Inter-dimensional windows and Seth's co-ordinate points

Since I'm in the mood for coming up with crazy, outlandish, lunatic conspiracy theories that no rational person could ever believe, I'm going to make one up:

HAARP is designed to interfere with the thought plane through windows in order to turn the public into mindless worker drones, like the Borg.

Your idea isn't that far out in left field as you apparently think it is.

From Session October 20, 1994:,25984.0.html

Q: We would like to know what is the origin of the Gypsies.

A: Genes spliced. Slaves of dark forces.

Q: Who are these dark forces?

A: Same.

Q: As what?

A: Brotherhood.

Q: Does this brotherhood consist of Lizzies and various humans?

A: Yes.

Q: If the Gypsies were gene spliced, who were they gene spliced with?

A: Alien race, humanoid, and Atlantean drone workers.

Q: What were Atlantean drone workers?

A: Slave people controlled by crystal.

Q: Why do the Gypsies remain so cohesive? Is that genetically programed?

A: Yes. And mind control.

From Topic: What is origin of Eastern Slavs & who were Neuri ?,12977.0.html

Bezeus said:
Approaching Infinity said:
agni said:
C's said:
Q: (L) To what kind of humanoid creatures do the dolicephalic skulls found in various sites in Malta belong to?
A: "Drones."

I wonder what they mean by Drones ?

From the sessions:

Q: If the Gypsies were gene spliced, who were they gene
spliced with?

A: Alien race, humanoid, and Atlantean drone workers.

Q: What were Atlantean drone workers?

A: Slave people controlled by crystal.

Edgar Cayce talks about these people in his sessions, I believe.

Note that Drones was quoted in the upper remark, whilst in the lower it was not.

From Session October 5, 1994:,22347.0.html

Q: (L) What was the event a hundred or so years after the flood of Noah that was described as the confusing of languages, or the tower of Babel?

A: Spiritual confluence.

Q: (L) What purpose did the individuals who came together to build the tower intend for said tower?

A: Electromagnetic concentration of all gravity waves.

Q: (L) And what did they intend to do with these concentrated waves?

A: Mind alteration of masses.

Q: (L) What intention did they have in altering the mind of the masses?

A: Spiritual unification of the masses.

Q: (L) Who were the "gods" that looked down on the tower of Babel, at those who were building it with the intention of unification, and decided to destroy their works?

A: Lizards.

Q: (L) Okay, so the Lizzies blew up the tower of Babel. What else did they do to the minds of mankind; did they do something causing literal disruption of their understanding of language?

A: Close.

Q: (L) What tool did they use to accomplish this divisiveness?

A: Brainwashing of masses.

Q: (L) Did they do this through implants and abduction?

A: Partly.

From Session November 2, 1994:,28371.0.html

Q: (L) Who were the original inhabitants of the city of Jericho?

A: Aramaic.

Q: (L) There was a stone tower at one of the lower levels, what was it built for?

A: Energy disbursement. Attempt to duplicate tower of Babel and Atlantean crystal towers.

So there you have it all spelled out in so many words.

But it gets even better with the following, which concerns itself with the purpose of the grid and its changing make-up. This is from Session July 18, 1998:

Q: (L) Now, one question that we were discussing earlier is: how can the close approach of the companion star cause an increase in the Sun's gravity when there is no reason why it should change anything since gravity is a function of mass?
A: But do you rally know all there is to know about gravity?
Q: (A) No, we don't know. But, does this mean that this will be an effect that does not follow from the theory of gravity that we know already?
A: Gravity is the life force that binds all realities as one.
Q: (L) What are the mechanics of the increase in the Sun's gravity? What is going to cause this?
A: In order to understand this, you would need a reworking of the theorem.
Q: (L) Can you help us in this reworking of the theorem?
A: Waves.
Q: (A) What I want to ask is: we have Einstein's theory of gravity, and the question is whether the effect of increasing the Sun's gravity is something that goes beyond Einstein's equations or not?
A: You must see the wave.
Q: (A) What wave, a gravitational wave, or an electromagnetic wave, or some other wave? What wave?
A: Arkadiusz, how do these intersect?
Q: (A) Gravity and electromagnetic?
A: Yes. And others.
Q: (A) How they are described within a theory, or how they intersect in space when they come together?
A: Both.
Q: (A) Okay, why does this increase in the Sun's gravity have anything to do with electromagnetism? We were told that the Brown star will not radiate any radiation, so, in particular, no electromagnetic radiation. So, where does electromagnetics come in? I do not understand...
A: Gravitational pull incites electromagnetic impulse.
Q: (A) Okay, that means we go beyond gravitational theory, and this is part of Unified Field Theory?
A: Yes, exactly!! The complete UFT was withheld from you!
Q: (L) I think they mean humanity in general...
A: Yes.
Q: (T) So, the complete UFT is known to someone here on the planet?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) And they are not making it available...
A: Oh no, because "The Truth Will Set You Free!"
Q: (J) From gravity!
A: You may access hyperspatial truths with UFT.
Q: (A) Well, we started with the increased mass of the Sun, and we came to UFT which is hidden from us because it would make us free; there is this tendency in me to follow this road because it is science and would open a new road. The question is whether such activity or knowing such things will lead to other densities? Is it just for satisfaction, or is there real value in knowing more in this direction?
A: Well, the Unified Field Theory unlocks the door completely to the higher densities.
Q: (T) But there are parts of this that have yet to be discovered by the general research books because it is being kept secret?
A: No.
Q: (T) Has science acknowledged that gravity is a wave, as something that can be measured, quantitative?
A: Controversy.
Q: (L) What gravity is and what it is not is a controversy. (T) But if gravity is part of the UFT, and somebody knows what it is... (L) They are building HAARP. (T) I think there is more to it than this HAARP. UFT is a major step...
A: Grids.
Q: (L) What kind of grids... (T) They keep jumping off... wait a minute...
A: We are not "jumping off."
Q: (L) What kind of grids?
A: The planet has been enshrouded with EM grid.
Q: (T) Are these the ley lines?
A: No.
Q: (L) Are they artificially generated?
A: Contoured.
Q: (L) They are artificially contoured. What is the result of this shrouding?
A: Manipulated for use by 3rd/4th Consortium.
Q: (A) What kind of EM grid? (L) The natural EM grid is being contoured...
A: Like a gently waving geometric "blanket."
Q: (T) Is it on the surface of the planet, through the planet, or where?
A: Above.

