Waiter, I'll have the Frequency Resonance Vibration........

With extra salt, please!

When watching the vid, you may want to turn your sound down nice and low ;)

Last year a few friends and I helped my son make a chladni plate for his science fair project. It was rather handy as we were at the time learning about nodes/waves. Didn't quite turn out this nice, but was fun!

Anyway, observing the effect on the salt of increasing the frequency higher and higher to obtain more intricate results as each grain of salt found the node and came to a rest, thoughts turned to frequency resonance vibration and envelopes. Kind of reminds me of crop circles as well.

Interesting that the higher the pitch, the more detailed the design, reminds me of something the C's said:

A: Yes. Remember, density refers to one's conscious
awareness only. Once one is aware, all [many spirals of the
planchette] conforms to that awareness.

Finding it quite funny, it seems that perhaps this can be representative of an individual, or groups of individuals........and more? 'Showing' how the consciousness/frequency of the individual/group increases, as well as the "state of existence" as learning progresses.

Here's some snips that come to mind when I view the experiment:

C's 2/23/02 said:
A: Frequency envelopes are realms, however they are "in concert," which implies a degree of scripting at some level. Some members if the orchestra do not play
well. Some do not play in tune. Some are out of synch. Others expect the one next to them to play their part.

Q: (R) Which makes even more sense that in 4D STS and STO don't like to mix because if they do they would play completely out of synch. (L) Very bad music.
(V) Is it like my frequency envelope is my consciousness, the representation of my consciousness? (R) No frequency envelopes are realms. (V) Okay, so I'm a
realm unto myself? (JN) You are Queen of your realm. (L) But your realm is part of an orchestra which means that it emanates a sound - you are giving off a sound
- you are playing your part; and either you play it well or you do not. (R) But even if you are playing it well... (L) Those around you may not be. (R) Exactly. So
that's also kind of a reason why 3D is such a low density because there is so much canceling out. I mean if you put a lot of 3D guys that are STS oriented in one
place and if you put STO people in another place, physically, then there would not be as much canceling out. So you wouldn't need as much awareness individually
to make use of higher frequencies because you could have an orchestra. (V) Because you would be gathered together harmoniously. (L) You can have an
orchestra. Okay, quick one: Is anything going to happen in 2003 like an appearance of the planet Nibiru or Planet X or anything of any particular interest?

A: Find out!

Q: (L) They're not going to give us a clue. (R) Can I continue on the previous subject? So in relation to frequency envelopes and bonding of awareness to
perception, I was wondering if that related to creating the conduit. The C's have said that you were creating conduit here? (L) Umhmm. (R) Okay, could it be the
case that frequency resonance of all who are here together with you is because of the resonance makes it easier, it lowers the amount of energy needed from the
environment to make...

A: The orchestra is able to produce greater volume when in concert.

Q:(R) Right. So, is this concept - in this sentence that says "the orchestra is able to produce greater volume when in concert - is that what is meant by creating a

A: Close. Frequency envelope has many applications.


Q:(R) Exactly. Because if the wave is hitting an obstacle, if it just follows mechanics, it's going fold up because that's the law. But, if you have consciousness
interacting with the energy, then it can say "hey look it is more efficient if you don't fold up, it is more efficient if you utilize this extra dimension, because there is
then less pressure in the wave if you are using this extra dimension." But you need that consciousness to kind of say: "hey look there is this extra dimension that
you can utilize." And it has to say how to utilize it because it has to choose a direction to start folding into. (B) If our consciousness defines the parameters of
3rd density, could the barriers on either side of the wave represent the barriers of the outside parameters of 3rd density which causes this continual looping back
and forth? And it may be doing something else in a different density that doesn't have those barriers?

A: Frequency resonance envelope.

Q: (R) Exactly, it makes total sense. So frequency resonance envelopes are realms. And our program shows that the only time interesting things happen to a
wave is when it hits an obstacle. And it only manifests the extra dimension if someone helps the wave to choose which way to start folding out into the extra
dimension. So if densities in effect are frequency resonance envelopes, which exist as obstacles, that waves of energy can resonate within...yeah exactly...that
makes kind of sense. (JN) What if the level of consciousness is the barrier? (R) Yeah exactly. Consciousness energy directors, and the more awareness you have
the more possibilities you can see to direct the energy. (JN) The less obstruction. (R) Yeah, or you can choose this... (V) You say you believe something because
it's the law, but... (R) Yeah, because those are the parameters that you see, but the more awareness you have, the more you see, the more you can find, then
you can know dimensions that you can escape into. You have the box, you say it's closed, we can't get out of it. But if you have more awareness, you can say
"well there's some other dimension out of the box that we can use." Do I make sense?

A: You are going in the right direction...

I have posted this here with the thoughts that some may find this an amusing and entertaining way of working to understand how a change in pattern is indicative of the change in frequency, and vice versa.

I have found that it has helped make some things appear a little more 'obvious', via visual aid, and has been good fuel for wondering. :cool:
Was reading some ISOTM, and the Law of Octaves reminded me of this thread. Placing a quote here as the clip and G's words seem to compliment each other.

G speaking said:
"The next fundamental law of the universe is the Law of Seven, or, The Law of Octaves.

"In order to understand the meaning of this law it is necessary to regard the universe as consisting of vibrations. These vibrations proceed in all kinds, aspects, and densities of the matter which constitutes the universe, from the finest to the coarsest; they issue from various sources and proceed in various directions, crossing one another, colliding, strengthening, weakening, arresting one another, and so on.

"In this connection according to the usual views accepted in the West, vibrations are continuous. This means that vibrations are usually regarded as proceeding uninterruptedly, ascending or descending so long as there continues to act the force of the original impulse which caused the vibration and which overcomes the resistance of the medium in which the vibrations proceed. When the force of the impulse becomes exhausted and the resistance of the medium gains the upper hand the vibrations naturally die down and stop. But until this moment is reached, that is, until the beginning of the natural weakening, the vibrations develop uniformly and gradually, and, in the absence of resistance, can even be endless. So that one of the fundamental propositions of our physics is the continuity of vibrations, although this has never been precisely formulated because it has never been opposed. In certain of the newest theories this proposition is beginning to be shaken. nevertheless physics is still very far from a correct view on the nature of vibrations, or what corresponds to our conception of vibrations, in the real world.

"In this instance the view of ancient knowledge is opposed to that of contemporary science because at the base of the understanding of vibrations ancient knowledge places the principle of the discontinuity of vibrations.

"The principle of the discontinuity of vibration means the definite and necessary characteristic of all vibrations in nature, whether ascending or descending, to develop not uniformly but with periodical accelerations and retardations. This principle can be formulated still more precisely if we say that the force of the original impulse in vibrations does not act uniformly but, as it were, becomes alternately stronger and weaker. The force of the impulse acts without changing its nature and vibrations develop in a regular way only for a certain time which is determined by the nature of the impulse, the medium, the conditions, and so forth. But at a certain moment a kind of change takes place in it and the vibrations, so to speak, cease to obey it and for a short time they slow down and to a certain extent change their nature of direction; for example, ascending vibrations at a certain moment begin to ascend more slowly, and descending vibrations begin to descend more slowly. After this temporary retardation, both in ascending and descending, the vibrations again enter the former channel and for a certain time ascend or descend uniformly up to a certain moment when a check in their development again takes place. In this connection it is significant that the periods of uniform action of the momentum are not equal and that the moments of retardation of the vibrations are not symmetrical. One period is shorter, the other is longer.

"In order to determine these moments of retardation, or rather, the checks in the ascent and descent of vibrations, the lines of development of vibrations are divided into periods corresponding to the doubling or the halving of the number of vibrations in a given space of time.

"Let us imagine a line of increasing vibrations. Let us take them at the moment when they are vibrating at the rate of one thousand a second. After a certain time the number of vibrations is doubled, that is, reaches two thousand.

