Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

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This was carried on SOTT this morning, but I didn't keep the tab open or save the link in any way, so I'm posting this link from the Saker's blog (interview of Churkin by RT):

The reopening in Moscow of the biggest mosque in Europe:
SeekinTruth said:
The reopening in Moscow of the biggest mosque in Europe:

While the largest mosques in London burns ...

One of Europe's largest mosques on fire, 70 firefighters battling blaze

The Baitul Futuh Mosque in London has caught fire. Half of its ground floor and first floor are in flames. Seventy firefighters and 10 fire engines are reported to be tackling the blaze.

A fire has broken out at the mosque located in London Road in Morden, in the south of the British capital, a London Fire Brigade (LFB) spokesman said on Saturday, according to local media.

Baitul Futuh mosque was completed in 2003, and its construction reportedly cost £5.5million ($83.5 million). It is believed to be the largest in Western Europe with a capacity to house up to 10,000 people.
angelburst29 said:
SeekinTruth said:
The reopening in Moscow of the biggest mosque in Europe:

While the largest mosques in London burns ...

True, is this a coincidence or? Actually this mosque was not build by the standard muslim communities. The Wiki about the mosque says it was build by the Ahmadiyya Community, see
About the Ahmaddiyya movement it is said elsewhere: said:
Ahmadiyya (/ɑːməˈdiʲə/;[1] officially the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community or the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at; Arabic: الجماعة الإسلامية الأحمدية‎, transliterated: al-Jamā'ah al-Islāmiyyah al-Aḥmadiyyah) is an Islamic religious movement founded in British India near the end of the 19th century.[2][3] It originated with the life and teachings of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835–1908), who claimed to have fulfilled the prophecies of the world's reformer during the end times, who was to herald the eschaton as predicted in the traditions of various world religions and bring about the final triumph of Islam as per Islamic prophecy. He claimed that he was the Mujaddid (divine reformer) of the 14th Islamic century, the promised Messiah and Mahdi awaited by Muslims.[4][5][6][7] The adherents of the Ahmadiyya movement are referred to as Ahmadi Muslims or simply Ahmadis.

Ahmadi thought emphasizes the belief that Islam is the final dispensation for humanity as revealed to Muhammad and the necessity of restoring to it its true essence and pristine form, which had been lost through the centuries.[8] Ahmadiyya adherents believe that Ahmad appeared in the likeness of Jesus, to end religious wars, condemn bloodshed and reinstitute morality, justice, and peace. They believe that upon divine guidance he divested Islam of fanatical and innovative beliefs and practices by championing what is, in their view, Islam’s true and essential teachings as practised by Muhammad and the early Islamic community.[9] Thus, Ahmadis view themselves as leading the revival and peaceful propagation of Islam.
Ahmadi beliefs are more aligned with the Sunni tradition, than they are with the Shi'a tradition, such as The Five Pillars of Islam and The Six articles of Islamic Faith. Likewise, Ahmadis accept the Quran as their holy text, face the Kaaba during prayer, practice the Sunnah (practices and habits of Muhammad) and accept the authority of Hadiths (reported sayings of and stories about Muhammad).[23] These are the central beliefs constituting Ahmadi Muslim thought. The distinguishing feature of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is their belief in Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as the Promised Messiah and Mahdi, as prophesied by the Islamic prophet Muhammad.
To me it appears to be a coincidence, the Ahmadis are Sunni muslim and their doctrine appear far removed from the Wahhabism of Saudi Arabia: said:
Wahhabism (Arabic: وهابية‎, Wahhābiya(h)) or Wahhabi mission[1] (/wəˈhɑːbi, wɑː-/;[2] Arabic: الدعوة الوهابية‎, ad-Da'wa al-Wahhābiya(h) ) is a religious movement or branch of Sunni Islam.[3][4][5][6] It has been variously described as "orthodox", "ultraconservative",[7] and "austere."[3] Critics say that Wahhabism's rigidity has led it to misinterpret and distort Islam, pointing to extremists such as Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda network and the Taliban. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) also draws on Wahhabism for its ideology.[8] Wahhabism's explosive growth began in the 1970s when Saudi charities started funding Wahhabi schools (madrasas) and mosques from Islamabad to Culver City, California. It has been described as "fundamentalist",[9] and "puritanical"[10] or "puritan".[11] It has also been described as an Islamic "reform movement" to restore "pure monotheistic worship" (tawhid), by scholars and advocates[12] and as an "extremist pseudo-Sunni movement" by opponents.[13] Adherents often object to the terms "Wahhabi" and "Wahhabism" as derogatory, and prefer to be called Salafi or Muwahhid.[14][15][16]

