Inter-dimensional windows and Seth's co-ordinate points

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In chapter 5 of Seth speaks by Jane Roberts Seth talks about coordinate points. These coordinate points seem to have a few things in common with the inter-dimensional windows discussed by the C’s.

Seth describes a coordinate point in this except:

Other kinds of consciousness coexist within the same "space" that your world inhabits. They do not perceive your physical objects, for their reality is composed of a different camouflage structure. You do not perceive them, and generally speaking they do not perceive you. This is a general statement, however, for various points of your realities can and do coincide, so to speak.

These points are not recognized as such, but they are points of what you could call double reality, containing great energy potential; coordinate points, indeed, where realities merge. There are main coordinate points, pure mathematically, sources of fantastic energy, and subordinate coordinate points, vast in number.

There are four absolute coordinate points that intersect all realities. These coordinate points also act as channels through which energy flows, and as warps or invisible paths from one reality to another. They also act as transformers, and provide much of the generating energy that makes creation continuous in your terms.

And in Session 12 December 1998 the C’s define an inter-dimensional window.

Q: It seems to me that if what he was saying was true, that he certainly would not be allowed to say it. It's based on and converges with all the stories they are telling about Rennes-le-Chateau and seems to be more smokescreen. Anyway, Mike has questions. (M) You said that this place over Rennes-le-Chateau was a window. What is a window? (L) Now, I realize that we have all assumed that we know what a window is, but we have never really asked for a definition. Could you define for us a 'window?

A: Convergence; opening to alternative states via energy grid points.

Q: Are windows where you can pass back and forth? Moving between realms?

A: It is possible.

And From the C’s Session 12 December 1998

Q: (Ark) But I want an answer! (L) Well, that means you're right. (discussion of "pyro") (Ark) Alright, next. Long ago, you talk about that I should find a paper about windows, and we ask what windows, and you answer mathematical windows. I was inquiring whether it has to do with chaos and fractals and Mandelbrot and, well, and so that's still my guess. And I must say that probably for seven years, I couldn't figure out and find a paper on these windows. Or maybe I have and I don't know. So my question is, can I have another hint on this?

A: Remember the "center of the sphere" is a window.

The centre of a sphere is a point.

Seth even tells us how we might go about finding these coordinate points:

A few clues here that might help you, or mathematicians. There is an ever-so-minute alteration of gravity forces in the neighbourhood of all of these points, even of the subordinate ones, and all the so-called physical laws to some extent or another will be found to have a wavering effect in these neighbourhoods. The subordinate points also serve in a way as supports, as structural intensification within the unseen fabric of energy that forms all realities and manifestations. While they are traces or accumulations of pure energy, there is a great difference between the amount of energy available in the various subordinate points, and between the main and the absolute points.

So, if Seth’s coordinate points are the C’s inter-dimensional windows, then perhaps they exist at the centres of gravity for different gravitational systems.

In Session 19 November 1994 the C's suggest that the Bermuda triangle is a window.

Q: (T) Are the crystals still active?

A: Bermuda triangle.

Q: (L) I thought that was a myth?

A: No.

Q: (L) And what does that crystal do? Is it continuously active?

A: No. Erratic.

Q: (L) Is it still active in the sense of being a conscious or sentient entity?

A: No.

Q: (L) What activates it?

A: Many factors.

Q: (L) And when it is activated, what does it do?

A: Transdimensional window is blasted open.

However this may not be very meaningful since the C’s list pretty much everything in the universe as inter-dimensional windows.

A: All are the junction of matter/antimatter... the borderline between realities as you know them... material realms/etheric realms, density level junctures, realities. One can pass through these windows with ease; remember, the stars and planets are windows too.

Q: (L) And stars and planets were described as being giant atoms. Is an atom a window?

A: Yes.

Q: (A) Is a proton a window?

A: Yes.

Q: (A) OK, so it is. And it's massive, so let me ask. Is photon a window, too?

A: Yes.

So how do they work? What do they do? Well from what I can gather they generate the world from thought and emotions through “electromagnetic energy units”. Seth describes the process:

This is highly simplified, but some angles will be more "on the outskirts" than others, and will be less favourable for all conditions of growth and activity. In speaking of these angles we will treat them as three-dimensional, though they are of course multidimensional. Since the nature of these angles is not the main topic of my book, it is not possible to explain them thoroughly here. They will seem to be stronger during certain times than other times, though these differences have nothing to do with either the nature of the coordinate points or with the nature of time. Other elements affect them, but we need not be concerned with these now.