"It has been found and established that in this interval of vibrations, between the given number of vibrations and a number twice as large, there are two places where a retardation in the increase of vibrations takes place. One is near the beginning but not at the beginning itself. The other occurs almost at the end."

"The laws which govern the retardation or the deflection of vibrations from their primary direction were known to ancient science. These laws were duly incorporated into a particular formula or diagram which has been preserved up to our times. In this formula the period in which vibrations are doubled was divided into eight unequal steps corresponding to the rate of increase in the vibrations. The eighth step repeats the first step with double the number of vibrations. This period of the doubling of the vibrations, or the line of the development of vibrations, between a given number of vibrations and double that number, is called and octave, that is to say, composed of eight.

"The principle of dividing into eight the unequal parts the period, in which the vibrations are doubled, is based upon the observation of the non-uniform increase of vibrations in the entire octave, and separate 'steps' of the octave show acceleration and retardation at different moments of its development.

"In the guise of this formula ideas of the octave have been handed down from teacher to pupil, from one school to another. In very remote times one of these schools found that it was possible to apply this formula to music. In this way was obtained the seven-tone musical scale which was known in the most distant antiquity, then forgotten, and then discovered or 'found' again.

"The seven-tone scale is the formula of a cosmic law which was worked out by ancient schools and applied to music. At the same time, however, if we study the manifestations of the law of actaves in vibrations of other kinds we shall see that the laws are everywhere the same, and that light, heat, chemical, magnetic, and other vibrations are subject to the same laws as sound vibrations. For instance, the light scale is known to physics; in chemistry the periodic system of the elements is without doubt closely connected with the principle of octaves although this connection is still not fully clear to science.

"A study of the structure of the seventeen musical scale gives a very good foundation for understanding the cosmic law of octaves.

"Let us again take the ascending octave, that is, the octave in which the frequency of vibrations increases. Let us suppose that this octave begins with one thousand vibrations a second. Let us designate these thousand vibrations by the note do. Vibrations are growing, that is, their frequency is increasing. At the point where they reach two thousand vibrations a second there will be a second do, that is the do of the next octave.

"The period between on do and the next, that is, and octave, is divided into seven unequal parts because the frequency of vibrations does not increase uniformly.


"If we grasp its full meaning the Law of Octaves gives us an entirely new explanation of the whole of life, of the progress and development of phenomena on all planes of the universe observed by us. This law explains why there are no straight lines in nature and also why we can neither think nor do, why everything with us is thought, why everything happens with us and happens usually in a way opposed to what we want or expect. All this is the clear and direct effect of the 'intervals', or retardations in the development of vibrations.

"What precisely does happen at the moment of the retardation of vibrations? A deviation from the original direction takes place.

"But a deviation takes place between mi and fa; the line begun at do changes its direction and through fa, sol, la and si it descends at an angle to its original direction, shown by the first three notes. Between si and do the second 'interval' occurs - a fresh deviation, a further change of direction.

"The next octave gives an even more marked deviation, the one following that a deviation that is more marked still, so that the line of octaves may at last turn completely round and proceed in a direction opposite to the original direction.

"In developing further, the line of octaves or the line of development of vibrations may return to the original direction, in other words, make a complete circle. This Law shows why straight lines never occur in our activities, why, having begun to do one thing, we in fact constantly do something entirely different, often the opposite of the first, although we do not notice this and continue to think that we are doing the same thing that we began to do.

"All this and many other things can only be explained with the help of the Law of Octaves together with an understanding of the role and significance of 'intervals' which cause the line of the development of force constantly to change, to go in a broken line, to turn round, to become its 'own opposite' and so on.

Didn't have the skills to include the diagrams that are included in the book, although it appears that the video does a fine, albeit different, demonstration of some of the things G is saying.
Yeah this is pretty fascinating! What Gurdjieff says about vibrations (be it sound, light, molecular, etc) being divided into 7 frequencies, and that our behavior and reality itself is governed and structured by resonance with these vibrations seems insane in implications, if only we could connect the dots and "get it" scientifically. It seems that we have a mathematics that is in many ways built on contrived theoretical logic, and when we engineer/build/create things we try to force reality to conform to our unrealistic (if G is right) mathematical concepts like straight lines or uniform waves or linear numbers. We make observations of reality and then make assumptions about it, and then make mathematical models that conform to our assumptions, and then use these models to try to create things in reality. Just because straight lines can exist mathematically doesn't mean they can ever exist in reality. I wonder if it makes sense to incorporate what IS possible and real into our math, and then engineer/build/create using that kind of math instead? This way we won't be forcing reality to impossibly conform to our assumptions about reality, but instead base our math on natural laws, which would make our technology and creations conform to natural laws and maybe be far more efficient and advanced than anything we can "approximate" using our existing structures. Anyway just some thoughts.

I was thinking about G's thoughts above and was wondering what kind of waves could there be in space to "structure" the universe? There is no air so how can there be sound? There is light. But then I remembered gravity and that made me remember what the C's said about "unstable gravity waves":

C's 96-06-15 said:
Q: (L) One of the things that Al-Arabi writes about is the ontological level of being. Concentric circles, so to speak, of
states of being. And, each state merely defines relationships. At each higher level you are closer to a direct relationship
with the core of existence, and on the outer edges, you are in closer relationship with matter. This accurately explicates
the 7 densities you have described for us. He also talks about the "out raying" and the "inward moving" toward
knowledge. My thought was certain beings, such as 4th density STS, and other STS beings of 3rd density, who think
that they are creating a situation where they will accrue power to themselves, but may, in fact, be part of the "out raying"
or dispersion into matter. Is this a correct perception?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Al-Arabi says, and this echoes what you have said, that you can stay in the illusion where you are, you can move
downward or upward. Is this, in part, whichever direction you choose a function of your position on the cycle?
A: It is more complex than that.
Q: (L) Well, I am sure of that. Al-Arabi presents a very complex analysis and he probably didn't know it all either...
Nevertheless, it almost word-for-word reflects things that have been given directly to us through this source.
A: Now, learn, read, research all you can about unstable gravity waves.
Q: (L) Okay. Unstable gravity waves. I'll see what I can find. Is there something more about this?
A: Meditate too!
Q: (L) Yes. Well, they have been telling us to meditate. Have you been meditating, F****? (F) Not lately.
A: We mean for you, Laura, to meditate about unstable gravity waves as part of research.
Q: (L) Okay. Would it be alright to ask a few more questions about the Sufis?
A: Not unless you wish to get off the track.
Q: (L) That would be off the track from the way we are moving at present?
A: Not until you have memorized Sufi teachings to the extent that you can cross reference with Bible and similar works.
Q: (L) Okay. So, we are onto something with the Sufi teachings. But, we don't need to get off the track. I guess that they
did with the Koran what some other mystics have done with the Bible. It is clear that there is something under the surface
of it, but it is corrupted and twisted. And, I was convinced by seeing this underlying pattern that it was possible to
penetrate the veil, and that gave me the impetus to push for a breakthrough.
A: Unstable gravity waves unlock as yet unknown secrets of quantum physics to make the picture crystal clear.
Q: (L) Can we free associate about these gravity waves since no bookstores are open at this hour? Gravity seems to be
a property of matter. Is that correct?
A: And....
Q: (L) And hmmmm....
A: And antimatter!
Q: (L) Is the gravity that is a property of antimatter "antigravity?" Or, is it just gravity on the other side, so to speak?
A: Binder.
Q: (L) Okay. Gravity is the binder. Is gravity the binder of matter?
A: And...
Q: (L) Is gravity a property of light?
A: Not the issue.
Q: (L) What is the issue? Can you help me out here, F****?
A: Gravity binds all that is physical with all that is ethereal through unstable gravity waves!!!
Some brainstorming thoughts: but maybethis is related to why physical reality is said to be reflected in the ethereal and vice versa - as above so below. Why is physical reality so highly structured instead of being just a chaotic entropic mess the law of entropy says it should be without a "force" acting on it to change this default state? My thought is that because of consciousness. But how does a non-physical consciousness interact with and shape physical reality? As a small example, how can thoughts from 6th density end up being physical crop circles on 3rd? Do unstable gravity waves play a role here, if so, what role? On a related note, is gravity something "physical" or "non-physical"? According to the C's it is both - it is absolutely everything, the binder of all existence. In physics it is called a "force" but that is just a convenient word used for something that would otherwise be called "we don't know what the hell it is but it seems to affect everything".

