Session 28 September 2002


FOTCM Member
September 28, 2002

Ark, Laura, Andromeda, BT

Q: Hello.

A: Hello!

Q: And who do we have with us this evening?

A: Ropponiea.

Q: And where do you transmit through?

A: Cassiopaea.

Q: [Laura asks for door to be opened as she feels great heat.]

A: Life is religion.

Q: (L) What does that mean?

A: Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation. Some people think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut out. For those individuals, the worlds will cease. They will become exactly what they give to life. They will become merely a dream in the "past." People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the "Future."

Q: (L) In this recent incident with Jeanine, I have a few questions. Apparently, she was "hearing" things differently than I was, and I was reading things that she wrote with a certain perspective that does not seem to have accurately represented what she meant. She had said "you don't pay attention to the confusion, you just do what you came here to do." I understood this in a completely different context. From her perspective, "paying no attention to the confusion all around and doing what you came here to do" essentially amounted to discovering the ways and means to "ascend" by overcoming and ignoring and shutting out the world. To me, "pay no attention to the confusion" means to pay close attention to what is going on, but not to be confused by it, to see the reality in the midst of the confusion.

(Andromeda) Any new knowledge a person comes in contact with can cause confusion until you come to terms with the reality of it.

(L) The important thing seems to be to not dwell on the "confusion" aspect, but to concentrate on learning the knowledge that is buried in the confusion. Trying to understand what it is you need to learn. Jeanine's idea was that if it causes confusion, you are supposed to shut it ALL out, pay no attention to any of it, and just concentrate on feeling peaceful. That's the same thing Whitley Strieber was saying: "The only freedom you will have is inside yourself." I guess, because those are the things I have been mulling over, this may be what is the stimulus for the C's opening remarks. Is that in response to the concerns in my mind?

A: More or less.

Q: (L) The other thing I was thinking about is the teaching that you are supposed to withdraw into some kind of monastic life in order to grow spiritually. What I have observed is that the world is exactly what is needed to learn the lessons of existence. Anybody who thinks that, in order to be spiritual, they have to go off to a monastery, or meditate, or follow this or that so-called "spiritual practice," are turning away the greatest interaction with God and creation imaginable. They are throwing away a great gift.

By living in the world, and striving to see the spirit in things, one can accomplish so much more than if they go off to a monastery where there are no distractions, no real tests of balance or seeing. It's more religious, I think, to be in the world and be able to see and experience "spirit" than most people realize. The real world is where we fit. It is where we are born. And if we try to escape this lesson, we just come back over and over again.

(Andromeda) Maybe that IS their world? Maybe escaping to a monastery or ignoring or shutting out the world IS what is right for them.

(Ark) But, the question is, whether we learn to understand the world around us. Some people don't care about understanding the world. They are effectively saying: "it's holier to not care about the world, it's your business - we just want to ignore it."

(L) And they become the memory of the past - primal matter - they recycle. The very fact that we ARE in this realm means that this is where we fit. And it seems that the only way to move to the next level is to grow. And that means to take full cognizance of the medium of growth, to learn about the realm, learn how to be spiritual in the realm where you are. Grow where you are planted, but always toward the light.

A: Home is where the heart is.

Q: (Andromeda) Is it vital to my physical existence to move to another country in the near future?

A: It is not "vital" to be in the body at all. But for those with missions in this realm, it is quite useful to preserve the physical vehicle. Thus, if one accepts the mantle of responsibility to humanity, it is not a selfish thing to seek preservation until the mission is accomplished. In the present situation, that will be enhanced outside of the USA.

Q: (Ark) I am reading one of the books by the Polish engineer Pajak, written in 1990, where he describes a UFO propulsion system. He claims that he has discovered a "periodic principle" where inventions come like the periodic table, and he says it is now time to discover this UFO propulsion system. So much that he says seems to "fit." He gives many good ideas, but generally for the wrong reasons. Are his main ideas sound? Is it true that UFOs are using the machinery that he describes?

A: His primary block is his lack of knowledge of hyperdimensional physics.

Q: (Ark) That is true. But to build such a thing, we need to use 3D technology because that is what we have. We cannot use 4D technology because we don't have access to 4D tools, so what can we do?

A: You will.

Q: (Ark) Question is whether Pajak's 3D technology that he describes corresponds to what it really is?

A: Generally speaking, more or less. But so much is lacking that, as designed, the prototypes will do nothing.

Q: (Ark) Has his idea been taken from him and successfully implemented by others - say, military?