The concentrated energy points are activated by emotional intensities that are well within your normal range. Your own emotions or feelings will activate these coordinates whether you know of them or not. Greater energy will therefore be added to the original thought or feeling, and its projection into physical matter accelerated. Now this applies regardless of the nature of the feeling; only its intensity is involved here.

These points are like invisible power plants, in other words, activated when any emotional feeling or thought of sufficient intensity comes into contact. The points themselves intensify whatever activates them in a quite neutral manner.

This is highly simplified, but the subjective experience of any consciousness is automatically expressed as electromagnetic energy units. These exist "beneath" the range of physical matter. They are, if you prefer, incipient particles that have not yet emerged into matter.

And the C’s give us an interesting example of what happens during this process. From the C’s Session 18 March 1995:

A: Now, some more information about Flight 19. Do you remember a few years ago that a team of researchers claimed to have found the planes, then retracted?

Q: (L) Yes, I remember. {All agree.}

A: Did you find this to be curious?

Q: (S) Yes, because the planes that they found were never reported missing. (T) Yes. (L) Is that why it was so curious? (J) Why did they retract? (S) Where did the planes come from that they found?

A: Yes, if only you knew the details, and how three of the team have required massive psychiatric aid.

Q: (L) Well, tell us the details!

A: Patience, we are, but must do so slowly so you have some hope of grasping it.

Q: (T) Three of the recovery team needed psychiatric treatment?

A: What they found were five planes matching the description, and "arranged" in a perfect geometric pattern on the bottom of the ocean, but the serial numbers did not match.

Q: (L) Is the geometric pattern itself significant?

A: Now, first mystery: There were no other instances of five Avengers disappearing at once. Second: Two of the planes had strange glowing panels with unknown "hieroglyphics" where there should have been numbers. Third: When they tried to raise one of the planes, it vanished, then reappeared, then vanished again then reappeared while attached to the guide-wire, then finally slipped off and fell to the bottom. Fourth: In one of the planes, on the bottom, live human apparitions in WWII uniforms were temporarily seen by three exploratory divers and videotaped by a guide camera. Lastly: Three of the planes have since disappeared. All of this is, naturally, being kept secret!

Q: (S) I wonder where the planes came from. (L) That is the obvious question!

A: Parallel reality, you see, when something crosses into another reality, it accesses something called, for lack of a better term, the "thought plane", and as long as that reality is misunderstood, the window remains open, thus all perceptions of possibility may manifest concretely, though only temporarily, as thought plane material is constantly fluid.

Q: (L) Does this mean that this was a "Flight 19" of a parallel reality that went through a window into our reality?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Was this part of or connected to the loss of our "Flight 19?" Did we exchange realities here?

A: It is the thought patterns that effect the reality, when that window is opened, all thought can become physical reality, though only temporarily.

Q: (L) Does this mean that the divers' and searchers' thoughts about this became reality?

A: And all others.

Q: (T) All others involved in the search?

A: All others on the planet.

In the previous transcript excerpt Laura asks if the geometric pattern is significant, while Seth talks about angles of projection of energy. So it seems some sort of geometry is involved, however, it is hyper-dimensional.

It’s also interesting to note the relationship between FRV and Seth’s coordinate points.

Each thought or emotion therefore exists as an electromagnetic energy unit or as a combination of these under certain conditions, and often with the help of coordinate points, they emerge into the building blocks of physical matter. This emergence into matter occurs as a neutral "result" regardless of the nature of any given thought or emotion. Mental images, accompanied by strong emotion, are blueprints therefore upon which a corresponding physical object, or condition or event, will in your terms appear.

The intensity of a feeling or thought or mental image is, therefore, the important element in determining its subsequent physical materialization.

The intensity is the core about which the electromagnetic energy units form. In your terms, the more intense the core, the sooner the physical materialization. This would apply whether the mental image was a fearful one or a joyful one. Now there is a very important problem here: If your turn of mind is highly intense and you think in vivid mental emotional images, these will be swiftly formed into physical events. If you are also of a highly pessimistic nature, given to thoughts and feelings of potential disaster, then these thoughts will be quite faithfully reproduced in experience.