C's continued said:
Q: (L) Is antimatter ethereal existence?
A: Pathway to.
Q: (L) Okay.
A: Doorway to.
Q: (L) Are unstable gravity waves... no, hold everything... do unstable gravity waves emanate from 7th density?
A: Throughout.
Q: (L) Do they emanate from any particular density?
A: That is just the point, there is none.
Q: (L) There are no unstable gravity waves?
A: Wrong...
Q: (L) There is no emanation point?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, they are a property or attribute of the existence of matter, and the binder of matter to ethereal ideation?
A: Sort of, but they are a property of anti-matter, too!
Q: (L) So, through unstable gravity waves, you can access other densities?
A: Everything.
Q: (L) Can you generate them mechanically?
A: Generation is really collecting and dispersing.
Random thought: If you can access everything using unstable gravity waves, then it seems reasonable to say that unsable gravity waves interact with everything in some manner. So that means they would interact with non-physical pure consciousness like the C's, and also with purely physical things like our physical universe. So if pure consciousness and thoughts can affect these unstable gravity waves, these waves could conceivable then affect matter and cause it to be "structured" in a way that is resonant with that particular consciousness/thought.

C's continued said:
Q: (L) Okay, what kind of a device would collect and disperse gravity waves? Is this what spirals do?
A: On the way to.
Q: (L) So, if were to focus on collecting unstable gravity waves...
A: When you wrote "Noah" where did you place gravity?
Q: (L) I thought that gravity was an indicator of the consumption of electricity; that gravity was a byproduct of a
continuous flow of electrical energy...
A: Gravity is no byproduct! It is the central ingredient of all existence!
Q: (L) I was evaluating by electric flow and consumption... and I was thinking that electricity was evidence of some sort
of consciousness, and that gravity was evidence that a planet that had it, had life...
A: We have told you before that planets and stars are windows. And where does it go?
Q: (L) The windows?
A: The gravity.
Q: (L) Oh. Gravity must go into the ethereal dimensions or densities. I mean, you have my head going in so many
different directions that I feel like I have popcorn in there.
A: Good!
Q: (L) Well, where does gravity go. The sun is a window. Even our planet must be a window!
A: You have it too!!
Q: (L) So, gravity is the unifying principle... the thing that keeps things together, like the way all the fat pulls together in a
bowl of soup.
A: Gravity is all there is.
Q: (L) Is light the emanation of gravity?
A: No.
Q: (L) What is light?
A: Gravity.
Q: (L) Is gravity the same as the strong and weak nuclear forces?
A: Gravity is "God."
Q: (L) But, I thought God was light?
A: If gravity is everything, what isn't it? Light is energy expression generated by gravity?
Q: (L) Is gravity the "light that cannot be seen," as the Sufis call it: the Source.
A: Please name something that is not gravity.
Q: (L) Well, if gravity is everything, there is nothing that is not gravity. Fine. What is absolute nothingness?
A: A mere thought.
Q: (L) So, there is no such thing as non-existence?
A: Yes, there is.
Q: (L) Do thoughts produce gravity?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Does sound produce gravity?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Can sound manipulate gravity?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Can it be done with the human voice?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Can it be done tonally or by power through thought?
A: Both.
Q: (L) Then, is there also specific sound configurations involved?
A: Gravity is manipulated by sound when thought manipulated by gravity chooses to produce sound which manipulates
Q: (L) Now, did the fellow who built the Coral Castle spin in his airplane seat while thinking his manipulations into place?
A: No. He spun when gravity chose to manipulate him to spin in order to manipulate gravity.
Q: (L) Does gravity have consciousness?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is it ever possible for the individual to do the choosing, or is it gravity that IS him that chose?
A: The gravity that was inside him was all the gravity in existence.
Q: (L) Well, I thought the Sufis were tough! (F) Well, it's probably because of your studies that this door opened. (L)
Good grief! What have I done! Alright. I am confused.
A: No you are not.
Q: (L) Then, just put it this way: I am befuddled and overloaded.
A: Befuddling is fun!
Q: (L) Well, I guess that if any of this is going to be of particular significance to us, then we will certainly find out the
details as we go along.
A: How many times do we have to tell you?!?!
Q: (L) Learning is fun! Right!
A: The entire sum total of all existence exists within each of you, and vice versa.
Q: (L) Then what is the explanation for the "many-ness" that we perceive?
A: Perception of 3rd density.
Q: (L) So, the entire universe is inside me... okay, that's... I understand. Oddly enough, I do. The problem is accessing it,
stripping away the veils.
A: That is the fun part.
Q: (L) So, the fellow who built the Coral Castle was able to access this. Consistently or only intermittently?
A: Partially.
Q: (L) According to what I understand, at the speed of light, there is no mass, no time, and no gravity. How can this be?
A: No mass, no time, but yes, gravity.
Q: (L) A photon has gravity?
A: Gravity supercedes light speed.
Q: (L) Gravity waves are faster than light?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What would make a gravity wave unstable?
A: Utilization.
Q: (L) I feel like I am missing a really big point here...
A: You are, but you can only find it at your own pace.
Q: (L) Well, I think I need to do some reading and research so that I can come back to this.
A: And, on that note, good night.

C's 96-06-22 said:
Q: (F) Well, they mentioned twice to be careful about putting in the designated quotes. (L) One of the crop circles you
interpreted was an "astronomical twin phenomenon." What is an astronomical twin phenomenon?
A: Many perfectly synchronous meanings.
Q: (L) Synchronicity is involved. Does this have something to do with "image?"
A: Duplicity of, as in "Alice through the looking glass."
Q: (L) Double images. Does this relate to matter and antimatter?
A: Yes, and...
Q: (L) Gravity and manifesting on one side and manifesting a mirror image on the other...
A: Yes, and...
Q: (L) And images of 4th density bodies with tenuous fibers connecting to DNA as in manifesting imaginal bodies on 4th
A: Astronomical.
Q: (L) Okay, that relates to stars and planets... astronomical in terms of another universe, an alternate universe
composed of antimatter?
A: Yes, and....
Q: (L) And is this alternate universe going to merge with our universe...
A: No.
Q: (L) Is this alternate universe of antimatter the point from which phenomena occur or are manifested in our universe?
A: More like doorway or "conduit."
Q: (L) Is this alternate universe the means by which we must travel to 4th density? Is it like a veil, or an abyss of some
A: Think of it as the highway.
Q: (L) So, we must travel through this universe of antimatter in order to reach 4th density?
A: No.
Q: (L) Is something going to happen in terms of interacting with this antimatter in order to bring about some sort of
A: No. Realm Border is traveling wave.
Q: (L) Okay, you say "traveling wave," and then you say that antimatter is the highway. Does this mean moving through
antimatter or interacting in some way with antimatter via the the impetus of the traveling wave, or realm border?
A: Bends space/time, this is where your unstable gravity waves can be utilized.
Q: (L) Utilizing antimatter by creating an EM field, which destabilizes the gravity wave, allows antimatter to unite with
matter, creating a portal through which space/time can be bent, or traveled through via this "bending." In other words,
producing an EM field, bringing in the antimatter, IS the bending of space/time? Is that it?
A: Yes.