Q: (J) Do microwave towers factor into this?
A: Indirectly discovered by same principal. [person?]
Q: (A) Some power is used to sustain this grid. What is it?
A: Land and space based generators.
Q: (T) What can it be used for?
A: Multiple uses.
Q: (L) Well, what are the top three, for example?
A: No "top three."
Q: (T) Just an example, give us an idea? How does this affect us?
A: Broaden concept.
Q: (T) Can this grid be used by other objects as a power source? (J) Can it be tapped into?
A: Net.
Q: (L) It is a net that traps things?
A: Broaden.
Q: (L) It is a net that...
A: Calculates...
Q: (J) Internet? (T) Is it like a big fence to keep us in?
A: You are dancing on the 3rd density ballroom floor. "Alice likes to go through the looking glass" at the Crystal Palace. Atlantean reincarnation surge brings on the urge to have a repeat performance.
Q: (T) The Atlanteans who have reincarnated are getting ready to do the same thing they did before with the crystals. So, this is an Atlantean type thing that is being done now? Different equipment, but the same type of thing?

A: All lessons must be learned before you can move onto bigger and better things.
Q: (L) Is that a general statement about the Atlanteans repeating the lessons, or that once we learn this lesson, we can move onto bigger and better things in counteracting this grid?
A: All that is present and future too.
Q: (T) Well, maybe it is a defensive shield that has been put up to protect us since we have monkeyed with the ozone so much...
A: No. Better to contemplate and meditate. No linear thinking please, you know better.
Q: (J) I think they just slapped your hand. (A) I want to ask if there is something that we can and should do about this grid for ourselves?
A: Why? To know was all you need.
Q: (A) Well, it was said that this was for the purpose of control and manipulation. So, knowing is all that we need. Or, we could try to shield... (L) But, to know IS the shield. I don't know how that works, but it seems to be so.
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Now, how did we come to this grid from UFT?
A: Grid construction represents application of...

Q: (L) Somehow we went from the increased gravity of the Sun, to UFT, to the grid...
A: UFT explains the "increased" gravity of Sol. But, is there not something in UFT about increase/decrease???
Q: (A) There is no reason for it to increase or decrease... but this is Einstein's theory which we were told is incorrect... (L) Well, maybe it is speed? When two things are rotating in tandem, when they come together, wouldn't it increase their speed, and doesn't speed increase gravity? (A) No, we were told that there is some interaction between gravity and EM wave, and this is what UFT is about... If we use other dimensions which we are supposed to use in this UFT, going with Kaluza-Klein, then the very concept of mass is something which is not so clear, and mass can be variable...
A: Yes, variability of physicality.
Q: (T) Fourth density. (A) We were told earlier that this UFT opens the door to other densities...
A: Yes.

Q: (A) And, some time ago Santilli was here and he had his own idea about UFT; gravity and anti-gravity, and he was told that he had a good idea of UFT, but that he only has one seventh of the equation. I don't understand why UFT has to go to other densities? Does it follow, or is it necessary once we have UFT, that the other densities will become clear in that they are necessary? How is it?
A: Fragmented inquiry.
Q: (A) Can we have a UFT which unifies EM and gravity and does not include the concept of other densities. In other words, can we put in a textbook all about the gravity and electromagnetics, and a student could learn all of this and still know nothing about other densities?
A: No. Other densities become apparent when...
Q: (A) So, it means that Einstein and Von Neumann knew about these other densities?
A: Yes, oh yes!!!

