Iodine and Potassium Iodide

I would really appreciate some assistance at the moment,. Had 2 fillings removed 2 weeks ago and have been taking Chlorella & Spirulina since then. I would like to start the Iodine but can only find the 12% on Amazon. Everyone seems to be on the 5% so I would have to make an adjustment. My concern is primarily terribly irregular bowel movements all my adult life. The idea of shifting heavy metals and storing them for days on end seems counterproductive..

As I don't seem to have any autoimmune problems and recent blood tests were all o.k. I am wondering if I could have any advice on the supplements to take with the Iodine. Which would be o.k. in not slowing the bowels or maybe something that could help them. So far I have Megasorb B-complex' and Solgar Magnesium Citrate.

My diet is now meats and fats, but having difficulty finding grass fed anything. I eat some dark green veg at teatime with bacon & eggs at breakfast. I am quite comfortable with just 2 meals a day although my muscles on shoulders and arms have gone to nothing. As I have now retired I try to keep very busy decorating my kids and my own house.( never got much of a chance to do so when I worked.) If it never gets finished that's

o.k. I'm just enjoying the process with no expectations.

I really would appreciate some imput with my supplements as I've never taken anything like this before.

Many thanks
A first for me!

Usually, each winter, I live in Canada, I get a cold that last between 1 to 2 weeks. Last Thursday, I had the sour throat thing followed by a strong fever on Friday. Was preparing myself for a painful week at the office with the kleenex box...

As I'm writing this post, it's Sunday night and I have no more symptoms AT ALL. This is crazy. I haven't been taking NO medicaments at all and, only 1 (one) Kleenex.

I am quite sure that the iodine has got lot's to do with that.

Anybody here had a severe cold while taking the treatment?
Tuatha de Danaan said:
I would really appreciate some assistance at the moment,. Had 2 fillings removed 2 weeks ago and have been taking Chlorella & Spirulina since then. I would like to start the Iodine but can only find the 12% on Amazon. Everyone seems to be on the 5% so I would have to make an adjustment. My concern is primarily terribly irregular bowel movements all my adult life. The idea of shifting heavy metals and storing them for days on end seems counterproductive..

As I don't seem to have any autoimmune problems and recent blood tests were all o.k. I am wondering if I could have any advice on the supplements to take with the Iodine. Which would be o.k. in not slowing the bowels or maybe something that could help them. So far I have Megasorb B-complex' and Solgar Magnesium Citrate.

My diet is now meats and fats, but having difficulty finding grass fed anything. I eat some dark green veg at teatime with bacon & eggs at breakfast. I am quite comfortable with just 2 meals a day although my muscles on shoulders and arms have gone to nothing. As I have now retired I try to keep very busy decorating my kids and my own house.( never got much of a chance to do so when I worked.) If it never gets finished that's

o.k. I'm just enjoying the process with no expectations.

I really would appreciate some imput with my supplements as I've never taken anything like this before.

Many thanks

The bare minimum when on the iodine protocol - if you don't have any acute health problems - is salt water twice daily and 200mcg of Selenium. You can just dilute the 12% Lugol down to 5%: For every 10ml of the 12% you add 14ml of (preferably distilled) water - et voilà! - you now got 5%.

Maybe it's a good idea to start only with the salt water - for two weeks - to give your body something to help detox. You could also get some chlorella and cilantro (coriander) to further help detox heavy metals. Magnesium is always a good thing to take, regardless of iodine, preferably in the evening.

Then you can see how you go - if there are any issues, you can always stop the iodine for a while and restart with further supplements that may help.

Hope that helps!
MERCI Altair et LaIney pour vos réponses...
Pourquoi je veux prendre de l'Or Colloïdal et de l'Argnt Colloïdal, parce que je pense que cela pourrait améliorer la santé et le système immunitaire de mon corps ainsi que ma spiritualité...
J'aurai aimé savoir comment les incorporé dans ma liste d'ajouts alimentaires...
Si la traduction est correcte, vous préconisez une seule cuillère à café de Glycine pour sucré mon thé au lieu de 2...
Merci pour vos réponses...