And there's lots lots more in the transcripts.
Looked into the manipulation of things with sound a bit more and found some interesting connections:

The study of wave phenomena, and specifically the patterns produced from interactions of sound waves in a medium is called Cymatics

On the above page it mentions that some of these patterns are similar to mandala designs:

The word "mandala" is from the classical Indian language of Sanskrit. Loosely translated to mean "circle," a mandala is far more than a simple shape. It represents wholeness, and can be seen as a model for the organizational structure of life itself--a cosmic diagram that reminds us of our relation to the infinite, the world that extends both beyond and within our bodies and minds.

Describing both material and non-material realities, the mandala appears in all aspects of life: the celestial circles we call earth, sun, and moon, as well as conceptual circles of friends, family, and community.
Interesting description. C's said Sanskrit has Atlantean roots so I wonder if mandalas themselves have anything to do with knowledge that may have been passed down and perhaps distorted along the way from Atlantean times.

I was curious to find mandalas that are similar to shapes from cymatics experiments, which led me to this guy:


According to a bunch of websites, suposedly the most important mandala from the Hindu tantric tradition that is called "Sri Yantra" and represents "OM" was reproduced by Dr. Hans Jenny using tonoscope (allows a human voice to vibrate a plate and create a pattern), and it was supposedly produced by someone saying "OM" into the device!


I was trying to verify this but couldn't so far, all I see is websites repeating this claim without linking to original source. One website says it's just nonsense:


I can see how that "OM" sound image could be a fabrication, a popularized disinfo in order to discredit the study of vibrations and resonances and their potential application from ancient science. But maybe there's something to it as well, I don't have the data one way or another yet.

I found some images of crop circles compared to cymatics on this forum (ignoring the sacred geometry drivel)

Along the way I ran across the concept of "acoustic levitation" which I thought was cool, but I doubt it is the same as the "sound wave focusing" the C's talk about that was used to build the Pyramids and the Coral Castle:

I couldn't find a website specifically comparing mandalas and cymatics images. So what does it all mean? I dunno but it sure as heck is interesting! There may be some red herrings along the way but sifting through those to get to the truth is the fun part.
Nice! This has been lots of fun to think about, doing a little brainstorming with ya:

..but maybe this is related to why physical reality is said to be reflected in the ethereal and vice versa - as above so below. Why is physical reality so highly structured instead of being just a chaotic entropic mess the law of entropy says it should be without a "force" acting on it to change this default state? My thought is that because of consciousness. But how does a non-physical consciousness interact with and shape physical reality? As a small example, how can thoughts from 6th density end up being physical crop circles on 3rd? Do unstable gravity waves play a role here, if so, what role?

This brings to mind what G says regarding shocks, and how they are 'provided' by all of creation, ultimately for, it seems, lessons. What I find interesting is how G also states, and it does seem to be so, that these shocks are provided only up to a point, and that to go beyond 'default' requires the conscious efforts of the individual. Fun, as this at least to me at this time seems to suggest a type of consciousness that may be a type of 'default state'.....one that, when viewed from this third density vantage point, could be seen as the universe 'meeting one halfway' in regards to learning about objective reality and 'respecting' the free will of the individual, as it is by conscious effort of the individual that learning and application is achieved and further shocks may be recognized.....and then searched for.

From the tail end of Chapter Nine of ISOTM, right around this diagram:

About which he states:

"Let us take the human organism in the form of a three-story factory. The upper floor of this factory consists of a man's head; the middle floor of the chest; and the lower, of the stomach, back, and the lower part of the body.

"The three-story factory represents the universe in miniature and is constructed according to the same laws and on the same plan as the whole universe."

He then goes on the explain that without self observation and external consideration:

"Under normal conditions, that is, the conditions of normal existence, the production of the fine matters by the factory at this point comes to a stop and the third octave sounds as do only. The highest substance produced by the factory is se 12 and for all its higher functions the factory is able to use only this higher matter.

To go beyond, G tells us (while discussing breathing air):

"In order to extract more, it is necessary to have in our organism a certain quantity of corresponding fine substances. Then the fine substances contained in the organism act like a magnet on the fine substances contained in the inhaled air. We come again to the old alchemical law: 'In order to make gold, it is first of all necessary to have a certain quantity of real gold.' 'If no gold whatever is possessed, there is no means whatever of making it.'

The whole of alchemy is nothing but an allegorical description of the human factory and its work of transforming base metals (coarse substances) into precious ones (fine substances).

We have followed the development of two octaves. The thrid octave, that is, the octave of impressions, begins through a conscious effort.


"For the two octaves to develop further, a second conscious shock is needed at a certain point in the machine, a new conscious effort is necessary which will enable the two octaves to continue their development. The nature of this effort demands special study. From the point of view of the general work of the machine it can be said in general that this effort is connected with the emotional life, that it is a special kind of influence over one's emotions. But what this kind of influence really is, and how it has to be produced, can be explained only in connection with a general description of the work of the human factory or the human machine.

"The practice of not expressing unpleasant emotions, of not 'identifying', of not 'considering inwardly', is the preparation for the second effort.

"If we now take the work of the human factory as a whole, we shall be able to see at the moments when the production of fine substances is arrested by what means we can increase the productivity of the factory. We see that, under ordinary conditions and working with one mechanical 'shock', the factory produces a very small quantity of the fine substances. Working with two conscious 'shocks' the factory will produce a quantity of the fine substances such as, in the course of time, will completely change the character of the factory itself.

Then you bring up gravity and consiousness:

A: Gravity is no byproduct! It is the central ingredient of all existence!
Q: (L) I was evaluating by electric flow and consumption... and I was thinking that electricity was evidence of some sort
of consciousness, and that gravity was evidence that a planet that had it, had life...
A: We have told you before that planets and stars are windows. And where does it go?
Q: (L) The windows?
A: The gravity.
Q: (L) Oh. Gravity must go into the ethereal dimensions or densities. I mean, you have my head going in so many
different directions that I feel like I have popcorn in there.
A: Good!
Q: (L) Well, where does gravity go. The sun is a window. Even our planet must be a window!
A: You have it too!!
Q: (L) So, gravity is the unifying principle... the thing that keeps things together, like the way all the fat pulls together in a
bowl of soup.
A: Gravity is all there is.

It really does seem fairly obvious that what they are saying is Gravity = Consciousness, for if gravity is all there is then that would include and be consciousness. That seems to make some logical sense, but then they go ahead and state it plainly:

A: Gravity is "God."
Q: (L) But, I thought God was light?
A: If gravity is everything, what isn't it? Light is energy expression generated by gravity?
Q: (L) Is gravity the "light that cannot be seen," as the Sufis call it: the Source.
A: Please name something that is not gravity.
Q: (L) Well, if gravity is everything, there is nothing that is not gravity. Fine. What is absolute nothingness?
A: A mere thought.
Q: (L) So, there is no such thing as non-existence?
A: Yes, there is.
Q: (L) Do thoughts produce gravity?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Does sound produce gravity?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Can sound manipulate gravity?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Can it be done with the human voice?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Can it be done tonally or by power through thought?
A: Both.
Q: (L) Then, is there also specific sound configurations involved?
A: Gravity is manipulated by sound when thought manipulated by gravity chooses to produce sound which manipulates

Q: (L) Now, did the fellow who built the Coral Castle spin in his airplane seat while thinking his manipulations into place?
A: No. He spun when gravity chose to manipulate him to spin in order to manipulate gravity.
Q: (L) Does gravity have consciousness?
A: Yes.