A: No need. Only objective there is to prevent his further discoveries.

Q: (Ark) His ideas are quite original, so I wonder where he is getting them?

A: Not so original, just logical. Only reason others don't "get" such ideas is because they cannot think logically due to hypnosis.

Q: (Ark) Well, I also have problems with logical thinking due to hypnosis!

A: Less than before.

Q: (Ark) Well, that means that I am still under hypnosis and clearly I am under more hypnosis than this Mr. Pajak is because I have not been able to get as far as he has...

A: You aren't an engineer.

Q: (L) That reminds me! I wonder why it is we have such a preponderance of engineer types and computer types in QFS? (Ark) Computer types, it's clear: they are the only guys who have the time! [Laughter] (L) I think that the C's really appeal to engineering types for some reason. (Ark) I want to ask about these Polish crop circles that have appeared in the same place several years in a row. Last time, the people were already waiting there, equipped with cameras and all sorts of things, and were able to film a formation, to film strange lights in the night, the compass needle moving, and so on. The guy wrote to me and said that they have seen a real UFO making crop circles. (L) Did they film any solid objects? (Ark) Just lights. Of course, it was over three years so there is no guarantee that they were made by the same method for three years. The question is: who made these circles?

A: Just because their conscious minds rationalize a "psychic" impulse of awareness at another level does not mean they are right.

Q: (L) Are you saying that there is a psychic impulse, or awareness at another level, of something going on, and this cues them into the fact that something is going to appear, and they have come up with a rational explanation for it that may or may not be correct. In other words, because they had awareness, because they showed up and saw lights in the sky, does not mean that these lights are necessarily UFOs as they are commonly understood, is that it?

A: Yes.

Q: (Ark) I don't understand. There are these circles. Something is making them. What is it?

A: Thoughts.

Q: (BT) The observers, or others?

A: 6th Density.

Q: (Ark) Are UFOs also made by thoughts?

A: Everything is.

Q: (Ark) But some thoughts we call material, like this cup, which is material. And then there is technology to build this cup. Question is, is there technology behind producing these crop circles?

A: Not in the sense you are thinking.

Q: (L) I think that the problem is the assumption that seeing lights while the circles were being made meant that they were being made by UFOs, that these lights were, themselves, UFOs. That is the rationalization. (Ark) Seeing a flying boomerang - is it not the same thing as seeing a light in the sky? (L) No. A boomerang is a solid object even if it is a hyperdimensional one. It still has solidity. There are many instances of seeing lights that do unusual things that are not the result of solid objects as we understand them. Or so I think. (Ark) Okay. Last week I was looking again at the deal of Joel Scherk, a French scientist. In September of 1979, he wrote a paper on anti-gravity and he had written other papers about time before that. Then, in 1980, he died. Nobody was there to give him insulin when he had a diabetic condition. Question is: was his death somehow 'sponsored?'

A: Indeed, as are many such. Keep in mind that the chemistry of the body can be manipulated by waves at a distance!

Q: (Ark) He was an expert on supersymmetry. Is supersymmetry a valid idea?

A: It is a partially correct approach to certain "states."

Q: (Ark) Change of subject. I want to build an ozone generator. That is, I had an idea that it may be a good idea. Who knows, it may be a very bad idea because we may die due to ozone. It kills germs, it might kill us. [laughter] We ordered a transformer and it will be our first experiment with high voltage. So, question about ozone: Can we play with ozone? Is it a good idea?

A: Allow it to run while out of the room, limit long term direct exposure.

Q: (L) Will an ozone generator prevent UFOs from hanging around?

A: If it did, it would also prevent you from "being around"

Q: (L) What about some of these UFO detectors this guy Pajak has talked about?

A: Most of that is nonsense. UFOs can easily overcome any such devices.

Q: (L) In reading the Pajak story, there is a part of it written by a former Miss Italy who claims that she had information from some sort of "contact" - maybe extraterrestrials or something - about how to build a "telepathic communication pyramid." Is it something that would do what was claimed about it?

A: To some extent, thought not in the way desired. It provides a medium of reception of "earth bound" discarnates. It other words, it is about as useful as trying to "remote view" 4th density from a 3rd density state of being.

Q: (L) I would like to know if there is going to be any further manipulations of the population in terms of terrorist attacks and such things might further the negative agenda that is presently underway?

A: No doubt! You are looking at men who are so desperate that they have nothing to lose at this point.