THANK Altair and Lainey for your answers ...
Why I want to take the Colloidal Gold and Colloidal Argnt, because I think that could improve health and the immune system of my body and my spirituality ...
I liked how the built-in my list of food additions ...
If the translation is correct, you recommend one teaspoon of Glycine for my sweet tea instead of 2 ...
Thank you for your answers...
Tuatha de Danaan said:
My concern is primarily terribly irregular bowel movements all my adult life. The idea of shifting heavy metals and storing them for days on end seems counterproductive..

Irregular bowel movements that persist over a long time can be a sign of a form of IBS. It's not always uncontrolled diarrhea, it can be constipation. Since I tend in this direction myself, I've experimented a lot and what I've found that works best is taking 5-htp and probiotics and magnesium. I have to monitor the 5-htp because if my system gets too "bubbly", I back off. But I take the magnesium and probiotics every night before bed. If you want to move things very quickly because you are doing a detox, then titrating Vitamin C works well and usually within a few hours.

So, here's the lowdown:
500 to 700 mg of magnesium every night, malate or glycinate.
2 or 3 kinds of probiotics every night.

After breakfast: 50 to 100 mg 5-htp. I take 50. And sometimes, after I've taken it for a few days, my tummy gets bubbly so I skip a day.

For titrating Vitamin C:
Take 3 to 5 grams to start. Put the powder in water with glycine to sweeten and drink it down.
Wait half an hour. If nothing happens, take 2 to 3 grams more.
Wait half an hour. If nothing happens, repeat with 2 to 3 grams.
Keep doing this until you feel gassy in your tummy and then, you can expect action pretty soon.

A general rule of thumb we have around here is, your tolerance for large doses of vitamin C depends on how sick you are. The sicker you are, the more you can take before you hit bowel tolerance. My daughter was once so sick she took almost 100 grams in a period of just a few hours in 5 gram increments. And even then, she only got a little bubbly.
onemen said:
Also i'have been able to come back to a somewhat better diet with meat, eggs and butter and leafy vegetables, with severely limiting carbs intake in the morning and afternoon, only thing i can't opt out yet is the rice since it's "daily bread" in my culture but i'm happy because I am successfully able to resist bakery and carb craving most of the time. It's not perfect and organic but it's better than my habitual family carb charged diet since they don't really support my lifestyle choices.

Maybe if you do well and they see that the changes have been good for you they will be more open-minded. I would suggest not getting into any arguments, because it usually just makes you look bad. If they don't care how much better you are doing with these changes, then they really just don't care and it would be better to avoid an interaction.

Changing your diet and fixing a deficiency can literally enable new ways of thinking. It can change the way you process your very thoughts.
Last night I ate out at a restaurant. I had barbequed pork chops with butter and greens. Among the greens was cilantro. It was unusually pungent and fresh. Today, every time I urinated there's been a very strong metallic smell to my urine. So, fresh cilantro again proves to work for heavy metal detoxing (for anyone who has problems sourcing a tincture, you can get some results from the fresh herb).
Carl said:
Just a quick update. Iodine really does seem to have kicked some bad things back into action in my body. The past couple of weeks I've been pretty unstable mentally and emotionally, the biggest being I am just exhausted and easily stressed. I suppose it was never much different, but now the issues are more apparent and "in my face".

Since I am now showing a lot of candida symptoms again and also got all kinds of food sensitivities and constant inflammation, I have reduced my carb intake to just sweet potatoes in late afternoon and evening. However still, after eating, I just feel sluggish and brain fogged. It's quite strange actually, the only time I feel good is when I'm fasting now. I already cut out eating in the morning and early afternoon because of this, and I am pretty functional all day until I start eating when this malaise/depression sets in.