Q: (T) Just a thought: having UFT and being able to manipulate different fields within it, creates different effects. So, as we understand it in the apparent present state of science, we have to spin something in space in order to create gravity. But, with the UFT, one small offshoot is that one could create real gravity without spinning anything. So, the problem of weightlessness is really already solved...
A: Elementary my dear TR, elementary.
Q: (T) So, this whole thing with the space station and all the trouble they are having readapting to gravity when they come back, is all a game...
A: When you "let the cat out of the bag," you create an entire feline "nation."
Q: (T) So, we are capable of "Star Trek" right now?
A: In a sense, but there is so much more than that.
Q: (T) Of course. Most people would say that 'cutting edge' science is 25 years ahead of what we see, and I say it is more like a hundred years, and I am even off? Cutting edge science on this planet is more like 3 or 4 hundred years ahead?
A: More like 30 to 40,000 years "ahead!"
Q: (L) Is that because of 4th density influence and information?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) 30 to 40 thousand years? Let me get that number right...
A: Yes, at least.

So the gravitational pull of the twin brown star sets in motion an EM impulse throughout the solar system with all sorts of interesting consequences yet to be summarized. One of those would be changes in the artificially contoured grid system, I think, which could cause several other phenomena --like bleedthroughs and other high strangeness type of things-- to increase in intensity and/or frequency. And maybe the shifting itself of the magnetic poles is also one of these consequences?
I just discovered there exists a six page thread about Atlantis here:,14160.0.html

In one of its posts (,14160.msg109140.html#msg109140) the grid system is also mentioned with the same Session quote as I just cited.

There is also a display of a map of this grid system over there which has been pulled from here:

Very interesting addition to what you came up with, I think.
Thanks for pointing out the Atlantis thread Palinurus, It took me a while to read, but was worth it. There looks like there's a few more grid points pointed out in that thread if we need them as well.

The more I read this stuff, the more it seems to me that a fair amount of work has already been done on this forum about the grid, it's just all over the place, and not all in a single thread.

I had a look at the photos of the grid in E's post in the Atlantis thread and there are a few differences to what I think and what's in the photos. In the second photo there's 24 meridians (12 great circles) going from one pole to the other, whereas I think there are 200 (100 great circles). I thought maybe the 24 meridians we're just a subset of the 200 meridians, but they don't line up, i.e. 24 doesn't go nicely into 200. Also, it looks to me like certain grid squares are emphasized, whereas I think it's the grid points, and maybe the grid lines, where all the high strangeness occurs.

In the first photo there are 10 triangles, 5 above the equator and 5 below, and one of the triangles lies on the Hawaii volcano. So it looks to me like these triangle lie 18 degrees above and below the equator, although I haven't checked this. There are 5 triangles each side, however, not 4, so I don't think they are the conduits the C's were talking about, which is a bit unfortunate, but 5 points a pentagram makes, which is related to the golden ratio (phi), and 5 also goes into 200 nicely. so maybe that's related to what the Atlanteans were up to.

So the gravitational pull of the twin brown star sets in motion an EM impulse throughout the solar system with all sorts of interesting consequences yet to be summarized. One of those would be changes in the artificially contoured grid system, I think, which could cause several other phenomena --like bleedthroughs and other high strangeness type of things-- to increase in intensity and/or frequency. And maybe the shifting itself of the magnetic poles is also one of these consequences?

I think it's possible that the companion is related to the shifting of the magnetic poles, and hence the shifting of the grid. I think this is especially possible if the companion star causes pole shifts and pole reversals. Another thing I was thinking was what if they turned few knobs on these land and space based generators in an effort to rearrange the distribution of grid points and ended up creating a sudden movement of the poles? So instead of the recent movement of the poles being related to the companion star, it was the result of "human error." This was just another idea I had that I thought I'd put forward.

In regards to HAARP and mind control, There's this snippet from E's post with the grid pictures in the Atlantis thread:

Q: (T) Well, maybe it is a defensive shield that has been put up to protect us since we have monkeyed with the ozone so much...

A: No. Better to contemplate and meditate. No linear thinking please, you know better.

Q: (J) I think they just slapped your hand. (A) I want to ask if there is something that we can and should do about this grid for ourselves?

A: Why? To know was all you need.

Q: (A) Well, it was said that this was for the purpose of control and manipulation. So, knowing is all that we need. Or, we could try to shield... (L) But, to know IS the shield. I don't know how that works, but it seems to be so.

A: Yes.

So if HAARP is designed to turn us all into Borg drones through mind control/thought control then just knowing about it protects you from it, which I think is pretty neat. I think this is because knowledge and thoughts occupy the "mind space" so knowledge of thought manipulation helps the person counter it.

As always, my thinking may be wrong about any of this stuff... ;)

I still haven't checked the differences in degrees between the locations on Google Earth, but it is on my to do list.
So if HAARP is designed to turn us all into Borg drones through mind control/thought control then just knowing about it protects you from it, which I think is pretty neat. I think this is because knowledge and thoughts occupy the "mind space" so knowledge of thought manipulation helps the person counter it.