The more intense your imagination and inner experience, therefore, the more important it is that you realize the methods by which this inner experience becomes physically real. Your thoughts and emotions begin their journey into physical actualization at the moment of conception. If you happen to live in an area where the coordinate environment is strong, one of those areas I have spoken of as unusually conducive, then it will seem that you are deluged by illnesses or disasters, if these are the nature of your thoughts, because all thought is so fertile in this environment. If, on the other hand, your feelings and subjective experience are fairly well balanced, fairly optimistic and creative in a constructive manner, then it will seem to you that you have been blessed with unusual luck, for your pleasant suppositions will come to pass so quickly.

So “raising the FRV of the planet” would mean that there are enough happy people on the planet to materialize a world of positive events.

And it seems that we, and indeed our reality, were created by the thoughts and emotions of “someone else”:

From the C’s Session 3 February 1996

Q: (L) Okay, can we ask now about El Chupacabras?

A: It is what it is.

Q: (L) It is a 'goatsucker.' Where does it come from?

A: Review transcripts re: "window fallers."

Q: (L) If it is a window faller, does it come from another density, or a lateral dimension?

A: Closer to the latter.

Q: (L) Okay, so it is like a horizontal dimension. What allowed it to enter our realm?

A: This is complex, but best described as "EM wave bursts along frequency border variation."

Q: (L) Is there some way to capture or stop this creature?

A: You do not yet completely understand all the "mechanics" of the window faller phenomenon. The physicality is entirely transitory and partially dependent upon consciousness variabilities, as well as expectations of witnesses.

Q: (L) Does the energy of the fear of the witness enable the creature to continue its existence? Does it feed on the excitement and fear, and is that what makes it manifest?

A: Close, but off a little. It is the other way around, and retro-factored by one half.

Q: (L) What do you mean by that?

A: It is mutual, rather than unilateral. Also, remember that a window falling represents a cross-energizing of realities, equally represented from each "dimension" in question. In other words, because the dimensional curtain has been "torn," half of one and half of the other contributes to the whole reality.

Q: (L) Does this mean that something from our reality is also scaring something in that other reality?

A: No, it does not "work" that way at all.

Q: (L) Is there any possibility that this mutual creature is going to turn its attention from animals to humans?

A: Ditto last answer. And review response prior to that!

Q: (L) Okay, now, there are a lot of current teachings that say that the 'dregs' of other planets are being sent to Earth to 'refine' them, so to speak, and that this is why the human race is so divided and antagonistic... that the interactions are supposed to result in annihilation of the weak and survival of the strong in both physical and spiritual terms.

A: First of all, confusion abounds here due to incorrect interpretations of the last subject discussed. Dimensions are not densities!!!! Dimensions are strictly the result of the universal consciousness as manifested in the imagination sector of thought. Density means level of development as measured in terms of closeness to union with The One... Cycle. So, obviously, the "chupacabras" is a manifestation of human consciousness, and, human beings are a manifestation of the Chupacabras consciousness. Get it? Now, a shocker for you: You would not exist if someone didn't "dream you up."

Q: (L) Who dreamed me up?

A: Not important just yet. You literally are the "figments" of someone's imagination, and nothing more!!!

Q: (L) You mean God dreams and brings us into existence?

A: Remember, "God" is really all existence in creation, in other words, all consciousness. This is because all existence in creation is consciousness, and vice versa.
Hi Archea and welcome back to the forum,

Impressive sleuthing with interesting results. Thanks for posting.

While reading I immediately thought of the topic about Bridgend, South Wales (UK) which can be found here:,8239.0.html

In that thread references are given to Jacques Vallee (Dimensions), John Keel (Mothman Prophecies), and T.C. Lethbridge (Power of the Pendulum) as related in Laura's Secret History of the World part I -- all of which could be used to farther expand your subject.

This is what the C's had to say about Bridgend (Session June 20, 2009:,12737.0.html ):

Q: (laughter) (L) That sound suspiciously like Jason. (laughter) {omitted series of personal questions and answers}
(L) Okay, you wanted to ask something about... (A**) What about these suicides in Bridgend, Wales? What's going on there?

