Caribbean meteor impact in the near future?

Robert Fordisto

The Force is Strong With This One
Here in Puerto Rico are circulating strong rumors about a possible meteor strike in the caribbean area in the last months of 2013.
There are several factors that make me think it is more than a mere rumor.

First of all, Evangelist Efrain Rodriguez has been, for three years, warning about a vision that the "The Lord" gave to him about a huge earthquake and tsunami in the caribbean area caused by a meteor impact. The impact is going to be so severe that not only will affect the caribbean but also the eastern coast of the United Sates and is going to have global repercussions.

According to the message he received this event will happen short after the death of an important religious man in the island of Puerto Rico. This man was known as Jose Joaquin(Yiye) Avila. Yiye Avila passed away on june 28,2013.

This is not the first time that someone in the island received messages or vision about this event. The first time was not "The Lord" that gives the message, but a being from another world. The recipient was Mr. Amaury Rivera. This man was abducted by alien beings in 1988 and received similar information about the event.

This information alone is not enough to take it seriously but there are certain developments in the island and in the eastern US that indicate that something is going on.

Here, in PR, Dr Andrew Alvarez, antropologist and well known researcher of conspiracies, paranormal and alien phenomena has been warning about suspects activities of Fema and the US Army in the island in the last months. Among these are the presence of great amount of plastic coffins, creation of Fema camps in the mountain region of the island, huge army convoys, and information about plans for the construction of a 30 feet wall around Fort Buchanan(US military installation in PR) before the end of this year, etc. Even yesterday while talking to a group of people who are very aware of this things, they informed me of several cases of people here with relatives in the military who have been warn by them that something big is coming and that they should be prepared.

If you add to this the Fema preparations for Zone 3, you know that something big is coming.,32539.msg444556.html#msg444556

Only time will tell but i think we should ask the C's about this. What do you think Laura?
I had a dream on the 26th or 27th of September that there would be a major comet impact in six weeks, so that would put it some time in mid November. The location of where it hit wasn't in the dream, but I got the impression that the impact would utterly obliterate the Earth.

I also had a dream in May some time where I got the impression that "in a month from now, on April 15, pockets of 4th density will start appearing on the surface of the Earth." Evidently the times don't match up, but I assume that it means the transition to 4D will start in April and end in June/July (I got the June/July date from somewhere in the C transcripts.)

So, I find myself counting down to these dates even though I think I know better than to get caught up in predictions, especially when they're my own...
Robert Fordisto said:
Only time will tell but i think we should ask the C's about this. What do you think Laura?

I don't see an important reason to make this question to the C's, we already know that fireballs are coming and appearing from many places around the planet, if you ask this question to them i guess they would answer something like: "maybe, but so it will happen in other regions as well" cuz they said in many occasions that the comet fragments/meteors will come from many directions.
Maybe you are right irjO, but if this is true, this won't another fireball crossing through the sky. This could be the event that will change everything for all of us in the planet. For that reason i think that we should ask the C's what is behind all of this.
Archaea said:
I had a dream on the 26th or 27th of September that there would be a major comet impact in six weeks, so that would put it some time in mid November. The location of where it hit wasn't in the dream, but I got the impression that the impact would utterly obliterate the Earth.

Not likely.

Archaea said:
I also had a dream in May some time where I got the impression that "in a month from now, on April 15, pockets of 4th density will start appearing on the surface of the Earth." Evidently the times don't match up, but I assume that it means the transition to 4D will start in April and end in June/July (I got the June/July date from somewhere in the C transcripts.)

So, I find myself counting down to these dates even though I think I know better than to get caught up in predictions, especially when they're my own...

"Pockets of 4th density? Don't you realize that 4D is ALWAYS present and it is only the individual, by his or her choices and development that "move into it"? It is a state of awareness and knowledge and being similar to the state of awareness, knowledge and being of 3D humans vis a vis 2nd density creatures with whom we constantly coexist. There are "many worlds" and the one you end up on at any point in "space-time" depends entirely on YOUR choices and development. And it will appear to the mind to be a natural development.