Session July 16, 2009 which can be found here:,12993.0.html speculates about other means of blocking the influence of HAARP and other forms of mind control -- dancing !
Remember, knowledge has to be applied to be effective. ;)

Q: (L) I once speculated, and I don't remember where I speculated about it, that a human being has a certain field - like a morphic field - and they are connected in various ways to the field in which they interact... that everything else has a field and all these fields interconnect and intersperse, and that people who perform certain formalized maneuvers based on some technology which we don't know or understand, that it's in a sense - because somebody had told me once that information is stored or retrieved on a computer by a single electron being moved in a certain way on a microchip, that it was a pathway that it follows, and that the pathway that it follows means something - so my idea was perhaps human beings in a sense can be like electrons moving within a certain field. If a group of electrons line themselves up and move in a certain way, it adds some sort of considerable - it's like a significant movement of energy - it creates a current. And this creation of a current is like something that enables you to connect to this other realm, this other density. It's almost like you're creating a cord or something, a tube, or some kind of...

A: A "conduit" maybe?

Q: (L) But anyhow, does that idea make sense? (Ark) Well, theoretically it makes sense. But my question is suppose it is done. And it has probably been done by many people. What are the visible consequences?

A: Under the right circumstances, with knowledge, awareness and, most important of all, BEING (letters came very slowly in contrast to the rest of the message, which was fast), there can be openings of portals for many purposes. Remember the Maruts and their baskets? How about a little "travel" if needed for a positive purpose?

Q: (L) Okay, the Maruts were referred to as - they were like all of a special bloodline - and they danced, and their dance produced benefits for the tribe. I mean, the heavens opened, and baskets came down with food and whatever they needed. I mean, it's like the original story of Manna from heaven. Only it wasn't just something tasteless, it was whatever they wanted or needed. Krunchy (healthy cereal)! (laughter)

A: Keep in mind that in order for the techno-spiritual techniques to work, the people of the "blood" must be purified and their chakras must be "connected". If this is done, there are even more important functions. For example: mental blocking of 4D STS attacks. Do you realize that 200 or so people assembled this way, and a block against the marauders could be put in place? Furthermore the wave is coming, the "dancers" could very well determine how it affects your planet and reality. Can you imagine what would happen if the "elite" of your world were cut off from their 4D STS power supply? What if their mind control techniques and frequency fences just "fizzled"?

Q: (L) Well that's crazy. (Ark) How can it happen that they are cut off from their power supply? I don't understand.

A: Mental blocking.

Q: (DD) Do they block themselves? (Review of previous answer) (A***) So they're talking about the dance, and people together doing this dance would create some sort of block?

A: Exactly.

Q: (A***) That's a good reason to learn to dance! (Ark) Well, how long would you have to dance to keep the block going long enough?

A: You create it with the dance, chant, musical induced state, and then just add power as needed.

Q: (S) We just run some extension cords, and... (laughter) (L) But how often do you add power?

A: With the current imbalance, about once a week. Later, as the balance is restored, it can be once a month... Dark of the moon.

Q: (S) What did they mean by "add power"? (L) Do it again. (P) Is it a special day of the week? (L) Well, they said once a month, dark of the moon... Oh, you want to know if it's once a week, then which day?

A: Moon-day.

Q: (L) Well this is all very interesting stuff. Why weren't you telling us this a long time ago? (laughter)

A: We think you know that! There was much you needed to learn on your own for strength and also there was the factor of trust. We understand that humanity has been led astray many times and there is a lot of metaphysical "noise" out there. After this time, we think that even with the "open" nature of the future and reality, we have not misled. The first 6 years were spent trying to increase your awareness and help to purge illusions. Now you see the changes in your world that we spoke of. Now, we hope that you will begin to understand that there is hope, but that we and all other STO beings can only act through you (pause) in the collective sense.

Q: (L) Oh, I see. (Ark) What you see? (L) I just got the word "collective" - I was wondering what in the world that word was in there for. Okay. (Ark) They said there is still hope? That's what they said? (L) I guess the hope is how we meet the wave, and what our world is like after. When you have a wave, a tsunami, you can do like that guy did in the movie Krakatoa. Ya know, throw out your anchor and head into it, tie yourself to the wheel, and grin a lot! That was so cool! So, is that basically what we're talking about here? The wave is gonna happen and how we meet it depends on what we do to prepare and that we can...

A: Yes. And there are a lot of the "elite" who will go under. As we once said it will be a "triple bad day" for Rockefeller and his ilk.


Q: (L) So basically, we can recapitulate by saying that people need to learn to breathe. Breathing can change things in their physiology. And also they need to use the breathing to get themselves into a meditative state, or a state where they can do the bioenergetic breathing, which then helps them to release karmic and current life programs and issues and get a cleansing. Once they've started to become cleansed, then they are able to - and this is supposed to be interspersed with, as I understand it - continuous input of data and information. They did say that you use this to deal with reality. This meditating and breathing is not an escape, this is a healing. Meanwhile, you're supposed to at the same time - throughout the day - you're supposed to be paying close attention to reality and not falling into illusion. Okay, so we've got that part of the program. And then once these people begin to clear out their traumas and their programs and get free of illusions and so forth, that means that they are then better able to use facing reality and thinking with a hammer to connect their chakras. And that, I assume, means connecting to their higher intellectual center and higher emotional center. Of course, you connect the emotional center first and then the intellect comes in also. So, in other words, they become kind of like connected with themselves in the future so to say. Am I on track so far?