I guess my body is trying to tell me something so I will experiment with much smaller meals and try to figure out what kind of digestive issue this is now. Feels like the problems are never ending!

Currently running:
Morning: Chlorella powder, cilantro tincture, 12.5mg iodine, small dose nystatin.
Evening: Magnesium, potassium, humic acid/minerals, probiotics.

Sorry to hear you've been feeling crappy Carl, keep reminding yourself that it's a process, and that you're fine tuning it as you go. The cilantro tincture may be causing some mobilization of HMs (how many drops are you taking?). If you want to help with the candida, in addition to reducing carbs to a minimum, you can take 10 undecenoic acid (under the name "Thorne formula SF722" on amazon UK) 2-3 times a day (5 gels) and throw in a fresh chopped garlic clove too.
Tuatha de Danaan said:
I would really appreciate some assistance at the moment,. Had 2 fillings removed 2 weeks ago and have been taking Chlorella & Spirulina since then. I would like to start the Iodine but can only find the 12% on Amazon. Everyone seems to be on the 5% so I would have to make an adjustment. My concern is primarily terribly irregular bowel movements all my adult life. The idea of shifting heavy metals and storing them for days on end seems counterproductive..

As I don't seem to have any autoimmune problems and recent blood tests were all o.k. I am wondering if I could have any advice on the supplements to take with the Iodine. Which would be o.k. in not slowing the bowels or maybe something that could help them. So far I have Megasorb B-complex' and Solgar Magnesium Citrate.

If you can get saccharomyces boulardii (a probiotic) this can really help with making you regular. Read a short study on it here, and note that it is recommended to use the lyophilized version.

Also if you can find it, kombucha tea can help to establish bowel regularity. Since you had 2 fillings removed, you might want to start taking some cilantro drops (start with 2 per day and move up) in addition to the chlorella.
SeekinTruth said:
Last night I ate out at a restaurant. I had barbequed pork chops with butter and greens. Among the greens was cilantro. It was unusually pungent and fresh. Today, every time I urinated there's been a very strong metallic smell to my urine. So, fresh cilantro again proves to work for heavy metal detoxing (for anyone who has problems sourcing a tincture, you can get some results from the fresh herb).

Oh, thank you SeekinTruth, this is exactly what I wanted to hear! :thup:

I've just returned after shopping where I bought various seeds, including coriander (cilantro). I'm planning to grow them at home and have them fresh each day (a bit crazy idea, but I'm going to experiment). Such fresh cilantro will be way cheaper and easier to find here than a tincture or (especially) DMSA, so I'm going to try this method.
Took several days off from 2% Lugols (continuing the co-factors), having run out. Re-ordered it @ 5%, thinking to do the same dose more efficiently with fewer drops and found that taking 5% at the highest dose I'd done (right before I ran out) feels substantially different due to the noticeably stronger taste, a slight temporary lower throat stinging, and a brief feeling of 'nausea' a couple of times - apparently trapped air in stomach). Will back off, back to the earlier 'maintenance' dose (50 mg) I used before I started trying to 'nuke' stuff (like candida and canker sore virus) and monitor.
Just a bit of an update.

All of us here did the DMSA metals test and the results were somewhat astonishing. Since we all live together, eat pretty much the same diet, experience the same environment, and a number of us are members of one family, you would expect some similarity in results, right? That's not what we got. The results were all over the place!!! Not only in a number of the good minerals/metals being low (or high), but also in the heavy toxic metals. Even with my children, who were brought up in an identical environment, eating the same foods, same exposures to whatever were VERY different from each other!

What this tells us is something VERY important, I think: everybody is really different in the way their bodies are constructed and how they react to different things, how they hold nutrients or toxins, how they are able to detox, and where help is needed. Just freaking amazing to see this in "black and white", (though it was color coded).

Now that we know who is deficient in what beneficial elements, they can concentrate on upping their intake of those specific nutrients. And knowing which of the toxic metals are exhibited tells us which of the chelators is most effective, or if a combination is better.