I'm sure there is an earth reality in which I made different choices. On some of them I am still married to my ex husband living an uncomfortable, miserable life, plagued with the symptoms of my auto-immune condition, never pursued the Cs experiment, never changed my diet, etc. But the me on this present earth reality did make certain choices, and each choice led me step by step in a diagonal path from that other reality/earth to the present one. For all we know, THAT earth has already been impacted by a series of Tunguska like events.

There are many who make choices to go to a different reality than the one I may end up on as a function of my choices. Some of those individuals may interact with me for a time before making a choice to go in a different direction, to follow a different branching universe while I continue to pursue the branches of seeking ever more knowledge, being, service to others, etc. It may be that the earth/reality I end up on - and those who associate with me and pursue similar paths, only suffers comet borne plague which wipes out 96% of humanity and leaves only us to shape the future of our reality; while those who made different choices find themselves on a planet where cometary/asteroidal destruction is widespread and devastating and psychopaths end up on top. But in each case, it will seem to be a smooth and natural process and each individual will be on the earth/reality where they fit by virtue of their awareness, knowledge and being - their frequency resonance vibration.

So, don't look for some magical mystery event where you get to see or experience or move into 4th density if you have not made the choices to become a part of an ever-present reality.

ADDED: I want to add this in reference to what I wrote above: " It may be that the earth/reality I end up on - and those who associate with me and pursue similar paths, only suffers comet borne plague which wipes out 96% of humanity and leaves only us to shape the future of our reality..."

This is probably PART OF THE NORMAL APPEARANCE OF THE TRANSITION. To those who proceed to 4D, everyone around them who have NOT made the choice to proceed to that level of awareness may just die off in some manner, en masse. Of course, some individuals may move to 5D (i.e. die) because their bodies cannot sustain the higher frequency and they've taken their knowledge, being and awareness as far as they can go within their genetic limitations but are very, very close, so they pass and then reincarnate. But many, many, will die and will reincarnate on a very different earth than the one that is 4D, such as what the Cs described:

Q: (L) At this point of dimensional transition, is what we
are doing, anchoring a frequency, are we creating a sort
of "super string" network that will literally create
another earth in 4th density, which will then exist in 4th
density, and the old 3rd density earth -- almost like the
splitting of a one celled organism, only in this splitting
one half of it moves into another dimension and is
energized and quite literally created by the anchoring
frequency, while the old one remains and experiences 3rd
density reality?
A: Step by step.
Q: (L) Are we anchoring frequency to create a split?
A: One developing conduit.
Q: (L) We are developing a conduit?
A: Yes. One.
Q: (J) How many conduits do we need?
A: Open.
Q: (T) Is this conduit going to allow those who remain behind
to be able to move to 4th density easier when they are
A: No.
Q: (T) What is the conduit for?
A: You and those who will follow you.
Q: (T) Oh, this is for those of us who will move to 4th
density. We will move through and they will follow us
through the conduit. (J) Oh, others who are ready?
A: Your group here tonight.
Q: (L) Does this mean we will have followers or just us here
A: Open. Up to you.
Q: (L) This conduit. Is this a conduit through which an
entire planet will transition?
A: You are one. There are others.
Q: (L) There are other planets...
A: No. Conduit.
Q: We are one conduit and there are conduits...
A: No. Developing at this point.
Q: (J) So, at this point we are developing a conduit?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) There are other groups on this planet developing their
own conduits?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) These are conduits for us to move to 4th density in?
A: Knowledge is the key to developing a conduit.
Q: (T) I am working on the assumption that all of us here are
part of the family of light, is this true?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) And we have been drawn together in order to develop
this conduit from where we are?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Are there others in this area?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Are they supposed to join with us or are they working
on their own?
A: Open.
Q: (T) Okay, so it is up in the air as to whether we join
with them, they join with us, or we all work
A: It is up to how much publicity you manage to get.
Q: (T) Do we want publicity on this?
A: Open.
Q: (L) Would it help us?
A: Open.
Q: (T) We're developing a conduit to move us from 3rd density
to 4th density. Once we have moved through the conduit
does that mean we have completed what we came here to do,
and that is anchor the frequency?
A: Partly.
Q: (T) Is the conduit kind of like an escape hatch for us?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Let me get this straight. When we move through this
conduit, are the other...
A: You will be on the 4th level earth as opposed to 3rd level
Q: (L) What I am trying to get here, once again, old
practical Laura, is trying to get a handle on practical
terms here. Does this mean that a 4th density earth and a
3rd density earth will coexist side by side...
A: Not side by side, totally different realms.
Q: (L) Do these realms interpenetrate one another but in
different dimensions...
A: Close.
Q: (L) So, in other words, a being from say, 6th density,
could look at this planet we call the earth and see it
spinning through space and see several dimensions of
earth, and yet the point of space/time occupation is the
same, in other words, simultaneous. (J) They can look
down but we can't look up.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, in other words, while all of this cataclysmic
activity is happening on the 3rd dimensional earth, we
will be just on our 4th dimensional earth and this sort of
thing won't be there, and we won't see the 3rd dimensional
people and they won't see us because we will be in
different densities which are not "en rapport", so to
A: You understand concept, now you must decide if it is