A: Yes. But we would like to point that all "souled" individuals are members of a fragmented 6D soul/being. When they begin to connect with their future/higher centers, this implies a natural connecting with the other members of their soul group.

Q: (L) Okay, so anyhow, that's the first thing. And then once people begin to make these connections and then they begin to practice this spiral and maze maneuver which is in a sense like... gee, it's almost like human beings becoming crop circles on the surface of the landscape, and creating neural circuits of some sort in the mind of the earth, or in the body of the earth. Anyway, that's what I'm getting at. And then that is what enables them to do things like mental blocking... Okay, so if you're gonna do this mental blocking, okay so you're gonna do this dance and whatever, how do you effectively put the mental block in place? I mean, you're just dancing thinking, "I'm mental blocking! I'm mental blocking!"

A: No no no! Remember the "Prayer of the Soul"?

Q: (L) So we're supposed to say that while we're dancing?

A: Sometimes. Other times the words will be different. Sometimes it will be chanted and sometimes it will be sung.

Q: (L) So where are we gonna get these words from?

A: We will be giving them in dreams to you.

Q: (A***) Sweet. (L) So, pretty much we've got... Well, that's quite a comprehensive program. There was some discussion on the forum recently about if people had to die to get to the 4th density. And I think I remember you distinctly saying that some will die and some won't. Is that correct?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Some people will transition into 4th density. Like I said before they'll just kind of like rejuvenate and their DNA will unwrap or change under the new cosmic environment and their bodies will change?

A: Some.

Q: (L) And we already asked what some of that would be like. Okay, so... (A***) I supposed we're not allowed to ask if it's gonna happen to us. (laughter)

A: You have your work cut out for you. You have a choice of futures. What will it be? A dark star or paradise restored??? Goodbye.

This was also brought up in another thread called Matter and Spirit - The Experimental Evidence which starts here:,18023.0.html
This thread was one of the finds connected to unstable gravity waves.

The post in question (Reply # 36) was from Buddy and is located here:,18023.msg168109.html#msg168109
So if HAARP is designed to turn us all into Borg drones through mind control/thought control then just knowing about it protects you from it, which I think is pretty neat. I think this is because knowledge and thoughts occupy the "mind space" so knowledge of thought manipulation helps the person counter it.

I've found another quote on this subject in the very first session ever held with the C's:,15382.0.html
It was mentioned in the anniversary thread here:,12979.msg180428.html#msg180428

Q: (L) What can protect us?
A: Knowledge.
Q: (L) How do we get this knowledge?
A: You are being given it now.
Q: (L) What knowledge do you mean?
A: You have it.
Q: (L) How does the knowledge of what you have told us help us?
A: Gives great defense.

Q: (L) What knowledge gives defense?
A: Just gave it.
Q: (L) What specifically?
A: Don't ask that not important.
Q: We don't understand.
A: Knowing about it gives psychic defense.
Q: How do we tell other people? And who should we tell?
A: Inform indirectly only.
Q: (L) How?
A: Write.
Thanks for pointing out the matter and spirit thread, I found it very interesting. I think the subject of L-fields and T-fields could be quite closely related to the subject of windows, in that thoughts can interact in the "external" world. I also liked how the theory was built up from experiments, so we know there is something, we just don't know everything there is to know.

The C's have said that all matter is just thoughts, so if thoughts materialize around windows, then maybe the T-fields gather enough energy from somewhere to turn into solid matter...

I think the idea that knowledge creates a psychic shield is interesting. I always thought that the phrase knowledge protects meant that if you have knowledge of a specific nature then you'd be able to protect yourself from dangers that are specific to that knowledge. But now I think maybe it has to do with T-fields interacting with L-fields to create a literal life-force shield of sorts, and a good way to do this might be dancing! ;)

I also seem to remember the C's saying that if Laura walked in a maze pattern for long enough that she'd eventually see the C's. So I think maybe this has to do with a window, T-field/L-field, dancing dynamic.

I had a quick go at checking the degrees of latitude and longitude between these locations:

[list type=decimal]
[*]The Plains of San Agustin
[*]Dulce, NM
[*]Denver Airport

I terms of latitude I got these results (note: =~ means "approximately equal to"):

[list type=decimal]
[*]1.25 / 1.8 =~ 0.7
[*]2.34 / 1.8 =~ 1.3
[*]3.59 / 1.8 =~ 2

Where the first number is the difference in degrees of latitude. From this it looks like the first and third points are approximately separated by a multiple of 1.8 degrees (2 * 1.8 = 3.6) but the second point is out by approximately 0.3 * 1.8 degrees.

