Iodine and Potassium Iodide

hlat said:
Laura said:
hlat said:
FYI people in the US cannot buy at retail Lugol's over 5% and over 1 ounce due to DEA recordkeeping regulations.

Lugol's Solution is a 5 percent aqueous solution of iodine in combination with 10 percent potassium iodide.
Because of the numerous legitimate uses and small quantities involved, DEA is adding a provision to this final rule that will exempt Lugol's Solution when packaged in bottles/containers of one-fluid-ounce (30 ml) or smaller, and involve distribution of only a single package per transaction.

I am getting discouraged in making my own Lugol's because I am not finding a supplier with a certificate of analysis for USP grade iodine and potassium iodide. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions in finding such a supplier?

As an alternative, I am considering buying a 5 gallon container of 2% Lugol's. That's $689.95 for 640 ounces, or $1.08 per ounce.

That seller of iodine does not have a certificate of analysis, and is not able to substantiate its claim of purity.

That seller is also evading DEA regulations for the exemption level of 5% by selling a 7% bottle on ebay.

The general DEA limit is 2.2%, with an exemption for 5% 1 ounce bottle.
This rulemaking establishes regulatory controls that will apply to iodine crystals and iodine chemical mixtures that contain greater than 2.2 percent iodine.
This final rulemaking includes a waiver of the registration requirement under 21 CFR 1309.24 for "Lugol's Solution (consisting of 5 percent iodine and 10 percent potassium iodide in an aqueous solution) in original manufacturer's packaging of one-fluid-ounce (30 ml) or less per package." Additionally, this rulemaking includes an exclusion from the definition of regulated transaction under 21 CFR 1310.08 for "Domestic and international transactions of Lugol's Solution (consisting of 5 percent iodine and 10 percent potassium iodide in an aqueous solution) in original manufacturer's packaging of one-fluid-ounce (30 ml) or less, and no greater than one package/bottle per transaction."

Those two red flags are enough for me to avoid any products by this seller unless it addresses my concerns.

Also just to add that second link from amazon for the 1lb of potassium iodide has the incorrect percentage of potassium and iodide. It states that there is 31% K and 69% iodide when in actuality potassium iodide should be 24% potassium and 76% iodide. That is a pretty big discrepancy for it to be posted front and center on the label like that.

KI mwt. = 166.06
K = 39.0983 => 39.0983 / 166.06 = 0.2355 * 100 ~ 24%
I = 126.9 => 126.9 / 166.06 = 0.7644 * 100 ~ 76%

But maybe that is just a clerical oversight? And since you all haven't had any issues with it then maybe it's ok? I haven't found any other sources better than those two if one is going to make their own solution. In any case I should be able to finish the book tonight, I'm kind of excited :thup:
Just to report an unexpected side effect of Potassium Iodide supplementation. I had an insect bite trace on the arm for many months (probably a spider but not sure). It is apparently starting to disappear only after just a few days of supplementation.
At local pharmacies only have Tiodine/Isodine, it is for thyroid patients. From what I've read on this topic, you should take iodine only to increase my health, but I'm not sure if I should do, I hope someone can answer me this, please.
[quote author=Laura]
Don't know if you have read or comprehended the WHY of the salt and what it does. I would certainly like to see people getting educated and aware and doing things comprehensively and efficiently rather than seeing some of the hit or miss approach that comes across from what some of ya'll do rather than engage in the work of understanding before doing.
I apologize if this has already been answered, but could you point me to the details behind salt additions?

Edit: Need to read this entire thread from the start (I'm very impatient...). Found the source of introducing salt into the protocol around page 3.
Mariama said:
No, I used Adobe Digital Editions, since the book is DRM copy-protected. I have Linux on my computer, so that might be the problem. I have bought and downloaded other books like keto-adapted before and it worked like a charm.

I have already left a message at his website. Thanks RedFox! :)

Hi, if you want, I can check the file out in a special manner to fix D R M issues. I will PM you my email address if you want me to take a look at the file.

I have been doing both high and low doses, ranging from 15 drops of 5% (15x6.25=94mg) to 3 drops (3x6.25=19mg) a day.
I take the co factors mentioned and do salt loading at least 2 times a day.

I have not really seeing much of a difference besides occasional headache. It is much better than feeling weak and tired! It's hard to tell the difference between the low and high doses. When people mention how they feel differently and back down or up the dose, it perplexes me because of this. Maybe it will take some time to saturate my system.