Q: Well, we are supposed to build a pool, a maze, a
psychomantium, to build a database, get a Nobel Prize... a
LOT of things in the works here.... This just sort of
takes the heart right out of me!
A: Not so!
Q: Well, are we going to have time to do all these things?
A: All these things were suggested for this reason, among
Q: So, all the things you have suggested are to get us ready
for this event?
A: Yes.
Q: Well, we better get moving! We don't have time to mess
A: You will proceed as needed, you cannot force these events
or alter the Grand Destiny.
Q: I do NOT like the sound of that! I want to go home!
A: The alternative is less appetising.
Q: Sure! I don't want to be lunch!
A: Reincarnation on a 3rd density earth as a "cave person"
amidst rubble and a glowing red sky, as the perpetual cold
wind whistles...
Q: Why is the sky glowing red?
A: Contemplate.
Q: Of course! Comet dust! Sure, everybody knows THAT!
Wonderful!!! Anything further?
A: Stay tuned for all pertinent information.

Q: (A) Now, you say that this brown star and the comet
cluster are coming into our solar system at the same time,
and you have said that they are different events, but that
they are related. Now, what is the relation, if not just
the point in time, the deeper relation between these two
A: Picture biorythm graph.
Q: (A) What is the period of pole shift?
A: 100,000 years, roughly.
Q: (A) Now, about the relation between the phenomenon of
physical disasters that are going to happen and psychic
changes related to the realm border. What is cause and
what is effect?
A: One precedes the other.
Q: (L) Okay, so disasters happen and then the reality changes
in psychic terms?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Is the approach of the realm border, is the change in
the magnetic field... does the reversal of the poles and
the broadening of the magnetic field, is that going to be
before the realm border crossing?
A: Intersection.
Q: (L) So, in practical terms, it may be that, what we
observe will be a series of cataclysms, disasters, the
'cleansing' of the Earth...
A: This has already begun.
Q: (L) So, it is already happening. It will accelerate and
intensify. And what we will observe is all of these
things happening. And, as a result of the intersecting of
these various energies, this realm border, this reality
change, this change in the magnetics because of the
interaction with the comet cluster, the sun's companion,
the realm border, and so forth, it will then have an
effect upon the people left on the planet who will then
change in some way as a result of this, is that correct?
A: Your Bible says that there will be many wonders on the
Earth and in the Heavens in the last days.
Q: (L) Okay, this period of time after this realm border, is
this period a preliminary to the total end of the Earth
and all life on it?
A: No.
Q: (L) After all of this change, those people who continue to
be on the Earth will be in a new environment, and it will
be almost like having to grow gills to live in water, and
some people will have the ability and some will not. Is
that it? It will be more gradual in terms of individual
physical structures and psychic structures?
A: No.
Q: (L) It will be a sudden, total change? Like flipping a
switch and everything is going to be different?
A: The key is awareness.
Q: (L) Are there going to be people...
A: Yes.
Q: (L) You didn't let me finish asking my question!
A: But we knew it!
Q: (L) In other words, there are going to be people who are
simply not going to see what is happening?
A: Lost lambs beying in the knight.
Q: (T) They are not getting it. They are lost sheep. That
really describes it. (L) Why did you give that funny
twist on the spelling?
A: Why not?
Q: (T) Now, didn't they tell us that when the transition
occurs, those who are moving to 4th density will move, and
those who aren't, won't. And that it is not a physical
move. That we really would not notice a difference when
we shifted because it's all right here. And, those who
are going to shift will shift right where they stand, and
they won't really notice a change, and the perception is
not the issue, it is the awareness of the shift, because
we will still be physical... am I heading anywhere in the
right direction?
A: Variability of physicality.
Q: (L) Does this have anything to do with changing of DNA via
A: Both ways.
Q: (T) So, we will notice that we can control much more than
we could before in terms of our environment and physical
structure, but we will still be doing a lot of things we
have always done.
Laura said:
Archaea said:
I had a dream on the 26th or 27th of September that there would be a major comet impact in six weeks, so that would put it some time in mid November. The location of where it hit wasn't in the dream, but I got the impression that the impact would utterly obliterate the Earth.