But for longitude all the points seemed to be separated by approximately 3 degrees, which I thought was interesting as 1.8 doesn't go nicely into 3. But 3 does go nicely into 24, like in the picture in E's post in the Atlantis thread, so maybe there is something to that picture, although I counted the lines along latitude not longitude.

So maybe the degrees of difference between grid lines for longitude is 1.5 instead of 1.8. So there would still be grid lines at the plus and minus 18 degrees of longitude mark.

I also found this short snippet in the plotting the wave thread, which I found linked to the matter and spirit thread I think. From Session 9 April 2011 (,22855.msg247866.html#msg247866):

A: What do you think about the ”new” explosion 3 to 4 billion light years away? They think, that is.

{Here it seems the Cs are referring to recent news of an explosion that is going on in the center of a small galaxy said to be 3.8 billion light-years away. See:
“Astronomers say they have never seen anything this bright, long-lasting and variable before. Usually gamma-ray bursts mark the end of a massive star and emission from these events never lasts more than a few hours. But radiation from the blast continues to brighten and fade from the location a week after the explosion.”
And: “Rather than the short-lived gamma-ray bursts typically associated with the death of a massive star -- most last no more than a few hours -- this explosion continues more than a week later to emanate pulses of high-energy cosmic radiation for an effect that's brighter, longer lasting, and more variable than scientists have ever seen.”}

Q: (L) Are you saying that it’s not as far away as they’re saying it is?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What is it representing? What is it doing?

A: The wave has begun in earnest!

Q: (L) What do you mean?

A: Energy is pouring into your universe from higher densities.

I thought this sounded similar to the Marfa lights. So maybe energy pouring through a window?
I think the idea that knowledge creates a psychic shield is interesting. I always thought that the phrase knowledge protects meant that if you have knowledge of a specific nature then you'd be able to protect yourself from dangers that are specific to that knowledge. But now I think maybe it has to do with T-fields interacting with L-fields to create a literal life-force shield of sorts, and a good way to do this might be dancing! ;)

I also seem to remember the C's saying that if Laura walked in a maze pattern for long enough that she'd eventually see the C's. So I think maybe this has to do with a window, T-field/L-field, dancing dynamic.

Another, related technique might be spinning. A forum wide search for spinning yielded thirty references.

To stay on course (as to not go off topic too much) you might be first and foremost interested in this topic: Magnetite, spinning and meridians which can be found here:,4818.0.html
Another, related technique might be spinning. A forum wide search for spinning yielded thirty references.

To stay on course (as to not go off topic too much) you might be first and foremost interested in this topic: Magnetite, spinning and meridians which can be found here:,4818.0.html

Hmmm... So if spinning affects the distribution of magnetite in the body, then maybe it could affect the way people interact with windows... hmmm...

That spinning thread also has a post (Reply #58) by rrraven that links to this site ( about crop circles:

In the soil of many crop circles, large amounts of magnetite can be found, sometimes up to 800 times the normal quantity. This is caused by a strong magnetic field in the higher atmosphere (ionosphere) that attracts meteorite dust (magnetite) and sucks it down towards the Earth, where it hits the ground in a newly formed crop circle.

So I think that might be another piece in the "crop circles form around windows" puzzle.

I think it's also interesting that it say's that meteorite dust is attracted to strong magnetic fields, So I guess another hypothesis is that meteorites are more likely to hit grid points... maybe...
Archaea said:
Another, related technique might be spinning. A forum wide search for spinning yielded thirty references.

To stay on course (as to not go off topic too much) you might be first and foremost interested in this topic: Magnetite, spinning and meridians which can be found here:,4818.0.html

Hmmm... So if spinning affects the distribution of magnetite in the body, then maybe it could affect the way people interact with windows... hmmm...

That spinning thread also has a post (Reply #58) by rrraven that links to this site ( about crop circles:

In the soil of many crop circles, large amounts of magnetite can be found, sometimes up to 800 times the normal quantity. This is caused by a strong magnetic field in the higher atmosphere (ionosphere) that attracts meteorite dust (magnetite) and sucks it down towards the Earth, where it hits the ground in a newly formed crop circle.

So I think that might be another piece in the "crop circles form around windows" puzzle.

I think it's also interesting that it say's that meteorite dust is attracted to strong magnetic fields, So I guess another hypothesis is that meteorites are more likely to hit grid points... maybe...

As far as I understand it the ionosphere is an/the electric field of the earth rather than magnetic. Further, the magnetosphere is the magnetic field. Keeping this in mind we have observed that the magnetosphere has been fading and losing its strength so maybe that could lead to an answer (or at least a correlation) as to why the crop circles have been fading. Especially if your hypothesis is correct.
trendsetter37 said:
As far as I understand it the ionosphere is an/the electric field of the earth rather than magnetic. Further, the magnetosphere is the magnetic field. Keeping this in mind we have observed that the magnetosphere has been fading and losing its strength so maybe that could lead to an answer (or at least a correlation) as to why the crop circles have been fading. Especially if your hypothesis is correct.