A: Location amplifies the kinds of waves mentioned earlier ** leading to rapid disintegration.

Q: (L) So it's like underground water, or electromagnetic, or some kind of power point or something like that?

A: Yes

Q: (A**) So people are just disintegrating, and they're all hanging themselves. (Joe) Twenty four of them, all hung themselves. (A***) All under the age of thirty. (L) Well, you've got HAARP going, you've got microwave towers going, you've got cosmic waves going. (DD) I had a friend commit suicide in Tulsa last week.

A: Expect a lot more unstable behavior all over.
A: It is not just "waves" beamed by such things as HAARP or microwaves, it is also a quickening of the cosmos. Those who are not integrated will disintegrate at an even faster rate than ever.

The bolded part about the quickening ties in neatly with the upcoming Wave of course and the resulting of all sorts of current phenomena like a thinning of the veil at certain places or the attracting of all kinds of mayhem at other locations or the growing number of people losing their wits in some form or other.

See the latest session for details on that if you haven't already read it:,30858.0.html

Thanks again for sharing. :)
If we are the figment of someone's imagination, and they are "us" in the future, they are figments also. And the ones that are planning on inviting themselves to the big feast at our expense are they figments of our imagination? If so, I'm imagining they re reservations being canceled! Also, I was thinking of a way to taste bad or become an allergy to those unwanted by me guests.
Objective reality means that, in some way, even though everything is drempt up by someone it also has it's own persistant existance. I speculate that this is because since all objects have conscioueness the objects are thinking (dreaming) about themselves and therefore self propogate their own probability wave.
lorraineeustice said:
If we are the figment of someone's imagination, and they are "us" in the future, they are figments also. And the ones that are planning on inviting themselves to the big feast at our expense are they figments of our imagination? If so, I'm imagining they re reservations being canceled! Also, I was thinking of a way to taste bad or become an allergy to those unwanted by me guests.

One way to do that would be to start smoking :cool2:
PerihelionX said:
Objective reality means that, in some way, even though everything is drempt up by someone it also has it's own persistant existance. I speculate that this is because since all objects have conscioueness the objects are thinking (dreaming) about themselves and therefore self propogate their own probability wave.

Actually, my understanding is that objective reality is the way the Universe (Divine Cosmic Mind) sees itself, as it were - it is the purest level of truth. I would think that there are endless permutations of variation, however, within that 'creation'. Of course, once I learn more, I might see it differently.
Objective reality as how the Universe sees itself is probably the best definition I've heard. However, I try to unpack what that means a little bit. Not every part of the universe is observing every part of the universe (I think, maybe I'm wrong). So at a more detailed level there are self observers like 1D and 2D creatures and there are internal and external observers 2D - 6D creatures. I'd speculate the influence is weighted by degree of focus. A 1D molecule is very focused on itself; it's awareness never strays far from it's own bounds. A 3D creature like a human has greater awareness but also more scattered (generally). This is all just speculation but it's interesting to think about the finer connections of how objectivity is built.
PerihelionX said:
Objective reality as how the Universe sees itself is probably the best definition I've heard. However, I try to unpack what that means a little bit. Not every part of the universe is observing every part of the universe (I think, maybe I'm wrong). So at a more detailed level there are self observers like 1D and 2D creatures and there are internal and external observers 2D - 6D creatures. I'd speculate the influence is weighted by degree of focus. A 1D molecule is very focused on itself; it's awareness never strays far from it's own bounds. A 3D creature like a human has greater awareness but also more scattered (generally). This is all just speculation but it's interesting to think about the finer connections of how objectivity is built.

It's possible that every part of the universe IS observing every part, but that information rarely reaches consciousness. The roots of perception are non-sensory in nature, and non-sensory perception (e.g., ESP) doesn't seem to be bound by time (to the past at least, the future is trickier unless we view it as probabilities) or space. It's non-local. Electrons may be extremely 'focused' on their immediate environment, but it's possible they receive influence from the entire universe. Also, if the part-whole nature of everything we observe is universal, then the unity of experience that WE experience probably applies to the universe as a whole, too. In other words, cosmic mind unifies the awareness of all its parts in itself. As a whole, and as the ultimate, it perceives everything as it is. (In a nutshell!)
That's a facinating way to see it! The only problem I have comprehending that view is that consciousness is a point of observation (or that seems to make sense). So if any "information rarely reaches consciousness" then at least part of the universe (i.e. a unit of consciousness) is not observing all other points at any given time. However, take time out of the variable and maybe there's a different picture.
Hmmm....this makes me think about the circular or spiral megaliths. If one was accurately located around one of these energy points and a "practitioner" was to stand in the middle then maybe their thoughts could manifest easier. It could loosely qualify as the center of a circle/sphere ( i imagine a spiral would have a compounding effect as well).