Not likely.
Laura, but how do you know? Is there some information from "higher realms" that has not been disclosed by Group (yet)?
MrEightFive said:
Laura said:
Archaea said:
I had a dream on the 26th or 27th of September that there would be a major comet impact in six weeks, so that would put it some time in mid November. The location of where it hit wasn't in the dream, but I got the impression that the impact would utterly obliterate the Earth.

Not likely.
Laura, but how do you know? Is there some information from "higher realms" that has not been disclosed by Group (yet)?

The 'Not likely' comment is probably directed towards the utter obliteration of the earth speculation, which is an unlikely scenario, considering how cometary events have played out in history (See Laura's books: Apocalypse / Comets and the horns of Moses), though it may seem like it for us 3d dwellers. 'Utter obliteration' would technically mean an end to the entity earth. The higher realm take on it Laura discusses further down, and earth likely goes on in different densities, even C's version of a crappy alternative of a 3rd density earth scenario with 'cave persons' doesn't imply an utter obliteration.
MrEightFive said:
Laura, but how do you know? Is there some information from "higher realms" that has not been disclosed by Group (yet)?

Just do.
Laura said:
Archaea said:
I had a dream on the 26th or 27th of September that there would be a major comet impact in six weeks, so that would put it some time in mid November. The location of where it hit wasn't in the dream, but I got the impression that the impact would utterly obliterate the Earth.

Not likely.

Archaea said:
I also had a dream in May some time where I got the impression that "in a month from now, on April 15, pockets of 4th density will start appearing on the surface of the Earth." Evidently the times don't match up, but I assume that it means the transition to 4D will start in April and end in June/July (I got the June/July date from somewhere in the C transcripts.)

So, I find myself counting down to these dates even though I think I know better than to get caught up in predictions, especially when they're my own...

"Pockets of 4th density? Don't you realize that 4D is ALWAYS present and it is only the individual, by his or her choices and development that "move into it"? It is a state of awareness and knowledge and being similar to the state of awareness, knowledge and being of 3D humans vis a vis 2nd density creatures with whom we constantly coexist. There are "many worlds" and the one you end up on at any point in "space-time" depends entirely on YOUR choices and development. And it will appear to the mind to be a natural development.


Wow! "Ask and ye shall receive" -- what perfect timing for your post! You clarified a half-dozen things which I've been mulling over this past week! Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.
parallel said:
The 'Not likely' comment is probably directed towards the utter obliteration of the earth speculation, which is an unlikely scenario, considering how cometary events have played out in history (See Laura's books: Apocalypse / Comets and the horns of Moses), though it may seem like it for us 3d dwellers. 'Utter obliteration' would technically mean an end to the entity earth. The higher realm take on it Laura discusses further down, and earth likely goes on in different densities, even C's version of a crappy alternative of a 3rd density earth scenario with 'cave persons' doesn't imply an utter obliteration.