The name Wahhabism stems from the eighteenth-century preacher and scholar, Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab (1703–1792).[17] He started a revivalist movement in the remote, sparsely populated region of Najd,[18] advocating a purging of practices such as the popular "cult of saints", and shrine and tomb visitation, widespread among Muslims, but which he considered idolatry, impurities and innovations in Islam.[5][19] Eventually he formed a pact with a local leader Muhammad bin Saud offering political obedience and promising that protection and propagation of the Wahhabi movement would mean "power and glory" and rule of "lands and men."[20] The movement centers on the principle of tawhid,[21] or the "uniqueness" and "unity" of God.[19] The movement also draws from the teachings of medieval theologian Ibn Taymiyyah and early jurist Ahmad ibn Hanbal.[22]

The alliance between followers of ibn Abd al-Wahhab and Muhammad bin Saud's successors (the House of Saud) proved to be rather durable. The house of bin Saud continued to maintain its politico-religious alliance with the Wahhabi sect through the waxing and waning of its own political fortunes over the next 150 years, through to its eventual proclamation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1932, and then afterwards, on into modern times. As of 2015 Mohammed bin Abd Al-Wahhab's teachings are state-sponsored and are the official form of Sunni Islam[3][23] in 21st-century Saudi Arabia.[24]

The fire at the Baital-Futuh mosque follows a recent trend of major accidents at mosques in Saudi Arabia, and as you mention the opening of the mosque in Mosque-ow. That is of course a bit eye-catching.
Yeah, the recent spate of symbolic events in Saudi Arabia certainly make me take notice. Though there's a good amount of negligence and incompetence/corruption, etc. to explain these events, it's hard to dismiss the symbolism.
Ukraine & China SITREP:

By Cedric Bernelas (translated by Brahim):
A sign?
This morning was the full lunar eclipse and today all the leaders of the BRICS countries take the stage in New York at the UN General Assembly and with all eyes on Putin.
Could this be a sign that a new order is going to eclipse the old World order and the US hegemony?

I just found it interesting that 4 of the BRICS leaders will speak in the morning session and the last one South Africa in the afternoon. In total 37 countries will speak today.
Source: _

Over 440,000 Dutch call for referendum on Ukraine EU treaty

September 27, 2015

A Dutch citizens’ initiative to force a non-binding referendum on a far-reaching treaty between Brussels and Ukraine had gathered 446,000 signatures by early Sunday evening. The campaign to hold a referendum was launched by shock blog Geenstijl, think-tank Forum voor Democratie and the Burgercomite EU association earlier this month.

In 2014, the Dutch approved legislation to allow ‘advisory referendums’ on controversial topics, if supporters can gather 300,000 signatures. The Dutch parliament has already voted in favour of the treaty. The aim of the treaty is to foster political relationships and kickstart economic integration, and supporters say it shifts Ukraine away from Russia and more towards the west. Opponents say the treaty will cost Dutch taxpayers billions of euros and that the EU’s expansion drive is having an adverse impact on democracy in the Netherlands.

They also argue that the Dutch parliament no longer does what its own voters want, but are driven by Brussels’ own interests.


In The Hague, politicians congratulated the organisers of the lobby, RTL news reported, even though the ruling Labour party, the Christian Democrats and D66 all reiterated their support for the treaty. The Socialists and anti-immigration PVV are opposed and PVV leader Geert Wilders has already said he will campaign for a ‘no’ vote.

The electoral council will now check the results to make sure the signatures are genuine. Once it gives the green light for the referendum, it must be held within six months. This means the vote is likely to take place during the Dutch presidency of the EU, which starts in January. The referendum is advisory and not binding on the cabinet. This means that if the turnout is over 30% and a majority vote against the treaty, the government has to re-examine the legislation.