No acne issues or pain. However, a week before learning about this, I was doing my own form of salt loading (along with zinc and selenium) to address adrenal fatigue issues. Perhaps this is why my symptoms weren't as severe?

However I have an issue of constipation at times, which has happened since I started paleo. I eat turnips and/or sweet potatos with Bacon for breakfast and mostly meat with fat for dinner. Sometimes I eat some almonds or walnuts.
I remember when the forum talked about magnesium, I took it and it didn't really change things in that department. However, I can drink epsom salt or a heavily salted water and that will make me GO!

I might go back to eating some gluten-free grains like quinoa and see if that helps.
I used to think it was my coffee drinking but I have quit coffee (besides the occasional cup) for at least a month. I have been drinking oolong, green tea, and ginger spice tea instead at work.
I don't really know if I take too much iodine (Iodoral - a pill including iodine and potassium iodide), but I have to mention an unexpected side effect: something I take really seems to have helped my teeth and my breath. However that could be because of colloidal silver. I also feel like I can handle cold weather, whereas before I always dreaded it. Previously when I went out in the cold it felt like too much accumulation of mucus, my sinuses would infect my ears and my throat and my head would feel like it might be getting sick. Currently, although there may be some overproduction in the cold, I feel clearer during it like I can handle it.

The amount I've been taking lies between 50-200 mg per day. (A lot, maybe.) I have not experienced or noticed a reaction, except one day where the sides of my upper chest felt tense, which then disappeared after sleep. I also now and then get dizzy, but rarely and only when cleaning dirty things. I got dizzy for the same reason before.

Beyond that I take probiotics, selenium, vit. D, zinc, bromelain/lactoferrin/monolaurin, neem, sometimes magnesium and sometimes potassium. I had vitamin B's left over when I started last week (a complex including niacin and riboflavin) but I need to purchase more. I don't know when that'll happen.

I still expect to get sick this winter but I am better off right now then I was this time last year. I fear falling out of ketosis, one day I will be stressed and that is usually when I go all out on carbs, it takes effort to get 'regular' again after that (to say "No.")
caballero reyes said:
At local pharmacies only have Tiodine/Isodine, it is for thyroid patients. From what I've read on this topic, you should take iodine only to increase my health, but I'm not sure if I should do, I hope someone can answer me this, please.

If you check the many articles on SoTT, they may answer and settle your questions - there is much info here to help in that regard, too. As for the pharmacists, I had also talked with one local pharmacist prior to ordering (which ended up being online) concerning their stock and availability - there was none. It was said, for a short period following Fukushima Daiichi in 2011, that they in fact kept and supplied Iodine to those in need (radiation exposed), in one form or another, yet it was strictly handled, and as above, it is now generally prescribed by physicians for thyroid patients only. According to the Pharmacist, they are not allowed to stock it and sell as they did unless certain "conditions" are met. Suggested, which follows separate rules, was to seek out the local Health Food store who are not restricted on selling it. I had already been there and was met with a "no", and a "it's possible..." - they seemed disinterested.
Dakota said:
Persej said:
Dakota said:
I bought Lugol Jodoral Forte on Internet but unfortunately there is nothing on the box that says about iodine percentage.

Your Lugol doesn't have iodine, only potassium iodide. You should buy different product.
Oh :cry:, this is very bad news. Which iodine do you use?

Dakota, I bought this one from EkoSinergija:


They also have 100 ml. Shipping is 5 euros.
Toda22 said:
Quality shortcuts on products

USP – United States Pharmacopeia
BP – British Pharmacopoeia
EP – European Pharmacopoeia
JP – Japanese Pharmacopoeia
P.A – pro analysis

Several pharmacists told me that P.A grade can be even more purified than pharmacopoeia grade but can also be more expensive. Both are foreseen for human consumption.

Meaning of USP, BP, EP, JP

Other purity grades, NOT foreseen for human consumption: technical grade, synthesis reagents…

Konstantin said:
As i can see, if the seller " cant tell you the purity ant other details" about solution then its best to avoid it.Either they know its not for a human consumption bit they want to sell it, or they have get it from some other supplier the same way and they are just selling it. I`ll stay away from them.
That would be the best thing to do.

Thank you Toda and Konstantin.
Mac said:
I trouble bringing it up after downloading also. I eventually rebooted my computer, after the book came up fine. Maybe try a reboot.

Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) is a pain in the butt.

You have to FIRST install the program, THEN download the file. You also have to authenticate the program with your Adobe ID or other credentials (depending on where you bought the book). Once you have downloaded the file, switch into the program and IMPORT the file from the download location into ADE (drag and drop didn't work for me).