If this was the way they were able to maybe teleport, heal, or manifest food then one could see that technology in the form of ovens, cars, and planes simply were not needed. Also an extrapolation of a pyramidal/conical structure (which also seem to be ubiquitous) geometrically would make a dome above it. Which the top point of the pyramid/cone could act as the center of a sphere geometrically speaking. Maybe i'm off base?

Ah and I almost forgot! The C's say that gravity is the great neutralizing force. I noticed that seth used the concept of physical manifestation being the result of a neutral act. If we suppose that physical realities balance out etheric realities (3 physical, 3 ethereal, and one in between i.e. 4D) Then I wonder if the physical manifestation is gravity's (the balancing force) way of balancing the etheric (maybe electromagnetic) blueprint of one's thoughts. And being located at one of these energy points or windows simply allows for added energy from the universe.

Leedskalin also comes to mind while reading this.

What do you guys think?
PerihelionX said:
The only problem I have comprehending that view is that consciousness is a point of observation (or that seems to make sense).

I think it's certainly safe to say, given that definition, that we don't actively observe the entire cosmos. But whether it influences us is another question. My body is constantly experiencing sensations that don't reach my awareness, but my unconscious is constantly aware of all of it. A lot of psi researchers hypothesize that ESP is constantly going on below the surface. So at some level, perhaps we are influenced by everything.

So if any "information rarely reaches consciousness" then at least part of the universe (i.e. a unit of consciousness) is not observing all other points at any given time.

That comment was meant to be in reference to humans and below. We are certainly more conscious than an atom, i.e., more comes to our awareness to be observed. Cosmic Mind is so far above us that it's probably impossible to even imagine that degree of consciousness. I think it's probably safe to say that as the supreme exemplification of consciousness and observation, it observes everything directly at all times.
In that thread references are given to Jacques Vallee (Dimensions), John Keel (Mothman Prophecies), and T.C. Lethbridge (Power of the Pendulum) as related in Laura's Secret History of the World part I -- all of which could be used to farther expand your subject.

That’s a good idea, I’ll check some of that stuff out. I’ve got a few ideas on expanding the subject that I might get into at some point. The first one is to find places which may be in the vicinity of an inter-dimensional window, like Bridgend, which from it’s thread looks like it fits Seth’s description fairly nicely. The second is to try and figure out what they actually are in physics terms. from Session 5 December 1998:

Q: Okay, Mike asks further: The six mountains at Rennes-le-Chateau form a natural pentagon surrounded by a circle. This reminds me of ancient spell-casters surrounding themselves with a circle when summoning spirits or demons. Was this area set up as a giant gateway or place of summoning?

A: Gateways occur where the conditions are right.

Q: Is this area a gateway?

A: Window.

Q: If it is, do the five surrounding peaks contain or shield whatever...

A: Contain is o.k.

Q: So, he is right, it DOES contain. Does this have to do with Atlantean technology and energy production?

A: In an offhand way.

Which using the centre of gravity idea, the window might be the centre of gravity for the five mountains. However, Seth mentions that there are lots of co-ordinate points in the area around Chicago, so I had a look at the terrain around Chicago and Bridgend and there weren't a lot of mountains. This doesn’t rule out the idea though, but it would have been nice.

Hmmm....this makes me think about the circular or spiral megaliths. If one was accurately located around one of these energy points and a "practitioner" was to stand in the middle then maybe their thoughts could manifest easier. It could loosely qualify as the center of a circle/sphere ( i imagine a spiral would have a compounding effect as well).

Seems like a good possibility to me, from Session 7 November 1994

Q: (L) Why are there so many crop circles in Britain?

A: Window. Why Stonehenge was built there.

And in Session 9 November 1994 the C’s say that Stonehenge is a coil, and coil’s can generate EM waves.