Q: (L) Yes, sad but true. Any bunch of people who are so desperate to do something that they would crash two jet airliners into the tallest buildings in the world to and fake a crash on the Pentagon, and murder all those people - because it is nothing else but murder - are pretty desperate. They've got to be crazy. It's like Vincent Bridges. He couldn't even see his craziness. It just escalated until he shot himself in the foot. I guess, from that perspective, it's a good thing.

A: In a sense, since it will fail.

Q: (L) Yeah, but in the meantime a whole lot of awful stuff is likely to come down. (BT) Is France still vulnerable to an attack?

A: Less likely since you have exposed it.

Q: (L) Yes. That was my intention. After all, they can't be doing things that we predict... it would be "too synchronistic." (Ark) What about TS? Should we try to intervene and help?

A: Let him ask.

Q: (L) Okay, I guess that's it for tonight...

A: Open eyes of souls. It will come soon! Goodnight.

End of Session
Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation. Some people think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut out. For those individuals, the worlds will cease. They will become exactly what they give to life. They will become merely a dream in the "past." People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the "Future."

The bolded statement above has been bugging me for some time. I've been wondering why only pay strict attention to objective reality right and left when objective reality can be found in front, behind, above and below also.

The best I can come up with at this time is that right and left are opposites so perhaps what is meant here is to pay strict attention to objective reality about opposites like good and evil, black and white, love and hate, right and wrong, yin and yang.

Perhaps it's when we can't or don't percieve/understand/acknowlegde the objective reality about opposites that we're more likely to be relying on subjective judgment rather than objective discernment. And if we are relying on subjective judgement then that is when we are infact 'overcoming, ignoring or shutting out' the objective reality of the world.

Maybe I'm way off.
Hi Jones In think your safe lol , either way it go's you are paying Attention :cool:

Perhaps "right and left" only pertains to "future" ? ,

or maybe a cigar is just a cigar ? ( found this just checking that quote:

Ray Fancher, who has written extensively on Freud, has told me that it does not appear in his writings. The actual origins of it I do not know, but my guess is that someone said something along the of "even for Freud, a cigar must have sometimes been just a cigar," and it got picked up as an actual quote rather than a (completely plausble) speculation. )ahh the little things one finds while trying to keep knowledge uncorrepted !
Jones said:
The bolded statement above has been bugging me for some time...
Maybe it just means paying strict attentions to all aspects of the objective reality.

Chopper said:
Perhaps "right and left" only pertains to "future" ?
How so?
On the other hand, Freud is a well know psychopath, and his materialistic views are not astonishing.
I can't help but pander what the near future will bring. I feel as though the US will turn completely unstable and become a war zone. Even still I wonder if our environment here on the Earth will open up and change in such a way that everyone on our planet will see the world differently (maybe enhance our psychic connection to the universal consciousness). See it for what it is. A conglomerate of people that all have different upbringings, different views, different agendas, and ultimately different goals. In the objective sense we all play our individual parts to make up the whole. I do not know whether I should fear the future, embrace the future in faith that all will work itself out, or something all together different. Then again Gurdjieff said it himself (if memory serves me correctly), "man can do nothing". One thing is for sure, the short wave cycle we as a collective mind have chosen is very eventful and filled with lessons whether positive or negative to spring us along our evolution. One can only hope that our evolution will lead us to a much better state.
Chopper said:
Hi Jones In think your safe lol , either way it go's you are paying Attention :cool:

Maybe :)

Perhaps "right and left" only pertains to "future" ?

I'm not sure. I don't think that we can objectively know what the future will hold with any certainty. We can only propose possibilities by learning about the past and observing the present.

mkrnhr said:
Maybe it just means paying strict attentions to all aspects of the objective reality.

Perhaps. I'm still having trouble with why the words 'right' and 'left' were used though, could be my limited thinking but right and left seems more narrow than 'all aspects'. I mean the C's could have said 'all aspects'.

I've had this stuff saved in favourites and have been meaning to look at it for some time. I just did a search on the word 'right' in some of the documents and found this:
[See how] all things [are] full of light, and nowhere [is there] fire; for ’tis the love and blending of the contraries and the dissimilars

p. 180

that doth give birth to light down shining by the energy of God, 1 the Father of all good, the Leader of all order, and Ruler of the seven world-orderings!

[Behold] the Moon, forerunner of them all, the instrument of nature, and the transmuter of its lower matter!

[Look at] the Earth set in the midst of All, foundation of the Cosmos Beautiful, feeder and nurse of things on Earth!

And contemplate the multitude of deathless lives, how great it is, and that of lives subject to death; and midway, between both, immortal [lives] and mortal, [see thou] the circling Moon.