Oh... I didn't know that about the ionosphere and the Earth's magnetic field, thanks for clarifying :) I think the idea that the decline in crop circles is related in some way to the decline in the Earth's magnetic field is interesting also. I've been thinking about the idea that meteorites can be funnelled by planets magnetic fields, and I think it's reasonable, since meteorites usually contain iron, or so it would seem from a Google search.

This got me thinking that maybe the same was true for comets, but it looks to me like comets aren't really made up of magnetic materials, just ice and dirt and stuff I think. But I remember from science class in high school that water is attracted to charged objects whether positive or negative, so maybe comets would be attracted to the more charged areas of the ionosphere. So this could be related to windows, if windows are related to electrical storms... right?

Like the sheets of rain from the last session (28 may 2013).
Ran into a snippet of a session about bleed through phenomena in relation to grid points today.

From Session August 20, 2001:,18637.0.html
Q: What group mined the copper in northern Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan, like in Isle Royale?
A: Aryans.
Q: What did they want the copper for?
A: Weapons.
Q: Wouldn't iron make better weapons?
A: Not in 4th density.
Q: I'm getting the feeling that there have been bleed-in, bleed-out situations with 4th density on this planet a lot more often than we suspect.
A: Yes.
Q: Are these situations sometimes manufactured by those who know how?
A: Close.
Q: Do they just happen to know where those window points are?
A: Yes.
Q: Is it significant that Rock Lake is on the same longitude line as Tikal?
A: Yes.
Q: Does it have to do with the windows we just talked about?
A: Close.
Ahh, some more grid points to look at. :)

Rock lake is home to several mounds or pyramids, here's a YouTube video:

I had a quick look for anything about the geology of Rock lake, but didn't find anything except it's Wikipedia page (

Tikal has pyramids too, and they are made of limestone as well, so maybe limestone has some specific magnetic properties which makes it ideal for pyramid construction?

From Tikal's Wikipedia page (

The architecture of the ancient city is built from limestone and includes the remains of temples that tower over 70 metres (230 ft) high, large royal palaces, in addition to a number of smaller pyramids, palaces, residences, administrative buildings, platforms and inscribed stone monuments.

I also came across a brief mention of iron mining in the region around Tikal, so I think it's possible that there's some iron around there.

The coordinates of these places are:

Rock lake: 43°04′53″N 88°55′54″W
Tikal: 17°13′19.54″N 89°37′25.01″W

So there's a difference of roughly 26 degrees latitude, which isn't divisible by either 1.5 or 1.8, but the coordinates given in Wikipedia probably aren't exactly on the grid points, so we have some space to work with. :)

I've added Rock lake and Tikal to the list of possible grid points in Google Earth.
I just finished reading chaos by James Gleick and I think I have an idea of what the C's meant by "surface of the sphere" in this snippet:

(Ark) Alright, next. Long ago, you talk about that I should find a paper about windows, and we ask what windows, and you answer mathematical windows. I was inquiring whether it has to do with chaos and fractals and Mandelbrot and, well, and so that's still my guess. And I must say that probably for seven years, I couldn't figure out and find a paper on these windows. Or maybe I have and I don't know. So my question is, can I have another hint on this?

A: Remember the "center of the sphere" is a window.

Q: (Ark) Center of the sphere... Now again, you mentioned long ago Mandelbrot, in fact you spelled it strange like "Mandlebrot" while normally people say "Mandel"... So I was looking for years for this Mandelbrot, and I thought it was fractals, and this was a good beginning. But I still don't know what Mandelbrot has to do with the center of the sphere because it must be somehow connected to windows, too. Hint?

A: Emergence from the center. The surface is where "things happen" and where the fractals coalesce.

I think that if a window is the center of gravity for a gravitational system, then it could be thought of as a basin of attraction in phase space (sorry for the mathematics terminology. :)) If this is the case then the "surface of the sphere" would be the boundary in phase space where the motion of an object stops moving toward the center of gravity (the window) and starts going off to infinity (or towards another window.) I think this might mean that the C's were using the word sphere as in "heavenly sphere" rather than an actual perfect geometrical sphere.

I also think that this idea makes sense with regard to the Mandlebrot clue. This is because the Mandelbrot traces an outline around something called a strange attractor (or at I think it's a strange attractor,) so the points in the Mandlebrot set would be the points where an object in a gravitational field would move to the center of gravity, and the points outside of the Mandlebrot set would be the points where an object would fly off into infinity. This makes me think that the equations of motion for an object in a gravitational field would be non-linear (although I'm not sure that follows logically.)

The other interesting thing about the Mandelbrot set is that it contains areas which look like itself as you zoom in to smaller and smaller scales. I think that these miniature versions of the whole would correspond to points on the "surface of the sphere" where an object neither goes into the basin of attraction or fly's off into infinity, but rather stay's still. This would mean that it is another basin of attraction, i.e. it's another window, one which has formed from the original window.