But what kind of consciousness I wonder.....such as, is gravity of a type of individual consciousness......like a great 'Universal Will', spanning all densities, is all there is, is all of consciousness? Wouldn't that also include being 'whole' and 'fragmented' at the same time, depending on the perspective and/or awareness of the observer? If so, and we are at the perspective of witnessing fragmentation of a larger consciousness which may also be chaos and entropy, although at this point it is starting to appear that chaos and entropy may be a causality of unlearned lessons, a consciousness that works with one, regardless of one's ignorance and even will-full subjectivity....is the consciousness in question of a service to self or others polarity? And if 'fragments' of this consciousness begin Learning with creation instead of against, what is the response of 'gravity'? Certainly not sure and the noodle's a-bakin'!

This is also bringing some of the Ra Material to mind, here's a bit from book 2 that gives an interesting break-down of fragmentation and what is called 'intelligent infinity', how...it...works with concepts of free will:
The Law of One said:

Questioner: When does the individualization or the individualized portion
of consciousness come into play? At what point does individualized
consciousness take over working on the basic light?

Ra: I am Ra. You remain carefully in the area of creation itself. In this
process we must further confuse you by stating that the process by which
free will acts upon potential intelligent infinity to become focused
intelligent energy takes place without the space/time of which you are so
aware as it is your continuum experience.

The experience or existence of space/time comes into being after the
individuation process of Logos or Love has been completed and the physical
universe, as you would call it, has coalesced or begun to draw inward while
moving outward to the extent that that which you call your sun bodies have
in their turn created timeless chaos coalescing into what you call planets,
these vortices of intelligent energy spending a large amount of what you
would call first density in a timeless state, the space/time realization being
one of the learn/teachings of this density of being-ness.

Thus we have difficulty answering your questions with regard to time and
space and their relationship to the, what you would call, original creation
which is not a part of space/time as you can understand it.

Questioner: Thank you. Does a unit of consciousness, an individualized
unit of consciousness, create a unit of the creation? I will give an example.

One individualized consciousness creates one galaxy of stars, the type that
has many millions of stars in it. Does this happen?

Ra: I am Ra. This can happen. The possibilities are infinite. Thus a Logos
may create what you call a star system or it may be the Logos creating
billions of star systems. This is the cause of the confusion in the term
galaxy, for there are many different Logos entities or creations and we
would call each, using your sound vibration complexes, a galaxy.

Questioner: Let’s take as an example the planet that we are on now and tell
me how much of the creation was created by the same Logos that created
this planet?

Ra: I am Ra. This planetary Logos is a strong Logos creating approximately
250 billion of your star systems for Its creation. The, shall we say, laws or
physical ways of this creation will remain, therefore, constant.

Questioner: Then what you are saying is that the lenticular star system
which we call a galaxy that we find ourselves in with approximately 250
billion other suns like our own was created by a single Logos. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.

Questioner: Since there are many individualized portions of consciousness
in this lenticular galaxy, did this Logos then subdivide into more
individualization of consciousness to create these consciousnesses?

Ra: I am Ra. You are perceptive. This is also correct although an apparent

Questioner: Could you tell me what you mean by an apparent paradox?

Ra: I am Ra. It would seem that if one Logos creates the intelligent energy
ways for a large system there would not be the necessity or possibility of the
further sub-Logos differentiation. However, within limits, this is precisely
the case, and it is perceptive that this has been seen.

Questioner: Thank you. I’ll call the lenticular galaxy that we are in the
major galaxy just so we will not get mixed up in our terms. Does all the
consciousness in individualized form that goes into what we are calling the
major galaxy start out and go through all of the densities in order, one-twothree-
four-five-six-seven and into the eighth, or are there some who start up
higher in the rank so that there is always a mixture of intelligent
consciousness in the galaxy?

Ra: I am Ra. The latter is more nearly correct. In each beginning there is
the beginning from infinite strength. Free will acts as a catalyst. Beings
begin to form the universes. Consciousness then begins to have the
potential to experience. The potentials of experience are created as a part of
intelligent energy and are fixed before experience begins.

However, there is always, due to free will acting infinitely upon the
creation, a great variation in initial responses to intelligent energy’s
potential. Thus almost immediately the foundations of the, shall we call it,
hierarchical nature of beings begins to manifest as some portions of
consciousness or awareness learn through experience in a much more
efficient manner.

I may be reaching a bit, yet must admit my mind becomes full of Mandelbrot sets right about here. There seems to be a great metaphoric representation in running these simple equations (thoughts?) that fractal out into these infinitely complex patterns as they (programs?/reactions?/responses?) run. What really cracks me up is the Julia Sets that can be found here and there. I like to think they can represent loops and recurring thoughts and life situations......sort of depicting how certain outcomes and 'scenery' can be found if one is running certain 'equations', which can represent the causality of subjective or objective consciousness in the individual. So, using this as a potential metaphor, it seems that if one is Working on oneself, and all that can entail, one would be running quite different 'equations'....which then seems logical to further suppose that Many working towards objectivity, free will consideration, and Service to Others, would run same/similar 'equations'. Would even maybe see new 'Julia Sets' and 'scenery' in general?

Back to Ra:
Questioner: Is there any reason for some portions being much more
efficient in learning?

Ra: I am Ra. Is there any reason for some to learn more quickly than others?
Look, if you wish, to the function of the will … the, shall we say, attraction
to the upward spiraling line of light.


Spirals come up quite a bit in the C's sessions, and man, I don't know about you, but the spiral is just downright fascinating to me, and reminds me of a neat Tool tune called Lateralus...if you got about nine minutes of time to spare and are so inclined, , check it out: _http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wS7CZIJVxFY

SAO said:
So what does it all mean? I dunno but it sure as heck is interesting!

No doubt! Still feeling pretty out in the woods, and pretty stumped on how a crop circle comes into being...maybe some type of agreement is made?

There certainly is lots more in the sessions and throughout the site, going to have a smoke and do a little more searching and wondering :cool2:
Stumbled across this thread while doing some reading and a few more things stood out.

Great links on cymatics, did some more searching and came across harmonographs, wondering if the sound's shape may have anything to do with anything.


The images produced are really neat to look at, but do they mean anything? Don't know! The russian pyrokinetic guy might think so....

Also been thinking about unstable gravity waves, what are they? Did a wiki on gravity and gravitational waves, a little reading here and there, but there's not a whole heck of a lot of info on an unstable gravity wave.



Then, in going over this thread this stood out:

C's 960615 said:
A: Now, learn, read, research all you can about unstable gravity waves.
Q: (L) Okay. Unstable gravity waves. I'll see what I can find. Is there something more about this?
A: Meditate too!
Q: (L) What would make a gravity wave unstable?
A: Utilization.

Definition of utilize:

To put to use, especially to find a profitable or practical use for.

Then what you say about gravity here:

SAO said:
According to the C's it is both - it is absolutely everything, the binder of all existence. In physics it is called a "force" but that is just a convenient word used for something that would otherwise be called "we don't know what the hell it is but it seems to affect everything".

...causes me to consider how it is already in use, and what ways it can be seen functioning merrily along, but not well known or easily recognized as indicated here:

Q: (L) Are unstable gravity waves... no, hold everything... do unstable gravity waves emanate from 7th density?
A: Throughout.
Q: (L) Do they emanate from any particular density?
A: That is just the point, there is none.
Q: (L) There are no unstable gravity waves?
A: Wrong...
Q: (L) There is no emanation point?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, they are a property or attribute of the existence of matter, and the binder of matter to ethereal ideation?
A: Sort of, but they are a property of anti-matter, too!
Q: (L) So, through unstable gravity waves, you can access other densities?
A: Everything.
Q: (L) Can you generate them mechanically?
A: Generation is really collecting and dispersing.

C's 970719 said:
Q: What is a 'collinear wave reading consciousness unit?'
A: Suggest you "look in the mirror."

