Golden snake in a dream


Jedi Council Member
Hello friends.
I haven't remembered my dreams for a long time.
That changed tonight. Admittedly, I don't remember the whole dream, only the ending, but it left me with a strange feeling hard to name.

I was awakened rather abruptly by the last "scene".
I sat on what I remembered as a throne padded with hay and some garbage and under my right hand was a golden snake. I looked at it and saw that it had a triangular head, meaning it was venomous. The snake was large, it might have been 1.5-2.0m long, and it was shiny.
Immediately after waking up, I had the feeling that I had resigned myself to the fact that it would bite me. I got the impression that I was fighting it.
I wanted to share.
Especially this feeling which I can describe as horror combined with coming to terms with the situation.
Dragons …or snakes, you know, neither necessarily denote 4d sts lizzies, nor comets. As I have pointed out in other posts, those symbols in China, like golden dragons for example, are not feared like threats. However, they also, in a mythological way, indeed are powerful enough to be deadly dangerous, so is their “poison.”

For an example, the sculpture next —found in the British Museum in London— represents the creator “gods” of this universe according to the Akkadian vision:​

And then its sketch:

The snake showed in that kudurru —i.e. a carving into limestone— is claimed to be Marduk, and alleged as one Accadian/Sumerian chief creator god of mankind. Each section shows a set of other gods and circumstances of the creation. Nevertheless, as much this myth is very layered into symbols, there are indeed “golden snake” myths (which are not comets, should be said), which for some unknown and odd reason their details didn’t came to my mind right now… maybe for good. By the way, Marduk and his interconnected myth are somewhat talked in one and then other Session of the transcripts.

That said, on the other hand, we also know that 4D lizzies, indeed manipulated human genes to create mankind. Nevertheless all is part of the confusion intended and applied to keep men in darkness. I mean that this Sumerian myth is not only on evilness, and so, not so simple.

Still, though maybe a little less, that stele above has some cropcircle style, I’d say. For some peculiar minutiae, for instance, notice that the “snake” involves at least 5 sections and starts near to the base of the stele. Interesting also how the “snake” goes until the “crescent cup” said to be the Moon-god Sin. Surely there is much more to be grasped here and there.​
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Hi ziutek, in what ways do you think you are sitting on a throne of garbage in your waking life?

Gold has an association with idols. In what ways are you engaging in idolatry of or valuing things in your waking life that are ultimately poisonous and going to bite you?
Dragons …or snakes, you know, neither necessarily denote 4d sts lizzies, nor comets. As I have pointed out in other posts, those symbols in China, like golden dragons for example, are not feared like threats. However, they also, in a mythological way, indeed are powerful enough to be deadly dangerous, so is their “poison.”

For an example, the sculpture next —found in the British Museum in London— represents the creator “gods” of this universe according to the Akkadian vision:​

And then its sketch:

The snake showed in that kudurru —i.e. a carving into limestone— is claimed to be Marduk, and alleged as one Accadian/Sumerian chief creator god of mankind. Each section shows a set of other gods and circumstances of the creation. Nevertheless, as much this myth is very layered into symbols, there are indeed “golden snake” myths (which are not comets, should be said), which for some unknown and odd reason their details didn’t came to my mind right now… maybe for good. By the way, Marduk and his interconnected myth are somewhat talked in one and then other Session of the transcripts.

That said, on the other hand, we also know that 4D lizzies, indeed manipulated human genes to create mankind. Nevertheless all is part of the confusion intended and applied to keep men in darkness. I mean that this Sumerian myth is not only on evilness, and so, not so simple.

Still, though maybe a little less, that stele above has some cropcircle style, I’d say. For some peculiar minutiae, for instance, notice that the “snake” involves at least 5 sections and starts near to the base of the stele. Interesting also how the “snake” goes until the “crescent cup” said to be the Moon-god Sin. Surely there is much more to be grasped here and there.​

Interesting analysis.
I need to read up on these topics.
I can't really relate.
But I realize that a snake doesn't necessarily mean something bad and neither do comets.
Comets are "sowers of life" and snakes also symbolize cunning and wisdom as well as chaos.
I like the Akkadian vision of the cosmos in this relief.
I see the snake here as the creator of the universe and connecting the world with the purpose of its existence to feed the moon.
Hi ziutek, in what ways do you think you are sitting on a throne of garbage in your waking life?

Gold has an association with idols. In what ways are you engaging in idolatry of or valuing things in your waking life that are ultimately poisonous and going to bite you?

Thank you for your analysis.
I am really asking myself the exact same questions.
But I can't answer them honestly yet.
I need to meditate on it.
You are mobilizing me to do so
Thank you 😍
But I know it will be a difficult analysis 🧐
I want to share a dream from last night.
I woke up in the middle of the night. There was a cat on the bed (I have a cat who loves to pet and cuddle) but this cat got its claws into my hand and started biting it. It hurt like hell. I realized I had sleep paralysis but this cat continued to bite me. I was aware that my wife was sleeping next to me and I wanted her to wake me up so I started screaming. I don't know how it sounded but she poked me hard and the cat disappeared. She didn't ask me what happened so I guess it didn't sound too dramatic.
I quickly fell asleep again and this time I had a conscious dream. .I was driving a car. I was carrying a passenger in the back seat but I don't remember if it was someone familiar. I was driving fast with the window open. I was driving the car with the steering wheel on the right side which in itself is strange because in our country there is right-hand traffic and the steering wheel on the left. I put my hand out the open window and ... some dog, a large dog grabbed my hand with its teeth and held it the whole time as I drove out into the middle of the intersection and a serious accident occurred.
I remember that my passenger suffered serious injuries.

When I heard the alarm clock I had the feeling that I had been up all night.
I felt sick practically all the way to work.

This experience was different from any I had ever had before.
I still flinch when I think about it also because I remember everything perfectly.
What struck me is the fact that the experience of being bitten on the hand by an animal was repeated twice in your dreams. I wonder what might have caused this theme to be repeated again after you fell asleep. Strange indeed. Plus those were pets, not some wild animals - pets that we mostly consider mild, cuddly and our friends.
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