Words, Paragraphs, Sensuality, Theories, Forum, Paul, Quorum, Christ as a living symbol.

caballero reyes

The Living Force
I was going to open this thread with a word related to money, but 10 days ago two threads appeared in the forum with reference to the word Money: ‘’The money masters’’ opened by Wrayer, in 2006, where Laura in reply number 3 deals with a topic for the Q F G discussion group, and that it is a very valuable document that MUST be read, some may not have done so because there is so much and varied information that is lost especially for those who have recently entered the forum.

The other thread is: ‘’Money is vital energy’’ opened by Jim Daniels.

It seems that the Guardian Angel inspired members of the forum to return those 2 threads to the present time of the forum, therefore, I only briefly add some details about the Economy which is the topic I wanted to talk about in this thread; I will comment on other matters later.

Economy: from the Greek Oikos (House, Home) and Nomein, from Nomos (law) or the laws that govern a house with its administration or the distribution of its assets.

Here, in the state of Sonora, where the Opata language was spoken, which is of Atlantean origin although very few people speak it today, there are several words that have that root oikos (house), Oikis (being from Okis) refers to “Who stays in his house” preferably to women, and there are other words with that root in the names of the municipalities of the state of Sonora.
The issue of Money together with the word Prejudice seems extremely interesting to me and how money was brought to the present time related to the word Energy we understand that it is something inherent to that word, and that they cannot be separated, like the Two Sides of the Coin of the forceful Biblical phrase referring to God and Caesar, a perfect phrase because it is extremely political and spiritual at the same time.

I have a lot to comment on later in this thread.
Autonomy and Economic Inflation.
Two perverse words that have the world distracted and believed in, as if they were divine revelations or fruits of civilization, but it turns out that they are the cause of many problems that politicians and people in general do not even question, like many other words that trap humans like giant sticky spider webs.

Here in the forum there is a very interesting thread about language opened by Chu that deals with the subject from the historical scientific point of view with contributions from the members of the forum about languages that could be very ancient.

The important thing to consider is that languages originate or are formed from bases of Words that are a set of vibrations.
I do not understand how anyone believes that in this 3D world there is something “autonomous”, and the same attitude applies to “economic inflation” which is evidently directed by some “autonomous” organization without any person or country questioning it and then, as a consequence of the acceptance of these words, they become situations, an uncontrollable amount of problems linked to each other that has the world in war, chaos and fear and they forget the causes that originated them.

And also, other “mysterious” words like rituals, elitist initiations, mysterious characters linked to other characters even more mysterious, etc., etc.
Possibly Paul knew or sensed the presence of the Grail.

In the title of the video ''Paul's writings, distortions and deeper truths'' and then in the introduction, Laura disarms anyone who promotes some useless controversy:…''the fact that we would like to go through the tetters of Paul with our knowledge of hyperdimensional realities., as we have it from the C's and some speculative, philosophical perspectives to look at Paul's writings keeping in mind translational barriers to see if we could see any intimations or hints of him talking about hyperdimensional realities or referencing any kind of High Strangeness type of things in any of his letters, keeping in mind, of course, that probably most of anything like that, that would have been spoken would have been done in person.'

The first thing that caught my attention was because, from the known world, Paul wrote his letters to those cities and citizens although it was evident that Paul considered them important places and people.

Among those places, the letter to the Ephesians caught my attention because the city of Ephesus in present-day Turkey had the temple of Artemis or Diana as the Romans called her, considered one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world.
It is clear that Paul had a well-defined intention about why and to whom he addressed his letters.

On the site ''Churchofjesuschrist.org'', referring to the letter to the Galatians, it says that Paul wrote it to defend himself from some false teachings that arose in the congregations of that city. which had both Jewish and Gentile believers.
And regarding the letter to the city of Ephesus, ''the city was famous for the magical arts and the occult and the most important cult was directed to the Goddess Diana / Artemis goddess of fertility' ' (WIKI)

From the name of the goddess Diana, many names are derived, such as the Tuata de Danaan and the name of the country Denmark, as well as some female names.

On an internet site a researcher claimed that Diana's name was a modification of the genetic mother, the Sumerian goddess Inana, it seemed like just any opinion but his statement was accompanied by ancient engravings that are on the internet where the naked goddess Diana had her body with many mammary glands, then it is possible that the temple of Diana at Ephesus was a Sumerian Duku or a genetic laboratory. The temple was destroyed by a fire started by Herostratus on July 21, 356 BC.

''Healer of disasters, to Apollo, giver of Light to mortals, Eutychess has erected as an offering [a statue of] the Cretan Lady of Ephesus, the Bearer of Light''

As they are dealing with esoteric matters anyone can interpret the previous sentence and assume that the genetic goddess had the Grail in her possession as a bearer of life through its light.

I will continue later with comments on Laura's thoughts on Paul.
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