Got me wondering how we 'participate' in such dynamics already in progress, as well as what could enable utilization, and access to unstable gravity waves. Thoughts then turned to the Field thread, where everything stands out, lol, including this:

Raintree said:

Based on the above excerpts, my current hypothesis is that biologically, something in the structure of DNA is source of this 380 nanometres of light responsible for maintaining a healthy "coherence" within the body, and perhaps the proof of this would be in the discovery of some sort of nano-hollow-tube like design within the structure of DNA, which perhaps corroborates the notion of DNA acting like a superconductor, since as the C's mentioned above, "within superconductor; it is a "hollow" tube structure, thus evidence of vacuum"; therefore, this would perhaps make more sense in terms of the C's saying the following about Gravity: "You have it too!!" Perhaps they are talking about the material design of our DNA - acting as a superconductor - that has the qualities of a "cycling magnetic pulse", which is created by "matter within gravity vacuum." This may relate to the notion of "unstable gravity waves" as well, this "collecting [of] electrons" which is released as light that is " an energy expression of gravity" through the utilizers' (the All that is One and vice versa) utilizations of Gravity, and perhaps what they were getting at when they said "gravity center of planet is also "window" to all other density levels and dimensional planes of existence, which is why electrically charged atoms "ground" in order to pass on to other planes through gravity binder", or so I think.

Perhaps this is why DNA acts like a superconductor "in the hot and messy environment of a living thing" and thus the "source" that "taps" into the article's hypothesized notion of the weak light within at 380 nanometers that cures cancer, which is mentioned in the excerpt below:

Laura said:
In his presentation as well as his paper, Popp's science was unassailable, save for one detail: it assumed that a weak light of 380 nanometres was somehow, being produced in the body. To the cancer researchers, this one detail was some kind of a joke. Don't you think if there were light in the body, they told him, somebody, somewhere would have noticed it by now?

This also reminds me of the C's saying that our "receivership capability" was changed or "truncated" "because of [the] design alteration" of our DNA by 4D STS "biogenetic engineering."

Noodle's baking hard now, although for a quick side, finding this part makes me scratch my head and wonder, nothing against Popp, just a familiar 'equation' being run in some thoughts:


In the months before his paper was published, Popp was highly impatient, worried that his idea would be stolen. Any careless disclosure of his to the casual observer might send the listener off to patent Popp's discovery. As soon as the scientific community realized he had discovered a cure for cancer, he would he one of the most celebrated scientists of his day. It was his first foray into a new area of science, and it was going to land him the Nobel prize.

Looks like a mandlebrot to me, as in, highly impatient and worried that someone was going to steal his idea. Which was what? The truth about something? If something is the truth, is it 'ownable'? Perhaps for a while, but it seems that given enough time, it would eventually be found out. Truth can be buried, suppressed, impossible to find for a billion years....but it seems those who seek truth can eventually find it, provided they are not stopped on the way. Devils in the details!

It appears I find the notion of owning truth a bit fishy. It may be capitalized on, used for selfish and nefarious purposes over ignorance, but is that really ownership or merely the idea of ownership, a lie that one must go through great lengths to ensure becomes 'real'? Not to say recognition for discovery is a 'bad' thing, but worth worrying over? Really?

Seems at this point to have not much to do with the actual discovery anymore, more what's in it for the self and more preservation of an 'i', which views it's ideas of self as valuable property, and thoughts are back to priority number one again.

I guess what I'm hanging up on here is the predator's mind running through an amazing discovery. Here is an example of a great service to others, and there is concern about the self not getting credit which can cause stress/anxiety/feeding juxtaposed with the spreading of helpful knowledge which causes relief/healing/learning. In a practical sense, the world being how it is, Popp's gotta eat, too, yet this thread comes to mind regarding how things could be run and focused on a little differently, and is relevent to this discussion and the search for new julia sets :P:


because after all, it may be sort of 'forced' due to the way things are run, but wasn't it this kind of thinking that got us into this 'mess' in the first place?

Q: (L) So, we always have the power to return to being
STO? Even in 3rd density?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) How does a 3rd density STO being conduct their life?
A: Discover.
Q: (T) I want to go back to the analogy of the door. The door
has always been there. The temptation has always been
there... (J) Is there... (T) Has, is, will be... is always.
A: "When" you went for the gold, you said "Hello" to the
Lizards and all that that implies.
Q: (T) Okay that was what I was trying to get at. You said
that the Lizards or the forces of STS opened the door.
A: No. Shouldn't say opened. We said "opened" only to
introduce you to the concept, so that you would understand.
Q: (L) So, let's let go of the part that somebody "opened" the
door. (T) The door was always there and always open. I was
just trying to work with the analogy. So, the concept is that,
as STO beings we had the choice of either going for the gold
or not. By going for the gold, we became STS beings
because going for the gold was STS.
A: Yes.
Q: (T) And, in doing so, we ended up aligning ourselves with
the 4th density Lizard Beings...
A: Yes.

By unconsciously aligning with 4th density STS, what happens when parts of 'gravity' consciously begin to align with STO? When an orchestra starts to play in sync and the volume gets loud?

There's a great piece from the wave that comes to mind, and seems to fit nicely:

Application of will via knowledge, to choices produces FREQUENCY RESONANCE VIBRATION in the consciousness which can then manifest in the experience of the individual in very particular ways as I will try to explain.

Any given system has a natural frequency. A human being has several frequencies which relate to the atomic "signature" of the cellular structure, etheric body frequency, and the frequency of the consciousness which is a function of will or orientation.

If you record a pure tone, you can connect the output line that would go to a speaker to an ocilloscope instead. In this way, you can SEE the sound rather than hear it. As you observe it, you note that it oscillates. You are seeing a wave. Frequency is the number of crests of a wave in a designated unit of time. That is what determines frequency. More units in time means higher frequency. Frequency is in inverse ratio to the length of the wave. The higher the frequency, the shorter the wave. (It is important to note here that a "unit of time" is an arbitrary measurement, so assigning a "number" to a frequency is merely a matter of convention.)

Frequency Resonance Vibration is directly related to what is called Forced Oscillation. Any wave system may be driven by a force from the "outside." Whenever a system is made to vibrate by a periodic force, the resulting motion is called Forced Oscillation. An example would be the glass that shatters when the opera singer hits the "right note."

Forced Oscillations take place with the frequency of the driving force rather than with the natural frequency of the system. The amplitude of the response depends on how the driving frequency is related to the natural frequency. If these frequencies are nearly the same, even a very weak driving force can, in time, feed enough energy into the system to give it a large amplitude of motion. This condition is called Resonance.

Everybody has probably pushed a child on a swing. What you notice is, after a series of very strong pushes to get the swing going, you can stand there and just give an occasional push or "tap" to keep the same swinging motion going. But, as every parent knows, it has to be given at exactly the right instant. The tap must be applied in the same direction, and at the very instant of the swinging away motion for it to work. If you give a push at intervals instead of at every return, you will find that an increase of force is necessary depending on how many times you let the swing come and go before applying another tap. If you set up a series of "every other return" before pushing, you will have to apply the exact same force at each of these arbitrarily determined intervals which will be a multiple of the force you would have to apply if you pushed with every single return. These intervals of pushing at arbitrarily designated returns are submultiples of the natural frequency. And, as you see from this example, they can produce the same resonance also, the Frequency Resonance Vibration being the swinging in response to being pushed.

If the pushes are continued, and if the swing had long enough ropes and a brave enough child, a regular series of pushes could eventually launch the child into outer space!

But, you will notice that if the pushes are not given at the right moment, if they are not constantly delivered either with every swing or in a submultiple, if no periodicity is maintained, the swing will slow down and stop. You will also notice that if you do not apply the pushes in a fixed period, the motion of the swing is erratic. And you will definitely notice that if you push at the wrong moment, or against the swing direction, you will cause it to slow down! In such a case, you are taking energy away from the system.