8. And all are full of Soul, and all are moved by it, each in its proper way; some round the Heaven, others around the Earth; [see] how the right [_move] not unto left, nor yet the left unto the right; nor the above below, nor the below above.

And that all these are subject unto Genesis, 2 My dearest Hermes, thou hast no longer need to learn of Me. For that they bodies are, have souls, and they are moved.

But ’tis impossible for them to come together into one without some one to bring them [all]

p. 181

together. It must, then, be that such a one as this must be some one who’s wholly One.

I think it speaks to what I was trying to understand. Not sure if that is what the C's intended though.

Edited to add: Um... :lol:... I have no idea how that scrolling effect happened nor how to stop it! Here is the last part again for ease of reading.
[8. And all are full of Soul, and all are moved by it, each in its proper way; some round the Heaven, others around the Earth; [see] how the right [_move] not unto left, nor yet the left unto the right; nor the above below, nor the below above.

And that all these are subject unto Genesis, 2 My dearest Hermes, thou hast no longer need to learn of Me. For that they bodies are, have souls, and they are moved.

But ’tis impossible for them to come together into one without some one to bring them [all]

p. 181

together. It must, then, be that such a one as this must be some one who’s wholly One.

I think it speaks to what I was trying to understand.

Edit number 2: I actually went back to the website and recopied the text from there thinking I might have inadvertently hit a wrong button somewhere, but its happening again...mmmmm!
Thanks for that! Gave me a good chuckle anyways :lol:

Edited to add: Kind of curious that it was moving right to left :lol:

Reading (again) this transcript, I've found surprising these remarks by Jones :
Jones said:
People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the "Future."

The bolded statement above has been bugging me for some time. I've been wondering why only pay strict attention to objective reality right and left when objective reality can be found in front, behind, above and below also.

The best I can come up with at this time is that right and left are opposites (...)

Maybe I'm way off.
Jones said:
mkrnhr said:
Maybe it just means paying strict attentions to all aspects of the objective reality.

Perhaps. I'm still having trouble with why the words 'right' and 'left' were used though, could be my limited thinking but right and left seems more narrow than 'all aspects'. I mean the C's could have said 'all aspects'.

As I understand it, this expression is just a metaphor, that of a road you need to cross.
Indeed, if you do not pay full attention to the whole reality, i.e. check left and right (and left again)*, you risk some severe harm (or even to die).

My two euro-cents.

* in countries where one drives on the right lane.
"People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the "Future."

There may be a simpler idea within this statement. If we are "conscious, alert, observant and aware," (my daily phrase to remind myself to pay attention and be in the moment) then the above phrase fits in. I have recently been thinking of the benefits of working to expand peripheral vision as a means of protection and to push focal limits towards 180 degrees. Any detective, PI, field agent, etc., will tell you that the broader your sight range, the more you see and the quicker you can react in a crisis. In addition, things we see to our far left and far right may be less manipulated by our normal sight/perception processes, i.e.: we see what we expect to see and our brains fill in the gaps or self-correct anomalies. Also, it seems that there are a plethora of testimonials as to glimpses of "other realities" in peripheral fringes. Expanding from tunnel vision to approaching 180, allows us to, in part, approach 4D vision on a 3D capability. Just an idea...
Q: (L) I would like to know if there is going to be any further manipulations of the population in terms of terrorist attacks and such things might further the negative agenda that is presently underway?

A: No doubt! You are looking at men who are so desperate that they have nothing to lose at this point.

Q: (L) Yes, sad but true. Any bunch of people who are so desperate to do something that they would crash two jet airliners into the tallest buildings in the world to and fake a crash on the Pentagon, and murder all those people - because it is nothing else but murder - are pretty desperate. They've got to be crazy. It's like Vincent Bridges. He couldn't even see his craziness. It just escalated until he shot himself in the foot. I guess, from that perspective, it's a good thing.

A: In a sense, since it will fail.

With the coronavirus social/economic disaster looking like a long period of hardship this is a comforting thought.
The following quote in this Session 28 September 2002
A: Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation. Some people think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut out. For those individuals, the worlds will cease. They will become exactly what they give to life. They will become merely a dream in the "past." People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the "Future."
Can be found with commentary in these articles by Laura:
A: To some extent, thought not in the way desired. It provides a medium of reception of "earth bound" discarnates. It other words, it is about as useful as trying to "remote view" 4th density from a 3rd density state of being.
Malapropism "though"? Or did C's sneak in a double entendre?
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