Another amazing thing was to see the levels of iodine that showed up in these tests. The ones who take the most are not necessarily the ones who exhibit the highest levels, and vice versa. This should give us pause when considering what is right for any one person to be taking.

Another point might be made: taking iodine might trigger unloading of all kinds of things including GOOD minerals/nutrients, OR might make the body systems more active thus requiring higher amounts of those nutrients/minerals/metals. That might be why some of us showed up pretty low on good minerals.

It's just a really mixed bag and there is NO one-size-fits-all protocol. If you can't get the tests done, you must pay close attention to your body. If you have anxiety or palpitations or pains or whatever, you can probably assume that you are low on good minerals or that toxic metals are being detoxed OR BOTH!!!

Also, I've been experimenting with my iodine intake and observing body reactions. I notice that, for me, it is the elemental iodine that triggers the most intense detox symptoms. And that is true for Ark, as well. And it doesn't have to be really high dose, either. The main symptoms for us seem to be arthritic like pains in all kinds of places. Interestingly, it occurs mainly in feet and hands, i.e. extremities.

When we take just KI - potassium iodide - with no added elemental iodine, the detox (assuming that is what it is) calms down. I also load up on mineral supplements being now able to know at least what my body tends to be low on.
Laura said:
The main symptoms for us seem to be arthritic like pains in all kinds of places. Interestingly, it occurs mainly in feet and hands, i.e. extremities.

Thanks for the update Laura, it really is quite amazing how different everyone is. I guess this means each of us individually just have to "test" our body for everything, the amounts we need etc.

I was wondering about the arthritic pains, recently my hands have been hurting occasionally, on and off for a few weeks. They just feel sore and like they need stretching out, as well as the hands my knees sometimes feel stiff.. Could this just be detox? or I was wondering if it would be "highlighting" a current issue.
I have just received the Blood test results.

Here they are in a comparation with the previous ones, 1 month earlier.

26-01-2016 22-02-2016

T3 - 4.9 pmol/L [ 3.3 - 6.1] T3 - 5.0 pmol/L [ 3.3 - 6.1]
T4 - 15.8 pmol/L [ 10-25] T4 - 16.9 pmol/L [ 10-25]
TSH - 5.76 ulU/ml [ 0.4 - 4.0] TSH - 2.74 ulU/ml [ 0.4 - 4.0]

Total Lipids 16.1g/L [ 5.0 - 10.0] Total Lipids 16.0g/L [ 5.0 - 10.0]
Triglycerides 3.14 mmol/L [ up to 2.0 ] Triglycerides 3.68 mmol/L [ up to 2.0 ]
Total Cholesterol 12.6 mmol/L [ up to 5.7 ] Total Cholesterol 12.2 mmol/L [ up to 5.7 ]
HDL - 0.68 mmol/L [ 0.9 - 2.0] HDL - 0.65 mmol/L [ 0.9 - 2.0]
LDL - 9.9 mmol/L [ up to 3.9] LDL - 2.28 mmol/L [ up to 3.9]

So the thyroid is ok i guess. The TSH has calm down.
I`m very curious why my lipid status is so elevated.
LDL i lower now and HDL is almost the same but Total Cholesterol is again high.
Have the Lab made some mistake or i dont understand something ? :huh:

Since yesterday, pain in the pancreatic area again and strong heart beating.

I havent been with thi results to my doctor yet.
He will be full of himself when he will see that drug that he gave me have "cure" my thyroid. ( i havent took anything that he prescribed. Thyroid hormone and tons of statins)

I can see that overall values for T3 and T4 are slightly higher then one month before, but in a normal range. Could that mean that now my thyroid is producing little more hormons? is the thyroid more awake or something like that i dont know so that is disturbing the entire body.I dont have a clue, just a loud thinking

Maybe it needs time for the entire endocrine system so calm down. I really dont have idea what this could possibly be.
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