The very same principles apply to Forced Oscillation of any wave whether it is a sound wave, radio wave, light wave or whatever. In fact, it could be said that light is produced is Forced Oscillations of atoms. All things in nature which are a "response to a stimulus" are Forced Oscillations.

A human being could be considered to be a series of Forced Oscillations.

And here we come to the problem:

Besides depending on how close the driving frequency is to the natural frequency, the amplitude of response of the forced vibrations of a system also depends on the strength of the damping. The less damping there is, the greater the response of resonance. The resonance frequency is always lower than the natural frequency but gets very close as the damping is reduced. [Freeman, Physics Principles and Insights, 1973]

Now, as we have said, a human being is a combination of frequencies of the cellular structure, the etheric/genetic body, and the consciousness orientation. If these different frequencies operate in harmonious submultiples of a certain fundamental frequency, we say that the system is in harmony, that is to say, there is Harmonious Frequency Resonance.

We can also say that, by changing one of the frequencies and amplifying it, the others may be brought into harmony by the process of Forced oscillation IF the natural frequency of each is a harmonic of, or is close to, the driving frequency.

At the same time, the act of changing ANY of the frequencies can be accomplished by Forced Oscillation from the "outside," whether for harmony or not. That is to say, if the forced oscillation is not close to the natural frequency, there will be less amplitude.

Now, a human being, in general, is under the powerful influence of the matter of which his body is constructed. Matter is the result of the STS "Thought of Non-being," or "Sleeping Consciousness" of God. Therefore, in a general sense, by being in 3rd density, to a great extenct, man is "asleep;" he is under the influence of the frequency of the STS polarity. His Frequency Resonance Vibration is STS, or that of matter/contraction - the predator's mind.

But, man has a possibility of CHANGING FREQUENCY, aligning with STO polarity, IF he can find that part of himself that is truly of Service to Others and AMPLIFY it through the process of Frequency Resonance Vibration, resulting from the Forced Oscillation of alignment with the STO thought center. It is only his Will that can do this, and it is only WHEN it is "married to knowledge" so that he can truly KNOW what his choice is and how to implement it. These choices are the "pushes" of the swing. If sufficient amplitude is achieved, ALL of his other frequencies will also gradually be forced into Frequency Resonance Vibration.

Of course, this process is not only dependent upon the natural frequency of the individual, but also upon the dampers that may be in place that can restrict the amplitude. The fewer dampers, the greater the amplitude that can be achieved with the least application of energy.

We have to discover and remove the "dampers" to our systems.
Tempus Fugit said:
By unconsciously aligning with 4th density STS, what happens when parts of 'gravity' consciously begin to align with STO? When an orchestra starts to play in sync and the volume gets loud?
Undulating battle, everywhere, OSIT.
{Discussion about outside monitoring possibilities.}
Q: (T) Remind me; I've got another observation to make about the people on the other end... (L) Is there an internal configuration or frequency level that makes it so that the persons who are selected to do this monitoring, or to be involved in any of this kind of activity, such as you have described, as in the words appearing on the screen, etc., so that they are definitely selected because of their STS orientation?

A: This process takes place naturally. Now, a warning for you. Frequency resonance modulations of vibration rate can be altered or modified from outside if one is not cautious and/or aware enough, and thus takes necessary precautions.


Q: Yes... I realize that it was because of going out to do something ordinary... not thinking... while Ark and Tom and Frank were distracted... and I was just concerned about {my daughter}...

A: And what role did V*** play?

Q: I see. Like the Pied Piper?

A: Or maybe programmed decoy, due to FRV?

Q: What is FRV?

A: Frequency Resonance Vibration.


A: Now this is interesting Arkadiusz, as it involves the atomic "signature" of the cellular structure of the individual. In concert with this is the etheric body reading and the frequency resonance vibration. All these are interconnected, and can be read from a distance using remote viewing technology/methodology.


Q: Why? What makes STO unavailable or 'inedible?'

A: Frequency resonance not in sync.


A: We wish to review some things first. The concept of a "master race" put forward by the Nazis was merely a 4th density STS effort to create a physical vehicle with the correct frequency resonance vibration for 4th density STS souls to occupy in 3rd density. It was also a "trial run" for planned events in what you perceive to be your future.

Q: (L) You mean with a strong STS frequency so they can have a "vehicle" in 3rd density, so to speak?

A: Correct. Frequency resonance vibration! Very important.


I'd like to mention that Stéphane Cardinaux, a Swiss geobiologist and architect, came up with a very similar concept.

He tested large number of people with russian devices. He says in summary :

The etheric body can resonate with a material (eg iron). There will be less resonance if we have an iron deficiency.

One can also think of an object to produce active resonance with the object, rather than a passive resonance. Each chakra also has a resonant frequency with sound frequencies, varying between individuals.

Bioresonance is used with metals to determine the nature of a telluric line, and color bioresonance to determine the nature of a cosmotelluric chimney. Subtle matter has indeed a "vibration-color."

Our vital field is measured by placing a coil emitting a magnetic field near the vital field and varying over a range of 10 to 60 Hz (400 nT).

After measurements on 100 people, a Gaussian curve is obtained. The resonance frequency of people varies little over time.
It indicates the "potential awareness" of someone, and this frequency is always limited by the belief system (eg, negative view of self).

Statistics collected by Stéphane Cardinaux show 3 or 4 peaks in the population. They are like "levels" of consciousness.


Various problems are associated with different levels of consciousness:

At 15 Hz: suffering from not being able to do
At 23 Hz: learning and doing
At 33 Hz: experimenting and doing
At 43 Hz: experimenting and being
At 53 Hz: being and initiate others
At 63 Hz: suffering from not being able to be

People who have the same frequency (+ / - 1 Hz) have the impression of being on the same wavelength. A difference of more than 10 Hz produces a separation in a couple.
"A change of frequency is a change of paradigm. Interests change and activities too."

There is also a decrease of 1 Hz every three years if there is no awareness increasing the resonant frequency.

"Statistically , the higher the frequency, the higher the size of the vital field. Between 20 Hz and 55 Hz (80% of people) , there is a grain of 3 Hz with 10 cm of vital field.
So when we want to save time and spare us the protocol for measuring the frequency, we simply measure the bubble of the vital field at the navel and look at which frequency it matches on the graph. By experience, on more than 60 people, this accuracy is sufficient. "

The duration of the life cycle also varies according to the resonance frequency, corresponding to the chakras (= 7 cycles). Between one cycle to another , there is usually a major life change. We can thus precisely date the events of the life of a person. This method has been used for 3 years on 800 cases . Examples:

30 Hz: 5-year cycle : 7 × 5 = 35, then at 70 years ...
40 Hz: 3 year cycle : 7 × 3 = 21, then at 42, 63, 84 years ...
50 Hz : 1 year cycle : 7 x 1 = 7, then at 14 , 21, 28, 35 , 42 , 49 , 56, 63 , 70 , 77 ...

If you notice that a chakra is disrupted (small), it means there has been a problem in the corresponding cycle. The problems affect the chakra of the corresponding cycle. We can determine where is the energy. If there is a blockage at the place where the energy is, then appear some leaks and pain (eg back pain).

Time is an illusion. It becomes subjective in the astral, even if it is measurable in the physical.

"When the conscience silences the mind and accesses to the non-time, all reality becomes a vast illusion where each thing, each event, take on the appearance of a sign for those who can interpret it. The past, the present and the future become one, causes create effects and the effects create the causes. All overlaps and it is very hard for our mind used to classify everything. Chance does not exist, everything is synchronicity. Everything is written in advance ( possible futures ), but everything can be changed at any moment ( now) . In this context , the concepts of salvation , reincarnation , eternal life take on a whole new meaning . The world constantly creates itself. We are constantly incarnated. Salvation is in the here and now. "

Transgenerational aspects are due to " resonance " ( chosen at the incarnation ) with the ancestors .