Q: (L) In many ancient ruins there are found certain symbols which interest me, specifically the coil or spiral which seems to be ubiquitous throughout the world. This is also very similar to one of the Reiki symbols. What is the origin and meaning of this symbol?

A: Energy collector translevel; stonehenge was one. Stonehenge is a coil. The missing stones form a coil arrangement. People have been "zapped" at stonehenge.

Q: (L) If I had a large place in my yard and I arranged plants and a walkway in a coil and then I walked that spiral, would it give me power?

A: Yes. Do it. If you do it you will actually see us when 3 levels are right. Move the pool.

Q: (L) Move my pool!

I remember Seth saying in one of his books that when we die we are able to create or recreate anything, so I guess we could infer that that would be 5th density. He said that while the people in that reality were our own creations, they still had a reality of their own so the dead person had a certain responsibility towards them.
I seem to remember that the C's made a remark somewhere concerning the locations of crop circles being hot spots of some sort, like magnetism or something. I did a search for it but got no results. Maybe some other member recalls what I'm describing and knows a link to the source?

It might provide yet another entry point to expand your subject.

Sorry to be so vague but this is all I can recall ATM. :-[
I seem to remember that the C's made a remark somewhere concerning the locations of crop circles being hot spots of some sort, like magnetism or something. I did a search for it but got no results. Maybe some other member recalls what I'm describing and knows a link to the source?

It might provide yet another entry point to expand your subject.

I think there's a link between crop circles and windows, there is even a crop circle which the C's said means 'planetary window' shown here

I've been thinking about ways of showing circumstantially whether or not inter-dimensional windows are the centres of gravity. My thinking lately has been to do it this way:

1) Use the Earth’s gravity map to find the curvature of space-time near the earth’s surface.
2) Find all the points where space-time is flat, because that’s where the centres of gravity will be.
3) Check to see if they line up with any of the suspected inter-dimensional windows, such as the Bermuda triangle, Bridgend, and Chicago.

There are already projects that are mapping the earth's local gravity, here's the link to the world gravity map website and some articles:
  • The world gravity map
Since the big problem here is that there are no points of flat space-time anywhere near the surface of the earth, this will not work. It may be possible to find where space-time is flat relative to the curvature of earth, i.e. where the curvature of space-time around the earth is close to what it should be if the earth was a perfect sphere, but then what about all the other masses on the surface of the earth?

The other way of doing things:

1) Find out how mass is distributed in the earth.
2) Create a grid of points across the surface of the earth.
3) For each point on the grid, find the centre of gravity between that point and every other point in a certain radius.
4) Check to see if the centres of gravity cluster around any of the places where there are suspected inter-dimensional windows, such as the Bermuda triangle, Bridgend, and Chicago.

There is another big problem here as well, since a point is zero dimensional, it can’t have mass. So maybe it could be done by breaking up the grid into units of volume, finding the centre of gravity for each volume of mass and then finding the centre of gravity for that volume of mass and every other volume of mass. However, that seems arbitrary to me, and I think that results may vary according to how the volumes are chosen.

After all that though, perhaps physics already has the solution in the form of Lagrange points, Wikipedia defines Lagrange points as (

The Lagrangian points (pron.: /ləˈɡrɑːndʒiən/; also Lagrange points, L-points, or libration points) are the five positions in an orbital configuration where a small object affected only by gravity can theoretically be part of a constant-shape pattern with two larger objects (such as a satellite with respect to the Earth and Moon). The Lagrange points mark positions where the combined gravitational pull of the two large masses provides precisely the centripetal force required to orbit with them.

So from this, a way of finding of whether inter-dimensional windows are Lagrange points is:

1) Find the Lagrange points on or around the surface of the earth.
2) Check to see whether these points cluster around any of the areas where there is suspected to be inter-dimensional windows.

To me this seems like the best way of doing things, but there may still be problems.
Why not approach this from the opposite angle?

First, list the locations or local clusters which received the most crop circles over the years --there may be only a few-- and then search for the possibility of local anomalies of some sort or another. Should do the trick very nicely, I presume.

Thereafter you could expand the search for similar local anomalies elsewhere and then see whether those locations would be (near) a (known) window or have window like properties or something similar.

Just a thought, FWIW.
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