Ah, thank you, parallel. Utter obliteration is indeed unlikely.
Archaea said:
So, I find myself counting down to these dates even though I think I know better than to get caught up in predictions, especially when they're my own...

According to Gurdjieff it takes conscious labor and intentional suffering to produce acts of an interventional character that creatively goes against any mechanical stream. From my observations of how the C's experiment has developed all these years, it appears to me that one can see a line or course of development separating itself from the course of mechanical evolution of humanity and more people getting involved might make it solidify quicker. In the face of that, I would consider dreams of "utter obliteration" or "pockets of this or that" to be your mind processing previously acquired unintegrated information "packets" or pockets.

Palinurus said:
I would consider dreams of "utter obliteration" or "pockets of this or that" to be your mind processing previously acquired unintegrated information "packets" or pockets

I tend to agree with your assessment, Buddy. Especially having these two topics in mind:

Inter-dimensional windows and Seth's co-ordinate points


I don't know anything about 'Seth's co-ordinate points' but the Transactional (many worlds) interpretation of quantum mechanics is interesting, although it wasn't at first because I took it too literally. It's not that a whole universe splits off for every quantum event, rather the idea is that with two opposing forces, or two co-existing directions or types of Time, there can exist 'windows' whereby permanent changes of some sort may be consciously initiated.

Gurdjieff introduces the idea, in passing, in chapter seven of ISOTM when he explicitly states the diametrically opposed directions of evolution and creation. Later, when he gets to explaining this, he just uses the word 'evolution' but separates it into a mechanical aspect and a self-development aspect. You have to consider the way people think when you try to explain these things.

This Transactional interpretation also has some things in common with Bohm's pilot wave model where a pilot wave senses the possible particle trajectories and the particle then unambiguously follows one route. There's no real "collapse" - of wave function or anything else - just a choice being made and maybe a following.

So, with Gurdjieff, the idea of "two times", involves direction and definition (anarchic and originary), and is explicit within his cosmology. This same idea can be found with quantumists, where with Bohm and Cramer it's just more subtle and with Feynman the idea is an "abstraction" (his word), and related to how he figured out those "path integrals", but the idea seems present in any theory that doesn't take "many worlds" as literally as I described above.

Palinurus said:

Um, yeah. I was flabbergasted and since I was busy with other things, never did formulate a coherent reply in order to add anything of value.

Thanks for the feedback.

I agree that my dreams may not have been 'prophetic.' I decided to post them here, however, because it seemed relevant to the topic. What struck me most about these dreams were the times and dates, and since I still remember them, I find myself counting down, even though I think doing so is silly.

According to Gurdjieff it takes conscious labor and intentional suffering to produce acts of an interventional character that creatively goes against any mechanical stream. From my observations of how the C's experiment has developed all these years, it appears to me that one can see a line or course of development separating itself from the course of mechanical evolution of humanity and more people getting involved might make it solidify quicker. In the face of that, I would consider dreams of "utter obliteration" or "pockets of this or that" to be your mind processing previously acquired unintegrated information "packets" or pockets.

That seems like a likely scenario to me, but I would like to say that I believe it's possible to see the future or a possible future in dreams and visions. Having said that, I do find the topics of the different densities somewhat confusing, so it seems likely to me that I would try to formulate a schema of sorts in dreams to try to understand just what they are and how they work.


List of questions

Um, yeah. I was flabbergasted and since I was busy with other things, never did formulate a coherent reply in order to add anything of value.

Yeah... one of my favourite threads... :halo: I think you are wise to some degree Buddy, so I'd like to ask why you were flabbergasted? I kind of get the feeling that it's because of my raging ego, which I failed to keep in check when I started that topic, would that by chance be a correct assumption?
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