Even though ministers can still ignore the vote, it will be difficult politically to ignore the wishes of so many people, RTL news said. ‘This law will give citizens a serious opportunity to express their views and an important voice in the decision-making process,’ said D66 parliamentarian Gerard Schouw. D66 drew up the referendum legislation.
In English, Chinese, and Russian. You can download the document from several locations from the link below:

Translated Report by Sergey Glazyiev (quite long with Appendices included):
Another great article, part 4 from Ghassan Kadi about Syria. In this part he elucidates the fate of the mixed anti-Syrian coalition that is now falling apart at the seams. It also explains why Putin has decided to act now. He bided his time until the opposition by their own efforts had been weakened: Check mate!
Aeneas said:
Another great article, part 4 from Ghassan Kadi about Syria. In this part he elucidates the fate of the mixed anti-Syrian coalition that is now falling apart at the seams. It also explains why Putin has decided to act now. He bided his time until the opposition by their own efforts had been weakened: Check mate!

Yes, I read it this morning. I have to agree about all the "green bottles" falling off the wall - and they all deserve it.

By the way, the Report by Sergei Glazyiev I posted yesterday may be a leaked version and at best be a rough draft - the Saker received this email to make his readers aware:
Originally for Unz Review by the Saker:

Guest Post by Jeff Brown - another installment of the Moscow-Beijing Express:
Fort Russ with a article on the increasing corruption in DNR and LNR - What's going on with the NAF?
The Donetsk and Luhansk republics have withdrawn tanks and armoured vehicles with a calibre of less than 100mm, at least three kilometres from the line of military engagement. Kiev keeps refusing to do the same.

Ukraine military refuses to withdraw artillery from Luhansk region

Spokesman for the Ukrainian General Staff demanded that an extraordinary meeting of the Trilateral Contact Group on the Ukraine crisis be convened.

KIEV, October 8. /TASS/. A Ukrainian military spokesman on Thursday announced Kiev’s refusal to withdraw artillery from the eastern Luhansk region despite agreement last week to extend a pull-back of weapons in the country’s war-torn east.

Vladislav Seleznev, spokesman for the Ukrainian General Staff, demanded that an extraordinary meeting of the Trilateral Contact Group on the Ukraine crisis be convened, noting that: "Ukraine’s senior military-political leadership will take a decision on withdrawal of artillery in the Luhansk region after the Contact Group’s extraordinary session."

The Contact Group brings together senior representatives from Ukraine, Russia and European security watchdog OSCE.

Ukrainian officials said the reason for calling the Contact Group’s extraordinary meeting was Wednesday’s shelling of the Troitskoye settlement in east Ukraine's Donbas region allegedly by local republican militia forces firing an anti-tank guided missile and wounding four soldiers.
There is an article from Fort Rus, translated by Inessa Sinchougova about the plans to balkanize Russia. It is a translation from Ilia Belous; which has some reflections on the plans of the US Government. said:
Some interesting details surrounding the new General Consul to Ekaterinburg have unfolded. Russia’s Ural region has recently received Mr. Marcus Micheli, as representative of the USA - a package deal with his unfavourable working experience in the Ukraine. His posting to the region does not seem to be accidental, once the details surrounding his prior activities are brought to light.

After my original publication about the new General Consul to Ekaterinburg, a number of my astute readers recognized the name as someone who used to be employed by the United States National Security Council, with Ukraine as his area of specialization. His duties included lobbying for sanctions against the Russian economy, as well as the arrangement of funding toward Poroshenko’s army.

Let me start at the beginning.

In August 2014, two political pranksters by the names of Vladimir Krasnov and Aleksei Stoliarov (most recently pranking Elton John in his conversation with ‘Putin’), were involved in a covert investigation over the imposition of Mikhail Saakashvili to the seat of Governor in Odessa, Ukraine.

The pranksters, implanted into the existing administration, had asked Mr. Saakashvii to release the names of his contacts in the US Department of State.

The pranksters, through a number of clever moves and handshakes, managed to convince the runaway-Georgian ex-president in the genuine nature of their discussion with him. Mr. Saakashvilli gave the name of Senator John McCain as his advisor.

As part of this operation, and with Saakashvili’s exclusive contact details, Mr. Aleksei Stoliarov, posing as Mr. Arsen Avakov (Ukraine’s Minister of Internal Affairs and Poroshenko’s right hand man) spoke to Mr. Marcus Micheli. This took place at the end of 2014, but it is not until Mr. Micheli was on his way to be the General Consul to Ekaterinbrug, that the pranksters forwarded me the recording. (August 2015).
The balkanization is a possibility, and then after that the whole planet will be subject to various trade agreements that will make the notion of sovereign governments even more hollow than it already is?
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