There is a theory called sub-quantum kinetics (SQK) where the equations for gravity take the form of Turing wave patterns otherwise known as Reaction–diffusion systems. Turing wave patterns take the form of non-linear equations as far as I can tell, so I'm keen to try and understand SQK better. SQK is discussed in this thread: Great paper on "Subquantum Kinetics" Possible UFT (,32648.0.html) started by trendsetter37.

Here is a list of Wikipedia pages for reference purposes:

I also ran a Google search on unstable waves (as well as unstable gravity waves, but most of that lead to Cassiopaea.) This website ( says that an unstable wave is:

(physics) A wave motion whose amplitude increases with time or whose total energy increases at the expense of its environment.

There is also the Wikipedia page for Periodic travelling waves ( which says:

An important question is whether a periodic travelling wave is stable or unstable as a solution of the original mathematical system. For partial differential equations, it is typical that the wave family subdivides into stable and unstable parts.[1][17][18] For unstable periodic travelling waves, an important subsidiary question is whether they are absolutely or convectively unstable, meaning that there are or are not stationary growing linear modes.[19] This issue has only been resolved for a few partial differential equations.[2][15][16]

And the Wikipedia page for instability ( which has this picture:


With the caption "A ball on the top of a hill is an unstable situation." So I think an unstable gravity wave is just a gravity wave which is going to change all by itself at some point, possibly into a stable gravity wave, but maybe not. Interestingly when I ran the Google search for unstable waves, a few of the top results were for meteorology subjects, and after reading that chaos book I've come to the conclusion that all the interesting developments for mathematics and physics for the past half-decade started with work and discoveries in meteorology... all the interesting discoveries being chaos theory of course. ;D

There's this website ( which has this picture:


With some explanation:

Views A through G of figure 4-22, referred to in the next three paragraphs, show the life cycle of the unstable wave.

And the Wikipedia page for Baroclinity ( which talks about vortices.

The energy source for baroclinic instability is the potential energy in the environmental flow. As the instability grows, the center of mass of the fluid is lowered. In growing waves in the atmosphere, cold air moving downwards and equatorwards displaces the warmer air moving polewards and upwards.

Baroclinic instability can be investigated in the laboratory using a rotating, fluid filled annulus. The annulus is heated at the outer wall and cooled at the inner wall, and the resulting fluid flows give rise to baroclinically unstable waves.[5][6]

The term "baroclinic" refers to the mechanism by which vorticity is generated. Vorticity is the curl of the velocity field. In general, the evolution of vorticity can be broken into contributions from advection (as vortex tubes move with the flow), stretching and twisting (as vortex tubes are pulled or twisted by the flow) and baroclinic vorticity generation, which occurs whenever there is a density gradient along surfaces of constant pressure. Baroclinic flows can be contrasted with barotropic flows in which density and pressure surfaces coincide and there is no baroclinic generation of vorticity.

The study of the evolution of these baroclinic instabilities as they grow and then decay is a crucial part of developing theories for the fundamental characteristics of midlatitude weather.

SQK suggests that sub-atomic particles are vortices, so perhaps the reason why electron energy levels in an atom fall into discrete values is because all other values are unstable with regards to the gravity inside the atom. And for the sake of the topic of this thread is somehow related to windows. :lol:
Sorry for posting again so soon, but I went for a walk and realized that I neglected that an object in a gravitational field can enter into an orbit. So an object can move towards the center of gravity, fly off into infinity or enter an orbit, in which case it does neither of the other two.

However, James Gleick mentions an interesting aspect of orbits in Chaos called mode locking or entrainment, from page 293 of the version I have:

Mode locking explains why the moon always faces the earth, or more generally why satellites tend to spin in some whole-number ratio of their orbital period: 1 to 1, or 2 to 1, or 3 to 2. When a ratio is close to a whole number, nonlinearity in the tidal attraction of the satellite tends to lock it in.

I had a look for a Wikipedia page on mode locking in satellites, but what came up was the Wikipedia page for Tidal locking (

Tidal locking (or captured rotation) occurs when the gravitational gradient makes one side of an astronomical body always face another, an effect known as synchronous rotation. For example, the same side of the Earth's Moon always faces the Earth. A tidally locked body takes just as long to rotate around its own axis as it does to revolve around its partner. This causes one hemisphere constantly to face the partner body. Usually, at any given time only the satellite is tidally locked around the larger body, but if the difference in mass between the two bodies and their physical separation is small, each may be tidally locked to the other, as is the case between Pluto and Charon. This effect is employed to stabilize some artificial satellites.

There's also the Wikipedia page for Gravity-gradient stabilization (

Gravity-gradient stabilization (a.k.a. "tidal stabilization") is a method of stabilizing artificial satellites or space tethers in a fixed orientation using only the orbited body's mass distribution and gravitational field. The main advantage over using active stabilization with propellants, gyroscopes or reaction wheels is the low use of power and resources.

So I'm not sure if that makes any of my ideas in the previous post incorrect. I wouldn't like it so much if another 3-dimensions for angular momentum needed to be included in the phase space... :rolleyes:
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