If you get an error message, let us know what it says, we might be able to help you get started.

It took me about an hour to figure out how to be able to read the book once I purchased it!
hlat said:
Laura said:

That seller of iodine does not have a certificate of analysis, and is not able to substantiate its claim of purity.

That seller is also evading DEA regulations for the exemption level of 5% by selling a 7% bottle on ebay.

The general DEA limit is 2.2%, with an exemption for 5% 1 ounce bottle.
This rulemaking establishes regulatory controls that will apply to iodine crystals and iodine chemical mixtures that contain greater than 2.2 percent iodine.
This final rulemaking includes a waiver of the registration requirement under 21 CFR 1309.24 for "Lugol's Solution (consisting of 5 percent iodine and 10 percent potassium iodide in an aqueous solution) in original manufacturer's packaging of one-fluid-ounce (30 ml) or less per package." Additionally, this rulemaking includes an exclusion from the definition of regulated transaction under 21 CFR 1310.08 for "Domestic and international transactions of Lugol's Solution (consisting of 5 percent iodine and 10 percent potassium iodide in an aqueous solution) in original manufacturer's packaging of one-fluid-ounce (30 ml) or less, and no greater than one package/bottle per transaction."

Those two red flags are enough for me to avoid any products by this seller unless it addresses my concerns.

I would say that, considering the benefits of iodine and the level of controls over it, that one is unlikely to be able to get it via channels that are "certified". I suspect that is more or less "gray market" and resellers are not the source of origin and thus unlikely to know details or be able to provide them. That doesn't negate the quality of the product, however.
It is useful to look into the cofactors in some detail so as to better understand why they are so essential particularly for those individuals with chronic or acute conditions. These are the best sources of info I found thus far:
3ème journée s'est bien passé mais quand j'ai fait EE vers 22h30 hier soir, un point douloureux est né vers mon ovaire droit par intermittence (ma Maman est décédée le 7 mars dernier d'un cancer des ovaires) ce point douloureux s'est manifesté lorsque je changeait de position pour dormir... Depuis ce matin 7 h, la douleur a disparue (j'ai subi un examen gynécologique annuel fin octobre dernier, échographie pelvienne et frottis avec de bons résultats...
Pour mon 4ème jour, ce matin j'ai repis 6 gouttes de Lugol Iodine après déjeuner et bien sûr mon verre d'eau salée au lever...
Pour la première fois ce matin, je me suis levée avec une joie de vivre que je ne connaissais plus depuis le départ de ma Maman...
Merci Laura...
Un grand Merci aussi à Lydia qui m'a généreusement donné le lien du livre LA CONTROVERSE DE SION par DOUGLAS REED traduit en Français

3rd day went well but when I did EE around 22:30 last night, a painful point was born around intermittently my right ovary (my Mum died on March 7 of ovarian cancer) this painful point s is shown when I changed position to sleep ... Since this morning 7 am, the pain is gone (I underwent an annual gynecological exam late October, smears and pelvic ultrasound with good results ...
For my 4th day, this morning I respite 6 drops of Lugol Iodine after breakfast and of course my glass of salt water at sunrise ...
For the first time this morning I woke up with a zest for life that I knew more since leaving my Mom ...
Thank you Laura ...
A big thank you to Lydia who generously gave me the book link THE CONTROVERSY OF ZION by DOUGLAS REED translated into French
Laura said:
I would say that, considering the benefits of iodine and the level of controls over it, that one is unlikely to be able to get it via channels that are "certified". I suspect that is more or less "gray market" and resellers are not the source of origin and thus unlikely to know details or be able to provide them. That doesn't negate the quality of the product, however.

Yes, I think that it could be some kind of "gray market".

For example, in my country you can buy product called Lugol Jodoral forte which has only potassium iodide (the kind that Dakota bought) specified in this article:


If you scroll down, you can see that one reader warned that this is not Lugol's since it has only potassium iodide, and they answered:

„That's right. Unfortunately our health ministry has banned iodine as a dietary supplement. Therefore, iodine is removed from the composition (at their request), but potassium iodide was left.“


„I tried to buy it in our pharmacies in Croatia, but I was told it is not allowed to be sold except under a doctor's prescription, and only then it can be ordered from the central pharmacy.“

In our Regulation on food for special needs, under "iodine", listed is only potassium and sodium iodide:

So it appears that it is not directly forbidden for small customers to buy components for Lugol from manufactures (for now :rolleyes:) but a product with iodine component can not be produced for you (unless your doctor prescribes it for you).
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