The chakras have also their resonance frequency. Each frequency acts upon the DNA . The chakras are like piano keys . Eg : crystals act by resonance with the person.
Resonance is a key element of understanding.

To determine the resonance frequency of the chakras , the coil is placed on the chakra. We seek the " fundamental resonance " (the first detected from 1 Hz). This fundamental changes according to the chakras. The resonance frequency of the first chakra equals the Schumann frequency ( resonance frequency of the Earth) . The resonance frequencies of the chakras follow the laws of nature (musical relationships of the natural scale) , over a scale of three octaves.

The wave shape of the objects also respond to the alternating magnetic field. Peaks are obtained. We thus have the resonance frequency of different crystals and surprise ... ! it corresponds to the traditional effects of the crystals/stones. For example , gold and diamond are closest to the 7th chakra.

The sound also resonates with the chakras, which are like frequency selectors. Bass sounds resonate more with the lower body and acute sounds with the upper body .
Between 100 and 1000 Hz , the body perceives the sounds , and beyond the frequency corresponds to points below the first chakra or above the seventh .
Note that the "O" has an action on the lower chakras , the "A" on those in the middle and "I" on the top ones .

A curve is obtained. It may be different depending on the individual but it is still exponential, like the curve of the magnetic resonance of chakras.

Averages according to the chakras : first at 120 Hz, second at 130 Hz, third at 150 Hz, apple chakra at 170 Hz, fourth chakra at 185 Hz , turquoise chakra at 260 Hz, fifth at 350, sixth at 600 Hz, seventh at 850 Hz.

We also have a resonance with colors. Our favorite color is often the color of resonance and least favorite color is the complementary color.

Stéphane Cardinaux began to experiment with flashlights and color filters. But he realized that it was enough to think of a color and to emit it with the right hand to have an effect on someone. We can then measure the change in the vital field of the person with the left hand.

The magnitude of the vital field also matches the colors and the resonance frequency. When the size of vital field is known, the resonance frequency of a person and the favorite color can be deduced.

The " indigo children " : The majority are already adults. Their resonant frequency is 30/ 60 Hz. These are people who have problems with authority, developing their potential quickly. These are people at the margins , there is a gap between their ideal and that of society . Their ideal is unachievable because of the authorities.

The " magenta children " : They love movement, change , it may exasperate their environment . Their mind often interferes with their life. They are individualistic , idealistic , can not stand injustice, sometimes falling into depression. They are struggling to adapt, do not generally work and live off of relatives, friends or institutions (80% of cases). They do not support the hierarchy and have a problem anchoring .

As children grow, the lower chakras develop first. The profile established at 7 years remains fixed for the next 30 years. The vital field drops sharply in the early years and declines after 65 years. Around 4 /5 years, the 4th chakra develops a little more in men. At death, the vital field takes 3 days to disintegrate.

The vital field goes from 3m to 2m between 0 to 20 years, then 2m to 1.50m between 20 to 60 years, then 1.50m to 1m between 60 to 90 years. Pregnancies increase the anchoring and the 1st chakra. The realizations (= to see ourself as we are) counteract the effect of aging. Pregnancy and pilgrimages can also greatly increase the vital field (eg 1.40 m to 2m) .

Two polarizations are possible: Intelligence can be placed at the service of the ego or the service of the heart (Figure 6/3 or 7/4/1 ).

the 6 (mental ) with the 3 (body, ego , me) forms a vicious circle. Between the 3 and the 6 , the heart in the middle is closed .
If we add to this pattern the 4 ( heart) surrounded by turquoise chakra ( self-acceptance ) and apple chakra ( self-esteem) , the circle that connects to 7 ( meaning of life ) and 1 is rectified ( reality of life) . This is the alignment .

The 6/3/1 mode forms a separation from the outside, a mentality of combat, competition , where fear is rampant (possessiveness) . Heart dries . The confrontation with death and a change may allow the heart to be heard. This increases empathy.

With the 7/4/1 , there is a consistency between thoughts and actions. There is a unity of levels of consciousness , a reliance . The passage of 6/3/1 to the 7/4/1 schema is the equivalent of a "death to oneself ," an initiatory journey .

Electromagnetic interference : There are many in our society, and there induce a decrease in well-being, sleep disorders , etc. .
For a magnetic field , the ideal is 0/30 nT , avoiding being at 200 nT and never be at 500 nT .
To an electric field , the ideal is less than 30 V / m , avoiding to be at 200 V / m and not at 500 V / m.
For an EM field , the ideal is less than 0.6 V / m , avoiding to be at 1.5 V / m, and never at 2 V / m ( note that the standard in France is 41 V / m ! )

GSM antennas have a particular radiation, we must avoid being in the axis of the emission. We must avoid being at less than 160 to 200m/300m depending on the nature of the soil. The impact is much stronger if the antenna is located on a fault .

There are other harmful sources like DECT cordless phones , Wi -Fi terminals and computers. CRTs are now replaced by flat screens with no nuisance. The only problem with computers is the electrical wiring, and in the case of laptops it is the proximity of the disk to the fingers (meridians affected).
Laptops and DECT phones are a nuisance, even in standby . In common, they reduce the vital field from 30 to 70 %. Even at 3m, they diminish the vital field. It takes one and a half the time the conversation to return to normal. They cause a left torsion field. The most serious nuisance comes bases DECT phones that emit continuously.


90% of sacred sites before 1350 BC. have a vortex. Associated with a stone, it repels the Nickel network and changes the perception of space - time , causing disorientation. Energy flows better, and even more if you turn around the stone.

"All roundabouts techniques such dances where you turn on yourself cause a similar result. By turning quickly, the energy rises in the upper chakras but at the same time, it must be anchored to avoid falling. Not only do we feel this energy move in ourself, especially in the hands, but it is also radiates around. Any physical object turning on itself radiates more than at rest. In the case of menhirs, the stone is fixed, but it is the energy rotating in the vortex that creates the effect by a centripetal action."

On an activated vortex , the resonance frequency increases by 1.9 x , the tubes by 1.7 x , the density by 2x, and the vital field by 7x . A vortex acts both on the lower chakras and above.

Telluric currents : They can be " white tiger " ( yin) or " black dragon " ( yang). The first are exploited in abbeys, in the plains, the second follows the ridge lines (that we encounter in churches ). They activate the lower chakras (which is why they are associated with a "dragon" killed to suppress these instincts ) . They are related to the goddess. They are like rivers of energy , and bring well-being and feeling of warmth . By clairvoyance, they are red , emerging from the top of a mountain or a cave. They have a right torsion field (ie beneficial ) . Currents also have a beat, like waves . which produces a resonance frequency and a color.


Also Stéphane Cardinaux explains that different entities, like reptilians, change the resonance energy when they steal the energy of someone.
Their resonance frequency is 12/13 Hz, vital field 3/4m. Their body becomes denser by feeding, the upper body becomes denser first. They capture energy through their hands at chakra 3, 4 and 5.
When someone is vampirized, the vital field decreases from 2.2 m to 1.5 m and the resonance frequency decreases from 45 Hz to about 30 Hz.
Interesting stuff jsf, thank you. Do you by chance have a link for this stuff or a book or something?
Yes, this comes from a summary I made in french


Stéphane Cardinaux wrote four books avalaible on amazon.

Géométries Sacrées, tome 1 (2004)
Géométries Sacrées, tome 2 (2006), [With diagrams of energetic phenomena in sacred places.]
Bioénergie (2009),
Science et Conscience de l’Invisible (2012)

His site is : _www.geniedulieu.ch There are articles that you can translate with google translation.
He also gave many interview, but I'm afraid you won't find them in english.
I made some experiments using light, water and vibration and this is an example of it:

If you check the clip starting from around 0:48, you will see some really interesting patterns formed(the whole clip is about this, but from this point i got the best angle).
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