre
I do not know much about ALW, but when one of his website references is the Q, and experts include Salla, Willcock and Goode, 10 min is the most I was willing to spend to find out. If I remember correctly his internet persona debuted more or less in the same time with Benjamin Fulford and the stories about the gold held in whatever trust that will be the source of wealth for everyone, bla, etc.

Looks like a psyop.
I do not know much about ALW, but when one of his website references is the Q, and experts include Salla, Willcock and Goode, 10 min is the most I was willing to spend to find out. If I remember correctly his internet persona debuted more or less in the same time with Benjamin Fulford and the stories about the gold held in whatever trust that will be the source of wealth for everyone, bla, etc.

Looks like a psyop.
I listened to him speak years back but don't recall what he was about. Considering what Ina has said, he's not a good source as these people are scammers who where involved in the secret space program, big blue bird hoax and Gaia TV. I know a person who follows David Wilcock and I've the impression that he's spinning an illusion that gives false hope. People are afraid and are looking for relief from that. It's not a good time to be pulled into fantasy but paying attention to reality left and right. Weber probably has legitimate things to say as Wilcock does but good weeding skills are needed not to get pulled into the entire soup.

I think a major challenge humanity has is being so easily fooled. I doubt Wilcock, Goode and (Simon Parks) are involved in a deep state psyop but are just self serving. Yea, not a good sign Weber endorses these people.
I see him as a true light worker and intellectual. Extremely open minded, and sometimes with guests of questionable credibility. Positive polarized and open minded people are susceptible to gullibility. He is brave and capable of bringing new. His interview with Sienna lea ,,transforming the fierce feminine shadow'' is good example.
When you perform a forum wide search for his name there are 14 results (apart from this thread, which is mentioned 3 times), all of which point in the direction of psy-ops and disinformation. What more would you need...:huh:

Remember, the search function is your friend and should have been consulted before posting anything.
When you perform a forum wide search for his name there are 14 results (apart from this thread, which is mentioned 3 times), all of which point in the direction of psy-ops and disinformation. What more would you need...:huh:

Remember, the search function is your friend and should have been consulted before posting anything.
Wondering what is wrong with having my own opinion? And yes , I did read what others had to say before writing a comment, and decided contributing with opposite opinion.
Palinurus please try to be more respectful when writing comments to people you don't know.
Palinurus was respectful in what was written. Just because you may have not like what was said does not mean it was disrespectful.

As for your opinion; there is nothing wrong with you having an opinion. However, this is, basically, a research forum. We look for, and at, facts. As the Cs said, disinformation is worse than no information at all.

Also, we do encourage people to use the search function before starting a new thread so that they can discuss things in threads already started rather than having a whole lot of threads on the same subject, also, so that we can see what others have said about the subject and, then, be more informed about it.
Wondering what is wrong with having my own opinion? And yes , I did read what others had to say before writing a comment, and decided contributing with opposite opinion.
Palinurus please try to be more respectful when writing comments to people you don't know.
I do not doubt his intellectual prowes. Even the term exopolitics seemed a fresh turn of discourse in the begining. However, the road he followed was coincidentally bordered with low ganging fruits from trees that do not bear any fruits.
I do get offended when others tell me what should I think . If there would be even one post bringing some balance to the work of the man we don't really know, I would not need to step in. Fear of disinformation is understandable, and one may be equally afraid , if not more , of wrong accusations . Can I say with certainty that Albert is not compromised?
I can't!
I don't understand what makes you so sure he is.
I don't have a fact check tester, do you ...?
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